The JnllLLS1BR HILLSBORO. OREGON, MARCH 10. 1910 NO. 52 furnish Hie l ,ult Aualnnt U Section 'io,w ntmivi pivnorio It I'rllss4 ..uu.inn Count- ltwek ship iulo Portland oul of lb. ibirU-o cs rKr, . ..j the.s ihlpmrnu ware from f,m lbs Hherwocd-Tuelailn ,wIIob; oi from leiY.rlor; .n. CorsUu.; end lo from Hllbboro. Tb b.r two car HB)t lo Irom the Houna mi s-lsblibs lbs Wit lo Washington County, which raises . f th esculent vegetable tbt BUI v - bouqii-t "ell lU own' than Ibi balem. of ibe North t This l til tba more muerkeuie on ...alhi thsl ihe poanibiliii.e of Mloo cullur io the cuunly art yet lohav h genuine b-rdm. a lb '! er splendid lor i&ecui tur, sod ehile ibfjr will not pro- J.. Its. ilm BMiuillt (wvfdUl SUip - ft' .11 nMkluCtilMI it wotiiUMul, lut ibi toil'. Il i C'"P ,rlt means much in return, eoniile Ing the la u. involved md eich year will mora e.f l.nii ahum cote. Mori- ait'a Oregnnieo has the fu!olnf, o&Uiiof the to ctri from the di.lrlc 1 i.i.U (mm the IohuIiy fit 111 I'utfrt imni put a l. order ha rotoc ftuin $s Pfcnritco firsli ran, tbfve lo b skipped Ihu k " )l believed thai aoppSie. there an small, ntltowau t the ! wwk were report Mi at ij cr. of which Irn ears were tfcibMi! by wrmheta of On Union Or Mi' A-uctmlKB, itl Out ly otiinit iui U( llir itHHH'Iklum lilini'lit ibl ei from Sheit mi 1 oiw ttch (torn lkTriio tml Comrlwi Tbtn wt h lf o "iu .l.tilluol ifallKSfntl. Oil OOl full irjur hoUIUki l jrtrfiU)('i mrtHnit ol Ow MKKtaUuH." PUBLIC SAUK W not btva nnwl good bard bumml briuk, tod builj. ln block! lur mIIiii tnj fnund. liotn Try our builJinv h,um i... your bo founiliiiin. Cba)Mr thn CKmmtl or brick nH Uti.r (iroUctidtj a(rlnt froil. W bv !ioihl iiur run ol I trim It! ami - - r iRaio running on imtllrr ticua, anil Iiart a fair uily at Urn yard. I'artina wauling ti! dlivrd thould jilaca ihnr titdora now aown can haul thnin Ufort bad wnatbnr lharaia alwaya a ruHb of baultnv ordura in tha Kali whun roada ar alinnal iinpaaiiabla Wa hava a Cood auplr of rough and dreannd lumUr at our mill, and a quantity uf common lumber at lha Uaia nur, bolow Nmrtun, tha UlUr In tl at a acrifk-2il2. 2iH. 2i6 2 I lain, iH, I16 and 1H, of varluti Ungbti Tbia ii all good dr ItlH'k and ll wilt wr.n In - I"- invmtigala abnutd y u want any of inena ditnauiiuni Urunnr now II Co , Hohnlli,, R. 2. A. ii Hoiitb. for itma tima aui r Inlf ndnl of nuntrui'lion for tha 1' H ft N . and laUr with tha Uniud waa io town tha Drat of tha wk. gratling bia Hillalmto and county frirnd. II catna to look aftnr hi llttibor land intarraU ibje Bui ton. Mr. Hiinih n now ruonins a i' a mi) fir Jim Hill, on tba new DnaC'buU-a railway, leading Into tantral Urrgon lie it)rti(xl Dim- If a irrally lurnrlred at tha many lriirovetiinti madain HilU tinea bia darturr. John UroMiiinBr. and John Groa Min It , of Wrat Union, wara lo town Hturdy morning They rHrt pUnty of work ahead for tha faru Aa a matter of fact It haa bten raaoy aoiioat iinc there ha U0 ao much plowing and adding to do. owing to ao lit tla Kail grain having been aowed and much that wai tut in haa j fr inn out. A. K Dalla. mail carrier on the Laurel Koule 2 ruo.waiover to th city Krlday, aod layi that there ht b aa lott of now on toe toe Mountain tbia Winter Wfcei the lilt anow fall here and a bid but an inch A K layi bia hor bad to wae through eight inche of lha lieocy, on tne Dim lack of laurel. lull I) i'AYI A BIG LIST OP CLAIMS Order Adrrnlatuitatt fr ptclil Kock Kai4 Wark Mffl TERM umhch on a Number of Road Petitions Ko, T W Hin 55 40, If A Hall o iro, K A 69, I'ranic liarr 6, Thoa Howe 35. I'almrr Tuckrr 41 60. Krrd B Clrk la. 60, Klw Scliulmerirh i", Ishmc Trulling er v, T R iHivta 54 90, C C Nelnon 82. KoaiU md IIl(hwiiy John li W0111 arhlrgcl J4. Ilcacll & KrlTrr 9 07, tJ (1 (lanltirr 4H and 24, M THenou & Hon 1(1 10 C S llavnrl 11 lieall & Co VK ml 64, John Bryer 137 jr. Court llooae -llilltiioro rnarmary if 70, Rmrirk Corwin ao 40, W B Ixilan 8 30, I N Itolilnaon 10, A M C01 lini 30, IhllslK.fO J.hhiIkt Co 18 "5, Ham I'oolry 17 59, Wuh lo lei CO 9 no. be county board bad a busy set Ion laat we-k Beveral road peti llnni were acted upon and vieae-i appointed. The c mrt ordered ad- veriineriieina for fpecial road work. The buflniHii transacted followi Road iietitlon, I) C Herroa and Win. Kurgy el U; d'nallowed, ao- count advice dintrict attorney Rudolph Uuniika given refund of tai. Tualatin Mill Co. granted fran ohiae lo croaa county toad with railway udetrick to brick and tile factory BANKS TO GUT TUB UNITED U. Committee Now Busy Getting K'ghts of Way SECURED FROM CLESCOE 10 BASK n a aa m t I t it t is v w Koort tea iae. tawiua Aiueri ii-eiiu, ui i.iuiuui. in town Saturday. City Uat cf Wtik MMAi Vf IIUV'I a ji-iva-'H w . coantv seat visitor Friday. Banks n to have the Lulled Kail- a 1 wniin nf -a. in Uy, i exterior indication! go for i.. U,n,i.. n.t,!r.a i.tu. anvthiuff. Poetmuler W, L. i 1 israi,.ma, i r.r W.t Moore, ot Bank, aod Inoa. Law Union, waa io the ountv neat Bat- aon, for the United, now a Jim urday. I 1 ill line, were in the city the last Jocephand George Jack, of near and first el the week, securing Farmington, were up to the city rigbta of way between Olencoe and Monday. Banks, and it is said that barring A. Reverman, the Centerville two or ihrte places the privilege . l - 1 . . supervisor, was over io uo uuj 1 QKg been secured. Saturday. In in I tug i b dui ' J wo R Frank Lichty, who owns a nice Banks, but cute through by the rk1a naa Pail sirMillfvaBlinLnfJVni.. . . i 1 m Doaley places, ana u is unaerswoa B,,ura'T that somewhere near the Dwley 1 nr sf 1 i fs 1 1 . . . . . a u. w. marsn, 01 ienierviwe, w holding a sUtion will De locatta greeting friends in town Friday, h tha naiirhborhood is now rail looking as fine as ever. road "busy" and many options ii v ii .i,. ...Air. ,i iK have been ziven in real estate - - 1 ' I Ul . ii. uuu.iauj, m.i.uiu " I t - rt'll t t w ii.ii,. t r.n.,. it-: u.k i i', a.. Mill ... ,m hnldincrs. II it is a Hill roid. as ' 1 - - " , . v.v . . , Bw. ;, UUUU tvuutu, vruii will, " ao v p i D . - , J,i6l .Bo; February, I4.j6.75, approved. .u cil Balurday. it is almost assured it is, and the jui.u l'riikrtt allowed f 5 60 refund of I Hoe wants to make for Tillamook ui, error. j juu owaiicy o uj "u I the Ban kc Cedar Canyon su: v?y is fetuio., to aet ata, onler Uieeaae-1 villa. Saturday, minng with the . Dractic.i route, and the main :;;;;,;;.; ' b, crowd ,n tbe C0UDly Bel- line will not go ia Forest Grove. U N Tkk' allowed re fund of tax; jr. M. Crabtree, the Laurel bop Hill will want the route into tne and pruce grower, was in the city timber, and furthumore, be will Saturday, greeting his friends. want the most direct line, and tbia inV,n w.ielor nf OalflR Preek means tUe ueaar uanyoa route. John Heisler, of UHeg Creek, n.nk. Club is doing alt in its power lo make it easy to get the right of way privileges, and many are donating the land. K Muhly refuiiite.) In i), eirorichool I mt net Ui. Sit MiMtre atlttKP.I f f.M frfirinf. ' Umagri, on aiciormita couniy roaa. High Q UALITY Drug 8 tore Our Greatest Ambition is to Deserve to be Your DRUGGIST And to supply you and your home with with all the needed j$ick-opw supplies as well as Toilet Re jt&faes y&9&4vi carried by a High-Class Drag Stores alfm Our Prescription Department represents the best in quality and skill. Give us a trial and you will find Our Goods are Right Our Services are Right i and Our Prices are Right The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. Johti 1'elrra refumie.l $3. Jo; R O Steven in irlunilnl 17. II. Kfotlera lee, Jinuarv, 3"3 10; l'e!) uaiy, 15, approved. . mi ni"T1: ? "TO?! and who has one of the best places Juim viuiiAiHtu, nio t auiuu inu iuw 1 . ... 1 hctteuneiuan. ion tun tunuj, w iu iu k K 8 Itobinfjon nl C V TiKrd to meet Monday. AUSTIN H. GATES and view AMUterei ... roi, ai.rca ...,.. Uill .A .-. -. m . .. . 1 1 117 1 b u 1 11 mimi 1 i. nii'KHLi mr. til umiBi ui in. huu J J , J UW VOHDCII nil', ' ttmmmju vi , ii,ini Mrrh la ami view toad I hn mnrm lha "hi no" in the latA Un it V Jolmwn petition; O W Harsh and pleMtntt e?8, WSB Up to the county Ju II Sewell lo meet witU surveyor I . . . JI1ICB 15 inu trcw iul (i ""J I A Juliuaou rt all: Thoa Connell thial M H.laa nt Fnraai ("trove. vVw cmfront; the farmers with died at the family home, Sunday ' . rrn,a nrk lhanfnr VAars. was D Uh R 1910. Hi U bom in 8. 1833. and was 1. moie wora man tor jent, k.b iu nirco o. iuiu. a,,lcii Tew. refunded tax overpay- inarn Haiti rd a V. I w Ynrk. Nov. mtiit ol 5 47; y J Pmun reiunueu Tk Qndnrsigned will sell at public loclliin at bis late farm, ana juar- 1st toil northsaat of Ulsnooe, com ttioolog at 10 o'clock a. in , on MONDAY, MARCH H AiUUiht (turkey binder, 6 ft cut, llurk ty rake, to ll; Monitor dltc K'lu IM t'liailiam l,n mill. I anion ill"' slow, t Hirer n inth pluw, .(rliigt'0l iurww, ij trrlti; trel Irvrr banow, 60 weth; lami Irutk w.gnn, buggy, land relief , hayrack, double ItarptHin li.yfmk, aith nj and hlnrh rotnplrl; lni Kale, tyi all of III. foregoing uia Chlnery, etc , I. prarlloally new, bavin bets uwd hut one and two ae.attna. and kv bait tiert of ram; art iloutilr v.oi kataeaa, lingle Imggy barnew, grind k.( atylbr, acoop aliovel, .pad, mat tork, fork', eaovai, wagon abeet, 5x14, few houarhtdd goods, au.t numeiou. atlier arlitlei. Terms of Bale -1 10 and under, sash; over 110. night month-.' tima, bankable note, at U per cut Interest. J. J Hartley, Owner. B P. Cornelia 1, Auctioneer. John Vsndtral, Clerk. MRU. JUSTICE Ww. Foulkee. i f Faiminglon, was U town Monday, and rwrts tbe oeamiiMre Juslloe, who waa norn Id Sweden, No 13, 1822 Her bunband died 12 yier ago. She passed away Sunday afternoon, at 8.0O o'olook. Hhe leive the lol- lnwlna W..M Wm a .uiiuifn. it u.i ... Justice, Farmington, and tbe daugh'er at whose home she died. Mrs Hannah Foulkes, wile of Win Fuulkei. Gm.eral debility, the re sult of sdvanortd age, was the oaufe of death. White Hnuan m (V.mao suaran l'iv, lee every can. -Kmmott Bros. J. C. Wilson and wife, ol Both ay, were in town Monday. Cbas. F. Miller, of Forest Grove, aa down to tbe city Fiiday, on "Mai businese. John Carli-on, of near Klmonioa, was up Saturday paying taies ano u Argus nines. W. 0. Jackson, of Glenooe, was Jn Frldy, getting rmdy lor the BPring work as soon as the weather settles. John Fisher, (.f three mil"" be low Soholls, was in town Friday, od after paying tnxea made bis nnual call on the Argus. Walter Taylor, lhi concrete oon Motor, returned Saturday from a tWO mnnlkJ .Ilk kia hmthorS ol sisters In Nebraska- Walt y he will again be in the con crete bmioesH, and already has five nginaa to Bet down ia the St Johns country. Of course, he h glad to get back to old Oregon. Clyde Lincoln, C 1'. Uerry and Albert Lincoln left Monday morn ina fur InverneM. Montana, to irw.k over aoms homestead locations If ilm iin.l aotiietbini that look ,wl l.t ihnm thav will file. The land in ouestion has ben under leasM to some big rattle kings, and but recently released. Frank Holoomb, of Bethany, sat at at iti 1(1 M the last of the week and inform the Argus that he and his aociatee will sooo plaoe Ixird wii..hni.r tha standard brsd i.uin aiallion. in the fitld Lord Kiichener is a sod of Zmbro, . 1,. i,t,nna hnraa well known an Oef the coast. John Biifert, of Centerville, was in town Friday. Mr. Beoert ur irmly owned the place now owned 1.. t T Mnrriann. near rarmiuK ton, and went back to Centerville. after telling Beifert Is one of tbe boys who always makes a few dol tars on real estate purcnases a . m -I n. it.l,,h Havia and wiie, 01 l'ortlaud, led Monday for Kurope. .. .. n.utinr aiwa to take a ....In.ia nnnr.e at V e ina Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss K-.hel Morgsn, daughter of J. - M.rgn, and was raiseu .m citv. i v n..t.n nf near Hillsdsle, . .1 i. u lha naat was one ol the auu wuu 1 dairymen who "made it pay, was in town Saturday, paying in at the tax counter and calling on inssu. ....1 .. A...irii hs diani over ami, i" . 1 Wvik the family journal. Kalley steam wood . ! 1 ntniir. For cutting I . .InuawitCll OUt Of tllS OOIUWOUU ut r.." - !-. J W. Reynard, Hillsboro, 0 , Route 2. Between isu e. Iur.'.. , r.l Phnna Roholls anil Mr) 10 IS. -r . ... ... u .j married. March 14. 1858. at Galena. ,,T?.ipt. fmm ju-icOWBarne.- wbenyou do smoke, buy a Schiller, U1- J88, B,Vir?.n WaPK. court .nowed on State v.ti l! w W.k- d ' .u Dever accu8fd of fea. He eerved in the Civil War m the berg, Win Hclumoiil, Juhu Pierce and . Mffrouchv " Second Nebraska, serving two Wui Si pp. Claims allowed K M Green, ioiiurt juror. $1 00 ing "grouchy.' Albert Philippi Second Nebraska, serving two T OAI I I " years. 10 loai no moveu irum Albert Spierings, a veteran of the Nebraeka to Oregon, and lived at niltnnina WftA in from near 1 111. . lutAMmAv. K W tireen, toiurt jurur. . , mc.iiiuuvuio wu joato uoivm .v.. KC Brown, coroner fee S3 o Greenville, Saturday, and paid the jn lo iroreBt Grove. His wife and j k C Thompaon. juror in1Ue.t.... 00 Argug a pie.Bant Cnll the f0'lowing children survive him: tatHtIUg?.iu.oMm,!ft too ..uMn,w. Me..a. Rrickev. Mrs. F. E Ward, Joel T 101a, jurot iuiu. . p. 4 . ivauotj, . i'u .6.u 1 -- v or iiitii. Irrlanil. recorder' I. exp.l8t 40 ;n .).,. Mnllni.;n. la aftiir anv O. B UateS. Dallas, Ure , J . . K.ullrv luror inouest 1 00 , t n.iu nf Iiasvilla north ol Hllls- -- ----- . , 1 erai ears 01 me wv mmi tun uant , - - IWVmk. unit UIIKI I OO " . . . T o rt.t f Dnll.n1 m 11 . j -1 O M Taylor C Swanaon W 8 Kill " " Ben Ik-Uuian, raising safe U i" I'avne. tnuueiit Geo L Bickel H Wohlliel C S Tigard, juror inquest. Kdward llealon C F TiKard, willies inquest. Joliu Jurgeos, iiHiiet C Ingram, wit cor juty- R V Hutlaxer, juror inquest K II Baud, rellet i,.... S.le & hock Co . H Muipby. wit inquew W A I'ullen.jutor inquest R M McCieaiy, wit inquest...., l'iank Powell, juror inquest iti.i.n l.Uiht & Water Co. .. Schmidt & Kulisch, relief GeoG Hancock, exp-. . 11 S Crocker Co, snppne A A Morrill, surveyor ...... Gordon Kt Brown, shenfl's oflice R H Greer, relief K Weastroiu, bridge Max Crandall, expenke. 1 00 farm, was io town Saturday. ! John McCallen and wife, of near 3 00 Elmonioa, were up Monday, look boro, and J. P. Gates, of Portland. Deceased bad for 5ft years been a member of the United Brethren J. A. THORN BURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. V. MCELDOWNEY Vice-President Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Third Annual Statement, March 4. 1910 Elmonioa, were up Monday, look- ch Th, funerai took place ing over some "near" Hillsboro . , the auemces of J. places with a visw of locating. B MaUbewB poet, cd interment Geo. Robinson, ot beyond Laurel, waB Jn the Naylor cemetery. .a . 1 t. ? . t k " was in town Monday, Dringing me Mr. uatea was a memer oi me i little eon, who badly scratohed his Washington County veteran asso nana on a rusvy nan, vuo uiuoi ut i cunon auu uw a o auua.u. n n uiianhnk and wifo. who ooe over tbe oiunty. ..690 00 have been vifitmg over in Llacka- 4 3 ms, passed tbrougn town aiur- day enroute nome t0 Mountain' USID. I OO I JO I TO i ao 1 10 Rool'BCH Loam and Discounts - 2W,ll-4l V.H. Bonds at par - 2j.O-0) Other Bond - - 23.3 ) .00 Banking House - WAvJ 00 Caiti aud Diiew from Other Banks - - - lH, Kr. LlABIUTIXS CapiUl 8tonk and Surplus $12,000 00 Undivided Profits 774.41 Circulation - 25,000.00 Deposits - - 390,tJ8.W 458,382.64 nonorvo OOPor Cent We Now Have A Savings Department DIRECTORS The. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Tuqu. . Wilber W. McEldowney J- A. Thorabur, LOTS OF MILK FEVER a oo I 34 4 5 5 irnwH end dairvmen report a great deal of milk fever this Spring, and several bave lost cows as a re- Sol Jack, win owns a place be- a oo'ow Farmington, but who is w i . f h maUdo, The forcing rl .too oo Portland for scnooi advantages ;or Jnto the vhe alm09t . , n so his children, was out to tbe city taln remedyt and i)f. Re,g.n the " Monday. ,k.. .i.. .mJ m. fnr H D. 3 A Four room house on Washington Schmellier, which had been givn Start The Mew Year By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE I 00 1 aa An sat lino KnfivAAn ArMH.ndlitn H n hud Avon DAroAined for a. k as . -! r - 1111 uv w a v v-a -' " hwi - 1 w lUiley.Cocleik. aal & eKP....2o ao , j.j.j ot 50x190, for sale. U sled to haul the animal away, A c ioueiou, re.. - . - 1 ftn. o m ie. northwest of and had killed tbe calf. . . - .c I IU 1 alalia, lUi tun'w( I n oipu uhm ' loueiou, relief - 7 5i f o mnaa northwest of and had killed the calf. The air C W Jme., bitdge....... . .. - ?'?r?-' Ki .f 7.1:. ". .. .f,e th. c.i. Krauk Ineraro, removing arm imui 1 niiiBuoru. , iroutci.. wo -- 16 00 1 ainnt he noderm.c. an J ina t.iim m Brown, wit circuit court... 600 David Rice, who has been at . . . . f e a, d J . . . . . L (WlltaaOl lb In. I 11. t - - Mnnlkd haD I . . . a 1 W K liawer, . . 1 , S3CD01I8 lor mauy uiouiur, u . . j j n oe y, arrei iSCDOm- ftftSrtawftSS turned to Roseburg for a time, and had J f.ffl ct,d, some 1i .SS5tl. -" '95 50 will soon again b, on the hospital lim back, aod ,e ,t in for Reagan. . w. u.,ihf.,,.me. orintiuif.... S 40 atsfTof the Soldiers' Home. ..n ,a,t uf, mn aith Glass & rrndhoimne, print tag . . 53 w ftriT.uB or views, call his riir. Fred telephoned in that the auppuci . I """-"r - '.I----'- j-.i .. a r. k; in Robt Irmler, witnea Insane 00 on j, $ jonnson, pnoiograpurr. oow was uesn bhu ii ... 1 .. f . .. . n tpptiie tiiiuucu i I. .i.a ni n Mr nnivmn niufl. Mm. ia itttt uicbbbko ... wm v- ..,,nt 4 05 ,. . 1 n.k Pknna Tndf.nemi- neiDAit R. M. reached the rancn, Klhe Godinan, sessor oiuw ana a eon 01 iu ian .vm. tne condenBer. " 3 nedy, of DJiow ceavenon, umu OO I . 'I . r, J. Ll I 52 3 -.i.i!.. TKainhar. of Tbatcker, j raui.iu 1 ... , - 1 I,. hnnii many years in ,hat fertile section north of Foreit drove, was down a u . , i..,,l in for a -neno n Argus. .... il kllnhan is properly Winn no - , muituel tberels sunshine in the quipie' , gee our nouse. Oak ranges 7thVKmrick&Cor. win. . ir U avhri owns the J .bTT.,..i..p't nail. T B. Perkins, in the me "cantile last 01 mo wb-i - i.ii, mi.... IlNia r.tlel 1URT. ' I . M 1 uomj , v. - - . ... . . Ill .urvrvor 5 OO ., l.M Q.mrl.a nmhl Geo A MorrUI, .u.veyor . ofcee.... 56 00 n n'iml. and had been M..M.nier & Wtrtz, com couti.... - jv " . - M.nin Vaudehey, relief too 00 for some time Delta Ding H're relief & 4 35 Thoa Tongue, diet ally's office, ao 00 Ram Johnson, of Shady Brook, was in town Tuesday. V.I TT..JI.t of n... niAAm. I JOUU UO:UIU HI I"1 . n.. lfino voaiiiannA nrnn-1 1 . . ...t .iinin. 1 iiaq Thos Tongue, e OlSl auy a outw. i por oam i'iu ''"" "" 1 r 1 log, wbb uuuuvj ow. i. HiiutKiro independent, supplies... 64 35 1 ertv. only three blocks from busi day. 5i 00 - ffgV SirSuiSS Walter Hoge, former editor of sSTrcW. county court .a Inquire of . M- Hu V the Forest Grove Times, and later Wi B"tner.l"P::",:;:.7.4" ml1. ""..T"'-""....! in the minting business in Port- Forest Grove, Oregon 3 We have quite a number of pairs of child's, women's, find men's shoes which are slightly damaged aud more or less out of style which we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes 5.2c shoes for 7;c. Men's and women's up to $3.50 for $1.00. f itnco or? nil cood material but not up to present styles. Now is the opportunity to get a good siioe ior iiuie muuey. be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. 3 Birth Stone for March T.thA M Brown, the Wells Farrro agent, has compromised with the phinatm firm that last Fall sent Theodore Pointer, who flame to him an auto that was not within I Ilia ULU ll UW WMH.vm - I . a n . i a. G, Gardner has been nxing u up I bo that Mr. Brown oan use it in j 6 Wilkes, a-e- Lincoln mth pnones. - - o UoaA He OardMr John Boeker Sr. came down from nd Mrs. Hoge bave returned from Chaa A Lamkin, asses A collect. . 7 Qr.e0ville the last of the week, and a Winter's stay in California, Angu. McLeod, wit dwt atty.. .... s 00 u n toout wjUowefor the where Mr. Hoge went for the bene W M Jackon, treasure. h . . - . .. ... a iiiua Muna rvriit a. u. auu ar .iw 1 liaas am. n ibuvvi v v va- 1 waw - - I A Imbrie, cir court fl f They expect to put out 25,000 wil- J . . .1 D. Aa .. HH U Q 1 il . 1 u M.i U a( aaw m M U Cae, sai . -7 - Mows on vneir piece norm o .uwu LXZ 47 is Hn the next few weeks. Win Tupper, court house janitor... 55 00 Waah toNewa.prtn.m- .... r; ' H n t,h hia narenU in 1850 SV:K r:Z. j.miW on the 'Portland, moun "" 1 no I . , . i J- af. JC Lauinn, suppii" - tain, was in town mouunj., - .. . S L. h.rd ntisonera. ?a as La1?' . .7 t j Uha iaia vine? and delivery of ex iiWUra"i--r- . a. Pointer in ine eariy ubv wn u " " . . D . L. :n Connell & uo, supplies I. .aok ghots at the oldtime sho d- press matter, ice maon o wm O o Hancock, salary -5 o be o 81,018 " ' j B Darti, be a great oonvenienoe to him when GO Hancock, e.pense. 35 oo hng matohe8. His farm Jays parllj oe a g j W Goodin. ai n ep. "";"ln Multnoman, ana ne , Bye ui9 m ln. john, com salary a7 oo fc, fc th in cond,tion and Hillsboro will then krence Miller, wit d,,t.,...vr 32o Ux "ere a fae there. put on airs,, having the first auto 8T, u ho tomato Ml Sft - CSKK KS. ardent annexationist itransfer in the county. molt Bros, "Who iu this world of ours, their eyes In March first open, shall be wise; In days of peril firm and brave. ; and wear a bloodstone to their grave.", March gift jewelry will never fail to please if selection is made here. I am constantly receiving new and exclusive designs in dainty jewelry as it is created by the jewelry artists of America. . ,;. , I enjoy a reputation for distinctive jewelry and silverwear. Those who buy here have the satis faction of knowing it is newIt is up-to-date it is good. March birth flower is the violet." ' LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist asMsEW!SiM