HILLSBORO ARGUS rtBRUARY 1910 i 1 3 1 Sntnd at th Post-offic at Hillaburo Orrgon, as aecorid-ctaa mail tuattr. Ij. A. LONG, Editor. Gmnty Official Paper Subscription: 11.50 pr Annum. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Wash ington County will hold the regu lar examination tor applicant (or state and county paper at the Court House in Hiilebuo a follows: VK STkTK IWrKRS Commencing Wnlarsiljiy, February t). lgici, at 9 o'clock a. m , anl continuing nntil Saturday, February 13. 1410, at 4 p. ui. WethiesiUy Fe ntnanaliip, history, six-ilins, physical ucoffraphv. rvaJiuif. pychologT. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teachinc. srammar. bookkeeping. physic, civil government. Fiiilav Physiology, geography, com position, aittbra. Knulish literature. achool law. Saturday Botanv. Diane reonietrv. general history. KlR OOl'NTY PXTKRS linnini-iitii V1ii.1a v t-VKmarv n take care ot a big immigration thi 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., ami continuing I ...... 1 l. . t . 1 . (..ktnlr. . ..... . TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Uotuooa Mil'p vai eued Con- j nantine Miller 1r .iivorco. Tley i live below Ne tor . laaapd Every Thmradar BY- I.ONG A McKlNNKT The state at large will vote on the cutting (ffof tha eastern por tion of the county. Tfcere teems to be a general feeling that the Ut will nject many of theee coun ty change of boundary pn jects. Oregon may as well e'. ready to FOR RtfAL ROUTIS Spring, and Washington County will get its eh a re of newcomers. New bui dings and new banks- this ie evidence of Hillsboro's busi ness prosperity. Mayor Bailey is proceeding with the drainage question. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE o'clock d m WetlnesJav TVnmanshiri. hit(rv orthography, reading, physical geogra- Thursdav Written arithmetic, theory teaching, grammar, rhvsiulocv Friday GeOk-ranhv. schot.1 law. civil government. English literature. m. W ASK, Coutty School Superintendent. Gustave Wikberir. of near ftaa ton, is under bond to appear before circuit court on a charge of larceny by baillee, L is Mc Parian being tte prosecuting witnese. Mcfar lan alleges that Wikberg sold ter sonal property which was under contract ot B,e, but not vet uaid Xotioe Is hprby given thai I, the timler- silTiieii, nave oeen appoinii administra trix of the estate of Luilwic Ziuiniermaiin. IVeeased, by the Countr Court of the r a , n...n r. tiv...i!; . , . flaw vi vipuu iur uasuiuuiu vuuuiv, - J , - ami have qualified as such. All pertxitis for, and that Wikberg had no tit'e having claims ajraiust said estate are! neretiy notified to present the same to me rour.ea new members were with proper vouchers, at the law office of ;;,:,,, ar ;ntrt a. o,. ral , w x Barrett, at Hiiisuow, Oregon, with- ""luted o he tire department in six ninntlis fmi thiu ! last r.iffht Dated this February 2, lyiO Annul liri, yimm.m.in Administratrix of the lvsUte of Luda'ig .iiuiiirrmaiin. icea,u, W X Barrett, Attorney for Estate Adminitrator'a Notict Notice is herehe pirpn that h,a m,,.1u;.... ed has been by the Count Court 01 the v.3 ui urchin, iur n asnuiifuin county duly appointed administrator of the es tate Of Murtrarwt I a no M,,L'l.ln..n.. i.. ceased, and baa duly qualified and enter ed upon tne discharge of his duties as Bitch. Xow. therefore, all persons having a oKai..i me csiaie 01 ji area ret jane MrKliliM,-nav I u , ... .v., -nw-ini, (uv uereov re quired to present the sane tn ih nmlr. signed, Uigether with proper vouchers. "'" "i nagiey r Hare in WUHboro, Washington County, Oregon wittun six months from the date of this Dated this Feb 3, 1910 front V f . t- J Adnnnintratorof the estate of Margaret w-:v noiuii uey, ueceasea Bagley A Hare, Attorney for Admr. last Light B Leis, of Beaverton, was in the city t. day. Mr. Leis is an author ity ou enravine. and Dromisea an article for next wk's Argus. Herman Dittmao and Anna Johnson have batn gran eJ license to wed. Quaker com flakes. 3 for 25 oents, at Emmotte'. Hon. V D. Hare, ouite ill for a few days, is improving. For fresh fruits, chuii'fwt mH freeheet candies, e'.c, see Koeber. Born, to Homer S nith and wifp of Hillsbjro, Feb 2, a dauth'er. Save your oranae wranners and get a eilvrr spoon. Coonell ft Co. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Fourth As, tant T M. Gener al sends roetma'er Cornelius the lolluwing ordt r ett srting h rural routes:--!a vw of the extent to wbicb tn. pr. 'L f pUcing lo-se coinh i t boji() by ru al patrons has grow 1, and the delay in ilu de liver and eduction of mail and the ardshiii imtHs-il un rural car riers ncident thereto, you are in-formet- 1 hat, commencing February 15, p osiui, tural letter carriers will not r tiuirtd to col'eit looee coins 1'rotu rural mail boxes. Patrons shi u!d enc'oee coins in an euvelope, wrap tretn seou-e'y in a 1 i ce of pper. rr d-.oeit them in a ci in holding receptacle, so tbey art be easily and quickly taken front boxes, and Carriers will le equirtd to lift uch coim, aca lee acco iipn;ti by mail for dUpa'ch, attach tha r quioi'e siampt. FOUND AT BETH NY A place to gt thoroiif hbrd Brown Icihorn and Whiie PUm.iu h Rock eges, for setting, from priie winning i rds 1 ttuarautie satis fctim. I have f.ur fine White Rock Cicki re'.e Will sell a pair or tr:o. while tie last tiuaran e every Dim 1 sell it be a a 1 nr Member of Oitgin I, ultry and Pet St ck At-e'n Joe F, Saunders, Poll Urn! . Oregon. R '2. Box C3 In jepe. dent Tel Beh.nyl. 47 f BANKS NEWS SUMMONS IN I HE CIRCUIT COI-RT OP THP STATK OF OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COrXTY Louis Von Donner, Plaintiff,) vs. G. A. Von Donner, Defendant. To G. A. Von Donner, Defendant above ID lMQ&fflnf thASraraAfn.. . are hereoy noticed that the plaintiff has "" fj S""" ou tn the above ATI fit IChil Win J ... .. . An Indian party was given bv the Sooh- OUlOreS to the .Illninr inJ Phi I " " " ' " V A 1MU1KU classes of the Hillsboro High School on oaimuay evening, jan 29, at the K. O. K.. A. gvmnasium. TIip avmno,.,,,, iecora!e! with young fir 'trees, and the walls were hung with Indian blatkets and ornaments. In one corner stood a wigwam, and near it was a camp-fire, over which a kett'e was hinging.. Sev eral appropriate gsmes were plaved dur ing the evening. In nnr a t, t,i. t willow and tied with the High School coiors iaie oiue and white was given entitled court and cause and Von V . V . wnlle-" given hereby required w.p'Jd JlertShr " fh peracn, together with a bundle complaint or file some appearance therein '." arrow- If any one said "Yes" or complaint or file some appearance therein on or before the last day prescribed by the order of publication thereof. to-wit me --5th day of March, A D 1910; and if ju i.iu u w appear ana answer the eom f t m, J fi.r,SOUJe Prann therein, the plauitiff will cause your default to be en tered and noted and will apply to the plaint herein, to wit-a decree forever dm solvmtf the bonds of matrimony Minting between v, .nri : Vm""t n,h., r iui sucu I --.', -vui u buu uuueu rice oriltle other and further re if i ....-. I ......j .1.. ...r meet I uj me misses raye bigler o he had to give an arrow to the one to whom he spoke. Miss Vesta McFee won tne prize, as she hail th number of arrows. Then the cruests were sent to hunt with their bows and arrows for auimals hidden about the room. Prof. Barnes won the prize, a tinv birch-bark canoe. Refreshments, consis'inu r.f hm. iny, brown bread and dried beef sand wiches, pop-corn and puffed rice brittle, The date of th fir.. , Bessie Simon, Khea Wilkes and Gladvs summons is Thnrwlar, e 3rd day -of l0"' o Tre dressed lndUn February AD 1910, and this summons?. maldeuns- Punch was served at the wig ptiblishecl on ererv Thpia ..i. warn by an Indian maid. Mi Aim.. o;- ratda't'es8 P'ri01 f Slx wck" between The evening was closed by the singing Tins summons 1. ,,hi;.K ... ., . J 7. ... V: s" a-.n.' aM aa InJ""i Hon J r I'amt.uir 1, ,7 urueroi uuux Kiveu oy me nve gir Is in costume S,u"ledLcoua mcfaXth ecces, of the partwas due largely day of February, A D 1910 to. the ready assistance and energy 6f atiss smith, one of the teachers. Copies of the first High School oaner Y.. .i weea. given to the students Althouiih the "Snirit" r,ii, .,. on account of the lack of time for prepa rafirtn it la . , . .. - ....wU, .3 . Lic.iu iu us eoitors, enas uison, wade Killen and Rhe wuvm anu piomises much tor future editions. Miss Lena Taylor is reported quite ill Miss Millie l.ar.iltr af Itu ton nant last weec vtsuing tnenos tn ttankt. Ouite a numlwr nf the nrvirt rt in. town Visited Portland. Fridav niuht tn see jennes ami nis cumpany. ti Krrnii Stniiri ir a mua!il M cital to her pupils, Saturday afternoon. The nunils of Prof Zrvelv orava tit mi ai surprise ai inc nouie 01 tr. and Airs. A. C. Carstens, on Saturday evening. Janu ary 39, the occasion beiog the anniver sary of hi birthday. He was the recip ient 01 many nice presents. The evening was spent in Dtaviu? eaniea and havinir a guou time generally. Mrs. Rov McPheraan la in PnrtUnl ( uie oeusiue 01 ner sister, who ts seriously ill. Mrs. Kit Grindel and Mr. Fanni V, day are 00 the aick list this week. The local talent nf RjtnVa will oiim tli. orama entitled, l,ompk.ins Hired Man, 011 iMturaay evening, febraary 19, in McGraw's Hall. Admission, is cents: children under u years, tocenu. This promises to be the bejt entertainment ever given in Banks, at great prepara tions are being made for the play. The Banks Vocal club will reader some choice selections between acts. At the conclu sion of the piav, there will be a basket social. Kverybody come. Ladies, bring oasiteis ana an nave a good lime. Pro ceeds to go toward paying off the church debt. Card of Thanks t'HAS J 8CHNABEL. Attorney fur Plaintiff SUMMONS. IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ojAir, ur UHECiON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. Adolph KieiJer, Fleintiff, ) vs 1 Margaret Rieder, Defendant. J iiarned1:argaret lU&leT' DfenJat bove In .the name of ;the Stateof Oregon: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff has bled a coiiid air.t nnninut !.. .1,.' I entitled court und cause and you are here r.."1 if? ap8' nd answer the . P, ,, uiB uorne appearance there- n on or tefore the lat day prencribed by theordflrof publication there-jf. uwit- tae uay of March A. D , lyiO; and if plaint or file some appearance therein the plaintiff will cause your default t" .ft entered and notei and will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his cor i plaint herein, to wit: A decree forever dissolving the bond of matrimony ex isting between you and plaintiff and for such other and lurther relief as to the court may seem meet. puuiication 01 this Buiiintons Is Thursday the third day of Fnlimarv. A. I) mm. .,...1 .i..-. 3 vl Is to be published on every Thursday of each week for a period of six week "be tween suid dates. This summons is published by order of Hon J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, made in the Chambers this 31s; day of January, 1910. Chas J. Schnabel, Attorney for Plaintiff. TT Isn't always a woman who gets the ! Ihlnni !,.. I. l ... . . iL,iiifei dug is going to 00 ana those ane Is not going to do so badly mlaed mar ane can t tell them apart Money may not buy everything, but wno would want everything anyway 7. Some people are always right, but mey aren't the most desirable people u live wun, either. There are people who give such an Impression of being made at home that It Is positively excruciating. If we bad to live np to everything we say the longevity of the race would be greatly increased. A good cook is any old klud that you can nail down In tne kitchen In these days. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice iM hereViV critran il.A .1 . , . . 3 uini we. ije unner. siened. have hn u,.,,;....j . cr 7.t .v. . i'K"'"iu allium stra tors of the Estate 0f John Oustafson Doceaied by the County Court of the and have qual.hed as such. All persons ciaims ragamst said estate are hereby notihed to present the same to us itn proper vouchers, at the law office of W N fiarrett. at HUIhIkiw. in six morittis from this date ' uuea uas February 2, 1910 fJscar Gustafson . j on 11 r uustarson A'lmimii.,.u ,.r u. i ...... . 1". Y . " luo taie or John Gustafson, Deceased narrett, Attorney for said Estate We deiire to ezprees our heartfelt thanks to the members of Wash ington Lodge No 48,1. 0. 0 F., for the many kinuneeeea and sym pathetic aebistance given us during the illness and at the tie ah of our late beloved husband and father. Our sincere thanks are also extend ed to the neighbors and friends who were so kind to us and who h9lp9d us bear our sorrow, and for the many teiutiful i iral tributee. (Mrs ) Mary Clark and Family. Forest Grove, Jan. 31, 1910. Land lor Sa'.e Will sell 15 to 30 acres of culti vated land, three-fourths of a mile from Witch Hazel station. No house. Will sell at $225 per acre, part down, balance on time. E Sundberg, Beaverton, Ore, R 4 ic Sftg8r ANNOUNCEMENT By The Oregon Electric Railway Company of the Opening Wednesday, Feb. 2, of Its New Line and Train Service to WOODBURN, OREGON. -branch line connecting Woodburn with West Woodburn, has been completed and pas senger service inaugerated on the above date 1 he following is a condensed schedule of trains arriving and leaving Hillsboro, with which con nection is made at Garden Home and West Wood burn for passengers to and from Woodburn. fiave Hillsboro 8:55 a. m. Arrive Leave Arrive Woodburn Woodburn Hillsboro 10:30 a.m. q.ooa. m. ii:i5 a. tn. I0:4S " I2:40P.m. 2Mfi r. m. A-ih n tn ;'-' p m. 4:00 45 6.25 For information relative to tickets, fares, etc. see the Ticket Agent. H Hv.Crouise, Geo. F. Nevins, Ticket Agent, Traffic Manager, Hillsboro. Portland. HBST mm mm SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. S And Will Continue To And Including SATURDAY FEB. 19 I Mill Place My Entire StocK of White Goods on SPECIAL SALE as Followsi Ladies' Muslin Under wear, White Dress Goods, Lawns and White Dimi ties, Embroideries and Laces, Table Linens, Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, Muslins, Sheetings All the above Goods Will be on Sale at from IO to 25 Per Cent Discount 1 mahe the above SALE to Stimulate early buying and you should not overlooK the fact that My Goods Are All New and Up-To Date. A. GROSS 3rd and Main St. HILLSBORO, OREGON "Keep Your Own Key and Counsel" Sound advice within certain Limits. It's all right when applied to holders of keys to our safe depusile vaults. Absolute privacy. We can rent you boxes for $ i. oo j cr year. Call and examine them. CORNELIUS State BANK Cornelius, Oregon. ORENCO DRUG STORE Pure Fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and Disnscd bv a Competent Pharmacist, who is a Licensed Physician Drnggists Sundries, Notions, and all that goes with a well appointed Drugstore. DR. W. B. CUNNINGHAM, Orenco, Ore. SPRAY YOUR TREES JoD9Ais the SEASON to SPRAY for San Jose Scale, and other barh insecticide, fungi and all fungus disease. Be sure that you GET THE BEST and that is The "AETNA" Brand LIME AND SULPHUR SPEAY No Salt This is the tried spray, ad is endorsed by all prominent and progressive orchardisti I guarantee the full test. Write me for prices . B. LEIS Beaverton, Oregon, Route 2 CITATION is tiik nn'Nrv roi iir or tmk Nl I K Of UliKiiON , 'K V As IXtiTON H'l NIY In Ilia iimtlnr nf Hi ralaln nf linn It W, ! T t utli't li Timor l.mri V. I r fr, MaiT I! .Siiitwi, Maillm V, T'iattr Jwm T ltrr, lta liavnr a KitilHiti A. i'ratar, Imiia al Ijim uf liattif W. Travnt, ,lr,a-l, ami all illiria tin klloa ', Urrlliin; In th naiiixiil in riainl nr.-;iin: t ,.,i an hrlv i'Hit ami rv,iult,.. 11 a'iiMf III th t'luinir timrtnf Iip .Slain nf t Uf ii, hi, U" th iiiintr uf H' :ililiigluii at Ilia i i'uurt li,Nm tlir.f, at IIMUiMirit, In tlitt t'omill uf Vaiilnl'it, mi M'M"la, tU 1 ill, I ,lav f Nil , I 'l". at 10 .1 It III I I.e. i ItiftntiHiii uf that tUy, thM ami Hivrn t ! , ii . II any Jfmi Inn a, hjr an u, ilr nf all t uutt aliuulil not l mailn an IIkiiIiiiik. nilipfliif . lliliif an I ill ! m'tinn Mair li. NrlK-i, a a.lminl.Unti 1 1 nf At,l ralitn In all III tnal riirt I luiilii to aalil ealaia I v tnK. I'li mi IhialB In anlillitftotl t .uilily, Ui g ami I'trtloiilaily ,li. nl-, m full t It : IWInuinjf at Hi S.tnthaPttl i'urur t Ilia Klkanali Walk or IMtialluii I. an, t'laiiu In hi'llnn Hi, . ikIiIii Him N.utli ItaiiK f'utir Vna nf II, n W IHainrlln Mnil'Un, ami tmtnliitf limn. N.,i,l, tli'rrna. t a utr IU i in ill til, al an4 lily llv liuii.lmU i" !! lialna t a mi liia tin Iwlaiam ! IHii.al'uit jn t'la in of Klkanali W alar ami llilHna tlill jmt ( lahiiul II Un it'Mi f i llipiu . Kutilli Kishlr "Hi" ilnrw ihitir no i - itilniilra Kat, (kivii ami ililr IK Imu iiriaitiia li riialtii in it: tiitnu Smith 0 illa. tKlll IH llilllHl"a anat Mitau liaui In a fiat, thrum N.uli riv lit T mh irrr. 0 mlnulra nl rtan ami fin all hnmlm Una t? cltaltia lu th nla, nf iNitiniiiif iMintatn uitf H ami li rt . 1 1 linmlmlllit i . I . a-rna, in.n i.r Iraa. at i ilvlo ! i-aab In liaml a (irarnl It In Ilia xtit,i uTaall A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r a 1 1 ' IHn.1 linmln Hllnnaa th II. in. J V, luaaltn, Ju.lk' uf that nuilly I mill uf llinm.il ul H tur Hi t .uinly uf .liiiil..ii, llli th naluf aal.l I'uiirt a 111 in-1 tun llh .U, ,,1 un. A. I., I 'lil. ' " ah-aln , , i ,l,,,'r,l ! . !. ..,, l .'M-1.h a, Hi Hill , lllulilli, I,, I'M'. 'Ill II. , A.li,u,,,(,,itt( uj t v I fn . .1. J"ll'l i ,, . Il4lul " in. ,., "i "uf H, (Hl t ii;ir latralrti. Allial: I W. IUIIv.(-ta. II if K, t. l.ii., l- i.tr ,t llatv, Allirti)ri fur A.liut'i CITATION IN THE Cot'K rV ( tit HT 'l 1 1 1 K STATK or HHKti'iN K'M W A "It IStiTtiS lOI'M V i ... , - ft , . . ... . . .... in in aiaimr ut tn vilat ul I. -! I rar. ilmv..! To l.ulltof H Ifainr, 1 r..ni W T ra r, Mary li. Nurtirr. M ti In f , Trr JM r, I'llrl, jra.i llaipf. an. I linuiw.ii . i rar, hir at l uf ftoill . I raont. .Im'raw.l, ami all tr t,i kiHian, Urtji.(: III th liaiuo uf Hi l f ll.r,,u Yun ar irl.y ril.l ami rr.Uiir. t, au lr In Ihal'minty tV.nrt t.f , xta'o ,,r DfcKnn, fur th futility nf Vl.it.t..ti, l in t ..nit HntiH. lirnuf. at iMtuUn.., In Urn t '.ui i.l y i.l W al.um..n i V..u.. ' Ilia X3ril Jay nf 11.., t n at til., , l,k In lh fumiuMii uf that Jay, limn .i I ll,,-i lu aliuw iviia. if any y..u l.ai. a l,y an irilnr uf aa.. l imit almul.l hut tn,.., ulbufinritf mi.iurtii, hioiiaing t., JirwltiiH May It. H,r. .. ..lm,itr Irtl uf aatil eaiai tu mil Itm mal .r.fty Iwlungiiig In mi.! nun lrn l-ol, .,.. I lltiat in WaaliiiiKtun otmiy, ,, mnl fiartitnilarly io.fi, . fjj.ia 'noil: Allul thai rftiti Int. ilnur ri-l ,.t lainl lylii, ami bvin in n,.ti,,n , f S. II. In. uf ti: VS ul. My . In Urn l ..t,i, ly of WaJililiiKtiiti an I Mat ul Utr.ut ami mora .rti,-ularly ilM. ril,l .a. f,.u,',. IU,lliiu( .1 ,, u: , ,Wi i ami V. Nnrtl, ,,f t,B it H . ,,, i Hi H U t uf Klkanali W . krr ami lf on Ilia Katrn butimlary nf Urn II, ln l"tl Mr. I". 1 f. rtiituliiK tlnn,, ii ,? I" wt , ll.nm H at. If. 3S mill. K 7 (, ,-n, 1,, , fKmi 1. IW. lUmlll V, II '.,-h. In, nnl I ha in N, HUtrg Uinin, v, li n7 ,l,. I,', ila.iuf beginning , muuiiilng Ml a. ira f iaitil ; ai.. th r'lshl l.( u a flia, , lri. nf lainl :i lmm.1. .liu,i n, alinv liamr.l trwt un Ilia VVnal an. I .inuil, ml itmlinif aurly (.mm th Ninth .Ul uf h Umti.lary uf .,, Kikanal. uaiaar ami iin rlami fr.mi II. p r ., n.rii.r ui al...,. 1,.,-t, II , h.. al ,.ril - "mi .ratnl f.n in i "' Aiiiiitnuiralfii i iirrnin, U'l,.. ,t .... " n m nut,, j. , ijmaiin, ),(,., n in i iMiiuy i utri ,,r t ,n !, .,, Ifmi, fur th ruiinty nf V.h,,xi iUl III a. uf , ,mr( nUmi iUm ui j an a, II. I'M'J. (Hl All,t J. V, ll.ll,,,, , . " l.'itn. liLiniiy, V" ? narr, fliu.rneja fur A.lmini, 'lAIIUN IN I UK I ul v I ..... . HI AIK t.t in,,.,. "T "I" "I N 1 y In lli Mallni , kill. ...' f III. I ..... ul I Hannah ,, . ' 1 ' ' anl I '. l:.l... N. ,,,' ,; ;" 'j Tk Hi. un.. ti.ia t,,. ,. ""li.ir I la.k U..I,.,. M,lv , ..-.''."'WkJ klmw u, l,,,t. '"U,I l lii Hi nam,, ,, u,r . ' limn,, ,, ,, .,, "I "ft(, "lmf r I'lll.t , '. ; "....." t I'muily ..f ,!, ' "'"h,lu: "," - I'l'tii ti. inn III III !,,., fc, ... 1 I (o tu , aii.., ,, ,,,, , , u ' ' -HII,,, ,! aull..i;i,.rf u, IMU " ". 11 1 i.y r..u I... u..,. . i "V'-H auim.iu., , ,.,Ml m tain I.!,.!..,!,,, i . . . "M.lki A I I !l tit. .ip .ut, !!, ,. I . all I"' '.' in S.., :-, ul Ilia, rtl.ui A , (full. to .in.-.-, ti, ,,, "t llio I ,,.,!, -,,, S"... i -r tun i mini , ,,( th ar.l ,, rli(( 4. nf Jam,,,, r , i M fe( "i, ta. 1-I...M. h.l.'l Ail.. W..I. II., ( ii,. ... WMIil,, ' I. Alt- Aim MJMMONS IN tllK llli, t H , urn. or m M' V I K nr in;,.,,,, r,n n W AMIIINu Tm t'tififf y "' .aial.. f.aiotiff i ( IliuiU Vlmka.l I 1 1, (,,. ... ( r-i i. in .lie ,si,k, ,i i....... . ' '"'"l ,!, r v. .1: llm li.m Ifi, Iipi. I,y ,i,.t,); lu J--.,.. I .1 .., nan I.. Vi..i a... Int. iln. a i '--t o lit III, Ul. , 1 l.l Ur.aK ' ' It lh - I . J l'lrn4l,t la, ' lrll.y ..,.,.-, I i,, II,. i ..t- i ; , ,.i ,, : ,. ll.rrl., , l f,,t lil, t.t ll, ,..,1, , ,, I. I.i a ii 1 1, .i, t"l, a i-l if , ,tl rr t'.r- . .in, i ... v ll,rl, llt .iii,..i;t . Uillt l.l i t t,tr.l(.. , ly I.. l 1 .., ,1, li . - -, li. t. In n , ll,.t Ii t llir l.n 1, uitf imim.ii y.,ii ami ) -..iMIIJ , m i', Iter ami Is, un may .-t,ui iiin.1, I It llo nf tl tit.l , timm.ni. I II, t, I!. h .1 i I ami li... . . m m.io, 111,1, u.. :.,l,c, in, r.,r I i.-.rai.jr i.. .-,!. ,,f ,,t a,k, la.,-. .al I .l.u I lu. auiiim.Mi, i pnl.l.,l,ml hriUU II .11 J I t au..l .. J '.( l ibaM iiiiilt.l ,,uit. ma 1 in rhtaiMi la lutli U, cf J.i...y. A ! imo, II If. J rllNA8U Ati.-riiny f.. Vim SUMMONS I I.r latt l'.".H.,lt,g ! kl.nl, i j I . i j-l h w ' -if mlpvW, ! i.. iit 1 'l tJi ma . ' iy( kt A lla tuna I i. 'iwrnnai cia M li lit in un: fiiu i ir rot ht or tiu him i: or i. us... us fi WASIIINiit'tiN t L'TT, Vtnl ) xiark a I Kun. ruuiii'i.. ', km. ADMINIMTH AT H'h NOTICIi .in iii'tiitii N.illre I, hrl.y givm, t,.t ,,, ' K..0.I by thai , y t .,, fl.j .: " x-n . .'!" 7 "' ""r"tainr r.va ! ,., ,-t .7.mr' l""' - "'r...-ii. ,n , " "'rr,rn, all .imli, l,v vn , ., rr.:" vn: " l,t . i;'f"y liiii.i " """ ul Juliii M, V ' "". tiiiiiu ,n (nun thla January ii, ... Krn.l Kvurrail, i.. i... u ii. ,, . -' u y '"r A'lll''lr.it..r SUMMONS ANU NtllTCE In llm I'lmiit Coi,rt uf ili Hint,, (lf , int..."::", '"' ' ""u.y lin t, "7. " .,"! "l " "'' "f A r; " rn, ih nun in I. th r., M fullnw,;..,..,,. ' ' ' ' " w i:urnr,f tl, Willi.n, A.U," I, . run ."1. , .1 CIIMIliN ,, , . , .. "Illlly riiail:lhi,r -I '. '.V tV mail N -11.1 "iiirriiii iiiiii .llialn.. li" 'Jf""" '' ll'll.llU., W. 7 thorn .ontl, u , . .' ""'""" 111, J .'"i"1.1 """""' Hint rUln " '",",",7'"'""K,Mhi,u A. H Ntim. Mil. I f a. niN Winn,, i , ",N,,ry 'i n iv." . " "Iiiy '"", lllltliw; niul nil iiaiu ,.r ii. u, ... .. '"'"IB l, !,,, inkn That tn, i, i). . ,i , ... trHtl..f. f th iitln, ' ' .r..1,1' 1 1,1 HiTihnd. """ """vn ilu N'iw milium vmi ,., -ipl'r.iiun ..n or M ,, '".!"?"" "''l Hi'i.ii:iiu 'mnh I'liiwit will j" K"ml II I'flhr ; !Z. . ' ".'.'V'" I'" . . "i'i a ill. II in. i. .... fur llm """win h t.k " " ...a'1'1 h'!''1' "wiH in, mitur., H"." 'l i thr.,f, an, ,, Zu l" l""y .... i wfnka lyoril.ri.f il. ii n.TK" ll .KHintv Kn,u ...U ". r,"""y '"urt ,, . A'tur,.y. rr A I'filli'uiil. Adinlnl.trat,,,.. Noilte 1U..II... . flllniatr,,,.; .',lV' (llly "I'lH.lllllMl ml. iiw, thVt 'r'"""' N. hh minli, "'Ht h,, ban, y mmlln' I"MOIIH 1HVI1K William "lai k a I 1 1 ' " .'k. k,if I .n. 'in-, "tiik anl t Ui sil, kaa.k I .in stark ami I.-!. r .'.n'r, kl (Mr .linn, AukikI mark, Mthmlia Unfim ami llii...l.li K.m!kliitf, bar k-utaJ. lUia Iiiinknr, lluury I imik.r Jl Ml tUiiMi. l 1 Li . k, ... an, I llrnry In. sir). Mr., If.ii'aiila. I'.. William Stark ami Uu Mart. Ill (uar.liau, t Ht.i ttiaik an. I I Ma't U .. if, l-i. a Hii. ami t,um r.nraf.kll Ifil.rilUii, A.itfu.i Mark .VUlbiltUlf' klnrjaml II I j tn t i., i, .mil, hT t ltml KH. r.,i,kr, Htmry MuckK Jl, Mnit''nt I'uiikrr ami Unity iunt . ItinalMiV iiamr.1 H fnmlai.t . In th Smun nf tint Mil uf IXf' Vim ainl ra. h ul y- n an' hf'l'f inamln l an. I r,.iiirn.l I.. I anil Ips u Ihr alt.it nntitlnl I u.ttt and a llm r.iu.,Uiiit IiIinI ,v i tl you Ifl It al. ,, nutiii.'.l i.iia un ..r Iwlnr th!1 I. lraln.n n aiiwtwk, Irmn fi ilattof llrl iul,lii ali..ii f thla iiiiintmu III lllll.li.ir" Argil, iiimlaieuf il Untpir II. .I. ii . rr il i,r.init Ja... A). IW. Wl Urn il.tt uf I'm I ml . .Mi. allofl X"1 l.liik! .Ma fh III, run, !-. il Uttt. I"ii. ami ) mi a i.l ru. h of III .IMIJ nolli tint If y.ni lull . In "I'l""! aimanr ,l,l ruinilalitl, lb I'laluU nij-! V In tl a I'ntiil Iur ll. iM PT" fu, ami .. in ui.r, i Ihrir r..tiiillol,J III hit a tl rrt a.lju.lk,""lf Ihf llirl In. I J; Hark, ami Hi" l''ll W llil un Mia'k. "Il" rlmk. Iiii i:i i Mnrk, Mfiihll.U K.iilll"nl' I'unkrr, Hmity Ihiitk r Jt. ainl Ml( Ihn.knr In In, lint uminr. i f" """P" J ltiatla In cmiiiiKiii ami In iHtM0mi" Hut li ll'tw tllB tliwi llltr.l Pwt,','' Ivllilf. Imlntf am) ailiinlr lit Waatilrf 1'i.iinlt , I ir.n'.in, ami .ri. nifl da! l aa Culowa. In-Hit: mia llt'liiK a I'.irlltMi uf th'' f K- '' u'mTZ HI, l.iwntililt, i Hnuili rnit'' '1 VVillnnmiii, MiTlilimi, .aitlrularlj tribfil f.,llul.a, to ail: , ,,u llfi'lniiliiKiit a iHilnl Mrs Iki. W.OII M, K ir.iiiriif aal.l Mwlluii nli... II 1 ,....UI..I illi 111 K. Ill01 antHmUlm, III. VI Hi ih" In l'l N siiti, :m miii W .; '"iT; III N. 'H i., l.t lulu. , !tlJ lllfllrt. N VI ii . llli". w. u.w th N. K iili-K. (i lulu. W. .11"' " a M.Nt tthii h In II II ctn. N. f ''"'I! ul aaiil Hirtitiini I"; llii'iiii" X- r"-"'-w ,j U Wf .......... ..I I . Ianl Il II V I'";" ' . . I'HIHT "I ill' Hunt-.- - I'V Kuill HiarU t.i l'rtl Hiark anil '"" Minrk, hy i ru! iiti'iinlitil l"", Hunk "71' uf llm I! rtl of "M' IhiikIi W ii. hi. ,i tu in iii'iuni . WanliliiKlnli l il.liil v: llii'iit''! N. ""T rjiiiin. K. a '.' ilm l lln'iit N. HI mi" mill. K. 2 ,11 rlni. lu a iui.f H'"'"' ?'J miii. W, :iiw rha. In a mmiI: "'ni'B;" 'l-'if 7 miii. W.aniiilm. I' I"1'; , el J H, il I.i nli.. iiiii rti or U'l. I" "" ml.l Hivilmi ii lliniifd K. I'1 1 ol"' ,". it li"tn In II,,. ,u,.n nf I rKlu''"' , InliiliiK IN, 'II aurri. In I"h lvl""Wihil , it . . , ,.. . .i,.. ....... ..I. ml! tn llll.Jl III I llli I II 1 11 . ....mi-." "ill. I liiml frtiiiml lit. iiiirlllluii'"'; '"'".jjt I K iiiiiiilll v niul iintllly, ltll07',Mi irtinll... In llm nwiinii tlmii-nli . . ,. nt Br in . ri-n ii I'llli'iu'i -KfliTM. In niiikii hhIii ul' until ral lm,rj mnl Uiiiltl it iirnntfilH IIiitkuI I i... . . .. . '. . . ,.r .ap. rn-i III I llli riltl'l mill l ll,m" n " . ,. lu tint I'linlx anil illrtliiirm.nif 0,,;j, Hull,. Inr.luilli.K Alloriiuy'ii "",h, Mill Ul r 1. 1,,. I .rlllliillllll lilw"n l'liil,l M Krml J, htaik, nml '''"PT, i niiimiii nmrn, '; L.,..!. rk, AiiifUHl Hiark, MullilM . KlU IlimkiT, llt'iiry l,'"lfi; Hliuk LI.... "inn, i'.iiii jmiiikit. iiinuj .,.i. niul llm, Iiui.l. r In nrnlitirl Hinlr rtiN,oi.livti Inlnrntiii l frJZ Tuii,rl,y niul Iur aimli oiIht " ("r". I'tliul iiH inn v lin iiiii'itHHiii y niul l,r"r"" Ui" ,iri.iinnH u 'I'hliMiiiiiinniiH In wrvtnl tion 7 Iiihli,.,tli(, ,v nnlnriif llio I fkf 'f w. . in, ('ninny .Imliii'ur """'"Vfi ii. Iloiinty, Oi-iKn, iiihiI" Hlnl ilHtt'tl Ji ".0 i"uu, iiniKtiii, un inn lytn tiny "' " Il4, anil which oritur ietiiiriii yon u fJiVioO Hint HiiNwnr on or littlulu lli ""I, Hnl ( lx wi.r.liH Irmn lint Hill" "I ? iilillrnllnii Minruiil', lu wit: ' "r buff'1 niiirnli Hi, llil, HilKlt'V limn. AllnrnitVM for I'lHinM" MaplH r,wtf har.l wht I.H0rr Hack, at Ciniwll AW ML