The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 20, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 45
BcbU iJilbusUMii -Speculating
on I'utuH
Urn sr r.f Tf,BM f,tm C",,,
Utuld lawrs.t Gri.Uy
Wahll fan. sr on thir low
lb ly " 10 ln fu,u',t,f ln
(IIU for H, Forest tiro
Itid lUnka, ni thete Is e insider
au'e talk of a Vgu,. Banks, it !
understood, nU county league
ball, and a Fount i:ov had a try
I "trinity" "'l I' uM ' u
a i,,prro:lli financial rrsulls, It
IimuI V C U would not shy at
count Wi " H' "'
Wo,vl White H i in lbs gams the
county I""" would he a dandy
Willi O-eg-.n Kieolno C4f e. v.ce as
it ! ih' t!,l trouble 'n
nikkiii H tur p-dota and return
on ih "iti day. Sherwood al
h a r t ppi t g g i im ana
W do beve e g'Kni supply of
K'wmi nam Humeri brick, and build
ing blink, f ,t cellar and found.
lions Try our building hloks lor
your house foundations Cheaper
than cement or brick and bntur
protection against frol. We have
fiiii.hed our run of large tilt tod
d" Will)
Harold Hurr Millis, P. U.
rt again running on smaller .:,., Student, Drowned Thurhday
and have a fair supply el the yard
I'artlna aantina liU ...... .1
houl.i thmr order, now VM,lt BK"KE
tirloi Cms Dswa U lib IblriT Live
Albert Keeho, of near Morton-
dale, was in the city Monday.
K L. Hollenbeck, of Mountain
dale, was down to the city Mon
Judge (Joodin nu at Beaverton,
Saturday, looking over road mat
ters. John Halvorsen, of near Farm-
Ington, was up to the city batur-
O (i. Barlow, ol Portland, war.
out the first of tbe week, on buei
HI... INI. I. lr.,l.a n and
Tbe ('mine, a lumber schooner, i - t.. or. '. . L-m
' I IHJ II VftUB IUI t'f Benito.
nan haul tbem before bad we.iher
Tbere ia always a ruh of hauliny
order, in tbe Kali when road, are
almoet imna.sable We have a
good supply tf n.ugb and dreeH
lumlwr at our mill, and a quaniiit
of common lumber at the ifa.e hfiit donilI' Cooe Bay If arbor molt Bros.
ttllf .Irtaa Vattl.r. iV. o 1.. Il . i ... I
::u ::jz Chm0, ot ne.f
2i4 llfi 1K l.n ln 1.1 r niuoim iuo ueeu wae ieniervnie, wae in me cuy mou
..rlon. Unahti. Tbi. i. .11 .ood B Milll., ll known at day, greet.og fnenda.
lry aUnk.and it will !. you to urmi drove, wbera Le waa one of 1) U. Willere, of southwest of
invwitiuBie ehould j i want any of the jHipular atudenta at Pacific town, waa over to the city Kridny
ituwe diinnioiie (ironer A Kow- Uuivrettf. I'reeident Kerrin. in a "a callea on the Argue.
II Co, Hcholle, IlilWlnro, R 2. Utter to the preee, Saturday, writeJ Rudo'ph PubiU.and daughter,
Oxonian wboe fnenda ai.d the Mlualn i,,tw)! nnan n.mD "I eel Loi n, were cauere in me
r-Ulivr. have Ueo travellir g by M;iii-. county seat Monday f ernoon
IK'" ht '"1 Hoirat o, u- ,.(t Thoe 8imm8. owner of the big
nil .ui when pa'eenn irav.iir , . - . . , R0Wtb' raDch. tlow Farmington
give i denination, until they bear ,., ., ., J wae in the citv Monday afternoon
... , . ... , ...M..iti.K jutiiijr iiic nun uvi miiu iiic
ii meir arfivi. i me nil uoen aue : . . .: , :, ,, ,, . ... ... ., . m . . .
It.. In. m,.nm . t, ..,,,1 ' '" BUir mum in IBf OT B MaMe 1QIIII, 1 BlUUeDV
i.rg'i emu uin nini'r ,M I lirl
From These Will be EWcted
02 Jurors for 1910
March Tern lad Nmabtr Will Draw
Thirty On Each
oir Coo ny, Thurwlay. Tbe I ouree in the North Pacific Sinitor-
iliiiwtrhri imticate thai, nfltrl: i 11:11 k
be woret for yeara J M IS'oen lrvel rmluriiiK the Urilble riiioaurc .. , .
e ivl w. rd the laet of tbe week "t the niKl.t in the ntonu UHi d nKKK. mona7 WHWe, n carB-
,I.U up w,h any uf lb. ..U?r .h.l I., wife and Ml.. 'P;-- .-Tbildi? . .C-lh9 tl"WX"
DloM I I ltl ' ' l"l uau. r.ienu .rriveu .moiy . miriu took the ouiy rrinuilii chance left f" 11,9 u 8
IUikI, wbete tt.ey went 10 flll Ihrrn, de ate tbouKh It w.t. aou II you Dave a DUlluing o move,
ith M. K Kveiitt. Young Miiin tuilnit t Pacific I ae him far n eelim.te. 43 tf
I lur arverai yran, graduating In 1901. lie I ,
I,ittltn Lindeay, aged SO yearp L.iiirct high tank in nearly all the work C. C. Ntlon, 01 BaCOna, and who
in November laet, went out tbe wll'cii be undeitcx.k amiwaa more than came down MuouaT to serve t n trie
V Riuca ami vrraaiiie. 11c waa
l))o)ular wilh tin inatructor
and iHlerwling bill, i wanted -here
in a ch.nre Bank., Kurml
(!ro. 'Jill.biru .nd Hberwnol!
TerUp imhr in theet.lecui
befimn l t ur town, with a good '
baeeb.ll unierinl a U turned nu'
ch year by lhee f ur plaici
Fioi r talking it up, ami rmi-
tarie are arguing backward and
lure ird
,lhe, d.y wi-h hi. old munle load- 7" ' ." 'L i jury, brought in a wildest pelt sod
ng ' lUeey." and with to .bote. re,iow ;,ua,ma and rttxKni-d by earned the unial bouuty swsy irom
killed two b'ig., It buing butchering all at a high minded, Chriatian young tbe clerk's office.
day. When a mn ol thst sge ""'FF"iii , R u'alker. of below Beaver-
,. fiiw ftiiiiifni Anivmr a an t m. - '
ukM ft gun ftd miiu io porter
..I,. 1... 1 .,1..,.. 1 1,. , .1 i,.n,..n. inn. waa in (own Monday, and
iih I ulinia i n thin aue (if earlr I !.. 1 .1.. n . 1 1 ...1 ... i...i.. I i . ,iv,i l. k.i
Tbi A'gU h"p- to ie thee w.t..nn :. l-ok ea Ibxuah the In track athletic he cilahliahed Kveral .ul . K.. J.m.ul r.nt.lna
fo0fSeS'lngr. loiwhertnd ,tllilim), ,r. auli Worth while, local lecord.. winning lh. faweck cop mU-doWD i n bia 8eclion.
then we h.ll ee. Wanbinglon i.f0j,- h,d t been 10 year. hrrt fer grdiiatmg g'"'"
County p'a.ternl .I, tvar lh. bi.v .'l I. Ml? wou'd h.v. ioed uu Pu "P " v"Ph"," Pr"1 W"ted: Girl ,dr e al hou,e-
L..I . . .l Klin e.rli.r Ul wou.d have Itoed Up ,he cu making the higheal record on . Two , 0D, w
l lie two tu g anil aiueu uiem wun bei-i nay. 7 v.W,,n s.,0i
,..wa I'n veraity dciie to pay . Walter Inch, Waehingtoa Street.
TfcACIttHi' rXAMlNATIONH beartftlt tribute to thi one of her anna, between Fourth nd Fifth. I'dCl
ThoiiiM rbiHun, ageii nu yean, who while a atuueut eu.icarea nmiaeii gc gUVeg Teleph oe, Maiu 384
I iU III UU wuu limn nnxu I'louiur wiuvtr
....... ,u . ,1 d edit tbe oounly farm, Halurd.y o .M .n. who
Nt.,e u . hby th. IIm. (tnrpin(l .fl,r.nnM. of several rfu.'V
Cou.ty H,,t,.ru,t:,,d:,, of U .Hh wk( ",,bilb;0 ,lflu.r,T Hvwl up "f" llfr
the u .ivertitv of . brilliant and
Ingt'oi Ciinn v i'l ho il the r-gu
lar i i nuuia.iuu lur applicant. fr
Ulo aud county piwr. al the
Curt llouee in II illeUtro, ae
in th inel.n In section, ana we
admitted to the poor farm eeveral
vear air). H w a native of
Mayo County. Ireland, u.-elti wa
due to paralysis.
Hun-rintendent M. C. Case sd'
verliK-s the teschers' quarterly ei-
amination in this ieu, the dabs
CoimiifiH-iiig Weitnradny, Pebruaiy .
Ivui. at o'clcn k a. m , and continuing
mini S j t ii r .la , I'rlnuaty ti, tyi, at 4 p
WrltiMiiUyPriiliinlilp. lilatory,
tlrMiug. ilit U l groglapliy, (ra Hug,
thut.iUy- Wrltlrn .rilhuirlic, llietuy
of (riilnng. graiumar, iMHikkrrplug,
jihift, cut. government.
V lUy Phyalologv. griKrtby, com
position, algrlna, P,ngllh lilrialuie,
acbml Ii.
SiluiiUj - llotany, plane geoinetiy,
general hulory,
fi'l COI'NTV meHiit
Ootiiilirmliiif Wrdlienlay. I'ebfHary 9
ima, at 9 o'clock a. til . and continuing 1 , rVentually m ive back
u'clirki. m.' ' I J Hcurullk. of above Mountain
Wnliir.,iv-penmanlnp, hUioty, 1 iB and who owns the Ddaney
oilhogp,y, ..-..bog, phy.ical gcog.a- , omn .fay . Mr 8
Tlii.r.,l.vVritten .ciihmriic. theory thinks there should hi agitation
of tr. lung, grammar, physiology. f.r a change in the st.tu'e lh it de
Hri'luy-Urography, achm I law, civil .Urea the stats m.V kill ItBIDi
auiriniiirui, i.iigiiaii literature.
M. C Cask.
C'mit.ty School SuerlnteniWiit.
The ui dirsigiHd will sell at public
sle 00 the Dsn Ht'iller farm, at
He vetia, three and a hall mile
nortbeiel 1 1 Cilei 10 a m ,on
Three hotaes, ijoo, 10 to 11 yrs. old; a
P. P. Lorsung, on th. J J
Kreb' plate, Faimington, was up
to the city Monday. Mr. Loroung
is thinking of contracting, in tbe
building line, when Bprinc opens
For sale: Cow, with caU;lmV,
freeh sooi ; jeieey bull. 20 months
oldjg'oi new wagon, 3J; new dioc
barrow; good cultivator. Adolph
ProugUd, Witch Hiz-1 Station. 45
raitfall, up to Monday
ofwri'ing btng February U to 1( l. .hrnn rominu freah in Febru- The raitfall, up to
inclusive. The February class Is Lrv:vearllng heifer; i brood aows, i ha miming, was 190 inches in exceed
not generally yery large, but a h pigs, i coming in eoon; j doren chick-Qf lne average, and wheu it gets
number than uual is rs . " "med up a Utile it is likely to
peeled act. work h.meM, wt buggy harness, add a few inches to the present
W P. Atk'ns.n. who was mar Uingle "KKy hanieaa, harrow, plow. 14 Bgune.
Ii tl h re reveral yesrs g 'ng out I ; . ,k Dr.v Dumn. ioo Ed. Nortbrup, of Shady Brook
year or so ago, wa out irotu nam (4Cka potatoes, 50 li. clover need, tare wsb in Monaay ana orougnt in a
Tbe county court drew the ju y
list fur the year 1910, last week
snd (f the list sixty two will be
Bummoi e I for tbe two terms of cir
cuU court, on") convening in March
and tbe other in November. Un-
eee theie thould be s special call,
there will be no jurors for the July
term. The jury list follows by
Wert Butte Precinct, Fanners Fred G
Anlcker, Thomas Bradley, George W
Baker, Daniel B Cooper, Arthur N Cut
ting, Ferd Groner, John Gnstin, David
Harper, Cephas King, Joban Munson, U
G McDonald, Olc Olaoo, Geo Bol.nd.
Kast Cedar Precinct Fanner John
W Kldredge. E U Robbie., Lewi. Shaver,
K V Thotnpwo, Wm Willard, 1. h.gert
Robt E Leibig. Augnst F Itel, Ward B
Hager. Ben lay. Laborer Frank L
Beaverdam Precinct Farmera John
Berger, Samuel E Graf, Michael Fitz
Sinimcns, WmG King. Frank L Lichty,
Juliui h Petenon, Brwin Kilter, John b.
Sullivan, John Hand'e, Nel. Hansen,
Robert Thompson, Richard M Kvle,
John Olon.
Beaverton Precinct Fartneta W F
Williams, John Welch, John White, Wm
Davis, Perry Kill., Archie A Pike, Theo
dore Pointer, Swan K Nelson, Howard
G Vincent, G W Stitt. Merchant
George Tbyng. Blacksmith William E
Squires. Mail Carrier Mason P Cady.
South HilUboro Precinct Farmers C
E Deichman, Chaj F Grabel, Andrew, Nels Larson, Thna C Meehan, Wm
JlcQui lan, Sven E O son, Andrew J
Koy, Fred Rood, Ztna W wood. Mer
chantsDavid Corwin, John Dennis.
Engineer Andrew MiPer.
Washington Precinct Farmers George
Bantz Sr, XTios Connell, Willie H Cash.
John H Dorland, Alfred Guerber, Wm
Josse, G C Lincoln, Edward H Northrop,
Arthur C Winney, John KasseDaum J no
K Joseph.
North Hillsboro Prednct Farmers-
John C Bechen, Wm Brogden, George O
Frost, Wm J Gregg, John W Oates,
Abraham L Holcomb, John B Hanley,
Herman Kamna. Merchant George J
Palmateer. Butcher Frederick G Hei
del. Basket Maker John Bceker. Tai
lorAugust Tews. Mechanic James B
Trullinger. Fanners James H Sewell,
Frank J Williams.
Columbls Prednct-Farmers Cbas W
Loudon, Jake W Milne, Wm W Philip,
Oliver Wesicott, Jas May, Jas H Hutchi
son, Geo E Harms, Andreas Bendler,
Francis Chalmers, John H Davis, Henry
Harrington, William C Jackson.
Mountain Precinct Farmers Stephen
L Hollenbeck, Leo Scbwander, Harry E
High Q
Where Will You Take It?
We have filled over 6000 prescriptions during the past
year. Perhaps 50 per sent of these have been for ser
ious cases of illness, where much depended upon cor
rectness and fidelity in filling them. We never forget
our responsibility in this matter. Doubt is never al
lowed to enter our prescription department. There arc
no doubtful drugs in it, and hurry and carelessness are
never allowed to cast doubt upon the medicines we
We aim to be the druggist to whom you can bring
your prescriptions for serious cases with perfect con
We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of
extra quality.
We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and
Delicious Candies.
Yours for a Happy New Year.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition, November 16, 1909
Portland, wheie he now resides, aeed, household furniture and other arti- LaUJt pelt. He killed the animal
Satu'day. Me mill owns his plaoe cies too pub..., vou..., above his place, a mre or fo, and
it bad toe longest iur or any
.fit of the 8 P de(nt. and says
at noon.
Terms of Sale Sume under $10,
cash; over 110, 10 rxonthe' time at
7 per cent bankable note
John urnscn, uwner.
J C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
E Bhute, Clerk.
ciw without compensation.
brought in this season
Chas. Rockstroh, formerly of
Cornelius, and now located at
Calietoga, California, north of San
Francisco, writes for a year of the
Argus, to keep him informed on
Wathington Couuty happenings.
Grand mafqueradc ball at Alpha
IiiM.K Fnhneider. of Leisyville Joint Installation exeroieeB ee n-n a.trfi.T eveninir. Jan. 22
was in Monday, and saye he doe celebrated at the Pythian Hall, I J910. Four pie orchestra. Prizes
not think Winter wbeai is very Monday evening, ana omuers ior or gU8tftined characto-8 Tick
...,,i, inmrml nut his wav. aa a re- the K of P. and Pylhian Bisters, ... twin Snertatore. 25 cents.
JihnU Yu'igsn died at the Ii me Luu 0f the fretse. However, he I were induced into office, Geo Kervbody invited snd a splendid
. t l ' .1 ... .1 La In I !.!. fA. Ik. L nlffhld and . . 1
i iih tiannts. Mr. ami mrs. a I ava ii win tats several ew ocnuimermu. iur mo ""6"- time nuaranieea.
Vungsn iu Hel ve' 1 1. Friday. Jan form a iust estimate, Mre. W. N. Barrett, for tte Sisters, .,..
. ". .. 1.. .li..-ii! iim.i r reu uiuuis n
M. r.mi The narents and Hie , a.K T..l.iin oeing me meiauiug umur.D
brothers and ! s sur
Dsn IUy,
wis over 10 ue
city Saturday
M... Fred Br Bethany, jjq says ih's is the longest m-di
s. Samuel 1 r. chi 0 . hmn.a am ,j h, hM e-er ,een it
M Nungen, Portland; R .l l nmnn'A he never saw ani
rii,nn and as he never saw any
Winters anywhere else, be must ue
n authority
n a A - T.
Afmrl r tea annis weni up duuou.
I . , ! . il. ir:n
. . 1 m irninD in uml iiih i iiiir
the ceremonies a uncneon was - "-. .
no . i .ia bnrn Lumber Co.'s LoBHinn; camp
eervel in tne noeiy appoiuvru wra - , , .
s. An oroheetra. consisting of "ur ' "f""--
Earl Doneleon and F. J Sewell P "8 oeen o.n .
.l '. 1 .1 .. all over the county, this Winter,
anil wi e. mrnisi e 1 unuiuwu, auu -
Mr. B. Shioman. of Forest Urove, "w,uk w ,ud vu,v" "
rendered several novelty numbers w. H. Taylor is fitting up a
August Iivegrsn, of Tao uns, on ,ne piano. The offioera install- building between the Homestyle
.ml who owns a lot of timber land .j ta. tu. Kniahts wers: Leo Per- restaurant and the Tamieeie ceua-
at 4S . I I a 1 .1 1 !1 . ' J3
n Weste-n wasningion to miy, 1 king( chancellor commanaer; rfesse eQt block, ana wm pm in a one
as out last week, looking ove- nts pplegate, vice; John Boeser, pre .took ol wall paper, wnicn win ar
Kniilinos in nays atxut late: Dr. W. V. wooa, master 01 r iVe here aDout r eoruary 10. rar
" ' ai r 1 i L I . i !.. tl a
n taxes each year in mis oiumy. exchecquer;Ueo, ewnuimenco, mas- Taylor says tnia win db me largeei,
lungnit. at home. Bi sides the im
iii"ilmt family a large, circle of
reiaiivi-s and friends mourn til"
loin. He was a faithful m tub r ol
the (irtrman R-f.rmid Chuich.ol
Helvsiia, and took an so'tvs inter
fst in Sunday School work and
lining I'enple'e Sooiely, anil hlx
fsiviois will ho Rreatly in'Hsed The
funeral seivioia were coniltictd by
IW IC Lihr. aid 'he
Villa I . ... I : .. . I. I I I .... I .. I . . L
c inn iu iiieii iyjih linm nHS at til ' C ilirv nuunn. i i- , j n (l ITotlal I moro uuuuaio uu wjmw
inry. J. j hlg ftrm m.erests near inner guard, snd F. U. He del ghown up thig WiQler d the
. Pleased was born in Swl z-r- u.sst drove, and saye they can't outer guaru. foothills of Washington Uounly
""d 28 veais ago. and csui" " I. u W.ahlnuton County. otluers ineiaueu. v-.. . f seasons Thu
America with the lamily in
C. B: Buchanan
Quaker corn flakes, 3 for 25 hnue and
n..,,. 1 , Pnrnn iu. WSS O0
vammoue. Mondav He will be
William R ,1)1), of near Center
ville, was in town Monday.
White House oolTrte we guaran
" every oan. Kmmott Bros
Horn, January 17, 1010, to Henry
Kuratli and wife, Phillips, a son
I..K Pnrdin of Portland, wa ter ol finance; John M; f Brown, shipment ever brought to Hillsboro
- . 1 1 .r Ha f a U S laimBB IW1 I I Mil IMtri a. SIM n lima
Ir","",u I , till. Ii irtfl I1I.V DUlUIUBIi wm I . . . m I
",F ' . 1 .nios skt sirna a 11011111. iiwi. 1 . . t
Mr. rur iitrr, uioni T V n h uT More boocata ana coyotes nave
'ythian Sister
Mrs. Carrie
lose tbei
pry into
Corneliu. was
Monday He will De a laowriu Moor6) maD8ger; Mrs Urnma Mo . b 0ftn find ehee
itcpitato market as eoon Kinney, mislresa ,01 records nu , Coml ,nt0 the
m tl.rrlnatnn. who tbinis mat mistress 01 una.., .-. ,
ta " n ail,- . - 4 .1 'I'Antn ai M a 1 ST
Oregon beats snd w no ureer i , "-I" county treasury
stands ready to prove V"' - vl,":; ... . V.;. ant There will be an explosion of
from his b'u, near wr r. .. -; - -- d9 f def- down fct
'I'1". . . , mness was unable to at the Linnton rock quarry a few
H. Cline, of near Laurel, was in , fa ffi WM fiUed by weeks from now, and the oompany
Born. Jtnurv 14 1010 tn Fred
n..i i ' . w .....
-oeranawiio ot lwa it..., . son. , Mf clln9 w?8 gheVae dieted in that furnishes the powder is to
norn, to Carl Wismer and wife, U, hauling wood to tne county . worir by Mrs Geo Schul send to New York lor a pnoioRra
of ner Bethany. January 15. a son. . it Fall befoie the roadB be- ' , w.. r a. Lomr. Uher to take a film of the smoke
n. 4. n mt xt.. itr. L.m. hid. Many Washington County peop!
of Hillsboro, January 14, 1910, a 0r.nt Holcomb, vMUng the past Thog Bailey, Walter Hamer snd will feel the jar and a number are
son .u. r "J ..IL ' ' u.ran..n V: r w-.i Union Lu.. i have the tax rolls talking of going down to witness
Rird and wife, Hillsboro, s dsugh in Springfield, Ore, Friday. 8 they added r na P f . Won ft w K q ftd.
wr, weight, 12 Diunds. lie W. B. Cunninghsm, prao doom ", " .,'inn Thi.will vanoe. Heie'olore the biggest
Rn. s.. ii..... . itntnr medicine at Orenoo. was in tne snenu .. hftg been about 26g HUckg of
lrons aTsilveVspo ' Hfor 'ldyn.mi.e.
Demand Loans
Other Loans
U. 8. Bonds (at par)
Other Bonds
Banking House
Cash and Due from
Banks and U. .
$'46,737 3o
16,060 00
136.581. 13
Capital and Surplus
Undivided Profits
$ 35,000.00
$437.3. 3
$437,032 13
HoBorvo, aaporOeut
Thoa. G. Todd John . BaiUy J. W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney I. A. ThornburS
Brisgen, J 00 H Howell, Fred Keller,
ames W Thompson.
Went Cedar Precinct Farmert Burton
H Albee, GeoT Brick ell. Geo L Baker,
John A Chapman, Chas W bllison, Mat
thew M Fitch, henry Holms, John Kos-
er, Peril Lauger, Thomas Hatthiesen,
lames K McPoland, Stephen M. foole,
Merchant Arthur W Hall. Uveryman
E G Hagey.
South Tualatin Precinct Farmers
Edward Boge, Nels J Christenson. J H
Collier, Louis D Finnegan, Fred Haase,
Edward C Mulloy, John W Moore, John
W Raynard, Joseph S Robinson, Homer
C Rogers, John Schmeltzer. William E
Smith, Siuiuel Phillips.
Gales Creek Precinct Fanners Wm T
Shearer, Francis White Jr, Jas L Ixving,
Wm R Doughlas, Wm Crowther, Mark T
Cox, Joshua J Adkins, Chas H Bamford,
John B Bateman, John R Greenwood,
Jolm I) Mickle, Joseph W McRobert,
Otto S Parson, Clyde T Ryan.
Burton Precinct Farmers Perry Bene-
fiel, John R Bailey, Walter'Hannan, Kd
waid Hutches. Martin Hart, Larl Her,
Samuel Paisley, Alfred L Stephens, Erin
Stowell, Cassius bcotiekt, William Hub
Dairv Precinct Farmers Chaney L
Bentfiel. Noah J Baker, Frank L Beatnis.
John F Carstens, Lewis Creps, Lewis L
Crawford. Anton C. Carstens, rank
Doolev, Albert rrHlay, unslavus w
Hinesl John A McCoy. John Ireland,
Kzra A Kins, Aioen fli mi. is.
Cornelius Precinct Farmers D Baker,
John C Buchanan, Lawrence C Brown,
Albert Bunn ng, Ora A Cook, Howard A
Duncalf. Gerbardt G etie, Michael H
Henderson, Adolf Honzaik, Edward L
lames, Chas Krahmer, James N Loudon,
Carl Tfahl.
Gaston Precinct Farmers Herman
Btaun, O'.iver G Carnahan, Henry M
Dames, Frank M Hill, Ernest Herr, Wil
lis A Johnson, Herbert D Matteton, Tell
Soule. Archibald A Walker. Louis Wil
cox, Finley M McLeod, Berthold Fleis-chauer,
South Forest Grove Precinct Farmers
James E Baldwin, Orcellus L Doaoe,
John A Elder, Wm M Hsrris, Orson W
Isham, Houston B Johnon, Clarence L
Perry, Joseph P Starkweather, George O
Sloan, John Templeton. Retired John
W Fuqua. Jeweler John A Abbott.
East Butte Precinct Fanners Wm
Bottner, Thos Cork ill, J T Downing, J E
Howsrd, Emil F Heilman, John Jami
son. Bvron G Leedy. Isaac Leland, Sid
ney Miller, William E Shaver, George
Reedville Precinct Farmers James
Borwick, John Carlson, Eugene W.
Dant. John H. Ellison, Wm J Ingram,
Geo W Miller, Andrew Pierson, Joseph
North Forest Grove Precinct Farmers
Henry T Bnzton, John Beyer, William
.a . ' tt : .1 ... tr t.
IV v.urr.18, ncury ihviu, mniiucw v i ni1
ton. Franklin Thatcher, Wm Weston
Merchants Edward J Boos, Elmer
McNutt. Drueeist Charles F Miller.
Banker Edward W Haines. Teacher
John T Fletcher. Real Estate James C
Clark. Contractor Hiram H. Clark
Start the ita Year
By buying' Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
t t
He has the finest selected stock in J
Washington County, and his prices
will convince you that he is selling
lower than his competition. When 0
you are iu Forest Grove call in and ((
see this mammoth stock of clothing, 1
dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes,
and gent's furnishings. a
You can have the Operatic, Popular and Senti
mental; The Classic Concert Selections; The
Sacred Hymns; The Grand Harmonies of the
Great Bands and Orchestras.
Have them without delay. Come in and see me
about sending a Victor right a long to your home
Come in and hear one the next time your are
in town.
LAUREL M. HOYT, Victor Atfent.
amaQott Bros is urug bm