The ILLSB6R NO. 44 HI LLSHOKO. OREGON, JAN. 13. 191 a u - zt vl- , , : . .1 p,rucd by vrr K-m. non.Chrit""" trv4 "t Vr' I" 'tUUiiT tbt Stair (hkman. .i til,..,, in ninllin. I Km irlf of Mm and whu I" "... . .... u. it, Hummer of l'.MH. ik. rear of tin h. 1j00. ,nH..i.lhlof Auu.l ... ol thai year. "'J "1 ''J , "i f" ,.a-i'i V no have good r-upply iif goid hard burimd brick, and build log block f if cellar n il found linn Try our building block tor your hou foundation Cheaper than C"tlieil or bri k ami blte protection aamal froit. V have titiiahetl utir ion t.f !fg ami ara aiiain rum.ltitf on nniir ri nl liavr a fair am.ply at th yard I'arti wauling tiln uV.tvtirrtl hot.l I iilara lhir order now no w i ran haul them Imlori, had wea.lier I'here i alaay a ruh i f haulii p onixra In the rail when road e alni"l ttipaine n navn a ih um1t if rouuh ami dirwd luwlwr al our mill, ami a utiiii) .if riiiniiiori 1 ii iij I r at lha lla ai.ur 'miliar Newton, til latter t ill at a aacntic '2T2. 2iH 2i'I Iti 1 1 10, H(! ami III cf varloii lenthie This in ell g'rfxl dry elm-k, and it will pv yu t u v CUIUS ALLOWED il Guinty Giiniiiihhioners Audit String of IIiIIh UIIU AND COKONtK BILLS Caurt la la tala Apia Tadaj Wucb Huniam K CJ Hrown. roroner'a fee tri 7 W Itamra, J I' f'es " Tho H Tongue, dirt atty oihce.... ao oo Dr J M Cramer, county court....- 5 " J W OwxIin.cojH-tKeaal &txp...ll 9" A A Morrill, aurtryor office JJ 7 j 1 ntiitnv.. - l'ac Hlatra trlciihone co, c h phone II 55 wuh co y .t i ... ..1 k, ..(Tin- no.... 77 17 M f' ( ' . hMl ult travtlliiK ti lu 45 fir A It.ilev. relief ami - II 5 IlilUWo Uvery Co, livery ti e... 5 oo Atva. c h tulipliea - 3 S llill.lofo " crintiiiif 3 -r. t ......iMu unit rftllrCt I ly uauiry, ""'"ft Idk ami clrrk'a oflice - 7 m u II...... ...... ml collect-... ao 50 Ir W T Wiliiannoo. circu t court 50 oj l)r A It ISU'.ey, circuit courj y I.iuht A WaU-r Co. Ituht - ml water m3 " Tax I tia c mnly court m bivtiiR t'tmy Wm Tu,)lJrr; "c'h janiUrr 5 00 in mth.anii aumin'ilwl tnin, today, willit l.elaml. reconler al A riep.183 20 . I I 1 !,l.n rir cmirt - V 00 to ta uo the January "on. i.i.,,Unt. auooliea.. lr 46 00 ...,.,;, ,1 .UP. .11,, I f.,llnwf : vtr Ii Wiunl lirallh ofiicer 104 $ . ,. w nn iiii. uraiuivi bh ......... - JU-Ucfl court, (i. W. tiarneH Itate Ut Aid Society... Fd Willie, Mate UREK THOUSAND LES THAN 1908 Roll for ltKM) is Segre gated for Payers VUCATIOS LESS MILLIGE LOWER Cimpiratli StaUmeet ef Veara la GWte tbc - 1 Thia veer'e In. letted IbI t. ihs board of coufltT comDiion ere, aff.rde total of t3 6i44 iee ihan the le?T made year (Rf tk IpK) Uwafor 16mill8tn . valuation of $12,653 068, and af- forde 1 a total compulation of $188 305 even, abile tbia year tbe tai fmnuted makee a total of fio. r . . . 6IJ0.25 A comparative euiemen High Quality Drug Store YOUR PRESCRIPTION! Where Will iou u f5r- ft 1 U T li.r.lnrf Aid Society -l 00 tt-nti Ht.t v Uaac Wa.hlniton Comity News, print... 7 5 hit -' i .. . i u ti...l.. ,,ttr limine v fhould j u -ant any o! Smith, Hiaie v Frd V iIIih, Htte 1 j,,,, Tcl Co c h piMie- 7 .1 .li... ..,.;.,.. (i.i,ni. ltd I? .......... I U'l,..!t I'l.riinnr'a 1 i, n, r.wlmin aiaesior'a ollice.... 3 llir." IJII(l'ltl"" - IV Itlf IIK'tKI , - I .. ' r.U Uo,rkU..U. It HI. I. .ro. k ,.,u ()f jS(,u0 j!(,a m Heart- Syjo '"a.ii .oiVt...-1oo A ritcu'af i linu in ,.y and Arnold Haniaon IUhj l'harmacy, c ti & j'1-- " ie here given to abow howtheUxef .,,1 arouml Hrhll l iU.rJr Ireland reoorfd De . r' ;,r .it,... 7 so f t. v.ars aDolv to the vartoua at i74 30 and Clerk j'no Witt, ' " XH " rA. Brule reuirU IKc c,l!e:tione at ""'Iw" i 'un": 5 75 HKXl-Valnation. $15,385 855 I'C tfl j - i " ' 4 Hugh Roger.. lep .Heriff.. W oo I37 72093OO I f-o i; liHticiK ic. iiienn j I . . oi Him rixxi i ..1 .... ....i.i .... i; w '.a. ---- . .. iviau ait jmr j.-miuu ... ftrt.m, and It contain a Cnergr ihat the Argu i m oina manner ii.n. a uh.h iil to re!'iri IroUi - i rtiitmii Mr. ein-troui UU iiinta Of r-ouren, Hi inuemlolei IIIIM" . 1JV. - ..." . t''.M " "- ' out tru Tb aiitbi r appriwd idy w wtatill e I . . i . l 1 ... f Ariiii would not 'iut the i - - - - - I in, i-atii.n le-aUfB utU tlie f.- i.f it it ai liliellou. ' ler , .... h Amu Icti'l looking for a jcliaiiio t'rov tb truth or Mity . I anemtioh. a lli Mi are i fien eliiftirive to new t,air A tiewl"' caniHH ai I . . .... i her Hp tharac'er tf tbe cbarR li. .,.n,. Lie al a in Ciiuro- I i.lirM Ir.iin Wtnctl Id I ter clear. I.'W "1 "5 oo o, 890 5885 jail eil-eo......- - w 0,4 73fi0 . . . Art I 1 rou CO',", 1 We have filled over 6000 prescriptions during the past , tVioca have heeti for ser . M O rC L. ( I 1 If I M 11L J I Lli VkIV year. '"","...1"" ,h AmnAeA nrxn cor- lous cases 01 ihuwj, h.i. r- . firipiitv in fillme them. We never forget ICvl 11 VOWS . . . w - - , . . . : ttiic tnttpr Donbt is never ai- . onr responsiuuuj i" ... Tt,-,-ar. . " . Jnnifimitit 1 hp re are lowea to emcr um pu.i- r.. , , .r i j u r,rA Vmrrv nnrl carelessness are no aOUDlIUl uruga 111 11, 11 j t iinnn the medicines we mA..A. O I i HI! I'l 1 111 I A 5 L. UWUl , . . .. UCVtl ui.w 11 . ' .. x v t, i,;ct t- whom vou can bring vvc aim w tut ,j - . . e : o until rvrtpct COu your prescriptions ior serious .av t,.v. r hripnrp. . We also carry a full line of Druggists Sundries of nvtra minhtv. We have Dainty Stationery, Fragrant Perfumes and ieiicious vauuica. Yours for a Happy New Year. Daniel I'lery. circuit court Indigent 1538 5855 . . . . . ri . . Kanlern lnvemtneni kj ' iniei i mj, i.." - - , . i 1 u... 1... I.I ll.r,. Cn .lallonerv 4""l... given tai relu.,,1 o lM .-i. ana --; --- - 7 oo UDftry, Bberifl Hancock a reiumi olllill n K Kindt, wit grand jury o Tl. e . indir in authorll -d r,a it.,- 34 01 i i ! ... i... ' . li.t 7 oo lit r ll'un .ill i.i.i.u .. i - j 1! S Crocker 'J, palatini I f J. C to adv-rii" Dmtricl No II .' Koncial lvi of ichoul dlHtllOt HrH ordered olac d on tax roll a I)it 47. inill. 14; Pet. . . ... HI. A I. Ci7. mill. 0 4; lit .i mine, w , Dint llll, mil la. 0 2; 03. mill. 0 2; Dint ?., nulls, U3; uibi c, mrv r Co. at.tionerv -149 5 BAIUEV GREENLY llert Daktiian violou h' i H '' H'"'"1 hadlmu f.i.od.anl bid cut noJ top b b i U br'itt llweco. Wah Tiy In I i! qaarreU, ando . lb i.n' d tbe knlmK th-y arl. a!ier lie Utf al tbe pol rjflivi' l-i t ' h" 'irtor Ii a loon, and ff-mi lbr In the alley, and'fiabl it out" llerti.ett had wiveral timo bippd tlakmao. but lh laiter aUay 1t l'i:k ," the I5(thl Al er a bio i atnick Uaktun planned a kntf" 'l" BaU'aiogularanJhaMI. tkmn then ru ay, and H-nnml fiK Kr.i lo hi feel, and "l, wbeie hetire.l in a fe minute. Mr Tmieti recbm tb tnjula tu a liraibni)( It leal. Onkuttn went to I'orlUo.l Hr' re ni.iiiiiiK ll uiHt t lite i I. (-, ami In Hie umwuhik. rarlr. eiiime " Vo.U.ud, Hopid l the H..ri; k lrm . ' r'. .i .li. I ...I. !rf lor lute in em ur , n and tliit ruc.l blm lo le lm" lle tmle a fr niilr (urdie.r and tU' .V hit whirl, walaiiitf into from there he went In Wa.tro, Hie Co'uml.m, where hr ct,tu,r't ,,v ll.n iii.ii, a 1'oHUnd delrrliv link went lotii.l.f H ii'"'-" fen-tinn. After the jmy d ! "' quelled he .ijiecd U Jled l" inu der in the aecimd drr.e, SiUU accepted bv the ite, a 1" k",,c i y f ' When the Oregon Klectric freight a al ihedejxil.Tureday forenoon, the re! owe cugbl on (ire Tie train crew lele,boi e l to tbe fire ,...! .,,! then hacked the ii vyn i . ii..-.", trolley up to the firebail. l e e the! i,ociilnv eo'n had tr oi. th. HilUboro believe in being mex'e-o. and W not eveiy city that call have a lire on wheel backed up lolhettre ileparinieni f,,r ouuk action Tie train m thanked the departl elit Very Cor dially lor their active w.irk, ami it i, i.nua.ed thai the Oregon Klet l,K. ail) ai.w H'f fiftnen to ride en He .hey pre-ent little niece of pasteboard which re kept en eale at all b local. lickel idlicea. llrant Holcmb, ebu killed more der perbape. than any Other oi e ,,, .ho.ver lived in Washington ...... i,nir.t locatid a' SnringtWd, l.aneCnuutV. la op lor f..wdyeiay al Weet Union and Hh.ny, "here hi mother and u...i..,.rt.i.t i iroir.ii right alont!. iiuntieio II real eetal buaioeee . ami cava that all iiown ni , ., rtv i moving ntceiy. 11 .1:1... ..nlanii once a,.lH nut aim an in awhile .lien the waron open fail Vr, nl In low Neton, . nut a waterina tiougli ,i,h an atl, badly cut one of bn f,n The wouu.1 l a very e.. nd will give Dim v iueiuc..- and lhal wateitng aniiiethira Hfl"re 1 fL in aarh w v pupil ff fchool aee... 702 000 r. ..I t.,nA bl Mii Th above ia in full ol a twelve at a ions Valuation. H2 653 C68 n... $4017173 i t;t.... Married, at high noon, Faturday, uouniy g Jan. 8, 1910, .U . "uu 'u l. 47 703 93 b'ide'e brother. E. 8. Getr, o! Sou b toonly ecniot o734 T., Mr Kmmt Greenly, Of touniy rou , ... i, ii n.ii.o Ti,!. ... K. whi on a 15 mill Ui iiiirn an l mr u. ' I - - of Bouth Tualatin. Rev. Fieber Uvy The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. WILLIAMS KEFFER milli. 0 5 ... : ,.,J I llin ami lieu i - .. I ..r.ninff th cwremonv . I .. li. ....Hal I, nr. mi u uj rs"3:,:4,y C ;.- ' Mr. and Mrs Bailey were the re- tAr-onlonT ' I'atteraon 7. J Icipients oi mauJ, . ' ' j I . w:n f Arleta. and I. Andrew 7. I jameioo 4 ., v. M fnl nreeenie. A uoumruun 1 iu " ' T ' , n 1 - Ad.l s 4: w w ti-tr 4 . i' L 'akfast was served by Mr. K 8 Miei Mabel Keffer.of near Glencoe, W '':!3""Y?KUm. Tho.e present were . and eldeet d.ugmo rH iimmeiicu 1 , "v l ... .., p e Geer. Iwrencc ur leaner Keuer, were uut'u. .. 4. C C Ncla... 4a, Cha. W Btoooj Mr ami Mr., h S Oe. . w.fc Mf M r . JMpei N . ,.. ti.?.. ii.iie to. l'eter Chtmten- A. McConnahay, I)elia llailey AMie ano j. Marcotte. of .. - u-'ill.. T.eer. Kex. uaulia, lira" noou, ....... Cbarle. Greenly. Portland, OfbOiatr Dg, Cieo. auK Durina th evening many friends .be nuptials with the beautnui and n.?RhKr. c.lM to Jw the riog ceremony. Miss Berth. Ream "wly wedded pair'Uiod Luck" attended aa br.deematd and L-e Tb, hatuv couple will make Williams waa groomma-. Th . . . a r. 1 . ..u h na nai lihlh kuu their home at Mr. 15 iiley e larm, nnae were pi 1 hf,ir. . l! r HilUhnro. where iBd a bououet of white carna- oGal- aiiieaeiu.uwaw. y. . --" - . atrrim DUved jKUWUiN" rU' KVw'eddin. march from Mendell- . . . C v i Kiteei 10. a timr jiu i - . . . ten 5 Grand Jury n n n ...... J A Thortitmrgu ,5 e-" o T S l;imer 51 H),i;eol'iewllig54 Clu K I'otU 54 40, A H l'liipP S4. C L Crocker 51 4 Sjjecial Jmymen Clark Hewitt J. K.ed Colfelt 6 80. J B Cimino 6. K S.v;e o, 1. .o.e . w-. Wanted For Spot Caah ..J thn Mtrnmnnv was tier r Ia n.r a h-antiful 8ral luruicu mmw. - - arch. The bouse was u"7 e 7 ao, John Boge 10 . 40. H L rum J Schmitke 4 4". V Klot 3 60. 1-Miger 1, cnarie i.u"-i" arcn. 1 110 "m i -u n' 11 1 .1 r 1 ... . rt ..i 1 . . nl .tin n .ur miiu w iiu v. ' i omall well Itnproveu lariu, iiuu. arcoraicu "" - --- ... .......i.t w i.steveniai o. A "ooau, weu .. A hiant tul wedding 11 iv uuiu r'3 ; .. i,,wnnr direct, uerurioo imj.v.- mru -- - . , t-.rUrn,54o. ?, ''LllV. Tr,Lv . Running water dinner was served alter congratu k HofUrber 14 J ; r,,- " ... j 7 j . .-r. ,hi nffi i.tinn- were tendered. .. . . fc.. 1 rviiertf i. v. n,.rrrii n iu rpn v., - i . 1' l IkftlU 44 w " ' ' " " ' Shaiicr Jl 60. n...i-u fWrmliiiH. was Sicll Jurymen Jftooo duu o.r, , . C Uehaif 1 A lutchel.r 9, Oacr tn Argui caller Monday. j.coh. ,.I; K .b..u 9 V'7.' MiM Vivian Brown, of Berin. liemv naaiaise " 7 a . i 5( . .-u,ivee and friends in Uiihui uul 6, S misicv o, rmi "-.- r: town me ura. u .uo J. A. THORNBURGH President THOS. G. TODD Vice-President JOHN E. BAILEY Caahier Forest Grove NATIONAL - BANK FOREST GROVE. OlE. Statement of Condition. November 16. 1909 Demand Loon Cither Loans U. 8. Bond (at par) Other Bonds Banking House Cash and Due from Bank and U. S. Treasurer $146,737 3o 60,306.10 - 25.coo.oo 5.347-5 16,06000 136.581-13 Capital and Surplus Undivtdea rronis Circulation Depoaiis f 35,000.00 15,000.00 374.570.44 f437.03'3 $437.03 13 Rosorve, QOporOent TilRr.CTORS Th a. ToAA John E. B.iUy J Tuque, Wilber W. MeEldowrney A. Thoraaburg IH'11U1"I..I u -j , ,, The following received fi. . H M C Kurlll. Iliroi" on",". Will Adauia, Peter ryi. Circuit Court Witneaaea C lller 6, K C Brown 8, L A Rood A ..L. 1 .o .7. 6 Bo. V B CUrk 9 . ' . till Wanted: fl l. W.fR? Mr. and Mrs. KeHer, jnanra; ... and Walter Keffer. Mrs. Bettie W illiams and Leo Williams, of Rand; J Mr. and Mrs. Kearu, uerina. rreu, - Ream, of Gresham; Mr. and M'S. Beach. Fred, Frank and Henry Beach, Wood Choppers to CUt Kw,ick, Mr. and Mr. Fher, Katie : and CU ..w ft from 1 to 500 co da of wood. w. K. MuUoy, Mulloy Station, on Oregon Klectric. it w Mnnr will ocen a new I one trouble 111 WO Donelaoa 6, A B Bailey o, t a r.- gfocery m tbe rymian iu..u.uF, " w . .. .....i n:- .j vli Hud 1 . . ri- 1... Innn.rv rose Bcuuiiouu 1 Soond Street, oaiuruay, Du'cr 3 a. " nowuian o, v i "' , ie .111 handle all imas oi .. . . w PI.... LU1UT V. UlO 1. 1 miBHI""" "i i ,0'. . -i U P I, W..M10IH1 H- Hil hi u 1 HTUUllOlia 14 CT O, w ... , u.n.nll I OnUUUU uivw, , , . , t .J.. . ... u U...MI.I1 6. W 1 KavniOui. , .,, , j. .n VinHa nt fancy ard staple lines r. .,i m, n W. Bath de !' ITZVfc S B Vincent j t- Meea. Cal.. for an extend- i TKav will vi"it ha it. . - ... hi i, rtiiuM..." i . i i.l: 11. A IS ' . i .n ii., P I) Kiimoii C.,1 i ihrougn mm . - lOu.i wim... - . - - ; . M clt,,d tl,. aonna. ... ri- jo, , ".:Vl.Ma, 6, Wm L Da ui a dmnir as wen " """-...-. it-mard Bel linill a w I ' . a. WuHiilf.1 III Ik' H U w . ,., cry imii p ... Granu jury .i.. f adver.ieing matter, wh e ch P , ,,, c 3 w . ig kindling, Monu.y. ' . jwnf. l.illey 3 Bo. Koy u'uey j c 1,tendonS of Ho a 1 o. Turk . i .,,), bv Dr A ' "" Koaiia iik"""J"7, "., m s tM.Ueit 0V ' , , . niav ...n. v.iekeit 8. H bmith , N & n s s. ; tarj .i -ill ... 8. ' W , .laa H Sewell 7 6o, . i?:.,i... Air t'lemem. inumn n S" " m-' A f.V Strekm. Mattie . W Wt of Idaho; Mr. and M Berry, Mrs. J W. Grace ana rrana jttnvu,--j" Mr. and Mr, w ras.ey m . . T. II. ..n lev, airs. v.. r. m.j. Mr. and Mrs wuuaiuo wi. ; i Pnrllann. . . . . At VU1..HIIIUI 111 . W . .-- . upwt, . , and tbe happy pair uv a .!iln M tha wishes of a nosi oi iuuu. lu.. filMnrof-Shadv Brook Bection, where both are wen ana '""""'J known. Thornes while in the South. For sale: Cow, with call; heife , hull. 20 monthB IlDBaJ PWI wvaw' old; g od new wagon, 3J; new due Prongue, Witch Hazel Station. 45 vii! V. V Rliwera tie Dopular aiui ii . -- , pastor of the Forest Urove unne Start the lien Year By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon PUBLIC SALE The undesigned will sell at public ft toller farm, at Helvetia, three and a nan mnee northeast cl Ulercee.a wa ui,uu SATURDAY. JANUAKl TL Three horses. 1300, 10 to u yn oA yearling heifer; a brood sows, 1 haa CO.UID. J 1 r Kiaiik Itcinii-H, killed by Hiikiiniu found on llrnm-lf peraon hv ler. Judge Mc Bible eenteni-ed . . . 1 ... in r...l the hull WH coroner 1.1 . 1.1 ... - ... ....... ......... , - ... ( . ..... .1..I1 ..M. .1.11 over 111 lecture wnne n i . . . cree il can tnul me oine idea llml at aoiue time the oe leuiUnt would receive a perdon. Bennett's fnllier and mtlier iikh with the state tlmt pleading t'1it'1HOl10 ''. degtec would he projH-r, ami tl',fi,'V,. ineut wa made ly DiHrU't Atloiny lUrrUon Allen, ... Hi father bck in Monim iHli, J has been trying everttlme tog' ' uian out, and it w only ChnKiim. i'v, through Attorney lluaton, tint the re lease came, Wild ft ro uii I hva lili saw Mil win Jetleraon uu. r , m- - , paBtor ot tue roreei Three ho. , o,l o - poo . into eh v-wood, row ,11 Ba 50 Nel. liftD church) wiU cccupy the pulpit " S ne living m the nmgbh ;r- Axvi of the Hillsboro Christian church, .ve.r,iB 'od ,f Farmington or U' Oregon A Wa.hnguH r. 7 1 :new spring So w.rk done mi cam.line en 9BridgeH Lur p.rso n S tivers is sn eloquent epeaker. Mr. '3 topbu8gy,01d spring , wagon, All 0 w " ...... . ,.,ke ..., euel 13. A d wu 5 ""..-.... v,eHt fi rove at the W"B. 'u t huirav harness. Will "." ,..." .Groner A Howell 4 nuru Pr"' w." h.,rw. olow. 14 same ume. .eitivator. mowinK machine. 1 . .. . V i.nnu lUl"! " . . I irton, t)re , iv uum wy -, -c a BUbacriner mmrms 6," new hay rake, bay wck, spray puu.F, .v . ...... f tt.,r Hedar Churchill J55- . ,u i. n, TIrd has a BIS-.m notatoes. W lbs. clover seed, tare 11..1 n . liTe", u - u.lief A B iwocj o. . -- i VUB.H iu - - -----v -,r- . .v -Mi, other arti- ,, : . Uat iheBohtutdtft M- :-Mirtta vamkhey o. -U,, in Ontario, L'anacia, ana "tii. Lunch ,ini, " , ii' ....... f..i i . l w Koiii" ":- : it.,, utnnk hiiRinflFB Boms- -'" iiu,.h store, on in" wreB . V,-il' Co 43 10, Robert orotuer .o at nQon ' I f ii -n,i brokeoneoi " moan ao, where In ha item uregon. Mondy.pj"V"(i Dr. A. B Jenney . Neli Berren $, 6o, N ?B that the father sold out hi. h"')-of Ki' oture. ,, .rUlZUt6oNAn.nTjnnoc .ttlffS" Greenville, for 11.800. ; He has the finest selected stock in Washington County, and his prices will convince you that ne is seinng lower thau his competition. When you are in Forest Grove call in and see this mammoth stock of clothing, dry goods, groceries, hoots and shoes, and gcut's furnishings. t i 0 J a ; 1 1 - -i a. 11 . ON FEDERAL VENICE noon. i l d . I . Qn,a nniAr S10. 1 band Dr- A. B JroVi4ue.t-Ne.. B.rgren $, 6o, N lh father sold ouj . hU .1 iced the fracture. Jackson 6o AU.n Ting near reenv;lle- fo ffl 7 Sent, bankable note : flirl lor ge. ami hoosa- Comeliu. N Jajj. i 6od was never afterwards heard 7 per c 1 ,G 5u" onlv -Mrs. --ed I'n S?t;o Laraau, Chas trom. , Kuratll, AuoUOneer. . K Shute, Clark. Donee oi , Bailey reduced the fracture Wanted: Uir. . r, - - ork. l" L A Htraet. Walter 1.?UX?Z F'aci hrteen r" .,..; SS4 A L Nelson nnten Thoa Telepmno, "'" " Ui so.eactn w h.,. u ... .. m.:. .rnimltUBIl,n" ,r. . nf Norm 1 ia."Di llrriau"i ..itr&r.Mr. Kin- r,LC Wheaton. XUnrg;o8c.rU.MU.Chas Carted. K Kliuger. 6o waein theo.iy iu-"v- . ,. juror r sh, pBon. GeorKe ,Br i u taring from an inaii lve() (l each. , l K R tion which r-uuiree nm grtj-VM1 ..,, in the noi aie witness J P Conn me Mfl Hewitt, the carpenter,!- JSo.eech mon .i.-honsemoving buBinees, Wescott, Rey v'ev. Henrv loues. Bitii in .Knildlnnto move, wuue, jo" -- . .i ir nii haveabuiuung .,.. P rcult court --10. 00 b m f r an estimale. iWho-me, c J 15. C Mulloyard 7""ow tSih Tualatin, cj. H.llBboro's snovfall waB pnB Ti, .aiiav. , u J , Diieciriu, .J--- , oftll. ma nmi ut i sj- - tu James McDmald, of Toledo, was in town ine nrei ui uo w,v-. . . r l:. k.ntkor. n. . Will. no1! oi ui-, ui"""" - Tuppar. Mr McDonaia uvea near Dilley 35 years ago, and since leay .. 1. k.a .r.t bhavi hi TL. e.ll! M7.,l,i..ntiiri RotintV 1I1B lUllOWlllg , Bniii-p,- - -. people were dran on lh Fnlerai jury.aa taloame i on mo ii" Blnger Hermann case, to meet in Portland thiBweek: Be"j. Bchoi 8 Id, H ChalUoiirole W K. Mor t n, Frank Crabtree, J. I. Hibort. - 1 kl I'.iloe J 0 Bmock, J. J. Hearii, m i " son, Austin Buxton. Mark C-x J I). Michle, Robt. AleitniKr, 1- Llttlehales, W, B Halnw, A. Thomas, Milton York.N L Wilfj. Pete- Wag. er and R. A. Bamford 0 Z Or- rou Home, was Tuesday. in WhSioeevHeJouea V A Baliey,njc -...-- : - fi 00 flluag flt rruuuouiuit, v - rr : liaas court wit., ao 5 wr i .. J ao 5 Mr Lucy Nealy, ' 0 W Bamea. - - W J Btiiner, comu...- -, JUO MCL.nia" SQJS a T I TVIU1IU Ut 1 a - s ' l",,t"n. . ;:7.,d 1447 w D Wood, inquest,....... .- s " . . '..,.; nlivniriiiu..r.., 10 00 Dr A SCuroeuii vw. x-i MARTHA PULLEN . i T. O f..ik Dilley 35 years ago, ana eiuco pore8t urove, ur., Jan. o ina the county has not seen hie Jftne PulleD aged 83 years, dud at .... u ,..,.H Klia TuDDer, .u. nt John Lee in this a eieter of Mr. Tapper, and both be oU ,wterday. Mr. PulUn .i Kia if were well known in I im.n in Iowa. October o lot auu 1 wu. m - iU! ..!., QVianrnaaAfl the Plains M) VKBKOLi U1D ' I . , ' o. . F. W. Pribnow, down from the in the early day 1. one u 1. . ... it a a aana irrHHii 1 t 1 imi m 4 unvau - ' We e. m -"-- " Waah : Sarah Lance. i0 the Winter time wnere , n . .73- Wm; PuUen,Tu.- being juH Deiween ne eu..w ; A M Pollen. Portland one side ana, uie h S .. ; 7 - , , m, u. held cther-but this Winter re y. -" "VV w the .1 t V d.i.-kr LiinnH f-AriV U LUUUUnli m mere ne o.u , on the Sand v road. Ki.comber. v--., 1 FIT EYES WITH PROPER GLASSES There is only one kind of glass, or lens, that your eyes require. Any oiner Kina is apt 10 uu them an injury. I fit each eye separately by unerring tests that reveal every defect. My knowledge of the human eye is sufficient to insure that you receive the glasses that you need. LET ME EXAMINE ' YOUR EYES 1 There is no charge for advice, and my charges are as small as the quality of the goods I sell, can be sold for. LAUREL M. HOYT, Victor Atfent. 4-