rct MILLSBORO f 6BRUARY CHOKJ 0 RDER HOI SI ii 1 have ojKMH-tl a Slfit Onler l'e . tittiraut next l"r t tin- Shntc li.mk ami have tnn:ir'el a emu ju te M Chef. Oysters in all styles When you arc iu the city, p.ivc us a tall. Wc huy the U'hl the ln.nkct afti'id .. -r (mkI steaks, ntul an excellent set vice, in short orders, drop in al sec us. T1I for Lutlies. Open until l.OO A. M. JOS. H. WILLIAMS LUK COUNCIL I! ) Surlace Water i'rehlciil I)jhch"s(.J by 1 .itlierH is UHUV nlMn HI I) I ')K Si IllSB'iKt) Will tictium It Attrr cm lc Ttkcn Building NEW GROCERY The umlcrsiKiietl has dh:ii d :i ticw griKcry strc 111 the Pvthian Ami solicits a share of your pat ronac. A sjlciiilil assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries. I y thchcslaml sell at the closest possible margin. Jcw Store New Good Give Me a Trial E. W. MOORE, 2nd St. May-r Haihy pr'ided at th city lull, lu' I'll 11 y ri'L'tit, with ll t-i x c ut ciinifii i riH- ni hd. hcbul munch. A M. (,Vli, J Ii. Trul li'iyi'-,(, 1 1 i 1 1 1 , V V. Ilocuw and Kola. iUriratupf The ij m'iono' ilriiiiHkt'1 a t.iWn up, mhI Bur vyor T H. Wilk reported that he not y I ready to rt-pi ft tin the tuv y from h Con,?. Church Bft ril, to drain that portion ol tl city, t ut through tlie Djugtty place, and h 'ii'fC'.wl to mr vey Iu. i-m for dri'iK(f of North Iliil-h ro. and see whatoutlet c u'c: tie made through IIih Ciititii'll farm to the wutaaid. lie will report a lm nut mieling. City Auorne) f. 11. Tiiitui; will draw a new or In. am e, ra ' ni tie salary f lb -imndul to ;() rn iri i- eid of VM. The f t! owifiz damn were T''erel paM: V'il Iaisoii, marshal' tl f"io 00 linlriK mlt nl, i iiniiiij; - 10 75 C I r.,n. wotk city it'll ' i 5 I Cotirnrii lu! ttiitrt, txl tri 4 5 1 Council A I'm, tini.n, ilnftn 10 JO If.raiit I.in!i t. M'rrt wink UO ' Ray tthodrs, etiwt wotk. - V 00 Win Kmiiik, " " i J7 A 1' l.uthrr. utiri t liriitnm; Io tol John Johatieoti, lrct wo.k 900 ! Kdwatd IW-aaun, " " V 00 i", W llutnm. Mil trrnsurrr 14 00 1 Jutiiiwin i'.tm, ltiiiil-r trerU 314 o I.iyht mi.l l'ocr Co 210 05 1 f - - .- . :,, i '. jj ' . 1 a tui "Welt. Jobnoy. It wa Uka pulltn teeth, wasn't It7" aaia in a alch of relief. Wisdom teeth." commeniea nun- Brown. his Too Dnp For Hor. A aroall boy who was picking .a.. a .. 1 1 MAiirariflruif war throogn me lamnj """ri"' ' . . .Ka ..ma came on a puzzier aou iu' " up to hla imjther. -Ma. what la the difference the flacal year and one of these com mon, ordinary years? "I nsed to know, but really I have forgotten. You can't expect me to keep up on these prizefighting affairs. Your pa can tell yon what a fiscal year la when be geta borne." MAYS Oi CONOVER To the People of ScholU and vicinityi We have invoiced our General Merchandise Stock and ft ml that wc arc carrying a heavier stotk in some lines then wc need, and as it is one of our Strong Points iu business to cater to the wants of our cus fuuicrs, it is necessary to continually chaise sMiic lines of goods, therefore we have decided to make A Big Reduction Sale IN SOMF. LINES And A Closing Out Sale in other lines, to make room fur our new, ami up-todatc spring stock which will soon be here. We will start this sale FEblV'ARY 1st by giving a 20 ir cent discottut on all sh-cs, hats, caps, ladies' and Rents' furnishiuK goods, flan nel ovcrshirts, hosiery, etc. Our shoe stock eoiisists of the famous Stillson, KcIIork, Capon, Golzcau and various other brands, while our under wear line is mainly MunsinK, CtH.pers, ami the reliable Morris Mills goods, all of these gotxls are clean goods, no dead STOCli IN OUR STORE We wiil also include in this sale alxmt 00 gallons of A i, harness oil, regular price f Loopr gallon, as long as it lasts it goes for 75'". less sale discount, 2 percent H.iicvvn This sale will continue uutil our aim is acconu 11 :idil other lines wAitnmis orAv-ui'M from week to week. Remcmltcr we save you one-nUli oil regular price on all goods placed cm sale this week. W,. umkc one m ice to all. We aim to please. MAYS Ca CONOVER. Scholls. Ore V. P. M. Soi'iciy. The young jop'e cinntc'wl witb iratti t'liiltd Kvangelical Cliurcli ti a new orKaniiition, bi(hl wan firtiit-d by lh Branch Preei- l..nt. Mr Myra Miller hlautl -r, for the purpote of cludying tuifBion irv luturn. ine Minn cnooen is u honor of the tuiH-iouary nurie ol hmr detif mination in Wiling China. The Addie Curry Slun ford Yotinif I'd n'e Mi-ttioury Sjo- duly. Dr and Mr. Munford paid vinii to tbiH cttiBrfitalton en Sanlrrt After Dark ncj I rr:" . V It! 1 i'.c : x ct'rr' tt'r,vi n t t :c t!-c Lriiiiar.cy cf this liapfcr cleclrlc I'gltL c amount cf tLctric : (;!amcnt radiat:sfrom much lip'it as the oio'inaiy carbon incandescent. Uco Ti.aislea Lamps in Yc ui' Home Couldn't Plaaa Hoc. "Have you perfectly fresh egeta blear "Yea, ma'am. These here efretablts came Just five mlnutea ao and you never aaw anything fresher." "These V "Yes, ma'am, these same." "Well, you see, 1 run a boarding house, and 1 always like mine a little seasoned by time, so I think 1 don't care for these." Forca of Habit. "You have read the autobiography of the great pugilist r "Yea; I bad that great pleasure. "And how was It?' nh. brilliant, as you might Imagine. There waa hardly a page In the enure book In which the English ianguag did not receive a knockout blow. si.e stave me carte blanch to , l thought best for her. to wto o lse as the market rose or WU wlifit It fi'U she reproached me. " wns to te expected from J woman and as would be the result ttt the rase of most men. Women aoOT m..s the pole und tB,t 1 .... m Mltf. thing OrantliiK nui juu nl.le f..r a.etitig such a commission. Tu c.tld only expect that It would tM head you win. talis you lose." 11,-fi.re he left I secured hla promla to meet ttw lady In question In mf studio the next morning. I BoUfied her to come, and she no sooner aaw rrmi.r lover there than I. aa an artist. cnuRht the pe"'ten'- PlUn itmk on her face for my ne picwr I marked the first "Hetrihuiion . the spoond "netribtltion H." When mv friend Mr. Bortana a t,b"ttrf'!wroti her nitsr ana ieu n I lmd tetter paint a third picture wm him In the foreground and call Itetriht-tlon III." His wire reus, hp understand why. They will cti your light bill in two, or, ujuL!'j ycuf illumination without cxlra cort. Try a G.E. 40-watt lamp tt frst. I-; consunca one-fifth Uh tk cUlc cur.tr.t and is twice as biiiliant 5 the 16 candle power carboa lamp you now use. Hillsboro Water, Light & Power Co. T5 tsatjsas A SINGLE HUE nrTniniiTinH nuniDunu Humor and Philosophy By wye Aft M. SMITH RECOMPENSE. VK liave to pay for what wa gvtr ' That'll plain ami tad and true For If e buy tt at tha atora. Alt fresh an.1 bright and new. Or KOt It at the counter free Wrera lunch to tempt la aet Th bill in ome old form com On that It's aafe to bet. Some thlnics that seem to be a gift. Clllt (diced and free aa air. Without a single hitch or strlnf ; To mar their outline fair. We find before the deal la throuarh And settlement cornea rouna That they have coat ua mora than K We'd bought them by tha pound. I-' . .. . !! I y nailed I.if thu lo:e gn u-iu anu dehvernj intetcling aiUiresees lireat inlercot manileHtrd io tliirork. The societ? will con duct its meeting tin third Friday eVM ing of evary moath The f tllowinpi pflioera wera elect t'K) long for a tuau's hair and too s : rWd'tit, Mina Huby (iallo- for a woman's. Hut it must be .,1 war; Vice Pre , Limy Frank; llc See, Ethel Hmndow; Cor Hie. Nellie Frank; Treae., Hirry Liftbl foil. For Sale regintered (uiemHey Hull, pft 3 nlecltio,or write T. Delano, li-ave ton. Ore., R ute 1. STEWART HULS , 1 M UA bealthy kX : llj VVYMin-sier.vlikoKool ViyX ; l XVi,i. ird r.iiwit.. . . . Hioeinu- Hin ll r r mwwH. llffH 111 OLYEirit; qwyyjp I it In m u 10 vuuu! F 1 4 7tlianatiHtofyurjii)imy. fik, 1 , -Moincr. :iuarut ytouw,l,j w v J Infinite curiH eniployedintl.o JUtLCo f III i.rniim.Hon of ovorv sack. tlioHe" I tm I from fwtooted Northwestern wlu'tit lfflUjajiQ every grain is tboroly cleaned aact -ST-ajfift III BcoiiredbytliobcHtiiioileriimotbods tglltRLtG III that's Wnv Olympic rcaebea you ho iWLIi - , I 1 1 clean, bo pure, bo healthful, ho nut rt- : Kjp I 11 tioiiH-tbat'a why it makes buc.1i good ; . VW ',n,88 10 Cftk 1 O Iff Insist upon Olympic ;JffiflBf V "lher tent any a SIW 0 PERCY Q. HALL. (Copyright, 1910. by American Press Asso ciation The editor of the Kxcclslor Magazine sat at his desk opening envelopes con taining contributions. Running over the sheets of one to discover if it came within the prescribed length, he (bjitid betwecu two of tuetu a hair. It was short one or the other, and since the manuscript was sent lu by a woman be concluded that it had belonged to the latter. It ni nnf black or brown or red: It was golden. And the name of the girl on whose head It had doubtless grown was Nathalie Roso Arrow-smith. But perhaps this was fictitious. The Excelsior Magazine was pub- i i n.., .,,,1 Ilshed la tue rnr wesi, wucre uuicu, years ou. - comparatively scarce, are appre- i well tt. trked lor dairy purpose I pglbly t wM ,bat w t llfcenlterg iauon, on caiciu . Mot tQ tag over the golden hair and Nathalie Rose Arrowsmlth. He was a young man of Ideal tastes. 17 8 jio was not the owner of the period- teal, but an employee whose nusmess It was to select such contributions as would fit In between certain other Htaulo matter. lie possessed literary Mr. Jwe SUwart and Mn norths discrimination, but was awore tnattnw Huie were united in m rriRe at delicate faculty was not considered lu v..u '..i,;,. U',.UV, .UiimrvSG flilne his salary. What was expected i- ll Mr Stewart is an oldtimf of hlu. was to read tlje mauuscrs ffib.SU .nd .L. brll. I- cm - at came lu to of N .rth Yakim.V fH' J fce-. patrons, aect- taienien youi'K iuidi- " ', . hnj in tiUSIIietd a wanvuu, auu .. ,u ... . ... 1 Pl.uv V . , no-imiaHter at that pUtw a tnriv That R R0Oii name for Miss Arrow- ' ..... a l ..:.. .hiUI. I ... ..a 1. - t(l, .,aa .fa it'lfh thrt ' l- ' 4 I . . t t...tt ..l.tnlln t no till! CI tfui Ir 'u. . v. 'man frinndt self Into the young editor's mind. He dsY8l and the A'J Rgl(lo BCcepUnc, m case ltion.- leuiiermg 0'"ii'ui" 1 stood a strapping cowboy wbose yel low hair hung down nnder his som brero. There were pistols and car tridges In his belt and ipura big enough for buzz saws on his heels. He waa flushed with anger; but, on By PHILIP ATTERBURY. tCap-yrifht. 110. by American Preaa Asso ciation. J I was at work at my easel one morn lng when I received a visit from a lady who was a perfect stranger to me. 1 arose to receive her and was about to ask her how 1 could serve her when she said eagerly: "Where Is Edward Borluudr "Edward BorlandT' "Yea. . Do you know where I can find hlmr "1 never heard of the gentleman "You painted the picture 'Retribu tlon,' didn't you, oa exhibition at Mar- tine's V "I did.' "From what did yon take my like ness? I never sat for you.' "My good lady, will you explain? "Explain! Why harrow my feelings kv ...nlnn ma in toll tha ,1 wlroHfttna tnnr when oii must tnow it already, bis heart throbblugs ana naa Else how could you have painted that awful scene?" "What awful scene ?' Do ceaso the pretense of Ignorance. 7 And If It la a doe;, a boo. A ticket to the play. The coat is there, though It may I Be seen as plain aa day. The bill collector may not coma With his Insultln leer. But all the same we have to pay For this same sort or cneer. No wonder aa we older et And have (frown gray and wlaa We look a gift horse In tha mouth To guard against surprise. No wonder that we shy and try When, we are asked to share , Tbo fortunes of another man To find tha comeback there. Noncommittal. The patient was tossing restless) ry oa a bed of pain. The doctor had mad a thorough examination of tha caaa, had timed the pulse beats of tna Buf fer with his watch, bad listened to I . t r u.intr tho wlltnr. who waa a delicate fiinw of Aid fet two Inches and a I suppose u waa ue w vuiu jvu. hnminwl Mmit. wptpht. ha stood as- My bewuaermeni was increasing tonlshed for a moment then buret Into ratner man suueiums, ior uu a fit of nm-ontrollable Uughter. resemblance, though a very faint one. Re vou the kid as writ that?" he between tne way ceiore me buu a us asked, holding forth the editor's apolo getic message. The editor stood stupefied. "Waal, waal, I ain't on the blow about seeln' big wonders, but this is the blarstedest observation I ever made. So y' took me for a gaL And the hair ez got In betweeu the sheets. A gow- en strand. And y' daubed in some those that would fit the empty 1 ure In the picture to which she re ferred. In fact, 1 waa dumfounded. I did nothing but stare at her. She went on speaking In her quick, excited way, her eyes filling with tears: "It was all my fault. I urged him to take the money and speculate foi me. The stocks went down. Ten days after the loss was reported to me i. .. . . . . i i . i . soft soap on me. I sure never see ivy mo u. ---- - 1 I .1 la. haaJ Aiif t hiu nnn nothrn like tals before," ana muB .u - "DM you write the stuff?" asked the pocket Indeed, he wrote me that proprietor ? Nathalie Hose Arrow- there waa a profit The stupid brokers gmltt called on me for margin during his ab- -Sartln. I read It to the boys, and sence, at the height of the panic. He they 'lowed It was fine." . had distinctly told them to look to What made you choose that namer him and by no means communicate "Why pard, I was called sudden on with me. But why did you call your a roundup and lef the stuff with a picture 'Retribution?- At the moment young feller e jlst come out to the I reproached him he had ordered a ivt ,h from the east to send to check sent me for $0,000. I received Ho nut nn the name, it arter ne naa gone. tin i uia.aaiiuvi " i lie said he'd give It a nom der plum," A tight was beginniiig to Dreai in .1. i . nl,.m romarksd the DfO- UDon my Drum, i iiau rv-u 1W 43 1"" ' . . . - - . , .. . . ntamnhiniuiv where persons nau uiuuieu m-" (I.HW, v.v, - . it "Waal, little one, I come up yere io suujevia 0.0. to see what kind of a galoot too me amies me mai. . " -- 7 for a cat I thort as If there was ary stance. 1 was .u luc - nsult intended, though . 1 ain't much story. Might I not be of service In re o gun suddenness, Td jlst bore a hole storing to her a person In the man as did It. But you ami wrongear me Vkiu. . big enough target for my guns. Good- sponded with the scene to which she Dig, e ..... v, j 1 on !ra ronrnni'llln? S By, Mr. Proprietor: gooacy. mue one r - rrr And he walked out to the music 01 man wuu mu "" " . , I m t.u knut kaiiil iwAivlnp hla hla aniiM 1 awuu TIU W""i n D1S Spurs. rrv. -m..n won the Then the manager turned to hla eai- cnasiist-mtau xu- - --- im-u mo u."a ir,ol flcniro- the mnn was In Shad- 'Or. . .. 1 . . . rflotlnftliT vlaitllf.. "I reckon," he said, "this ain't no ow auu u " mnnn calf 1 ke TOUT X' coutJuucu iv ic""- " -- many questions as to the history ol the case and as to recent sympions He shook his head gravely aa M came from the room. Oli, doctor," said the wife anzJooa ly, "do you know what la tne matta with him?" "Yes," said the doctor firmly. ': "Oh, what is ltr -: $ "He Is sick." Just a Fit. "I wish I knew what to glva add for a birthday present." "Something useful, I suppose!" . "Certainly." jr ?H "And Inexpensive?" ' - "Oh, yes." "You uileht clve him a bath ticket You can get a ulce one for a quarter." Hl'.LKN MliADE tniunit nothluir objectionable. Mean- n:hila his oneratlve mentality was on his work, but his Ideal faculties-those akin to soul-were on "thefair one with the golden locks." By the time he had read her manuawlpt he naa con lured ud a noetic, aesthetic condition that enabled him to see lu it the high est degree of literary merit. The lan guage was "plains" or gulch language, and the author naa succeeueu in giv she had Kept a house. There were Her mother is Rattlesnake Bill nud-Mexican Tete, aa .1.1. "i,n,l men as ever fanned a o or Mil Helen Jta:iette Meade, eldeet dauuhfer of Mr. and Mr II V. Meade, died at me-uoru, jauua.j J8 1910, after a week's illneea witb enterio iyilrml. She was bom in n...il..l Ann 11. IS'JD DUB wtit a briibt young lady and well ad m8 n as corroctl? as If vanrod in hireiudiMin the Med cowboy's boanllng horn ford IIib School 4 f lMitir in " ' I twiated , ll knnnn Kara ac twiaieu city, ana wiewe't Miua .Klla Vi y.t .11 father ia a Queer. 'I thought you said Wllklna la aa Englishman." "He Is." - ' "Impossible." "Why?" "He saw the point of my Joka la fiash." Free Advice. The man who la wise ' Is on to said guys Who hand out advice that la free. He knows that tha lot Of this tommyrot Jr , la stale to the final degree. For goods that cut toe Are marked with a price As on through life's Journey you And things that ara wort A Dlaee on the earth Are not in the free sample i The man with advtce. Right once and wrong twice. Should keep for home uses hla Juok To use on himseir. So put on the shelf His offering of moth eaten bunk. nn store for a hotter BO east to some O wieui tvuege Here's vour salary to date." .... . -. a DOWie." xuen mere o Cactus Kate, not overparticular In her: . 1... ... hAni aa no Table' a i i loves, uui , net contain" Tho story was available, but when the editor contemplated offering the FIREMEN'S DANCE nianageraent's limit of compensation ' i ' .,;,?-fl,i.H nnt to ideal nature sickened. Yet what could ,'oung people are rjcfceited not . to dQ? Any gugg08tlop t0 pny an ad. orget the Kiremeli o l'ano' aj tne altlonnl eum it)r 0 uterary gem would U 'ii 1 ....h... n,l,n..li UUI son i i f "v' years bro l,ir HillBboro Hall, Monday evening, oll)v mect wlth a 8nftri from his chief Kebrwary 14.- - Tha qqyft""- and the remark that "we nin t in mis tine a great dcaror lJ ' auu ww yere mismess io eueiuie uuu u fort fr the protection of property, for dust- Iir.lfl" I l..o ia an OntlortUDllV lor Uiow ior mo iuii "3 and here is an opihjuu.j ,, n-riiimr iwr n lotter of bdoIoi you to beip themto a olWw pittfpi sum for" bBtternienl 01 " -. duction. j usinei-B men, also, are rmiuoeviu jf popped t this there need to tiurohaie.ucsetB uu uo.F " beeu m htm done. All editor Iha fund: The ladB win (?iv klmlIy lll80rt feather beds under strug- nulendid Sdrill under the leader Klhlff nuthors before knocking them : i.! ami direction of C. 8. Park down. it's a feature of the business. niiur w" i e f . and a valentine bx will be Rut the cold strand had stuck In his feature of the evening entertain- head, and he added some "soft stuff." mature oi mo o inclosed the proprietor's check for ment . , Uii nrtn to he tmld and sent the whole 7- . . on.ow .Hh n fliitterlnc heart. KH Poeand daughtar, o uorne- "And did he not defend himselfr 1 asked. "No; he simply stood, and looked at me in astonishment His figure In your picture doesn't show his demeanoi at all." "He left vou with no explanation?" "None whatever. Ten minutes after Ma denarture the postman left his let ter containing his check for what I in htm the nroflt Pront, m deed! The transaction cost him $ 7,500." I pondered, while she went on Inco herently In the same manner as be fore. - Finally I said to her, "If you will leave me your address 1 will see If I can do anything for you. There! I knew all the while you were acquainted with him and that he gave you the information which led to vour nftlntlne that picture. Oh, please do tell him how sorry T am for what I did." "Yes. if I find him." The ladv departed somewhat coin forted, but by no tneans confident that I would succeed in gaining for her the forgiveness of the man she had wronged, now i found Edward Borland Is matter between me and a man I paid for doing the work. When I met air. Borland he supposed the meeting was casual. 1 pursued the acquaintance and Invited him to my studio, where 1 had the picture from Martines con spicuously displayed on an easel. I watched him as he looked at it. The woman's face evidently Interested him. "Where did you get your model for that figure?" he asked. This was a beginning. Before he left my studio I had told him the story N.turallv tha Kind. of mv visitor and her Illusion. W neu t ntiA .inhnnv couldn't get through hls WOnder at the singular occurrence his head some great fact that It was naij giveD. place to thinking on the necessary for him to know In order to equation between himself and tha round out his education nneiy uuu uui- ,aay i Baw nis race uarueu. ij. - pletely and make him a credit to me fected a reconciliation i must use iu Humor and Philosophy 9r 9VMCAt ft. SMITH THE NEW DISPENSATION. OH, love ta such a tender plantl Ton handle it with care: You cannot treat It with a club And still Its blessings share. Once patient women had to stand For all such kina oi sport. But now they grab a man like that And hale him into court. Serenely as tho final act Of some old fashioned play, Without r'PPle or )ar' U gllaea along tha way Until far hata and lovely gowns Tha man declines to cough. And then In few well chosen words Ha learna where ha geta off. Before had fawned the suffragette Upon hla startled gaxa Man didn't know ha had a snap In those old fashioned days. He crooked his finger; that was all He had to do for years. And W she ventured to get gay Perhaps he boxed her ears. But now a different morn has dawned. The woman's day is here, And she must have her little say. And, oh, she makes It clearl Once, as perhaps you are aware. She couldn't speak In church. But now she lets her master know Who's ruler of tha perch. A word to the wis U not a surprise. But when it comes in by the skein Just give him the wink And say that you think M We may have a bit of a rain. c Accommodating. I ii rnr"- AT YOUK GKOCEB'S mmllilUll MIl.T.S CO., " . .. m l- liuB, were in the oily luesuay. uettra a stentorian voice in tho man C Viohl of Jobe Crossing, was ager'a private room debating some Tn.Bdav. question wuu uu .o --. - . . mtem Hlg teacher wa8 ntmClRt adroltne8S. J r irrZriiMfc Z to pl.to. & naU, was very bitter." he said. weB ww a caller Tuneday afternoon, UnUeAthetoiutQhieffl he ttot h un-er?-tooa- she supposed I bad lost her money. naturally." I remarkets. "I am only a weak woman. "Then you should like me.1 -. v "Why?" . . j "Because I am strong for you." Monumental. "I don't like to fish." , "Don't you?" ... , I "Not a bit" "Why?" "1 always catch such big ones." "1 should think you would like that" "No: they are so big that If I wer to lie about them nobody would believe me at ail." Real Head. "I am looking for the head of th house," suld the canvasser. "Here Jane." called the man to Ua wife. "Muu wants to sea you." "Me?" "Yes; he called for the head ot house." "Oh, he is looking for the baby." Everything on Tap. "Why don't you get out and do aom tuing for yourself?" "Me?" "Yes." "I haven't any opportunity," . "Oh, pshaw! Call op a department store and have them aend yoo oat one." .... r i- V i. . I' I OREOON PORTLAND FLOU1UNU MlU-S CO..