The y. ft LLSB6K6 IIILI.SI.ORO, ORIXiON, MAY 19, 1910. NO. 10 .xvn gliEAT ATHLETIC PI NEXT SUNDAY . .. run! I limine Men I" "1,,c "nme .1U,US w ii t n. v rm bcOu.-J J. W. Cm Will tmpin- I'181 i . .oiiiiiii'iiiiiiir ut ivnk. Hi" band Will jt rtll"' I ;('',-m-.ur.uvm.-nt in tin pre ,,m(.,irv ihnv iixniur eau.c. uim by J. W. Cave. IW r..., , :,, . j... , l. -mg the profeHH ',';il nu-ii at-uiit tlx' liiiiM't ,,., In U'th lineup tin-re art ,.'. ..l.liim. t at lli- American ..'.. 8!i.l that t1"' ,rmt wil j'I,rJ pK'i'U "' amusi-un-nt goes ithHit the tellmtf. Win, .i .. ..f , km Hardware Co. ,,!! raidaiii the I'Umhi-hx men. ... I il,. W i! I"' SelecUH ,., ii.,. 1itw inir. those uvc 1 1... nil).' t I'biv tin Ih'Iu'Ii Until aM into arii.n ly tin-crippling . .i.i,. tt.Hi!, be athlete: in y.. II, K. an. I I.. V. Kinintitt A. t'. SllWti'. Johll Coltnell. ti i W. l nn i' A UriMtf. Kd Schul niru-h Tim ,. Wuitt. IJnv (irri-ar VII. A'' '..;' ! ". t -luu, Knout. vnnafi Cr.-rr, Willi Ireland an i f Kill. -ii T)h- iirif. - innal men's team. niiiiimil In C. W, Hare: : II;i,v I ir. ,1. I'. Tauiie-ii ben. II JU'.-y. Ir, 1'itleneer lr. A. !' l'.H.!rv. I ".. H. Tongue, r 11. Toiicu.', Jr.. Dr. W. I. W,.L I if. M.!i-hai. Dr, .1. K AJkms. Dr Ki-atMti. ('. K. Lvth a: .j L V bnur. Cave wear to will In- ,i. just ill his division i, Itw.i- umpire, ami thai hi urn slam i:ti bark talk. Al .'. o 'in- ( 'animals will play the FuHt.ii tii!,. n strong aoyirc (fsli'in from thu fity, ami Nirk Willmms will U- in tlu lxi f'i' tin' livais. The ufiiiiMK'ii h1hui! If a rir ns in ha ..! rirvliM ami tlu .itoi-i-t have attvaly urihi'i'il frish Hiiilii's of arnica and lamjaj'cs hil th' inaiiayrr nf lat'h tlu- oiUHtsiiu: liH'al ti-ain- hw mailc arnuu't'inonhH fur quar dra at thi- Sanitarium. I.OSt-S HI I Y IKH.I Ak'S. HviTV ihrrKhrrtnaii ami farmrr iii Oregon ii iin itnl to aUfin) lln' 'hrithcriiii'iiH fdiivfiitiuii to In- ht-hl at Albanv June 2 ainl !! Sf-Tftarv I'-atcH slates thai it will In- the laiyenl uUifriti if ariculturirtts in On'i'nn thinyi-ar. he ' I fulfil Males I'livi-rnmi'iit ins arrant'eil to wml two of it' nhl nu'ti f mm Watthintftun, tht' (Invi-rnur of tin Ktate will U prt'Sfnt. ami tin' priyram fur the tv.ii dayn in ri ili-l' with tin ln-ht that imnii'V cuiihl uhtaiti. The Cuinini-ri ial Club of Albany w ill lurnisti a Im j.r bainuci at laxm ot thi' ;'.rl tu the ilrleeali'S mi the ('uni t 1 Inline lawn. I'.uth the O. . & N. ami S-iuthcrn I'arilii' men ami branches have mam' a uiie-aml uiii' third rate mi the certificate plan. I repreii tit thi- Spiri'lla cornet. Make M'lectiuii.i in your hume, where aci'iirale inea.sureini-nl.-i can I taken, ami ymi K1 l "r- het t lllerl the re-1 1 li fi'tl! t 1 1 s of yoiirliMire. Semi nj,stal card, ur nhuiie call fur atintment. Mrn. M. K. Camlle, HilUl-uru, Oregon, lifth ami Jackfvm Street. Iiulcnetidcnt telephelit', 3 it C. J. SeliitalK-l. r lVrtiaml ut- lurney. and who h pivjiident uf the Mnltnumah bar a.sciatiuii warteiil Munday. aiieariiiK' !' fore circuit court. ( . J. Hays tin tm-aneht man In the country lives in h.iist l'oit and. I'd account if the hik'h wicc he k'ives his children K cents eacli lok'o with-' out their miier, and then, when thev are iihleeji he HwieK tht' inonev. The next nmrninu; he whip them for losing the coin. 1'ersons living in the country ami wishing to take the Ihiily ami Sunday Oreoiiian for one year can, hy paying a ear in 'advance. (M the Arus and an ( inhuman ma), or chart, for the one price. This oiTer will not la:t litnyr ho yet iii your oriler soon. tiav bmihard, of Portland, ives the Wa.shinton I'niinty roads a hard nlap in an article in Sunday's Orek'ontan, day says, incidentally, that we have the worst paths in the stale, mil lie i. .11 a ,,( eelline stuck down in Southern Own so that he was laeil seeral hours, llu oasis uf his complaint out here was ii.f ctn.-L fur a lew ininiues in a iiiuddii'le at a bridge-end. DONKEY FIREMAN fflUS ON HEAD Slips OK ut Pbttfiirm, Dislaiuc of llnrly l ive l oci, Thursday WS TKI;N TO IHIklUNI) HOSI'ITAI. Skull I istlined. Mead Sinking nn a Slump W. II. Ihust, envriueer at thi HillsUiru r.indeiiser, was waylaid ly masked highwaymen in I'ort land, al K.tst Second ami Must Main, last Saturday evening, and MiImiI of iiitv dollars. 1 1 is fam ily fi.nn. ih ' lived at H Kast Sixth, ami he was tfoiiitf there to lad up l is etfects premratory i mo mi' th,. m to iiiiisiKiro. The rubbery trok place aUml 10::t0 o'clock, and Mr. Irost t-ays had a p.od i haiice to see his nu'ii. NO'IICI; A 1 du mil live in Hanks, all parties desirinjr to nee ine in re Kiird tu carpet weaving. hIioiiIiI JJ'rite I'm- an appointment. Ira Mills, I'.auks. Ore.. II 2. 10 ShCOND ANNUAL CONVUNTION Or Alb; '')"n Thri-shers Association i'y. Oiv., Juno 2 & a. l'Jlt). 'j'Jiind I rip rale of one ami ono Hiii'd fart,- on tin certificate plan Will h" made by 0. U. & N. and n i (:,,-'s' 'I''l'kt't!l on Hit'1-' Ma' -'"i t" June "M inclusive, tfood '"I' ret ui u until Juno lOlli. lm N'lant subjects will ho discuss U imhidine; an address by n fecial Uepresentative of tlio U. I''")' furlher information as to r;des, dales of .sale, etc.. call ""V 0. U. & N. or S. 1'. ARont. ci.-,,l.l.,.rv iNmnn, lieoilles. Ill- lies, all kimis'of plant (lowers ami plants, I'ahbaKO and toman- plants, telery ami cauiuiown. i t.i n.ij Fur sale at the t'ainphell lireeiihouse. Seveiitli and Tir. 1ml. imone. -n Wilkes hrothers are taking nut their uper story brick front ami will relnv it. w it h improvements i the w indows. As some 'f t.1"' i. ..:..i, fulliiit- from the wn- IHIIIV '" " , , , .f dow arches it was thoiiK it Kifer to renew the mortar ami nave n ,a.i i.l.-ut The new front L ii,.. tnwer storv will nae a Ml UIV f nlate trlass front. v ... i A rsenate of l.eau, 1 e.i i i- . , .i , ,r hnt erane. uie ei.-i uif,.- f--- , , tl,e Aetna braml m Mine Uuinliiir snrav. there is noun iK I ' . ....I. .1 VVIi.i i better on the mare . - I t . nnd retail. H. U'W. n ton. OivRon. Dr. C.'ore Merry man. of Klamath Falls, was town i Ja t-,,-day. the Kiiest of Ii.h stet, hs A H Hailcy. Dr. Morry f. in has been in the Klamath " is section for a hiiihIht ot ars and has an extensivo prac lice. He is state senator iron, his district. , i',,..-i' I'lHii'rse lltillK the . v -hi . . - ' . .il- 1,1 , !! 11 H . . - - - Fireman Foster, working fur the I'aeitic KliK'ilieerili Co., fell a distance of thirty live feet, last Thursday, while working on a trestle on the 1'. Ii. & N I'.rice Wilson's nlace. near Tim t. l-'ostcr had no spikes in his spurs, ami slipped Irom the en gine platform, and beinK' unable tu hold himself, went head fore- mobt, fctrikiutr on his head. His kkull was fractured, ami hu was picked up unconscious. A special brought him down to Hillslmro, where he was transferred loan electric car and taken to one of tlu Portland hosnitals. where sureeoiiM lifted the Ume away from the brain. Foster was a younjr man of al x nit 28 years, and had worked for the hnKineeruiK' company .some time. He, at one tune, was tt imiihe-of the Portland iirede- parlmimt, he un ortunate voutur man passed uay Friday nlht, MKitt IJKIT) ji:isi:vs Scott and IhitTy, owners of Sun- n v brook Farm, near daston, re- ceiiuv piircnaseo a line ht.iu- ed Jersey cow ami heifer to add to their dairy herd. These are us well bred as any on the coast. The cow, Loniola'ti Prospect 1WM1. is a exand daughter on her sire's side, of the Rreat Stoke PoK'is. sire of 05 cow s in the advanced registry, and of Inez of Riverside, a cow that produced 07 iMiunds of milk a Jui- f.if seven davS. Oil her 4 T ' ' ' clam's side she carries the Whi . i i.. .n ., i .,i;t.i u! ine nou'u ouiis, uoui,, Pedro, lmiHirted lormentor. Ine leifer was sired by rcKristereil C.ov. Mangold, and she is a vrranu laughter of Ida iUaruroHl. Champion cow at the I lucaRO World s fair. Washington County jople will be interested in the marriage an nouncement of Miss Mabel Fema I,eFcvre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I). F. LeFevre.of Portland, and Mr. Kdwin U. Welch, of kidecfield. Washintrton. on May lo, 1'JlO. Jioth bride and ";r(Km wen- formerly well known yountf pi -Op le of Raleigh, Washintrton County. Mr. and Mrs. Welch w ill he at home to their friends, near KiiU'elield, after June 1. For sale: One 0x9 Lodtforwood donkey ent'ine, with cable, blocks, rij.rin(sr. ready for loKtfinK. Call on or address C. 8. Reynolds, Mountaindale, Oregon. 10-13 J. W. Moore, of k-yond Laurel, was in the citv Monday morning. He was enlisted in the Sixteenth ind was in the same brigade with the father of the A reus reooHer. Poth were in the ene-ak'ement at Shiloh, and Mr. Moore ended up at the close of the war at Savannah, ua. Several thousand feet of first ;uid second class rustlo for sale. liver or sell at my place, "ear j Wisconsin i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN OREGON COUNTRY Will Have Been Organized Sixty Six Years, May 25th BLTLDINQ ERECTED IN FIFTY-THREE Original Orxanlier are all Dead- Church Still Stand West Union, several miles north east of Hillsboro, claims thdis tinction of having the oldest Baptist Church in the state of Oregon. The organization was formed in 1844, and the original founders are all dead. These founders were well Known to the Washington County pioneerage, and were: David T. Lenox and wife, Louisa; Henry Sewell, late father of Jas. H. and Johnvv. .TV i'rer a t Sewell; William Beads and wife. mil K uan. ii. i'. uiiiiih.iw.i.11 ... i i j ni Hillsboro 10 Luanda: and Alexander Blevm ,. ... , , t. and wire, Lavina, On May 25, llu. Cornelius Wmxlruen of the m these Je convene(j at World concluded a three days home of l)avd Umx and picnic at their city Saturday forme(j tne church organization, night. I here was an amusement -. hv mest at w;th ienox several company present, and while the d 1053 built the frame dav s attem ance was not M Ml I t'lllllllll C ti 1 IV V UU 11 l smir nriKAin "-' ; r . u..t a cnurcn, which now oumua. urge, owinn 10 ine jack mm 11. High Q UALITY Drug Store THe Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded hy pharmacists who take pride iu the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . 'THE BEST EVER" Kaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies busv time for farmers, the monument of time and early evenings were well attended. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. (i(K)l) ROADS A special representative of the U. S. Department ui Agrieuiun e, Yv,.ci.miri,,n l). c. Dr. Maurice w,. best known author- i in"r- , , it y on good roads in mis country, w'ill speak on that subject at the following loinis on me uaies shown: MeMiniivhV: May ..11 i.,...,ot- r.mvt May IU Oregon City June 1 Salem 0 une c Albany June . Corvallis June 4 Fugene..-, Jue6 l i,,..r Juno ,'..,,.,10 !:,!! Juno 8 V I 1 til I H7 Modford -Junes Ashland ...Juno 10 l-ST t'NION SCHOOL Christian spirit Aside from a rn. f Aiirxbjrinn nnH Kfifvf thrt buildinir ia still there, and will 1...0 ,,,1.1 l,ij f.irm tn( VC'estfiutt I vat a I ft for vpflrs. William luion.m, 11,0 .... ,' x. , , rt ivy ,i" v r . . . . of Vinelamls, and he and Mrs. Kane, the Forest Grove pioneer, , II .. 1 1. I J xl 1. 1 AH I'uetsch were in nionuay, uia- ereciea ine Birucvure, jiu uu ing the transfer. The place em- Christmas Day, 1853, it was ded braced 00 acres and a little over, Icated, Rev. Ezra Fisher preach two miles from Olencoe, and sold ing dedicatory sermon, for $10,000. A few years ago The builder still lives at the 1 be could have been boutrht drove, and has one son, F. T., for less than half the money. living in Hillsboro. Zina Wood . , .(..a. Hillsboro. has been a mem H,A. Morse, w.recn.e .orvner'.- - ainelL and MK i;iaei un in n moior eve e. ik -.- ?,"J If hTS,7 Sis & time. ;5 a tof to fe Y-iKnd mi -en would ride frn FWes. Hi,-S, l,eill have some use L " "1 .? 1 (',... U, iiin.ti!tiii "Jl w ' -' Vlw """ tor the machine. u ' j i kv, C.. V, Scluilniench and wife, ReV. Vincent Snelline was the Dr. W, 1). Wood. Orvillo Wilkes nrst pastor, and he was the first and F. C Mitchell departed Sun- Baptist preacher West of the day for a three or four days trip Rby Mountains. to Cresw ell, Oregon, making the journey in Schulmench s Parry TRIP TO TIMBER car. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher of General Manager C. E. Lytle West Union were in town Mon- ,.,. nl,i tn tha front Snndav in day, accompanied by their guests a special, and the train went as of the week, C. J. Untz, atimoer far Timber, stopping at the cruiser, of Chicago, and who has Wilson nlace. The train interests in Lincoln County, and wa3 jn charge of Thos. Rood as Mrs. lleruinger, ol roruanu. conductor, and liert f ouett, 1 have added a complete line brakesman, with Chas. Follett at . i i...n muJj VmiIIj bnts! thf throttle, and Penn rrost. UI UilJlH-imil fjUWM.-i, KH..O, uuv,, . --, - ...i..,o nicbo infant nnv. tirpmnn. A iiarLv went aioiiu an IIULS. UlUlva. uui.i.-5, ill amviv, I ... ' thing you mav want in that line, guests of Air. Lytle, ana aiier Also tennis goods, rackets, balls, inspecting the Stephenson saw etc N. H. Croer. mill, a fine dinner was served. l'lans and specifications A. THORN BURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNF.Y Vice-President Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 1910. I I RdOfRi'ra Loans and Discouuts - JiUsr-'.SS U. S. Bonds at par - 25.0U0-0J Other Bonds - - 5.-..SW.0O Banking Houho - - lti.isi CO Casli and Dues from Other Banks and U.S. Treas. 1M.SS3.12 Liabilities Capital Stook and Surplus t2, Undivided ProtiU - KS8.10 Circulation - 25,fX).0O Deposits - - - 4J2,0f)0.90 flKVl-UUt) 4M,!'i.tll) Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. DIRECTORS Tho. G. Todd John . Bailey J- W- Tuqua Wiiber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg "livid Kuralli Deputy Sheriff wilV (1. (i. Hancock has np lmil'b'd David Kuralli as bin first 'V'I'nty, and Mr. Kuralli assunied Uu' duties ' tlu'ollico Monday "'"'ling. Mr. Kuratli has been !l member of the Kuratli l'.l'OS. lu';il KsLato linn for a luiinbor of itns, and is well known hen "'I'1 i't I'hillips, whore ho was ',l!'d. lie is u son of J. J. ku Iii a longl'mie resident of tin ' nnnps section, and a brother 01 Jl'mil, former county recorder, 11,1(1 J. C. both noiv in the real t'stalo busiiu'S!-!. The now deputy is in every way (nullified to fill Uu' position. Miss Olive Lawless was a 0or ;.al us visitor, Sunday, the guest ot her brother, liichard. Vd'ir Mi": aml ' 1I-11)0,lam1' the Cloueoo Wooodnion are atNewbergthiswmiK, at o, the Dislriet convention of O10- gon Woodmen. Ueinhart Herr, of near Caston, . Kl. . .1 ., -ash hail to appear fX u- gr uid jury to answer ssr. u wii 1.0 the i1 . i ll... ,rt(ltill nevt session Ol Uu:k"" i.,i;,.er,, to any ee cream i'1""" . V ..r ii,.. town. Koniemnei I''V ,M .... .,1,1.1 Hoth tele e'J .. . ,.. i m. K-dear CooK, 101 1 u. .j 'H,luH,f,, ti1 Clambers and iN u . iMiire of Portland, The funeral unm e alin. Tuesday. for cheap. Intro. 1 r; l.m.ld nflS Westcott, ot vine ". -. '"- hool will hold J 111- M 1 Ml v- ..--.. a big picnic at the school grounds, nil OS liorill Ol vieii..u, " .. .in rill. ...... ...Ill Iwi ! 1.... m-iir v. 1 r i i in Uil.V, l'"V " 4 literary program commencing m 10. -in, .1 imr iiinivinir coiiiesu o.v, "f : .. .,...!., .inniU n basket dinner mo 1 V .4. .,f L'iO at noon; ainietic wmrai "V.i -consisting ot w yaw . . .,1 iimin. bievdo race, 2-0 . 1 . ....... un... (,. .VlltO yard uasn, iiouuo un -;"-i sack race, egg race tor gins, lorso races. greasoU toie. niu eating contest, aim a game. There will also bo a tug of war, and a band concert by the Bethany band, rusi ciass nnfeetionery stands win e on the grounds. The public is gen erally nvited, ana a goou u a assured, as the West Union grounds are the prettiest m the county.- Earl Fisher, loacher. TViu'tr-in wnasi ravplfttion to those nro II" vi .( . - - - - - .. . iwnn nHii .nevti uccn uiu m. now being drawn for the rest .. , t- h work in. room, and as soon as tney are , , , thousands of dollars finished the tottee Club com- . to t the track as far as mittoe expect to have work Tmh ;was enough to satisfy started on the building. those who thoufCht perhaps the Mr. and Mrs. Win, Moiorjergen WOrk had been going along slow- and Mrs. W. A. Marlin. went to ly. The route is scenic enough Seaupoose the last of the week, for anyone, and when you reach ' .' . 1 1 M il. m. , ...1. . C im overland, ana wnue mere were nmDer you enter uie linesi, uui muats .u' Kdiriir St evens and wife, hur belt in the Northwest. The .l,V.,V V. ....f.... - . . -v. . ... I 1 lOinieriV in una si-tuuu. oiepueusuii oanuuu " t- M..a r A h'evnolds formerlv force ot men at worn on one ui Mis I.. A. Kijno ds to n tri the mountain Miss Againa r owe., 01 . , . - . Creek, V ash., nyeu re.y, iToenditure before it EK tell "i be ready to cut The mill Mrs. Mai gai et 1 ow til. concrete foun- Erwin Ritter, of near Both- dtion. and all the machinery is county. WHEAT FARMS FOR SALR jjiiiiu iwniii cation, UI1U u liic iiiaviiuiivi j any, was in Saturday, and set- of the newest manufacture. The tied up the estate of the suicide- plant js located for a run of sev blacksmith, Jacob Schaeror, in eral year8) and is within a short the county court. distance of Brice Wilson's place. . a i? m For sale; First-class red cedar Those present as guests 01 m.. i vtle wen?! Postmaster r. r. Slliugies, cut, oi miicu, in "J"v , n : i? T i ri.iiii.on .1 '. v ll nriw ins. .imui jeiiiua. j-j. i-j. quanuiy. .uu i - n'T T. 4 iW F.arl Keyno ds, Mouniainuaie, ure. io mvw m , x , T'n A ' ' . , - Luther, Robt. Hartrampf, R. C. Sam I'aisloy, now surveying Zau(rh; nf Hillsboro. and Hugh the township to the north ol .this R of Buxtoni was along as citv. was in town Saturday, turn-1 'onMnm The, luncheon mi in two weeks of detail work. of ....ij uP wished for ---ci i VV043 ail HlV vvvi Mrs Emma Thomas, after a U picnic trip, and had the earnest . i T t . fi nn..l- PnKt several woeKS stay at. laurel aiiu piauaits oi uie jjaii,;. j-vyw Hillsboro, with relatives, return- From, the champion at lunching, ed to i'ortiana, ivionuay. was aiso in ine yan.. Riorsdorf. of North Save Your Money . ia By buying' Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon c 3 Throe hundred and twenty acres all in wheat at $35 an aero; 400 acres. 300 acres in wheat at ?- an acre; 1120 acres wheat and ....,.. ot $'0an acre, small cash payment, will take a small rn ... f..i-i-i in ovi'iijinee. oi ui first payment with easy term for balance'-W. M. Harnett, Wasco, Oregon. 10-13 IlL JLlr? Clean-up day was celebrated in Mams, aim uw ,o ,.vv.v.w . Ti;,, i m tn tne nueen s taste, hops, was in town Monday morn- H'"806 fiTof old tin 1110. I 4--v Vtrt vo rt naiiQ WPrP rH HUa Lcll LJ tllC l a- vj A Mohr nnd son Henry, thu Viio-hwavs outside of returned Friday from a trip over town. Nearly everybody enter- quina. and as a result the city looks a . . -,. d n- nnH Umni ,ipn npTTfir. nttme varus. J. A, jimmerman, u. iW, " f ..ZTX h. nA fi,ml ii Air;i,.u u.r.j iimo hAU'ouur wrui'ii ill v ca lcu uivtii" Farm, peiow v ac. nac., wao ... - ... . a ,ot OClVCO UI tllv vciik - of unsightly refuse on duty. SlointKhadyln-oo Tnn T,orsuntr. who l,UIlWii.-'' "" . is nutting in the Farmington 13 . rl l on,-, theTua atin. wagon oiiuhv. v. , untir was uu to the lor me i"ji , , ,t l.. i lout nf the week, tie C1LV I,I1C in. v- , . , '.i tn have the contract i finished on schedule time. We have quite a number of pairs of child's, j j women's, and men's shoes which are slightly J f damaeed and more or less out of style which J we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes ior uc, j4.4 ouui.3 iui v. - women's up to 3.50 for $1.00. These are all good material out not up 10 1 nrocptll Ctir1pi NoV is the oonortumtv to i i i K get a good shoe for little money. We shall t f be pleased to show; tliem to you as long as i DO - YOU - KNOW That You Can Buy A Beautiful Dia mond Ring For $25 00 in the city Monday morning. W W. Holcomb is the of the Holcombs. at Beth any, the current week. J. H. Borland, of above Glen coe, was an Argus caller, Satur day. Clem Shane r, of North Plains, was in town Saturday. August Berry, farming the nlnee Cedar Mill, was up Monday. He says that he has in 75 acres of early oats, ana ex pects to seed 35 acres more U T Rloiy wna nut. from Port land, Sunday, guest of his moth er, Mrs. Kutn tsiair. For $25.00 I can sell you a ring containing a stone of good size and of finest selected quality. I pay particular attention to selecting the diamouds for the rings at this price, and every stone is of the very finest white perfect cutting shape, etc. The mountings are all i4k, solid gold. Call and see these beautiful rings and let me show you other diamonds costing $5.00 to $250.00. LAUREL M.HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. VICTOR AGENT I f t. r IS V 1 rt I . I- 1 f :. i I