i nlLLSBR VOL XVII. HILLSBORO. OREGON, MARCH 31. 1910 NO. FtRMAN PAIS fOR BOY S SPORT . . I l..l lift V mVU TO Bi: HI AKD AI'KU. 7 Mj pi liddlcr a Horrman. of l'rltun.l. who nJ ram" 1 - - fi .. -..-r Uirtl'-ll ol vwuin, ..i-rrmil ScharfenU-rg. aged " . ., fl, and a hui hi I he lenani, i k tulJ him it was m i" fiiMMHj . M .ml the futhi-r of tli ly .l.nui it wouldn't do. "err ..n iii ami to have answereu, 'tome on. I'H !'"' nU.ll-r. And he did. IV game warden Mmrht them, and ScharfehU-rg drtJitl tniiHy tin last of the wit, before Judge Barnes, ami wal fined iiucKH. uerrinan .l Hiwt liitiit the fine. c.mi,..i w.m h Uo arrested on a 4j4liu . like chaw, ami put up U'lni in ' court. siined by Sig Sichii the Portland cigar man and politician. He will have Shearing April 7. Samuel says U i imnie atut will fik'ht tlit tt, even if he did Py the lint of the buy. 01M AI HLTMANY A place to get thoroughbred Brown leghorn ami White I I) tnnitth kik eilfS. for Setting fmm nrize winitinif bird. I tr,iarn(ee Hal in fart ion. I have Lir fim- White lunk cockerels. Will iu'II a nikir tr triu. while they last. Guarantee every bird I sell tabeultiav. Mcmler of Ore- km I'oultrv and lVt Slock Ass'u. -jo. K. Saunders, Portland, Ommn. 1L Box (13. lnd. Tele Dhont- IWthanv 1. ITtf H.lKi: WILKINS Hon. and Mrs. W. N. Barrett expert to leave for the Kant, in May. and will make xtoH at Salt Uike ( ity. Denver. Chirago. Can ton, Ohio, and New York and Washington, l. ('. From Wah ington they go to AnuX(lis, to at leii'l the graduation exeremt-H their mm, William. Ieiug one of the class. More than likelv tin graduate of the Naval Depart lllelit will return to the ciMut E BO! IN THE PHILIPPINES liJurd I tnrkk in Manila hospi- tnl N ith Itrokcn Uk MQUILLAN STll.t. OM; UAK (ll: SI KVICI": hurnc ind Kcttived Stvcrt t ill W II h T fii'tll II. will :i- b f . ,r I aeuic itwi a.'wijfiimerit. ami it Put it Drrrlrum ... .i In more than urohahle that In will receive a cominixNiun with order lor Coiwt service. ltn I acttlC Will Ih- the Hi-elie of vtt.st aclivitien from now on. ai th canal proposition will U- com plcted within five yearn. 1 represent the Snirella corset. Make HeleclioiiH in your hoim where accurate inea.surements can Ik- taken, and voti iret a cor- Hct to lliei-l the nnlUiremenU of ti.Uv ami i run oil im.rlf a fttt liinn your fiirure. Semi potital card, or i'" yf t" t" quickly Arnwaml Orcironian, $2.25. AIIktI Meinel, of Cxix-r Moun tain, was an A caller Friday. Jack liobinson, of Ix-low Farni intfton, wa.s in Uwn Saturday. J. I',. Stewart and wife, of South Tualatin, were over Sat urday. Ira I'.radley, of Forest Grove, wan dow n h the hub, Saturday, ereetinir friends. T. 1. Goodin, contractor and D.ptert did Work Co.sideri.it chicken fancier, of West Union, Headway was in town Saturday. handsome Residence Caught lire Sunday Evening DAMAGE IS ONE THOUSAND D0I1ARS Kdward Kmrick, son of Mr. and Mn, Chan. Kmrick, of near Clem eoc, writeH hit) parents from the I'hilippincH under date of Febru ary 17, and conjf that he Has but out serve. His letter in part follows: J.i.l think ul H utit uic yrar f'oiu llir t our. I kiii Iviiik Hoi on my Wk In Ihf hfxttlt . wilb hmkm lr(. Il lirokf n rlrvrn iliiyi IK". ! i uirmliug ulrtly. I out hunting with my Ihjim tinl ran a itrrr. 1 hut at In in from tny horw'l lark, ami my mount iHTanii ff ivhlr iird anil threw Hie -tint 1 Tin. Ariniik !hi week tmliils n'M Kt llif elrer, anyway. One of the n . . I ..,,.,1,1 phone call for anointment. Mm. M. K. (audle. HillnUiro. Orck'tm. Fifth and Jackson Street. IndeiH'tident telephofit Jacob Dahlnden, of this ide of Th? handsome Wm. McQuillan Huxton. was in town Friday, on home, on Second Street, between Itral business. an(j Baseline, had a narrow lf4..I Ilwrll flwAtt Vfltmifl 4.4-1 J Ism kf t iui i af fcVlirii "aiiw-'i. vj.w jv...p, escape xrum tuuii ucauucuuii vj tht.whiml.lf HolsU-in bull old enough for st-r- firt, Sunday evening between 8 ratulateH lumHe f thw al Jack liobmn. year more u j I HlMiro, i). , , t. ... V? n Kt Jfto ()Jon to which the current was con must Ik a stranger in uregon. i j.. ...in ot Hk,til Tualat n nected, the iron having been A nril K Call and have him test placed in the pantry. Before the your eyes. fire was noticed it had eaten its Dr. C. B. Brown, who just re- w-ay to the second story and mere turned from New York and wa3 a K00d sized conflagration on hand. The department respond- in another column ltn the HuiMTvinorrt and the amounts of inuneys that each will expend this Heiwon. I he amounU pub lmhe.1 are not the total road tax. but are the cHtimated funds, af ter the rebate ami delinquencies are njrured. and w ill reach pretty near the total. Find the list in this issue, and you will discover just aUiut w hat money is expend ed on the K'eneral nuid work. Washington. D. C. was out to his old birth-town, oaiuruay, see- , . . . ... . i m uh Mf'n inr nrrr. nvwv. inr ui mc i : . ... pi a,HU lit a noli uuui uau vnv . . i.. .u v.,.,.. i,.i.l .... hi. Itur homf TO KH. Iii 1 f. ; nullum ol "V 7 ? r 1a "a , a uiaze cawiikuwucu. .". rw inirru liar urn wi imtimi. ,i a t.. u ith tlio 'tTT. a. 1 U i ..rail 1 IH trt Ir.l ,,. Wk to Urrickt. I hml t(i travel ?"vll 7t - lC C. A V i.mM4miiraiihn.yifK'i''iHni?n.i land Business College as one or repair the house and make good you c.n imaKme i auiirreii me. My the instructors, was out Sunday, the decoration work. ntt iiruirnant aaul I )ial me wrve ,v, ,mt nf his narents. Wm. THo Virvn is oeeunied bv A. and wife. Gross and family, and they were .n.i h.,1 . very due pair oi ho.ui. jlave i)n LoWe demonstrate in Portland at the time 01 me v ,,.,ii, r...ir are out on I . . . .....!... ,.e .i firo Mr. McQuillan had worked .,.,.,.. o...n.t win, .01 1 Wkfr rTr.."L"n aund the house in the after- '". ?.. J,"tf?: rXnoon. but was ud town at the High Q UALITY Drug Store Our Greatest Ambition is to Deserve to be Your DRUGGIST And to supply you and your home with with all the needed sick-room supplies as well as Toilet Requisites and othar goods carried by a High-Class Drug Store. Our Prescription Department represents the best in quality and skill. Give us a trial and you will find Our Goods are Right Our Services are Right and Our Prices are Right The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. i Uanch for sale: Inert cleared: all weded to timothy and clover; DiLsture and timber; house and Ittirn; well and spring; team, 1 cows, all farm implements go. J'rice $:U'iil, if taken within M da vs. Terms. Near lilcncoe, no Were and thi hoapital il iul like liakemen. Tlie laiwneae art vivinir a hie carnival )" .1 Manil a mtw. and tlirv aav It will ll but 4 acres a month. The Iweillti cavany uau tiKlit with trie Igorrotei alxml two weeka ago. It laatrd ei(lit lumi and lou na Uvea were killed, and no Ameriran fa talltiea, with lint one man wounded. The. .re a wi d tritie from the niHin- Ulni and ttiry imanintd they were going to kill everything in aightbut lh.y mxin tbanerd tlinr miud ligation by so doing. See him at tune the D aze caugni. ine Tiwlatin Anril 8 house was originally built by Dr. Hotel lualatin, April o. ta:ia .v,ft it tn Mr. Jas. Gray, the Glencoe boot- 0uillan after the latter had sold maker, was m town lhursday hig farTn to Fred Greener. Mr. last, and called on the Argus. j,icQuiuan had just returned from Mr. Gray has clien telle an over California a day before the loss, the county, and they say that d sav8 he is thankful that it is his product never wears out. n0 worse. Valuable rugs were . . 1 .1 II.. .:nrl K.i fka fnnii. at out tn-y i varlet tever is again prevaieni praciicauy iuiiicu, uui m.u.... it ii vj .u tk;iiiMD.tirin ami miar- tore was not badlv injured. The mral route and telephone; cream h":" i again in effect The Gross family suffered considerable " "iV'.i.., u,-lwwd waa r oaed some time ago loss oi cioming ana linen. i lit i tar aril i itiiihi. a -'v - i Ore., lUite 1. STALLION LOR SALH and a rigid quarantine observed, but to no avail. Mrs. I. H. Smith was down . ... fet:il . W..l.! i.'.iu in A W . rtllllS, OI kMknn.-, T...... ...... Ill I..e lli tiaeimf Htal- i:.... i'..n.,r,l,. tjn-e out of Ive- i, ...... 1 1.,.. u.,i.rian ofnl. I fmrn tir.t C.nwe the bast week. ii -.. 1... ;.. utiwl " . . i J I . . j:-.- U K.lrtoir.i nf hor tiu- ace, w in agam " '" " ion tor sale, rour yearsoia intsiaiienumK mc "' this Hk-asou. He will Ih- at Motin- , Solendid conformation ter. Mrs. Emma McMnney, wno taimlale. at (). t.ardner s, fl.r (lrilft 8;r.. Weight. 1900. air. Charles H. Fluke nnd Miss Lillian Wilkins were united in marriage at the ollice of the of- ficiatinif Justice, G. W. Barm's, In thin city, March 21, VJW. I h. pjom is employed by C. r Kooiil?. ami the lirideisu ilailk'h tirof Mrs. H. Wilkins. of East Hiltoboro. After a short trip to Portland thev returned and will remain here until later in the letson, when they exHft to pend the Summer in the l Hia- mouk Hection, where Mr. rluki will take a iHsitioii with tl I , R. N The band Itoya H4renadkl the newly weddinl counle Monduy evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hewitt, The Iwuul. Of which the irn wmi i4 n melllln'r. entered the house while Mr. and Mm. Fluke were at the theatre nd were there with the music UDOn their return The band presented them with a beautiful ciwiriir dish. Mr. Anderson mak ina; the uresentation. After re freshmenbs wt-re served the lsyH aeparted, wishing the happy cou ple a blissful wedded life. Thosi w the hand attending were: l. 8. Parker. Chas. Ijimkin. ('al Jack. (i. A. I'lkiterson. W. K. Pittentrer 10 V. '.!.. atok-k Hren neman, C. Sabin, 0. W. Nelson, R'Kga, Chas. Koontz, A. C. Shute, Otto Schwartz, Anderson. lr. Uiwe, April 8. All kinds of field seeds at Greer's. A. W. Mills, the Banks horse "an, was in town Monday. M. E. Watson, of beyond Glen- ' . . . J I -". wus in town Monuay, uno called on the Argus. Wm. Muller, the Centerville Painter, was over to the city Sat urday. Sam Varley, well known here and at Forest Grove, was out from Portland, Monday. For sale: Two young, good milk cows, coming fresh in Oct. - K. Oppliger, Cornelius, Oregon, Route 2. 1-3 r)r. E. Everest, of Cornelius, wasin town Monday. The Dr. gone of Cornelius' enthusiastic Woodmen. M. C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is 8"ll in the hotisemovinur business, and if you have a building to move, see him for an estimate Easter Sunday was an ideal day "u services were appropriate k nil k-k. it-. i i L....v,,ltl , uie lllllHlMirO ciiuikiki-o. J UmlninU.. .. fl .. .....a mil - iiuiity, ui course, wkui pleased with the weather, for t was a splendid day for the dis- m' 11 ine suiu He w ill lie at Moun- O. Gardner's, W'ed- iikvs. at Buxton, .Saturdays, T m Mil I tie ami ensv to handle .i .i u i .. ... il 1 ti tii unr 1 - i.i ii a : ami ine ouier ouu- ....r- , 1 1 Vrleet lieaim. rarnes uwiuhk later. Those wishing to ;reea ,iK) to handle and will oil ut a Unriram. ImiKirU'd by Buxton, Saturdays, iipls'ar 'I'lww.. uixhiiiL' to breed . . . . . : . ......ii .. ... il, a nun Wime S re nnmuu till" , , . watch for next week a Argus Dairymen attention The un . ersitnicd has ior sair m-nu- . i t..,-ov hulls, vearlings, nirini w.i.".f -. -.. and a few registered Jersey neii- ee. and untiml as uneiy ix sutTerinvr from a very attack of rheumatism. severe Thprp waa no insurance. The I only "accident worth mentioning befell Geo. Hunter, one or me firemen, who fell from a ladder and sprained his ankle. THANKS TO FIREMEN .r ... n , ki,.. Ki(T fu mi. 1 1 tva thm mprnnn or dudhciv from the P. K, & N., of Buxton, expressing my thanks and ap- for the eneriretic work greeting friends. Hugh said he of the Hillsboro Fire Department was just a trifle overworked and in extinguismng ine utae wm . ...i . I.,., .La f.. tKolca.'inrr mv rpsirlence. Sund3V oitn ri mil iii v I i j i iv n a iv. n.v oa. iha - - t w iv.nnvan. of near Uedar i?ct unm. evening, lonsiueniis uic . . , . Jthw flames had. I feel that the nun, I rt ,fl, ...v. - - T ( Johnson, wno wun two v - , ... A. C Ruby, lnguireot Dant, Keedville. Or. 48-3 A. THORN BURGH President . K. BAILEY W. V Vice-President MCKLDOWXEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Third Annual Statement, March 4, 1910 Loani&m! Discounts - $211.111.41 U.S. Bonds at par - 2VU(U Other Bund - 21VIW.00 Banking Houso - - 00 Cash and Duo from tHlwr ' Banks - - - 141.S9S.23 LlABILlTlIM Cajntal Stock and Surplun $43.0UO 00 Undivided Profits 774.41 Circulation - 25,000.00 DfiHtsita - aW.'WH-W 45S.as2.6-4 w nosorvo O O 3Tor Coiit Now Have A Savings Department DIRECTORS TU. r. Tn4d John E. Bailey j. w.iuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg paiiera of ...U-. ti.it h ial vnv. T - the publication in. he wrt ana . ;. " inh,roSked in the old re P?,.U1" ""T" ' that he had nau ai Kinus r, - - ... South uie - ... ll.,.w.,l ohrf. dUllll.-ivii ...... ----- -, - , WM. ftlL:WUlL.UAIt. tnninie over an ikiieKi-u . . Saturday, ana L ... A' it v, oo -tain milSLAJIU, V'.. -' I Tualatin, was in T. C bivil stin k as can be found m the urnf.. Wm. Schulmerich. near Farmington. Ort;., liuisiKiro v y, ym at an automobile some time . ha9 a fim, outlook . r. 1m Teenhone. a-" .. As a matter oi iaci, mc r-;,..,,. v. i r." - . ..... . i Titr i ne sk.jiAiMi i u.i. i . Mm M Maiden and daughter, I young man was brought wine i Early Rose jwtatoes at Greer s. 'ii" i a a- i..i iiiu. Tiiiuntr 1 1 1 i i' f aiiiminuni va.' rm ih i :ii iiiiiik i . Mrs. A. II. Richards, Murray, ctwniy "w . "- John Schneider, of Phillips, Utah, aregues so r. r. - ' ZZ "V a Thorn- theowner now living at was in town Monday. salesman at enru k r ih.. inmiisitor- i..i. ritu was in town Mon- r.. ..-fo nrinir.ot-nnrl M..1. en IS the mouiei in Ulllgu, luunmii". ...v - uok, y..;. -- rw licou nuiw, .in. .. , ... .. oj the iirivernr iiiei.i,.,. Mr Meacnam savs k ub r nt, oua k wrr n M..I. en I heV expeci tu iui uovkj, v..v uuj. . - , , meanest, lonuiw, civ v. .Ui .S " - . ffS JZ i te SrS"Uis aCe the Copied Seh,aefli, of atav. .(Jtata iimwi. , . r-, - Mniintflinnfl IP. was in tile titv i -'-v ...u:..u w-t.tkavtttsr.aji 11 FiiTiiiiiiL.' i mvui'vuo -i . . . . j..itiiei1av. circulating with his . .1 fcifcvva j v r J Time voumr Donovan camel cTJZ'aZ fiends. .t .... I U .-. mm in Save I By Your Lloney For sale: Kelley steam vnai me " . ma t.i u:..v T..im;af..il inriinnintr .,A ... i ii eftvv wun ii i l iiiiuu l I.',,r,-llttmi7 " . .,' .i... AI..-.., " iriuut ri'iuin. y t v.-------. ,l t.i tit ni ri ilia n riul saw, in K'". f the anreasi oi um n - , p ..i i ,,.-ct,ivewiHKl out ol me . . .. nnnnvin came 1. t CIII Ik V . ..... I .. I section. a 1 1 I NH 1 .1 I I. UUU ly. V F Mnther" is the very interest- , , fpn back the second 80 , , , q 14 inch ing and important subject at the He was finally take out, Studebaker ; waon, W inch, gf church Sunday night, algo badly roffted from lnH,. l..ritT,ute 2. two April 3, B - - the noxious gases mat ii w hraus, w ;Vim,4iio at Horn's dcsi . auuiCM". V' neCessary to can ur. r . a. vu West Union, made a gen the pros- rS appie SOU coil - . ii .iaii in it i . k.uu a wva -..i Mn,.,r,.r C. E. Ly tie the vounir man was alter mem. w ""y:i'.nA anA Aaw m a u Flint of Scholls. m U wur f insiiectimi over ,t trans,ired that it was no rom exu u t.wn Monday, enroute to elineas far as the end of tlie lovan'sww.andljon take n into w tbe this Portland to purchase a Shetland l track, on the P, 11 & N.. bjm- he did no '"tiih- Son sold over $1600, worth off pony for the youngsters. ,1,1V. Several vitfwa gu. .,n. tv, nf his three acre orcnara-anu house on Washing- : "' .1 I,.r Ik I llOLO- ..r iklil he mitMiL ul oi Hinoiuu --- . . i .. , . line were i iKc. - . - , . - - . ;n that's going some: ton street, on car line between p. -r . - - l.4 "miifnliipn." MftV-five and sixty cents per hundred is the ruling price. Wrv nlants 400 fine. thrifty young plants, just right fn tMtrK-ninntino. Forsale by J. S. Lorsung, Newton station, east of Hillsboro, Uregon, on oouiu- ern Pacific. From the last patent report t, iTflot 1003 it is ascertain- .j v,ot nitf nf the thousands ol t U lltcv v.u v . letters patent granted, but one it'nf.tuMirrnn i xtitni.v iikiikk ka kkkctt- t: ,.,4 onrl that 19 Kmet (jOII. OI Livjlicu, ui.v. v. - - - south of this city, who patented a whip holder. cv.niiiWv roses. Deonies. lil ymuuvi jj T j oil trindsof Dlant nowersand 11J'0 A. V . -J k. k- nlanta I aDoa?e aim lAwikaw- uMMva plants. Celery and caunnower, For sale at the uampoeu ureen i,.,afl Rpvpnth ana nr. tnu I IUUOVi wv i v.. . Telephone. At the Christian Parsonage in u:nnim Rntorrlav afternoon. iikkkowi x . , j March 26, Guy W. Stockman and Miss Eva h. caeon, pom u Washington County, were united officiating. The young couple will make their future home in Forest Grove buying' Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon i i We have quite a number of pairs of child's, j t i . i . 1 . . t l women s, nna men s suoes wmcn aic Miguyy r damaged and more or less out of style which t 111 ll -T,t. -t o. 1 1 1 - rMro ir1 ' cll for nne-thirrl nnce viz Sl.SO Shoes fnr cor 2.2c shoes for 7. Men's and i lui ''J J" i wrtmpii's n n tr il.CO for $I.OO. These are all good material but not up to $ nresent stvles. Now is the opportunity to ! get a good shoe for little money. We shall S be pleased to show them to you as long as r they last. E ..tie of the reiereea i.w a rnoinet ui i' .., Tongue estate, was in town Jf h Speciai SOng on Moth tut onKu o q f US1C by the choir. - ... i . f. .1. nt ii.M in. . nci cX- ftlloKt 5 and or cake at the C ty Kjg,, in. " Endeavor att 7 p. m.; Whim you come to town, call " Sin-rat 8 o'clock. Sunday MainSt.vet,opr. ,i.in Mi er ol ooopei rhurch. and every mci" rand wto has made good in Jj Uuro . in- was in the city a , -fu,i Mar on F. Horn, Anril 3. This is one oi mr. . noxious gases that it was .. - n,t'a ru"flr. iiuu cooca. T j i v. tr tn pa I it r. - ueu- miles south oi mother in Hilteboro and vicinity tn at:end him. , Andrew Tate Bloominir. . . j3 earnestly invited to be present thg rescue a C, Spencer, a iry: - An especial inviuiuu .... ,,,,. un . .mil wno in . . u .....,. r .uwMiie rtii kiavc wm lvie.wu naik. " "" 1He'l f the refS one of thtrturti t a,mPl" o,,.ial nnir on "Moth- fnr several weeks, on legal bust ness, connected wun ine remove of a guardian of his niece and nephew, returned to Hillsboro Saturday evening. Mr. McQuil i .,nnaaAoi in restonntr over lau Buv..t,vu.v. ... - $10,000 worth of property to the estate wnicn nau hcvcx un placed on the inventory, ami al though the guardian i fought .hard to retain his grip t ie com t no hesitancy in mailing wus r i 'Mn fpp s tnat nis trip was well repaia even a Tirpftv nennv. Ine two children's mother, sister of t iMin un rnea some mon ma ago. She was known in this yi cinity, having visited Mr. Mc Quillan a few years ago. t , Traced to Imperfect Sight. 4n.n hop raiBinK. in the CUy estly invited. Tuesday. . Minister. If vou have head and eye acn: , Forty acre8( &naay don't fill to consult Dr. Lowe, 8a io 4 acre9 cleared; 11011 AT..-ii8 P . .. t cWil house: on Hotel TUil aim, "F" .1-4 mue inu B-..- - . lioui j."' or,j 1 i o m a from church Chris. Zuercher ana w - man rou-, be thG ArRU9 d from 12 to 15 SgS Hillsboro, Ked clover seed from U to j Route 3 , 3-6 cents per lb., at uiee- . How closely the nerves ol the stomach act in sympathy with those of the eye can be demon strated by placing an old person's glasses on a child with normal vision. The first symptom is that of dizziness, and if the glasses are left on for. a longer time, nausea and vomiting follow. There fore any person with poor vision is subjecting his nervous system to a strain which will manifest it self in some way or other. . -Come in and find out whether you need glasses or not. LAUREL M.HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. 1 . I !LOBBiM!.MBMSWHli I'. fy oi new Easter bonnets.