The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 03, 1910, Image 1

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vol xvi.
NO. 51
SIAia in urriui
We !10 have grxMl supply of
good herd burned brick, and build
in blinke lor callare and found
lioria Try our huild 1.1. k. i...
I your huua- foundations. Cheaper
man cittinmt or brtck nd Utu-r
i l'r('W!U0 Kinl iron. We have
W Not Hcft Atvcpi UuUh our run of Ur Ule end
Ihc Hank I'onltlon running on smaller ais,
"' have fair supply al ton yard.
,.. mir m rtiLL TIUI I'"i1m oting tile deliver
flU Si" UUI ibould place lhair ordera now eowe
-' cn haul them before bad weaihar,
ffu 0fl rr4 Aaal.teel Caablarebl. el Thar ia alwaye a ruh of hauling
F.rr.l Gce f,;,,', in, ,hB K" h"n ro'U
rrr ' . almoat impasaable We have a
, K''d upply of rough arid dree.l
Aeieeeor Mai Cremlall will slay lumUr at our mill, end a quantity
t h lb oft" ,0 "ulch n wi'non lumber al ths Uaie
I ntm it tba lael gai.iu al campaign "fur, below Nawton, the latler t.
T ikU daoielon one day " "critical 212. 2iH. 2,0
B, u ihl. dao.alon on.d.y 2i Jil() liH UR nj jh
tb lllr Irl of ll.ewiei. Mr. fBrol. en(h(i Tbli , g
CramUU wee ill red tha aeeielanl jry .unk, and il will pay you lo
aaahierahlp of Iba Fureel Grove inveetig-ale thould yu want any of
Wiiinnal Bank, at salary in con- lhaee dimeneiuns Groner A Row-
K'i of Vu.n.Mo,b. which -HCo Hch.,11-., R 2.
k. drawl, aud fur a lima gave " nmere till l tha Ursl tub
II faror
jo orawa, iuu ii a"- , . , , , , .
..or.bla oenald.r.lion. After .uf -'eating and prof
" . ilabla eerlea of aerrnone lo ba deliv
l ' wUw ",,m U arad al tha Chriatian church Ihr
idiwio. Mr. Crandall dacidrd fuf coming Hunday aaninn
Hanker now haH Title to Main
und Sc'ConJ Property
rraaafcr n Ila4a Mtaiir aid Dccl
It af Kccara
parachadule dmnl pkaaad for tha
brick on tha oornar of Main and
Heoond, now occupied by Wyatt &
Co ; for tba brick occupied by Km
rick A Corwin, tha brick under
rental to C. K Koootz, and tba
frame building uaad by J. C. Lam-
kin for a linfhop, the InitlrQment
now Mng of Glaio the Recorder of
Convayanoea' ofiiea at tha court
houite. The corner In quMtion ia
conceded to ba aa valuable ai aay
i. .,;.,! Mr Cranda 1 dacidrd w, ,,u. corner in tba cut, anil ai tbe
k.i h owed bia conalltuenla Sola lha ul Match ti.h I building it more eipeniira than
,1) arrvicaa in the eeaaaaor'a "Wblnara;" Mar. IS, 'The (irealant thuae on oilier cornen, footfor foot,
o(Bo, and ba lat Hturday Conf.aion That waa Kver Made;" it ia conceded to be the beat piece
und publio lha announcaiwaiil Mar. VI), "The Anawar to the Ureal- of realty in all Hillaboro.
. ii .i . i... I 1 1.. i .... i.l..iu.. .i" ti.. I i a in nrm
tbll D WCUIH eerte rainuiur uriruu in nii, mi i, t no i: lOKIiinraiiuu "II aumA,
ni hia um. "Tro i'ealh and Reaurraolion ol It ia geterlly bald that Mr, Bbute
. , . - rt.i I..... l V.. ...ik. v.... :. :n n .i.. .
I ba Ollc 01 III UIDI nil' "i '"iiu. iuuio iii- nut cvrutuiiir ura luo vuruei ma m-
Urln one, and tha poi( Ion would vilrd to bear each aubjct dice una bank building for thaiuartering of
are iluallf laa.l prtrnoiion. The ad. Tba paatur promiaea plain the new National Raak, oharter for
.: I H L I.. ........ I ... LI U...i. I ...... I- L I-l. I I L..I . I iL. IT.Ii.J
fOreat ti 0p national liana ia a 1 1 mi-ucii rrai uiuk r)nii muiu i wnicu naa wou eou ui tue v uucu
.: .' ..'...I ..J I... iL. .1 ..r.k ....... i ... . rwl i.l I LI t . I ... ... munl
lUlMtanUftl lliaiUUlon, BIIU 111 lllf tlu f-mii. rioiiuiu ui I nviini (il T ri II lllou
ukin. ol mni of Kora.t lirote'a under tba dirtction of (ieo A
iim.n but Mr Crandall waa ol Wabb. You are wanted at tba SURPRISE
tba opiuion that ba onl a fealty Cbflatian church -Marion K. Horn,
0 tboea whn alrctei mm in Oiliea, roiniaier.
add tna pronir naa iwaq uxciinvu.
Br. tranuau a aerrinew were aougni
Waue of thair value in many bring an analytical ac
eouatant of rrpu'e. For many
yeare iewaa in railwav Kiiploy,
and thii livei a man an ineight in
to auditotabip that would make
bit tiiwrieiit e val
bauoa l aubalanl
B. L. Griflita. of aouth of Bear
erton, wai in the city Monday.
Blue Ribbon tomatoea, corn aod
beani, .'I cam for 2! cents. Em
rnott Bros.
A. Andereon. of Helvetia, waa in
the city Monday morning.
Mike Warder Jr.. of Helvetia,
was an Argun caller, Monday fore
Kd. Northrup, of Shady Brook,
waa a caller at tne county neat
Garden awiln aud lawn grace for
sale at the Depot Store. F. W
Walch. 4'J 51
Born. Feb. 25. 1910. to W, U
(Illlam and wife, of Kaat Hilleboro,
a ton.
Qo. Bantz Sr. of Bbady Brook,
wn in town Tue day morning. '
Garden eeede and lawo graB for
aale at the Ueoot Store. F. W.
A few filnndi and relatival r f Mri
v. ii ....... Win Wolf, of North Hilleboro.
arty, only three blocka from bu.i Re that eitimab e lady a lurpriie,
houira of (1. M. Hunter, planing m her auly a.ith birthday. The
mill on Third Hi , between Main mp ny enjoyed the afiemoon
and Lincoln. Itjth tbonei. ill ll B' .,nd '.
I .Li f I. ... ... a M AMBAV
hat would make J. H, Tbotnpaon, hai aued Rich- xhoe preaant were:
uablaiothe bank, ard I.tnton and wile lor a aeea w Mi K,f,inill, Mrg, j01B tioaltrr,
il . . tV - I 'I ft J I .awl tVim a (rial tit T.ftMr! I . a c.l- if.. If VJf U r
II ill I IMF . I "B " alJ HUB wan" vt i,l r, , iTUFIC, Nil. I. a alllliv , aaa.
I i .t . 1 i I aL-l. T HI. I r.
. It t I . k T.... TMnA Ki-Ma.
Ill a, ution payment or I "J ft W to ".-
' ' , 1 ,, ... i umi Mia. Amamla hah. I ami Altit
l.intou. He allege that in IIKH M
to Iba place,
but that the
Inveatore Flood Port'anJ
Tba undesigned will aall at public .
i . u. navtna: therrfor IHWi,
.... 1 iifVwdlrthAwiilhalittiinan
lar mile nortbeaal or u la new. com- -
manolDi at 10 unlock a. m.,on be could pay lha principal and in Mf. R ,Io,lker, w,gerof thalaodde-
.,.v..... ki.i.n.i ,. lereat. Ihompaotl dipoaiiei the nutmrnt of Hartman & Thompson,
HOMlAl. MAItCII If . . . . a . -i . :..!!... I..l i. .1.1.. 11..1 11.- !.
autn in court unm unai miuum
.l.i II....I I.I..I-. ..-t
l. ... n .. n. ....i lion.
rhaihaiti fn mill, ('anion iIIm:
4 1 - - -
ntfta. lltlL'v I'ti lito lalirlliutiMllll
aarnm. ts iwiii iirri itvrr uno,
K. M Dooley Sight Drafts
Canada Man for $'MO
49 51
Jacob Schmidt, of near Laurel,
wai in the county seat Monday
R. F. Peters, of Portland, was out
Sunday, the gueit 01 friends.
Ira T. Milla. of Banks, was down
to the city Monday, on probate
Jack Robinson, of near Scholls
wai up to the city the first ot the
C vde Lincoln, of wlencoe. was
over to lha city Monday, greeting
C 8 Parker and wife viaited in
Portland and Vancouvfr, the first
of the week.
dtua.and a vocl aoio u, mim - bo,joeitlf importance to
""i ,iAl, '.ht talk on " h "d l'cli0B 0t 0BiT-
will deliver a short talk on I tie doubtless be taken
Mi-loo ..f lh" , ths as to the time of commencing the
iulod".; m-T-of. inlbuildingol the Rest Room.
Unkm. Portland. aUtri that the dr
maud for timtr landa, farma and orcb
.-.I. I. .. . I ., I .. 1 ...I thmt t TC
Iani i" miitiiiuti, ..... .- - -
if ulta it aniiiintf. If too wish to
,1 noil 11 c ii"" r""l i . , ' j,
e,,uipil Urreia sui.ihioe in the buy, It may par you to write to
..-... " L hmiM tome in ami ree our
wrin, mini nut a. ai, imikkt. i"'i
railtf, liayrc. douLlr liaiptHio hayfuik, Champion and Charter Uak ranges
with roj d blot aa cpmplria; brain ft,,- tr (he Xm Kmrick A Cor
caltt. 150 Ilia; all of tha fotrgalng ma. . '
rtlnrrr. rtc, i prcll-ally nrw, having . . . tu I m..i!n nf tha I.adiaa'
b. uM.1 but 0e and to -.-m. .ml The Christian Sunday school Is "IT,,'"?. " Vlu .r.he
IihUI ll of rat.; art double oik . , ' ,in f ,r a anrcearful raiiV H'Xl C('irw Club "lU . "d ,
kaiar-. a,nia- bug,, x.m.l- L , R ni, 1 Be home of Mrs Geo. Hancock, Sat
MMe.etrih" .bovrl. a,te, m.i. Hunday morning at 10 0 dock. March 5, at 2:IW sharp. All
twk, fork., i-aovaa nw alirrt. sU. sides the regular seaaion. Ihera will J . ,
L7...h"1'1 0 - .e.,eciUtionbyMr..P.(IShreu h IflC tlTnJ
TVuu of Hale 110 and under,
ouh; over 110, eight niorttha time,
bankable note, at ti per e ml
J. J. Hartley, Owner.
. iioiuy " . nvtiin iuuui uj'
P. M. WHITE Taylor Hill .Uof. above munt. m- Ford, of Portland,
dale, waa a r Suuda. ln th, oity with ber
.,.,. . ..... . ? tnaisoinucn ui iuo . r .
.m vtnua. Dim in iom i,aio- ' io h befn Winter killed up mum..
Una in lSIU), die.1 at hia home on d that the farmen will Postmaster W. L. Moore tnd
Giles Creek, Febnury 23, HMO, af b,vt tuaf time as soon as the 0f Bauki, visited friends in
Ur a short illoeai His wife and ...lie,. l0Wn over Sunday.
ST u"li ; ' . ' ' U.V.IVi' ..... M. ,010. to Mr. J. K. Price, of North Hillsboro
mi, nine came 10 ine miaai 111 iwrn, ruiu..; - 1 , i. (n,n fiatnrdav
lM0,vUlb. Mhmusof Pantrni, and Mrs Clarence Young, of Hills 9""'
ndsetiledooOaleeCreeklnlHTO born, aim. Grandpa A. J. Roy and called on th. Argus
m. , ... . . . a- . V.niil.1 ItA am . a 1TII
lbs lunera took d ace HatuMey, th inks the youngeier ruuu.u - - n . . and Mr. Jonn wu.
nd interment waa in the GaleaUmtraclor. but Grandpa J. I , fl.rm.ri- 0f Mounlaindale, now
ml oemalery. Young says that judgioii rrom his Wtw gt pond, peb.
1... ,clions ths first day of his VH.i, he mQ B0D
LAUHKL SURPRISE i b a ilairVllian. . , . . .. .u.
,D ' . ,1 Fred Greener, wno oougn. ua
Miss Geneva Palmateer, wno M Q ilUn pii0e, below the Rood
rn, ..r r.i.... .1. ,.1 u. knai I . I.'.... -dk bar narents. last . , . . : iv,. nt
.uuiUVi 1, 1 iiicuun ui 1110 I wem JV"I "i" 1 Kridilfl. ISBl JBI wo 111 w v..j
mat at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fall. nd who has ben stoppinR M 84tu"tlliy.
rag V.row,ne.rLur..S.lur U.hUnd since mu , m .r-. ; of hf
U tiwi"nififff lh frttaaialin IkaainiT I l . I..., a akfriV HII UUUIO Miiu-r -- . n
im evening waa enjtijtHi "j Hand, in Blml"',' -. ,
11; gs-maa and .musementa, olosed of her sister, Mrs. Nwl, who is very day evening. a ,
with r-r... 1 1 .,... tha ... at. H llaboro Hull, oatur
km... kl . P . . ..... . Marnh 5. 1910.
.. ooaepreaen were. lav Murray, of Cedar Mtu, waa aay , V..... n.n i!nWt
r. ami Mra. John Sr., Mr. "VVj, .vina taxes on tne Moelies orcneew- "
Mr. loim Schmidt ir. Mr. and Mr. up Monday, psyng . ... freei Gentlemen
I? SmidtMr. andMVa, P. 1. Ulte- estate 0 bis ,at e , a- ; -
mr. anu mra. Harry tune, mr. ami hurray. . i u .
Mri.i,UdtKCarow, Mr, and Mra Jacob A.t0ria country for seven or j. M. Greear, now oonduonng a
tK-lllillilt. Mr. ami Mra A.loli.h Krlmildt. . . i ... I... rolnrnnd honOP I . ..i .. n....,allia araa down Satur-
Ajben fctaisr d7 o;;;,;. ,.,.; "I'Zm l the PW- 5LT Si his brick
m."' CV".. w ' f"rJ?r wro,u uV ' ..leH hv the Pacific
c'"w. . .1 irin.Jnn states Telephone Co., nd the
Herman mown. -- . , &to
LOUIS F.SE.ULBR were marnea - -"-l"-; , . . w in
nl Mrs. A. m"c'"i " . . vuw ww. . - .
111 nffinlatine n j.- .n.i llt Snndav. in oom-
m IKllil KHV Ai k't'iitDB tr i ntiiUruB T i MV" y
Louis F, Beidler.son of Herman ,9hl"'"i j8 from Multnomih paDy with his mother, ol Portland.
Dd the lata Kmma H.lrtlr. died Bt1 n6 .8r0" T.. 7utl. Oreonn. to v Uit Mr.
Jhe home of his fathor, near Can- county. ,n(i Cora Loudon's grandmother, now in her
tsrv ill. m min uJ Harman Metzntlne ana or I V.' . ...B
"Zn,n Herald. South Da
obedient and faithful ron, k F.h 5. hks the fol
tne fourth deth Mr. Seidler has ry Albriguv uu. e- au... - . m
uffered hi. family, his wife dv A IUrberg. the West Union 1 Si Agent J.
ini in June, 1903 J ; buyer and buloher, illIJ;Bt J Huron, tl the
r, died at lha nf 1R vears. and "no1" . ... MAndav evenini. . .m, i .tn.m
tnolb. m iTi7I j:J I. ,k. was in me u.v, . - - UnUed giaiea i.uu u,
h ill.. I TH
. wwm. aaviuio, vsiuia wa w r i K a aT i Umai 1 11H an it .1 1.4 llak Al V iniiav. un if awv
OTthlrtnan V W Baioer. Ol vu.uo.. , D0un.l iu iu" j r-'-,
"nrieen. . . .. .i.u ..u nnl, . ,l. in tha case at
j he c tv the nrei o n"" "vv-' nere iur m - ,
... " iuineoiijr r.fSMi vesterdav. and
Wh ta Hn...-,.nv. onaran. Ifoal business. - n Koi.
.very Vanmott BroP. Johnson Br, and Nels John; VJoou - j;-
Edw.R,i0. rff.rm,n,nn was. eon Jr., of .ear Be hany. t aw-.--
Findlev Mcl.eid. who own. the
8eth place, in Scoggin Valley, was
in town Tuejday, paying Uxe.
J. T. Fletcher, school teacher,
surveyor, and savant, or Forest
Grove, was down to the county
seat, Tuesday morning
Cbas. Matthes, of near Laurel,
was in Mondav. navins taxes and
contributing to tne publisher, in
David Reghitto, of Beaverton,
and at one time the big onion king
of that district, was in the city
J II. Rinck. who Started a store
up at Buxton wbeu that burg first
went on the map, was down to tne
county seat the first of the week
M Rabn.of near PhilliDS. was in
th nitv the first of the week, and
remembered the Argus office in his
Coale. Mallis. of near Tieard
ville, was up to the city Monday,
and will look for the Argui anoth
er year
W. W. HoBtetler, of R.ei ville,
and who is in the bop growing
huaineaa. was UD to ths city Mon
day, greeting mends,
Hiltbrand. wbo has 40
acres on the survey of the United,
ner Phillios. was in tte city mod
day afternoon, and called
Herman Seidler. for many years
a seotion foreman out of Cornelius,
on the Southern I'eciuc, was in
from his Ceuterville ranch, Mod
Uarbert O. Thvnsr. who works
fer the O. K. & w., in rotuana
and who is a former llillttnroite
was out Monday, lopking after hie
North Hillsboro property.
J W- Henderson, who came here
from Polk County a few years ago,
and bought in tiast Hiusooro, ana
is not grieved over bis investment
was an Argus caller, lueauay.
Hnn Hubert Bernards, of Mo
Uinn.ilU. and who in olden times
wa. one of the champion baby-
kisser, in a campaign, wa. aown vo
the oounty seat, Monday, greeting
Jnhn Tachabold. who has been in
the bridge building business for
anma time, waa in towu Tuesday.
He will stay on tne tarin witn uave
TBchabold, hia brother, or iieiyetia
this reason.
Andrew RenBon. of Cornelius
..a in town the first of the week
and .ay. the Cornelius Pythians
... natiina readv for the bia die-
awiv ajw n - ' j T7I
trict convention to be held at For
est Grove on the 12th.
B. A. Barber, who has been down
... n.i .
in me niversiue, uuumrj
before the holidays, returned
Sunday afternoon. He says that
r . a l IJ
Di...r.iHa omnved one 01 ioe coiu
est Winters in its hbjtory, and that
he i. glad to get back to old uregon
Noticatothe Publio J. K. John
. . i :li .
An nnntnoraDner. will uuou i
duu, --- B- r . :. ,, ,
ountr. fttndin in the new lleide
k UVv .
Building, on Main street, in a enori
tin.. Hhnra all outstanding tickets
will be honored, and work of the
highest excellence guarante d
Milaa n. Purdin. who is home-
steading a fruit ranch down near
Kirby, Josephine uo., was in iowq
a..Q,ia Mr. Purdia ha. been
on on the United states jury, for
. . .vri!l. S.. . U A ia
a lew days, wdub iu u
wa. the guest of bis motuer, mrs
P. M. Jackson.
Cut a Takca to Clrcait Caart Jary
Some month ago, Joe. Avery went
to R. M. Dooley, then in the First
National Bank of Forest G.ove,
and presented a claim, twenty years
old and outlawed, for collection,
gainst a mm then in Canada. It
was a claim only, as the note had
been burned, but Dooley got buy
He sight drafted tbe man for the
outlawed debt, and by pressing the
claim, succeeded ia getting $300
from the delirqaent debtor. Doo
ley held out $00 for hi. work, and
Avery brought suit in justice court.
Dooley beat Avery in tbe minor
mnrtand then Avery ante iled. and
tha MM aaa heard. Saturday. The
jury it is unders'ood, stood 8 to 4
in favor ot Avery, alter Deing out
.11 avnnina. and the court dis
charged tin body. Mr Dooley is
nam in Port and. ana nas a ret pon
aihle noaition in a bank there. The
p. B. Clark, T. W. Sain, C. W. Bloom,
T. R. Davia, A. T. Buxton, H. A. nan
L- u U... Thna Hnvr C. C. NeltOU. I
i u. .!.' lu.r Trullinrer. B. A. E&W
j. ....... j, .... -
,,v... . fiivnrrea rrameu: iuit
r .t Itnm Mnrria Gumbert: Anna
Karl va Alexander Karl; Ira cot-urn va
flamlr rohnrn: I W Bowera va ivaie
n....... .
n v, nf March, court will aeain
be here, and the caae of Venen va Booth,
Pnrrat (irovf. will D arguea. luu is
alto the date that the grand jury teturaa
High Q
UALITY Lfrug Otorc
Our Greatest Ambition
is to Deserve to be Your
And to supply you and your home with
with all the needed sick-room supplies as
well as Toilet Requisites and othar goods
tarried by a High-Class Drug Store.
Our Prescription Department represents
the best iu quality and skill.
Give us a trial and you will find
Our Goods are Right
Our Services are Right
and Our Prices are Right
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Portland is to have an aviation
maat Uarnh R R and 7. BuBlOeSB
man have ortraniz! a three-days
exhibition of flying machines, and
D O Lively ha. been maae mana
oar nt th avant. Charles K. Ham
ilton, celebrated aviator, who made
fliabu ai the Loa Anceles meet and
captured many prizes, will be the
star of tbe coming coo tests, and
will try to set new world', records
for altitude, high and low epeed
flights. Four local aeroplane, will
bs entered in tne corneal., wnne
Mr. Hamilton will bring Curtiss,
Wright and Farman biplanes,
which he will fly. Big prize, are
offered for successful flight., and
with favorable weather conditions.
it is expected some new worlds
rannrda mil be mads. The meet
will te held on the Country Club
grounds, east of tne city, ppeciai
Rates have been made on me
Southern rcifio, from ouUide
point to Portland and return, dur
inu the Drosress or tne meet, ana a
large attendance is expected.
Wallace Paslev. of Bast of Glen-
coe, wtn oal!er in ths county .eat
Tuesday. j
J. A. Kirkwood, of Reedyille,
w.b a county Beat visitor r riaay
K F. Wtl'is, the Banks bard-
ra mnrcnam. wil l nitiauuru
caller, Tuafday, coming down on
the P. R &N.
CcA. R Wl McNutt. of Corneliup,
and who hunt lee real estate in that
thriving little city, wib in town the
last of ths week.
dm Johaoi e 1. boo of Mrs. C
Lareen Sr.. wan in town this week,
called hither by ber illneea. He
waa accompanied by bis wife
r M llimlev.. who inaugurated
th viral National Bank, of Foie.t
Grove, and for year. it. president
and oaehier, waa in town saiuraay.
For home portraits or view., call
on J. ni. jonnson, pauiugrapuci
Residence, Sixth St. between Base
line and Oak. Phone, Independ
ent 287.
T.i Waltera. of Portland, and
who for jear. lived at Cedar Mills,
was out Saturday, on Duainee. at
the court house, and incidentally
oalled on the Argus.
Dance at Hilleboro Hall, Satur
day evening, Maroh 5. loellee
orchestra. Dane tickets, fi.w
Ladies free. Gentlemen specta
tors, 25 cants.
Th Odd Fellows, of Forest
l rrtvA. will soon e-eot a three-story
stiuoture on their property, recent
ly acquired trom in. rirsv nauouai Thia is ouite the proper
idea when an order goes Into buB
Inoaa nartnershiD witn it. town
sbowioK an abiding faith in its
and future, it means
strength to its membership and
tba rua Fellows are to be oonsrat-
Hinted on their enterprise. The
HiiiabnrnOdd Fellows built Mveral
year, ago, and the venture wa. a
very protuaDie one.
Preaident Vice-President Caahier
Forest Grove
TKoa. G. Todd Jokn E. Bailey J- W. Tuqua
Wilber "W. McEldowney J. A. TKornburg;
Start the Jew Year
By buying' Your GENERAL
Forest Grove,
We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
n-nmpti's nnd men's shoes which are sliehtlv
damaged aud more or less out of style which
vill cpl lor nne-tliird Dnce viz i. snoes
for coc: 2.2s shoes for 7 Sc. Men's and
wnmpn's im to ti.i;o for I.OO.
These are all eood material but not up to
nrPCPTir st vies. Now is the oDDortunitv to
get a good shoe for little money. We shall
be pleased to show them to you as long as
they last.
One Cause of Headache
When an eye is said to be astigmatic, the meaning
is that the eye has a double focus. . This annoys
the brain and the eye will strain unconsciously to
bring about a clear focus. This strain usually
causes headaches.
Astigmatism is usually congenital or so at birth.
It is remedied by wearing glasses ground from the
segment of a cylinder. These glasses if rightly
made bring images to a focus on the retina and
thus relieves all strains. , 1 -
I am prepared to correct all errors of sight. My
prices are the lowest consistent with service and
quality of eye-wear.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Graduate) Optometrist.
. r
t S
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onty .eit oailVr MdVy. ' 1 TuM(Uy U,0rU,UB'