The IT IT JnllLLSBR0 HILLSBORO. OREGON, FEB. 10. 1910 NO. 48 VOL XVI. 1 0. l I). HMK I m AWAY Piuncc, nJ Stalcn- ......i .mJnv Mornlnu mart, ' f4, oKtOV CKISD OLD -UN J..tUt WlIli.m I.vM,,.rl H.r. pioneer of..or t N"lhMl' d"Hl ' lh, family h. m u .hi. Hty. Hun- d.r, rl' ,""' Mr Hr" U"n l" ' w v , Hepfmb-r I, h-'H MratMl ", Mr J,M",h jl.r deKH.deiHS "'"U fimili" Hi-mother. Krenwe Kl ,o are, lvi Aeoiaend UWI mnoM In wtupany with J" Kwiid."f Bnlon Coun'y, Mr. We no have a good supply of good herd burned brick, ami build ing blooka fur Mil Urn end found, iiom Try our building blocks lor your Iiuum foundation Cheater than cement or brick ami Utu-r protection againal frott, W have fiulehed our run of large tile ami are again running on smaller euea, am) bave a fair supply at the yard. Parties wanting tile delivered ahould place their ordure now ao we, ran baul them before bad weather There la alwaye a ruah of hauling orders In the Kail when roads are almost imtiaeaabla We bave a good tuiply of rough and dreexed luiulwr at our mill, and a quantity oi common lumber at Ilia line pur, helow rewlon, the Utter to ll at a sacrifice 2 a 12, 2S, 2f. 2i4 lilO. liH. lit; and III ol various Irnfhl Thla ia all good dry stock, and It will piy you to investigate ahould you want any of thea uirnnnaiona tironar now fit Co, Scholia,, R 2. mum Fuit C. Keihen, of Hoy, was in town Monday mornir.g. (2 K. Harms, of beyond (JVncoe, waa in town Monday. White Houee coffee e guaran i .... ton ivrv ran Kmtrifitt UfOB. iaukcr j. w.Miute AhkHior nr ,flIi -if- 0f (cl'T'-i to Hill Morgan Mock South Tualatin, were in the city Monday. aSKH 1 HAT rKOCEEDS HE DIVIDED For sale: Purebred Holsteio bull calf J. F. Peerenboom, Roy, , . M Li Ik i) . n t.i. tL..i. 1 wffifon. n i cw n i uwdcii ire iidhci ruutv n I! Hart rainn m () e'n in JH'i3 oyer tbaCounod lilufla route. Arrim It porilai d. be awcurrd a piilloti it ptufff on tl e oieattiboat Fblon, md iwivfd tbne year, acting at tiBi a pilot and raptain la H,7. In drtrgatrd to ropy the of lint lit tf Vlil!lun t uun y, lncli hot brcti tiararit lu Mulmo aub l. ltgiltvc timcimriit At tin cuncluui.n ( tln oik lie apiwint e.i o.litci ( WliiiiKti,n Coumy ii-e Wllliiii i 4llell rrtiKiirii, In IH lir rlrt-ltd County i'lrik. b,1 intt.l t yrata. In 1M14. tie luHlr, In (lie tar and 0icd l office In llill!fo. Ill IW, Ue weddnl lUtmclin Si'liulirM, wlrl Ot Hen jmim S. holirlil, of Curnrlm, Ore , ami aiMlrrif hujrr uic Jmlite H lil,r'.d, ol llllimli. Tline ee U rlilliUen: So rub i .'iiIioh lUrr. I'ourih and l''f- Ihen ttttrU, 1'uHUikI, Mi -ii.'i K irn (l l'iiniiuf , HiIUIkiio; Mn. Mmili Mnu, wiir of ('.met Mmm, Cortirllua, Mm. MnuirlU Moian, idow of the Utt Cimiily ('Ink (iroiRf MofKn, HilUUito; Mil. Kulh I'myil (ilti-vixnl), Thuinn (.lrirrd) and Win. (i. IUic ol (he U liim of liau'.ry Uatr, Hill C'ty. Mr. Ilnvr ,lird ill IW. In Ifi. lir mmiird Mit Mary A. Anthony, 11 t-ouin of riuMil 11. Anthony- Hit irctiiul ilc died two yrati In 7. Mr. lime wai 'elected to the State l,cKiUuie, and III lH7l, he niiucil m one of the ('.rant e rciorl and maite an aitlve rant paigu over the I'ate. lir a lirtlliaut olator ami one ol the heit cdritifxitaiiriHil awaker in the Nuittmrat, He waa appointed t'ollei-lor of Cinlmin nt Aatoila, and arivrd eiiflit Team 111 llnaolhre. Knuil iHSj to l!.1 lie wan Suie Srna'.nr from Waahiiigluu Counly. lie wan made a Mitaoii III Tuality UolK"."f Maaona, ill thiarlly In l-'i. anil 111 1K71 Wtta 1 lnu.rn urnud nmatrr of Om-(ihi. lie waa tioiiilnrnllv roimectrd Willi llir Ancient Order of Ulilled Work men in the daya of the greal itreriKth Unit ottti-i-, mil waa 1ever.1l liint-a the lair rx.cuiiveof the urKrUntiou and w a ny Miiirme repreaenlative. Jinige nare'l roiirepiloll ol me anu draih in aiiiniiii-il np in a mrniorlal lie deliveied III the Htale Senate in S5. when, In pnylng a tiihttte to the lale Hemv Watren, cniitor front Yamhill, he until: "The Sloica tell in that lU-Hth i oh llvion, Unit humm Blli-ftion onlv I'idi n O'rr 11,.. 1 1. . f .l.......t f,i..iul - - . .... ,,j i.i IF, If 1,1 I'HIIIM ... -I plant the sprltf of acacia and lilix.inlliK Howrr;tlie uiiidrrna, however, tell til to do ill 1 hlM, n,l h!mi linllii inonuuieiiti ol niaihlc to their memory nud u)Hin theac uionnniciiu write cpitatdia; hut the beat lilHih that can or will I written will I the dredi anil act! of a life. Death l i"t oblivion; 'tin only the opening of better and highrr life. Men in thin life "'"I incirown clmracten, anutiie ihk t aim of eyery iniin ihould be ao to order hi own life, that when the end couifi, it CH truly l snlil of him. 'He "veil a life void of olfcliae towarila tmil ml mail." The funeral took plaoa Tueaday t 'MHI in the tlternoon, Rev. Kvan . Hii(ibflH delivering the aerunnu. Interment wat in the Maeonio cem etery. Tl pall btarera were-: James H. HowhU, John W. Bewell, J . A. Iiubrie, W. N, Bitrrett, Kdw. Bohulraerioh, Dr. J. K. Adkln. "U. !'". of Huayerton, and aho i bttidlinn lb" Antna Lima and Hul phur apray, wa in town M onday, ami aaya that tutny preparation of that nature have calt in th"in in order to mike tbo leal ehow up ll dep Miiteil 1 10) in the C'ouuner rial Hank to lie pi l to any or chardial or tron who would find any rail in the apray ha manu 'afl'tl'ra. cnridiliun Uiiig that the ett tntM be made from the origi rial parkiK" Mr. l-fii aaya now in the time to atiray fr the Han Jo icale, and buyert ahould ! careful to get the genuine run lure lr. C U. Hrown. a eon of Mra Huian Biown, of tbia city, and who baa ditntal rerlor in the Dekum I'urtland, left Tu.aday, representing ih Portland Cnmtuerrial Club at hi National meeting of the Auto mobile Cluba. which will preeent a n'trial to Congreea aektng lor National aid for automobile road The ieion will In held at Waab ington, I C , and the Commercial Club will audit Mr. Rrown'aei pnf Tin meeting opna Feb. 15 and liat three daya. Mr. Brown l ore of the pioneer eututite in theL,)()()) V . 1 L . .lorinaeev. Frank I.ung, of Corneliua, waa in town Haturday. He exhibited .n Almanac dated 151, and the title ol which waa "The Family CK., .ll.n Almanac." and which i lull of historical evola. Cbiefeet ,1 hialorical value ie the article telling ho Jamea Hmitheon, of Kngland, left money to the United Htatea to found the Bmithion In litule, at Waahington, I). C. now the greateal in value ol any histor ic! relic tiialttution Condemned Murderer Will now get Short Respite PROBABLY WILL TIKE SIX MONTHS aid Dr F. A 1UILEY Hankir J. W. Hhute, through hie itturneyH, ISailey ,V Hare, hat pe lili' nd the circuit court to appuint a referee and decree that tie (ifficer '.. M. La Rue, of the Watktne I Co.. waH down from Fonet drove, Monday. Blue Ribbon tomatoee, corn and beiiH, W cane for 25 centB. hm mott Broe. If.. T - lf:li I vctTirnnn ahall fell the Morgan block, owned Haturday morning from ft ehort tiv a r p hute and r. r A nauey, vim wun reianvee aru irieuun the i,roceede to bt divided. The Lodi, Lai natition hU forth that the iirauertv K K Rowell. of Bcholle. intereet ia in niioh ebape that itcan not ed in general merchandise, lumber eaaily be divided, and that the " W1" Up 10 lU ' ..x..u ........ 11 yulu illululnnl ' 1 ' . :.u v. u 1 ,,1 . . commencing wuu rou. 1, of ll.e purcbaae price. .itvrare on cahh The realty takee in the Morgan . Produce same ae cash block, oceupiwl by T. W. Wya't A Htevene Broe.. Farmirgton . .1 ... 1 n... 1 l-o.tne rnarmacy irug emre, u,- WlnnBf .hoanent (uartert utrtipiiHl by Mnricn .v .;.:' nn th- r,i-in. in(J Corwtn. hardware merctiniH, and .J ' . , u:. U...U the el(Niti building rauted hy Cliae laet NOT TO TIGHTEN Clerk Ballet faii Stat Traiacrlpt af Wife-Warder Caae Attorney J A Jeffrey, ciuneel for John D. Ro.e'air, was eat Friday, and p epared tie bill of exceptions which goee to the Supreme Conrt in the appeal now pending, aod this meaoa the wife slayer will get reepite ot several months. It will perhaps takes five or six months to get the case under de- cieion, as the Supreme Court does not hurry afFairB ol this kind. Dis trict Attorney E B Tongue worked with Mr JtffVey on the bill all Friday afternoon, and Judge Camp bell made an order directing Clerk J. W. Bailey to prepare the record . 1 fi. KoonU. ll aio tnkia in Hit' frame huildinu occunird bv Jn V, I.tlll kin. iiinir Tl... W,.r,,,, l,li,i' ih one of Hie niceat ami umet mb-lai tint bui d inm in the city All ibe i Ibc rooina iiHtaira a t- t.n b-r lental, and are iHruuii"! by John M Wall. attorney. K. B. and The II Torgue, atlorn-ya. Ir F. A. Bai Ur Ilr A. 11. Baili-v. idiVi- CHUB ami riirirnotii. and Dr. W. K Pit tifii.r dfiitlHt. ....... Tina tirotierlv wae tiutiMVed by John Morgan, now decreed, and be and h h ara.iriaiee bu'It th co i e mirk and the twt rmllr nnee frnniimr on Second Hireet H wae biiuibt by Dr F. A lUiley end High Q UALITY Drug Store YOUR PRESCRIPTION! Where Will You Tahe It? t . I r.dr.i.ainn Ira Qlam in A I f ... - a .- (- - 1 i if- a. I lUrUJCDIVU V W"vi m mm- in this city, wa in Iroru hie Maple ,:m n,ecribd bv tl e c urt for all Il:ll ....I, M.,n.!.n I.L. a. L. l..r...H..Bnnum 11111 mu1.11, iii.i,uj. line papera vo w uciuip iuauupivu.v if p Frann. of eou'hwi H of Court was set lor FeDruary o ana nut - v.,. ,.f ik in ordnr to Bet the oaners out on riiuenoru. auu nui, h.ub uhc m v . D , .. . ... , 1 1,1, nMinn timi. the court instructed tnai protJOUUVO laniirn m 1 ..... . , . , . ..... It - nn kl. U . W . 1 1 un mlrrnl . I II.. .. 1 I Unn,l.n IWIIHTII IIUBPIUIB CI I UVillT U. I K u . WBS Over HI VUO Illy rawuua;. 1 r- . . . k I BeriU up IUO urigiuai ymyciv iu m Two hi rnee for eale. Weight, Lihrated caee KKKJ and 1050. Broke to work 80 it is now Bettled that Roelair Five and eight years. Bound and wni not hang on February 11, ths true F. ti. Heidel. Hilleboro a.v i ior execution. The district , , . , attorney's office has filed a cost bill A. V. l),inny, of near Raleigh. . , R-u:ria ,,1.1. mnnntinir wae in town Monday. He ib one of tQ n 200, and this is suppoeed to the tommitteemen interested in the . ,. Peoon(i onT to tne m0rt- movement to cut off the eaet end of th Roeelair Dlace in the I p.- the county. hills. Common is under i.-, :l t-....ii: ll.vtwl k'nratli Llnml aill nnlv look ntXIn JrfTrSv's ,UJ11 1UIUI .' I ""'" - j 1- - - - - . 1 ....1 Unnilaa ilh lhlrlofl i a mnrttraoft and if this IS anu mitt rjiru. ...v -o-r.-. - Ifrawimra. at Tittard ville. Whi'e ibe case, after Jeffrey geta his $500, bought ty in r. a n.oey n - -. - . u, pa R,nit , Ka Mma in .nd felt the Mr Bbu.e. after Mr. Morgan pasted i-"-' 7 :.Z": r " r7i.: .-4 7.. 11- ta- h. hrwvlr or to fin, ,1 ial tlraits. f. r the sum ol Kuraui v.enru w.iu . e u. uu . -. 7","' V We have filled over 6000 prescriptions during the past year. Perhaps 50 per sent of these have been for ser ious cases of illness, where much depended upon cor rectness and fidelity in filling them. We never forget our responsibility in this matter. Doubt is never al lowed to enter our prescription department. There are no doubtful drugs in it, and hurry and carelessness are never allowed to cast doubt upon the medicines we dispense. We aim to be the druggist to whom you can bring your prescriptions for serious cases with perfect con fidence. We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of extra quality. We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and Delicious Candies. Yours for a Happy New Year. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. T HO R NT U R G II Preiident J. K. BAILEY W. W Vice-President MCELDOWXF.Y Caahier It IK ti iw ble money. worth coneid'r- PUBLIC SALE MRS. JANE WALL Mrf. Jai e Wall, widow 0! James Wall, di"d at the home of h-r fon F H. Wall, in Sellwood, 0 e, Feb f, 1910 Hhe waa born in England in lSXi. and waa married lo Mr. Wall in 1S53 the bucband dying three years ago. In 1SS0, the fam ily came to America, and in ISM. 11. av til fivnd 10 Oregon. The I'd J " 1 V -hi Mrnii survive A. r. Frewinge. There will be a mak ball at Laurel Hall, on the evening of - rTl . aal I ftt. ii, Jne iumaniuimii . . , .,, ,, u provide a good orcheetra, and give The unaereignea wm awu f inrmaakflharaetorit. TickeU. Ho sale at hie farm, on the Cor linear, nd The Tongue eatate-of the late Wall,, Indiana; F U Wall, Congressman Tongue-will aoon be Sellwood; K. H. 1 w n . .1 ...I u P Urmnrar . n'i. (' I'orlUndlW J Wall, P. .,' i. .j r' w Hhnti. r., Mn.riU Moxict: Mrs. R'ee ... ,1 .1 ik d,.,k..i.,u Mi Tiibor: John M. Will UlVliie tlis eeisMJ ........a cuiutii. - iiiiul.n t..u. Thia form of set- Wall, attorney at law, IlillUnro H irrt'-t 10 n ti" ' I II Wm. Getter, Manager. W. II Killbuck. of Springfield. Mo., wrb here this week, the guest of Harry Moree, with the Pacific States Telephone Co. Mr. Kill buck likes Oregon, and may ulti mately eettle bete. He left lor toe Kant Tuesday. For Sle Filly. 21 years old, m.i Wn, b J. Downing, ant 11 Pal . and Mrs. France j, ii.,,r Portland. Ti,u Lt. Mr. and Mrs. Wall were both well known at Hillsboro, hav- inn tMUlIA ,t here many times witn .v..:. um J.. fur Tears the voeir B'Min, ...... ii:ii,.i.,,.. t,an,l Inatrtictnr. and At torneyJohnM Wall. The funeral look place Sunday. nell road, seven miles north aod mat nf Hi leboro. and 'li milts west of Cedar Mill, at ten a m., on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. Two horses, 5 and 8 years, 1150 each; 3 good cows, one 3 years, fresh April u. . . in mill? frMh An. Ill 1111(6 VI1C , o, iu I -' --. . vra, fresh in May; four ahoats, weighs about 73 lbs each; 4 dozen chickens: tarm . . 1 if : .. Forest Grove NATIONAL h BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition, November 16, 1909 Demand Loans Other Loans U. 8. Bonds (at par) Other Bonds Banking Mouse Cash and Due from Banka and U. S. Treasurer f 146,737 3o 60,306.20 - 25,000.00 5J.347.SO 16,060.00 Capital and Surplus Undivided Prodis Circulation Deposits f 35,000.00 ,46i.69 25,000.00 374.570.44 $437.3'3 wauon. kocd repair; light half-apring wa gon; j-stat hack, canopy top, with cur- . . . . n..a in. in pood shatx: too DUKKV; oiac and will make a neavv anitnai. uu - MComiick- mowe, stx ievet IM37.03. 13 Reserve, 30 per Oont DIrVECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. Bailwx J- "W. Tuquw Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur( tlement wae put forward by Mers Tongue, Bagley A Huaton. who were counsel for the defense in the cane brouaht by the Pacific drain Co, and Mr. Lombard at laet ao cepud the alternative J C. Sobu'tiierich of Banks, and 1:... Ri-Knlmaiich. of the Commer cial Bank, went to Southern Oregon lint week. While there ueo bought another pieie of land and then went to Eugene, where he at- i.j h. .iiairint convention of the Knights of Pythias, an order , wjll wl Rt publio sale at my which is very strong in that seolion f one haif mu north of Farm- of the elate, mr. ntuuuu.v- in(,ton aiore, auu u0 ., . r. nf annw at I . , t u;n0iuirn at 10 a. m . on says mere wrm u team m nn.n".". -- Eugene Saturday night. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 I have a bun w and will saw pivr ,., f ' cows . , - arcn; 9 com " -. - - .,l,t April: 7 "' ieirera, i8 months . "I i . ,. nlantcr. : ... , itwv wn, i )i. - r. . i... i f L-....,i,ioiiin or Keedviiie. tar infill, ii; Mltelieli turiii Z Ud. Mo- en- ;,;y.o,ni,knMP'ows,,4 idu win iu harrow; McCormick mower, steel lever of Black Diamond ilia. Will sell Wr0Wi uKtit harrow, chilled plow, ateel for 150. Sound in eve-y way. plow, hayrack, set dbl harness, t single of Retdville. o , chaia gjral tons clover hay; aever- . ii.i al ricki dry wood, small toola, norse Dave Wenger was n from Hel- 7t. 1eUvBl cream p.tor, vetia, Saturday. Mr. Wenger hopes npe, hoar, butter worker, 4o-lb. to leave for a visit to the Father- capacity, 10 gal churn, two-bottle milk land s,me time in May, and as it hae bsen many yearB since be nas a goodi, ,d numerous l-.V l.y.JI..AMkV.Anmallnl .. . .. . ceen nis uujihuu '" other articles . . -e u:. nr.. I PUBLIC SALE have the time of his life. Lunch at noon Tai ms of Sale: Under $ 10, cash. r, . t n:..i -.t -;f nf 10 and over. 8 months time; Corn, 10 ulil vinuuauu u.,w, . .. . o i :-.t Orenco Feb. 7. 1910, a eon. This bankable note, 8 per cent, interest, is the third boy born at Orenco, the 2 per cent, off lor cash sums of $10, Owner Hellberg Farm B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. WILLIAM H. IRELAND a. il a n li-l flltiM tfinee. Will guarauvrc. them run right -Carl Skow Bea- verton, Ore., K. 4, ux - ' Fred G. lMdel now has the in lerest of C. Helm in the ;Clim .mi i k.i naiimcd duties at mill, "" " 7 r, .i the plant. His associates are Carl Heidel, Mr. Smith and Geo Ze i man, and the boys keep the mill busy the year round. i!,...uv. No. 8 cotik atove. Terms of Sale AH UDaer $10, cvbj 10 and over, time to October 1, at 7 per coil lntereet. H. li. Iiaivoreoii. B P. CorneliuB, Auctimeer. BUXTON BAND DANCE Tl. Ih.ilnn nnd will give a Ben- ley mo ii " - - - iuo uu. - - ' . . .. . !- .... i .11 -I Hannan's Hall, at 1?UX- A oreat deal of mprovem mi iu euv , s , u, MM ha1 !".""." "T S;,l ban. Tber. . t .1 stabi rnai. rri iia i rnmi tin si v - Oregon Meet no. - ;'" "V, " - . Bnlendi(1 ter as far east as u irueu n to takes Idterurbin railways velop the oouotry. t i n..r now nonducting a hotel at Corvallie, was in the city i... u...n,inB Avnninff. returning .u.. i ih week Mr. Greear It will be splendid musio ana ue da- beet of order, and the u )or rt lima ffunranvwou. Largest hall in the county. Tickets, 75 cents. w a- 1 ntw nursery town, ana mr. auu Mrs. Girod bave the honor ol claiming the first male born in that place, about two years back. It "ib reported that Hon. Jamee Withvnnmbe. with the Oregon Agricultural College, ia again a re- , , . TW,sid the B-d (eptive candidate for Rovernor. It ,;,... th( 0f William i.i.J kin r. nn,1a llw trfl lu,v'"B .. - eiateu tu u.o t.i.j .hn d it Han Joae for nearly 40 years. He came to Oiegon in company with the fami ly in 1861, crossing the plains. The family first Fettled near Cen terville. Later be went to tne Santa Clara valley, where he was widely known and higniy esteem A H had been married, but hie ;fA died several Tears ago. Two J.J. MurDhv. of Oak land, and Mrs. F. L Dingman, of Crockett. Cal.. and two brothers, Geo. H. Ireland, Hillsboro, ana v . .at. ml nf Oakeeville. Wasn.. sur- v ,. i - vive. ueain was auu u iuumvi paralysis. Deceased was born in ndiana in low. Start the Lta Year By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon 3 t J. B. Orchar.liata urn bnao lb nee dftVP fiPfying their trees lor Sn J ee Boale, a peet that haa given fruit growers much trouble fir ytars Where a good spray is used, the paraBite ia generally either destroy ed or the damage reduced to a minimum. Fruit growers who now say thii ia the ideal time for praying lor tblspeit. Argua and Journal, $2.25. shot at Madras, . . . . -i u u. flrnearl J. . . tholaetoi me w ..... "V" Kstern Oregon, the otner uwy, ojr wt this week lor Ariaona, where Mwn v g M,, wM neohew he remaina until Summer opens. " p Hftynie;the Forest Grove Mrs. M. 0. Case recently ; ttaDBfer man Alier snoou.,B xx, l flonra annt OUt . . Mb, mUClded DV tnl ranged an army b - , n e, mm. . 5 bv a Portland piano house, and . route Mrs Myer had eued waa given a $125 credit check on f b:each 0f promise, and waa ! -..11 i .nt nianoluthe .,"yttoa aH tried at Vanoouver, W1',1 ... -i. Af,.ar,l Hiivnie went ,ulnJ lh'l ".m .ilh . nil iney marrv her. Upon reiueai bud du;. 1 win. ! and men bui a 11 . I him UK VHI HI liilivu " Jake Schneider, or Letsy vine, w. u. in town Monday; 1 a that this is the pbyechological moment for his entianco to victory. Farmers look here we will pay you more in trade lor your produce than you can get anywnere m vue Annniv. Brimr it to us. We will convince you that we can and do pay more than otners we laae veal and pora on luosuayo. Stevens Broe., Farmington. 50 T Scbmitke. of above Mountain- ,uu aa in town Monday. Mr. Schmitke waa an intimate friend of Chas. Scheunemann, who commu ted suicide at Metzger Btation, last ouv and save that he can not un derstand why he should have en tertained the idea of sell aesirucuon it n Ronannar IS nothing, if not ingenious. He went up on job P. R. a IN. 10 pui in buujb ri"1"! ii a.V and riutred UD a Diece ol mechaniem whereby he could and asa naa the locomotive ior nis UIU ' - ... Tho thino worsen to per UllTfCI. . O - - - Knt. moat neoDie wouia irovivu, wv.. . t , rather have a less expensive engine for such work. A Baxaphone quartet is the latest addition to the Hilleboro Keea s n..i Rond. and tns 00VB are yuiup. " ' - .ininto the notes use veterans VOHU." , ti,. inainimnnts aie: frea 1 Uu V. ' . grist, soprano; J W. Uauey, Dan iUU"j y.. " ' ' t alto. The new feature .;it ;a ihn hand a tone that no otler musical organization in the Willamette Valley enjoys. He has the finest selected stock in ? Washington County, and his prices will convince you that he is selling lower than his competition. When you are in Forest Grove call in and i see this mammoth stock of clothing, dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, and gent's furnishings. GUY DECKER Guy Deoker, aged 36 years, ud a native ot Knapp, Wisconsin, uieu at hiB home on Tnira ana waen un,n siTBBta Fridav morning af lUpjVu ' f ,nrin9 aeverai monina iruui nka..niniia. Hu wife died ftbout two years ago. tie leaveB toree omn children, tilt Bisier. mise Jof ephine, who came here trom tne ii.Q a rtia trtr inn onuarau. is iuv n.,lir local relative. Tne lunerai -...j - , took place Sunday auernoon, onuer iUn ana rlAHB nf th Modern Wood- tUO BUDUIVWW w- . " men. He carried J,i.w inaurwuw in the organization, and this will go a long ways teaiun w of the little ones. Geo. Keenon, of Vinelande, was over to the city Friday. The Birth Gem For February Is the amethyst, emblem of contentment. The Pink is the birth month flower. The poetic belief of the ancient - Greeks was that the origin of the amethyst oc curred in the changing of a beautiful nymph, be loved by Bacchus, into an amethyst, representing the color of this god's favorite beverage. Amethysts may be vobtained here in nearly every imaginable article of jewelry. They are beautiful and inexpensive, offering the' February born a birth month emblem at small cost. LAUREL M. HOYT f ir i X.