HILC5B0R0 AAGU9 MAY I I9i) FtQg 1 1 CHIEF CITIES ARE SIDE BY EACH I lu re Will K- hut Utile OilfcrriKC 1 hitin your low it pnxliii'i (imi!,i-. tin- iii.'iinifiii'iurr 1HI ,il;t,M mv mi: Miki.toiM gn IlllUfJlCi ,!,.tTM'iH t hi itk thai tin ,iiumrati"ii if I'iui-hI lill:UMni w ill It V t r iml!'"i i:i' i I tli '- an- it unmix f tli.- Ul'l.'i.l t!,.- ,..!!' city i,,, !, law, IHU-1 U in tin t I"' ' (.,,Hli ,,. ,,, tli. r, although it ih mi licit ForeM Crust' wil tlif bent huiMV to , larpr count, w ing t" r InwIv hoarding at w ho f lu'Cth ' ilv. ii.r.. 1...-I tlif oiiK ! tin' ctilleec t"W ii liiii (dunty Mat, ii in'- , .hh H'H fur atis thing. Milium t tin' i-nuiii'-i atitm ,,f j. .)!.' l'tW''M l'1'' t',,-s 1,1 four al twenty, l!ilM'ro ami ,., ( (iiiivr balance I'lu'h other. ;(i t.uMi Kan euiclly lit name ,,:i(ioll llrawillL' hl'hool in'in'. an S u,l M. I m.HicV a- the other, aiid nnd make We will mart 'if tin' hi? ft- I lil- in a fi",v ilav.-?. We no-,., have it muih.Iv of 1 inch, J", in. h ami ) Hu ll, iiii haii' I . I'u'. hi y n i r or-ii-r at once, (liir i lay it the Im hI !ur iniiriii (.'imhI durable tiiu g nlir now. doner & :n.-ll. ('.... Si-linlli. Hill ,!,!,. On-.. Koute ' 1ml 1.1 7tf K. I', r.-t.ri, Harold M.rrv man ami W. I'. llylke, all .stud cut uf tlic I'liiwrsitv of Ori-i'im. an- debating thiri evenine wild tin- Wa .liiiij't.m Statr l'iiiveriily trni, ami Hill .Urn. v.nuld like to i.-r tlic I ii i y 4 whn an- Ho V..-II liliiv h . i-ri- ran) (ill all uf the In ii s ir -i. Ni-wf t r.HO patterns nf wall paper, dandy designs, have just arrive.l at W. II. Taylor's nlmn, mi Main, between Third ami fourth, ('all in hint .hit tliein. The hwellest llhe eer brought In the city. I'lulll l1) rents per mil up to&l.lio. I'iMtiinateri given on paper imu nutting it mi wall. All work guaranteed. W, II. Taylor. 1 1 il;i.ro. While ). W. I'.ath, now at lii verude, ('al., was M.sitiiig n i I la- Spliiuliil Programme and OuiiJ Al tin .Pun. c Villi TIMill HKOKMI IISTIIIS VIAK l int ol Vitir.iiiH I'rtRcnl al Siini-Annual Cnnu'iiliun HOTEL NEXT WEEK The semi annual meeting of the vYa.-hiiu'.ton Cuiinty Veteran Ah .ix iatioM was held at ('nrn,l-iu.-i, la. t Saturday, with a si.len did atteiiilanee. ( 'onicliuH car ried the day as the place of hold ing the annual rc-union, which v. ill l- held in duly. The drum corpK, of rortland, were present and furnished music, and the pro- sour H'rain w;w spiermmiy arrariKi'U. There was a hi? dinner. speeeheH galore, and a vmi'i"i all around om1 tiim'. 8ur;8ori Southern Pucitio Kailral Co CoiiHulUliun In Kreni h or KiirIixIi. lice iipMtairD, over I,. M. Hoyt CV. ntor, aurtb bi.Ib of Main Ht., HillHborn, Dr. Drooe, proprietor of the i . . . . .. l iu'li low ii K" ( 'ai' tlu' Willie Hchool A III ill. I'.e en pre .h I'ej-iiT Irvtn l oieht pl.nTH the imputation at I ''."M,, and w luh' iiotl.ini.' . l.-nine.l from the ccnu. ( atoi -i here, uw in to the . ol tlH'ir worK, ii h mpu 1 that the i iiiiiit w ill ttiii vr.e l''ul'i"t !l'ii U cIomi r in lionorH. If i iv person in llillslmro lian ,n ..w i limked they are request ,,1 t., notify '. K. Hi'irhniaii, or N II Ali'nainier, rri'lary of the Hoard of Trade-. MoU I ON WHI1COMIJ .ii i M .-.l! 1 iUl i'o,viied in whit' ori'anihi i ii rie.l a ImtlilUet f w hiti .i ml J. Morion and Mi-; U 'hitt'ojiih were united in t tin' holm' ol tin j.r-,.,-'-, paivnt i, .Mr. ami Mri. I.. Wl.itroiiili, Vi'dlieiday rli- .,.!-. Mav 11. U'ln, li'. m, - -A oll'u iatlll)', Tin' l-nde v. a !!!,(( io , . The hiuiHi wa d.Ti.rated with larnatiuitrt and hl'n'H. atu t'r. i . reiitony wax performed un ,!. ,- , l liiiifii i ora lire h. Alter t!..- niarriai', 1 Mr hi refreshuien SelVeil U' UH' weiiuniK ( Inly tin" immediate rela ..f the nm tract in ir parti." in attciiilanct'. Mr. am Morton departed for a short inir trip, niter w lui h they take up their residence m ! ! . I torn. I In' irroolil IH me mmi W el'.' par! , tr.. W l i t' Mr,, ttedd u,i; Hiii- of . II. Morton, and ha-s ln;en sal. -.Mem u il h the Sc HI UiellCll and Counell & Co, store, ue c - iely. Tin' hride in wel known here hnvinif for Severn i'lliiloed I'V tin County Telcphoiu ear U-eii Wa- hiiiKtoii 'oinpany. (im: MORI- l IIII IR cm nil ih. i r I'U v iil r?r A II Tlinin.ii. I .. I v, I! li.-i 4II1 U u lav, Win K .!m ly Co I' iyh l, C 1' llmi.oif 1st tlimi, I. M'mli-r c'o A nt Win, W M Jark'On Cii K H A J lnx.lrv Co I hill Vlitm, I' I Wel Col 471I1 I I, S A lm i ll Co I mill 1 1, Wm N'.rlun Hi m Urn's Mum, l-rmikliii Ii .iiliiy 71I1 Ii Cbv Jl- Wl lo t I t Ml. I llrr Vol. I. C Kot f II 44 C M Krl!(.i:u I, isl Win lav II riiilri.mU-, II 96 111, A C Arvhlmlrl 11 ., i.l,. I 1 l!..,.,,.f,.WT I- 111 W 11 . . .. It" T ' """1 J ' I'tti'H, (.'raileil l ol.HWoMs; Uirl irlUii.Ci Ul ( ihi.i. J11I111 IIbI.Iwiii I. l Mmi, Wf.1 11 S Tilton l II Mum, A C . .i- Ii I'll Olii", .lull W Hurt- ru.. I- 7 Win. Crii T l.oUiuil, I) 1 Hir Cmv. I. I Cornell A Wl. A W llatlirl I. j 1 Win. I' S l-.U ti (' 4S Kv. M Colli Il eu !l, f M Tli.ni'ii II I"'' H 1' (i.ir.Um Iml nlini lv, J J Wlik.-n II sll Wm A I Ikillrn K I Ilir.Jtl inn .1 Mcsih am I 6 Iml. V II II skill II 4.1 Wl", J f. f I '..It nrr (' 11 111 I'. In Hlllltll A Itl n aw 111 111 in - . v.- u II 111 . Al .Hlfll IU 1- I'" 1. II. 1. r. 1:0 lnl Ul. V A II iv. I 1 Aik F M I taliltrr h 7 I I Cnv, I ir C T1hhh IC u K Cn, .l SC 1 llrllMi" II 14 v. 11 K II f.rmil II iii N I.R limulnll 1. S I Cl I) .1 ll.iMiiian 4 li l' t"f- " ( WVtl K H Wi, J S Tin mpi M'l h.,1 ! M Krfii.m K 111 Inf. H f Mil it lUr.iUKloli H U HI I' f. W J K llmrll S' t r K Killr, In i H Ii-"" in ' 1 j. 1' Sli" (' 3' t 1"'. C R Batnliirl l 1 1. lav, C A W'iIIiiii I full Vl Ii'f. J I'.n ir'l 'i Iml Hl'v I. A, A M l ollins . Ml. II II A. CllBH I.Oll'llll 1". I4 s '"f W II Tli un I. I 1 I'ov. (""" A"'1' 7" N V V..1 The hallot for lioldinvr the rc union wu.i: W) fur Cornelius; 51 for HillnlK.ro, Comrade H. Cran dall. of ltillsU.ro, then moved that the vote for Cornelius he made unanimous. Comrade Auld I that it was the sense of Wanted: Man and wife to work (m, nu.etin that statues of (Jen. at sawmill. Woman m cook ph w, or other i onleilenue omccrs the husband to work around the Luln ,,t lie placed in the hall ot mill an. I haulier yard, liishup ,., Washimrton. As it was (tie town ol .si mi. called llelliet, California, a w eek or so ju'o. he nu t . A. Walker, formerly in the confectionery husiness here. Walker is now runiiini.' a wlmle- ile ice cream manufactory, and i 'lima' nicely. Sheep for sale: I have for sale 1 he.'!' Hie lull hlooil I otSWOliI MICK; fourteen lamlirt; also team of old ioi-m'i. IIimi each; cheap, or will rade p ain for youn HpH'k. ", Crown, t'oriieliim, (ire., K. 2. ndepeiident telephone 'i'f, Hills mm central. "-! W. C. Hare, of th. i'.atfley & Hare, was one of the if ler dinner speakers at a ban piet y.'wvu iii I'ortland. Saturday nielil. at tin' recepuoii jiven iuy Tallw't. the general manager if 'the Oregon Klectric llailway. Co to Wvatt i t'o., for the lat . " ii- i... i..,.i. esl snoes. hi' cat i un jaiiv ard; the I'.radlev-Metcalf; the Ct Iliinn and the Hamilton Crown the Ust makes and styles. .See our display winnow. Clyde Lincoln has tfone to ln 1 1 . r .....i vermes, ,-uoiiiana, ior un e.uine I tune, Clyde has taken up u homestead in the plateau region, and he expects to raise smile w heat. was the inil'Sl 01 iVIlS.S neieri worn cuininciiuc on .ueaiiii. I ttf I'lQw'If.n u Vim ,.,,t ,,r, 9f- each Jates, the past week. Urrounda for the big three-story i.:i anfl ' ho (.haru-ed with ex- We carry a choice stock of cement bl(x:k hotel, some time plodinss- dynamite in a stream for fniits and nuts: Koeher s Con- next week, urovided the water the purpose of killinir fish. The ectionerv. ihua fl'ieiont tn trt't a hearing, when set, will be liefore i.....:.i i..:i r C.....U T.,.,1., i ....j..?... ' ti. c Judire G. W. Carries, of this tin, was in the city Monday jacob3 & Landess already have ;.' morninir. i i t..i,.i,t, r. ....v miympia Hotel, Cortland, wruie D Q , , Sum! Ask yourself if you manufactured for the first story ,ir;v;' thf. ;am ifl,ns,in OFFICE Rooms 7, 8 and 9, ,'Ver traded with Norman Greer; lj.,,,1 pverv dav sees more laid to rilnej tho othrflav wan thrown Bailev-Morean lilock. il you haven t try mm. .;in - from v.-ls butrirv and suffered a Roih Phon. v' 1 . . H. K. N'orthrup, of near Hoy, This rrn wj make all the dislocated shoulder. A child was was in ttie City Minuay aiier- . , . ,, . . a mol! .nrr aiso uiruwn uuiaim oaui nuiseu Ilir inH I I niT. W Tnn. n ,,-na r -a I ln U, , . . . 1 ' ' 11 . 1 dillll.il. niu la CJ i-v 1 IK l.on e.u ii--.nl led IT .am I'et I .. ..ii . . .. . .. I " ""' J"' ...v - r-i l ha nnw ornil-'flirA Wl I i riOlrlo thn rliu l, I 1 I , I All. 11V M uvvui . uuvt VIIV u..i.n.uk.uii. trie im-si. na.iewiMMj - rvuvinri o Confectionery. J. L. Simpson, of South Tuala tin, was in town Tuesday, and sizes up the fruit crop from present indications: Karly Cart- lett pears, about a half crop; late Cartlett, the larger pear, a good vicld: rietife nnines. loaded: Mrs. TS. ,""oundation Work Commences as Italiar)i not over a half crop; ap- Sn as Water bubsiUes pies, loaoeu 10 uie Kuarus, aim must be thinned; chernes, a fair crop. Mr. Simpson says that the apple crop will suffer unless he can Ret help to thin them out. the as they are set heavier than for years. Attorney Lanpley, of Forest Missb.is Carker of Albany Wr. Tamiesie ex'ts to have Grove, asks that Saturday be set .wiss iois arKir, 01 Aioaiiy, for the heanncof Iitunhart Herr. T II (1 - - n- Armiand Oreotiian, $2. 25. T. W. Sain was down from hi Caston ranch, yesterday. Restaurant for sale in HilliJ lK.ro. Ind. Tel. 3J, Box 36, CO. (let my prices on millinery and ladies furnishings.- II. II. Hall was in from Shady Crook yesterday morning. J. II. Dooley, of near Bank3, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. T. P. CiHHlin, of West 'nion, was the guest of Mrs. J VV. Goodin, yesterday. PROFKfWIONAU MANY CEMENT BLOCKS ARE MADE Jacobs & Landesi Will Put in Manna Work Thi ouihout F. A. BAILEY, M. D. FhyHiflan and NoriftHm Ottlco Hailey-Merin bincc, upoUIra, R001111 12, 13 and 14. Ks.liiM Huuth- wii rornrr ll-.lliie and rMiwi (Urmia, Uotb 'I'huues. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Otic uptalr ororThe IH-Ila IriiK r'ima KkStiUnco Kul of Court Houw, la the comer of tbe block. JAMES FHILLIFK TAMIESIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON noon. A. B. BAILEY, M. D., D. D. ?. Physician and Surgeon. Hillsboro, Ore. . . I W. B. CUNINGIIAM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ...!.i.: 1 1 1. iun n-, W1LIIIII 0. UllATIV Ol UIC V'K"!' r T)n,. .' fM.-n Llectnc depot, and will occupy pa . T(JJfIav .n(1L . , T. Weslev Caine. who recently one ot the best corners in wei . a. . faf., ,u afart j b soul nis i.ik i arm ai uienioe, wasii-ikj. on the Reeves' bridsre work. in the city Saturday. ,mc south of Cornelius, about Mon- uuu. n. niLUJA w.oiui , r .. i tu ii,...i ,, uay, mav ij. i nc iicikci i. oa- mill will cut the lumber for the .John H. Dorland. of Shady Crook, was in the city, on busi- n.. ii lira ,.., l,;flr vuv "VI Z"1 .. . i 1 I tetl. ri. TV 1 1COA. UCOULV OIICl III I nnH ,4- 1 1 In n BAyvin IieSS. haturiiay. , .7; n'.'i ' : , puuumc, aim umu ""U"IC unuer oiienu naiicov, tlmg to nn mt tne timDers M' 11 I ,,.... i.f 1'..vi,.ii u'qi ll.a Hunnlir.shm I'oslsrnav mnrn- down to the county seat yester- inK and bids farewell to public Uailey learned the beau- dav. service in Washington uounty. ucs uiauwii.K, ounua,, ..c Mr W nnv hnq hpn in Hi Stioro went lu L.auiei vum inc uiatn Herb Matteson. trame warden lr- "llcof " 1 , n nnw ih "White Fear" for his district, was down from Z and had a break down in the ma alKive Caston, yesterday. LwLi n vaM vUwethw ns chinery. F. Ii was brought i..r,l f '.coner of Seholls. andLnfU oucuaanr onrt hnn Wn home ma ricr, and swears that . ..t 1 t I . I. . . . w ,1 Iln.ni.rillm ncfAH t hft lYinnKiri d who is husv irell ntf nis oijr iarm nVnutv under Mr. HancocK tne m mooici uk uiui...c. seeded, w;us in town yesterday. past year. He has decided to l. w. Mead, of St. Louis, ar- Arthur K. Dailey, mail carrier sell his proi)erty in HillsDoro, ana, nved the last of the week to visit aoouiUUlie I. kocb wn.11 ma mm- nis nrorners. lie I1KCS jrenon ily, to Newport, where he will very well, and may eventually HILLSBOKO. ao into the grocery Dusiness. ocate in the West, tie and Mr. Wilcox is a proficient busi- Amos Mead, Bert Mead and M ness man, and should make good m. Mead, leave in the morning in his new venture. for Springfield to visit another His residence here gained him brother, Cash. Mead. Independent Phone ORENCO, OREGON DR. W. E. PITTENGIvR Dentist . . . . . r i 1 . on tne rural oui 01 iaurei, was in vesterdav. enjoying his vaca tion. Henry Parsons, of above Dilley, was in town yesterday morning. He has lieen hauling timbers for shipment this Spring. Roouia 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Bl.x H. atreet. Over Dennis Store. fIILL8B0R0 - OR KlioN Sm. H. Bmglms W. 0. Nira BAGLEY A HARE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Soomg 1 and t Sbute Build OHK.liON. E. B. TONGUE 5 , a wide circle of acquaintances, T.-. II A 1 V, ,. . .... ri' . 1 Cl J ...511 U. Q .rannlnp rA. f. Maurj, CNSdScu "'7'c lienry loeue, oi uejunu u c..- a..u v,.c.c "... - - fc mCMjeiijn(r 0f the Wilkes Bros. coe, was in yesieruay. iie ii'F ."' ?.?. .. , front was struck l.v a brick, the nut v..i finished his seedinir. as Miss Nellie Wilcox, a sister oi i ...:.. .. , ,.,:j. . v - - " ... , , t r ( i I III ss e I i I I i i v I I I II I I LI lc v iiiuu , Mr. Wilcox, will remain in nuis- , : Kf ,a .OE boro,and give her attention to V - her music c a.sse3. ... , . , -- . . . i ,,ni. n eniAiir rk'inn la i.nnnu . I . I I 1 1-..,,..,, I.i'os.. .MouiuainuHie, vmk'm.. Steady work for right parties all throueji season. Cream of fresh lemons, for fare :ind hands. A delightful face preparation. Mrs. M, S. Ncy hart. '.Uil it Main. Independent Telephone OST. Cert Howeii and wife, of Cort land, were out, Sunday, visiting much of his place is lowland. W. A. Bollinger, of Forest drove, and A. A. McCurdy and lank Geiger, of Cornelius, were in town yesterday I now have a fine line of mid HAAS-FITZGERALD . tn 1 TT summer millinery, and am sell- :.u'nof WesTUnion and for PTief over the loss of their little ing it at unusually low prices "y HiUsbo- fostf s passed away, the This lot includes a new line of .53 ta S result of an injury sustained with children's hats.- Mrs. 1. Bath. ' TLJL m ?? a colt, two weeks ago. Mrs. J. L'angue, of near Cedar Mill, was in town Friday. She and her husband feel a deep seen that this would lake up ..uieli time the motion was with drawn. The program was then! continued, and it was voted to have the reunion on July 1. A Cornelius promised the U'st en tertainment iMissiblo and war ranted the "ohl boys" a good time. The following resoiuuon w ;ls adopted: lins ftlwnv t the Iroiu m linn The S. hulls ChanipioiiK tiHik tin Kintoii Colts down the line again l;i,i Siiiidav 10 to f. K. Heller of Laurel, ' held the mound for the Champions, and 0. I. Kirhy was on the receiving end. Cav ies tiik the mound for the Colts Iml onlv lasted two hillings, ld tlie short stop was called t tin i.h the game. Umpire Sham berg billed tin- game. The Colts passed two men over the plate in the first, inning and Sclmlls start ed their fireworks by passing six men over the pan in the second inning. Kiuton followed with three scores in the third inning. Alter this the Champions con tinued to pass men over the plale at intervals, ami the best the Colts could do was to reach i hi ri bare. It being ii line day there was a large crowd present making a very interesting game, consider ing the poor condition of the r rounds. The Champions will play 1,11 the homo grounds next Sundiiy with U-'edville. A good game is expected, Memorial Advance No! ice Till. M,. in,, roil UOI'IOOIl Will III' preached at the Congregational I'hurch, on the Sunday belore Ih'coraiion Day May '' Rev. Kvan C.' Hughes. The Decoration Day program will be hold in the CreHcent Theatre, and there will he a program by the school children and addresses by local speakers. .i r..' .. 1. M r K.ii.'.m m nil rt.ir rlrrll nsswiH.."'. Willi menu ... . - y. - "" .r",, olhrr occHsion. l.y niu. ii' ' ' this evrt lo lie rciiiriin. i ci IH'eted with the AlgllS. fbat lliin aaaocialion nU-ii.ls to tlic I .1 ..r .., ,.llM mill tlie i(io For rent: Two store riK.ms m ,nd 0th .pr.ker. for iheir ami twosuitesof ollice rooms, for u rn, ,, ,w,riotic ncld.eves to tins lenn of ears. in the lleulel ...u.icm-our i..ce.e ih.nht and :. il , I IlillsU.ro. Kr.Hd,. aod hope that one ..ul a l ay l.tiuoiiiK. .'..'.. - - . , . cornel ua K" i.' M lleide . Rooms I ami ... i.lt Im-lllHivi II. .i. lei Muildillg. u.,..,-..l that we have twen t-ealrd '. . , . ........ I ll.wi.. rovllv before, but never, o well as. his Wlllreill . nnioiu iioo "j . tune Anin thanking tins coniiiiiin.i Kau man were mai i ieo, i...., e suhunt tnene reaoniuoi.i.. nun ni the home oi w, iui- " i"" r, i.'i". -- . man and wile. Kev. ." V1"1 man. of Newbcrgli.3, olliciating. u- voiir chickens enclosed! i , .lust received a laigt inent ol the tinu Corwiu. o. R. Powns, Committee. consign- IK.ultry wuv. mow is i inv - r.me i a ot The Koselair Brief to iMoiri.u Att.vimev E. B. Tongue has concluded a lengthy brief in i h.. Unse air case, now on up pea ... ., 1 . il A l if , L. k ... r.i.c.w Kllllie I - 11... L:. , t,i,llvl .1 I lllll 1. 3 LI 111 1 L lo llll l'01l'l,. " . in ii"- ."'I-' , . , , , .i. . c.....t uiriiwbernes ever ; t,,. hands of the printei uie iiini- , , . i i..,r .lh-K.,,,. ... i ... ,i,.ii nun Kit. boh ill ,.-.H nmkp :i luiim in """ on im - it ii in . - .. I ...,.ii. Hunks, vesier- nio ,i,r,io nnd exnausineiv ov ill' e.f,--' .. ., ,i covers every contention 01 me ..iicl'iv win- defense. It is expecmi from of placet down day. Wvntt & t'o.' i . 1 i . ..(I Ul III 'H III Millet iviini . .1 . dow. me uiu. . ,, i1(, ; the hands ot tnei ouri that ' hats, within a few days the document tf. Sarah Forest and then it will be but a short null a O.H'ISIIIII 111.1 L". I II 1 11' ui.ii. reached. VOK SALH i. duui. vednesdav evening. May 11, Davidson and Mae 1910, at the home of the official Chas. M rater, both of the Cornelius vi cinity, were married by Judge G. W. Barnes, Wednesday, May 11, in Hillsboro. Go to Wyatt & Co. for the lat est shoes. We carry the Pack ard; the Bradley-Metcalf; the Utz-Dunn and the Hamilton Irown-the lest makes and tyles. See our display window. Samuel Moon, of Centerville, was in the city yesterday, and ays that he has his grain crop ill in.- He states that crops looK tine out his way for this season of the Spring. Dr. Brodericht, who has been ATTORN KY-AT-LAW Room J, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, BllUheio JOHN M. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Offica Upatalrt, Bailey Morgan Blo.-t Rooma, I an t, HILLSBORO, - ORKiiON W. N. BARRETT ATTO RKE Y-AT-L A W Ornoi: Main Street, opp. Court Hoiu.e, I - i 11 I.unnUn l Wnnit-n xin -v"i o oil TT oror I rr-r onnn rt rvn rr S i incr minisrpr. n.ev. r rericus. I at uie kjaniuii imu, a vi i aii-ixDUK.u The ceremony was performed in from pneumonia, is so far re- vvvvvwwvyMVWvv., tha nrocunnn or mr. anil iiirs. o. cuveitu inat uc icavco n.v .wo W. Hartrampf, Mr. and Mrs. F. of the week to assume his medi- THOS. H. TONGUE, J H. W L.eDSCnai.1. anu iUISS ocnna tai uui.ca at wiic 1 . iv. u. I Lepschatt, ana tneiamuy 01 me sirucnou camps. ... bride, and was solemnized in the The porest Grove Odd Fellows Morgan Blk, Upatalra, Rooma 3, 4 and , berman language. . have et a contract for a new . Thev deuarted this evening t, nil fi-nA MnrL- will Kpcrin in n I for a short wedding trip, after few' daySi The structure is to Hillsboro, - - Orepon which they will take up their Lost about $15,000, and Starrett residence in i.ne nome ui u.c & Son have been awarcied the groom, in North Hillsboro. contract. A TT 11 . . . : 11 U,, n Uinw?nrr didthhav DADTV A. iruuer wm nue a ucanufe Ul l I I I i-. ii Dr. S. M. REAGAN VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON next Wednesday before Judge The only graduated and licensed Veter KomM nWawt uith trip sale of inaT Hillsboro. Sixteen yearn prac- A ..Liocont nnrtv was tendered -n. u' u... u,. ii f,f TV. tical experience. . ,. a 1 111. 1P001 ii.vaoui.w f" I ml l iv oeiow liic icuai xi.v. A fine tract of land about 158 JoelLorsung Jr., 0f Newton, Sat- cornplainini? witness is Shrock, orncK, hillsboro . livkry co.-s acres, paruy c eareu, a Hurdav evening, May 7, mu, tne fVll3 .. pd Commissioner! . . a lnuc' "a-1 vuiuv pinnies x autuu otavois wi; um. Residence phones; Independent 243; IV- itic States 481. deal slashed and sowed to timo his 20th birthday. f this ounty iuV i,um.. r, i nose present cic. o"u . , ,n w cnutV, .ills to climo, ana nne irua Li ; d Adeline Meier, Jose- c V f .fwhi h k and, at $50 per acre, on terms. nVlin(1 ad Marie Edwards: Mar- of tovvn, about half of which is - lmbrie Land Co. Tha Freudenthal. Olina and Rose e eared and in cultivation , an oi Rev. V. V. Fisher, of the Cox, Nettie Jansen, Louisa Mc- he Methodist Church, will return Keny, Sara and cva neycraii Land from his California trip on Sat- Henry Steinke Edgar Rehse, bargain, bee tne imone i.anu unlay, ami Sunday at 11 a. m. Herb Schulmerich, t rank an- ...in ,,...i.i,.i, ui "s.i..ini' hinirs. rtervva . JOS. anu van mcici, i ne scmuer a 10 tcni, uga., ind at 8 p. m. "The Call of the John and William Edwards, and the Grand Marca, a two for Hills waiter oacon, nm rjinnca, un. a quarter cigar, uie nua o n i v ,..rv, I Hundley, ral r reuueniuai, u want wnen you ouy a v-icu. Jas. H. beweii ana ivenyon 5..U-'M nni1 Mrs. Ch. Meier. Kpnt Ht everv har in Hillsboro. Crandall, two of the pioneers ot M p p Ii0rsunff and r . f, ' this section, went to Bortland, ; . s Torsunr and family. . m , n. vesterday. to see the, improve- Ceher Tand family, , tllM""r" when "V v, nam, oi urenco, penunucu maj- K iiuisburv soil hats, hats, and Panamas. Harvey llininaii and i i .. i ' Tunnel' of the an,;: lind HiUey section have been granted license to wed. Did you take notice of the new' An t,jkr,t room house with e ec- .? r i' H in iji.'j i: urhta' not. niu luiu ihiko nm. , ,, , . mi.- . - -- o.,l. ..;.! Thev are just neuus, .. toilet aiHl nainroom. cn leuu,.. nriiv iust. suits. location, liupiire at Mrs. 1. w i,' Tnvlor. who has been Bath's store. having eiii.i - was nome uic ments. Either remembers Bortland did not do the Commer cial business now done by Hills- Iwro. F. Stevens, Hill s head K. 0. K. A. WINS AGAIN Jul in LADIliS, I.ISI I:N! I am closing out my lino ot hi'hes furnishings at cost, as I will not handle this line of goods alter this season. There, are some good bargains in silk vyaists, L'.iuli i.,.. :..(.. miiJIii and knit ...un. vvu.nLn, ...ii...... . underwear, hosier, neckwear anil ribbons. Mrs. I. Bath. If your place in for salt" Kjy it to the lmbrie Land Co. Ihey sell it for you. hai.li-y's coMirr i : ... ii m i' 1 ii ii i inn kv i S0C11OU, un' "i ...,l.i vl'lll'K . .. ..riii.ni k. hioiWa eomet will brush across u,. .. c.ood girl for general the face of the sun at 6:2- and a , n,. -" Wages $20.-Mrs. few seconds alter, next vveui.en ll,,us.(' l k;....N.:. K rnelius. Ore- U1V evening, and astronomers oi ' i;' mnuin v 8tf hUe coast disagree as to whether gon. f it will he visible. Ihey Mrs W. 0. Hone son departs t,mt at the bandvvich rdav to visit with inends at lamls it wm be plainly visible H g River. Calgary, Canada, t0 the naked eye, but are not so i ...:n i... ..ksent several nnrt na tn the coasi. iiowcvvi, U,m . ,. win. it mlSt be well to keep your op ..,. Wvatt Att-o. uui.j " --- . . t Wednesday eve hats, and i'anamas. rest ROOM FUND iM.mus Hansen and Bertha MnnuUe were granted license wi , f0nowinjjr i i . .1 li'i-i.l'iV I .. . . I , I....... Iiiriiod wen, lasi-a contributions nave uu n.,ce at Alpha Hall, Cornell- int0 the Argus for the rest room us Mav 14. IWO- Always a fund: us' rnr-c t T.nn o-ue. Cedar Mill $1 Portland, Sunday, the guest oi j. city R 4 x relatives anu m Goodnough and A. Josselson, at the Hillsboro Sanitarium, this week. Last SandayLilburn Jobe fell a at the Schiett'elin farm broke one ".v.". ...1.1 r.vW Tnlhot as asieui "? l." " u." T. of his ankles. Dr. Linkiater at Sent of the Oregon Electric. em ten inmngs - tended the sufferer. tpsh was main- Fred Hamel, farming at West A Hilt LlUiSlIltSS ItK.tttlWil Wl I 1 1 1 Lv vaaw - - m , , 1 ' Viattlp nnd the out Union, was in yesteraay, anu acres, wun ay room m-ur-c if'" r'.- 1 n t;of ha ia olr firn,,(rh u- TheK. 0. K. A. "Stickers" won DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST I am Prepared to do Hitth Onus DenUl Work. A New Office with Modern Equipment Tamiesie Bldg. HII.USHORO, OKK. Main and intra. MODERN WOODMEN Silver Leaf Camp No. 8I93, M iliin , Wooiltnnn if Atnerlca, meets evviy lust and third Satimlays in each moii'li Ht their Hall tn Keeilvil'e, Oregon. i-it- , ing and sojourning Neighbors are roul.al- .' ly invited to atteml camp meetings. j S. li. KIIODKS, uniani. , R. E. IlALIiRRMAN, Clerk. lu"' . " j o u c' ua uttia tn An savs that he is al through seed oro-o store oui ainir anu c umus. ununoiiau ii" 1. ... .... . 1 . .. . i, K..of m;.,v, a n tnimrt a o-rpnt. pftme mc exceoi an acre or so, anu I Ii U1 1 I ' I ii 1U 111 I 1 1 1 M 111 1 . 1 it, irni I IS IV. IIWIO OJlvuvu m o- 1 - . " - . , . locations in the county, and is for the collegians, but poor sup - .1. 4. o rjin imhr i .nnd nnrt. anil ccKKi Dase running ov c ue.iu tii. qiw.uw. , 7 . . " . . 1. ri.-i I'O. 1, ..... :j.UJ .t- nArra . t tt pnwar.er a so uiicueu kui,-cukc Hubert Bernard ana son, j. n. , ,, . . wa rp,ipve.i ;n the 6th Bernard, were down trom iNoun . Fit7eraid a trvout Fitz Forest Grove yes erday morning thfim down for the remain. it nuiKes ru.oei i 7" K ;.in r ing four innings without a hit, to see the concrete blocks being B score turned out tor the new notei, anu K 0KA r4 n4 eo he states that McMinnville is al- w' 3 h g e 7 so to have a new hostelry in me Di.tipriM. Gillenwater. Ford near future. nrid pheina. Nichols and Glea 1 .,,.1, flroivir a resident of Son. it:ii.,k,m.,-, fur voam leaves Sun- The "Stickers" play the corn- day, for Howard, Kansas, where bined Forest Grove and Dilley u ,.,:n ,ai miutlvps nnd inci- hiffh school teams at the Hills- i.in., o.utia.m tViPPstatP of horo Athletic park Saturday, ueiiuiujr suv f "'.'". ..... mi. " : u "icnwe his father, who aiea several may it. from an attack of paralysis and months ago. Mr. uragg win ue gouu c .v f"...v- - - married Sunday, to Miss Bessie the cnampionsnip oi me county, Slattery, and tney win go caat uamc aid v 11,.. i 1; Kr im nnn 1 mum l-.,,.;!',.. ThevexDt'Ct to aDSent U'On uiruu nan uumyicicu uie i'"11' . n 1 rr ot lnjist. s x weeks. Deaveruttiu tcnoua that crops are looking fine. F. F. Knight, the former Da kotan, and who is in love with Oregon after several years resi dence here, was down from For est Grove this morning. We have a purchaser for a 40 acre tract near the Oregon Elec tric. It yours is tor sale, come in and see us about it lmbrie Land Co. Mrs. D. W. Bath and son, Gerald, went to Oregon City to day, to attend the state grange convention, H. Muhly, a highly respected citizen of Blooming, is suffering pneumonia. Jas. Jackson, of near Orenco, was in town today, and brought in a dollar for the Rest Room, 1 contributed by his wife. ftm wmmmmmmamm mmg $ J.S. LORSUNG i 4 i Contractor and Builder 4 m a Ind'pt phone 151 Rood's Div -4 . , n-i n r n r i -- H nmsuoro, ure., n. 1. v. j $ man DR. G. F. SCHMELZEL, ; Osteopathic Physician Offics Parlor Commercial nott l ; Tuesdays, Thursdays,? QnttiHiairO I Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. B011I ilalltW.iiaii '-'i'''-"'1- f ' j 1 A. C. WINNtY & p Contracting Painter. H I I Do a General Contracting . I Business. ' H Flrat clasa work on ail claae of m buildings. Estlmatet given . f n Hii.iJiHOB., UKwioa, iuw o f r; h !