ME JnllLLSBR0 VOL. XVII HILLSIiORO, ORKGON, APRIL 14, 1910. NO. EUGENE LEE GAVITT DIES ATMIDDLETON llnJ Worked nl the ChnmlUr Saw mill Sliuc Jinunry BU KOSII) MtOM Till: Mill. POM) tkaJ Man SuppiucJ lu Ma c MaiUJ I rum Khodc Uland (Vromr K. C Urovvn Suinlay niuriuiik' I an iiniif.Ht over t!i. Uhly of K, I.. i4vitt, ul tlu ('i:iiullT H;ivmill. wxc MiMlr ton, li.tvitt Hrriwl at tin- Haw mill last January, anl lias work-tin-re intermittently ever Jure, lie hul attai-krt of imli Urstion ami Saturday nfteriHNin hi i . 1 i. if to tf" llnliintf. Alxuit 2:15') Mr. i 'handler heard a cry of dU trvm ami xennv.i tin- help of Kre.l Hntokinaii. Thy saw- (la vitt rise but onee, Kitfht min ute later UnHikinan raised the nIv from the mill ml. lr. A. L Savior, of SIutwixmI, work nl over the ln.y for IM minutes but resiiseitutimi ifiipf issilili. No one at tin' mill know any tiling of Cuvitl'H filiteeedenU, but Iuh k'rip win tanked Kiiene av (lavit, and letter won found on bin ntxoii postmarked IVacedale, Ulinb tslarul. Ia vilt bail alrto worked at (!olile ami Lowell. thU Htati', anl bad U-fii in Ni-braka. Kansas, I'tab ami Wasbintoit In-fore coinini" Wl'Ht. K. M. Chandler said on tin' witness Htaiul tbat (!aitl was not a bard drinkrr. but tbat bf was frequently in nee I of and did drink a little liquor. Tin' jury found tbat the death was areidental. Tlu jury: Fred HriNiknian, L It. Hruwn, Harney CanlwHI, Cha. Itrookni.nn, J. A. Chapman and .lobn Marsball, HUM) ,M HIM M N V A plan to get thoroughbred Hrown leghorn and White 1'ly tnoutb KH-k egtfH, for setting, from prize winning binls. I Ifuaranlee Hatisfaction. have four line White Uoek eoekerels. Will sell a pair or trio, while they last. Guarantee ev ery bird I neil to le as I Kay. Member of Ore Km Poultry and 1'etStoek Ass'n. bs. K. Saunders. Portland, Creon. R, . U) IE,, lnd. Tele phone Bethany 1. 17tf Annual Mcvtlnit of Veteran The Washington County Veteran A.ssoeiiition will bold its usual Mav ineetimr nt ( 'oi'iii'liiis on Mav r. l'.tlO. ImiMirtant busi All veterans are requested Present. tlt'HS to Ih W. J. II Heuch, President. W. II. Morton. Secretary. Julius WeisenlK'ek and X. A. (iasncr. of Keedville, were in '' city Monday afternoon. i '. W. Mimiiv has sold his gro cery st.K-k to Connell & Co. and will discontinue the business. W. J. I.ichty, of West Union, waj in the county seat Monday niorning. Will Stevens, of Kitrmington, and who is in the mercantile business in that fertile section. w"s an A now caller, Saturday. The following vital statistics Wire reported to the county l'rd of health for Washington County during March, 1U10: 'vet urn on marriages, 8; contagi ous diseases measles, 1; diph u"'na, 3; scarlet fever, . "faths males, 11; females, 8. Hu-ths males, 22; females. 15. W. Wood, County Health Ollicer. . Wm. Foote, of near Schenectn ll'. N. Y., arrived the lust of tbo WH, to see his brothers, John and vrry j,'()ot0i Mr i,H,0Savs that Schenectady is one of tiie l"kr;rest electric' manufacturing C''i)t.ers in the Uniteit States, and proportion to its population t'li'ns out more value in tnanu-iw-tiirinjf apparatus than any (i her city in the United States. J1 visited Oregon about two years ajjro. Mr. Foote has a knite of the pocket variety t'l'it has been in the possession of three brothers for fifty years. brother, Amos, now de ceased, first owned it, and he Wive it to John Foote, who in t'ii, Rave it to tbo present own It has its blades well worn "own to the nail-slot, but it is Rl'll a Rood knife, and he wouhl "t part with it for any consider ation. He expects to be in Ore gon Hovnivil i..l,n ... 1 r . . in town Saturday. When lHkcd II lie could corrol rati' the r'. it that In lore the primaries as a nominee for the b-nihlature. . said that he could, ufid that be was koiujc in as one who was in favor of the primary law; in favor of State ment No. 1, and against the as sembly. Mr. I,..udon Kiiyn heex iects to make an active campaign ami as he campaigned in the regular army for six years, tie thinks heiseipial to the occasion. lLinch for sale: ?,2 acres; 22 acres cieared; all but 4 acres needed to timothy ami clover; balance pasture and timlter; house and barn; well and sprint:; team, I cows, all farm implements k Pri-e if taken within ') lays. Terms. Near Glencoc, rural mute and telephone; cream route. M. F. Watson. HillsUiro, Ore., Koute 1. 3.5 Victor ('rop, of near (Ilencoe, was in town Saturday. Mr. Crop has seventeen carbide lights in his house and he say they are Kivintf tine satisfaction, Is'at intr the lH'kefeller iroduct from the Ktandoint of rheajmess. The plant was installed by the Portland Carbide Co., and fur nishes a beautiful lits'ht. Others in that section are talking of in Ktallint: plants. The litfht is per fectly safe and requires less at tention than roal lamps. I represent the Spirella corset. Make seltTtions in your home, where accurate measurements can tw taken, and you Ket a cor set to meet the requirements of yourntfure. m-ihi nwuu earn, or phone call for apxintment. , Mrs. M. K. Caudle, HilUhuro Oregon, Fifth and Jackson Street. IndejK'ndent telephone, Mi. 3 14 Allert S. Hall, the electrician who had charge of the Hillslxiro Water and l.icht Plant for sev eral years, and who is now suer intendent of the HoihI River liht plant at a trood salary, was in the citv over Sunday, the iruest of friends. Mr. Hall says that he still has a warm place in his heart for old Ilillsboro. Ir. 0. H. Seheetz, Chiropractic Spinoht.rist, of Forest Grove, in a finely quipiH-d exponent of the science. He has taken the course under I. 11. Palmer, the discover and develoKT of chiropractic. All desiring freedom from pain and sickness should consult him. All diseases. Kxamination free. Next door to I.aCourses Store, Forest drove, Ore. 4 0 Kev. Fvan P. Hughes, recently accepting the Contf. Church pas torate in ItillslKiro, called on the Arvis Saturday, for a little chat over olden times. Mr. HuRhes is very much gratified to note the improved real estate conditions that prevail here as compared with a few years ao. Dairymen attention The un dersigned has for sale some reg istered Jersey bulls, yearling, and a few registered Jersey heif ers, bred and unbred as finely bred stock as can be found in the state. Wm. Schulmerich, near Farmintrton. Ore., Ilillsboro, Or., H. 5. Ind. Telephone. 1-6 H. M. McKusick, who conduct ed the Buxton Hotel for an ex tended time, was an Artrus call er, Saturday. He has a lease on the Astor House, at Astoria, and will take charge at once. Mr. McKusick is one of the Nomfaces who knows his business, and will make tfood in the seaport city. For sale: Forty acres, Shady Hrook section; 4 acres cleared; 1-4 mile from school house; on mail route; 1-2 mile from church; old house. Nice spring; can be pitied tohouse. Three miles from United survey; $1700 -terms. -las Cray, Glencoe, Ilillsboro, Ore.. Houtel 3-6 15 I,eis, the Heaverton orchard ist and who sells more spray for orchard spraying than any other one person in the county, was up to this city Saturday, greeting friends and transacting busin ess. W C Jackson, who owns a tract of land near Glencoo, was in Saturday. The United Rail way misses his place entirely, although the first survey cut up the farm badly. 1) R Hurkhalter, of Farming ton and P. M.Jackson, of Last H, were in Saturday and remembered the Rest Room fund at the Argus ofliee. m;tnt,ll nf Pendle- ton, is a guest at the hne of his brother, u n. muL""'';,t ' (J. is suHering from an attack of blood poison in one oi ma Uniform Rank K of P. , jill Pvth an Hall, Iriaay vrung; April 15. All are re quested to be .present-. C. W. Lmd. COUNTY LETS ROCK CONTRACT W. Orr i Awarded the Thatch er Con 1 rut I, Sliding Stale Will. CKfSM om; THOUSAND YARDS llfri and Kttorder Show Good Feet tor Manh The county Uiard met last week, and awarded U. W. Orr the con tract for crushing alsmt 1.000 yards of nxk at the Thatcher quarry, and hauling the same on the roads. He gets 75 cents per yard for crushing and 15 cents for the first quarter mile of haul ing; and then a graduated scale on up to $1.15 for the hauling on the 22nd quarter of mile, The following road petitlonii were referred to the district at torney: Jas. Jackson et als, Orcnco; Henry F. I'arsons, near Forest Grove; W. W. Jaquith, Scholls; Calvin Wylder, North Forest drove; Frank Herb, Hanks; Chas. Holt, Gaston;J. M. Shafer, Forest Grove; Chas. Hines. Forest Grove. Viewers' reorts read the first time: On road jietition of E. Wenstrom, Scholls; John A. Johnson, Beaverton; and H, T. Johnson, Glencoe. Clerk Bailey reixirt-s $592.70 fees for March, and Recorder Ireland reiHirts $528.45 for month. K. W. Haines was granted franchise, under certain restnc tions, to set electric light poles along county road Initween Forest Grove and the Hillsboro city limits. (Maims allowed: Itil'iboio l.ivriy Co, county court l y Korrtt C.rovc I'rtu, pouting 6 00 I N KolilnwiD, relief 10 00 llillslxiro Ar, irinlui) 84 50 J W lUilry, mI nod exM-nse iy 40 S N Toole, co amrsaor otlice Si 00 Mm CrnUll, county a-wr 100 00 lliot II Toii(iif , "lilt tty' ofTic.. Jo 00 J W Gocritn, nl und expeuie 119 55 A A Morrill, county surveyor 106 50 Tuilittin Hotel, circuit court. ..... .. 35 Washington Co .Newt, printing . . 13 50 J II IlruMn, iiKjurst 1 00 llilliunro 1. W & I Co 19 04 W M Jtc ton, trraturer'i ofliee.... 60 60 Nelson IMw Co 43 00 Orrijon Wash Sewer I'll Co....- 40 75 KoruiK Hroa livery co ct 5 50 W J Butner, county court 46 5 John McClaran, county court 46 40 M C Caae, aal and otiice expenset. 84 M C Caae, travrlire expeuaes 43 55 C.ny MeasinEer, tindiiea 9 (A hme (iodman, assessor omce nl 00 Wash Co Tel Co, telephones 10 c$ W 1) Wood, health otlicer 104 85 Wm Tiipper, c h - 5S 00 Martin andeliey, relief 87 50 P II Vandeliey. relief..- 5 00 IVlia Iru Store, cir court - 4 1 S I Oalloway, fruit insjiector 83 55 W It 1 lamer, aherifl'a ollice Ii9 00 J B Wilkes. " " 97 5 T C lUiley, clerk's oflic 27 00 Class & I'ludhoinuie, supplies 6 4 Oregon it Wash Sewer Pipe Co.... 14 $ Security Vault A Metal Works. ....360 00 Hillsboro IndepeuCent, printing... 57 JS lUrthold llarK Co, supplies .... . 17 II S Crocker & Co, supplies o 00 HrlL'ifS Bros, relief 13 43 II II Hope, circct juror 4 o Glass A I'niilhoimiie Co, supplies II 00 II I, Kusiell, bridges 14 U Geoll Ilaucock, tsx adjustment.. .307 70 tieo G Ilstic ck. beard prisoners... 103 75 Geo G Hancock, sheriffs salary...U5 00 S l'aikley, county court 1 5 Geo U Hancock, expenses UJ 55 J W McRobrrts, J 1' couit 7 00 V H Stoti, sheriff ofliee 105 00 I'aciric Stat & Prinliim Co, sup.... 8 00 Pac Coast atauio work, supplies.. 3 55 Geo S Allen, refund tax to 00 Circuit Court Witt.ei.sea Ray Taylor c jo. James Flowers Jr 9 40, Wallace Hrown a 50, lonn mcruersou a 50, Lower 1 50. Roads and Hlidiwavs R W Orr liSS 7S, Brail & Co 1J 75, t 75 iand cc so. S G Moriran 4s, Geo Bantx Fred Slohler , A B Todd 73 as, Ooff Ilros 7 00. I, G Weidewltsch ao 95, R Reasoner a8. B Peterson t,RS Uobinson a II I. Kusstll ta 7. tt w marsu 7 ao J H Sewell 6 8j, Wm Kysn a, Jas Welch j. n Mr Allen a. Geo Bantz ir a J w Jackson 4 40, H T Johnson a, Jos Con nell 4 60, Tom Haines a, K Wenstrom 4 J 11 Sewell 11, Thos Couuell 11 50, C Tlgard 5 8a. Witnesses Before Grard Jury Mrs lolm Mills fi, W W Ryals 3 60, Rosa Hellish 6 80, Joseph Hellish O ao, Ma; Kiuwater 6 70. G H Baldwin 3 ao, H , Prrrv a ao. Kokina Feldt 6 60, C F Den nis 5 40, Ray Taylor a 40, Lee Lower ". .. 1.1 .it: i : - n a 40, .llio rarsons o, vim mi 3 w rharlea Setli s 60, Louis Herring 6 ao, Ray Walters 5, Klmer Harper 5. James iiurwr t. Haas Darnell a 40, Herbert t)ren McLoud Arnold Mc- Loiul 4 Ho, Carl Parsona 5 40. J L Dilley 3 80, W C SctUlllz 3 ao, marsiiau maiic son S ao. Nnwmtier Grand lury J A Thorn' burgh $13 ao, Chas K Potts 15 4t A II Theodore Farmer it ao, B B Reeves 14, George Fiewing 15 ao, C L Crocker ta 40. Grand Jurv Chaney Rtnefiel is ao. I A Abbott 13 ao, B Heilmann ij ao, A C Winney 13 8o, F M Hill 14 , lohn H Greenwooil 15 ao, James Bor wick ta 80. I.'-,,...-.! and Soecial Jurvuten rerry Ellin 5 4o, L 0 Biown 4 40. H L Russell 3, J NUrahela, O 8 Deichuian a, M L Noble a, A B Caples 3, fcmet l.ort 3, ra M Harvey a, K I Kuratu a, v w uaiu z, o m tilll 1 A A Walker 12. Chas ALamkin, Sheriff's ofBce... 79 5o Committee Road Dist No 31 19J 45 Willis Ireland, Recorder . . . a9 40 Connell & Co, relief 45 34 vl.ww Schulli loo 00 jjwin & IlQdaQILJt Kornt (Wove l'rrn, ptiniini; to 40 Hrrcliel Cluttrr, Slieiiff'i office... 130 00 Wcnutrom, K A U a6 61 Ronton & lliown, HlieriH't Ofliee. . 11 50 II I) H linii-ltrr, C urt oum- 6 00 John Wrlch, k t II 2 00 All kinds of field seeds at Greer's. Harlan Kelly, of Vinelands, was down to the city Monday. For fresh fruits, choicest and freshest candies, etc., see K other. John H. Dorland, of beyond Glencoe, was in tow n Monday. Wanted: Hand Ironers. In quire at Moore's laundry. W. L. Hachelder, of Glencoe, was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott, of rest Grove, visited in the city Sunday. Ked clover seed, from 12 to 15 cents per lb., at Greer's. Dr. M. H. Parker, of Green ville, was in town Friday, on probate business. B. L, Griffith, of Cooper Moun tain, was in town Monday, ac companied by Mrs. Griffith. M. C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is still in the housemoving business, and if you have a building to move, see him for an estimate. Chas. Schmidlin, of Buxton, and a son of Ambrose Schmidlin, was an Argus caller Thursday evening last. 0. Nordlund, of near Reed- ville, was in town Monday, and called in to contribute a dollar to the Argus rest room fund. Mrs. Chas. Parker returned yesterday from a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. I, Lilligard, at Laurel. Pasture wanted: For 25 head of cattle-in one or separate pastures. Will give good price for good pasture. Address I or est Grove, Ore., U. 2, Box 74. Miss una room visited over Sunday with friends and rela tives in this city returning on the evening car to her home at Portland. Four room house on Washing ton Street, on car line between Second and Third, lot 50x190, for sale. Lrnest Lyons, 2 miles northwest of Hillsboro. 51tf Ira E. Purdin, formerly of North Forest Grove, and who still has his holdings in that section, was out from Portland, Monday, greeting friends. Geo. W. Kelly, of Vinelands, was in the city Monday. Mr, Kelley has been quite indisposed all winter and is fervently look ing forward for the fine weather so he can recuperate. Shrubbery, roses, peonies, HI lies, all kinds of plant flowers and plants. Cabbage and tomato plants. Celery and cauliflower, Also kale plants. For sale at the Campbell Greenhouse, Seventh and Fir. Ind. phone. 2tf E. W. Haines has been grant ed permission to set electric light poles along the county road from Hillsboro west to con nect with his wires leading to the plant on the Tualatin river. The county court grants the franchise with certain restric tions. G. H. Carter has bought the Connell milk route in Hillsboro Fresh milk received two times per day from the Connell ranch adjoining this city, north of town Sanitary bottles. Your patronage solicited. Delivered at your door. 4-5 G. H. Carter, Cal. Jack was out on a fishing expedition, Sunday, and landed 16 nice trout. 1 his isn t the largest string, but Cal. feels that he is entitled to some glory as he beat C. E. Koontz nearly two to one and Koontz has claimed the championship belt ever since he struck Hillsboro. Nick Kemmer, who tor years has grown hops on Cooper Moun tain, was in Monday. He has dug up his vines, and says that he will hereafter be content to till the soil in other lines of pro duction. Nick says he is tired of the care that a hop yard in volves, and he wants to take it as easy as possible for the rest of his life. The Cardinals were out for some practice Sunday, but the weather was not ideal for the work. Manager Moore has fine bunch of players signed up, and all the fans are hoping for a crood dav next Sunday. If the bovs get off on the right foot and win the first game, there will be reioicing in old Hilltown. The Maroons, however, have severa games already this season, and thev have been beating al comers. Let the boys turn out and give the cardinals plenty of support next Sunday it makes ... l.i 1L. all the qinerence in tne game. SUPT. CASE SENDS L The Largest Apportionment Ever Made in Washington County SAME PER CAPITA AS LAST YEAR Increase In School Children Adds Sum. $4.55 to Each to Supt. M. C. Case, Monday, ap portioned the neat little sum of $33,345.00 to the 7020 school children in Washington County, the per capita being $4.75. The per capita is the same as last year, but the increase in children of school age accounts for this being the largest sum ever dis tributed in the county at one time. Forest Grove and Hills boro break exactly even on the sums disbursed. The various districts received amounts as bllows: P Holcomb, Hillsboro R !...$ 399 15 P E Phelps, Cornelius 1130 50 W N Hathorn, Laurel i' ii A Iteverman. Cornelius R I. 413 35 B Ortman, Forest Groe. a6i as J J Wismer, Portland R a.... 3?o 60 t'eter Boscow, Hillsboro . 3120 75 Lewis Powers, Hillsboro R 3 356 50 Jos Connell, HilUboro R 1... 199 50 B A Hoskins, Dilley 817 00 K X Harding, Gaston. 351 73 la F H Herb, Banks R 1 4H4 30 13 W L Moore, Banks 5S9 00 14 W Vanderzmden. Banks R 3 304 00 15 L J Corl, Forest Grove 31JO 75 16 Louis Wilcox, Gaslon R 1 394 25 17 G J Jack, Hillsboro R a 399 25 IS Peter Olson, Beaverton R 1... 513 00 10 Jas H Sewell, Hillsboro 204 as aojt A W Wright, Sherwood R 3 156 75 a 1 SAD Meek, Cornelius R 1. 194 so aa Wm True, Sherwood R 3 .... 456 00 ajjt H B Tigsrd. Beaverton R 1 . 850 as 14 J J Jeppesen, Bacona 95 00 2S H C Pearson, Cornelius R a. i75 75 a6jt Chas Geiberger, Sberw'd R 1 72a 00 17 AT Bmton, F Grow, R 1... 34a 00 aS E W Carnahan. Gaston, R a. 4SI 2s 19 J Millar, Reed vi lie 479 75 30 Daniel Staver, Gales Creek... 4S9 ao 31 E Goff, Hillsboro R a 190 00 3a M Woodhouse, Gaston R 1... 99 75 33 T C Johnson, Cornelius R a... a28 00 34 Wm Feldt, Buxton .... 66 &o 35jt J O Gustin, Sherwood R 3... 5a 25 3jt N L Wiley, Rex 80 76 37 J J Vankleek, Beaverton R3 403 75 38 I W Hanley, Hillsboro R 4... 603 25 39 D N Crosby, Sherwood R4... 18535 40 U A PHeth, Sherwood K 4 ... 375 50 41 AC Wirtz, Banks R 3.... ... 304 00 43 Chas C Clapshaw, F Grove 1 233 75 43 John Dorland, Hillsboro R 3 199 50 44 Benton Phillips, Banks R. 2. 31S 1$ 45 Ralph Cole, She t woe d R 5... 266 00 4jt Louis Fln'ean, Laurel R 2 80 75 47 W C Edy, Sherwood R 3 242 25 48 C E Hedge, B-averton 138a 25 L Mapes, Lamel R 1 137 75 4Qjt Albert Schmidlin. Buxton.... 52 25 50 V W Jaquith, Laurel R a.... 34a 00 5l GP Essner, Mou-.taiudale ... 90 20 52 Gerhard Goetz. Cornelius R 2 275 50 53 rhil 10 bcbntider, ' " 190 00 54 John Schneider, Hillsboro.Rt 579 50 55 Alfred Gueiber, HilUboro R I 375 25 55Jt J K Uillas, KUt 23 75 07 M S Batnes, Beaverton R a... 223 25 58 H H Rehse, Hillsboro R a.... aSo a5 59 C A Mil'er, Cornelius R 171 00 60 CM Syverson, B -av. R 3 242 2s 61 J Zimmerman, Hillsboro R 3 114 00 62jt IMiis Stark, Portland R a ... 166 25 63 Claude Williams, Batiks R3 156 75 64 V K Newell, Gaston R a 204 25 66 B Fleischhau r, Gaston R t... 223 25 67jt J A Johnson, Portland R a... aa8 00 68 K Lennen, Cornelius R 118 75 69 C S Batemati, Gales Creek.... 57 co 71 H B Dauchy, Banks R I 156 75 72 C II Peterson, Buxton. 64! 35 73 I C Clu'ter. Sherwowl R 5 156 75 74 Kiwin Ritter, Holbrook, R 1. 494 00 75 A B Gairigus, Banks R a 299 25 76 M Hart, Buxton 90 75 77 H W Stauff r, Cornelius R a ai3 75 ;8 Cash Scofield, Buxton 57 00 79 Geo M Ross, Hll'sboro R a... 137 75 8j T R Moote, Laurel . . , 166 as 81 Fred Berirer, Hillsboro, R 4. 390 00 82 W E Shaver, Oswego tt 1 128 25 83 G Williams, Gales Cieek 47 50 84jt P Htuschkel, Hillsboro R 3. 175 75 86 G Laetn merman, Banks R 1 . 137 75 87 C Her, Timber 28 5o 88 F Laneer, Sherwood 783 75 89 J N Miller, Hillsboro R 4 ... 256 50 90 Otto Parsons, Banks Rt. 213 75 91 Geo B al, Gaston R 1. 133 00 93jt W W Parrett, Newberg R a . 14 25 94 W G Grabhorn. Beaverton 3.. 147 25 95 A P Christensen, Hillsdale 1. 218 50 96 J bchuieltzer, Shetwaod R 3 147 as 97 Peter Jansen, F Grove R a.. 4c8 50 98 J R Bailey, Buxton 57 00 99 M L Roberta, F Grove Ri.... 161 50 tooit J P Jones, Newberg, R3... 57 00 loijt U 1 liompson, Sherwood K I 38 00 lojit W J Docl son, 'Sherwood R a a3 75 I04jt AStitt, Hillsdale, K 1 33 25 PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction, on the Jimmy Bur gess place, 3 miles North of Mountaindale, at 10 a. m., on TUESDAY, APRIL 19. Bay horse, 9 years sound and true, weighs 1350: heifer, two years old, calf by side, fresh; yearling heifer; wagon, in good repair, has springs; two iron bed steads, mattresses, good as new; cook stove, heating stove, stove pipes, cupboard, dishes, fruit jars, chairs, kitchen table, 5 gal. milk can, 3 gal. milk can, grind stone, axes, and numerous other articles. Terms of sale Under $10, cash: $10 and over, six months time, on bankable note at 8 per cent interest. N. J. Campbell, Owner, B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Karly Rnap pntntnpflnt fireer'a. OUT ao f'V ,' " ' , "-Vf- ' "1 . jf.T -... ' ' ' .. ?$-. " V "J i - ttle Specialist I1AVI11 unutDTc ii: r. . .1 : : : 1 11 I i i DR. DAVID ROBERTS, WUcomin State Veterinarian, 1M6-7- Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian and veterinary author in the country. You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," cloth bound and illustrated, FREE. I You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a wholo year. Ask about these offers at i- High Q UALITY We carry a very complete line of Dr. Robert's Cattle and Stock Remedies and we believe there are none better. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. r A. THORXBURGH President . E. Vice Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 19 10. RESOt'Krrg Loans and Discounts - $252,872 ss V. S. Bonds at par - ilj.OOO-OJ Other Bonds - . o.!., Banking Housn - . lij,2S.i CO Cash and Dues from Other Banks and f. S. Trvas. l.M,SU2 l:i9,!C9.U0 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburrf Save Your Money buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon 1 i t We have quite a number of pairs of child's, women's, and men's shoes which are slightly damaged and more or less out of style which we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. Men's and women's up to 3.50 for $1.00. These are all good material but not up to present styles. Now is the opportunity to get a good shoe for little money. We shall be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. 1 ' t ram $1.00 a weeh maKes the path clear for putting a VICTOR into every home. Why not see about getting yours today? LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrht. VICTOR AGENT II Drug S tore BAILEY W. W. - President MCELDOWNF.Y Cashier Liabilities Capital Stock and Surplus 142.000.00 Undivided Profits . 838.10 Circulation - 25,000.00 DeiKisits - . . 432,000-90 4l,921J.OO