The JnllLLSB ,'OL.XVl. UILLSBORO. OREGON, FEB. 21. 1910 NO. V) i mum CatBKAi: w Hr.anJ Mr IVter linncow Have Fiftieth Anniversary iV 1IVB0 LONC IS HIUSBOKO AtaCwp't Hut C.l.bra- litd, atslilT ur. nut Mr. r(r of rt Mm '-r.t. llil'ntx'ro, wis Intod ihir a.Hn wedding el thrirhw- :tini' vininu. lrb We not ha - rr j Kflod hard burned brick, and build ing blocks lor Milan and founda tions, iry our building blocks for your house foundations. Cheaper than oeweut or brick and belter irotection against rroat. V have luiehed our run ot Ursa tila ati.l ars again running on smaller aim, anu uare a i air supply at the yard. Partial wantinv tila .ialivar.! should plaos their orders now so we oan haul them before bad weather. There is always a rush of hauling ordera in the Kail when roads are almost Impassable. We have a good supply of rough and d resned lumber at our mill, and a quantity of common lumber at the Haie spur, below Newton, the latter to sell at a sacrifice "2il2. 2H. 2fl 2x4 lilO. US, UG and lml. of My I vv4N Mr. and ro. lVl. r Ikweow, of IlllUboro, felebranU of OoUt-n Wetldliig- THK LAW ON ROADPOLL TAX l.uch Mulo Between 21 and SO Must I'unKle $il COLLICTED BY R04D SUPERVISORS Cas Garalaht Ws(s sf Trsstltst Weikers Is Csasty Tbe Argus has received many In uiriee a to the law on the matter of poll tax. As a matter of (act the old rejular poll tai was repeah I some years ago, but the legislature of I 'JIM passed what in known as the road poll tai law. which requires every male cliin betwre i tbe sges of 21 and 50 years, steeptlng those eietupt by s'atute to pay a road Ui of i'l 00 This tieiuption no longer covers those physically Inospaoiialed. and tlioee who are immune fion the payment are active and exempt firemen only. Tito two seoli na ol the statute overini tbe mailer ol this road poll tai follow; I'.yrty ml Iulisliltaul of thi Klsle over twruty-oiw yrara ami umlir liflv jfcst of uilirM liv li ririttpl, sltsll miuillv uav a rn.l mill U( of ft I. wlllitl lull ht collft'tot III cash by the roatl au twtvis ir of the district in wliuU any r- m IU!lr utrrrior mine, ait l nnii in nil lw rnllnlpil li (he iimiI surwrvtsor on or brfoie the tt rot ilay of IVwmtwr of tlir yrr for which snrh poll Us li due. Kucli pull lax niut be jilil on tlnimnd nirrt ul Iri-nU. They acre osrrieJ il Vara, Hancock couo tr, 111., F'b. l'.i. IHUO, and came to 0 oa by (X learn, in ISO I, first Million on ih Jspoh Hooner fsrm, fcormilee north ol this city. Later they moved to Hilluhoro and have line tuiie mis cny nir uumo.j Mr. Bco wai born on tbe Isle ol Mid, tcsJe cetibrled by the nov lt ol 1111 Cim, and his birth dale U My '20, KS3-S Mrs His nam. whm iiiiuUn name wai Hs- heccs Cray, a a b rn in Coluiubus, Ohio. October ISU. Mr, Bocow and Henry Wthrung bought out the A. C. Archbul.i lore in 1S.V2, and they we e in baiioeni) for a number of years, on the corner ol Main and 8cond. Tbe parlors and dining room at tbe anniversary celebration were dtcorsted in yellow and g em, and Mr. nd Mr. Huniov, who are loved by all who know them, e iter taintd in th-ir uul hospitable mince.-, iv Evan P. Hughes, sell known in thi city, wbt-re he hild the Cong pantorate loritversl yean,reui)i'.l the bride and groom ol fifty yfrs in a touching cere mooy, and then presented each eeith a hat.ilrinine gold watch, the pmwnli of thfir children. The Nlowing children and grandchildren acre pteeent: W. 11. iloicow, Sptikue; Mra. W. II. Wthtung. 1'Drilntiil; W. SV. Hoecow, Ilillilxini; Mr 1) I. Patterton. Kuene, and Miss IMi lU llmcow, lliUslmro. Gratiiltbil.Jrris -Mrs. Kilu-l Wchrung Wiatluni, Min A lite Wchrung, Mim I!va Bokow, dinlHiiil; Alice Putlcrann, Uoro thy Pattrrvm, Mnotrr Itulaml Ihxcow. Othrri prrnnl wfrr Or anil Mr. K. A. Baili-y, Mr. n-l Mr. I, A. Rooil, ilr. in. I Mm, 1'. M. Jackaon, Mr. and Wr. J. A. Iriilnii-, Mr. ami Mr. A C Arch bold, Mr. n d Mri W. B. WiImhi, Rev. an'l Mn K. I'. IIiikIui, Mr. ati) Mr. K. I. Knratli. Mm. Mry llHivi-r, Foeail, Ore., Mrt. Smaii lirown, Mra. S. Farohaui, Mn. lmnc Hullir, Mr. K. K. Knnr, Mm. M. M. l'nt-tirr, Mra L. V. Boscow, Mr W W lluscow, M C Collier, J H Hew ell, D P l'ittroii, Uiylon WUiUmi anil W II Wihrunx, r'UBLIC KALE various lenghts. This la ell god drv stock, and it will par you to investigate should ynu want any of these dimensions Uroner x Kow elt Co , Hoholls, Uillsboro, R. 2. t The undr-raianed will sell at pub lic mlh ut Iiih farm, on the Cor nell mail, tevmi milea north Sod eet of Hillttboro, and 2J miles went or Oder Mill, at ten a m , on WEDNESDAY. M A 11 C II 2. Two horws, 5 mid 8 yeare, 1 150 each; 3 gwiii cowh, one 3 years, Ireen April u, one 1 vit in ntiitx r,.ii a tu tfmii6 I .") Mill, tltDI, I U K ' " yr, frenh in May; four ahoata, welhs ixmi75 ii each; 4 dozeo chickena: wrra wagon, KfK.n rrpur; htht hiill-epring w' KOti: 1-M'Ht limit r-mirtw Inn wllh CUT - i. , ' j:.. ..iub, in j,(JO(i Hiiape; lop iniKKri narrow; Mi Connie It mower, steel lever harrow. lU-ht rhillril nlow. Blttl 1 naymcic, cl Ulil liarneHd, 1 ainK" larnt-M uriiMui,na kiflrl cfrlnil ft. ...MVHUV, F. wneei harrow, 2 cart wlieeia, pair Jhafts, toiiiu-, X cut law, new; bucksaw, UtO rnn ...l- . .1 UM ... nar. iica dry wooil, small tools, s norsc tread power, DcUval cream separalor, olhper hour, butter worker, 4o-lb. capacity, io al churn, two-liottle milk ter, road cart, spray pump, grain chopper, Ocean Wave washing machine, ome household Roods, ami numerous other articles, l.unch at noon. Terms of Hale: Under $10, cash, 110 and over, 8 montbV Urine; bankable note, H per cent, intercut. 2 per cent. cfT for caHh eiims over !0 ICO. Boost, Owner IkllLerg Farm. B. P, Cornftliui", Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Garden Beedu at GaerV-in bulk 8am Pooley's big dray team In dultet in a fsncv runaway, Hon day at eolng, about 4 i.'KJ, running f om the K. C. Drown residence, arhnra a deliverv of furniture was being made, down Second street, to the Wehruna cirner. where tnev collided with lbs electric light pole, one animal going on each aids Th iviniact aeoarated them from the dray and barnees, ana oom hnrsaa full. Neither was iriared, however, and the lose was about 10 A Iw feet more to the left, anrt ih would have crashed into the gtase froot of the Webrung store. I have a bun saw and will saw cord wood or poles into stove wood fur an one livine Id (he neighbor hood of Farmiogton or IUedville. k done on sasoline en- rines. Will guarantee to toske them run right Carl Bkow. Bea verton, Ore., K 4, MU t Geo. Stilt, of Beaverton, was up Mr Htilt ssvs he is sal- lefled to remain In Washington County for the present. Hs ssys that should his section be anneied to Multnomah they eventually would have to help pay off the debt ,.t it,. Pnrt of Portland: the debt of the oouoty of Multnomah, and the dept of the city, as lu me ena tn city and oounty governments will be merged, a lo 1I big cities. Nntiii tn the Public J. K. John- - - - son. photographer, will opsn a cknn Hnirfin in me new umuci ft MUW V w - ----- , . Building, on Main street, in a short lime, whete all outstanding i'ae-,r .iit K hnnnred. and work of tbe ii.l.-i ....ll.n. anaranteed. W) nignees i""' - t..ka .sis closed Tuesday ur..v.;i,.'. Rlrthdav being a le ..i k.iM. The moat ot tne RBI iiuiiu"; - - . . . stores, however, were upon Tki nmi nnica aeuk uunu Dene, " pi - - v , . a short time after distribution, but the rural mail carriers saved a nasty trip, m Uncle 8am gives them the oeneni oi a - u.. um. nnrtraita or views, call rn u"" y L , on J. K. JohnBOU, pnoioBip Reiidence, Biith Bt, between d. ine nd Oak. Phone, Independ ent 287. TnUnhnne Go. have bought tbe Hughes exchange In .r.,1 Me. Kindt, secretary, in a new swucn oor, . town and put In several new M. 0. Hewitt, the carpenter, is atill in the bousemovtng dubh,, "and U you have. building to move, as him for an esumaw. J. L. Banks, of Banks, and who . " i- .h. hmnher business at the new town for sometime, was in tbe city Monday aiieruoou. Garden seeds and lawn grass jor a a a. s lanni. ria.ii in. a. " sale a me r" . R1 W.lch. a u,. niaude William" ".-inHala. are the proud or near uuh. --. - . - - parents of a daugnver, - Amwm airO. Garden seed, and ton" sale at the Uepoi ... t 1 Tl U V Waion. the year for which snrh p-ll Us la due to Ihe ruad surrvlsor, as heiciu provided. Thr road sutirrvlsora. under the dlrec- ilim of tlm count clerk I court 1 shall eiprml the full tai due and collected (mm ieraoua liable to aaiil road pull tai la keeping Ihe made In his district lu as KtxHl repair as tne money ami laoor ai his dispiiaal will permit. The statute tirovuKs that a an p. areisor. in order to collect from transient laborers, if thev fall or refuaa to ie v. mav bo before a las lios ol tte petes and garnienee wanes to covsr the amount of lbs tax and the costs of the action. Hera ia another little road law that might well bear persual, al ihough the law is as old as oom mon law Itself Vhi-iivpr auv oerson drlvinif or con Hulling any vehicle shall meet on any mihlu- hlirhwav. rst road, or private way In this State, the persons so meeting .,. a,iiiiiiv turn ineir venules in the right of the center of the road, so as In ,,.it rll vrlllrla 10 MSS WltllOUt interfering with or Interrupting the other. If any person shall willfully violate the provisions of Section 44 of this act, he .I..II f.,rfil ami na the sum of 1 00 fur every socb violation to the party Injured, m - recovered Lv civil action, and such further damages la tne same aciion as such party may directly sustain oy reason of such violation. White House coffee ae guaran lea every oan. Kmmott Bros. A C. Winnev. of beyond Ulen- co, was in the city Tuesday. Chaa Kosher, of Hoholls, was in the city Monday. W. W. Williams and wife, of Mountalndale, were in the oily the first of tbe a oek. Blue Ribbon tomatoes, corn and beam, 3 cans for 25 cents. Km mott Bros. Huah Honors. Uobt. and Wm ftitnpeun, of Buxton, wers down ths Bret of ths week, returning luei- day morning 8t Patrick's Dsnoe, Msnh 17, 1910. at lltntisn Hall, and a fine lime guaranteed. i)o ttol fail to attend. Commencing with Feb. 1, we will give away silverware on caeh purcba e. Produce earns as cash. 8leveus Bros., Fartningtun. C irnelius Vandehey.of near Hoy, and Waller VanUyke. ot erbmiri, were Argus callers Monday, being down, as well, on a tax paying trip 8. A Berry, who is fanning on In Cspt. Cbrialenron plane. Houth Tualatin, ownrd by Frank linger, of Hilleboro, was in the city Mon day. Frank Pranier. of Cedar Canyon, formerly of I.eisyville, was in town Vtnndav. He is interested in Ihe Bohler-Hpierrings-Prsnger sawmill, and eave tt keens tbi'ta busr IO- glng and sawing, the year around When the kitchen is properly equips I there is sunshine lu the house. Come In and see our Champion and Cbarl. r Oak rangee. They are tbe best hmtick St l or win Huirh Rogers, of Buxton, is su thorite for the ststemeut that the Buxton Band dance cleared t-IO nai-the other evenins. Tbe bsnd assisted the music, ths orcheetra being Frank Petrr.tlka and Mra Fred Caldwell. irn. HlKln rMaldenoe nron v. ' " " , r erlv. only three blocks trom bust nea center: also a business chance Inquire of (I M. Hooter, planing mill on Third t., oeiwesn matu and Lincoln B)lhtibons. I'l tl Under date of the Kith, T. K Imbrie writes from Chicago that hs left that evening for Washing ton I) O He nave there was ilen ty of snow and cold In the windy oily. Mr. Imbrie exported to lis In New York on Sunday, ids ud, Captain Paul Kc liners Ncro tlating for Property MY BUILD ON WASBISCrOlt STBIIT Tws If Nst Ihres stery Structars Fig- sred ss !so Captain Paul Helmers, who was a blockade runner, oarrying supplies and oonlrabandof war for the Kua slan gevernment during the Kusso- Japan war, and now a prominent real estate man and promoter of Portland, was In the city tbe last of ths week, figuring on tbe quarter block 8outh of (he M. K Church, and Houlhestof ths Oregon KUct io depot, with the view of putting up a Ons brio k hotel, poseibly three story, and at least two story. The Captain recently bought the famous Spring Hill rauch, abive Gaston, and also bought si me ISorln Uills boro acreage, and he has the capi tal if things look right, and he ft-t the moral support of the town. Captain Kdium Ihiaka a good hotel would pay hire, and hs oal oulates to build as so n as he get things settled. He d en ires to build so (hat the structure will feci the Or'iron Klectrio depot, and hi Intend to put in a finely rquippel hoetelry and grounds that will be a credit to the plaod. Mr. Lehman, of Ce dar Mill, owns tbs property that ia beiog negotiated on. AUCTION SALK II IGII 'UALITY Drug S tore YOUR PRESCRIPTION! Where Will You Tahe It? I will sell at publio sale at my farm, one half mile north of Farm lnrton store, and five miles south east of Uillsboro, at 10 a. m , on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 trim head of eowa. coin ine fresh in Marrh: o roara now in milk: cow. coinlnif In April; 7 head heifers, 18 mouths old; Jersey bull, J yrs. old; Kale planter, new; light wagon, 3 Mitchell farm waKOii, 8 10 tai. milk cans, a plows, 14 Inch; buggy, fio. 8 cook stove. Terms of Bale All sums under (10, caeh; $10 and oyer, time to October 1, at 7 per cent Interest. U. I j. Halvorsen. B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. We have fillet over 6xx) prescriptions during the past year. Perhaps 50 per sent of these have been for ser ious cases of illuess, where much deluded upon cor rectness and fidelity iu filling them. Wc never forget our responsibility in this matter. Doubt is never al lowed to enter our prescription department. There are no doubtful drugs in it, and hurry and carelessness are never allowed to cast doubt upon the medicines we dispense. Wc aim to be the druggist to whom you can bring your prescriptions for serious cases with perfect con fide uce. We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of extra quality. We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and Delicious Candies. Yours for a Happy New Year. The Delta Drug Store, Uillsboro, Ore. 1 SEY J Farmers look here we will psy you more in trade for your produce than you oan get anywhete in the ennntv. Brinir it to us. Wo will conviooe you thsl we can and do pay more than others we taae veal and pork on Tuesdays Stevens Bros., Farmlngton. 60 You can't make W A. Tupper, ll known here, and now with the Portland Business College ss one of the instructors, believe inat toothpick isn't a dangerous thing, About two weeks a bo. ns nurneoiy ran his hand into his coat pocket and inadvertantly connected wttn . .h.m tnnthnick. the txiint enter ing under tbe finer nail, In two or three days he had a nioly de- r-lmuwi rase of blood poisou, ar u has carried tbe digit in a harness sver it:ce rt u not nicessarv for you to i... .w tne Tenth (Jommannrae 11 when pawing 'h. Donel-on Block on Baseline street, ny winning ynu n-.d all or nsrl of it. as Mr Don- .lunn has nlam d the Drooerty io oinw" - a - , our hinds for sale at a puce am on terms that any ore in a pwi tlon to own property, cto afford to handle one or more imone L.anu Co. w A Venable. formerly of Ool Jandala and a friend of Wm. Tup ' . . t per, who knew nun years ago, naa bought thi r'eoonu nireet reeiau rant, opposite the Pythian Build in. .nrt will remodel the interior and make other improvement, n,.,'i atand around with your luii .- - 1 1. I nmi nnnbat. and TOUT eyes closed, and let rank outsiders come In town ana use no u- nains in property away irom you. un hus inv number ol up-to- date bouses and cottages for sale on easy terms, so wny pay rem. Imbrie Land uo. r M Kerr has bouaht tbe inter est of H. A Hubbert, his partt er in tbe Webfoot Realty uo., ana will oontlnue the business atone. Mr. Hubbert has two or inree 01 .. r fnramanahlD of sawmills of iri w r - . fora.1 him. and may aooept one of them in the near luture. w.nW Pnmeroy. who lived for ... finrneliiis. and who last week aooompanled the remains of ui. il. tn tinrnn ilia lor iniermeiii, UIB WHO w- . .... . was in town from Idaho, tne last 01 it. week, the flueat ol nis Dromer In-law, W. H. Taylor. Judge Rood Is busy these days, L.Jiini the treasurer's office at the court house, during the lay off of County Tieaeurer jaoason. Ueo. Williams, of Houih Tuala tin, was in town Monday. Mr. Williams has a new girl al bis house, born Saturday, and he says the arrival eltfps like an angel all day, and is no trouble at all, hut when night comes she wants to en tertaiu the entuo family. K.lirard W. Abraham, ( I Yam hill county, and Ru b A IV.ty, ol near (taeton. were grantee iicenee to wid, Monday, by Clerk liatley. The bride is but 17 yeare t f ae and it rtquired an allllavit of con sent by the father, J. o. l'etty, ne fore license could lecue. MRS. JOHN MILNE JR. Mrs Kva Cawne Milne, wife of John Milne Jr., died at tbe family homo on North Plains. February 19, 11)10 Hhe was lbs daughter of Joseph Cawrce, and was born July 4, INS!), being sged 20 years, 7 months, and lo days at Der demise Bits was married to Mr. Milne Anril 2H. HMW. 8he leayes to mourn her Lies her yr unghusbani', her ra'her, Bve sisters and two brothers, as follows: Mrs. Jacob H B Daucbv.of Grfenville, says ihe United Railways have run a mivey out through Cedar Canyon as far as (llenwood. Two or 'h-ee preliminaries will be run to tbe summit ot l lie coam range, wttn e view of netting as easy a grade at. possible ioto the Tillamook timber section. i . D. Foote. of Virainia. nnd H, I) KlUworth have i iined In a part nership, and purchased the Forest Grove paper, the publication start ed last Fall. The new owners will enlarge the paper. Mr. Klancke, who has been in charge ol tne ties tlnln of the Dress Bince its appear ance, has not announced what bis future will be. Harrv Wolford. of above Buxton, raa rlnwn to the citv Monday, re turning Tuesday. He states that he has a 7-year old mmwin inai this year produced 12 bushels of mArohentable annloj This is Roina some and a five aote orchard of trees yielding like this one woulJ keep the wolf from the door. The time will oome when the Buxton hills and from there to the summit will be tbe Mecca of apple growerB John Hitter and J. C Kuratli returned Saturday evening from tbe sale of personal property oi the lamented John D. Roeelalr. Mr. Rltter held a chattel mortgage on the livestock and personal proper ty, and with tbe oonsent of Rone lair's attorney, Jtffrey, placed the property on sale. It brought $418, but out ol this muBt come expenses of care and feed for the stock and the sale oharges. Mr. Rilter also holda a mortgage on the larni. J. A. THORNIU'RGH J. K. llAILKY W. W. MCELDOWNB I'rrslilcnt Vice-Presiilent Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL h BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. WE WILL ADD A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT MARCH IO, 19IO. DIRECTORS Thoa. C. Told John E. BaviUy J. W. Tuqua Wllber W. McEldowney J. A. THornburg" The late Eva Cawfte Milne IYlne. Mrs. H. V'trtft. ftay McPherson, Misees Adelaide and Berdie Cawrse and John and Joseph Cawrse Jr. The funeral took place Sunday at the Tualatin Plains cemetery, and was attended by a larae con- oourse of friends of the family. The fl ral offerings at the obsequies were profuse and beautiful, a touch ing tribute to the memory of the departed wife and daughter. Card of Thanks We desire to thank those who bo kindlv tendered us aid and sympa thy during our bereavement, the death and funeral obsequies of the late Mrs. John Milne Jr., and de sire to express our special thanks for tbe beautuui norai uiDutes. John Milte Jr., Joseph Cawrse Sr. North Plains, Feb 22, 1910. Chris. Hesse, of Scholia, was in town Monday. Ed. Morrill and wife, of Beaver ton. were in the city Sunday, suests i of A. A. Morrill and family. Start the Hew Year By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY Oregon STORE Forest Grove, a J We lmvc quite a number of pairs of child's, t women's, nuil men's shoes which arc slightly f ? damaged and more or less out of style vhch J we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. Men s and women's up to 3.50 for $1.00. I hese arc all good material but not np to 1 XT . 1 . these arc all good material but not np to present styles. Now is the opportunity to per a f ooii sitoe ior iniie inonev. vve suati 0-- -0 - j be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. Let's Get Acquainted Good Jewelry buying means better acquaint ance with this store. We'll sell you your future jewelry if present satisfactory dealings count. New seasonable jewelry, silverware and cut glass are found here for every season and occasion as they approach. Remember the. Store that recognizes that modem busiuess is in a large degree founded up on sentiment a feeling between buyer and seller of confidence, appreciation and good will. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. tl f - , J-