The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 12, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 9
Irink IW"k. I""1'1"" Ktlk',,
(jllKf Mf J'U"b ""C,Jlf ""J
frank l'i a-. k. well known a
f, year I lnim
Kdi.n, iiM.1 who moved from
t W.-.t. T'Ui.h, WU.-4 Htrurk
l,vii tram n few week ag. near
din lit'in.-, ami instantly killed.
Mr. ;ti K wai on tin track,
afU,r oik f l'i: '". vs tn''
tniin thund.-ivd .y. Owing to
fvlrrtin' ai-'c. he did tuit hnir
thf e!,p' . tiud I'"' HiHtanlly
killed. !! s 71) years of iw.
Tfhf viaM ago In' Uf t Wash
iti't.m County for '1 exits, hi
m,,, lrtniH'i-iit, going with him.
Hi- ';is tin- father of .Mrs. J ami i
S hniM.l.-r, of lesy ill-, ami
Mr. J. W. Vanlirv-lil'n, uf
i.y, Mr, 1'isenrck livo.l wnith
of ('..!. rh it several years, utnt
:t highly iteeniil fur hi
p-miine hi. rtlt f character.
Ili-t ihtn' in IV u was located
in Kent t 'utility. iU-Kiili-s the
t Ao daughters lu r In haves
three wms, Kmil. ami
iimoti iit, ail in Tc:i-t. and an
adopted daughter, Knuly dray,
hn formerly resided at Humm
ing ami went to 'IV x a, with Uif
Card uf I li4iik
We u.h to cypress our sincere
thank to our friends for their
kmliii-s4 and n mouthy hIiowii
us in our recent U-rvaveuieiit,
tin' illness ami death of our little
ami anl lirothtr, Herman. We
i!e-,itv tu ti'mlrr Hnrial thank
for th.- beautiful llural oilVriiigx,
Mr. ami Mnt. J. Schub
merich anil family.
Hanks, Ore,, May U. l'.ilO,
4 1 , t . . li I . ..It
ah i ito mil live in i .uuk. an
I'artii desiring to see uie in re
Kanl to rariH't weaving, should
write fur mi ujioiutmoiit. Ira
T. Mills. Hanks. Ore.. U. 2. It"
til K'MVN C. SLllH.Mi:k'lcll
Ifcnsoncr & trViisimcr Oct I'.ridue,
nnd Woir Urns, the Till
Cuurt Order limds I'kUblishcd
I'anscii on Many Hill
II. .). Coir, of
a in tin- nt y Tinwlay, on lm
tlrMX. Mf ami ( () u- ri'tnrn
fil Friday frum a trip to the
Kat. aIut' th-y cunfVrrcil with
traii.'hinrii in thi-ir lines. They
nuiilo Wa'iliintiin, ). (,
York, ami then retunmil via
Omaha. I'i n r ami Salt Lake.
In tfointf Hitst they went by New
Orleans just to have lunch in
the exiitiKivc am! furnu:m hostel
ry, or reHtaurant, that hius tnuile
NeA Orleaim the centre of the
tra.striiiiniiiic Ken-nee. Mr. (lull
rejMirt.s a Hpli iiilul trip, ami says
that he ha! a harl time to et
Km to return home, although he
was that homesick that lie talked
of ( rt v'tni in hin nleep.
When you lniy an automobile,
buy the Uft. Jluy a machine
with a reputation a machine
that ha.s stm! the test for years.
Ituil't Im ih-ceiveil or misleil by
ma-bin that are reiresenti'(l to
! "ivi foo a.s the Buick." He-
iiii.iTilM'i i Iti'M ItHvinir: rtirii'tiini'
u ...... .
frum me, I Hpvml time to teach till on Tualatin road
y.ti t..oierate ami nil your cur. j.; i Kuratli allowed refuml of
Anyone wanting an nutomotuie
will do well to call and let me
dt-inonstrate what the reliable
P.iuek ran do the car that has
no einial for the money. Made
I in nil Ciirl Wilnrlu-I t. II MfFar-
lmiil fs, J'rnl Oilzr j 6i, C L Oeniiii
4", M T Cux 4 4". W W Ky!i J bo, r.
Mnore 4. Friuik Kumsry 2 60, l'lezy
Mi-41-lum 2, Krwin Julin J 70, Jennie
Juliiii 3 70, Iwiac Knnit 3 60, Lwrenc
lirowu 3 40, tti-nry liecker 4 S3, Jmei
lneloti x 7. Ira liilley 3 20, T II
Suiilli 3 20.
SK i ial KoH'l l)it No 3 J A MeMinger
ff.3, 1'iuis lirown 24, Clayton WhiUnore
24,11 tline IS. Jack Schniiilt 12, GW
Wliilinoir 5, A IIi'l 8, Carl Naah II, H
llinrlow 4, Vfti Dedrick 4. H Mattii 8,
M I' liU r In-.l Si hiiiiilt 10. Lem Mc
CUikin j8, Win Mills 30, Frank Meyen
17. iMlwanl t loiie 30, U narrow 25, w m
llatlioin 26. I'hil I'roat 23, J Robinaon
12, C A Y, rKm 2. Geo Cbamlirra 2, Ray
Uuiiiiiliitva 2, I. II Ornduff 5y 50, K
Koad and Highway John Nytrg
pruvement (, r Mountain road . ?. A j'tnth 136 and u.Jom
Ailkma 4 Ku, A n I (MIH o, lcior iwinui
referred to road KiiM-rvisors with u, k w orr mo 96 and 25 25, J II (kl-
instructions to make needed in- WW- '? ''r
iS K,. iH ifi w. St-CUIltV Vault &
Htriictions. Mriul Wotkt 80 So and 4 . C K Pottl
David Wenirer. supervisor. ( ,,ar"-u :.H '' Th'"";,'4.6?i
- - mi luirLii.ii a nr t rr m a. 11 Mj
Baseball Luck Take a Turn and
Local Stunt 2 to I
Colli Com With New Battery Not an
Earsed Run Made
$HK) to be added to sub
scription fund, to improve liow
er'.s Hill.
; A I'lieth allowed $i:$fi for
Ku.m ll iH SS. S N 1'iii'kcU 4. Tboa
Cimiir-il H. .1 II Hoffman 2. O W Marsh
in I W Hiivhea 10. J Koun'in 2. Chaa
Hull 2 UViihlrom M 17. t K Schnielt
i'X 27 SS, Jan Churchill II 50, HrrKen
Ilroa I oS, Iave Weni(er lo( 75, II
wllinm v 3s
The late S. I). Powell was laid to
rest in the Masonic cemetery,
in the roadster, two to four co
ple. ami the regular tourinjr live-
im.sseiiL'er cars, limit Irom
to ', Horse I'ower. F. K. Ilar-
trampf, IlillsUiro.
I represent the Spirella roi-set.
Make seliHtioriH in your home,
where acciirate measurements
can 1m' taken, ami you net a cor
set to meet the retuitvmcnt.s of
your litftire. Send iosUil card, or
phone call for apMiintmeiit,
Mrs. M. K. audle. HillsUiro,
Oregon. Fifth ami Jackson
Street. Indi'iM'mleiit telephone,
JiM ph Hare, of Hismark. I a-
kuta. aiTomiianied by bin wile,
wa.s a HillsUiro visitor, last
ue.-k, visiting with W. (1. Hare,
(Irani Mann, and the Mfsdames
Henrietta Morgan ami O v on nor
tax a.s per reixirt of aasessor
Ordered that office of stock in-
spector alKilislied and apoint-
rnent ol Dr. Knox revoKwi. k,m,l-.e nft.nivm Th services
1 111 111 1 , M'nnei(ier a oweu ?.tT 1,1 . .1
. . .. . . .. , W,,P0 al t,10 unnsvian
lor damages to ch.ui, venieie ana ,,, , . h in which he
had held membershio for 55
years. Rev. M. F. Horn preach-
dothiiiK, because of road accident
near Bloommir.
I'.id.s on Reeves' bridire and
(ill. south of Cornelius: -
(' H 1'ott.s, with span. $1"):M.20,
w ithout snan. Sll.H. i;,
Kexsoner & Reasoner. with
span. Jl 119.57, without span
Ueasoner & Reasoner, till,
Mead liros, fill alone, f ltX).
Wolf I'.rns & Co. till $275.
.1 S IorsunL'. till and bridge
without the snan. $15:Jf, for
sn:m $'JtX).
- 1 .
At :m 1 rn ire Co. rort anil. i:-
f.Kit snan. complete, on stee
nilimr. S2.1HK).
A L Hichardson, 00-ft stee
span, $X77, Tubular piers for $5.
ed the funeral Bermon. and the
larjre concourse attending testi
lied to the general esteem in
which the denarted man was
held. The floral offerings were
profuse and beautiful -a httinj?
tribute to a man who in all his
seventy-seven years of life never
intentionally wronged a neign-
Mr. His brother. Hon. rranK
Powell, of Monmouth, and aged
SI years, was present at the ol
sci Hues.
The nail bearers were Peter
Pioscow. Francis Cota, Alonzo
Sigler, D. McCamish, Ixiuis En
ties and 'I. R. lmbne.
Mr. Hare is retired from tmsi- Si per loot, amount 10 pernups
iH-ss. but still holds a director-m:m or i 100.
ship in three of the big banks of
l,U riiv He thinks we have a
Herman Schulmerich, the little
lu j ear old mm of Mr. ami Mrs.
J. C. Schulmerich, died at the
family home at P.anks, Ore..
Monday afternoon, Mav 2, after
au i!lnev,s of but ten ilavs. He
was l,n, at P.anks, Oct, 0, 1X;I.
The funeral toik place Wed
lit'sday morning, at the family
li"ine, interment being at the
Hanks cemetery.
..1 n.l v..itinn here, and is
much pleased with Oregon.
1 am not having a closing out
sale, nut nere iom. m
are the I test to!' had, and prices
. iebi Therefore, if you arc
'looking for a paxl place to trade,
see Norman P.reer, dealer in
gptcenes, cnn-Kery, cninuwun..
gruniteware and lamps.
Chris. Uocke, formerly Mine
Host of the Commercial Hotel,
writes for another year of the
Armw mid savs: "1 bad hoped
. t 1. :..
til K" nacK 111
ohn P Whitlock, CO-ft steel
span, $1000.
The unilersiirned desire to thank
those who so kindly rendered aid
!....;.!.,.. ,,,) cMun uwnn oil to ami svmnathv uunng meir re
Reasoner & Reasoner at $1119.57. cent bereavement, the death and
Fill awarded to Wolf Pros & burial of the late Stephen D.
v. Powell, and esnecial thanks are
i rV,,u i,;,i Cif irr-ido at tendered for the beautiful floral
ill!..!!! 4MV,.T '
l.iir mn-itur ,m road north of Pea- tributes.
here was not an earned run
made at Athletic Park, Sunday,
in the return game between the
Cardinala and Albina Colts, and
the visitors walked away with
the honors by a score of 2 to 1.
he ulaying was very ragged on
both sides and baseball luck went
against the Cardinals from start
to finish. Nick Williams was on
the mound for the locals, and
that he pitched some ball is
ghown by the fact that he struck
ut 12 men a feat that aas not
been accomplished on the Hills
bom diamond for some vears
reminding one of the days when
Ward Downs was snooting nis
twists over the plate.
Williams walked the first man,
who stole second. Some wild
throwincr orftrl the Colt, and
from that time on the hoodoo
was on the Cardinala. They
9ivirvrl however, on errors, in
the second inning, but that was
the only time they could sing
Sweet Home.
Throughout the game, how
ever, but two men were passed
to first base, each pitcher having
but one bad one to his credit.
Kraus, the Colts pitcher, was the
best visiting pitcher tne ians
hnvp sepn this vear. but when
seen that not an earned run was
made by either side, and yet the
score was but two to one, there
was evidence of some good work,
The line up:
High Q IALITY Drug Store
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies . "'THE BEST EVER"
HaminsKy's MaKe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller,
Tuesday, March 29, 1910.
Mrs. S. D. Powell and Children.
Hillsboro, Oregon, May 9, 1910.
I ei! lit Sl!f!l?S. I0 OLIH'l
hid nnd no action taken. Bui
I rejected.
h'o.'ii Petitions -
Petition I, M Herron etals re-
f.,r,...,i distnet attorney: re- wi se at nub he auction, at
'v,vv v. .a -c:' .1 r ; ... . .v. ..1 wu:,. 1 :
,., i ,,i- 1 11 1 son. v, r 1 inai u mv i 1 rm on 1 e u 11 v ui is. ijiiiuci
ivnvit. - . .
and county surveyor to view place, dermantown road, I miles
M;iV ( west of old Hethany and 6 miles
Henrv F Parsons etal public east of Phillips, at 2:uu p. m., on
Brown, 3 b
Phelpa, c
B Biiggs, c f
Iliiikle, 1 f
Houston, 2 b
Wilkea, s t
Freeman, I b
Batchelar, r I
Williams, p
Uillsboio 0
Albiua 1
t I ' i ....
I,y wusuo, - - , 1 ,-,.
II r,,n iiiwl lllllSPOlO, out I""' eaSt'HU'ia iiiiunniuAnipu.i...v,.v
ililions have U'en such thai u 0f expense and damages, saim. ,!liu.k geldmg, io yrs, noo lbs, good
, Ml." Hla liiU'k'l' I ,.. tA OOHl ifl T IHM1IKIM . I . I 1 1 aiOHIWl Ullfif: I IHirOllV 11 DlCtl JCTSCY
,imH,ssi w , . : r ' ..-ty. ..wor . good
w ill Pe remeiiioino .on n...,. y....
...,!.. bed many menus
1 1 1' " . . .,; , t . 1 l . . I im, I ' ' . . . t
runuiHK et;i V OWITO ri'Wi l uuu n h-n. line watcu iloir. nearly new niooer
while here. He is still
bis hotel at Lincoln.
Shrubbery, roses, peonies,
. IVi 1-1 Phoa V Hines I'IoimI, di..en blnck Mauonca chickens,
Road No 111, petChash IlllUS tlloro;)ljhedS; y, dozen Bwitam chick
,.t'il viewers reiKirt adopted ami nu ,, U.B1., ta. nearlv new rubber
l-oad ordered established. hired suncy, one liorse jwilillitiK spung
Road petition Frank Herb w W 3'. " Jnv
Peterson I b
Hogan 2 b
Miller rf
Howard If
Jassuian, fS
Maniiing ct
K rouse p
Keir, c
Nagle jb
31 I l 27
I 2 3 4 S678
0 O O 0 I o o
15 6
o 1
Loans and Discounts - t252,8?-'.8.S
U.S. Bonas at par - 25.000-00
Other Bonds - - K.IO.0O - 16.2s3.00
Cash and Dues from Other
Banks and V. S. Treas. 15t,SS3.l2
Capital Stock and Surplus $42,000.00
Undivided Profits - 83H.10
Circulation - 25,000.00
Deposits - - 432,0H0.90
Interest Paid on Saving's Accounts and Time
Thoa. G. Todd John E. Bailey J W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J- A. Thornburtf
52 a 4 27 20 3
Base on balls Williams I. Krause 2;
Struck out Wit iams 12, Krause 4;
Sealed proposals will be received
I'.V the building committee of till'
lu'w M. V.. t'hurch at Roy, (hv
K"ii, until U) a. in., of the 2mh
'l.v of May, mil), fur the purpose
"f ciin.Hinii'ting a fraine church,
tlie diinensions of which will be
found in the plans ami Kpocilicit
tiuns, which are to be found in
tin' possession ol the pastor W,
P. Stewart, at P.anks, Oregon.
The building committee re
serves the right to reject any
all bids, W. 0. Stewart,
Hunks, Oregon.
IK'S. HI- , .1 I I cla , chiW HISU CUpiloatu, Kiil "i". .""", - 7, ,. W..l.l- l
ninui ovi Y, 1 ill roao uiueieu 7"''7'-"' in HSe , year; kitchen cabiuet, gootl cook nu-piceDi.n; v
i- . ..11 Ln. u if 11 ant Mowers ami i, rlo fl, ,w ,im ( ,hns '. ' - ..1 . t... I -.....n tn Hiwin 10 Peterson: I(t on
lien, mi Hi""" r . , 1.. MIIIIC iiiuvi 00 Piv... stove, WIIU reserviur, n -- ... . ,,-,, . .. it
.1 o rn 1 nitre ana umiaw i M-.i i..i.-r iwivw rk o stove, dinms M3e aiuidb j, miuiwiu j. -"'H'"
l'"" . i:,i iivitvi-i.i, .... 1 . -. . .. , ... - ,vv
plants, ( elery una raummm . p.hris Cliristenson, R S Kobin- 7 loot, pmno icgs-.o 1 -
Also kale plants., rsa eattu. m, 8Urveyr to view road ! ' R P. (melius, chairman of
Campbell Greenhouse, ?t,'i h0hn (laanle petition, May 18. cots Blul uwttres, mahogany RomanLu PvppUtative committee for
and Fir. lnd. pmine. Claims allowed: chair, 3 rocker,, acicen, singer sewing , Fourth of Jul y Celebrations,
..... ,, 1 ehler. of Hood ,wiikc...irir. off, $7 . . "? TT ' , L' S": SP it from me that
U,1 " r,i " ,i.r('arroli farm,
managei i -p - . , .
ut that Place, is visiting nm th ur
,):llvllts. Mr. and Mrs. 1 em
... ; .... n,,;n She is ac-
Tnkft it from me that
Kflie liiKlu,,,,,, assnr's oH.ce 7; . ea.i. 5 V"!, ! ! Uhnm to have a big Celebra
7w(SI:Jon ; Zrr:::;::; ?s Uitoo.. ,0 tion on the Fourth of juiy-and
" . ' 3 ,., ,r .nivno. ivainm cover stottn hlau- -n f oil
i w i wv in emiense j . u-p w nutiiii anv ciiu.t ut an
:.. i l num. n e m at
,,u,KV,,: ,r.,. :. lister. Miss
eonipameii yj j ,
Amelia Dick, also e r ip ,y -
th,. Carroll estate at iuhhi
I"' "mlersigiied will sell at pub
Jiuetion, one mile south of
brooks' school house, one ami
""c-lialf miles north of the Uer
iiiantown road, at 10 a. m., on
Two horses, 5 cows, 2 fresh; 2
lij'ifors, l.r)-months bull, chickens,
plows, hay rake, wagon, buggy.
t'Ulioim hand seeder, numerous
HI"iol tools, lot of household
goods, including a washing nm
t'lune, u sewing machine and
liicr things; a Sliarpless Tubular
l'i'cuin separator.
Terms: All sums under $10,
('!lKh; balance year's time at 7
cr cent.
J. T. Kindlky, Owner.
Henry Kuratli, Auctioneer.
lobn Schaer, of above Monn
tiundalo. was in the eitv Friday
H. Pigelow, of Laurel, was
over Saturday, and sold a team
vv. w. McCotirt.
Ihii Peters, of Vorboort, was
s I'iiller at the Argus olUce, Fri
f.V. He reports Spiring work
A , I nn brand of P me and S j Galloway, Uo m. nspeciur...
the Aetna Dram ,hinR M,4,tin VHU.lehey, re lef
Sulphur spray. Hum e is noun k , rowni coroner's in.uest
i,,, .,, on the market. VVhOlt- j w n(liU.y, freight advanced
. ,h . mill retail. P. U'is, Heaver- ,A Iin,,ric, circuit court
sale ami num. ... .u,.'. 0aice
xnft canvas, wagon cover; storm hlsu- ... . . ffort 0f
ttwin & nod!., supplies u s ' ' . the past. Arnold is contracted
A A Morrill, surveyor " ' - x iron kettle, iron- vvitb to be here, and We Shall
...tit i..i n WII uvrni s i r t ' U r inava . .
III K 1(1 If 1 1 vm ww... ) " - r - - " " l i U4VH Jtll ni I 1 Ul DK-wa I"
cari)et stretcher, mail box. picture On tnn of that VOU may
in mes, c.ocks and jars, 5 or b do Mason ' , . ' . gtreet
fruit jars, pork aim Rtaui usrreis, wngun ai,,. - - --
. l liuli.lino nil run. JtralUaJr vebieh Will follOW thlS rail.
IHUK-iii, JK"' 'l " ..... -
paint, I gal oil, paint hrusties, pitcn js to Ke t,ne best exniDlt ever
1 II... nit ll a- I"" 1 ItT
torks, axes, Kraiu cium , ui.un, shown in the county seat, we
rto;;fc,,,?tl,CrRrtiC,eS t0 nUmef' SSWto handle "these things
at. K tier cent. "VI
1 . J . . . 1.1! 1 i-
( . t . arns. uwner. ice cream aenvereu to nj
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. part of the town. Kemembe
l,l Chntn P ork- Uvo Via vf Haze wood, tsotn teie
phones. Koeber s uoniecuonr
M. J. Hanstord, working at ery.
the Clias. Barrett sawmill, near . . crawfish men are again
m r. I'nv. sal it olhce eip 5 5
0 I. llenetiel, bridges H 00
r i luilrv SS 5
r0l esuitt ... . - wV Jmpiilh, assessor's office .5 oo
Yes keep Arsenate oi The Argus supplies "
1 n ... . 1.. 1 ike .. . i v. v I'n w X- 1 c h... 31 AS
(1... i.,irv hit!' H'Sl K'"i11"' , Uiv, "-T' . 7 ui
the el n K'ii. i- , ,-,.u.v ( o frl, . inspector... h6 is
Aetna brand oi - r ; relitf...; 44 55
7 oo
12 74
6o oo
c ii.iv HaseSkor's omce 15
Ion. Oregon. Pn.riimlil llurir Co. supplies 8 6"
.. i ii. i..... who own- i., i.. UiuUnn & Oo. supplies 55
,'la?- V i mv i ace a mile s-h it . t Kuibch. relief s
,., the Win. Hay l'latt. ' ,,l,.ka0n. County treasurer... 50 00
,tl.MHt. Of thO City, mov.i.B .....t kheriff's wlary 22500
v i. Texas, a few ycais fle, c , 3
irom lieiv t - v.. , . " r-l ' lm.,ech 9 50
d ed a few weeks ago. ne WR1h Co Tel Co. phone c u 9
ago, died a Itw w r . l iarsaiu Class & I'rudhomuie, supplies 35 60
uns a relative of the bit cars u a & 12J 40
HHdgeS. Wm Tupper, jmiitor c h 5 00
,,,,(11 Winter to or- HiPsboro Iu.iependent, supplies... 33 5
w ivmt until wiiiLti w 1 'iul,.a 2800
(U . y ur wood, when by ordering - "p com ct 45 80
I -011 can buy so much cheap- Vj T ,,i,t Ry's office....... 20 00
" I nnd fir Delivered, or (,rr r & i crusher .....tetml.. 14 n
or. Oak n( "'P(1,,f webftwt H W Scttt, wit county court 3w
haul It youi sei .. , " 7.9 Mrtl Crandall, assessor s sal.,
I,., l' f,l. Illl tlCUiarS.'a n
100 00
n lW.e. assessor's olhce 7 00
m T 1 .AT.. I . . . . . I.. ,1.11.11 tlHJ UVJ
n.,!,l Wenger, ot xieivetm, a i;or , - - , 5
stay in Switzerland. JliroraN ls j chnBten.
Illrich Bartschi, of Mountain- J 6 Wl Rohetti e4 o, Joshua J
J1 1 ul who recently soldhis J
S in Switzerland in June. .Ld 5 20, u.? - 4, M n
A I . . rwA I 1 I llunilf rNI I II uu.
lohn Bohm, who rccenuyu - lfea8 i,en(u,.r3,
hift in South Tualatin, )f 3 -
. . if i'.'A..m. , Wm Schulmerich 3, Chas
t,,v- , t ..: ;ila .;.' , a p Siuiou A.Albert uai
M. Harvey, oi ,WM
liVulav evening.
Save Your Money
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove,
i i
We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
s shoes which are slightly
w r ,
J damaged and more or less out oi siyte wa:tu
s we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes
J for 50c; I2.25 shoes for 75c. Men's and
$ women's up to $3.50 for $1.00.
i These are all good material but not up to
ci,tUe Nnw i5 thp nnnortunitv to
i get a good shoe for little money. We shall f
i 1 1 t- e1i-m tliptn tn vnii as loner as i
P onuw j " o m
f j tney last.
1 I
ine onas. kiucu Local crawfish men are again
Middleton, was arrested Sunday, catcning the delicacy for the
and lodged in jail, on the charge p tland an(j Seattle markets.
of abducting two small cnuuren, nvor. rp navinff twenty cents
r.f ivhnm be IS the father, the f j t-,a cmollor and
mother and Hansford having rwpntv Ve cents per dozen for
been divorced in talitorma. ine , fi h 0ne man was
court awarded the custody ol the . Mondav night and in a short
children to the mother, and she time caught 50 iozen 0f crays
.unci livino in t.bfi VICinitV. While Lii J,conli woor PnteViPl
he vicinity. While n,no KAamaMrh vear catches
she was gone the other day, the thousan(j9 0f dozens, and gen
father took them away, and the ghj t0 Seattle, where he
eomnlaint followed. Hanford . t. nf the markeL The
was wi ufiuic uuuS. Tualatin is lull oi nne crawiisn
Monday and bound oyer tqappear an(j the product annually brings
before Judge. Smock, of Sher- . hundred3 0f dollars.
l 1 1 1 . " . . . 1 r I H H I
wDai'ue 'riVT TmmnmiPl Fredericksen. of
AS he was unau e to K., uv.., moa th first nf
he was remanded uacK w we i. uxv.,
linstile His hearing ceiure uie raa, ou..v....e o---
Dasuie. iuo s ... aHanu nf v, ood Doison in one of
smocK win tuKc piw.c - rrrr; - Q j hv n MtAlt
P J I 1113 IVIlta. vwwv
lew luiys. uD;r. H U under the med
Piano for sale cheap. Easj M. j care'of Dr. a. B. Bailey.
hnm ' .
Why do you waste money on inferior fountain
pens whose manufacturers are unable to repair
them or to make good their worthlessness?
They are made to sell not to use, and the in
evitable outcome is that in a short time you throw
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There i only ONE its a
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jt'Kiut over out his way.