The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 24, 1910, Image 1

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    IT H
NO. 2
Ceniu rounicrnton nre Se
aled by WuHlnnutou Hurcau
fKM6,.MtU" bi t'I MWI
,,0.01 turt.ll We.hinglon
p C. P"""1 00 lh l,f,llc'
ggi for poeiiions a oetiaut
.ataiurs. e..d ' ,u
.ubHOttut to lUudricka,
,b, bu char O"00
-m.riioo. There It III on.
.iceney Ufi fur Wethlngtoo Coun
If.iwoidinf lo information aent
Jt lroathctlol. Twenty !
tj Ml of tbi eleteet eiemlned here
iw) ti ForMt f inv e few
toJ ! tatmlned at
farl Ur., which very ler
kaiiuitj" Ity f deeigaatlont
T BumirUifl Uke the
dl juil " at Mr Hendricks,
fkolNiUMtl him, ctn gl lUf
aitlontry )! Inslruellooe (I t
IriboiwJ. The oounty lUl U et
UtluaL Ptik'f ..
trae C.Wad ,
HdlttR ILridl ....
Vau V
Gwfoati Un .
(Hi I ! ........
ini v. Hun
, wtuA (5ruT
. , , , ,..namtin
l-oirat tiro
, , , Fur'at Uiott
....Putetl tut
ImbM H iiyinl , Fal iv
tkatni I Alilim Poiea! Crow
Ihhi I Hsullne (".(
fmlifick Dt.ttduer Point Grout
CWlriK Ifcicttttiau HilUtmo
Ho! mil 1 H.cim
Mi M (UftlMin, .
Utt4 4 r
hetl'Hrarv . .
Manet L UcCot ..
luinl t'.furt
, , Putctt
...Kurctt iio
.,K0IFl tilUVt
,.,HtHt t.row
.rittcrwo hI, U 5
. turret t-fovt
KrQtlt el Aunuat Hiatcmmt of t)t
Ganaaa Flit lnmiK CoMptny, niu
tatl i Inmiiiiit aawK.'UllMti t( Hrlh
Mf,0rfoa, an lruitjf ji, lyoy, niwt
It 1st ft.tutiurt Cuitiiutaiutirr u( thr
UUol Urrun, unuot ta lit:
kmnni of nh ir le. wllh !
llOillullt lot IIHlltitH (ttllilltf
Dm mr M 64
1st of rh tnviTcJ ftivm iwh
MDtl llel ....I jHo Si
tut of culi rcctivfl fruui utlirr
tt(t ..... Notir
Toul J 1 7 17
iiiut mMr
01 jdia omcrrt, uurru 1 una
fot nljuituiruli u( HMrt 441
alul 1 ollief riirnM. 119 V
To!l t im1lturrl ftHtl 4'
Cth la Uuki not 011 iuUifit 7ft
TuUl .Imillrrt wrt Jv4'
Hhmb tM. ..... I .,1 t ...l.l
-""..Ml U l.pM nI17.
nu aniil None
lUitl olhfr lmliillllM. Nuiir
luUl 1 N,mf
wtuf LitlitiTt rUk l)cmljr
l 1 ilkt uhlctl duiiiig Uie
. 77. 7M
WI of ttm-e lKl. ubilrwi
01 Ittmiuiir,! rturliiij jtut 190.. Jl,6
aiouut 1 rink lcuibtr jt,
, 6ll.4i5
"ifftt tmouitt etiried on uuj
nk j.ihk)
11 Pint l'rmlilcnl
lly KrwIiiKtUtr.Sfifetufr
Crly Rots po'ttoettt 0r'r'.
. Th Imbrle LnJ Co. ht rantwl
Jnt huil.Jinn nn dir Houth of ihf
Wilojr mloon, nd it will 1 fi ttI
P for t reil Mtalt oftice. Th
mptny upecli to gt moved In
I-0Rn Itrry pUnln 400 flne,
'ifty yniuiR lnnlB, JiHt ritihl for
('nipUntinir. Pnr ttlt b J. 8
""iia, Niwlnn Btatlon, ft of
""iHtwro, Oregon, on Boulheri-
roino. 1-3
Bsrrurd 0trmn nf nr Cen
"Hie, and who reoently returnwd
irnm (.! ... an 1 l
...ihj, nibrr uinuiu'ii
n. having bn-n oonfined to hie
win lorneveral day.
Lmil Manning and ifn, of north
Hlllsboro. and who ninoe sellina
lr farm to Herman Kamna, havf
7" "kina it oaty on their littl
on which they have a moderi
lk, were in the oily Monday.
Ju'U Opo. H. WiUlamn, the
l'nd old man ol ths Oregon Bar,
teiidred a banquet at I'ort
na hy the Mulinnmah and State
mi ' Atwwiation, )at wwk Chas
J oohnabal. well known here, and
Who la tip.Bl,t.k - . 1 11 . - a .baa!
PTBHIUIII 01 IPB nut nrininn
"ton, presided, and hie little
8hter crowrml Mr. William ae
"""torof th 0 eon Btr. Jude I. t mnHQ
We now hava a ituxl .n.,,,1. ,.f!'ii
giMW nard imrtiiMl l.rick, and build
lot blookt for cnllart ai.d foumla
Uona Try our building Limit lor
your hotian foundatinna. (Mieaiwr
than cmni-nl or brii k and UtUr
protection agairmt IriM-t. W a bavt
(lniubmi our run ol lartrn t iln ami
are again running on umalixr mr. ,
and have a fair tupply at the yard
I'artiei watitinir liln l!t Vnrit.l
H ..........
t ,11 .1 .
inouiu inace inmr ofiiKra now intr
can baul Ihniii lf(im liail .Ur
I here la alwaya a rub of hauling
ordrrt in the Fall who rnadt arc
aluioal lmiaaahlfl We have a
gmKi aupply (if rmi)(h and drMHixl
lllltllHir at our nil 1. and a tinihlllv
Ul coMHlioii luiulwr at I ha llaie
tpur. !)loi Nton, the latter to
nil at a eacriflc" ilil'.'. JiK. 2ii
2.4 1 1 10. liH, lili and 1.1, ol
variotit Unidtla Tina i all g ood
drv almk. ami it will tiav ou to
. -- j j .
Invnetlgala nlmul.t yuu want any of
thMe uimnntiona (ironer V itow-
ell Co , Hcbollt, It 2.
WbiU lr. H T. Hjwaer. of wa drivine on a tiro
(rational call, near Witch II ami,
the othur day. he tnnl a Mr. Ao-
drewi, of i'urtlaiid, who wtt run
nlng an au'.o. Aodrtwa failtd to
give a wide eniugh twrrto to the
right with the rnoolt that Mr. How.
anr'i borne U)kI 00 on bit hinder
legi, cut a few riptrt, and tiotlly
tip el the buggy oer, badly bruit
lug thedrivor. Out of hit thoul
dart wat badly it jurini and tightly
fractuitd in a t!ai't Ibat will ttkr
a long time to heal. He wat
brouuhl toibecitv bvMr. Andruwt
and taken to tht dllice of Dr. K. A.
iUlley, who al'endni the patient
The bore ran iuil a dittaooe and
wat caui(hl nrar Kemlvitle. Mr
Andrewt tava le will iay the
daruaget which covere htrnftt
breaktge.a wrerkinl buggy and Mr
llowaer't li inriet. Mr. Andrtwt
glvet hit addreee t 475 Warhing
too Hlrwt
l)r 0 II Hrhft 1. Chiropreclie
ipiaologitt, of Korret ( 1
finely euippd eipinenl of the
teinnce He hat takrn the cnurtr
under D D I'alnier, the discoverer
and dvelop-r of chiropractic All
deeiring freedom from aio and
ickneoe thould oontult hirn. All
dlewaeot. Kiamination free. Next
door D I.aCouriwt HUire, Kureet
(irove, Ore. 4
R K" 1'i-tert and Harold Merry-
man, of Portland, ai d foiinerly ol
IlillelMiro. aiu W. P Dyke, ol Ihit
city, are the trio elected at the tie
baling learn of the law ecnooi 01 tor
Unlvertity of Oregon. n,tcn 11 a
r.vrfnl maker. and at 1'etert it
an old dfhaler. the thould
oitneoutnf their forthcoming oe
bate with the I'niverrily of Weli-
njinii with I vim colon, mr
Dyke, whi hae ln allanding th
1.. Uonru iii the eveninst, wat
t.i M.m.lav nitfht. and muntered
in the HillelMM Co. No. !, Uoi
form Hank K of I'.
attention The under
.Igned hat for etle eome rfgittered
Jerrey buHt, yeariinge, ami a
regitterrd Jeretf lieifere, bred and
unbreil-at finely bred etock at can
m found in the elate. Wro Bchul
merioh, near Farmlngton, Uregon.
Htllthoto. Oregon, Uoute 0, in i-
ndenl Telephone. 1
t n 1 .in V in hat tent aotne Ore
gon erry planle back to a Mr
Killbuok, of near Ppringupm, u
Vfr. Killbuck vinited Oregon iev
Winter, and wat very much tin
preteed with thia lenlion. When
lo d of the prooucium im (-
riea, ihe Jivergrt-ene, liunaiayae,
and other varieties, nn "I'"
with that he might have tome of
them Mr l.imkin forwarded eight
varieties to him Hub wee.
For ial: Kelley eteatn wood
taw. in good repair, for cutt ng
oordwnod or elovewooa out u. ur
!. J W. Keynara, iimt"or,
Ore, Rouie a. '"'-'
andWholle. Ind. Phone Poholle
OPENS APRIL 1 man did vi.u know it'it
about time to buv that Borinirtuit?
s w n
Come in and tee our etock beet
fabrics at lowext prices. Connell
A Co.
Born. March 18. 1010. to Mr.
. iUI II 1 4T1 m VU li'l1', l' . awawaaaaamwMBV
DiKChtof the Law Which w,'" IIe"rT W'ilfe, of Dilley, a ,ca, Ta,ent W11 Qlvc .()Id
daughter. Mr. Wolfe le section
(JovcntH Trout l'ishin foreman on the Houthern Pacific at Homestead, April 2
Frank Keenon, of VinelandB, was KMC!
in town rriuay. rrank is one ol
Ttkt tat Your Llcroie aid Pay Cltrk the "0,(1 ttlert" up on the ridge, TaleaUd Ytoag Ptlkt Will Ippear la
and has seen almost every acre of . n
Bailey a Dtllar
improvement effected up that way
, . One of the little Decker boyt, ,, , r i-
Tl,. i....i .... 1. r. 1 : tl. I . . '. I Th Raivarlnn Cr.nira Dramatic
ro.m. urunig .uU l0a of the Ju Mr Decker who " b
i..t in 1. . ... . I . .1 ri..u ni i. . ...Jiii.. r.t i'TKo
uuoa anu nne neiween April i tnu dlea at bis home on tne corner 01 " uuiuuu
November 1, and promiscuous finb- Third and Washington, fell and Old Homestead," a oonaedj-Jrama,
ermen must call on County Clerk JiBlcte'1 his ellmw one day last ai Beaverton Hall, Saturday eve-
J. W. ll.iley and pay . license fee .T , Ur'.: A B Biley reduo)d oing, April 2, doore to open at
ol one dollar, and then, when the " , 7:30, and the curtain to rise at
game wardsu or any of hie numer M"' A Wilbr. of Toledo, Ohio, 1 8:15. The cast assurea the public
uv I rlna anll elnmant
1 1 1 .
in 1 wnn iixh ihwi v h lii v
ous ufttiuuen tniHar un u ec o , hm.. i-k;n.
' bod, to. 4. wuuer, 01 near umejt
' ' " J ' . 7" .1D WD "or,'y- B ,"!eB Zeekel Fortune, a protperou.
inatm iiowrver, uie game waruen, tor ner partem nome in a lew 1 farmer JackCiibble
K. O. Wieventon, of Koreet (irove. feeit. ine wnoers leemea " UrUh 8kinner . miier I.lie Most
eavs that the law tieriuita a man to UbOfo a J ear ago
Uriah Skinner, a miter.
Gilbert Darkwood. Handsome
fi.H nn lii. rir tilar. wiltinnt 1i I Put.v TTHIa t trivia H,HflhnvJ ftud Untcraoulooi.... W. II. Boyd
u u vm u tm una vv naavuw awaa 1 AlTalJ 1VIHO, B I M UJVi M.uuv w I -
I 1 1 I . 1 . t.lvMan main Ka t ill t I n n f T Of ff I lark Nclaon. a baak clerk. ..Hearr Miller
cenee lee, ana so ne ruiee mtl 11 " w-i .Victor Emmon.
win not oe neoeeeary to late ouv ijwauu u uoimuu,
i T t.
the licente; and neither is bis wife where he is ready to baul tiunke Alderman Chat. Fry
com tie ed to take out a icente; na mate transiem tor w aBningwn Mrt. rntciiia uoage, a wmow
and children under lb can Deb anv ouniy peopm, auu uu a gourrai
where without the paper. eiprees bueinees. 2
Kisbiog for trout can only le Th. beblj ffiicrobe h com.
practice I with hook and ine, and meoced hi WQrk tnd tbe fsn.
mere it a pen ty wnere aynamne wonderiDlf what kind of a team
a I .1 UMLI.ABA la .ninfl , r ..hi Alll
uiu uiani ui" in n"ii'R r' ",l,. , , ... ,, , ,.
.1 fri .11 f I rha nndaraiffnMl will fell at nunlic
. , inis eeaton. 1 nero aro bu aiuuo ui a . . ., r , ,
n hack ..i.,.. ; ,u: ,ni I sale at the farm. 11 miles south of
Vnrl Ma iUn u if ?. ' .... I Ii;ilA. ... T...r.l .lion
...... ..... "" Manager Moore snouia nave no "-
mo siai-uuiun k lr0Uv,i9 ,n getting a line up that -m., on
eick! I breakfast savor muat pay can pla,Bpeed. ban. TUESDAY, MARCH 29,
ri for lie privilege, ll la unlawful r r unraM. -..Ha ,Un rnata
to catch m're thin 75 trout in one Mits Hallie Hendricks, whocame fri.nllu P '
day. The penalty lor viola'i ..n of hers from Texa. last year, and has .X.,, 0mDM
any of tl foegoing it a fine not been a guest at the borne of Mr. and Je"; i.iian'iilv
lest than $25 nor more than 1150 Mrs Geo. Schulmerich, leaves in a M' rarief ac"eD88r'
or an Imprisonment in the county few days to join her parenta, who T. . ,n,
jail uf not leelban ten mr more have moved from the Lone Star Ben Thurnhur, of near Blooming,
than 5K) days. e'ats to Mediora. ner lamer, j
The Argut publishes the status many years ago, lived at Green- Everyone Hkea to hare nice
of the Irout law so that none of its ville, and is known to many of the aWn, therefore buy Greer's lawn
many readers may inadvertantly old timers up that way. grass seed.
fall into the hands of Hie game fcy j j. Nu8bl0m6r( of beyond Weet
..MlseUretchen Wolf
I Tmaie Fortune. Zeckal'a daueh
- ,
ter Mita uiancne uaru
Conttablet... -Archie Pike & Jaa. Shevlin
or nelt are ute l, or veessU ol any
deecrio'ion. Trout under six inch-
ee in length mu-it b thrown back
into the water
High Q
Our Greatest Ambition
is to Deserve to be Your
And to supply you and your home with
with all the needed sick-room supplies as
well as Toilet Requisites and othar goods
carried by a High-Class Drug Store.
Our Prescription Department represents
the best in quality and skill.
Give us a trial and you will find
Our Goods are Right
Our Services are Right
and Our Prices are Right
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Henry Boe, of near Laurel, was
in tie city Monday.
William R ibb, of near Center
yille, wat in town Monday.
C. Viohl, of Jobe's Crossing, was
II) tne Cllr moiiuar mumiug - , , .,
' purpose or conduct one himself.
J. T. FUtcher, of Forest Grove, 1
was down to the city Monday
Mrs. Merlin Vandebey, of Ne'
Ion, was a caller at the Argus of
(ice, Mi 11 lay
siat Monday.
A. A. Walker came down from
Soggin Valley the first of the
work, to answer a jury summons
Tbos Sain wan in the city Fri
day. Mr. Sain has had a siege as
juror, oommencing at the Decern
ler term.
Hinshaw Sc. Wheeler, and which Union, was in the county Beat Fri
. . . i. ,
bas been Obstructing me view irom aay mornmg.
the Sou'hern Pacific depot, has moid Vandomelon end Win.
been moved, by John Weik, over to Vanderianden, of near Roy, were
First Street, one door ecuth of the : th cit Kridavv.
Walch grocery, and is being re I m D j ui
modelled for a feed Btore. Mr. Mr. Imh ff, Portland marble
Walch will either rent it for that dealer, was in me cay oaiuraay.
ana canea uo iuo Argue.
n 1 . 1 1 " rT . 1 1
t -,. (Jfo ana wunam natnoro ana
"eVerTD VL.&t- L- Brown, were over from the
which is a local fire organization fialnrd.w.
formed first at Bethany, bas its au- '
nual notice iu another column. Peter Jacobsen, of West Union,
mt ' 1! I . nnl! 1 Q. I...J.M I.VtnM.l.tvr. ffrtr.
1 nis organirauou oae wuuj pun-1 was iu duiuiu.j, ms j-..u
J. H. McClarkin and wife, ot
cies and they take out insurance 1 acoount of the damp weatner.
rtouih Tualatin," no e in the oounty oniy on jarm property, which re- M H p,rver tnfj jaok
a . I 1 L I I a- tkn M.M rnrtm I
aucee iiiur loew-i vo Wood8 an(1 w,f10r uieenTilte.wtre
Krwin Ritter, well known in the . t Monday, on probate busi- nut! mn nf tha mil n to I or
and who has done the bulk of the ...
aereeing in that section for a num. State certificates to teach have
ber of years, is the secretary of the been granted OrenM. Gardner, of
comnanv otei6t tlrove, and Otto Ben Kraus,
of Cornelias.
Mtjor Clarke, of Rainier, of the . ,
n it .L d.v v-ai-iiia n 8moke juet half as much, ana
Oregon Uniform Rank, Knights of D J , . o-kiiu.
Pythias, was n the c ty Friday wu"u
' " ... '. r. ...'I. rl vnn'll nevnr ha annuaed of be-
Cashier I
Forest Grove
Third Annual Statement, March 4, 1910
Loam and Discounts -
IT. 8. Bono at par - - -ii.uoa-o)
Other Bon.U - -
Banking House - -
Caah and Daes from Other
Banks - - -
Capital Sto-k and Surplus $12,000 00
Undivided Profits - 771.41
Circulation - 25,000.00
Deposits ... SJOJM-Sl
f tVt,Sf2.l
Itosorvo O 43 r or Cont
We Now Have A Savings Department
Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur
John Uebel and wife, of MonD- f" J Jh CoeV the d you'll never be accused of be
taindale, were in the city Monday, , ., Th d mg "grc-uchy.
conferring with the district altor
nev's ollire.
52 3
ii- i n;ifr Hecretary of lh'
(lermao Insurance Co , was In from
the Hethani-rmi ip
urday, fitting ready to puo .su .u
"nnue 1 .ynopsia of the business 0
"ecoman;. The mtitush must
publish in four papre m
r . .. ...... tha nnrnoration
im l tne eaui" " , . .
oimpanies 1 " ?' .,."""",. fnr
all four 01 tne auvoi
Mr. RHter.
in. witnben is nropeny
euuiinel there i sunshine in the
house, uome in
iSZ ninn end Char'or Oak rangee.
They are the best -Kmnckor-
attendance and several new mem-1 F W. Delsman returned last
1 : a, ik. l . . : .1
,j . ... I pert wero uiumerru iu. iu" wwi iruui riJ -iowu iu niuiiuu
Studebaker wsgon, 3i inch, in close of tha assembly the boyB were country, where be went with the
good repair, for sale luceit seated to a moe little supper, lne view of possible location.
Kraus, Cornelius. Route 2. two Uniform Rank is rapidly growing jn-.nt.
.niles outh of Cornelius, at Bloom- in numbers and members have or- Hot coffee and .doughnut., w
Zg 1 3 de'ed new uniforms. L. M. Hoyt, or cake at the City Bakery-10c.
n r nf Parlton bo is Brigadier-General for the When you come to towri m -
MrBuP' uRkCT. a ent State, hopes to build up the local Main Street, oppoeite Shute Bank.
Iffilti he y siur- company so that it will be one of HwU Memman ftf Port.ndi
d.f the gu of Mr,. J. W. Con- the strongest in the state ouUide 0 lod , ,ylol iD th, D. of 0 law
dsy, tne gueeiui io. - Multnomah county. Active drill , , , , ... .v..
" 8m commence in a few of DiB 8iBter, Mrs. A B. Bai
J. W. Connell is building n an weeks. iey
7t"K KfSTt Biie K11?JSk; '" kM w"kito
fom forest urove, me nrei o. ErnMt L n 2 mUe( norlhweHt of
Farmers say that for some years last week. Her husband, who is a HU,BboroJ 61 tf
the vecetation haB not been so far painter, had just returned from
u. naant aaaaon. Klamath Falls, where be had been Mm. Annie Jnnoker. aeed 65
?,, .i. . ' 1 :k. tn vn hark the I at work for eisht or nine months I years, died at Thatcher. March 17
. .. 1. -hu 1910 Ha had been home but a day or eo IsVib wan horn in Grminv. She
.Kali not he a season of plenty. when Mrs. McCullough disappear- ieaTM a husband and several chil
BDau , ed. Sheriff Hancock was called, dren.
J K. Butler, who has been at d investigated, but found no trace
.. .. 1 j....Ui.m.n . ... .1 . Vgumiu liuiai that hnlk car
The Danes, aoinK uruK.. of the womani annougn ne woti ---- ---- -
l t Ma nnnnantion nr.. n .1,... iu. Irien seeds are the best, not only
WOn, HUB nrDivt Over lO nouuuuiu, nuoio wsj - - ,
there and taken a poBiiion with a formerlv iived. A Garden Home fresher but vou get more for the
firm in Portland, in the Abington . ,hinkB the woman paBBed money. H. K. ureer Keeps a com
Building. Mrs. Butler departed through there and changed cars for P'ete line.
yesterday for an "Wnae" '"" Salem the morning ehi wa sup- Jaoob Raffty. of Moantatndale,
with relatives at Cedar Rapid. p0Bed to have left home. was a Portland visitor Friday, and
Iowa. I t I .llrai1 Ant hnma frnm lh nnnntv
Uaorge Baxton, 01 ceiow wewion. - rrr : m"i..ii.i
J. J. Hartley was In from 61fn- Lnd who commuted recently on a Jacob thinks he will ohallenite
..!.4i ...Winn I " . . ... tt' v. "ft U Man Wftalnn " the lonir dts-
one, raonuay, jjuvmi.t nomesteaa, up iu iuo ujtdi,v -
' . a - .-A. tn t hia , i o...i. .... I tannn walker of the world.
the ooming 01 ni""i r"uo " "j - i country, arrtveu uume ouuunjr
. Tl....b DI1PHO Mir. I . . ! .1 1.. t Ik. .. .
roses, peonie', ullies,
plant flowers ana
n t .tilt ffifll floelze, of
.IonV? "r." ,-tn Stturday.
above Dioouiii.H. - ,. , . -1
They report that eDoui our
the potatoes were injured by the
Sew U- Winter. Many are dig-
abuut the percf n ,
?rnm .lUectionsofthe oounty bar
i out this average.
For sale: Btled clover bay,
baled tare hay; and baled straw.-
tne ooming 01 ni"' 1 -j country, arrtveu uumo ouuuj - -
224 horsepower Buick, surrey, pur- nin( t0 reraain throughout the ghrut,bery.
ohased through Hartrampf and 8ummer. Geo. eaye that Hill and . , kJnd. of
t aV.fthA nvAnnnaa I . 1 Ml! aU-A 4l" r
Sears. J. save ua h uarrlman are ouuuing w oev nlante. Cabbageana tomato plants
iL! ilial asr 1 1 1 aVA I. . . 1 - al mf . amam 1 1
to have someiomn u a Dand up in ine central """" Celery and oanliflower. For sale
somt, and be otn't wait for the per- countrV( ftnd Hill runs through I t the Cf,mpKn Greenhouse,
fecting of the Hying macmne. his ranch. He says that uiu came 8mnth Bna Fir. Independent
Geo ScSnlmerlch, Cashier of tb. through with the money fo; r rights 2lf
Commercial Bank, pureed from - he had no trou, Mr. and Mre. M. P. Peters, of
Elk Head, Sonthern Mob- J ciearftnce anywhere. Portland, we-e here Sunday, guests
day. and Bays he has bargained tor b.ew ge J. . c MoKlonev aod
another farm down tn tna , eouom r him t QM Mr peter(l
He states that property values are goo . fl , .
eommencing to climb down t lat eome out of its trou Mrs. Peterewent to Forest Grove
wtv. and land will not be had ... . ith MrB Hnan BmUh.
Save Your Money
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
wnmpn's. and men's shoes which are slightly
damaged and more or less out of style which
we will sell lor one-third price viz $1.50 snoes
fnr coo: $2.2 c shoes for 7 sc. Men's and
women's up to I3.50 for fri.oo.
These are all good material but not up to
nrrsent stvles. Now is the opportunity to
o-pt a e-nod shoe for little moncv. We shall
be pleased to show them to you as long as
they last.
When You're Late
the excuse that your watch was wrong doesn't go.
There is no reason why your watch should not
be right.
Don't make the excuse. Get a watch that times
you right and be on time.
I have a very complete stock of all the standard
makes dependable time pieces at prices that you
can afford. , -
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Graduate Optometrist.
D B. Burkhalter, near '"
t.a the askins in a year or bo more. 1
w Ur GOUntv t)lnnara.
ton, Oregon