The JniILLSBR VOL. XVII HILLSBORO, ORl-GON, APRIL 7, 1910. NO. PIONEER DINNER ftT TUALATIN SUNDAY ThrvV 'f 1,1 tVU-hratc OKI l ;iilv Pathfinder liitios 01 luvr il UillsU.roites would 1h sur prised to see the great develop ment on the line of tho Oregon Klevtrio U-tween Garden Homo ami Tualatin. A visit in that section Sunday was an eye-oHn-or. Now homos aro Ikmiiw built everywhere, ami land is selling! at uounie me prices that prevail on mis way. iirur. . . ,w,. t,, muui-ji iiM'iy tooMiur siaiton. nnil Tualatin has grown throo times stnoo tho lino wont through. Many now buildings aro noticed. and tho J. L Smith brick and V:iMimi;ii.n i iif Sivi'l"!l tl,.,w,i,l . .. ............ CARDINALS 10 PRACTICE LOCAL POST OFFICE NEXT SUNDAY AFTERNOON Mnnnjcrr Moore to limber up hl Team at Athletic Park John Scck, ho-IS5 i. niovoil a dinner Three et wirlii'St pi"!"''' , tho J"l'-ii Sw.vk homo. Tuala till. Suii.l:i U'im: I''"' ' one of tlu''il,n,rrs camo I represent tho Spirella corset. Make selevtions in your homo, UAME CAI.lTD AT 2;J0 O'CLOCK l lrUrlc Car Will Slop il Ninth Street, Two Block Away Manager K. I,. Moore will have tho Cardinals out for a practice game noxt Sunday afternoon, to Mis. John vook where aoourato measurements get thorn into trim for the sea it I j r l a i i I ,st. ss. ami nerseti can no taken, ami you g,-t a cor- son s opening. April 17. The Mrs. Mtviir "w m,u m practice game will U with some to th t v.on in lS-"-. I lor husband was woll Known an omt ji m W'tshinct'"' County, ami nor two (),vvri,n I-...,! .r,,.... C I ..I I ' l"1 i.hono call for .u,.,mtn,..nt IkuIs piokod up for tho iK-cassion K. Cathllo HillsUiro s,,lm' the Cardinals will Fifth and Jackson lie loaned to the opiiosing nine. John Horh, Karly Rose iotaUosat Greer's. Argus and Orogniian, $2.2T. Win. Hat horn, of Ijiurol, was a Portland visitor, Sunday. For frosh fruits, ohoicost and froshost oandioH, oto., soo KooIkt. William Trachsol, f noar Both- any, was tin Argus oalior Mon day. Rod olovor seed, from 12 to 15 cents por ll., at Greer's. IraT. Mills, tho Hanks carpot weaver, was down to tne ouy Monday, paying taxos. All kinds of liold Boods at Wlu' stops to consider what (Jiwr's it moans to soil ovor novon thou- ll..i.rv llarrii. lli..lairvmtinof 8a,Ml ll,,llarg worth of 8tan,l this Hido of Cornolius. was in tho with the majority of tho Halos city, Monday aftornoon. rumunj? from two to fivo cents, C. HickonlKtttoni, of Shady it must he adjudka-d and doerood HnMik, w as in tho city luosday that tho Hillshoro Htamp W'imknv has iK'on havintr a Btronuous Sales at Stamp Window lixtovd Seven .ThounanJ l)ollar MEANS INCREASE OF PAYMENT Over El(hl Hundred Dollar of (lain (or the Final Year ' jT ,..'( tg -,4;,- m, n.m W--Xr-, f DK. IiAViU KulU KlS, Wifcumin but Vtwtinwuui, 1V06-7-H Dr. David Roberts is the lcst known practical veterinarian and veterinary author in the country. You can Ret his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," cloth bound and illustrated, FREE. You can get a hijjh class live stock paper FREE for a whole year. Ask about these offers at tho Hanks road time tho uaut year. Postmaster . It L',.. , 11 I i.i i I I I I.. 11 .. .... . monoer tfuosi-. w t-ir v . . .- nni. j-vmihmu iii (uninr, uio virom r.iocinc will stop at 1 '. ' ' i. i . .rnouus iaios inai uw ant a.u'o-1 S'. y.-ars. ami who sot- d-U hjth Stroot to accoimnlaU' tho B,"uuJr ""' Utamp Bales for the year ondinjt tU no:u -Tualatin in ISA and Sunday. April 10. will bo t boy who may comedown f nun Miss Margaret (.nism and March 31, 1910, exceeded those Edward r.rvom. a;od S'J. w ho Hrroat .lay at tho Christian Church Cornelius and Forest Grove. This ,ftllH rjntf l" V of the year prior by $827.25, thf plain, in IS.,1. sot- n , nu. w. i, MMcarwil reach IlilUUiro at l:Gfl, ' I X " cZi. Thin will moan an increase in -in . i ii'iii.t. in iiiLrriu. a i rr;u r u u i i... a z 1 1 ukiji " i.. . , !iiuT Ht tK' I'lif p arr, I ru'sr r; w' iryma riuuu w upuh - . tne 8H ary or me poHlmaHUT 10 W wore at Tualatin f aUmt ,;;U). .VVuntod: Ulfh Grade youn he eXtc,,t of $100 for the year. iUL sootion was a wilder- ' l 'V;v ". .The regular an,o, Sunday, I olstoin IftW The !. by months for the ptust lpill It, Willi IIIO nianK)lH, Will o- nun run. umn iwumwii, lems is instntctor in Homiletics ,,i tmi ',.i,u,i .t ,.,,. IllilUlmni U. R. o ilol'otl sH'akor. Ion't miss this opKr- tunity of hearuik' him. Ihhlo school at 10 a. m.: mornimr ser- CM tim the trio d laac Kail and w lio funiiillS NW''K ua in.lisi .-l. and unable attend tho dinner. Mr I'.nant was around llills- bore in l "- il ., 0 , Horn. Minister. on tho J. S. CrilVm donation, a mile from tins oity. Alex Swook. son SwtH-k. was at hoim the day hMono' who are drit'tinir down the kill of life. HUM) AT limitANY A ulaco to L'ot thnrouvrlil'ro. Brown I.oL'huni an.l White Ply mouth KiK-k . vars, for setting. from uri.e winning birds. 1 piarante"' atisfaotion. I have four tine Wliitf U'K-k etK-kerels. Will soli a pair or trio, while they last. (iuanmtoi'oory bird I soil to be as I sav. Momlier of Ore- tfon I'oultrs and 1'otSt'nk Ass'n. -Jos. I-', Saundors. Portland. Orvffm. IL "J, l!ox hid. Tele- phono l!.-tliany 1. litf M II Hondorson. of (Cornelius. Cardinal will have gome work atu wn0 alwavs takes 'an active ahead. I ho Maroons are beaunK i.o r,.st in his little citv. was a every think' m hiithl ho jar, ami ,..intv m.t rnllor Mondnv. Hi ... .. .1 .11 rf two years were: 190U 1910 April May June July Aiikiist I Lull r- On this date the 17th - an ex- "W'l m of the contnil jrirls St.)ti t- cursion will U run from Huxton ttt he lac-iflo StaUw. and is sue- 0t.l(1K.r COOOOVI Uy IjUIIW IUIVOII. Nov. Dec. 518.57 inc. 4(5 41X1.93 42:1.61 45H.18 635.93 452.95 G83.49 r sale: 32 acres; 22 aro HillsUiro and vicinity players villi, and who is an enthusiast January 610.40 d; all but I acres is to U organized at once, for for irood roads, was down to the Feb'y 451.95 unty seat luosday ailornoon. marci N. J. CampU'll, who lives on T .ii i....- ii. m louu U. played on Saturdays, re- h H , m)rUjof M)Un. K the Sunday for mMo wu, in UlWn Tlu.sday, l,u,,B' ad vertismjr a public sale. A NICI; DISIHY will sorvuiK the regulars G-U.7G 6180.82 April May June July August 5iept. (k toiler Nov. Dec. January 687.27 Feb'y '516.15 March 710.17 CtH.93 512.13 401.59 DOT). 63 471.75 436.92 51G.37 61M5.38 780.58 Total 7008.07 CHANUn IN HANKS' HANK N. 1. Burnett and L, F. Camions havo boiiKht the interest of Mr. Myers in the Banks bank, tho latter wishing to enter another hold with his money. W. (), John H. Cornelius, of Cornel ius, and who is one of the earli I . 0 . i . : . L . Tl... t.,,1.-:.. T .it.-l t'rt in I wi l- I""-- IMlUll-l-in III ilia vilj, I 1 III- llliui IV mum i'., v.... , . .,,,,,, .,,, ....... in llw. .r.lin, t.wir - """IJ I II H l 1 IV V lilt. f V Second Street oni)osite the Py thian Building, have a splendid The Rest Room Narcissus ball Galaway has loen elected di- displav of what Washington Coun- netted tho Kest Koom committee rector in Mr. Myers place, Mr, has been elected prost and Mr. Caratens vice L'nt The bank was or of grant and grass, . i , . . ......... .w.j -i'u r.i'Y f ii m iiuiii ' -i i ... .: lems is msinicior in iiomueiics ,,i ii! n Vl.u'L- ,t ... dance in uio omo.i ..... ...... Oratorv it. . ,V" " .r. talketl overantl : ' - - -. wnuaiur mioiiu. ih- kimki, ua iiiv It,.. ,tw..... .. nf 1 "M ,t,,l- ml ' " fl' . f 1 L'Vt also a piojut i o. ..-, . i . .. , . ... . )t .' tu i iiiHtr ill l i ii 'i '' f di'liiwi tit lilt, l.i luiinilnir 1 . .1 . 1 1 I . . ...1. . Wllli.'l lib u II. II. 1 Id'l IHIIK (il ' if iii ill. In Ihil mil iiiii 1 1. ,.1 T n i.iii 11 nil - 1 il ill 1 in" 1 11 Li, Liu- iiiili 1 1111 il in . . . ... ... .. hi. mi., wi.v ""I.,.,.,. ,., it . t,.,. , r .....I vj. 1 ' , , .. I Miuii VnUiii W, 11 Ilium him ri. I . 11 . Ill 1 1 . U I I II Ik II HI II II I 1 IIMl Itll U..H1.I llltit. hu I ll !' ' 1 .." v ...... I'M t 1 . .. - :.. - .. r.nuoavorai p. m.; evening ser vices at 8 o chH'k. 1 011 aro want oil at all l nose services. Marion n,i ui A second team all of whom Hon. G. W. Marsh, of ('enter Ranch for !nriia riiiiiri of Mrs. seeded to timothy and clover; the purHso ot uiKing on county county seal luosuay ailornoon. murcit ...,i.,vi.,.rn,nt;ini-i. iiniii-.'iini tiniU.r! hiiiisi' traines. the majority ot wiucn 1 ill.', nix . . - ...... ..... ..... ... - - "I .. .. . I.III 1 1.. . .. ..1.. 1 .....Il titt.l uiifiiur' r.mril an -A I LTUS ft I M 11 11 . I Kin. mil 11, 11 in nun .-iinui, 1111111 t.. droti in on tho little I cows, all farm implements go, Price Km), it taken within ;) ilavs. I onus, is ear uicneoo. rural route ami telephone; cream route. M. K. Watson, IhllstKiro, Ore.. Route 1. 3 5 Ben Haines, of Fast HillsUiro, has a sextet of Bull Ix-ghorn hens that aro entitled to the chamnionshin. He says that no other hens can get into to denosit oKKfruit. and 1 . i. .1. . . ... : . I nay nisi wook, uiei. ui.u r.K.ii - ,. . rmiuu , n,i Tho Anrus knows that S . ' . , ' ' 14 . . Pasture wanted: lor 3 hotul am'vw. v" T, i am l ie troni winuow uis nay, . .,i : ,,.. - u.,mit.i nas innvtti mceiy. nanKs is in S he ;w ; o'V": isti"V. threshed grains in Wilf give g.' price the. heart of one of the best mors" in the bunch, his word Jars, can but have a good effect J , asluri, Address For- nculturul and timlier regions oNtrs in mi uui.ii , iicators. J i o i.. 7 in the countv. and a deiHwitory i.Miu rx ti ihuu riu n i la ii 1 1 i i " l in i. iiniviv n. iu. ii. i . " . iMUiioimiiu k,'"" i TlwJiithi.d mi ttPiiaon U n vrv v ' ' ' tilum 1.1 u n rtn vmtr nt itiitim. 1 U 11 V WIIIVW ll V.H W.I.J I Oll.illil -' IJ VI V4., John lieichon. of West Union, nttnu-tivo annearance and is so David Wonger, of Helvetia, The gentlemen behind the was in town Monday, transacting tjjvjded that confidential conver- was down to the city Tuesday, bank at this time are all well business. Mr. Reichen says that satj,,ns can lie enjoyed in the He has Ih'oii doing road work for known in their community, and, the split-log drag has boon uoing r,.ar Mrs. Maud Fl.rk. wife of Hlmer gfxnl work out tus way. uno . t- High Q IALITY Drug Store We carry a very complete line of Dr. Robert's Cattle and Stock Remedies and we believe there are none better. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. s that no display of what Washington Uiun- netted the Host Koom commiiioo rector n the vard tv l'an uU m lntf lroinction of of the Ladies' Coffee Club the Burnett I vet one n"M am' Knissos. The walls neat little sum of $63.50, last dent, at hid eight arv fe-stoonol with some grand Saturday night. presided J. A. THORNM'RGII rn-lileiit J. K. HAII.KV Vice I'rcniiU'iil W. W. MCF.LDOW'NKV Cailiirr Forest" Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 1910. ; l!i;m iii v Iihm uml IIIhCiiIIIIIN t', N. lloinlH at u r (lllinr llun.ln lUnki.iK tlniiHii iVI.Vd (Kl HUM 10 I.IAia. ITIl-H Cniill Htix-k ami Si.rl.iH 1M 00 Inilivlilikt 1'rullU KiH.tO I'iriMiUtion - 25,1100.00 bciHwiu 4:i2,uw I'hnIi Hint Hi. hi truui Ollim lU.ik nnil 1'. S Tri-mi. .'i Kt.lS f l'il,!.tM 4il,!t2.00 Interest Paid on Savinps Accounts and Time Certificates. MkS. l l.MI R I I.PCK L'l..,.!, .1:. I ... 1..... ricm, .nil. a. 1.11 innin- iiuiv . . ,. 1 , . I . 1 11 11 . miles south of lloodville. the last ly uswl II woum m. u . "" 1 ho umiersigneu w .11 sou m of the work Mrs Fleck was a ward the .solution of better Win- nc auetmn. on the Jimmy 1 daughter of Mr and Mrs J H. tor roads in Washington County. .. pact., 3 miles North home three Mieves that if it were universal lUM.IC SA1.I1 mb- lur- of some time, being supervisor in if integrity and gtxKl manage- his ihfttrict. ment go for aught the institution Volk. editor of the I Khtnild lie a permanent one. Washington Countv News. For st Grove, was down to the citv Stranglor Smith, the notec Tuesday, and looked in on the wrestler, of Portland, was out oca newspaper fraternity. Mr. mommy, tooKtng over me cuy DIRECTORS Tho.. C. Toil.l John E. BaiUy J. W. Tuqua Wllbcr W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur am the chiir. li on the hill, was at tended hv a lareo concourse of friends, Sum lav. April 3. Rev. C. K niv lit. of Hillsboro, con- Mnrtnn :l una U..-.. Jit. S- I inlmnuin nttunt otl T ie Un- WOUIliaillUaie, Ul iO a. ..... wi. Wnrth Wi-c.NKiin ''i! vi-.'irs UL'O. 1 .1. ,.,.1 ti.ia fur' some retf- TUKSDAY. APRIL 19. Volk has boinrht a new home in with a view of locating here and ' " - 111 I .-IK ll I . . -" " . . I . I ' n .. Hur iirii-,.,,1 a , in ihin stnti' n i lul ls v.-iir uiKS. i i,Km u vminj Hound and hori'st (.rove, and savs the coun- enienng some nusiness. neowns few Years a... and settled near B"n,i - f,.w roistered Jersey hoif-1, 1,, weilrhs Y.M): heifer, two try is gxd enough for him. U,"rUund property, and says ho Rewlvillo. Ibr kind and gentle ,.M bred and unbred -as finely vt.ara ()d. calf by side, fresh; ,,..,.. .... . I will disuse of it and then locate UIU;t; i fri.nwU i. 'i ....... t, ..l. ,..,n in. f.uin. n the : i ,..if..r- u-mron in imH u-u,v in some town away irom the X ,.. r , .V.'.. L .i i...u ii..iil iit !.i. . . u, r.i,iiimVrii"h. near t" !n.7wo iV.n bed. Connell milk route m ll.llslKiro. metnK,lis. While in the city. . .. " ; . . ULC-. ""- A2 i WS"L nr r:.7L". r:;::r:: J. Fresh milk received two times hB talked over the imposition of i, ,-fvi i mrr f in i I i'.. 1 1 u i.iii'i "i i.', iuiiiiiiiii umi.i.i i-?ini-n. Linni ii.i iit, i . - . i n i i - . . iiiiiiii 'I. . . i r- : .. . R. 5, lnd. Telephone. n ,i .1... Hi-,, iii I times, ciiijoouni. u.nutn, n iv ,1 Ti , ii ... v ...,i .... : 11. w. rcou, me i-o.i.-ii. v-. h-- bi.u.n table 5 gal Pa"liary Vu,r ,mtI",KCnient gymnasium .;ri.. dunlur was down to the jars, chairs, kitcnin laoit, o ga . .. . v at volir( (Kr. ,,;iii li.iiiilnv on business at the milk can, 3 gal. milk can grinu- C.H.Carter. The Normal School question is ; , or house H. W. has done stone, axes, and numerous omer fairly before the voters by the nmiunir and so Ul more iim-o. . . ., , wjiwui. n,vi. iniinnive uiu lor moiimoiun. miuii HU.HIIB - i 'Piirmu rit (-- IJntier 10. Inan linu oiul nmu n timminint. e I u.. u.. a . : '.'u:.. """" . it. ""v " irumuu uy tier niuiiuu, i.iin cash; $10 and over, six months contractor of Portland, was out souarates it wholly from politics. time, on bankable note at 8 per to the city luosday, on business. amt the voters a fair chance cent interest. . .. Mr. Reeves has just completed to exnress their choice. Schools N. J. Campbell, uwner. 0ne of the handsomest bungalows nru n mvnasitv wo mnt odiif-nro B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. ,n the city of Portland. He is a the boys and girls and we must l it r l i.i ij ..r i. - . . .... - oromeroij. ncc-vc-s, oi ot- h,.ve ttmchers. The Norma Annual Mectlnir of Veteran nehus. Schtwl is the place to train and Kor Hale! Kortv acres. Sh ad v prepare these. Vote, Yes, for j. d. v. tsuuer, ducted the limcral services, lhree weeks airo a child was born to her, and she gradually grew weaker until death came, Friday morning. A husband, well known in that section, throe mall children, a father, mother, three brut. hers am mourn her loss. nunc 1 1 u.-iiiiis - - - i kr than almost any other two men in the county. HANK lCPOKT t.H..,t.t..rv rimes, neonies. nouie., niii.i..".,-, t .IuIi.i-j I u till V n.lHOI i ant IHiwi-isoiiu iHUI niiiiv mi t in:n, mi , . Mr,, lltlllfttl! ami WIIIIOU. !.i,..,L,' fVh.rv and cauliflower Also kale plants. For sale at the f' ii. (Jreeniouse. oevi-. n. and Fir. !"! Phone 2tf Rport of tin i-oii.l t ie.ti Ihr llillfilioto CummtiiiHl ii.uik, at IIiIIhImho, in ll.f Slate ol O i v:i;u , a( Hie clone of Match vt, i.jii,. HK'iuflU'l'.S Wni ami bisi-uunts .-'.'""-.: "KiVruht in hiabeddinft last nt no,,.,,, T" ." o,..i ,.,otr handv.r" . ' ur i t? Huaul, Anil t.-t U U,,. or Vimr 9V r tv ( ."'I f . U. IV. utuvu. Due f,1)m ;;::,r ,';.,LV,',. ' ' La,i th led. and. ierhaps, the President, , . nw , v. . "anus un J. .u i Z '"w,"t,", ? ,m house on Washing- Secretary. I " '"'"VT sickness should consult him. All .mi i ... t.ii rii it i vni i. . , i iMuiiviiiii. ik. ;jiity 1, iui iiiv. i .. . .. ytnmr on car me oeiween . . (, !, nn.1 nnw nwnt At aiseaaes. iXamtnauon iree. 3.473 - cl,, Inj ?hird lot 50x190, for The Sheriffs office, by the end fetSLTifl? Next door to LaCourses Store, fcji;i.ui.. , o rvi iinu ,.e t,a ii,.ii.i wi nRve lumuu iuiiwi. . ivi fm rv,. a a c.wuisi.i, : , , : ,,0oo sale.-Ernest Lyons, - :aa,ar when he moved there it was im- ''". Sun uif i ' .xVo 'io W.t. of Hillsboro. Oiu over w u t .uv, tuu;ki tn mt. alhouse to rent. fipn Hnthorn find wiffl. Dfiniel i"::'":: .......... something we mneiy "uranu rrrkT,.,i, inafHri..H nnnf. T ru n..,iiit p anA l:.v,i ...i.l A oHt KiM It. Ij. ivwi;iii.. 1 , o mrs. a U Wic i"' nvvPh . ni ai.. -fi. n j A. lJivi.i.,,i ,1, ,;; , V ;, ; - - 5ntfton. was up Monday, anu com- Pe(1ui8ition9 from this wt parsonage . . Dnruy i wue were ca.ieaw roruana ine ,.c1'. : ,584073? rihuted to the Rest lKKim iunu. tota, cleaned up supper one evening V, lfr. asJ ?? WweeKna me utDiam f,:ur, 1,1... ,.r ,1..- r. .l.i .... Mnm av morn- -. ,r it eeivea a can irom an eiuenv muy neas ne 01 isaac Lieisv. me atrea oo,it. in Ue8aysvnvur";""7 Unnt as rapmiy as poss.uie. :.7i., it r.,ftr ik J ,Vi a.AA ot Time oruil, 'r ' :6o.4 ing he think ine think8 it is an easy task tomane - xrnii r.':ii" 7 '.'o ;v,"os"t" . . 1 . 1 11 TiMii ill n 1 il : t 11 v 1 .ur ,i,vi 1 .. ...... m ii it Hi11 tin ufvin i uu, uiviuiunui ' w" . . . , unu i. i.u v itireu .u Jin. -r- 1 q szn.inju mniuvci uc nuun-i uw., - . . - - , lnd. pnont. wshinirton County Veteran llrook section: 4 acres cleared: Monmouth Solomon Lovewell, wno 'L3 USH0Ciation will hold its usual M.4 mile from sch.xil house; on pec. Lorn. 4-0 .1 11. iiinuii ftwrii.ti iivi.i i : i 1 in .ii 1 1 in An i :i u....i-... 1 u m;i.. 4 ..Viih..Ii i . v i . .i . .. in trie mieiicui nwu.n-, . '. nviav mtH-tiiin ni wi "" a ruuit. i-i mhic iniiiii.iuii.ip tr 11 n Ninpr7..i nimnrnene hivt, C. Hlaser, nau M r 1910 important busi- old house. Nice spring; can be e..irthurit .. nf lWat : r.rnv. i ,-H"r:,1t to hustle extinguish a tire 1 AH veterans are requested ,,i,,ed to house. Three miles from Hnoly equipped exponent of the un ion survey an uu -Terms. bp fni0 Ha hnatnltfin thoconrsp Jas. Cray, Glencoe, Hillslioro, underl). D. Palmer, the discover Ure., Koute j. o-o and developer of chiropractic. All A travelling man tells a good desiring freedom from pain and story on P. R. Cooper, former um wuDu ......1 T.tal Save Your Money 1 1 1 By buying' Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the Oregon J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, ezz3 - We have quite a number of pairs of child's, a S J women's, and men's slues winch are slightly 5 S damaged and more or less out of style which t ...:n ....11 r : . i V T m w c wm m;u 101 oue-iiinu price viz ji. 30 snoes a J I for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. IMeu's and J women's up to 3.50 for 1.00. t A I lino o -.i nil lYinirl mnlrt.iM. l-.,.4 .ml 4a - r J i.v..iv ail. mi Jmill liuil.i.1 Jll Ulll llOl IIJJ III J present styles. Now is the opportunity to 5 ect a good shoe for little money. We shall i i be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. H,T"U' t 363,475 to toun y ,,f w,,.lu.,i,, fMl thinks it is an easy tasK 10 n I X . . ...... m V r 9tftf a IffliUIW luriiuve. lie wumu .. - ; Mtt .nnoa of 1 , - . i;i, ,;fu ' . n,i .lmnrhnuts. me, hHihused of the deain case w. T- wu ...m.....K iuu nor. I'ouec aim . . i. u..,-r---- l.wv -!... r)..l,,.v.l, lllf" HvinKH , 1, ,,., u ;.' IV,IOi hi injured any fruit to speaK oi. $25.0(K) turnover he would Hot coffee and doughnuis, pie, be disabused oi me mea 11 L L at the City Bakery 10c he would be given the job. I, I, tieo. h4r of "r V -MHIIll li'tlmcrieh, cashier of til .... .l.,..,.ilu ml,ffir ' ','in, 111. it.iviiiiii " ""tllie hI, ,i, ,: ..hiKMiifrit is true to the "itl my IcihaIuI, hikI Ik I iff. 'it: 1 Scliultiif riih, CVhier vwrfct-AMcii: lvvatd Si liuliiii-rii h, J. W. Hai'ey, I ti..nlnr m . i;nciv.i cri!K-,l SWHrn ,0 Ml)ie lne this '""Uayof April, j, W. N. ltiirrclt, Notary Public J- K. I'.orwiek, the Reed vi He merchant, was in the city Tues- When you come to town gum- Tucker, of Portland, managed to gasp out, ''Wh Main Street, opposite Shute Bank. formery of h city; and for dear,woman, I can't doit-Pm "SJSlJSZt Poverty .social that was vo year8 a resident o i,. married now.'' "That doesn't :Tn" " ted hundreds of farm- once, and marry my daughter." naralvsis. Cooper was dumrounded out The raing of the lagt of the have been held at the Grange Ljor,eer; one time crack rifle shot; make any difference, l.U. Friday night, ny me . county "T-'-r caller, just onng your wue aoe(lim, Had the eooA weather a d K has been posiponeu. early days; ana to i j along with you." it tnen aawn- " "vailed another week all would Watch or .further notice. ; all Washington County p jeer- Cooper that there was a SmSS t?Z M. C. Hewitt, dom was JJ j- mistake Bomewhere, and he was 0 lowlandj, still in the housemoving "'"CD.D- . .r. G. Gardner. t. hnmrht. that a new minister had Miss Elizabeth Briggs, of Dil- and if you have a ou. k Yam- moved in and wanted him to of- ley. was down Saturday evening move, see him for an estimate. """"J61" Frank ficiate at a wedding, Cooper is and Sunday, the guest of Mrs. Jacob Reichen, oi " WalIttCU home, Sunday. . still looking tor another house, uiuvaugnt. ii 1 11 . unu urcvc.iicu iiui.uicuoui joiiii- saia me i us o-,-. .;frt 1 vid llUIIl lllliaillliK uicu uijiiiik wue 1; ttj j.i, j ,i. v, SPECTACLES Tor The Aged I make a specialty of fitting spectacles on old folks. They oftimes require particular attention and in most.eases arc harder to fit than younger persons, thus requiring the 'exertion of greater skill. Old folks are many times imposed upon in buying glasses, but I carefully remedy the old trouble or prescribe the correct glass, and see that it is put in a proper fitting frame. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. , l,U Wy rnnrtiin'r. Union, was m