The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 03, 1910, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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' i
. A. Miaw, Prei. W. H.Fcar, Vic Trc J. V. Tbr, Sec.
Shaw-Fear Company
raid-up Capital
3600 acre, plattid into tracts of S to JJ acrea each; a system of
completed roads extending along one or more srioVi cf each tract
platted; located ten miles southwest ot the Courthons, on Fourth
street .railway, rive trains cacti way per day, 40 minutes' rtile; no
rock, no gravel, hillsides or cold wLite land, but very fertile soil,
especially adapted to fruit, nuts and vegetables.
Tint platting offers you acres at the price of outlaying city lots
and only 40 minutes" ride from Fousth and Stark, streets. An op
portunity you will not allow to pass w hen you investigate.
A few hundred judiciously investigated in this acreage and paid
in easy installments will result in highly satifoctory showing in the
very near future.
Come in and permit us to explain to you the extraordinary ad
vantages of this special location.
Sow selling at $ 100 to 500 per acre; payable on easy install
ments. Call at onr office.
245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon
and arrange to go with onr representative and examine this property.
zrv- , X r,
?".. 1
aa-Vac ."a
Forest Grove Monumental WorKs
Save Money for You.
mmm a m m a
Designs and stock, none better. Quality Jand work
manship unexcelled. Prices lowest on coast. All
work guaranteed' Orders and all communications
promptly attended to. Will call and show designs
and samples at any distance.
Main street, N. of P. O. Block.
Box 343 Forest Grove, Oregon.
Third Opening Unit
0. S Government Lands
OREGON, FEB. 10, 1910.
For the above occasion the Oregon
Railroad & Navigation Co. and
Southern Pacific Co. Lines in Ore.
will make an open rate of
for the round trip from all points in
their lines to Hermiston.
Tickets on sale February 8th and
9th, with final return limit February
20, 1910.
Free booklet issued by the Government, con
tains full information as to cost, how to file, water
rights, etc., may be obtained from any 0. R. &. N.
or S. P. Agent, or by writing to
Wm. McMl'rray,
General Passenger Agent.
rl,L 1.00
..... -V,! .
Olit r,t ,
can hava their plata
ifuia brldgework tin.
lied in oue
m (old or porcelain
nrnmn In. t) Eli
Jjglar Crowni 5.00
mV r 1
;:r' If I rni, 1 ft
ti jSilMr Filling, .50
. Slnlay Fillfnn 2.SD
IU004 Kubtier
I Piitoi 5.00
But Red Bk.
ta.W. Hl. umZ borPlil.i 7.50
"""" ""maa P.Weii Mr'llon .50
vrlrod. DoniultatioD Free, You cannot ml bu.
Wise Dental Co.
Failinii Hi'iLt.iao iNcoaroaariD
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Office with Kumond Cornelius, Maip St.
ou. rnone, 393.
Pacific States Phone 324 HILLSBORO
Why buy a eteel range from a
peddler, and dbv him nin
you have to nay Emrick A f!nrin
for a eteel rauso? W n u.i
,l . , I uuckb, yearlings ant
v u auuu uua u nu 1 1 1 II 1 1 n I I VT r 1 1 I 1
j.i, . 1 ,"u MJawree, uorneiiuo, Koute 1:
dont behave us come m and Bee. 1 mile8 northweet of Hill8boro. '
ArM and Jo'Opil, 12 55.
K. !?choeD. r' Ki iih " (rueliua.
was an Argus cal!e; Friday.
Buy Whit Mmntain Hour, and
htye white bri. At Ktuuiotts'
Jacir K'tTei.of nar lilcnooe.
was a county t vlfi'or Saturday
Ion, wnw io hiciy Tie day
morr i. g
CI aa. Royni.It. of M. u .iaio
dale. wa in th- nmiy rat tru
Uit f the week.
llLi'hald t'c jwanke, ' of near
Center vil'e wr in the ci'y Friday,
and C lied on the Argus.
Hermnn 0.-t rmaiju, the Cen'ei
ville merchant, win in the city
Satuidty, eorou;e to Portland.
Smoke jut h'f as much, and
wl en you ilo pmoke.buv a Schiller
and )ou'll never be accueed of be
ing "grouch ."
O h Jackson, w'io :b attet ding
th l rtland Buei itf ro'.Uge catiie
out Friday evtiing t pnd 8 in
Hay with his inertia, Mr. aid Mr.
W. C. Jickion, of lilence.
Mrs John Courtine ard daush
r, Miee Olive, of Wiukeeha, Wi
ll re arrival and will mske lb ir
home with J Ci. Schmidt, of Ki
monica. Mr Ccurtine is a Bietet
if Mr. Sihaiidt.
The the G and Mar
ca are two O. ejon ruailn rlut
When yiu want a smoke, juH ca
tor one or toe other They filth
Lit 1 t
o ii, rna n rjpr, fmokg in
the long run, than ni-kel gooJd.
R. X W and familv, who
have male Forest Grove and Var
ley eiaiion toeir n me tor a num
ber of years, left Tuwday to make
meir Home in t'ortlar.d Tb'
uaiQuiauo uiauy irienud lu un
county who regret to see then
make their departure.
The catrnns of the Rnbt Hr
tramnf Feed Store and ib
public are hereby notifie that the
lueinees in now jocattd on Mail
Street, oi e block Wf st of the Court
Hou-e, on the Pacific Railway A
Navigation Co.'b railway.
i,nae: fcamfg, the trapper of
West HillBbuo, eaya that a recen'
article in the Oremuian. datM-linmi
- .... .
irom jWDOrt. tH linn nf tha ann
derful profits of trapping, is a hit
of Murchausen romance. The
prices quoted id the article, hf
'tatpg. are in Hom inntanpaa nui
double whit one can ret for tfce
pelts. Mr Eimes hae tranrxw) anr)
bought and sold furs fur a number
years, and knus bia but-ioeef.
Tin comet A-1910 was viewed
tOr t li Hrgt time hfr hv manr
, UHUJ )
riiiay eveoini To nr ihrumr
ies had seen it Wedueedav vnm
but there were aims cloud in the
way, iou me vmoo was nit is
good as on Friday night. Shortly
alter six o'c!o:k, on that evening
the Western skv cleail ami K.
cew freak waB tdainlv outlinml iimi
a little south of due Wrst. 8cien
tists claim that the light is of the
sodium character, and that the tail
is 18 decrees in leneth. The
came unexpec e lly, and tcientisti.
at the Cali'ornia observatories wer
oot looking for its appearance.
School District No. 94 . on Cnnrutr
Mountain, above Beavertnn Lnn-.
how to do thinga A correspondent
writes that at a ercial at tha
hf use recently $111 50
from the sale of basket, the teach
er's(Miee Grace Bailey, of Sher
wood) basket bringing $41 50. The
district baa 20 scholars, ranging in
ages from 6 to 1G vears. ami nnrlm
the tutelage of Mies Bailey, is doing
finely. At the exercises there wae
a markel ability di-played and all
'he recitations, BongK, etc., w-re a
credit to Drofeeeional iuna:n.
all doing splendidly. The 31
baeket sold averaged $3 CO e cb
Miss Bailey has had theco-opjra
tion of all t b people in tie district
and is conducting one of the most
-ucceesiui scnoois ever held in that
lavored and fertile locality.
T t a
ii is unaerstroa that the etrem
committee has nracticall nan a
t r J P. " V -M
on pumng in tie-poHts on Mai
aim owlu, arnurja the court
Dome Kl'lnre. ThB nnxta I,
, i i ' " ur
puced oa Mcond, from Lincoln
d 'wo to within 75 or 100 feet ot
Main; and on Main thnm
oae tie plate between Second etreet
ma tne central walk to iha mmi
house, and from there on down to
First street A neat looking lni nf
.i . i . . n . .
poit-a ana cnsin or rails will b in
stalledand thus is settled a mnoh
talked of nuestion. The committee
consieting of Councilmen Edw
Schulmerich and Trulli nffttr a lan
tilk of putting in a neat looUng
cemeni watering trough to di"p'acc
f : a n A nna n. w. U Ua. . 1
.v u. . uuu, nuiiiu una anewerea
toe purpose for a Dumber of years
uei we good wore go n"
Leaves for Portland
V ... . . .
rwIHl urOTC lOCHJ Pi-hr m m.
Sheridan Flyer,.., 9:12 a. m.
V. . - 1
wjuvc L4wzm 10:42 a. in
Forest Grove Local fit .
Corvallis Overland 4:56 p. m.
Leaves Portland for Hillsljoro
Corvallia Overland 7:20 a.m.
Forest Grove Local 8:60 a. m.
Forest Grove Local
Sheridan Flyer , 4:00 p! m!
forest orove Local. ., 5:40 n. m
For sale: Full blooded Cntnwr.l,i
bucks, yearlings and Spring. Joe.
.irsTFOU :u days
DcR'inninR January 1, wc arc k")J t0
sell you any t hint; iu our store (except Miir,
lard "and Imt'er) at regular retail prices and
allow yi u a discount of 10 - for Casla . This
is a big saviitj; lor you and yiu cannot allotd
to pass it u;. Wc Mill have some underwear,
hosiery ."and HisjxMtders that wc want to sell
at regular wholoale cost.
Dont't Forget the Tlace.
On Second Street
Hillsboro, Ore.
Here are 0 few items we have added lo our
The celebrated Bergman high-top shoes,
The lest that uiouey can buy,
We have them iu mauy different weights,
Not in low-tops, only the high.
A swell tew line of men's dress hats,
Iu every shape and color,
And remetnler too, we have thctiud
That will tit your little brother.
How about a new Spring suit?
Too early yet you say?
Think it over tny frieud, 'twill not be long
Till the time for making hay.
We can get you a suit iu any style
Close, medium tit or box,
And what's more 'twill be Tailor Made
By Sclig Bros. ,S: Sachs.
They arc 'Frisco's Leading Tailors,
A recommend they do not need,
In fact they put it this way
"Satisfaction ('uarauteed."
Yours for a Deal always
. SCHOLLS, OREGON, Phone 51 x 16
Start the NEW YEAR by opening an
account with the
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
We do a general banking business, and
the strength of our institution is un
questioned. Courteous treatmeut to all.
De One of Our Patrons
Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on
Savings and Time Deposits
Our Patrons will please take
notice that we have removed our
Sporting' Goods Store
To Third street, at the Garage, where we
have more room and are better ahle to
take care of our trade.
Guns and Ammunition
Winchester and Savage Rifles, the best hunting rifles
ever made.
Remington Shot Guns. Latest models, Hanimerless
Repeaters. Buy no other. ' " '
Revolvers of all kinds.
Bicycle Supplies - Repairing a Specialty.
Home of Good Things
Main Street, Opposite Tualatin Hotel
If You arc Gointf to Clrnn
Out ThntOlil Frnco Row
Call nml Ash
r'or Prices on
American Royal
and Pittsburg Electric Fencing
I urn still .selling Dough
erty Flthian Shoo Co.
My Groceries ate up t-
d.ite, clean and ftesb.
Have recently addnl t he
Schilling Line of
Kvttavts and Spin s. " i he
Muiicy GimhIn.
General Merchandise, Keedvtlle, Oregon
AJiuiulttaloc Notitl
NoUr L lnr.l.y gliim Dial Um iiixtntaitMi
l hu (mil r.iiml I'uiitl l lli
UI of ( 'rrni, lur W .hltKtHi fi.iinl,.
Inly aiiiitl a.liiituiltl"i f Ilia r
lain til Km II Mark. in, ail ha.
Inljf nu.lillr-l k, ,u, ll.
Nuw. Ilirrl.i'. all l-ifmin tiatlua
Ullll ll III Mill
lark arv Imrfftir nr.uilfral lit ilnM.til lliti
miiiit lo llm uii.ti-rn(inl al lli la itire
if ttiil)f A II am. In IlitiaUiru, trtf"1.
vTllirf llll prof' tl'IKliet. Oltlilll
iliuiilll, from llm ilaU ! Uil linU"
al ItUUUmi, nrr ti, m Hit llth
ljr nl .Siail-r, I n.
K'"l J. Mtoi
A'lnilnltrlir 'f 1 1 fc(io uf Kmll
itatk, il.'iaMt.
lUg y A Hail, AlUifnr, f.. A.l'ff
KXiauroK a notio:
Siill.-v I lintrliy Kirou, Dial llir imi It
.litnv. lia Iwm by thn I ii 1. 1 jr t'uir( . I
.tia St aln nf llrM.,1. fur M Ksliliiatint
'iilllll y , iltl! roil II f iiiihI K tn utof ..( tha
l Mill atl'l trlll onl ill Km) J I i.l.flo
Invaxal, ami haa .In t y n ! i II r.t V i
.Sum , tliarrfif. ail r.nia lia lurf !
-laima attaint! Ilia mtat nf Ilia adit 1 ca t
I. Ilnhrta, ilai-rftw.!. ala hfirtiy fr.iirr,l !
o firaartil tha aattin hi (ha tlttttftliril ;
it Ilia law iiltl.ti uf tlalny 1U' In
lllllilxirn, lnili, Inflliaf aa 1 1 Ii ( aa r I
(am'liara, olthill alt limlitlta lium llir J
Jala liariaif.
llril Una Jh Jajf of ! . I'l
T. H. Iklnl.lK
KlTiiL.r uf Ilia lul Mill aii'l laalaiuriil
if Kilia J. Imlifla. ilai-aar.
Barber Pdrlors
roru CHAIR shop
iMIiest Otuitcts m the city.
lCvety t htnj New.
Regular Unth
Shower lut
(live us a tall. Wmis owa
l'ythi.tu l!!d;, Hsllst
TIIK t'llU't IT IlifHt lr'
f r a r y.iy hukoos fmt
W A.HIIIMi fitS l ut'M V
Fiam-n, Morrlai.ii, IMainlifT.i
lwia Mniriauii Dfru.Unl
fii ltaia ilutnauii, alK;o naiur.l iUfni
IlllUn liaiuaof Iha NUIa nf llny.iii y
ra haralijr r.uira. lo an. I an..,.i
llm iiiinpUliit Ua. aKain.l yu u,,
twin lililla. i auan mi ur I llm,,
I.jf.tlia lr. ,U of il.r. li. iu. an.l if
yim fall u a-cr aii, aiiaanr Un pUtn
lilt fur want tuarnuf fi n,
Ilnf (irayml fur in ,( r,,i,Uiiil. I., .(,
Kur a Urrnwuf tbn I'uurt .llaa.,lMi1( ',
hunil.uf inalrlinui y nun aatliaax
la l.tainllff an.f ilrli.ii.Uul. a, j,
aui li uiUar ami furllirr rrltof in n, ,.
t ilia ( uurl r.M,. ,,,,.1 ... I ,,
alila ami ax In I'Uliitirl .,i,l,,, ,,.
l fur. ' '
Thin titiiiii un. , fj, r,r .,( J. W oalny ij,-ln, J,,,!-, ,,
Hint iiunijr Court ul Waalili,Kiui, r . llm alMMm a f , n,,u,i j,,,,
friiiii VSaal,lc,K(,, t mil,!,. , M, ,,,,;,
maun ami (m)l )(
.." i.ry. iiuu.,,,,1 u, (U , UM
!'," .'I.?""" """ U lliur.l.,.
ilia 3 i nay ulJw.u.ry, iU , , lU,
U, """ r tin, ., , .
Hi"lAr, . Ir.l ,!.: '.I,,), ,.
t I.VliKllU II AI.H.-u.N.
in i , All,"' l"f I'U.l.lllt
II I IiiiiiUi i I'.munrr.-., Vurllaml, lira.
Noun at r-'mal i.eit:rmtm
fraentf Maaiaaf Mm mi Waa4
Fresh and Cured khmi$
aW raMM
Sao ond Stroot, 1W, m
Timo to bo thinking of
that trip to CALIFOR
NIA via tho
U'lAUl'l' A Tllut SWIi WliMiKM
Southorn Pacific Co.
Thta ia I lie rutilr uf
(hat matjutficritt liam
l.iitui..ii c ( ill Jitlir li I. !iit:li :Ut artrirt,
matjtilln l III atrliny rn .ii!r. Itlil ,U UM
iritt!i It atutra Dial yu In matt aUt
"l. N . la Ihr lo art taf
I I il SKtatt,
11 M rlilr. .Salilo llaiUla, aui) gtbat
f.illl hi. u,lr( kr,uU In i ahluinU, lat
Ijm il uf Siiiialilnt an! I'luarit.
Si Kit l. Um Mi Tail" k TK latuat M
'To la AnrVi. with ruiirtM.iil Im
nir, u, m ;i ,,i,rr ihhoI, iu Hirut4
I V aalniijjliiii, LiLrial ain, inrit Is CtlaX
itiii rtiuii, whIi dual rcliini limit M
iii.,miK . L ..... it ii n. V a 9
(.woj ir ,l Ul Ii
; Kr"' lor allMinit lnH.klri, ilranblaj
! il. I . , m.i . - ti':..M
...v '.ami vi vaiiiiTina aa a wiaiaa
I'araiUar, ur wrlir tn
Wm. McMi kkav
(iciicral Passenger Acnl
Portland, Ore
Rot variety nf frBri XJto(l( uilUil fit, .A ... - .la
ir UB, t Coonell's. Conn.ll'- 7 belter
IKI.H.I. ail.nihiau.tur uf ll,a
.a l iiimlyCuuriuf u, m ,,, ,,r ',
', ami thai
I . J ..r h h,.,! Mo
IIMO, at in . ,, B, J
r'x.iu In HillhlMf,,, (ir- r '
fi-M-urMr,,,, 1
"'TV,",.t .'"r th" - i i "
A.lmU.u.rt,, Ihr.K.u.JLVA iu,,,,
M. Haalur.l. Hl.i,.,H.i nruiin
i mi II ,11 . W
Aili-riii-y f,,r A.lmlni.
Notice ol Final Settlement
Cm Nov. a( a atial;M 'rti;rf Ifat"
iUI,U,Ihi1 on Ilia lonallU uA
I'-aitrm Ulwrril Alliany ami Vlaa,
ImviiiK Altiany at II . H I' M. ami airi
Mix In Vm.iiiiiii at 5,15 I". M Krturila
Iravr Vmiiiua at 7 ; 5 A . M. anlln II
All. any at 11:15 A, M , nmkmx duett
t'.niit, flunta at 1 1 rvalllaaml AlUnywIla
.Smiilirfii I'm Hu; 1, nm (l( ami lium Feu1,
UihI nml titlirr H. ', hiiiiI nortb tad
saw ttiHt 1 s win ri;N
NVwiKiit laaiitilrnl Wmtrr irnirt, ltd
1 1 , u 1 . . , tr . , . -11 u a
.ur mw 1, lira imw ill 1 nrri iruiii an o. f
1'. i V, jioluu, with ili' iinprorid
11.1111 K ivire now ealnliliaiiru juaiTi
I Willi 11 11 li-w In, ma ilila finiti llir ValltT
j atrivlli" Ihrir nt (i;wi , M , III lim faf
i- I-. i -1 ir 11 1 liiili l ai l imiuiia-
Nulled In h.irrl.u .1 .... ... 1
ali,iA.I If . ' 11 " " "Hi ar. I .airill lll min i an.!'".-
"J Hi" l-l will ami l rriiaiiiindU lalra.
I mVt Z "1 , Iu" lHa.a. Vt f'""-r I.arlu nlri call on .or C
my iiiiai aiiHiiim .....1 r. " ' m,,y
-... nnl UIIlirL IIUH aaa.l Ki J .
a.,., ttti . 'i'MHlttV. Kl-I.r.i
m.bk Ilia Hi, 11, , , t ,
room aL lliiiai..... ' '"'nty 1 uurl
fr ..Mm,,, u,,U,u,C ,h1.l.",M!"
IhUI tliia Jmiuury
KlrU,r,.rt....l,.. '.'.r!.1- !,.".
w. I..rr,,u, AtUirmiy fr K
Notice of Final Settle
:;r1:!i:'rr.l.7'vt r.n,
I... ,rv ,m i,,r ' ni i-xai,
A-.m;'zzr:' hr. ...
"M ounly (;,mrl(lf -" " -r.U,
or WHUIUntfUl Coiliilu ..1 ,
inllaiaMoiiriHV J 1. ''.rt
t i Cum, 1., 1. BH ma lliiin. ami
On-Kmi.aa ilia Z, r' .V"' '" ""iHlM.r.,.
'! HI' L lit
A,!..,..... ...M.V.V T: MII,N,
MlHi.S.3. ,U,B,tNU,l""f '-'""IK.
,N- """-tornnyiorH,,,,, ,,nh(()
Mi'Mnirnv. Cimiil l'ur iii'i-r AKtot
I'i'itliiiiil, I Ire.
January 4th to Fbrury 181I1, V
I'rni-tiral work, Uttdna and ilnnonitra
tiona will lienivru in nu-li vital .iil'lectl
la ('riicml l iigiiin, J'ruit Cult..ii A'"
mill llimlmmlry, Dairying, 1'ou III y afP
it'K, Hie llimiiieaa Hiile uf I'ainiiiiK, l''"
airy, ( 'uriKiiliy, 1 1 1 11c k a III i 1 1 1 i 1 K
Imiiiciil iiiwni(, CnukiiiK. Sewlofa
IXeMiimkiiiK, Hume MmiKeiin lit,
All ii uiiIiu 1'oiirnrN lirin .lummiy 4lB
nml mil I'l lmiary mil, I'.niiein' Week
i'eliriimy l,lli U, iHlli.
rilllllul lliviluliuii la airlxllllrll 10 U
(iooil fii'i'uiiiiiuiilHtloin may lie aecuftJ
at ii'hhoiiiiIiU, mtta. Ni) age n."11 ",lv
" yeniH. No iitranrtr rriiilri-iiifHW'
I'rmiiiiiciit In lurert Imve U-en neoureo
for Mjn-tiiil lupics, The inntriictional
forte of the Coilt e liuiiilier" ion. K
'ellfiit iiui -nt.
A niKcial fintnre la ilia 1'uiniera' W
which (.'oiiiih lliin.vwa'Vlviuitli to I11"1,
1 ne
ml if
I.i-cMurH, iliariMNioiiN, Hi)j
Ull 1(1 M ,
l'nr fiitlher lufurniHtiiin aililreiia
K' KiHtmr, ()r Kon Agricultural Collri
t'oivHllia, Oregon. jH l
We Iiavh iha ..i.. . . "; -
i . t.. ,1.,." v;;
IniH MnarkaiiU .1 u" 0
for it,i..;;T'.u:r',.in"i'ii.i,
lowBellina n,U. u,. "? f?r thu Kour room hoiiHB on WiahinntoD
Bhioaiint nf ii,. ,, ""'"" hnyea Htrmit.-on our lin l,fiin Second
mau'e foot.-Wv.u & Co aP'n". Lyoiw, 2 miloi uorthwHtol
i it.