The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 24, 1910, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    HIU8BOAO AR0U3 MCH ii, 18 '0
r6E i
Fnured kt tba Poet-offlo at Hillborol
mron, m wnnil-lM mail nalter.
I.. A. IjONO, Editor.
County OfTicial Paper
BulaorlpUnn: 11.50 per Annum.
loaned Kery Thayraday
Tin Argue is circulating among
hundreds of farmers win have com
ttirtable homes, and who pay their
bil's promptly. Many have al
ready subscribed to the Rest Room
fund, and many doubtless will in
the immediate future. The Rest
Room will be a place where farm
ers' wives can find accommodations
peculiar to the wishes of feminity,
and the proj-ct is a worthy one in
a'l respects. Tie Argus trutts
that every Argue reader from the
farm districts will fael it a duty to
h?lp swell this fund. Proper re
enpte will be given, the money
turned over each wetk to the rieo
utive of the committer; and a l et
of the donors, with the amounts,
published. A dollar is a very
small matter, and knowing it?
readers as well as we do, the Argus
feels assure! that this appeal will
n t te ove-looked.
There is no teose ia partisar
papers crying about the shearing of
Joe Cannon. Hud Congress not
accomplished it, the voters of the
republican party would have ac
cmnplisbed it, in the near future
just as the democrats cured Clt-ve
By the sale of his holdings i
the Bank of Beaverton to the peo
pie in and around Beave-ton, on
Siturday, the 19.h inst, tht con
trol of that ycung, but steadily
growing institution, was relin
quished by Mr F. N Myers, the
founder of the bank, and turned
over to the peop'e, as represented
hy Messrs J A Mo t, John T
Villiams and W. E Pegs., the
newly elected directors. At the
first meeting of the new directorate
J. A Mott was elected president
and John T. William vice-presi
dent for the ensuing year. The
ete-ling character an J unim peach
able integrity of the teprejenta
lives of the bank are a safe guar
antee to its stockholders and de
pieitors for a cartful and conterva
tive management of its affairs
T R. Imbrie returned yesterday
f om a trip Eat. He visited in
Chicago, Washington, D. C, New
York, Ne Orleans, and from the
h?t n anid place went to El Paso
where hi ent acrofs into Mexican
territory. Journeying Westward
he visited with friends in Los An
gMies, stopped in San
and then on his way Orrgonward
; rsmaineJ a day or so at Medford.
where he has interests. He says
hi ffaw sme pood conntry bu'
noQe ni its him like old Oregon
Dr. C. B. Brown, who went East
along with him, as a representative
of the Portland auto club, returned
with him as far as 8ou'hrn Ore
gon, leaving Mr. Imbrie at Med
Miss Wilhelmina Heidel, a well
known Hillsbiro girl, and daugh-te-of
Mr. and Mrs F. M Heidel,
and who haB appeared in a number
of public recitals at the School of
Expression, Boston, where she ir
studying dramatic art, was featured
again oa Saturday, March 12 On
this occisioa MisB Heidel chose
jan ElginbrodV'Tbe Long Hunt,'"
which she interpreted with remark
able understanding and excellent
techniqie. Her work at the East
ern school has gained her an en
thusiastic following.
Grant Lnre-8 and Marion Ja
cobs have opei el a c-ment block
manufactory on the lot North of
the Oregon Electric depot, and will
at nnce start the manufacture of
building material. They think
there will be a good demand for
them this season and say that thf-y
have eeveral prospective orders.
Each has had experience in tha
business and they will turn cut an
excellent product.
The Misses Grace Connell and
Grace Bath came down from the
0 A. C. at Corvallis yesterday to
spend the Easter vacation with
relatives and friends. Among the
Hillsboro students in that iostitu
tion who are expected home today
are Fiank Connell, Lulu Done! bod,
Harry Bowmar, Albert and Mar
gurite Astuhr, Con Aichbold and
Delia Purvis.
A few days agi Neal Emmott,
eon of H. R , out off a slice of Go
ear while cutting meat in tbe shop.
Pater Famlias smiled and cracked
a joke at the youngster's expense
but retribution followed this week
Neil was watching the father cut t
pit c- of steak and just then the
knife descended and took (ff a por
tion of the paternal digit.
Taken Up. Gray mare, weight
about NOO; and roan colt. 2 years
old. Owner please call, prove
property, and pay charges, or same
will be sold April 6 D H. Mas-
ev, Marshal of tbe City of Come
lius. 2 3
J. W Shut, affirming that he i
altorr.eT-in tact, lor J. A.
bu brought suit innt John W .
Sw(ll for the poeon ol a will
executed bv F H)te in the pnoenc
of E B. Tongue ami Ada Alhfon
He aluo arks for 100 damngw be
sides the return rf the infUrurBent
The Astoria and Seatide RaiUay,
now being surveyed, give HilUHiro
a its Eastern terminus. m
Reid is one of the incorporators,
and he expects to have the line
come in on hie old survey. Come
along, Billy.
Willis Smith, the young son of
V. E Smith and wife, of South
Tualatin, fell from a broken rail on
a fence Monday, and fractured an
arm just above the wrist. Dr
Tamitsie reluced 'he fracture.
Decreed that heir of Ami. Johnson
estate must paj ft-9 " inheritance
UVm. I inglrv, Ira K. Frown and J. H.
Wirtx appointed apptaisers of the estate
of Sarah S. Mvers.
Final hearing of Lots Raiighfnian es
tate set for April 15.
V. M. Harris appoint administrator
of the estate of Marv K. lUrrts, deceas
ed The report rf the administrator of the
estates of H. C. atd David Smith and
Sarah S. Myers approvtd
J. M Wall appoiutel guardian ad
litem of the heirs of John M. Luther es
Valley wheat, per bu fl (I
Oats, 'No. 1 white f30S(? fji
Timothy hay " " Ko(. 11 00
Onions,' new, per sack f i-5' f 1 75
Potatoes, per sack joy 60
Ctuntry batter, per lb 10
Outside CreatuerT, per It 3
Eggs, per dozen -JJSO' JJ
Hens, per lt ....iou lot
Waiting For Something to Turn Up.
"I witnessed an lnvluVut yesterday
which reiuludvU rue of darkest Bus
U." "Tell me alout It."
"A ainall boy threw a banana peel
ing on the sidewalk In front of a fat
nan who couldn't see the ground."
"Of course jou warned the fat
"Well, no-o-e. To tell the truth. I
was tDiloufc see what would hap
pn." Blrrulnghaui Age-Herald.
IM blessings rest upon our meal,
Thoufh 'tis no sumptuous repast.
Accept the gratitude ws feel
At e'en such chance to break our tut.
For here a a soup of water hot.
A pudding made of wholesome, bran.
Potatoes steaming In the pot,
A herring smoking In the pan.
No sign of meat? No. none of that.
Tm, tender steak might taste right nice,
But nowadays a plutocrat
la any man who has the price.
-Philadelphia Ledger.
The Worth of Hia Money.
Lochlnvar had swung tbe fair young
ffirl te his saddle and whs spurring
the steed to Its utmost efferta.
"Why such mad speed?" inoulred
the heroine. "We are well beyauo pur
tult." "I hired this horse at a dollar an
hour," explained Lochlnvar, swinging
tbe whip orice more. Chicago Tost.
A Qlicnpse of Green.
Tonder Is the river bank.
Where the willows lean.
Don't you see It's showln'
A purty glimpse o' green?
The trees air gittln' ready.
They've lest the winter look.
Pathway to the river
Fellers, bait yr hook;
Atlanta Constitution.
Ntedsd a Trustworthy Organ.
ilrs. Joues Joseph, ia the Planet a
reliable newspaper?
Mr. Jenes Absolutely, aay dear. Why
do you ask?
Mrs. JoBes I wish to wrlra to the
editor to ascertain wkat will take ink
tains out f the carpet Sunday Mag
azine. Lagirdam.
With apologies to wnilam Shakesbacon
Take, oh, tae those tips away
That you mall to lambs unshorn
An4 yiose. lies you print that say.
' 8toeks will break tomorrow mom!"
But my margins bring again
Bring again
And my ehfldllke faith In men.
Faith la men.
Mere Conservation.
"Marry me?" ha atiked.
"Tea," she replied.
xney were rxtn romantic, but as
conscientious members of the Society
For the Conserration of Words and
Phrases they could say no more.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Microscopio Lift.
The first organized living forma are
extremeJi minute and can onlv be rec-
ogtilited powerful microscopes. A
Dtierea IUbsIob of bay, aHowed to
aUnd for two er three days, will lit
erally swarm with living things, many
of the'ra net exceeding the forty-thou
sandth part of an Inch In diameter.
And y,et, minute as these anlmaleulae
are, tbey are thorouKhly alive. Thev
dart aCout and digest, shooting out
their jellylike sabstanct to seize their
Aptly Termed.
A farmer In a flood district, watch
ing hli mortgaged house and barn fall
over and float dawn the river, remark
ed, "That rffreseU my floating in
debtedness." Prudent.
Scathe brire and groom especially
requested ftelr frienda not to throw
nee after them?"
fee. Tbey asked ns to band the
rice over la a package go that It could
b used when they go to bousekeep-
ing-. -wasmngton Star.
Possum In the Boycott.
A little cold sawdust for breakfast,
A little spaghetti at noon,
A eup ef hot coffee for supper,
With a bun and maybe a prune,
Thua solving the high cost of llvlna-
We talk'wlth the crowd on the street,
But privately In our own kitchens
They're busily roasting the meat
BalUrMM Sun.
Here are a few items we have added to our
The celebrated Bergman liigh-tp shoes.
The Ivst that money can buy,
We have them in many different weights,
Not in low-tops, only the high.
A swell new line of men's dress hats,
In every shape and color,
And remember too, we have the kind
That will tit your little brother.
How about a new Spriug suit?
Too early yet you say?
Think it over my friend, 'twill not be long
Till the time for making hay.
We can get you a suit in any stye
Close, medium fit or box,
And what's more 'twill be Tailor Made
By Selig Bros. & Sachs.
They are 'Frisco's Leading Tailors,
A recommend they do not need,
In fact they put it this way
"Satisfaction Guaranteed."
Yours for a j Deal always
SCHOLLS, OREGON, Phone 51 x 16
A Bright Girl
Copyright, lJia, by American Press
AbercroQibla. wbo was a bachelor, did
not upend bis Utn'a dawdling arwUnd
clubs and drawing roams, lie owned
splendid yacht, tha Tbeta, blf
enough to aali anywhere In aay wa
ters, and In this' yacht ha mad his
borne. n contributed quite a number
of lnventlona to assist scientist! to
making deep sea soundlnga aad teres-
tigatlng ocean currents and at the
tlm referred to la this itory was en
deavoring to simplify sea stgnsls.
Abererombla safled to tbe Philip
pines among other places, where be
was welcomed by tbs United States
offlckls, especially the officers of tbs
army. Among tbe families of the offi
cers he met Miss Illa Turnlee, tha
daughter of Colonel Turnlee, coot-
rantxler of the h Infantry. Miss
Tnrnles understood bis derkre resdlly.
Now, the wsy Abercromble knsw
that Miss Turnlee Oaderstood bis con
trivances was becaase she always aaid
Yes" and "Indeed" and "How clefer"
exactly at the right time, and when be
asked. "Do you follow mef' she always
replied, Terfectty."
Mrs. Turnlee was much pleased that
her daughter bad a mind capable of
receirlng the explanations of Aber
crorrthle's Inventions by Abercromble
himself, not that she oared anything
for the Inventions, but she hoped her
daughter'a vigor of Intellect wonld
lead Abercromble te become Interest
ed and possibly that a fine catch would
fall to the family. The good lady had
dragged half doxen children over
many territories In tbe western por
tion of America during her yeunger
days and had known what It was to
get settled In quarters te be Immedi
ately ordered to some other station
or turned out by a ranking officer.
Abercrotnble'a yacht was preferable
to an adobe but or log apartment even
when fixed. In other words, Mrs.
Turnlee desired that her dsngbter
should marry elsewhere than In the
At dinner one evening at Colonel
Turnlee's quarters Abercromble was
explaining to tbe family bis new sys
tem of sea iltjtiala. Colonel Turnlee,
who was a West Pointer and should
hare understood anything In the sig
nal line, knew but little of what his
guest said. Mrs. Turnlee understood
never a word. Miss Lells did not need
to ask a single question. It all seemed
to go straight to ber brain and find a
lodgment there.
Upon my word:" exclaimed Aber
cromble. "How did you good people
come to have a daughter so much
brighter than yourselves?"
"Leila has alwaya attended tbs best
schools," said tbe fond mother point
edly. "Besides, she has scientific
I have never met," Abercromble de
clared enthusiastically, "one wbo baa
taken in everything 1 have aald so
She Inherited It from her grand
father, Admiral Turnlee," tbe mother
pursued. "Re wrote a book on soral
reefs and another on volcanic forma
tions. Chlldrem always take from
their grandparents rather than their
own fathers."
Colonel Turnlee, who was cracking
nuts, did not notice hla wife's asper
sions on his own generation.
"Do you tblnk. Miss Turnlee," said
Abercromble, "that If I were to send
you a message by my code from my
yacht out In the bay yon would under
stand itr
I think I would," replied tbe girl
demurely "that la, If It were not too
"Very well. Look out for one to
morrow afternoon."
"How shall I reply f I have ne sig
nals." "You can write or, better, tele
Miss Leila made no reply te this..
Possibly she was timid at belBg put
to tbe tent, fearing that ihe might fall,
I don't know bow she felt about it I
only throw this out as a suggestion.
Her mother bad confidence that she
would understand the signal perfectly
and furnish Abercromble with fresh
evidence of the brilliancy ef her In
tellect The soloed went on cracking
and munching nuts, but said nothing.
When tbe dinner broke up be had to
go over to gee the eommaadlng gen
eral, and Mrs. Turnlee received a visit
from tbe major's wife. This left Aber
cromble and. MlBa .Lelli ajgna. together
Baby Carriage Tires
put on so they will stay.
All other work neatly and
well done.
Prices Reasonable
Call and enquire ahout our
Premium OtTer for cash
Rambler and Crescent
Main St. opposite the court
for tbo nst of the evening. "Abcr
sroinble to order to elre her a bettor
chance to pass the test to come off
next day coached hi-r a bit, asking
ber a few leading questions couci-rn-Ing
It He discovered tha she did nut
know as much about the coda as he
had thought sbe did. n left her
doubting that abe would be able to
telegraph him a correct answer to bis
Tbe next day at 3 there were evi
dences on the Tbeta of a desire to
c ui in union to with some one. Aber
cromble himself was holding up tittle
flags and running tliem down again.
Ills message was, "You are a very
bright girl." When the signaling was
over Abercroaible waited for ber tele
gram. It did not come, but later Colo
nel TaruU-s'a orderly brought a note.
It read:
Tout flatterlns otT-T of yoar heart and
hand comes so uneipectcdjr that rlioulJ
have tle. lint my own heart says now
and always "His."
Aborrromble read tbe missive with
a stare. He married Miss Torn Ire, but
even as hla wlfo she would uever tell
him whether the bad understood bis
message or not.
Look Out.
The man who's not
Inclined to wait
Will nften meet
A tragla fXte.
Don't walk In front
Of trolley cars
' I
Or run the risk .
Of auto jars.
These JUf semauts
filve time to pass,
Ust you be In
The has-been eiaaSj.
IllrmlnKham Age-Herald.
Best He Could Offer.
Dl.-pusted Customer I bought a cur
rant bun hen- yesterday and found ft
fly In II. I want you to exchange the
bn for aortlit-r.
Confectioner Caift do that, air, but
If you will feilijg me back the fly I'll
give you a currant for It. Weekly Tel
efraph. One.
TJncle RNns (sarcastically) I sup
pose yoa never bad a dissatisfied sum
mer boarder.
TJncle Hlrarn One.
Uacle Mias Oh, you did have one,
did you?
Uncle Hiram Yes; he was a fellow
that wrote Jokes fer tbe comic patters,
and he was sore when be fun till out
that there waaa't any chance at our
house for that kind of material. nog
too Herald.
Touching, Verse.
At first she teuches up her hair
To see It It's' la plaee,
And then with manner debonair
ths loaches up her face.
A fbuch to eurls behind her ear,
A touch to sflaen collar.
And then she's oft to hubby dear-
To touch him for a dollar.
Mew Orleans Times-Democrat
A Climatlo Traitor.
The ssn now marrlly shines out,
nd, though we welcomed him at first,
'Tie his perfidious plan, no doubt,
I'o help the groundhog do hla worst.
-Washington Btar.
Signs of Promise.
Tom, Tom. the piper's son, stole a
pig and away he run.
Seeing the making of a great foot
ball playvf, I'lgHklii college thereupon
offered him a scliolarsblp.-New York
THK t'llit't If OM HI' OK TIIK
SI-UK OK OltKiloN I'Olt
wasiiim; ion 01 n i v.
t'hurlw. t. I'aililell. l'Umlill.
KlnMI H. I'anhii'll. IVNm.lithl.
To Htfjlttt-n4JiWii, U' !
tianir.1 .l,'(rr,lMl
In Hie iiniiiokMIik Male r Orrtf.-n ymi
r boiol'V itstiu. t. 'i'iir "
r t iNMiipUinl i'l.l vii m
tha l pmulisl im i "i ui.'i'' in
day, lit Ut ! "I A.iil. I'MO. mlurli l
in ik allor 1 'Innwlat . IVI'mai v I tl
!UI. IhK Uli of Hie lli'l i!'li'ttn 'l
thin Suiuiiumii, anl II '"u lil l" l"
Mar or answer, l"r nt lln'imif, tln
Ulainlill will apply ! Ih"" i'"int l'r !
oiwilmilvli! llio h' ul ii'iittlmonv
otUlin bi'tmrfii (h plmiiMil i"l
Iriul.uit lirti'ln an. I lr micli hmhrr t-
lli'f a llio I 'Mirt r,'iif, iiuit mid lnt anil
at In plalntlll I'oiiipUiiil piavr.l loi.
Thi S it in noxi i I'tilili'ln'.l In nivlor ul
tlirt llotioral'lit J. mii'V li.HwIlll, lild,-n
ul t 111 futility ('"ml ..( Si.ilr ul
Kim lr Vliliii;l"" f iMiniy. Hi lli" al'
miuw ul tin' flirull Jii-ltn Irmii ali
tnitliiii foutilv. mid id iinlm i mhiIk
ami eiitnii-d ml Urn I 'll! ilny ul I rMuaty,
The ilalu nf llif 11 imlilu an-'" "f Una
itiiiitniiiii la VlmriUv. Mari'h :ll. pit'.
t l.YI'K all II KISHV
AllnrniiT 1'ianiinl. .'li I lnimU r !
I 'mi 1 11 ni'i' , I'orl luiiil, Oic'iti
in thk t im Tir t'i'i itr ok
W AN II 1 N tl I ON t ot' N T Y
Uniu Von IVuiMir, I'l.itulilt.j
tl. A, Vnn IVmiirr. l'i ii'ii.lmit.1
I'll I). A. Vim Pmiiii'r, 1'i'fi'ii.lmil
In t lie imuii' nf tlin Nu;i'if Oirifmi: Vmi
are hereby nutiliril that the I'laiittirt ha
tilril a Ctniilaiul a'aiu-it y'U tin ah.t r
entitle'! inurt ami rauv an.l v
Imrel'V rriiiriil Uia i-ar and anr llio
I'oiul'lailil nr It In mm aiimai nil,' thorrin
on ur brlur the iat day tii nli l
Ihe order nf l'iillu-il iii lln rr.1, tn w it
the th itay nf Man h. A 1 1 Mi'; and It
you full so tn appear mid aimai i tl.r imui
ilallll or llii' mini aHr.ilrtll.,e therwlu, the
plalultt! III I'auie y nur ,1, fault In la-rn
ternd and tinted and will aiiv tu lit
iMitrt Inf Ihe relief inavel fur In hit rum-
plaint herein, In il- a de.Tre furever ll
aiMYIng Win nnn.M nt unit i mnmv iiii,Iii
lielaeen y. it and pUmtitf, and tr mn h
other and llltther relief a In Hi i .nirt
may neitiii meet
The dale nf the lint htiMirallon nf Una
ilillliliitia in ThiimiUv the ltd iluy nl
t'elirtiary, A t I do. ami lln mm n,
pnlillihe.1 mi every Ihnri.llV nf eai ll
week fur a pnrliul nf n,'ek lu tiieeii
aid ilatna.
Thl "nllllin l a l plllilmllid I'T nt'ler nf
Itilll J I' t ftlnpiH-il, J u.le nf ttie ii'miih
etiMtlinl i-iiiirt, inadti in t Immlwui llin 3t,
day nf Kohruiirv, A I' fit"
l'l(. J M il S IIKU
IT-1 Altnrney f..r I'lamlitf
Notice i lirtrliy Ki"ll lltal tin- il tl'
roll for WailllllKlntl I'milltV, lltrknll.
til tic nia-ii f.if ciillri-linii mi. I pauiirnl
ot tairs nit Thursday, I rl ru iry m, tun.
and all who make full p ivinrttl nf tit-tr
tax brfoie Matilt i,. I'iI.i, will trceiir a
relialr of three trr ivntiim. Half pay
tlicttts can Iw madr by Ihe lint Mninl av
in April without tutrrrat idtarge, nr prii.
ally, and the ininlnin half ran he paid
at any little prmr to the tint Mm lav in
Dctolier, i)to U'liete tin pavmrnl i,
iliadf hy Ihe litil Mom'.iv in A jiril, it n,
Ihe tax lircninea iU'Iiii iih nt and the
statute rroitiira from that date a irnaity
of trn per cent a r tinilillt mi ndlai
until it ih paid
I ti n. t', 11 ii k k.
ShrrilV ami l nllu lo i n, In tnr fnt
WAslilltgliiii 1 1 limy, I )(,; hi.
Iiiitfd al lli.liilkiro, tim Jan 2;, iijio.
Notice ol Final '.Settlement
Nutiif ii herehy giyen th it I, Ihe mi'
demigued Adinlnnl tatnr nl lint Kutatn .(
I.neaa Uaiinh! man. ilet ea-e.l. with the
will atllll'lial, have llle.l, In t,e
Kourt ur the Male nl ureeiin fur Waahing
ton I'liunly , my linal a ni'iiit a, in h ad
tiil'ilHtratnr and aald rmirl Imi iu,H
Miimlay. April it. I:iiu, at ll ,,',-l.erk A
M. aa the limn and the rniinty innit
riMiinlii It HltlHim, Orei-Mi. aa the plan,
for hearing til , 1 1 . , i m ,, ,,u. iin,i
I'liniil mid tim tiintl ai'ltliMnent nf ia,.
listed thii Man-li '.',; lulu.
W. N. It A It K K I C,
A tl III I llitt rmt t r nf the ealnte nf .iie
ItailKhflliHli, drii ;iM.d v Ith llie Kilt nl
aaid iliH-i lined aiinnie,!.
in thk ciiici ir ruritr o,-
HTA'I'K OK ollKdtiN Kit K
I'll K
John M. Wull, rimntill,
Dr. Krnral Kviinwlel nl., Ih-fnndntits.
Hy virtue of nil eiei iiim,,, Jmlunienl,
order and dwtriie, iluly tnMied mil nf nml
11 niler the neal id the hIhivii enliMil enilit,
in inn aiHivn entilieii emian, ft tne Inly
llrecUril ilaleil the l itn day of Mari li,
IM.t). IIIMlll a linliliinm ami iLr i- ...I...'
ihi anil enuin il iii the hiiIiI nmrt ntt thn
i mi imy in Mttri'ti, p.ilil, in iivnr of .Inhn
M. Wall, lilalilllll ami Htfi,,ut ltr l.'
- ' I Fl' "!. ,'i. t.fiieni
Kvoreat, Pearl KyetfHt llurliind. Wade .
avanai nun nr, r.ruim I'.vnrimt, an ml
fllilliatraltir nf the eatulM ii Vu l.'.......u,
uernaNeii, iieniiiilant.a. fnr the hii tit of
itwo.iju, Willi ItilereHt thereon Irum the
'Mth day of Oetoher, lltll), at. rt per eenl pur
annum, and the further mini of SMhiO
attorney' fees, hiiiI the Inrlher hiiiii oi
'i.W, dials and diHluirmiiieiits, hiiiI iiIhii
Uia enata of ami in,ii ,.nl ..
tiiBiidltiK tne and reiiuirltiK me In 'make
mtmui tun iiiiiiiwiiiK iifNiTtiii'ii real prop.
nitl) iitt ib .
I hat. curtail ll traet. nr I'lu-et'l ,.r I.....I n..
ated In the County of Wnnliiuirtim, Hlnle
wt uieKun, nun ueseriiiej na lollnws
Alt ol tut. n, lil. irk l."J, in Ihe town of
('oriifdiiiH. WiiMlilmituii emitiiit in
Now. I liHrtitiiet. I,, i .. f . '
- 'r , i j ."Hill ii i nitiu nxm.
cittlon, Jiiiltfineiit. order ami det,n, and
in laoniiiianre win llie eolii InllmlH o Nllill
writ.. I iiavn letliwl in..,,, u,..l ......
.. . , . - tin, on inn
ith day of April, IWID, al thn hour of ten
'"I1"" a in., ai vne troiii dnor or the
court hoiiMe, in thn elly of, Hiild
eouiiLv ami Mtain eil ui ,.,,t.ii.. ......i
: , , " l"i"in- nui-.LIOII
sulijeetbi redemption, tu llm lihcl ,.
mil, uir i mum niiuna jrniu eoln, i',iNh ,
hand, all the rlidit, title itiul tiitere.!
which thn rIkiv intiixnl ili li niluntH, or
utinei ui nieiii, inui on inn Hale nl i ,
inortiraire to plmnllll herein, mimely. llm
t .u.i y , innrru, linn, or riliir.n hail in
and to Hie above ileMnrilied renl properl y
v uitMij mini exnr.niinil, J 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1-1 1 1. or
uer ami ueeree, iii leiCHt and imihI anil nil
lllllshoro, Oregon, Mnieli 1,'i, l().
. Hlterlll of WashliigLnn eiiiinly. Oregon
John M. Wall, AUurney, K
Mmaond Slrmml Mmmt Mmrkmt
Frosh and Curod Moats
Both Phonmm
Saoond Slrool, Hlltaboro, Or
Wrtl. Wnba'cUmHl. I,f r.',.r.ll
- n- i - aj v 1 1 -i t
DftH bought YiMintf Him nrup irizi
Btallion lorinerly owimd by Egbert
,pilnatiim (nt Vai-Hliiill f A'drr III
IU11W 'ur, Thmiie'a Addtlii'ti
Nnlli-e la heuhy i;Ull Unit Ihe lllidi r
,lKi ed Im lilil 'lll the H H-.-.el I
Hie Illy n( ItilliUir.i a l.ellll.iii pta ing
the I'niiiilinii I nil ml I nl the til v nt ll Ilia
tvifiitn a. at the aley minting rl an, I
a, Ml thlnugll lh i enter nl I'l't k IHi t t !,
II te Aililitinii " llie i ny nt iiiii.
Ihiiii. Hirgitll, paltn illany ii i nhr.l
ti.llnw In tl:
llecluniitii al Km n I'ntiier "l i n a.
Him k I. Tlmrii'" AdilltiiMI In llllllai.i.
iiietfiin. and running tlieni-n , fntlnan g
the ii. Itlin nl Inla i , I, .1. J. I. I" Hit
ll e. entlim nl hit I, Ml'l I'll" i them ll
Al ll : llinui'f w . f'lllnia lug tim line nl
Inla II I '. 1 1 ami , In a pnint VO n II nl
th plat'e nt lirglniilng, lliente a. lit lite
plaieul If-Klnntng.
Ami allei'lnii inai.inn uiiiir-iiriieti i mr
,mlv naiiet nl the pmpeiu atiuttliiti
lh , .ii t,t I. ailn ul l y mli la'allmi.
N,ia tlnleli te, .N 'tl.'f It lierliy gl mi
t hut aanl i'lilliui will Ihi hra'd hy Hi
t III' I imlli'tl nf tint t'lty l l IIUI.Ii.l.i tin
liiixdnv. Hie 'it It ilay nf 'l.. t'U" '
ill regular lnrllng til ald ll V I utliiell,
iml all prrniia tiitritti. nr (u I'e el!i t
e. I' v itld pnmtxl taialimi at lieirt.
r.ipltr.! l.i pteaelit In aanl I lly t i.ulu ii
their nl'jm In lltill lliolel.i, If an)
the) ham, hviieli naiallnii ahntiM
lie ihade) a piaved fnr in naid ietittuii,
liatid llila I'Kl. ilav nf Kelt , H'lH.
l, i n K II Mil r..
in mi-: fiiti'i ir fut itr or tii
STA I'M or nKKtaiN rmt
Ad .Iph Kinder, l'i lull it.
i a '
Maft;aiel liletler. iK-feinlanl. I
t'liMatfcarel Kleiier, l.icn taul
In th n nm nt lh Stale n Uiet-,in nil
al lieiel.y mitlllil thai llie jilaluUft lii
It Iml a it mi p. a ii.t af etliat y nil tn I he an- t
enliUril iMiir. ntid rail end yi-u am lien-
liy;i. t,i npiMiat and imafi llie
i-ntlipiailit nr (lie anlllej apKi tl aiirr tlier,.
Ill nil nr lfiir the Ut dat pft-. rll.,'. 1. 1
tim ,.r lor nf pulill alkm tliel .f l.i aii
the '"A." day nl Man Ii A. I . I H" an I n
ynil tali a.i t.i aptear ami annaei ttie t .iiu
plaint 111 annie appe llant: Itierrpi
th . hill. till III .a l.e J,, nt ,ef tllll t I
ellltil and ll-iletl and lll a p.y t.i: ln
eniltl for 111 lellrf piaye.l (..r III In
plaint ht rein, Inttilt A dti'tit fnirirt
illnl lug Ilia liiida tl ti.atrni'tiliv rt
itln l-til it ten knti ami ft-' ta t it I It and f!
m il nlher ami nilltier leilef an In II
i-tiurt may mvim meel.
I lip ilate n( lh Ttl .tl lit id .n nf th
ml in tititna la '1 liuiailay ti tliiT1 dty.
relKliarr, A. I'., ln ami Ihla 11111111..1
li In Iki ptitniahel mi rtety hniailav el
eaittaeea a tt, ,,f ait weri,
t it ihiii atd itatea
Ihla an ni until a ta pith! i th' d h nr ! r tt
1 1 hi. J . I . t 'am ptall, J ii'Ik "I Hi al'i
entllle.1 nnirt, ma l In Hi,. ('haintera llm
itl ilay nl January. I'MO
t haa J. ,-i him'iel, Alltirnt y f..f PieiiiUl!
Ntitl.c ol hmal Seltlcmtut
N. litre la linihy jjUvu lht tiieulidel
tirn d lui hlrd hn hual a, iinuil aa r
Kiltlll i. the la,', I . I and Iritalllrl t tif
Win II Wcit. ilrieaMil, and that tl.r
I niinty l imit i f the Stale nf llrrgnii f..
Waahtngtnti l haa flard Mmidav
Man h ;H, mm. at tr n uVha k id aanl
day. and the inlililt i.iull (utmi in Kill
hnlll t Irel It. aa lh tune mi, 1 i.U. t
lieai li V -l jei tmiia lu aald luia! act'iaint
If ati) there !, and tu Ihe In 1 a. tl'.r
inrtil nf Mill ratal.
Anna J U tir,
trt-ulrtt id Ul laat will all I Iraf j
lllrllt uf Will II. Wrlr detrtaed
I'atid Ihla wthday of l-'i hmar y , I'd
MihKIFf'.S .SALh
IN I'll r. tulNIV rut i r i IK TIIK
M I A I K K illKi.i N . r i Ut WAsll
INii o I 'M N TV
iUiam A. Well, ami llerhy , C.rte
Hi'hllke Rlld 1'. II . Si I, rllt I k-ternl , . I
IVV Mill fan r. lei'otl'ili Jmlieii,enl
ler it'in urrimi Hit h i. i ..... ..
under llie anal nf llie ah He enlllli-1 I',, in
iineantue niiii,i tame l.i nirilul
inn ted il al. the jut ,uv f rehrnary
'in upon a pniKninmi r. n.r,,, aM,
r.l Ii. , I... .....I I ... .... . ,
' "- -"i ,,,,ii, iti uir ,: i,v
' I ' lii'ier, I am, In Ihmh nl
iVella ami II. 1 1 y M . I iiiler, arl,.r
'lainlilla. and itralmi 1 li. luhnkeantl
I Nehrtli, liel I.ini, f.,r llm mini
..' I", With Inlerrat thnutill Irimi the i,
av nf relirimrv I'lln ..i it ..... , .
milium, and the further anm of SI lai
' " j t , -" ... i" i , ,.ii, it, . i
ami ninliura. n,,., t., all, .,, t,
ml ol an I ntu.ti .l u ,t ... t..
I -., ,1. ,lt!l
me ami reiiimiit me (,. make . tie ,,f n,
1,'llMm li, .1 . ..l..l I .. .
,......,..H ,,., jirnpi rty, attiiat
In W luiigl',ii I'nuiitv. iiiigiin. In t
I-"1" ' "d l i in 1' in,. Ailillliun t
I IL'ardl til aa i,er tnai. ,.,,,1 i.ii .... tti.. i
the u Ml eat o the llmordir nf I nut r) ami
oi mh ll 1 1 1 1' li lit mini lit.
, .. . ,. r. .
nun in puraiinnrn ,, n,,, aitai hinent
" "tr nut .11 uill lllnrtiani
real propetly on tin- IHlh day nl i mi.iUi
Ifan. n in I r i.tni tm ,,(.... ..t ,i .
, , , .' ' " in" "i mi' ta r il t
attachment ilnly iaiMl and th llver.l t
me In Ihla eaiiae:
.Now thnrehirii In i . t .. .. ..I u..rt
" i "'nil' "i .tm eat
' u. J iiilk'iiiinit, iii, er and Inarm'
""" "' ' piniiiif Willi Ihermninaml
HHllI U Pll I I....... I I. I
. i, ' ' " " ' t m i 'iinnia
aanl nl, I hnvn leye, upon, and
yn tun mi nay ot .Man h. H 11, at
. - . ' P. Ill,, HI llltl
' 'u o i im k . mi i I ,., iv
'. ...i in i ntt tainri i, mine, in the ( y
liillahnro. aald ciumiv mh.i kiHi..
I'll III if IIIII'LlOII. Mil 1 1 i l-i I In '..
Ihe hlirhi'Kt 1,1,1,1m r.., i'..i..... u. '
Inleri'Ht whlelilhe utmve lninied ih I
aula nr eillier ,,r n , .. .,
, , , , "' '"' ""'i "" ine ii
of said atliiehi , ,v pi , r,
..,..,,,, ,,e mm nay ul (M,,it, tfi
Hltiee Ox. I in nod to the nhov deanrll
..... pmperiy to aitllnly Bld el tl
i iiiiitmiiiii ..v.i... .....i i
' '' """ oiHree, luteleaL
'uHliind all H.i ruliiK ri.Hla.
Ilillhhiiro, (lret(nii, .',.,, - lull)
f.K.O. tl. HANCOCK,
K nil- It ..I' U'.l ... '
I i ii ti "n""'K'" nlllltv, Uri'iron
..ii TYiiii, niioriiey ,,r p,, t i l
.loHepli lin'i'iim,
.MhIIi-hh A. Iti(rm,
In MiiIIhhii A.
niiiiieil iliii'iiml
liiKrHiu, the
I" Ihe Nat,,,, of t,n Hl.nlii nf O,-,,.,,,.,
-. ,,j i j ii 1 1 iii i ui i ninr
it"ivo nnlit ln.l minri ' V
' III lln
, . ,. - - i. nil 1 1 .HH Nil HUM HI
,' ' '".'"I, llieielt, , H(?Bln,t
hiimu er
fr in, !' I . ""r,ul,l ol NIX
r . ' "I'l'iiiioii ot hi x weeka
:,:o..: .,' ..ll:i'..,l"i'.'!
iri H Numinoiis In the lll,ro
hi da h lieing the lot Ii day of
A riiia
mni. ihi, t t.iift iiniit ,,r ,i... ,
It...... I i i -"'"i intt nini, pi I o (
LTI; l,,l'"ai,t ,,,,y"f '""
. Illlo.
inn . ... '"u ViiHI Hay nr
ir miii I
ill i , I'inilll.l, I, In m
will apply t th n.urlfor the relief
""ui'iiiini, lo-wll: h
' ' tl Murine ,
nne eotitrael now exi-ii,,., ,,
a do
yoiiiHell nml lh iiUlntill nm.ii
KioimdHoldiaiBrllo.i. '
wee 1 1
ni l . ""."""H M"rv,"l "pun
W, 1 it KKl I ft . ( IMINI.W In. hi. it '
. OtllKMll I 'num., ... '
ii n 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 , i ! V I ! !,' ! ! . 1 rl..r .was
mm i
an, , . ' " ' ,. ,,'
ii. nun
- - n J. Ml Ml H I lll T HIM
MHKl Cfiinii hi 1,1 f.l, I.H I...1 . .
hiimw or
,.r . -- .'""' iiniorii inn e
. In .T ",,k? lrmM diiln of
11 I'lll.lmi
the IIthI
! i in . I to w i: on
thn ii I nl. i m ,,r a ...ii i,,, 1
ItiKley ifc Haie, Attorneys for I'lalntlll'.
IN INK flli. t tr ,., .,. .
-'A.:oH.,;n.,lN TH,
WAMIISiiiiiN , t St
I'.n III
' liailaay
S,,'lliatluri ,
I .
,ii ' l
l il'imi, Jiilniinia u,
I I nilan liiil, I, r, (
li ii.lanta;
lial.,-.lh I, rn,,,,
ar i in i lint i,
Itatlltt nl thr (ai., ,
1 1 m
nt I I
ami II
In tin
I I. .
ate In
ll.t i.
mil nf le aitale nf ,"
y nl VVa.,t,,t., 'B.'ota
I 'unlit
i...fM.. p.tu the,,
...awe. In ll,,. .o,,,,,,,
' ymi I., I ... t . .J,.:' "uui.
nl. plal.llilt Mil .. . '. .
a n
llie M lit I pi,vl . ,,, .
til l..r a Imh-,,,.,,, ...... """final
1,1 '".; .learnt
uv .,l,,ai in n, ,. . raaj
. .,1 Ma..., ,,, ''::' MS.
tp nl laml I'ti I,,,.. , .
1 1 .
en'ei iim.i.r tt ,.,... "' u
aille,-l, !,,! , ,
ih. it i N. iilt It. . . 8 l
it " 1 " eat of li
a'lieiltt Mei,,i4i, s4,,i w aa
In tltg
il ,lw. tllie-l aa 1,11,.... Has
fiiii.tnn ,.t a ,.,, m'th.rkmo.V
mi N...iiir.,t ,,.,
I aal
iihnatl i.itnrr il.
1 "I
1..,..., ,. .,... ,., ' H
lliemai ntt a i n, , tin,.
' ii.-m, . .1:
" -"' 'teg. .IS MV,?
. .-.Ml.-.,. In , e ..,.-.,.'
ii i.,..i n.r.,.. .... 1 w iaa
lo tha u
lug a ri Una nt at i ...
I I" I, u
.leal. 'I ia ..( i-i' .
- aihataiw
' i" Ui ifcaa
lr(, SiliaUaai
"" b. Ihe M
- tet, iutlk1m
'" taiKeen
"' 'H. dlauaas
' "'IuIb.bA
'1 i'Laiaa,
a II.,
' Wauac,
a ap.ial In tttafl
''"' , il tulsuiai
a at.iral to lae
" a i urts.i Ua
f '.tl ia, u4l leaa
Hi MS ofeuj
-tm. .'
r tu'l.raal
l 'i I tec I Ineittr,.,. A
a.ii.g ia.litia ,. ,
I l 1. . t , Hi. ... i. a
hat C'g la.htla ( ' I ,,
( I.IU fi rl, tttetit ,
at ng a la lift i. . ii.
I '.u let , it,, n. ..ii
ha. n.ti a u li i. .it :. 1 1,
I l ll-! ; lllnh,.
i fna i, thru. at ! m'.ti ,,
aa. . J . ' , lin n, .
j-lll It- Itir,, ,,
ui in ha i li g a t a lui ,
I. It-far, '....i a lltl Ihe ?
u.ratt inai'er nt t,
i I. el S ral nf the
,-tn. i all-t I'-inl tint,
Ami I I .. til" I
'i t l .i. g pialnt
rat inellta Pi Hit, a
ig III ,U .-ra
" "i Hia aij aJ(
! Ha ta4 t)h
il.'ii ami
e liail.a -ra nf Uir
i'.lai.ta aft.l. It.
i fi iipi.tprtate
'I lila an HUM. ill'
I . . a ttaml bf aebr
I llie 1 1 .in.. I al le J A l k .i, l., l
the aii. . e rn()t!i-. .,,,,t. tiiate oat tlui
IJiil iy nf M ait ii I i i. ia an.l by aba
ii.ter tit tun pit-, nlr f.,f M aaiyj.
attnti nf ttil a , itaia eaeaaaiJ
h ttale nl the I. Ml p'll'.e ati.tu al MalvS It'lil
t'ltai It llltl'l "i ... ml U.iuilg
Mlntiieja In rtamt'il.
I'll II I ION I wM tll,) JOK LICIS.I
s i iik t ui n n i m ur or thi
hi A I K nK Hill iii'N. lull tHI
I ul' .N V I IK W AHlllNiiTuK
I n lh ir alter nf lh a) lit alum of Koran
I , a iiij a-.o .,r I.,. e,.i toaaunpira.
i .mix it'itia mi l Malt l.l.piura la Nat,
tiuat.lil ! Ihan in. gaii.tti. in HttlleS
I'l tln. t A aah.ligt.iii t ttrafoa.
I'., the llnlK'lel le loiinty Court o( IX
tuta of i iir,'.tn. ft.i h a liu'ritoo I eqtlf
I he ui..!. nei.r I tttti iiera Irfal tt
a nf It, ill-. ii I'ltiiml, VaailutJ
iiil, "iru' ' ami miialllnllllg (
1 1 v n li li'i-al ntrra nf aai l rNrtoev
in. I l. ii.r .. Iiml tivl Iriita lllotanf Mai
hat ing a. I. tally Mat le-1 In aakl franaS
tliilla .la)a linmi-llalely prnnlUH laa
lair nf tma if Iiilnii ami llie tlate ef IM
ple-irit,,t..,i Ihmvtif, vt.iul.l rritatfii!lf
i riliitni y..ti linn rahl ll ly sad SH
that a ittrliaat I t anil pitlluuila, 1lSl
iii I mail liin..i In lte .inanUitaa waa
hp gallfii. In Itnl'in I'm-lnei, la
i. gi. hi I n, ml y. I'irg .ii laa granted aaa
Itanett lt It.dwfl I , a pieijaei
I aal. Crr. in.1 fnr a pertnd utuneraV.
Itatr.l Ihla i-t ila) nf Mar. h, lUiU.
Until .S V, ;era, V Hannan, Ctu
S'rnhrtia I d S't phrna J It ThoeMa
I Mnnlri lial , Adam lU-lli.h, )i'hs IVll-
lilt. Utii l-l-hrr, I'rtiy ata.0, l?'I
kiKKlr, J V llnwaid, lliaa. Lanl,
llar.y 1....II. J N knlmiauii,
Slllipaull, T II I-'lira, I. II 1 .tr. J li '
I lllnlaar, S 1 1 Km', f. W II II leW".
I ted II t a .la. .11, Ita Wal n, C V M;
luml t Ima A Waiann, Inn Smfll.
I M. 1' I' CS!. pl ' . I. w'tisi
I'll Mill., A S Holt, li 1'arla.h. rises
llulii.J N Itallry, J. a- r""
.Stuwt ll. Augual l-rlritiika. I' K W"'
Mattllt C.lllidhnit, Jidtn K'-tef, lluvl.
Iliur. Cl.tia. CrovMh.r. I W While, I1'"
la.nmll. A A 1i.iiikIhi. 1 KKy V
Her, lUll Itlot.lll, ll un d Hlowell, .
l.llt aa. I I' Hl. da.a-, I C Krlifiortl, V I'
ni lly, AlU it Vata..n, Hm tmjtes. Atmy
kn.lnr ll II St.iwrll. l'lallk L WHs'
N I' Wilaoll. Itoltrrt 11 Hillliaa, mU
llmuum. I-' J IVIrtllka. 1'iaiik
ilka, llrrmnti IWrrtter. Jne reti,""i '
K I'mieal, II M M. Kiial. k. Wm Wtt
W .Sni ll, J II K ilt. I: S Wlll llrB, J"1
M..Ke,kl. II K Klk-ijlr. A 11 m Si'l.midlin, U.a.lry S.htfli-1'.
Atulilna Srhmidltn, li lltnaoii. 8 Rarjj
C S lltowtt, I'. H M. ad. M '"'"
I'lippm, i' Vw, J ii ri'h''. B(Li''r
Miiilin llait, Khhiitd I'ltl.k, Hre.1
li 1', Cottplra, Nl.k llulnr, MUJ'M""
llitlliitk, Cttal lliurs. l'l'' "1"'
Wil'.pit.i lli.ldihk. I. I. oil, 11 UIH"0"'
I .i vitt (I'lhittnell, I'l'il Hurl.
Nnll,t..a Herehy Ulvelt llial lh"n.'
-Igned real.lenl td lliiitmi I rem"
WaililiiKtoii I'oitnly,, g
Wediuadny tha llli day id M-T-1'1,
Hloehnk A. M ofaiild day. lur,a"'1Lt.
furegolllg piilltlOlt lor .-taaa laiatrtll I
nulla, Imiiia, and mall lhiinrs l "' i.
I'rimliiel ill lean iiuaultllea llistl "P.
Ion, to tin. C 'anility Court uf Ui VmiIIs
ilriy.ui. for W'naliintfMn Cniliitf. " '
hnro, oreifon. nml at said tim" n '
will Ittk I hal a lleenae he Isaiiwc v
leptlKlied ApplleanUo srll ',r,J,1, -toB
it , vi, nun. nml malt ll.pi'irs III )(
I'rit. lin t, WaahliiL-liiil County ,
T":"""". .'... , ..fUsusiiw
iiiiinlltlea than one fa"-' w
t'eiiiin oi iiiii. vent inii'i "-"
ol mi ll lleenae. .,.
Haled Una Kith day of MarWi. I '
Ihiijley A llnte, AUorimyi '"r A p,ll-n
Barber Parlors
I' inest OuariciS in tlac city
lCvcrythiiiK New.
Regular liath ;
Shower bath
Give us a call. liaths open
Sun day.
I'vtliian Hkltr. HiHsrr
J Of
For Bale Kite ruBitlonoe PJ
erty, (inly thren lts.l. fr-iO oC.
mi neuter; alo a lm-ine'8 oMP
Inquire t i (J. M. Hunitir. pln'"
mill on Third St., beiwem PJ
1 Tl i nu r,hiinl'l. V.