The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 21, 1910, Image 1

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V.I I ' Cmmty
Kit 1 1 1
kurt In IlilUburo
l'h:il.i l wi-ll known in
ll,)!,!,,,.. and I'orlliiii.l. w uliul
ami kill-''! wntiurl'- with a
,!,., ;i( Manhattan. N.'Wida, ( ,. i;,,,lii l.l iiiinin iIih-iri.-t
1 1 t m - k. Black
in tin- rlHN.rt
f C(.n..-!i'is. an. I ufW-r ivm-hing
!ti;ml.'l. rk'd in tin- HilltfUt
n, is. r Imiii, and lati-r wnrkid
i I'.nthuiil, Some -nrs,
was in.u iir.l t (Irate I'owcll,
tiaujiht.r 'f S. I. I'owfll un.l
if.'. Mn. Black win in Iw
Anjr'l' ;i lhl' l'n"'
ltla.V fatln-r. Henry Black,
w. ll known to tho early pi
mvis i.f lWcst (Iriivc, ('(.rnt'litis
aiid'l""'.), an. I lifter living
ni:t)t . .irilii tlitM county, moved
tn jli.- T.iiicliet country, near
t;ivt!i, Wa-di., where he ilieil a
few s f.if aj?o. I h'" leal man
tu iilnit J.'i carn if aj.'e.
!l;n k 'vat in hufiine.-w willt a
man l the name of White,
They ha. I an altercation over Iiiih
iiievs a:!.in ' and no one rins to ih t what their trmihle
w,v. I'.iack wan well liketl at
Manhattan, an.l the citienn of
ihf Miifiusvr tovMi w ere inui h in
r.'!is. i m rr the killing. SheriirV
ili'jmti. s wrie .sent t Manhattan
tiillM"i the I'H'al ollicerH ill !V-M-rviin'
inii.'t. us there was much
Ktrcrt talk i.f lynching the slay
er, i'.'a. k ha.l Won a nicmlier
uf the W .MHhuen of the WorM, of
N;ia. I'al,, hut had allowed Inn
ilui'i .i la.'e aUmt a year
l;'th ('raiidall lVrry, of
Iloiiltuii, ()ri'j.'i,n, ned K2 years,
and !t innnths, a pioneer of 1HJ,
and who (Tohh.-.I the i.laiim iti
company with her l.iwhand,
I'Yanris I'erry; Harvey Northrup
Win. Kane and li. K. Wiley, dii-d
at UiiiverMtv 1'ark, Monday,
April 11, r.llO. Hecexied Wiui
grandmother to Mrs. John H.
horlan.l. of Shady I'.rook. She
wiii well known to many Wash
ington County pioneers. Mrs.
I'erry was the mother ot It chil
dren, seven of whom survive.
I represent the Spirella corset.
Make helei tions in your home,
where accurate reinents
can lc taken, and you grt a cor-
hi t to meet the reipiirellli'tiLs of
ourtij.'ure. Send mtal card, or
phone call for apintment.
Mrs. M. K. Caudle,
. . . I V I . I .1 f I
country, north I ' ;""" 1 1,1,1 juckhoii-
"Mreci. in.ieiwiiiiiMil telephone.
Beat the Cortland Maroons
Score ut Light to Tour
BATTIMi K..v SVi:i) Till: l)V
Iruin I'lirllanJ
Cxy Baseball
I'ul up
Khler .1. A. ('ampU'll. for many
years a Christian minister w ith
resideiu at HillHUn, died I'ri
ilay iiioruinj: at his home in
I'lirtlaiid, after U-inj? a nulTerer
formats month f mm paralysis.
He w ;ts U.rn in Adams County,
111., Nov. ;i, IS 17, and crossed
the plains with his parents in
Ki'J. They first settled in I.inn
County, later niininif to this sec
tion. Mr. Camplwll was edu
rat. il at Forest drove and Mon
mouth, and entered the Christian
ministry at the ajre of H! years.
He was immersed in 1S(7 and
ailh.uvd to the Christian faith all
his life. ,s a preacher, he was
k'ifle.l with rare Miwers and eo
Mi'eiice. His life was always
I'Hsy. hut he found time for tin
xiihtlcr instincts. A Uxik of
verse iml.lished twenty
contained many jremsof thoiijrhl.
, In I S7 1 , he married Martha
Stinsoh, who died in lS'.H). Later
!' was wedded to ,yda Johnson,
Mu survives him. roiir sons
survive: I '.nice V... Spokane,
Wash.; Will'ord, l,ester and Jack
v'ampliell, of I't.rtlaml.
The funeral took placo Sunday,
li''v. M. F. lluru cuniliictinjr the
services at the llillslxiro Chris-
iiim t hui'ch, and interment was
in the Lewis (Vnu'terv. near
, A hioiher, (Ion, CampU'll, r
f'les tliis side of Laurel.
mr. t amilie was highly iv-
't'ted and well known all over
Wiishinton County. lVrlmpsno
piinister id' tin irosnel had so
"H'jre a circle of friends in Wasli-
"innii t.ouiily, and Iiim dei-p
H.vinpalhelic nature, and his sun
ny and jovial disposition, coupled
WHi a rare intejlect, made him
H,'cuiv in the hearts of all.
Wward H. Anderson and Miss
Anna Victoria Henson, id' Loan,
(,i'i'on, were united in mamajjo
lit t lie homo of tho bride's par
Sundav, April 17, 11)10.
""iitflas Anderson, of llillsltom.
W'oomsman, and Miss Km
lna l.enson, sister of tho bride,
Wiw lii-idesinnid. Tho younn cou
ple l'ei'(ivi'd niiinv beautiful
Patents. After asbort woddiiiR
trip to 'iiRlt Sound, they will
make flu'ir home in tho Phillips'
P'Uuki., on Street, Hills-
, Mr. Anderson is the well
known proprietor of the Arcade
J heal iv, Ulu H aS() interested in
Ult' Wij--wani.
W. Jackson and wife, of
It i'"l Wl','(, in town 'l'lllSll;iy'
Jackson boinjj in to the Mo
hl"r pool Halo.
Ml .T 11
Henry W. und I. 15. Leisy, of
Sweet, Idaho, were In thu city,
Friday, j,rreetinjc Uiyhoxi frlerulii,
They came down from Idaho to
attend the funeral of their fath
er, the late Isaac I-cisy. Mr.
Leisy'swill was entered in pro
bate" at Portland, Friday. J. C.
L'tmkin went down as a witness
to the will, which wits drawn 28
years njro. The itslute was left
to the wife, after j.'ivinj each of
the children $1.
Or. 0. II. Sehcctz.Chintpractle
Spinol.nist, of Forest drove, Ih a
finely equipped eXN.iH'nt of the
science. He has taken the course
under!). 1). Palmer, the discover
ami developer of chiropractic. All
desirinji freedom from pain and
sickness should consult him. All
diseases. Fxamination free.
Next door to LtCourses Store,
Forest drove, Ore. M)
A small U)y accidentally threw
a niece of brick into une of the
.late pass windows next to trie
liM.r in the new Imbrie hliK'k, the
a I of the week, and the result
. i . I. . . . a.
was a siiji'iu siar scraun. rv
teu.finjr Put an men or so cacn
wav. The trlxss must have Uvn
a f'im one or a clean break would
have rejnstered. A break would
iave cost anywhere from 0 to
pi. and the little lad will ticre-
afler U' careful when ho lo
playinjr ball."
1 lain men attention Tho un
dersigned has for sale some reg
istered Jersey bulls, yearling,
mil a few registered Jersey heil-
, i.l ...A I f,.,.,lv
ers, i.reii anu uiiinen -i ....v.j
.red stock as can be loiiml in me
state. Win. N'liuimericn, ncui
Fanninjrton, Ore., llillslxiro, lr.,
R. f., I ml. Telephone. 1-6
John McDonald and wite, of
N'ewbcrjr. and Aujj. rotilo ami
wife and Richard Wiley. ! ton-
land were m the cuy auuo.u,
.niests of W. V. Wiley. Mrs.
. . I It . .1 HM.l
Mclumald ami mrs. iwir
sisters of Mr. Wlh'.v. Mr. Mc
Donald worked at thu wacKsnmn
business in this city many years
m1.- Fortv acres, Shady
HnH.k section; 4 acres cleared,
l-l mile from school house; on
;i -.,i,.' 1-L'mile from church;
ll.tll. I vi. v. .
1 1 I....,.,., Mi.... stinnir: can be
.,; 1 1.. house. Three miles from
United survey; $1700 crms.--Jns.
drav, liknw, HiUsboro,
Ore.. Route 3.
i.v.m IV Hughes, the newly
..i... .I...I mwtor of the CoiiK
Church, will still make his home
at Ridjrelield, Wash., where
.u nnd exnects
lias I', oe 1 v . . .
nke his weekly trip to this city
lt) f, the pulpit. Mr.l iJtw
.t, I'iken 111) With HlllS
from a bulldinur
I. t... l-'bt c ilss buieu
.1.., u.r cut at nirht season
A y K KarmiiiK ton four
m d one-half miles south of H. Is-
I Wi se ai 5i- "-I
cash; $2:? " timi;
raise of market. --John Kamna
r. M Hunter, the contractor,
,,1 in buildimr
tension on tho Wilkes Bms
Abstract Huildinjr, one door 80"'
,. a... .kiiu .1 u'i 1 lie vauiv
V' l . " . r ls of the Abstrac
" 11 . : . ,k, comnleted. and
... il, t-enr of tho lot will be
Cream of frosh lomons., for face
1 M I Main. Independent
(Mil l-( -' -
Teleiihono 0H7.
.. i Uehwnnke. of tenter
nV; in town Friday.
Schwanke soiling the Olds gas
he.I N 1 and has an an
Lenient in another place in
i his issue
of cattle in
i . . ...... Wl
"I. ,,n' . re! Address For
&:bro., H. 2, Box 74.
Early liose potatoes ai ureei
In a nana' that fur six inninj's
lixiked to U- irrevix-ably lost, the
Cardinals inaugurated a battinjr
rally in the fth and 7th inninjrs
and clinched the initial j'aine at
Athletic Park, Sunday afternoon.
M't It , , ,
ine .Maroons, wtio nave heeii
All kinds of field seeds at
d reef's.
H. C. Carstens, of Roy, was a
county seat visitor, Saturday.
For fresh fruits, choicest and
freshest candies, etc., see KocImt.
T". R. Imbrie made a business
trip to Med ford the last of the
Keii clover seed, i rum Z to lo
cents per lb., at droor's.
deo. Iiixiley, of near P.anks,
was in the city the la;st of the
Miss Martha Luck has return-
Thos. J. Allen's Gate Blown to
Hinders, Thursday Evening
Popularly Supposed That an Enemy In
tended to Scare
around Portland, put up a splcn-
id exhibition of jr'xxl team work,
and their pitcher was all that
could budusired. Carstens fanned
ie first man up, but a score was
made before the Innlnjr closed,
iree more were annexed before
e sixth inninvr. and the Cardi
nals had nothing to show for
their lalxirs, but : nice little
als on the score Uiard. It was
re that Jim Cave besoujrht all
the grandstand to stand up
and then tho battinjr rally bejrun.
and U-fore. thu imiiiijf was called
three tallies were drawn over
ie plate. In the 7th, the willow
was ajain wielded tive markers,
und it was all off for the visitors.
Considerintt tho lack of team
ork, the Cardinals did finely.
here were basketsful of errors,
but sides were bothered
ith the buir.
Carstens pitched xxl ball all
ie time, although many mound-
sters would have lost heart as
innintt after inninjr passed away
ithout u score. Little Phelps
was ut his old tricks, und hand-
1 the backstop like a leajruer.
Vanl'.laricom. formerly with the
(.ilts, of the Cirove, handled lii-st
:ise for some inmritts. but was
taken out, as it was his day oil.
an worked hard, but somehow
ie balls jrot away from him, al
though ho tried hard. It must
admitted that his chances
came hard. Roy Cook umpired
the irame, and the attendance
, i . i .... i
was sutiert) jrraiuisiami ana
euchers U'intt taxed to their
capacity and a jrotxl overtlow on
ither side, lhero were many
adies in the audience.
The llillslxiro band was there
ith the new music; the day was
ideal, and the ttamewent rijrht
and the warm afternoon was
orth while, anyway.
atinttall the amateurs in and Kix.ntz and family, Sunday.
Thos. J. Allen, of Reaverton. has
od to Portland, to remain per- recejvea lhe double cross sijn by
some enemy, and last Thursday
nijht his front gate Was blown
to flinders by a stick of dynamite.
One window in the house was
shattered and the detonation was
heard by many of the neighbors.
Allen is an outspoken fellow,
R y Sehuhnerich, son of Kd.
Si'hulmerich, went out on the P.
U. & N. survey, Friday.
T. A. McCourt and wife, of
Portland, wire truests of Chas.
if L
DR. DAVID ROBERTS, Wiiconjin Sut Vewrinarian, 1906-7-1
Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian
and veterinary author in the country.
You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," cloth
bound and illustrated, FREE.
You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a whol s
year. Ask about these offers at
C I. Slmle will run bi fhon.
per on l-ndav, Mav b the last a" J 1 ai ucc" ,,dV"'is "'"c lIUU-
run of the Sprinjr soanon. Farm- ble over cow'3 running at large,
ers should take notice of this. It is Douularlv suDnoaed that he
Frank Weisenbeck, of Witch created some enmity among some
Hazel, was in town Saturday, neighbors, and that the stick of
He says that seed In jr is not yet .ivnnmito u.og 0vrMoH in
to scare Mr. Allen, and no one
For sale: flood, fresh cows thinks murder was intended,
(one with calf at side) or fresh Mr. Allen had been to the post
. . . n I i i i i ii
six.n. victor callier. 4 1- miles onice ana naa returned nome
south of Cornelius. 6-7 early. The blast was touched off i
i..i... c.i. i i't..:..u n.,..t a little after nine o'clock.
' rtnu .y""V'. l" Allen emnloved nTMitv Sheriff
scni, oi aixive Mountainuale, rA ' : " .1 r, J ,
were in the eifv S-itnrdiv Mr 'Wfmgtsr w (.ry to locale me
i i w iv) ai iu ou uunn tilt
Salem authorities. No track was
still in the housenioving busnusa, aeented, however. The blast
and f you have a building to was limited within about 50
move, see him for an estimate. yards from the Allen domicile.
, T Station nn,t fnmilv In connection with the case
were down from Cornelius, Mon- f ranK Allen. a young manor tne
,b.v Mr stmttnn nnii.vl nn tho Beaverton section, was arrested
.rknis baturday night upon complaint
,, , , or me man in rroni oi wnose
ii . leierson . wno ror years house the dynamite was ignited.
upime.1 i.K'ai DiacKsmitns wun Bail wa3 fixed ln the sum of
liarcoal, was an Argus caller i fyjn whieh wna dprwsitpd
.iloinlay, ' lYnnntr Allun urill im(. Kefnrp
Dorr P.. Wagtroncr and wife, the grand jury soon. He is an
of Portland, were guests at the industrious young man, and has
deo. H. Wilcox home, the first always been highly respected
of tho week. The defendant is a son of C. W,
. f , ifi. Allen, one of Beaverton'sesteem-
,, vjicii-1 j citizens and now a resident
V V , (II 1 1 1 n III IV 1 1 W ii II (.til U)Vi UIV
High Q UALITY Drug Store
We carry a very complete line of Dr.
Robert's Cattle and Stock Remedies and we
believe there are none better.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
J. A.
Annual Meeting of Veterans
North Plains, was in the county
seat Saturday.
Nearly new Iowa cream separa
tor for sale at a bargain. If in
terested. drop your address to Tho Wnhimrtnn Cnnntv Vptpran
tox 87, Hillsboro, Or. 6-7 Association will hold its usual
C. A. Hanlev, of North Plains, May meeting at Cornelius, on
. ,t i it r i r rv t j j. 1 ;
was m town Saturday, anrt inci- ftiay o, iiu. lmporiani uusi-
entallv remembered the Argus ness. All veterans are requested
rest riHim fund. to be present.
W. J. K. Beach,
Brown, 3 b
I'llrlpI, C
K H'lKliV C f
i tmkic. i r
lloiiiluo, 21)
no Hlnncoti. I b
Dtclielxr, l f
AUk'tumn, I b
HUUlxwo o
Mni.xioa 1
34 H io
1 3 3 4 5 7
1" 1 2 S
Yell. 3 1)
Suxips, 2 t
Mullen, c 1
llama, I b
Tav'or, tf
lknialiUm, 1 s
Suren, c
Winterbollmtu p
1 0
of Portland, The charge against
him is threatening to kill.
Forest Grove
Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller,
Tuesday, March 29, 1910.
Loans and Discounts -U.
S. Bonds at par
Oilier Bonds
Banking House
- 16.2S300
Cash and Dues from Other
Banks and U. S. Treaa. 151.&S3.12
Capital 8tock and Surplus (42.000.00
Undivided ProflU 838.10
Circulation - 25,000.00
DepoaiU ... 432,080-90
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
Thos. C. Todd John . DaiUy ). W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thoraburtf
(. lias. Koetier, 01 benolls, was
,1 m f 1 111 I
up to tne city aionaay, a uiauer
on tne Mini MarK property,
which was sold by Sheriff Han
W. H. Morton,
N. S. Prickett, of Ranks, was
m the city Saturday. Mr. 1'nck- a nuPe, fn pet thoroughbred
1 ill a iL.i t ' ' en-- -".:
u nassoni nisiarmnear mat Hrown Leghorn and Wh te P v-
place, and expects to take his mouth Rock eggs, for setting,
wite to Arizona or lexas, lor her from prize winning birds. I
leauu in me not uisiaiu luuire. euarantee satisfaction. 1 have
.t I.. Sinnison. the South Tua- four fine White Rock cockerels.
latin fruit 'grower, was in town Will sell a pair or trio, while they
Saturday. He savs that the last. Guarantee every bird I sell
fWt however severe, of last to be as 1 say. MemberotUre-
week, had not injured his fruit gon Poultry and Pet btock Ass n.
Klmmis in nnv wav. Jos. F. Saunders. Portland,
,,-,-i f r'u..!,.,!., Oregon, K. 'I, Hoxb6, lnd. lele-
v ', 1T 11 ill tuiv'i 1 via utiiv 111
Tul AS 4 6 Jl U 6
Htolen bases W'llkcs, Caistens.
hita-Hinkle 2, Wilkes
Muller, Don dilson. Be on balls, oil
urlntMluitham. a: oil Larsions, a. oiriu k
1.. r.ruin9 1: WinterDolinim 4- 'in
T.,.-.l Alilopntfltl nt'.ll I ar
,., nun r 1 i,bii , . ......
' J I"
a aiifnrise nartv was tenderec
a m,hs flum liinier. of
Phillips, Sunday, the event being
the celebration of Mrs. Reimer s
birthday, who was ageu ou yeais,
i.JCt liVilav. Mr. ana ivirs.
uwv - i - . . . ,
wimtr exnect to make a trip to
Germany this Summer, departing
some time in June. Those pros-
sent at the occasion were: mi.
and Mrs. Emil Kuratli, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Kuratn, niiisooro,
Andrew Heckmann and family,
Fred Hanson ana iamuy, neui
any;J. J. Kuratli and family,
Phillips; Amoia uysie nu uc
Albert Dysle, and Miss Hazel
Reed, Portland. The day was
in pnnversation. and a
splendid ainner was bcivcu.
t W Marsh, of Centerville,
was in Monday, settling up the
estate of his late son, vv. w
For sale: One year old graded
Jersey bull.-Zina Wood, Hills
boro, Ore. 5tt
Mountain, was over to the coun
tv seat Kridav. Ho says that up
to that date frost had injured no
fruit, although one night the
ground was encrusted.
Parties w ishing their cemetery
lots cleaned up and seeded to
g'.'uss, or planted with flowers;
or kept in shape the year round,
should applv to Hiram Bennett,
at race track. Ind. Tel., 102;
can be called from 5:30 p. m., to
7:30 a. m.. or at noon hour.
Experience. 6-8
phone Bethany 1.
LaFayette, Or., April 15, '10.
To the Editor:
The time has come when the
people of our great Willamette
Vallev must adjust themselves
to new conditions that the
progress of other portions of the
State are forcing upon us. There
are almost unlimited opportuni
ties of increasing our output ot
fruit .nist opening belore us
Win. Wohlschlegel, of Scholls, These demands for our fruits,
, 1 II . . I n 1 Ml 1 .1 !
was up ssaturitay. tie is going especially appies, win aaa 1m
into the dairy business on an ex- measurably to the values of our
tensive scale, and is now milking lands, if we pay strict attention
18 cows. I le has 1 ust rearranged to the necessities of the situation.
a Darn witn automatic stancniuus, 1 wisn to aiscuss mese matters
and has things in fine shape with the people of Washington
Save Your Money
.... .-.x-. J
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
We have quite a number of pairs of child's, at
damaged aud more or less out of style which ( f
i we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes (i k
f for coc: $2.2C shoes for 7cr. Men's and '
--1 w---j 4 J i
J women's up to $3.50 for $1.00. 5 J
1 nese are an gooa material Dut not up to s
present styles. Now is the opportunity to r
get a good shoe for little money. We shall 1 '
be pleased to show them to you as long as J ,
they last.
I 1
around his stables.
County and have suggested that
a meeting of farmers and their
wives and of growers of all vari
eties of fruits be held m Hillsbo
ro on Saturday, April 23, at 2:00
o'clock d. m.
Mr. Newell, President ol the
State Board of Horticulture, will
C. 0. Larson, of Sherwood,
was in town today. He owns
some valuable swail and hay
land, and says that values are
getting pretty high down that
wav, and. with tne proposea
. . 1 r-n 1
electric running past onerwoou, , . nrpspnt nn a wili sneak on
up to the wewijerg ana iamn u hJs exp-riences during his recent
country, an added impetus to . Washinjrton-to fiirht the
uiiiinncM.K-. ... Latean aDOle-box bill. U,,,v., rf Popmlnirtrai M. O. LOWNSDALE.
,.m,, nn tn thn citv Mondav. and Commissioner first District
brought in three hen eggs that State Board of Horticulture,
niensnred. each b 1-4x8 1-4 ail
from one hen, and her henship
ki-ciis she Uinir the big fellows
out nearly every day.. It is not
uncommon tor a large hen to lav
an egg of this size, but when
you find one that makes a busi
ness of it, and doesn't cackle any
more than the ordinary hen, it's
going some.
M. N. Bonham, of this city,
has ' just closed a seven months'
term of school at the union
School district, near Cedar Mill
He was assisted by Miss Temple-
ton, of Forest Grove. Mr. Bon
ham mav take the field and do
some assessing for Assessor
Many A Man
Is a critic because he likes to be contrary. You
can go contrary to the wishes of your friends and
neighbors and sometimes gets the best of them;
but go contrary to the dictates of nature and you
always get the worst of it.
Nature Says Spectacles
then spectacles it must be. Nature won't accept
just spectacles thou; they must be right spectacles.
I can give you the kind that nature demands.
"Glasses Right.
(Good Sight"
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate OpUflsetrfot.