The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 10, 1910, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Hit Pull.
"Dom that 'ere thlu. stoop sboul
iertd, djrpitlc lookln' drummer that
Joq bought bo much from today Ml
any better or cheaper pxnls than th
fat one ye tunuM down so harvl yes
terdajT" Inquired HI Spry.
"Pont know as he dps," confessed
the Sijiiam Corner merchant, "but hla
Tiewt on the criminal rapacity of the
trusts are a whole lot sounder."
I ilnntnitim iinmi'n I' -
NEW GROCERY utlullll lull ft I j"
i n nn mn I
Another Vsrsion. x
Marr hail a little lamb.
A Paralan Umb. by'
It'a Arer warm In Inter' storm
And curly Ilka and sticky.
But when Miss Mary nreded coin
8h toM It (or a dollar.
And toon the lamtkln turned Into
An actor s topcoat collar.
Chicago Km
Hit Littla Yarn.
"I thought you were going to take
me to the graud ora?"
"Well, you aw, I ordered two seats
to the front row."
"Good enough. "
"But theu they had to take the first
row out to make room for the orches
tra." Louisville Courier Journal.
Rock-a-by, babj, oo tke trsrtop.
' H-'tfetM.. will
& asM tJJ hdi ".
put-y jrur ax and don't chop them
, m at all!
His Natural Bent.
"What are you hollerin' at me for?"
demanded the offended one, turning
bout. "If you wish to go ahead why
doa't you turn out and go ahead? The
Sidewalk U wide."
"Excuse me," said the other. "It
was force of habit I am a motor-Biil."-Buffalo
ad thoujrhu may come to him who s
Soma dajr his tint gray hair.
But sadder yet
Hla thoughts, you bet,
Wno sees amid hla crown of )et
A spot that's growing bare!
Detroit Free I "res.
Remind Him of Business.
Gunner There goes the tobacco
king. He Is a multimillionaire.
Guyer Then It's queer he doesn't
drive a better team. Those horses
took like a pair of plugs.
Gunner Well. I guess he thinks a
pair of plugs is appropriate lu his busi
ness. Chicago News.
The Unreasonable On.
Ha frow)ed because they "wouldn't gtre
him rope"
An' set the little settlement a-hummln'.
But ef they'd tried to pinch him
An' take him out an' lynch him
I bet you he'd have had a kick a-comln'!
Atlanta Constitution.
A Lav Feast.
Fat Man You're growing stout.
Lean Man And you're getting thin.
Whereupon they shook hands, smil
ed, and each mentally declared the
other fellow "a bully good friend."
Served Her Right
Little Bopeep.
She lost nor sheep.
According to nursery books.
Ah, sad was her lot.
But that's what she got
For associating with crooks!
New York Time.
Fruitless Research.
"That scientist sjent many hours of
his Ufe in fruitless research."
,"lu what line?"
jtfe"Trousers. JTou see, his wife always
tw IMbt through them the night before."
Double Trouble,
t Th flutist bad the flu quite bad.
The unfortunate galoot.
So aa he could not toot himself
He sent a sub-to-toot.
. Boston Transcript
A Theory.
"Why do you believe In long engagements.?"
"Well, J think that a girl should re-
her lover's ideal as lonir aa noa-
Urie'-Cleveland Leader.
li if w7mVtew
Wfff Flour-
Xflf'" makes good II
YfbrfBid and biscuits." Ij
jAbiolutely t JIL
elen and pure, f " " "
Su wholesome and i XUmSUo
jj nutritious jwu-
Olympic 'rt
' 'there Um't 'k&f'l
V avr Jwataa
taatpab VlOcbu Mux Co.. rsaiuB, Oaaw
The undersized has opened a
new grocery store in the
Pythian Building
And solicits a share of your pat
ronage. A splendid assortment of
Staple and Fancy
Groceries. I buy the best and sell
at the closest possible margin.
New Store New Goods
Give Me a Trial
E. W. MOORE, 2nd St.
Spray Your Trees
This is the SEASON to
SPRAY for San Jose Scale,
and other barh insecticide,
fungi and all fungus disease.
Be sure that you
and that is
The "ETNA" brand
No Salt
This is the tried spray, aud is endorsed by
all promiuent and progressive orchardists.
I guarantee the full test. Write me for
prices .
Hillsboro, Ore., Feb. 7, 19 10. B. Leis has deposited
in the Commercial Bank $100 payable to any one
who can find any salt or other impurities in the
Aetna brand of Lime and Sulphur Spray. Must
be opened iu original package.
Geo. Schulmerich, Cashier.
Beaverton, Oreg'on, Route 2-
3 cans of corn for 25c
3 cans of tomatoes for. .25c
Hard wheat flour, per
tach $1.55
Rolled oats, per lb 5c
Coffee, per lb 15c
Tea from 50c to 35c
All brooms, each 55c
We also carry shoes. Kinrfsbury Hats.
Gents' Furnishings of the Best Quality
,at the Lowest Prices.
SEED Catalog
Wa Want ever Farmer. Gardener.
L Poultry iun and Stockoma to bava a
I copy or our sew Ba jsoor. it eon.
lain iau puges 01 ereryiMnf neou
a to muse a auoceaa or unmug
in the West. In this respeul
, .liiy ' beea .Book 1 setter
aud mora autuentio than
r other VublieatHns ot this na
ture. It la tbe eimrience of
vex twenty-five yea's of liutiest
stuing tn tue west.
Seeds are Best for th
rest and ar sold by toot dealer.
Send toda; for nw oatalog.
Colonist RATES to
n and the
Great Northwest
The management of the Southern Pacific Co.,
(Linet in Oregon) takes great pleasure Id an
nouncing that the low rates from Etstern cities,
which have done so much in tbe past seasons to
stimulste travel to and settlement in Oregon, will
prevail sgain this Spring Dily from March I to
April 15 inclusive
The railroads have done their part; now its up to
you. The colonist rate is the greatest of all home
buildera. Do all you can to let eastern people
It now about it, and encourage them to come here,
where land it cheap and home building easy and
Fares Can Be Prepaid
At home if desired. Any agtnt of the road named
ia authorized to received the required deposit and
telegraph ticket to any point in the Kast.
Remember the Rates
From Chicago I33, frcm St. Lnui, $32, from Oms.
ha and Kansas City, $25. This rerluclioo is pio
port innate f 1 oni all other cities.
Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland. Ore.
Forty Three MiMiiatcd Cou
ples Want Separation
Tvtat Stua Iciloat Ur Utao; 17
Ctadcuinilita Cists
Circuit Courl lor lh rfgulsr March
term will open in HilMxm) on
Moodtr, March 'Jt, and the docket
disclosM forty three divorce note
and that is going scidh. About
half of three are Waxhington Coun-
tj esses, the balance coming from
Portland. The docket.
Sclma Voha vt llrrmau Julius Voha
Jiephioe K Wvnu v lleury Wyan.
Chai Frost va Annie Krvwt.
Stella A Miller vt lirore Wui Miller.
Alterta Fisher vs John M Fisliet.
Lillie Leach va Alvm l.rai h.
Mary A Burgess vt Jas M Hurt:?.
Ksaalie Roluoion vs Ueo K Kohlnson.
Mary K Fuller vt Henry V Fuller.
Htepheii l'avis vs Lillie lSivn.
Kdoa I. Ijir;e vt C I. I a'tfe.
Clara Jetfriet vt Jauiet Jrtl'rira.
Jauiet Kingnlnirv vt Ilia I, Kingnbury,
F.muiaJ Wctt vi W !; VVet.
('KMrgi Fnnia t ln el Knnii.
W F Slaughter vs Isabel M Slaughter.
Josephine O'Hallorau vt Thumat M
Joseph Ingram vt Melissa Ingram.
Rosa II Limlgreu vs Kmc LiiHgreu.
Kdward C Dullarrv vs Clara I'ullany.
Kugene U Martin vt Jennie C Martin.
August Markwald vs Kiuilie MaikwaKI.
Franeea Morrison vt Lewis Morrison.
Klliabetb Sanders vt Kdward Ssndrrs.
W H Stratton vt htnily Slralton.
Adolph Kieder vs Margaret Rirdcr.
Rooiona Miller vt Coiistantiiie Miller.
Louis Von Uoimer vtT. A Von IVmner.
Matiel A Hall vt Krla Hall.
Anote Schlup vs Alrx Schlup.
Charles F Iteshiel vt Kli(ttcth B
Allie Ktinger vs Kuatace K linger.
Selma Waruholi vt August Wsinholi.
Noah Hiugley vt lUttic K Hiiigley.
Douglaj 1. 1'ierton vt Florence f'lerson.
J C CoateavtOrleua Coatet.
Kthel L Hutctient vt Cal K Ilutchent.
K May Walton vt S B Walton.
Alice Barber vs Y W Barber et al.
Helen F Mutton vt Harvey Huttoii.
Koma 0 White vt Addie J White.
Ktta A Maddos vi Marshal J WmKloi.
Llewellen M llickok vt Isabel M
- Beaverton & Willsburir U R Co vt Cm
Mauei et al;vs Geo McCoy; vt Agnet
Ihegon Klectrtc Railway Co vt Claude
DeVer et al: vs Anirelo Cereuhinne pi ml
vsJobn Henry et si; vt N O Wingren;
vs r w i-niiup; vs l. J lilosick.
Pscific R R A Nav Co vt Jennie Hid-
dink et al.
United Railwavt Co v Idailnrf Van.
derzanden et ui; vs Ludwig Schwank et
ux; v Jackson Hoover; vt I'ctcr Vaode
coovering et ux; Nancy Johotou; John
John Stamm vt Joaph Weiotl et ux.
Cyrus M McCoy va David Smith et ux.
W W Kspey v Tbe Pence Co, a Cor
poration. Frank Mott vt Marcus Peterson.
J M Arthur & Co vs Tualatin Mill Co.
J M Hear vt Klmer M untuck.
Geo R Bagley va W V Wilev.
Mrs Josephine Smith vt Wish County.
A I. Sexton vt Washington County.
Ctcone Jackson hv piianliin. v iwu'n.
Coast Condensed Milk Co.
V I) Mowery vt O G Hancock.
W U Rosenberry vtG O Hancock.
Mary Hare, ad mi vt Jennie Hamilton.
A B SchcKmover vt I num lxuaiu A
Lumber Co.
A Henrikson vt Geo W Clark et ux.
E W Hainet vs Geo W Bacon.
A L Babcock vt Oito Meyer.
A O Walton va W K Beard et al.
Henry Hewett vt J Lenn.
Frank Mott vs Marcus i'rterson.
Harry Weitzell et al vs Frank Jai ksou.
Nick Houserva W W Ryals.
Isaac Allen vs Louis Wolf et al.
C M Maditon A C R Huston vs Jnhn
Hannan & Son vs J W Howard,
li L vs Buxton Co.
H A Brown vs Buxton Lumber Co.
Chis MelzgervsOA Richards et ux.
A Schooi!Over vt J II Tbompaon et al.
C S Reynolda vs J II Thcminum et si.
Valentine Frank vs Frank Nichols.
Louis Kruettner vs Kmil Gcrlach.
Geo F Navlor vs Kdear llinnm
- Henry Oerhanl vs J K Farmer.
...fn... .....
i w mover vs r n Lawrence,
' A S Venen vs E S Booth.
Ettrella Bonner vs W (i Daws.
i Frank Hayek vt A T Stratum.
. Agnes Caples vt Henry L rurtont.
' II E Noble vt J A Watrout et al.
Jno R Bailey vs Henry B Hollenbeck.
Jno Wohltchlegel vt Lucinda Jackson.
C H Kinder et al vs () G Maurtr.
Francis Gore et al vbC W Evans et al.
Mary Miller vs K P Cadwell et al
First Natl Bank of Ili.lM
beth Shute et al.
B C Thome vs James Butler.
A J Langleyvs Abraham Ktsler et al.
8 T Pack wood v .Tnulinu M1.IW..1.U
and C L Sweeney.
a M Holland vs C Khoadea.
J M Staley vs Frank ackson et ux.
D E Payne & L J Kelly vs Walnut
Plantation Co.
A C Shate vs Buxton Lumber Co.
L Barnum vt William True et al.
E V Carter vs Katherine KnineSet al.
President & Trustees of T A & P U vt
ME Austin; vs James Claike and wife,
vs Mort Hallett.
Paul Keimert & H M Mann vs J S Gill.
William Bell vs Bernard Hell.
H V Leo vt Amelia J Diet.
J 8 Thompson vt Richard Linton etux.
a put A 1,8
Pac Coast Cond Milk Co vs Wanh Co.
Joseph Lemberg et nx vs Wanli Co.
George II Hughson vs I 11 Ouderkirk.
Joseph Avery vs It M Dooly.
Boos & Wirtz vs M W Patton.
Estate of Samuel E Hillman vs Aman
da Hillman.
James 9 Allen vs Emma B Dalit et al.
Margaret et nx vs Sebastian
Ochs et al.
' Fred J Stark et ux vt Win Slaik etals.
J W Shute et ux vs F A Bailey et ux.
Scholls Telephone Co vs E Wentatrom.
P R & N Co vs tieorge G Hancock.
Men's Hats
$1.50 to $2.50 values
$1.19 sale price
Men's Blue Flan
nel Shirts
$2.25 values
Children's Dear
Shin Coats
$2.50 to $3.00 values
$1.69 sale price
Ladies' Tailored
$1.2j$ to $2.22
Ladies Shirts
New Styles aud lWst Oualiiics
Special prices
Men's Fleece Lin
ed Under wen r Til) vent values
2)c Bale price
Men's Good Heavy
Worh Shoes
2 2" allies
$155 sale price
Ladies' Silh-Ruh-ber
Rain Cojts
SI 2.5t u, 15.00
$11 19
Men's lAll Wol
Underwear ?2(H) values
$1.29 ale price
2.50 t fa 50 values
$2.29 sale price
Between the Druj Stores
Friends and patrons. For by your liU
patrouagc we have aci-onijtlished our aim,
in closing out various lines and reducing
our over-supply, in the rediuti-.n sale
just closed which we Iiojh: has U-eu a
leuefit to us all.
Now with New Goods, aud lii-lit
prices, We know wc can please you, and
it will be our aim at all times to cater to
the wants of our customers.
TRY rs,
Mays & Conover, 80101 ls 0KIGON-
"Keep . Your Own Key and Counsel"
Sound advice within certain
It's all right when applied to holders
of keys to our safe deposite vaults
Absolute privacy. We can rent you'
boxea for $1.00 per year. Call and
examine them.
Cornelius, Oregon.
Spray your treeg but do nit
forget your pruning aheara. W
ep the Standard ihr an.-Km-rick
A. Corwin.
"rived at the Climax Mill We
Th C.IImi Club bt.l luiotsi
nlm-tlun at tlirir inwlinl ll U
hniiis of Mta. Urn. Hancock,
halurdar afuriiMin,ancl lhk(i3
waa aa follows: Mm. H. T. fw
ly, TrMidsnt; Mr J I' Tmw
Vic 1'rstidnnl; Vim Mtdgt Imt.''
S-crelary; Mr. It C. Vtoiii
Tnasuivr. ri-frwiliaioU'N
rrd aftsr the elrclion and I pit
gram. Holim wrt ung by
timi Hchulii irh ami Mr. W. (i
liars, and M-a K J Hwel!fodn
Pit a piano solo. Mrs. HsUat
Mrs. Howoll prraidn! tt tb pi
during th" oingiiiK
Kor HiU-!t mri. 11 "'
weight l.IKH); M' asiMr.
I'Uiich graas lctM! .'. )-rra, tH
1M, broke to dfivs but ralbsrtiM.
o, 5 jrra, frwli Msrrb 1;S
('. H. cream aeirator, ibo-wuH'
overhauled, new t"l 0' M'
gor; .'Jaeated hark without Ur
with elnl runners M lit.
eheap for cash, or tra.lo for ?wl
atoek K. V. 1'iilmow,
ill tl
I). ). Mowery, who allegM
waa hired hy Hhenil lUn'k "
takncarof ierHonsl properly
laohed hy the eherill In U ''
the United HailwaynCo
LariRley, and who ry be
claim ol $212, file- Hint H recntf-
, direct Tin p'"!"" in 'I"",'!""
, wa atluohed by tl lUilT U
an.l W. II, HoHonberry claicw
iatlm owner of Hit property, "
he want iW, 10 fo- remunerit
n the United' Imnd i liehiod
eheriff, that ollioial i-n'i worryi
lover theoutoome.
! HinnsraivlHhaManJChallenf
Baml m in fir eale, at 2 oanU per'"
-J. Hjhmitka, in In
ahovj M.uatalii'Mc n Iw",'
'farm. A Idr.mrt Corn-iiim. ure.
1. It.i 3(5. I'hone l'amllo w "
(ilenooe, 107. 4JD,
Mra, J. W. Cnpalan.1 flh'
ilren, of Witch llael, wW'
Monday from a viait at McMibh
Vr al--AWke and m'M J'1
blad hy jood oaw f"eJ "
Chalmara, near tllanciw, AW'
IlilUh ro. Unite 3
Mra. F. M. Crablree, of
waa in the city Tuemlny. r011ie
Fred Harnel, of W.bI Union, J
in town Monday, with a very
J.O Bechen, of Weat Union,
in the city Tuesday.
Duano Harvey ami nif". nf '!"''
Mountaindale, were in town u
tlay' n h
A carload of Winona and I B
ford waRonajuat ifcoived WB
.V Co.