The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 17, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 1)
. I..
Cootrnctor i r"
. .. . t.. iin ti HI Ream
tllllBMH rw" -r
1 b !'
Raileey A SvUllu t' , In t re
0,01 Interview. lh,t motk U
pmiwlni finely " "
.a HiHl-'f0 and TilUiiiook,
.ilb-lifulinK bed "Minor
u...t that by the ImIoi April
b, -ill br t,n running 0
mil Oi) ib Tillen.out en-1, ami
U,it Contour Saieney U doing
ti'jfio won in puahing til con
tract lo completion.
C, K. Ly'K g"eral manager of
the toed, y bl h thinks there
till b no J iubt but whl Scny
-;n hi pot. tract flnlrbe-l by
r AuKtiii. h 1 doing
ipl.oJul worl bU Wlnier, in tbe
kry rocl ot i.
TilUoi'Xik and N Intern beech
pmparty U now gelling on ihe
Krkl end ihe protit iieii expect
0 Kl qOKJUBled I" of ICtotl lot
from tbU on.
Tbi undersigned will wll at pub
lie l it his farm, on the Cor
biI road, even mlliHi north tod
ul of Hillsboro. and mi In tai m,on
Totiofrt, $ ) H yrr. ti$ each; j
iul n,i ir i tear. Irrth April 11
dm J Itt ni ilk, (rcth Aui It; one 6
tn, fli tit May; (Hir ahoata, rt(hi
ibast J llwmt-h, 4 ttoora t liti krn: (mm
10, KJLlt Irlntl, )Kht btlf plltlg
, )wnl luik, cum py top, wtih air
mtt, In good ti, lop tmgy; cliw
Urn, MCnui k mowrr, atrrl lever
ktno-, tight luituw, rhtlltd plow, atl
plow, bum k, m-I Jlil lumru, I tliigt
n, brtl tutiti, 2 cit wlirrli. ilf
(LtfU. tun((uc, X cut H, B; burk,
k rbaln. ttvrnl tun clnvrr buy: em
it ncki ilry it, aniall luoi. tioie
ImuJ po-rr, H-t.l C(rm r4llii',
5uU-f huur, trtillef worker, -to Hi.
ffilv. lo kiI ( linen, 1-ulnHtle milk
Inter, ruml cirl, pry uni,
ehopper, (Kth Vv wHtng matntne,
Mac boDM-hnlil gijcxti, mt nunieruiti
Other itticlri. I uui h l noon.
Ttrmntif Hlr: Vmitt 110, cb,
110 iul otur, H mnnlbk' line,
btnkih'e nniK K jirr cm intnrnxl
2prctnt ttT fur ch fUtm over
110 K. C. tW,
Ownrr IlrUbfrg Frra
B, P fornnlluo, Auctionwr
Joho Vnilorl, CUrk.
Tbm m pUantm nurprUn jur
I; it lbs boms of Mr tml Mti J
o Lanung, at Nton, Hturdy
iio, th nonrilort bing th
3td birthJy if Mr. Iraung
Th vrtn'ng wan pQi in hil,
ind rnfri. humnta wr wrveJ it
iocIi.b All report an erjoyable
mning. reeit w.
Mr ami Mr J 8 Lnrnung and
fimlly; p p Lorun, Uuina Ur
iK, KiUar iUhie, llrtwrt Ft-hul
mrioh, Krank lJrh-nr, Chaa. Yin
i, ill of Karinington; John Kd
rd4, JoRcphii KJwardt, Marin
Kdward.1, Williatn Kdwardn, Mr
h Krm lanthal, Joe Meier tad
Ctrl Mei-T
0ardn and lawn grai fur
l t the Deoot Store K. W,
Wlch. 49 61
Charln True, of near Middleton,
ln town Tualev, greeting bli
"""nty HMl frieiid and he has
1,1 ny oft ham.
Charln Miller, the Foreat Groye
"'"Kgint, wan in tre city Tuesday,
opri! rring with bie attorney, Burke
pt. M. II. Parker and Jack
aunt Inn
In the city Tueaday, on pro
bl bunineuB.
The rural mail carrlera had the
ort of it aKaio thia week, and
""UB Ot thnrn fniin,! il.rknnaa
hovuring over thuit before they
""de the round trip.
Fjr home portraits or vlewa, call
9" J. E. Johnaon, photographer.
eddnnKfi, Sixth 8t, between Bane
ana uak. Phone, Intlepend
" 287. 49 50
Ed. Schiller, the Portland cigar
nu(aoturr, was out to the city
luBBd.y, Kd. ie one of the hail-
"mows wdll mbt of the Oregon rue
i opolia, and alwaye geU a welcome
when he visit HilUboro.
The attending physician reporta
luurtBen pound boy born at the
J?" of Mr. and Mra. William
uohty, of WeBt Union. This ia
largest valentine o! its kind re
Potted for the day, and the Doctor
J it haa Cupid beaten a mile.
Tb Hutiday (frg inin, in a Hun
day Inry. tnllltitf of Orrunn'a tir.l
nwtiar, Tin Wpactator, publinh
J at Oregon City, given uf
. i iiii ...
me aiiN-anoitiera who wore YYaah
Inaton (!otiiit imimuti
m f . a
tbtin wera Win (iHiniir, father of
Mra. 8. It llutm, Poitland, and
Lincoln M gr, Cnrnliu; W.
Kbborta, who It veil eal n thia city ;
JM Appli'atn, grandfather o
Jaaaa A leKt , bo in with th
Wahingtoii Co Ahatracl and Title
Uo ; i ha lata J I, Mik, Brat U H.
Martini fo' Oregon Among the
erlitwl uli'cnlri fur lHM and
were tb tollowiiig who were
rll known li ra to the earliert of
lha pionaragn: Henry Hutlon,
Koreal drove; John R Jackann.
(i encoe; J II McMillan. Kend
villa; II M Knighton nd A Coik.
J L. Mk wan in IK I I, nhnn lha
aer firal irte. puhlicali r,
iiiadi Colin tiir for the Journal In
Ihei leetia d Oct 'i'.K I H ft, A. (ok
advurtiaea a vahuhU claim on
"Tualilv I'iaina " Thia rla im ait
j ilneil lha Wm liurrowa' claim on
the plaint, and the owner aiki in
Granted partie to we him in Port
land, or ae Mr liuriowi. He tells
them in hla advertieement that he
baa HU acrei under cultivation.
We nn have a good mipply of
good bard burned brick, ami build
ing blorka for cellar and four, da-
tlona Try our building blocka lor
your houae foundation! Cheaper
than cement or brick and Ixitler
protection against froit. We have
Qnlehed our run of Urge tile and
are again running on imaller eixet,
and have a fair eupply at the yard.
Tartlet wanting tile delivered
ihould place lhir ordera now an we
can haul them before bad weather
There la alwaya a rub of hauling
nrdera in the Kail when roada are
Imixi imiiaeaable We have a
gmd aupply of rough and dreeaed
luintwr at our mill, and a quantity
of common lumber at the Haie
pur, below Newton, the Utter to
ell at a .acrifke 2il2,2iH. 2i6
2i4. lilO, liS, U and li4 of
arinna lentbll Thia i all good
dre eUck. and it will pv you to
ineatigate should you want any of
ibee dimenioiii tironer A How
ell Co, hcholle, HilUburo, R. 2.
Paul He-k. of Uiller, and who
haa Wen the looal juelioe of tbe
peaoe there einre laal election, wee
id the city Monday morning. Mr
anil Mra Heck teturnedafew eki
ago from an enjoyable trip back to
telative and friend in Wieconein,
and while Kaal vililed Chicago
Paul think Oregon i all right,
even if we da have a little untoward
weather occaaioually.
J. C. Smock, of Sherwood, and
who wan on the Hermann jury
bad 4t! hour and 30 minutee of
deliberation before the twelve men
were diacharged from the care
Kleven of the jurora were for con while one only, Sel
kirk, of Portland, toodut for ao
nuittal. The court wan Roing to
n,l th iorv back Monday morn
ing, but Selkirk aent a co'e to tbe
oourt, aaylng be would not vote
O.nvlitmn under any circum
atancea, ao the Judge ordered the
panel diacbarged The eleven jur
ora aaeert that H-rnunn injured
hla caai beyond repair bn he
Uiok the witnena eland aud w
cornered by Mr. Heney.
I have a bum caw and will eaw
oord wood or polea into etove woou,
for any one living in lbs nn'ghbor
hood of Karmingtonor lledville.
Aieo work done on gasoline en
..i-. Will ouarantee to make
them run right -Carl Skow Bea
verlon, Ore., II 4 Bi 44 46tf
Sheriff Martin White, of 8i
He'ena, and IMecliv I-ou Hrt
man, of Portland, te out Tuee-
day.oonierring wnu "
torney K B. Tongue. Lou llrt
man ia the deteotive who year ago
caught Bert Oakman at a aiauon
on tbe Columbia River, near Cae
rnka after 0.ikran had
been In hiding eeveral dav. a er
killing Frank Bennett, in thia city,
a I Hninhlnaon. formerly of
Vlnelanda, and who Btill owne 40
aorea on the ridge, waa down from
ir.i.iii Unnitiv navins taxes.
He la now in the hop buBtneee, and
expecti to make clean-up next
r n uriivna na famllv return
ed l'aat' week from a trip into the
Nei Peroee section, Idaho. u
i.ya that everything is booming up
there, but that he wouldn't trade
the Willamette Valley for a doien
atatea like Idaho.
Notice to the Publio-J.K John
son, Photographer, will open
Photo Btuaio in m -Building,
on Main t;..,n"Se
time, where all outstanding ticket
wiU'bt honored, and work of th
M.hnat excellence guaranteed. 50
u w Hnhnltheiz. of near Beth-
anv'and who has Been many years
fn ih"t lection, was in the city
Garden seed and lawn graa for
ease ai m w 4fl B1
Large Number of Flrnt Grade
Certificate Were Karned
sm ctr s ECO s d gridi PiPEBS
tltht Ipaliciata Write fjr ihi Suu
f iiralaitltia
County School Superintendent M.
C. Cane reports the following re-
ulU of ihe reoent tarhra' exami
nation, which cloaed in thia city
Saturday night:
1'irit Grade
Willii I, iHiulon Iluxton
Nellie Auatlti IHIIev
Nelwin A Kroat Portland K I
IVli V'miiik R j
tlnilly Vontig "
Vrlli 11.11 u r
.....auicvi iiutc
Mr Juaeiihlne V. Strirkler...Sherwool K t
Vl.l.. C.ll .1. o I .
.ik.n iiatniTiio ourrwouti r. i
Frauct M Sharp ... Bravrrlou K i
Johanaa It Magnuaoo....
V7 Clarkatnaa St., Portland
Mary C Abbott Foreat Grove
Thomp Coot HilUboro k a
Second Grade
M.i I'll JeOcra Portland
Mae I. PlUwater Button
Ua 1) Good Kiret Grove
Aleiander M Zevely ttanki
Knima A Mohr HilUboro K i
11 Ivc Galbreath Sherwood R I
Aetna I. Kuimel . Sherwood k 4
tlriua I'inlejf ....rorcat Grove K I
Gerlrude N Hailey Ileavertoa K J
Third Grade
WllUIll Moore HilUboro
Hlhel 1 Calklna Greahara
Lena II l.yrum HilUboro It 4
MIm Aliaoo Hrenrh
1039 K. 191b St. N. Portland
1'ero Smith Bank
Primary Certificate
Wna Rnih Reed Tualatin
Kuhv KIchardaoD .. Button
Ignore Loiley
State Paper
I'rof I) M Gardener.
MnO M (iardener
Ida Mack ,
Koae Vandehey,.
George Tonkin.......
Krnat Webb
Olio Krauae
Mary C Kraniel ..Sherwood R 4
White Houae c ITee ee guaran
tee every can. Emmott BroB.
Kmil Kiarher. of north of Corne
llus, was an Argue caller Monday.
N. H. Jonea. of Virelands, was
in town Monday morning.
ITne aale- Plirnhrivl Holeteio
bull calf J. F. Peerenboom, Roy,
Oregon. 4H 9
A K. De'blefe. of Seghers. waa io
the city Monday morning.
HI ue Ribbon tomatoes, corn and
beam, 3 cane for 25 cents. Km
molt Bros.
Theodore Bernards, of Verboort.
was in town Monday, on probate
W. E. Bouciein, of above Moun
taindale, was io the city Monday,
paying taxes.
J A Kirkwnod. of Reedville.
and a former resident of this city
and Forest Grove, was a county
aeat caller Monday.
Commencing with Feb. 1, we
will give away silverware on cash
purcba ei. Produce same as casn.
Stevens Bros., Farmington.
Otto Weichbrodt. of Cornelius.
and who has ben in Washington
for Bome lime, was in the city Mon
day afternoon.
Henry David, who lives on the
bill to the north 'of Foreet Grove,
was in town ths first of the week,
paying taxea and greeting fr'eods
What the Satanic Scale Looks
Like to Observer
..Foreit Grove
i i
St. Mary'
Bearerton K t
The Buxton Band will give a Ben
efit Ball at Uannan'a Hall, at Buz
ton, Saturday evening, Feb. 19,
and toe net procexis will go into a
fund for tie hand boys. There
will be epleodid musio and tne
beet of order, and tbe Boor ia the
finest. Good time guaranteed.
Largest ball in the oounty. Tickets,
75 centa.
Mr. Nellie V. Miller, wife of Emil
Miller, of above Glenooe, diet at
one of tbe Portland hospitals, Sat
urday, February 12, 1910 She was
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs O.
Weetoott, and was msrried to Mr.
Miller. Nov. 1G. 1909 Her hus-
baod ia a son of Joa. Miller, of
above the B P. Cornelius farm, be
youd Glencoe. De3eaeed waa BRed
but 22 years, and waa a general
favorite in Ins oommunny.
Mra. Miller was born in Atohin
son county, Mo., Deo 8. 1887. She
loaves tbe bome circle ot parents,
fi brothers and ota sister, at
home; a brother, C. F. Weetcott, of
H-.Wfli.IH Nab : A. E. We cott. an-
ott er brother, at Banka, and a sis
Mr. Millar, of Glenooe. She
was a loving child, a dutiful wife
and a devoted sister.
Our iter dear hi gone to ret,
Her Buffering now Is o'er;
The Saviour alwaya know the best
He' trod the way before.
I will sell at publio sale at toy
farm, one half mile north of Farm
ington store, and five milee south
eaet of Hillsboro. at 10 a. m , on
,.i i Ar rni mmintr fresh in
rive own - ,
March; 9 cow wwln mi k; cow, coming
lieih in April 7 neau ucirci",
old teraey bull, J yr. old; Kale planter,
new 1 S wewn. 3 Mitchell farm
wagon, S io-l.mllk cana, s plow., 14
Terms of Bale-All sums under
$10. cah; $10 and oyer, vm w
October 1. at 7 per cent interest.
H. L. Halvoreen.
B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vandenbg, for mT yeari
a resident of verooor., u.ou
home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Vanderven, Cornelius, February r 11,
1910 D Ceased was norn in
. . 1. 1M11 and name to the
at rig U iuuv w,-.
Verboort etc Ion 21 yeara ago last
B-all Hie wife died two yeara ago
last 'September. Two children aor-live-
Peter V.ndenberg, of Cen
111. .-H Mra iHiiia iiiiun-
en ot Corneiua. The faneral
Mok ploe Saturday at the Ver
boort Catholic church, of which
Mr. Vandenberg was a ni-m.
Garden aeeda at Qrtei'e In bulk
A. Kaufman, of Cooper Moun
tain, and August Kuhn, bis neigh
bor, were in the city Monday, pay
ing taxee.
Leon Girod.of be'ow Orenco, was
in town Monday. He has rentd
his plaoe, after highly improvicg
it, and is building a nome in
Frank T. Rice, who lived north
of town for many years, was out
ifrom Portland the first of the wek,
tbe goeet of his son, of North Ililis-boro.
A I. Grehe and E. C. MulloT. of
Laurel, were In town Monday. Mr
Grebe bts let a contract to clean
up 30 acres of land tor ih plow.
Peter Jacobsen, of Wrest Union,
was in the city Monday. He says
this baa been one of the hardest
and longest drawn out Winters be
has experienced in the state.
For Sale Fine residence prop
rt onlv three blocks from buei-
naaa renter: aUo a business chance
Ir quire ot G. M. Hunter, planing
mill on Third St., betwein Main
and Lincoln B)th phones. 49 tt
J. C. Miller. John Lofiis, Geo-g
Cypher and N. H Jones snd wife
r all in trom bevond Gleneoe,
Monday, attending tbe funeral of
the late Mrs. Umil MUler.daugtiier
of O. Westoott and wtie.
Thnrn will be a mak ball at
Laurel Hall, on the evening of
Feb. 22. The management wilt
provide a good orchestra, and give
prizes for mask characters. Tickets,
$1. Wm. Getter, Manager.
Theodore Vandehey, of Verboort,
wan in the city Monday, and says
that the fall oats are badly injurea
out his way and that it was the
last freen, strange to say, that did
the damage.
look here we will pay
you more in trade for your produce
than you can get anywhere in the
county. Bring it to us. We will
convince you that we can and do
nttr mora than others we taie
veal and pork on Tuesdays
Sievens Bros., Farmington. 50
Jos. Pongralz, the Buxton retail
and wholesale butoher, was down
in the nniintv seat Monday, and
called on the Argue. Pongralz has
supplied a great deal ot mea, ior
the work orews on tbe Tillamook
line, for many months.
When tbe kitchen is properly
equippel there is sunshine in the
house. Come in and see our
Champion and Charter Oak ranges.
They are the best flames; tor-win.
T. M. Jackson, one of the pio
neers ct this seotion, killed a
groundhog the other day, and sato
that he then anticipated no unto
ward weather but with Sunday
came a flurry of enow. P. M. now
thinks it wasn't tne onginaj ir
Groundhog that he captured.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pribnow, ol
above Mountaindale, were in the
oity Monday. Mr. Pribnow lecent
1. inat tha aiffht nf an eve. the aoci
. .
dent being oausea oy a piece u
ste?l wedge puncturing me pupu
ot the eye and letting out the wa
ters. He has the aympathy of hia
many friends.
Peter Vandenberg, of Centerville,
waa in the city Monday. He stateB
that Henry Meier, of Mb seotion,
a nheok for $98 15 from
icwi -uv ' . ,
tk. nendnnt of &VB 03WB. for tOO
month of January, besides having
milk and butter for a family of
seven. Even with the high price
of feed there seemf to ds some in
come from the dairy business.
History sf tke lastct That Play Hi roc
With Treea
B. Le's, of Beaverton, and who has
a great deal of experience, both in
the orchard business and alsa as a
manufacturer of a spray that ip
death to fruit tree parasi'es, write
tbe following for thoee who grow
'(Editor Argue) There are
many of your readers who are in
terested in fruit growing, and who
have heard much about the San
Jose scale, but who are not con
versant with the ineec. I will try,
for their benefit, to give an aceor
ate account of ecaleebiD. The San
Jose scale f ds entirely by lucking
the tuices from 'he bar tissuts
It is but a am all plant louse, with the
habit of covering itself, after becoming
air, In Iho mi-fare nf the tree. With 8
nrniM-teit hard, wale covering. The in
sects pass the Winter in an immature
i.i,. .tt.rhcl tn the bark or blanches.
hi.l,t-n hniMth thia acale. which is of
black, sooty color, the female acale is
usually more or less conve, tne center
being a slightly elevated point, fitting
close to the bark. When grown the fe
male give birth to living young. The
young crawl from the covering, and after
a few hour insert their beaks into the
hark and tuques, and begin lo feed, and
they are immovable the remainder of
i their existence.
A number of generations are developed
during the Bummer, running high into
the million. A ingle scale when high
ly developed, l nut a email specs on
High Q
Drug S
Where Will You Tahe It?
We have filled over 6000 prescriptions during the past
year. Perhaps 50 per sent of these have been for ser
ious eases of illness, where much depended upon cor
rectness and fidelity in filling them. We never forget
our responsibility in this matter. Doubt is never al
lowed to enter our prescription department. There are
Irmrif fnl rlrncrc in if mid Imrrv and carelessness are
a -a.v k- . v v w - m J - - - - - j
never allowed to cast doubt upon the medicines we
We aim to be the druggist to whom you can bring
your prescriptions ior serious cases wuu jjtucvi. iuu
We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of
extra quality.
We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and
jLicncious candies.
Yours for a Happy New Year.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
surface cf the tree or fimt acarcely
larger than the head of a pin. On young
apple trees, or small branches of older
trees, a red spot can usually be found
under the bark, in badly infested trees,
and' sometime the bark wilt be com
ni.t.i. .nr.,.tl If rahhed off with a
knifa and the scale separated from the
bark, the surface will be left with a yel
lowish, greasy appearance, and the birk
looks grayish and rough. The effect on
th. tre ia death, if no scravine be done.
It is not uncommon to see young trees
nf infection. Here
is the remedy, as practiced by. tne for
many years. First prune yonr trees and
burn your branches, as should there be
scale the birds will carry the parasite on
(h-ir fwt. tn nther trees. Then Spray
your trees (tney must w lai umiuaui.
state) with lime and sulphur spray and
use ten parts of water to one of the solu
tion. Be sure that jour spray is pure
lime and sulphur, and contains no salt,
e.u im mn time ntei by manufactur
ers as it throws up the test, but spray
with salt is weak, and your spraying will
do no good. See that your spray is of
standaid test. It wou'd be well to add
.ivu.t -ir three hamlgful of airslacked
lime to 50 gallon of spray, and your
trees will look more whitish. Now is
the time to spray for San Jose acale, but
do not spray nnles your treea are dty.
Vice-President Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition, November 16, 1909
Demand Loans
Other Loans
U. 8. Bonds (at par)
Other Bonds
Banking House
Cash and Due from
Banks and U. S.
t 146,737 3o
- 25,000.00
i6,o6o 00
f437.03J 13
Capital and Surplus $ 35,000.00
Undivided Profits
$437.03 13
Hosort'o, 3 O pox Ooxat
Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldo-wney J. A. Thornburaj
Little Charles Emil Stiohmayer,
aged 2 years, 2 months ard 26
days, and a son of Charles Stroh
mayer and wife, of Greenville,
climbed on a table Thursday, and
from the-e reached to a shelf and
got hold of a bottle of carbolio acid.
The child drank at least a tea
annnn fnl before the mother could
sinn him and tried everv known
antidote until the phjsioians
Parker and Mumford arrived, but
to no avail The little fellow was
hurled at the Banks' cemetery,
Sunday, Rev. Harness preaching
ihs sermon. Tne coy was a nepoew
ot Mrs. John Bceker, of Hillsboro
Card ot Thanke
The undersigned desire to thank
" a -a . . 1 1 : J
those who so aindiy lenaerea am
.ri Dvmnathv in their recent be-
(Bjjajl VJ i r j
ran vfmnnt. the death and burial
nf iloir little son.
Mr. and Mrs. Chss. Strohmayer
Greenville. Oie , Keb. ia, mu
Start the Mi Year
By buying' Your GENERAL
Forest Grove,
He has the finest selected stock in
Washington County, and his prices
will convince you that he is selling
lower than his competition. When
you are in Forest Grove call in and
.vio.iiiiir,t1i cfApT.- nf rlntbinc'-
SUC liHO liiaiiAtAiVLlA - Ol V
dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes,
and gent s furnishings.
Mra' Rhecca Jobe Pomeroy, wife
of Frank Pomeroy, died at the
fa mi Iv home in Kamiah. Idaho,
Saturday, February 12, 1910, after
an illnARH onverins several months.
She was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Jobe, Hillsboro pioneers,
and was born a nvle west of Hills
boro, March 15, 1852. December 1,
1870, she was wedded to Mr. Pom
eroy and for many yeara they lived
cer Cornelius, later moving to
Idaho. The husband, three daugh
ters and three Bona survive.
Of her Immediate family tbe fol
lowing brothers and eistera survive,
tha narnnta havlnff DBBBed BWBV !
Warren Jobe, British Columbia;
r.tlhnm Jobe. Centerville: Edward
Jobe, Nia Peroes. Idaho; Freb Jobe,
Yale, Wash., and Mrs. w. n. lay
In nf Hillahoro.
The remains were brought to
Cornelius for burial.
v.l s,ihdr. of South Tualatin,
was In the city Saturday, blq oan
ed on the Argus.
There is
In which delay is so dangerous as in Eye
When you consider that you can get along fair
ly well without any sense except sight, you will
understand how important it is to take no chances
with your eyes.