The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 47
ol xvi
Le Their Ann I,i,U
F V . 1 t
l rri.irltl
l .-. L.itl,iainra
JllllH '
tw l'ifim
. it it.t..,tit .1. titlil mil
k. ..n ( r iiinpw"" w
B'F"" .... .1 .1..
I . .!.. sunlit I'BU ui.ii"
If... lu
...!.- i,f V't liilliHiri r u
Lent. -h-duIed Monday
" .1 Tl.. ...I
Mill. ' . , .
J. .ill BO till" 1
.... tin fin ui ami otner
lVll, -
...!-. 'u"
'b bof' f'ily lrMlln vrv
rw.w "
.u..l C X. l'tkr, ere gelllog
,,f11fioitTiiiiiil"irv .uti"n
" f . . . ..-
We will 1" valentine
Lt.r the .imilitttil of W. D
Sfptih and tbl i l' l,r,
lJ IliUi li lii""iiliiltl.
I'-.,. l.n.iniM llll Slid proper
1. i.1.l.t oonrcieiice itl'l
luft ly Tiirlorpii whirl
Wwuld ciuiiitui dollar t ' in.
Cf.iiiUtuon. whether he indulge
Tk. I-,.. love lilttlfhl Kllll
lantfiifliil Atul ill t't,' l
Itieir lory A char g of I 00 '
,lil.l.d lit Hi ihlicel. Whll
p:UUtr rontnbut 'itt Cent
Tie I1'!'". coiifw, "' , '
L.11..I niihout charge. I U
iiifdnw ai.d H D Hchmeliier will
bit car 1 1 l H
Birnooid Udg K of T , of Corns
lim, !i Thursday evening enter
.....! I.. ...A f'l.nnru.llnr In"
( Tie IUIm". ml (iri J Knr
jplm. lh Krinil fhnll'r tiuk
iTbiM ttin r givon h Knighl't
W 110 llY A B(HkI Rlllililv lif
I 11
I'hhI hard ImriifHi brick, nl duilil
Ing Iflix kn f ir cIUn m.iI fnuiuk-
liona Try our InilMmu hlix k !or
Tour )iuun fuunUtluii CbeKprr
than ctuiDiit or trick ami ImtU'i
tirotM!tluD ualniit froi t. W'm lmv
llaithnd our run of Uik ItU ml
r Rtn ruiuilDg on imiir izn,
otl bkv a fair uilr al Dm ynl
I'arlirtu wanting tiln dnlivnrrd
ibuuld lao Ihmr uiditra now o w
can haul ihta Mmn bad wraihnr
Tbera la alwaya a ruh of hatilinv
itrdera in U Kail wIikii road are
luiimt Imuaaiiabla Wa have a
K'mhI Uidjr of rough and drraMd
luiiilr at our mill, and a ttuanlily
of common lumltfr al lha itit
pur, iMilow Nvwlon, th Uttxr to
nil at a Mcnfic-'iil J, V'xH 2iC
lii lilt), UK, lit) and 111 (I
ariotl Intnh' Thlaiiall good
Jr Block, and it will i vou to
nvwilinal" ahould TU waut anr ul
ib.o Uitnnnaiutia (irunnr A Kow-
Ml Co, Hcbolla. UilUlxro, R 1.
Th xtriiiB cold of lbs Kt
haJ thailfclrf acaiituaiiog in
tnr'Bl in the l'aciflo Northwml lhii
Wininr. a t.-vsr before, and tin
naa.Bdunr dm irlu.rnt of the HoUlh
rn I'aoino and O on Railway A
NavigaUun ha rmevMl Innurueia
his i iril'liMi for Klatl lir- of itu
(ciflij Mr MtMurry'.
ulli in Cortland h "'"n !
lr((.d ai'.h lollur fx m lh iiiidd!
. Bfkittf tor Jl n rt
luo uric of Und, n
faciliun. and all thai, end it ln
a ciiiiidirahU foru- In lat car" ol
lm ciriirtK)tid"i c Th iirrK h t
more ihan ar r fl cU-d cnndition
litnatie Ibi Wiuur. and what to
a I ' '
u lia aetmml a Dtra mirr '
in to the Kt b bn a di.ighl clima e Waahingloti Lounlj
Inuld glilabBf tbfoJu
hat ibund to an in from ihi
Kl within the nut few mmilln
J W. HughM, of bove Force!
.!rv .town Kaiurdar Mr
tlughe I ona of thoie who belicvf
that ib'd.iry indutry U the lhiiii
that will eventually be th meane
of making Washington County one
f iho richet ommonwrailni in
ibe Northweet. With traneiorta-
Lawyer S ll. Huston Award
ed if $.? M for Tax Case
W. H. Wthrunir was a Salem
vii-itor, Monday.
W. A Hnotl. of below Witch Ha
zel, wan in the city Monday morn
j0h tt'e c I, Mond.UrX: Wife Murderer Roselalr Must
was over to tee city MOtjuay aiwr-
t oon. lake nis JieuKinc
i,' if vf'U. nf North I'lains.
... nvnr to the citr Monday after- EXECOTIOJI SET FOR ILIVESIB
1 1 r-r-r r
U St Ytik lo KnUiy
A ft air Kcctally
F. W. Ulnroan and
North I'lains. were in
r of Ma-
Hon. K. H, HuMon, fir triany yearn ()e Hill, were io the county etat
an attorney of thia city, pulled .Saturday.
down a :i fe from Multnomah jjue j'on tomatoee, com and
County, lam week. The award wa beam. 3 cana for 25 centa. Em
made Mr. HuHon through a Iward mott Bros.
wifo, of Jcflrey ilea Aaka far Probable Cauat
the cuy
Judge Campbell held circuit court
the last nf the week, and one of tbe
ret decisions was to deny John D
Roeelair a new trial. Attorney
Jeffrey anked the court to liaten to
of ai bilralion coneietiDK of Mefi
Cyrun W. Doljh, Zti Snow and
N. Teal- Mr lluHlon wa em
ployed by the county court in the
matter of a delii.Ufiicy upon the
part of ihnOiegoti Hallway A Nav
gallon Ciiiipauy, which had dn
clinwl to pay IW.KKW txe on
, . r .... a motion, at Oregon City, January
re ey Al UHon ana w ie, oi jnu., , , , . ... , . .
were out Hunday, gueete of rela 31, in fetor of a writ of probable
lives at tin Jobe croeaiog. cause for appeal to the Supreme
Mrs. T. C. Wad. worth, of Port- Court. The refusal for a Lew trial
land, was out Saturday, the gueit undoubtedly means that Roseau
of her father, Dr. ) E. Adkins. will bang on February 11.
This, however, will not definite-
til U av, , ' HIJD Ma -
Washington State, is vieiting hie ly be settled until tomorrow, when
brother. LaFayette Bacon, of near jU)jgB Campbell will arrive in
l'",,yvi"e Hillabaio and dec de whether or
ComneiciDg with Feb. 1, w not he will sign the certificate
will giv-. away silverware on caeb that will mean a stay of execu-
purchaei. Produce sme as cash tloD ULtil Attorney Jtffrey can
svi,ii I5rn . Karminirlon. net his case before tbe Supreme
.. . .. ... . . j (!mit In case he does sisn. it
V B,,g'ne?wr: AandT , the " 'I be several month, before the
.reruar ,Cha,U r Al. .d LM .etlled in lhe Supreme
,V. u ----- . R . M
Buxton, were in tne city over oun- -
Jsy- Wm. Loeb, who recently sued the
Born, (o J A. Uiter and wife, of oregon Electrio for over $9,000
ibis aide of CorneliuB. Thuroday. ,i.m.OM tat riaht ot wav. and who
January 27, 11)10, a eon. This ii W4B inetad, given several hundred
their third child, the two elde - be- u . :urT. WM refused a new trial
ine eirls. T H Perkins, of Buxton, waaap-
n- . a n;.i r knnnrk pointed receiver ot the Buxton
Wanted: Girl To hwrk fixed
Htna 1 fmm v. in cnuntiy. Address uurtr' v v "
j:ii.u ... n.. I?i 9.W k atow
r 1 I I ie II 1 1 II. V ID. laiiuto mt
Where Will You TaKe It?
We have filled over 6ooo prescriptions during the past
vpnr Prr1i.ins cn ner sent of these have been for ser-
J - M J J--
ious cases of illness, where much depended upon cor-
i ri rur .1 U'. r.- .
reciness ana naeiiiy in nuing uiem. vc ucvw
ruir resnonsibilitv in this matter. Doubt is never al
47 j
lowed to enter our prescription department. There are
no dnnbtful drill's in it. and hurrv and carelessness are
never allowed to cast doubt upon the medicines we
We aim to be the druggist to whom you can bring
y . 1 . a m.
your prescriptions lor serious cases wun peneti iou
We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of
extra quality.
We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and
ueiicious .anaies.
Yours for a Happy New Year.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
u. it jh-. i,iaiat
S. It. IluKton
Uowell, Scholls. Iod . Tel , Scholls
Rfl' came down from
taindale. Monday, and says
that an addition to the snowfall in
the mountairB was the result of
Sunday night's storm.
Bnow on tbe Cbehalem Moun-
lain, near Laurel, Monday morn
McKim v.. McKim, decree of di
Denny v.. Oregon Electrio, die
miaatd without COSU.
Galbieath vs same, volunUry
oon-Buit granted.
moi ey notes and accounts. Hub
Uon. uuick. to thBl.ueet city on Uui wen to New k to J re
... t'.:.i.,i. ik. Knh Puaat: Utl a growing ueiriuuiiB ... 'i '' . '
" ,D " '" I I tnrrin. the demand matter was finally ..tiled bv the iognl a ch.,l to the air . i f.m. on the Cor
pp., ami H',""-,'7 r. Y ""I ' V .-U Elected dairy c .mpany paying tbe county IH,- proclaimed that old King Winter . ffiUeB norlh and
wiw,...... r. - - rpoular TtK'. tui nioiitb alter Mr. uu.wn had not yet left the laoa. t ... nf billahnro. and 21 miles
111 BB IV I fJ I . . I I V"
was reiaineu
The undersigned will sell at pub-
Idid oyiruppr. Ueo Hhulmr
licb. t U lUulrl. and i'ralt ick
W of the H V , went up to the
imeeting, aid walked I In' lie hi tne
lib next hi irning Tbe two gr.nd
llndea t Invra limxtrd thn tlih lor
gold mil)-
vv'.., T.l.r who for four yeari
oa bwn In th transfer business at
Jea.ide. wa in town Halur.lay,
ii- .... t. .t lhe nimnliai ill
HO UUP i . " " I
He asked ') 000 for his services.
- I east vi unwui( x
WalU Whitmore, of Cbehalem jweBt of Cedar Mill, at ten a no., on
was in
-p. i in imp tin u w. i-
thi-ir home Fidy iu ruing on the I i'riland for a few week, taking
rkiolhern IWitlo medical Irratroent. Mr. Taylor
till hold hi property interests at
Hcholl. and sayii that it Is Increa.
ins in value every dy, and that
t... i.... ti;...i., mUn .ifui- . .i-irif! line through that sec-
lut Auauet ha resided In ht tlon will do wondwrs, with property
Hi Ulxiro. ..led at h home it
Cleinens Huh Division, Sunday,
January lit) 1'JIO, from carcinoma.
1U was horn in (V.umbu. Ohio
July l.V IH5I. and wa martial lo
Lrdia II uitweil, in tlhio, .Nov i,
1S7,1 TIih mine In lhe l'aoiflc
Coast in IMS'.) nd selt'ol al Mol
lali, Clickama rountv. lie sold
hii farm there IhI Summer, and in
. . i i Mountain, near
.nu iu,.. Monday and says mat Buniy Two borses, 5 and 8 year. 1150 each; 3
paying the claim, lhe wot"i night's snowfall gave them about cow, one 3 ye. fresh April n.
nit. however, deaiurreu.ana , , , . , ,...,. . ,v. ; -.nv frh iu. n: one 6
.k ...,. .,.,! arbitration 1.. cv, in M.v? four ahoata. weiehs
1110 """" """V . . .... his. '..'".a''. .uiv...f.
This was agreed, with me resuu - iooui 7s ., 7""''
.k.i ! rjio .o .warded Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. w 1111s, 01 wagoo, kocq repur, Kui .B
lhat l.iotui was awarueo. . .. . , , u . I ,,t wk. canoDv too. witfc cur
Mr Huston went to rortland Mountaindsie, passeu inrouKu Wwu a--. - r,-- ."toD Wrr: disc
about two years ago and has made Monday, enroute home fiom a viBit harrow. McCornick mower, stee'l lever
a.uut in his metroiiohtan practice with their daughter, Mrs. Francis h,rrow, light banow, chilled plow, teel
f asuLssof Vispro Keenon, and .heir eon, John, of olw. hav-h bM'-jJ
fusion, and as first admitted to 1'ortlar.a. wheel barrow, a cart wheel., pair
while at n. fof lhe ,hafl9 tongue( X-cut aaw. new; hactaaw
. . .... ....I.. 1 i .... - - - -. -
1 male ei'liaior uum
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition, November 16, 1909
Demand Loans
Other Loans
TJ. 8. Bonds (at par)
Other Bonds
Banking House
Cash and Due from
Banks and U. S.
146.737 3o
- 25, coo. 00
16,060 00
Capital and Surplus
Undivided Profits
$ 35,000.00
nosorvo, 3 6per Oont
Thoa. G. Todd John E. BaiUy J- W. Tqu
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thonburi
prac ice
was e ere
'or from thi- l t " .. "ZZ .Z in aevir.l tons clover hay vcr-
county, and later ran for Ungres- DOund; per pound; fIa no-er. DeUval cream separator.
HIOIIHI llllllliin""" I"
That lb ITaai- 1 Railways is
considering wma kind of a change county, a later ran .or .m . , fof poun(1; 45J p pound; trMd power; DeLaval cream separator
nominnlionin ineprunari"", , , !. ..nal. .... n. .r hour huttrr worker. 4o-lb
fact lhat the, have notihed some hot m d.f.a.e l by Il.-y . lett bakinR powder a trial Stevens Xr'cUipia " pu-P
...rii... near Ulenros, through whoee v(,Himent in lorllaod Rros.. Farmington. ifi!r' Tw.n SJSlZhL machine.
and their survey runs, that they luade Mr. Huston Dnaoc.any uu
. li no! take the nght of way. Tins ,,.,,.' .t. but his energy demand
Will UUl
i thought by many, inasmuch as
h.y have made arranguueu."
.... i.,t i ti man that there may
im a radical change in the line
I have a bun aaw and will taw
Mrd wood or poles Into stove wood
fr any one living in i i ogM'f
ho.ul of Farmington or h-edville.
Aleo work done on gasoline en
vines. Will guvantee to make
ibo,., iui, tight-Car 1 Hkow lea-
verton, Ore , It -I
II A. lama liO merlv of Foresi
vs, will be president of tl.e c n
eolida.ed bank, of Wnotime-
concerns baying merge.. ...
first Slaited lt "i
kl - ll .lu n.u
.1 . !;.. tin m r Auuir
c-. o't at 11 v ' ..r . T 1.
an old time roroe v...
, - LUULwi, v .... - o
n v pank- -;!. some honsehold good, ana numerous Knmnfer was a uanDV VISl- ., 1 .t ium
: . . 1 v - . 1 oiuiTr r.ivivB.
work and l.o is certainly main g tor Saturday, taking up a coil to T,ma of Sale: Under $10. cash.
good." the training quarters for Mcyuu and 0Tt 8 months' time;
lan He saw i,ora i-oveiaue wuc . . , nnUk s interest.
there and says that veteran oam t off ,of oagh eum9 of 10,
...tK..aa is in Ana rnriiitiinn. I n
Il.nry Johnson, of beyond Ulen
c, was in the city Friday.
.. c,,r..biuj.di ora nae
I (In
ev. s.inB'illv. 21 vears old,
lemons and get a silver spoon. At and will make a heavy animal Out
1,. tt lima Lf RUr-k Diamond Ville. Will Bell
. . 1 , uri fir 150. Sound in eve 7 way
Peter Nu,baumer, ot near W eal onlycarl Skow.
Union, was over to the city Huir- t R. 4-three miles south
l . ..... inn . .. . .,, IP.
I1BV ui"iu"B- nf KAPilvllie. iu"
r T Riitner. POUIltV CimmiB
E 0. Snow.
Owner Hellberg Farm
B. P Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
A Win Brown. Bon of J. &
-1 a a,l: A Af4
W. F Adkins leaves the last of Brown ana wue, 01 mia .y, u
Start the Hew Year
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
. " ... , w, r Auaine lenvon ...,- an
pioner.waa up t-nm near Beivwrton f Rpokane, and a little at hi. home here 01 1 January 22,
Saturday, attewling the session ot JJ.jj RQ in0 his claim, which 1910. at the age of 16 years and 4
i the county board. h t from ihe Couer de Alene day., after an llloees of about 1U
...... -1 J tk. Tka nnhannv VOQnff man.
.lnn the first of IW wei, vihiwob piece 01 iuu 17s. i..,and nnenmonia.
u.r of an o. ....- reh(iveB antl ftlrtnda. ana uouare. which at no time left much hope
merchant. ... .u. i. n.n nnilfta. the well known ex- vs. MAAVAfV. ft Ili hi. untimely
.... 1.. 1, ha, we will Dv M U. tiewiiv. iuo u't ' 1 j.ii.... .., ,U,.".V,"V K7V
rarmere i. ,, .i.,,. a,ill in the housemoving Dustneee, pressman buu u"j , end, wnue in meu iww u. JU-.-,
yu more in trale for your pr dute bU "JVave a building to move, driver, ie now in Alabama, looking oom98 a ead biow to tbe sorrow-
than you can get anywhere in the andil y ou nj ' 43 tf location. He is consumed lricken m9mber. of the family,
county. Bringittous. W e w see him for an estimate Aa Bvmpsthie, 0 a hoet
oonviuoe you that we can and do Fowler, cf Mountaindale, 4nd watlt8 to get hold of a email of friend8.
u ' ni mra We take . . ..... ed for ruanv . ,.. ,i..:u. k. Wa J , .... i ... I..M in tV.
lie lias tne tmest seieciea siuck iu
Arncl,;t,rrtr..i Pnuntv and his nrices 4
will convince you that he is selling J
lower than his comoetiuou. wneu
- " - - i
i .
or? in Vnrrt drove call in and a w f
see this mammoth stock of clothing, f
OV.V, 111 1J iva. w
dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, J
and geut's furnishings.
n Snndav. Jan. Jo. ev.
u,v " 7 .7" j .u t.
IStioora nthciAUOB ana ma iuwi-
ment took Dlace at ttlUSDOlO OD
I. J. lllgclow
. . L inna enll that WB uu Tl..,a FoW BP.01 BlOUluaiuuiiir, , tft Bt h0m 0i ft BtDBl
!K r l3w- and who baseawmilled for many mb and the boys "'p BeryloM we held inth.
oameai2 (n , .ml he wasat- veal and pork oa iv..u.y vearg, Whb down to tne uivy vU. remaining in Hiusooro ana
Sin LPU.t hourJbyaU of Stevens Bros., F.rmington 50 called 0D the Argu, Portland or the present.
nis immediate ramlly. m wue u irhardt uoeiis.oi ----- Kftmnft, ot parmingv.o., M , Mrs. Charles Bigeiow. - , - - - .
and the following children survive: was In Saturday, and says that jo . raore Umotby hgy the Commercial that day -Forest Prove frees.
Chaa. T. Blgo'ow, cashier of- th lhe Winter sown wheat At hftn aoy other rancher in the x fc were Cftned to nBairTA, PAPEr
Hof trail. I',lUn'- relehrated l in in red B0 far aS OSH bS 00 ' ,..ln ig in lOWD Fri ,r n.i. ,k fit nf the week, to OFFICIAL PAPKK
arili- ah" , ':: i," ..i " no ",uu V ,h.i. the earlv sown oats counvy, "--- " """"',7 at. .
........ v u nini in.. ..... r - gttrveu, -- , , uig dav alternoou. attena vne ueuuiuoui . . ..v.-
lion iUi.irimun .,..1 M,a Parriel. ...irnrAd nnnsiderauiy hi u, "- ..... u. aaoA n Snnda tu
Bonnet j ' f A.' Bonney, of IVtlonr H. L ?ZV T end th. Argus, ior
Kstacala. Mr. Bigelow was a Tuoker, who visitsd he a number ol yii 9. "nd " ln here b, A L. Bigelow. of the Port- fourteen years the official paper at
member of the Oregon Orange an J !.k Btll obliged to ute one working at the 8. V " g t. laod poiice force, and a eister, Mr. the county Beat, and the Wash-
lo a Maccabse, in which he car lftB T7 orL to make any Portland, was out to iHiUeboro oat parrjg Bonney, of KBtacada. ington County News, of the Qroye,
riad lit. The innefal oiutoh in or der io nreetings friends. -rrie iouu y, s , for
took place TueBday, at 10 o'cWk. two yea'rs healing, and t Qf0ve cUy council Isaac Leiey, "j two paptrs
from the residonoe. Rev. F. V. b. ."LVii i-nnhla. . lhe. .5i .1 tn.tvnni the mayor to lawn, and who wae one of the ear- the only journals asking for
Klsher.of the M. K church, offioi- lt BUU ,"l.,.-nnnneoted "V ts necessary .quipment liest of , Wash ng or , count, pio- g under the rules
Wearing The
Wrong Glasses
, ' , . n i it still RiVB" u,,u " has voiei ufiuo- ,
theM. K church, ollici- " farmerlf oonneoted "urcbBe the necessary tquipment
interment was in the I. ,v ng Bah. Jj f J eBen, purrta opsrat on of the
'err. r' lTa nosi ion with the Krio light plant, and within a
' holding down a poBiwuu "'"""-.v- ih. ton is to emerge
atinor Dn,l
P., 111.(71 HI
ft It Ul
w. r , ctmsierv. wim .r- ...
a county seat visitor Friday. est Grove. i 0 ,nm weeks ago by the
"Wl. - ft.- nbeen is now- convalescing caused some we s g y
Hivo iiouse ooiiee eo i " , ,,, . ml wi n nhQlling ul ' " r .,
tee every can.-Kmmott Bros. from a serious illn ess, an dw BJU J uted bill Tbeoounoil
. '. . b.. im davs.hewouia oe v . . liebtina is
The C.ffee Club will be enter- " "ar biaBOhcol janitor auuee DMwvt ".rr-Vv- oity Diftnt
"im uuwni.DHuruay iw.u""'i jnn to tne ohv i- " i
Ptb 6, at the h u.e of Mrs. Downs, nelius, ww w1 U dispoeal.
noara nnlebrateJ his 83th
T...M..II at hia home
jaiiunij -" . . ,
the rules
the Argus
u'fJi-. the appointment, under t
i ln that "quired by law. This Is
ln lh,t U. i,Uiinn. and as tl
place. D flight Pomo-oy and wife, .' enjoying the largest oir-
Dan Leisy and wife, Douglas Leisv j u hlBtoiy M a
and Mrs. J.K Ling were at , the of mBt u igaln Ie-
i.i if T.siav at.ll! owns . .; t
ceieorBnou- y -, i oeiveB compensation ior uo doitiw
his home in that place. He is ceivescup
MM hale and hearty tor his age. R,BIiftr( .nd Geo. Zetz-
d on his birthday wantea to . Y07h Plaks. were in the
wager tnai ne cou.u t Mftnlaii
Ufi jews of aEe in a 50 yard race.lcity Monday.
If your present glasses fail to give you ease and
comfort, there's something wrong.
That's a Vital Question to You and one
that should cause you to consult me at once.
I correct all defects of the Human -Eye that';
Glasses will Remedy,
on tam slrtot. ,u.