The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 27, 1910, Image 1

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vol. XVI.
NO. 4G
Heady lor IMU
cai..i. ' M,,,k l,u B',,b"
tarty HI. Vtir
Th lliH,"1" AihUUo At'orUiton
,111 break into the gnn early
.tun end (iropo. lo htv oreof
f.aleal amateur tMtlli in the
ittto At moving the 0,,,"r day,
K 1,. M . ! managed 'be
team u-i y'. M handed
thi dwlliili of the Cardinal bunch
of bU rtlt and b "ill en
deavor l build up en sggregetion
of piayr that I"1 ,b" 'I'Mer
Kit from anything that com, thi.
ay. Mr. Mmr gave Hillaboro
thrnl nucc'Mful year of baaeball.
bolb from ') a rid point of claaay
b.ll and flnenoUl merit, that
bar em erjyed. and he propone
lobfk Into the game Mrljr, and
inaugurate H'tftuU iht will
Utl pome tiuiln April, if weather
condition permit
It ha n"t yt h ei dldel
bothrr the Cardinal will play in
dependent bll. w a l lv Hill
boro eonlituou Bund ay , or
wbolbrr tbe ai-ooialon ill tie up
with a county league alTair, Hill
boro it on of iba brut town on the
beMhall map from a financial
tend point, and whether it will be
more profitable to play mi'ity
ol lh game away home, aa
mint I dune in oounty Iru.
or lake no cly but eh of inde?
podnt laui ard kep the dia
mood warm al boma, it not yel
dendnd but Iba odd ara largely
In favor of houia playifg.
ill emiier Gate receipt mean
ability to pay good players, and
OnieM crack ara signed up, the
gam will not gat tbe nrceary
financial vtipporl.
No on ilmirt, however, that ilh
ttania, Aureal Urov. hlirril en.t lilt
CitduuU in a imwii'i playing would
nld lo the lrlf of nlUm. nil tlili
(Wll tw 'h(ule lHat wmilil 'in
the hratUuf tlic itcvotrmof Hie nation!
All liU will I limited Utrr, aixt (mm
oil Mui;ri ,MHtteiIl I to tltr
lookout fur jilycr wlio cmi mWf i;ihI
Th ttfcxuiuiii' cou'it not bv clrctrI
i man in whom the lam have nunc ron
bilcmf, (or if miy one ran ilrllvrr clrn
ml 'h, cniir hiwiHill, it it the gf uilr
bio fn.iii South lti!UIoro.
Notice in bertbf given that Ibf
Couity Buixprintrndout of SVach
inotnrt ('mint will hold tbn rrntl
n " J ' " ' ' - '
lar Mtminalion for applicant fur
itato aud county papara at thr
Court ilnuip in a
follow! :
Commencing WrilnrwUy, l'rtmmry 9,
1910, at v o'cltx'k a. in , ami cmtimiinK
UHlil SutunUv, 1'rbruary IJ, lyi", "1 4 P
Wfiliirmlny lViiiiiiiliip, liinloty,
rlhii, jihynlral geigriliy, rca.lliiK.
Vliur.iUy Written arithmetic, theory
of teii-hing, grmnuur, lHikkeeping,
p!iii-, civil K'lveniMiriit,
l'lidwy I'hyiiologv, groKrnjiby, com
position, l)flir,' 'Hnulih lilrrntuiP,
flHKll lw.
SatiiiiUytlotany, plane geomrtiy,
grnernl limlory.
Coiiimtm-intt Weiliicmliiy, Pcliruary 9.
iJio. at 90'clork a. in., and continuing
oulil VrnUy, 1'cliruary it, 19111, at 4
o'clock p ni.
Wrilnrmlny Prnniaunltlp, bintory,
orlhoKiaphy, reailing, pliyiiral geor
J'hv. ThiirnUy Written aiilhmelic, theory
tenrhiiiK, graminar, phyniology.
l'riilny-GcoKmiihy, cWl law, civil
government, Ungllsli literature.
M. c. Cask,
County School Sulierlntenilrnt.
White House ot (Vne e guaran
lea every can. Ktiituott UroB.
Henry J. near Hoy,
ai an Argua caller Balurday.
C 8. Reynolds, the Mountain
dale merohant. waein town Friday,
eoroute home from a bueineei trip
to Portland.
K. h. jRinee, of bwtween l hi
city and Com-liu, was in Hfttur
day, and eaya there haa been a great
di-al of eiokneee among the little
folks in bin Motion.
Wi no bava a - . f
I - - r "I r'J "
giKKl hard burned bri. k, and build
ing tlM-ka tr culler and foui .ln-
li'ina Trv our IntiMit, l,l.,rk ,.. i
iyour houe foundation tia t-r i
I Ul II CKinetit or brick ar I l.'i.r
protection aKaitml froii. W have I
finiahiHl uur run of arg tiU nod
are again running on imalier f t-,
and have a fair tupply al tbn yard
I'arlie wanting til dniivend
ihould place their onli-re iio no
can haul them Worn had w-ailir
There i alaay a ruli of hauling
ordnr iu tbe Kail when road are
aluioat imtiamable We have 11
good tupply (,f roub and drei-ed
luuilwr at uur mill, and a ijiiaiiUt)
of common lumber at thn ll,e
pur, iwilow ,nwtoii, th Utter to
l I at a crilice 2 1 2, '2xS, 2(.
2i4 1 1 10, US, lifi and 1 1 1 ol
variotta lenyhl Thin i all good
dry tiK k, and it will piy you to
Inveallgale aliouhl you want any l
lbe dimermiona (ironur St lio
ll Co. HcholU., K 2.
Kori-nt (irov i to bate a niw
city hall, and the truclure in to be
modern in eery rentw:!. It will
be of brick, and will c t in ih
tieigbUirhood of $10 0(0 Thi if
Hornet lii ng ebicti tbe i.d!re city
ha iiwdivl for many year, anil
the c tiicil hi eu'h riid the I "'
chae of brick for lb iructue. Ii
i to b a two atorv illair. and lb
otTicial are buildtcg wieely in tint
they are to have room for a lire il
parlruoot, itall fit home, anil
room for a metropolitan eijuipmenl
A hi e thev are not in need 01 no
elalmra'e a building at prerenl they
are dlecounting the future) ami gn
ting ieiy for a larger cily which
i alwivi (imhI liu-KttiM. in a
thriving town.
J. N Millnr. of aoutbweal of tbf
city, and who live in the onion
dtttiicl. ay the onion grower
oer in hi neighbirbood have
baodwl logeihr tbe four or
five year, and have felt tbe it tin
nc for Iwlter tirice When Port
laud buyer Bod tint a eeciion can
nroduce o manr ackuto: iiur
chafe, and that grower ire etand
iiia together in a bup;n- like
manner, it alwv tnrini a beller
nrice. Mr. Miller ray that the
cold Winter b been fine in the
nreifrvatlm t f tbe crop, and lb-re
r toil f.w aiHiiled onion. The
Miller neighborhood will ehip out
n.arl two thouxand rack thi
(iondcinncd Murderer Writes
a 12 I'ane Misnlve
Ketlrraiea 1 hat lie Should oat Ha(
(or Wife Maying
John l. Ilelair, condenined to
hang, at Halem, February 11, baa
writtrn DtHtrict Attorney fC. U.
Tongue a twelve page letter, io
which be declare, over and over
again, that hie wife win to blame
f .r her destruction, nd eaye it
never w ul) have hipponed had
ehe ii it attacked hitn and "trew"
milk nn him. 1 1 dwell especially
on hie- d 'deration that tbirewas
no in' nded murder; that he first
Hlrui k at the pan and the huge
knife minced it and Btruck her io
ih 1 eck ; that upon seeing her re
ieiv e 1 mo-tal a w tund, he kil'cJ
her to iiut heroin of mifery, e'e ,
etc He dor not rcur to the well
known fait that the bliod clots in
the In-id proved conclusively that
tlm throat cutting was the leet act
f the atrncion crime.
HeravH' the I, ird understand!
Iiiin." but em m very unwillina to
meet tliH Maker or at least wiebe
10 defer biH trip to tbe vast un
known. Uiisidair w very volub'e
and wns lalo'ing uider some
striss, s his epelling in not up to
Ih it-nil HUmlaril ol hie ability.
ll ssv be ha written three
times tojtfl'ey aid ha receiyed
no reeponse. J U'rey, it is remem
bred, is his attorney, in 1 ho'ds a
di v i of his place for the defense of
be murderer at hi trial.
Carl Bkow, of muth of Keedvillr,
wat in tbe cily Monday.
Creamery butter, 75 cent per
roll, at Wyatt & Co.'i.
Horn, to Eueene Delnlancbe ard
wife, ol Centerville, Jan. 21, 1'JlO,
a eon.
Blue Ribbon toroatoee, corn and
bean, .'5 cans for 25 cents. Em
molt Bros.
B. Marsh, of Centerville, was
down Monday, looking in on cir
cuit court.
R.r II. Walker, me ol tbe heavy
taxpayer of the Beaverton section,
was In tbe city Monday.
Attorney J. N. Hoffman, of For
est Urove, was a circuit court at
lendant, tbe first of the week.
Mrs. Mary Moore, pioneer of
1H4G, is spending a few days with
Mrs. Angeline Catching, of Portland.
Reports Ex-IIillsboro People
Doing; Nicely
Lor at J Pal miner Deiag Nicely i
Kew Field
A viuit in Ik. ITrv-ot llinua 1'uth
an building, Saturday, was a rev
elation to ths Argus reporter. The
KniRhU have s three story castle
hU on Paoitio Avenue that would
h a credit to a city ol fifty thou
sand people. Tha first floor is 00
oupied by leoterH, and the second
l used for the lodge room, kitchen,
uming room and bowliDg alley,
"bile the third etory is reserved for
club rooms, billiard hall and read
Ing room. The interior in nicely
finished, and the boys have a mon
ument to (heir enterprise and faith
In their oity,
VI- U ll.n.i anil lf (if Kh If
Farm. Illinois, were out from Port
land the last of the week, guests at
ib lumeof 3 C I.amkin and lam
ily and A C ArchWd and family.
Mr Bine i spending a month in
IwtUnd with Inn da. and think
O moo hi a delightful Winter
climate. He wa a p tal in p-ctor
the Clevelrnd admirtstra
lion, and live in Jm Cannon'
.li.trirl He doe not agree with
ih "Hoi nrahle Joe" in polities,
but says tbe speaker of the National
(I...... nt Kentn nntativerl IS H
Ul'MP" v'l I" -
whirlwind campaigner, and general
y gets there with twin leel
I). K Pearsons, the Chicago
millionaire, and whose dollars
1 I-.,., I. (vintrihlltftd to (he
financial succes of Pacific I ni
i now in his With year.
and in an Interview Monday, de
Iar it that be intendid lo give
.11 lia mnnev loforo death
He eays that be believes in aiding
II enllesee of the couotry,
and has given, in the past, sub
in Whitman, well
smuvini sa .
p II The Forest drove school
will no doubt receive another large
i..,.f.,.il.,n from Mr Pearsons in
tbe not distant future,
Saturday bait ner day in
.l .m! the streets were
um vivt, --
.w..n,l fmm ear v ill the morn-
ing until dark. Tbe gentle Oregon
mini, which has been so tardy in
i., it atmearance the past
ew month was in evidence in the
with its advent tne
IliUiaiai'pa - Mft
Umii lunn to Plinlu. It WBP
a good n&tured crowd and all the
merchants report a gmu u
The old prune drie-, which ob
jures Ihe Southern raoiuo
.i.. taaonn to be moved away
from it eite, and hub ' lu i""'v
,u. .nrM.aracc of the street. My
the way, if two or thn barns were
either painted up, - "' "
1 .v. niaor friHU tl 0 O. 1
J 1.1 nt t be a bud
Station wuum -- .
advertisement lor the oity for those
who pass along the line.
I have a buz aaw and will saw
cord wood or poles into stove wood-
The Cornelius Methodist Sunday
School board met in executive ses
sion in the church, Monday eve
ning, and the following otucersnd
tear li'r were elected for tbe ensu
ing yeur: Superintendent, S. M.
Chapman; Asst. 8np. , Mr. Mo
Cleary; SecioUry. .May imvis;
Asl. Sec. Roy Stnrdevant; Li
brarian, r orence I nomas; Asst.
Lib-arian Chatty Chapman; Ireas-
urer, ll-len Olson; Organist, Lester
Mot lurry; Aet. Organist, fitter
Fitch; Choiister, Mr. Frank Neff;
At Chorieter. Rilla Henderson.
IVaih-rs-Claes, (i. 8-, Rilla
Henderson; H II., Pearl U dby; L
If . Helen Olson: J. L .Mrs Frank
Nell'; ( , Mrs C. Cornelius; Y M ,
M. C Davis; C . M. .Vll.
The linanoial condition of the
Sunday School is good, $128 being
raii-ed last year May Davis, Sec
Judge W. R. Stephens, ol Dilley.
and who made a trip hack
laH Fall, returning Thanksgiving
time, was in town Monday.
Mrs Mary Daiby has returned
from an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Edith Hirringtoo,
who resic'ei at Medford, Southern
Wanted: Girl for housework,
imall family, in countiy. Address
HilUhnro. On. Route 2 F. E
Rowell, BchollB. Ind . Tel , Scholle
A big elide is reported on the P.
R. A N , above Buxton, and it re
nuiriul considerable work lefore ths
front engine could get out to the
end ol the line.
Chaii. Frederick Beet and Ruby
Alice Wilcox were united in mar
riage at the borne of J. H. White,
Gaston, Jan. 22, 1910, Rev. W. W.
Phelps tfiiciating.
Married: January 21, 1910. at
the home ol Jos. G Leoneville,
Fnraat Crns Ore. Hiram J. Perry
and Mrs Maudie Womelsdorl.Rey.
Uirim Gould officiating.
C. L Banks, formerly ol Banks,
wis down from North Yamhill,
Tuesday, attending to probate mat
ten connected with the estate of his
father, the late J. L. Banks.
High Q UALITY Drug Store
Where Will You Take It?
Geo. McDowell, of the Oregon
Electric, was out Monday, on busi
ness with tbe legal fraternity. He
is getting the right or way wort
pretty well settled fir biscompany.
John Heisler, one of the pioneers
of Gales Cnek, and who exptcle
soon to see an electrio lire up the
valley in which he lives, was in the
city the first of the week, attending
circuit court.
The rains of the last week have
brought the water up over the river
bottom and the Jackson Bottom,
s. uih of the city, is again a lake
large enough to carry mm-of-wir
maneuvers. No damage baa ton
Nii Sun kisfed oranges and
lemons and gut a silver spoin. At
lunmott Bros
lor any one u"b - .,,
hood of Farmingtonor Reedville.
Aleo work done on gasol'ne em
Ines Will guarantee to mane
rnemuJrighl-Carl Bkow Baa
verton, Ore., R. 4, Bx 44 40tf
t.l- t'..o1,aiim. of Shady
n ldlv inured his
ItrOOK, auu j - , ,
N by getting H crushed 15
several weeie ag,
Haturdav. on orulohes.
Chas. A'. Mlllor, of the Arcade
section, was in town Saturday.
Alex Gordon wan In from Ulen
ooe, Saturday.
John Klink.wln owns a litt'e
iilaee eft of lown, was an Argua
caller, Saturday.
C. J. Schnabel. the Portland at
torney, was out Monday, on pro
bate atd circuit cmrt busirejs.
t? ,.l.rt Vuncen. of Helve ia. and
whose brother, John, died a few
days ago, was in town Saturday.
Tha Parifio Coast Condensed
Milk Comtianv is talking of put-
lirg in tbctric lights for Forest
Urove if they can agree with the
it y on a schedule.
if lliillenheck. of Clark
(1, . a ,
County, Wash., was over Saturday,
on business connected with his
ranch above Mountaindale. Me
nays C . k Ci.unty is forging ahead
but still holds that no section io
the world can beat old Washington
A.,utin Ronton, of the State
Gr'aogx, in a recent article, comes
out hodly for the primary law and
HgaitiHl the Assembly plan, now
being pushed Dy tne lornauu pun
,:..i...a vi Bftve that in the direct
primary, with all its faults, lays
the salvation oi puror
n. n n Rrnwn. wlo males
freiiuent' visits to Hillsboro, and
i .. ,.r Mra Wojun Rrnwn.
ie tbe treasurer of the Portland
Auto Assooutioo, and tnia is me
week of the big Portland auto show.
Ferd llartrampf, who is to nanaie
the Buick in HillBboro, this Bum
mer, went down to take io the
how, which is the greatest ever
held in the Pacific Norinweei.
wr M Ilpnf'n ahn'.t. the hop
buver, was out from Portland,
Monday, and reporveu jrrniiiu8
ntice8at20and2loent8. He says
there are quno uu.....
iu this county yet unsom. no
states that this has been a most
neouliar year in the business and it
hai bon almost impossible for
coast buyers to get any gauge on
the Eastern and European demand.
For Ba'e-Filly, 2J years old.
and will make a heavy animal Out
of Black Diamond Ville. Will sell
fr $150. Sound in eve-y way
Halter broke, only Carl Skow,
Beaverton, R. 4; three miles south
of Reedville. 46 8
1) W. Bath and wife, of tbii city,
are visiting in La Mesa, Cal., and
Mr. Bath, who was editor ol the
Independent for a number of years,
writes tbe Argus tbe following ac
count of his trip and observation
After leaving Portland, on the 745
train, on the eenlnir of January U, we
reached tbe California line in a blinding
snowstorm and were delayed over two
hour by a freight tram which had
broken in two juat ahead of u. Again
getting under way, we travelled in a
continuous rainstorm to San Francisco,
Lo Angelea, and until we reached San
Diego, arriving at the latter place Bun-
day. We boarded a Cufamaca car for
La Mesa, and were met at that station by
L. J. 1'almateer, whose actions proved
that Hillaboro people were "good for the
sore ejea." Mr. Palmateer i postmaster
here, and manager ol the largeai grocery,
and i considered ooe of the progressive
mn nf the ritv THe COUTltrV Seemt tO
aree with him, and although he has
lost tome flesh he ii ooe of the heavy
weighta of the place, and is enjoying the
txt nf health. He and his family are
living in a beautiful home two block
f -- nO:- nA if anrri.tinriines count
II wit. woiuiuvv, - o
for aught, they have all that heart could
wish, and are aupretnely happy. Mr.
and Mr. E. D. Thome live jurt a block
away in a fine little cottage of their own,
and although a year or so older than
when they left Hillaboro, are enjoying
good health, and are In love with the
section. We are (topping with them
and they are certainly making our viait
uicawiu . vuv.
ii' l- n,.n anil !( tlvenn a lemon
ranch two mile from thi place, on the
San Diego road, and are nicely situated.
He owns several lot and busineas houses
in the town, is one of the director in the
First National Bank of La Mesa, ia well
supplied with worldly poaseaaions, and
is rated a one of the aolid men of the
enmmiinitv He and hi familv take a
great deaf of comfort la their anto, and
yesterday took n for a pin about the
lurrounding foothill, and tomorrow will
taken to hi ranch, and given a ride
over the El Cajon Valley, or the "Box.
one of the most famou valley of South-
Colifnrnio. It ia about (00 feet
above sea level, and it chief industry is
ramna the mam erarje. lemons auu
orange. El Cajon is one of the largest
towns in the valley.
La Mesa is a charming highland
.Ki,rVi ii tnile ' E. of San Dieeo. on
the Cuyamaca railway, the terminal of
the propecttve interurDau lines, ana is
growing rapidly. Two year ago, there
were lesa than a dozen house in the
r,lr Tenia v thev have about joo homes,
anil new one uoin? ud every day. The
climate is atmpiy laeai, mercury mi ai-
t.rnnAn atatfitinar at 6a above.
ViaUJVB uw aa.aa.ww & J
and yesterday my wife and I picked our
first nrnnues. and if nothing orevent we
ahall have a few to pas to our friends
lien we return. On the tree are found
the blossoms a well a the ripening T mnn are abundant, but the
prices are very low, selling for les than
We have filled over 6ooo prescriptions during the past
year. Perhaps 50 per sent of these have been for ser
ious cases of illness, where much depended upon cor
rectness and fidelity in filling them. We never forget
. our responsibility in this matter. Doubt is never al
lowed to enter our prescription department. There are
no doubtful drugs in it, and hurry and carelessness are
never allowed to cast doubt upon the medicines we
We aim to be the druggist to whom you can bring
your prescriptions for serious cases with perfect con
We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of
extra quality.
We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and
Delicious Candies.
Yours for a Happy New Year.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Vice-President Cashier
. cent a non nil at the shiDoln? houses
To a person from Oregon it looks strange
to see great, aeucious oruK ruiuug u
the ormi nil like ancle in an Oreeon or-
ehanl cet thia la a fact The houses
here are mostly one and one-half story
but re well ouiit ana nanoaomeiy paim
ed. There are many one reswences, oc
One of the heaviest ga'es of th
Winter season was experienced
Monday night, the wind's velocity
reaching perhaps fifty miles per
hour. Out at 1 c 1, where there was
no obstruction in the path of the
gale the velocity must have attain
ed seventy miles.
0. M. Pope is con6ned to his
room with pneumonia. Mr. Pope's
little Bon was but reooveiei from a
like attack wlea the father was
stricken. This is not an uncom
moo occurrence this Win'ef, physi
cians stating that many times
whole families are down with tte
William H. Sutherland sues Lil
lie J. Sutherland, and asks for
title to 40 acres in northeast Wash
ington County in township 2
north ranee i west, tnis proper
ty, he alleges, was bought by hi6
own money and he wants the land
free from her dower right. Desertion
is the cause alleged.
Two of the tazroin have been
extended and the third bwk will
be finished in a few days. It is
fnllv exnected that by the last of
the week, or first of next, the rolls
will be in the hande ot the sheriR
for collection. Thos. Bailey, Chas.
Lamkin and Walter Hamer have
Knan nnirflired on extensions for
awa O O
some time, and the task has been
an extensive one.
Harman Collier, of Scbolls. and
who raised a big crop ol onions
thia season, was in to wo Monday.
He savs the esculent Iruit was
worth $115 I. 0. b. Monday, but
thinks tbey will go higher in a lew
weeks, and the growers will then
unload. He has sold none aB yet,
and says that roadB must get in
better condition, anyway, before
I one could make delivery on a long
haul. He report d ,tbe frost an
out of the ground on the lowlands.
cupied by business" men of San Diego
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition, November 16, 1909
Demand Loans
Other Loans
U. 8. Bond (at par)
Other Bonds
Banking House -Cash
and Due from
Banks and U. S.
t U6,737 3o
- 25, coo. 00
16,060 00
Capital and Surplns
Undivided Profits
I 35,000.00
437.03. li
$437,032 13
Hosorvo, 3 S per Ooxvt
Thos. G. Todd John . Bailey J. "W, Fuq
- Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg;
and retired army officers, of which there
are quite a numrjer.
Vrnm here we shall co into Old Men
rn, trtn ami then to San Dievo for
several days, where trip will be made to
i i-r . : i f ,Ht.M.t Severn!
uint-prui uuiuib v. ...
a win ha one tit at Loa Anpeles. after
which we go to Riverside and Redlands
fur a visit tth former lowa menus.
This is indeed an ideal country in
which to live and many people trom
the East ate here to pas their declining nn nieso ia one of the Drettiest
cltie I have ever visited and one of the
cleanest. Great preparations are being
made fcr the 1915 Panama Fair, which
ia expected to attract viaitora from all
over the worlil.
Returning, we expect to ro to Los An
gelea by boat and have no doubt we ahall
tha trin even if we do "clinir to
the rail" a part of the way, though it is
- . . . 1
eil ,.nm tea, neATM UBVC D1RI UC UJCT UD
this trip" a the water is usually aa smooth
. tl,. "nl,l mill nond."
We are very much pleased with what
we have seen, yet uregon appeals q us,
and we are not ready a yet to make a
t,.nD We exoect to see much more
of this wonderful section before we re
turn T read Mr. Palmateer' Amu to
day, and I want to say to you that it is
away trom nome iuai iuc uuiuc payer
v,Q It. true aonreclation.
Mr. Thome want n to make a trip to
the top of a mountain overhanging the
town, ao I must close. Mi Helen Gates,
fMiiishnrn. arrived here today, and is a
guest of Mr. and Mr. W. E. Thome,
nr. n.taa (a in Ran Pranciaco. and is ex
pected here in a lew aaya 10 join uis
.lanoliter. With kindest regards to
Hillsboro friends I am, Yours Truly."
DontrlaB Walker, of Weiser. Ida
bo, and who came down with five
nara of livestock for a rortiano
butcher, came oat the first of tbe
week to spend a few daya with hie
mother. Mrs. Lucv Walker. He
aava that the Boowfall in his reo
tinn was verv heavy this Winter
and that he ii pleased with the
sight of the bare earth, down this
M. C. Hewitt, tha carpenter, is
still in the houBemovint business
and il you have a building to move
. . - . a . if) 1
Bee him tor an estimate. 10 11
Start the Men Year
By buying' Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
t W H, W cWrod .tori, in t
$ Washington County, and his prices 5
will convince you that he is selling i
lower than his competition, w nen r
you are in Forest Grove call in and i
see this mammoth stock of clothing,
dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes,
and geut s turnisliings.
i e
You Cannot Get
Another Pair of Eyes
Cood Reason why you should take the very
best care of the pair you have. They must serve
you for a life time. If you know (or if you only :
suspect) that they are in need of a little care and
attention, I will be glad to help you.
I have a splendid assortment of Frames and Rim
less glasses and guarantee perfect satisfaction in ,
every particular. ' - ,
LAUREL M. HOYT. Victor Agent.
1 1