The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 02, 1909, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    PACE S
4 '
- .a-. . af av-a. a
oiii.jna 1'iano aycrs
' To to w , f -
- McCo.'f!vs Msic Store
. During tins Specia.1 , ,
...we will allow 2 for tvcrv In" 7 H' 10 day
t... i nc pianos arc i,rJ..i . .
purchase made at thU lim. .. "ice, and a
Amount which c rl "l "f " .MvioK of
We want to sec you i..f., .
llr.mch 4. iri nakcS oft'i:","s:
Siith t Barnes
Haftett & Davis
.(-."r.00 f"1"" fi'W choice ia-
1 'icl'' uf "o1 'y', where ihe
mil, . w,lh us- We nuke terms 0fp-,v.
S n1:M,C TBicDce of Ur Vomers. &
''P Elector for our customers. Y
rcquTs? CDCt 80licitC1, CataloKcs furnished on
Date S.t by Pythlaos Is Mon-
aay Lve, Dc. 1.1
, vna.tct, t
Dalle, Ctaltg
ri8 rcI P.lhUn- ... .
for . ...n " I "PI
- - oii 1 1 Ills Whan Ik.. m
.1.1: , . . " win
" . TrMwh".oo8ond
"""BB " of Mondar.
Mfnfre, of The D.ll. i. .l J
V... . . . ' B U
"".will arrive hnm. i .i
jtHtenj al tba an.m-i.. ...
. . o, u
baf. Uao loflud to ba b
tteodanca aod it I. ..j
n log or 175 m 11 n..tiK...
ArraogetneoU hara Un mad
- 't ut banqoat, athiob wi!l
mu li ,an't. t IbaCom.
All I'Tthl.n. ...
o ai to r
Jade his
4th St. Portland
XaV fin Vv-':-,-
I - fg III Iy
JiffiSt After Dark
J huly descnbci the brilliancy of this
) lamp for electric light,
f With the tame amount of electric
! currentiti wire filament radiates from
wo to three timti at much light ai
"ie ordinary carbon incandescent.
Ute Tungiten Lamps in
Your Home
They will cut your light bill in two?
or, double your illumination without
extra -coat Try G.E. 40-watt
lamp at first it consumes Wfifth
eectric CHfrent and ia twice as'
bnHiahl as the 16 candia power
wii Muip you now use.
A vnrv nmlla l ... ...
' , r -'w muuib wrtauiot waa
'olemoiird .1 tha k , 1 :
af . IV JaAkA .A 1 1
25. moo. .rmr
::.?.r. .J'V'U c -onlid In
1 1. i i .rDMI w- Lit
we J ran in J.,kn .w.
L ' W1 Al clock
ib- march from Lobaogrin
and the young ooople appaarj 0
r-- Miiuwni OT HIM Ma-
ul . craam U.oriatt-, afiaa Orao.
of .bit. .,"o?ou.,
'Drew from Ika .....J. ...
, w biiub Aiiar
tbaieranaoDT. Mr. and Mrs. Haaa
.1 ii . "s'a'olatioDs aod
tk k uouuaiaocbaon
"tad a,,h War, fero,
Unfm and cut papar and tba floral
tributo to the brida and grorm
Tlie brirl la Ik. tki.j j .
of Mr ad Mr. Jackson, and ha!
a II l 01 irmnda in tkl. .1.
ho -itond to bar tba tail of good
rlHhaa Ik.. J . .
rwim ! ih-; Toorgaat r0 1 of Ulrlch
bar of the ft mof Haaa A. Haaa, tb
tar ail I I..... 01. a . .
.uwu onanaan dragg ia.
II fnrmarta j a " ..
northwest of Hilleboro.
The gueau and praeenta Underad
ririrh Hauaa Uill-l .... a .
knife.;,.. .l.n.:V ou"
ri " ... , '"""m, oil
l llnl M loll .,,,1 f....;i .
humeri in... L11 ..j
11 ,, 1 r-'-'-i Minnie Morn .
HillMlKiro, iof cuihion; Mr. Samuel 1 R
Mr. .ml M. I Uf 1 1 I
( )' Mr ....I u iif.... . '
Wraooe, ber,y .poo,, ,nd o
Mr. 'anil Mr. rk.. n-..A . """
- .. 'v...., naiirra, uieiicoe
it i i V. 7' an. Qto
He k IF. C rnivwi a.i l..u .
... - ' " ""-u uiaira: air
wiPir abelt; Mr. and Mr. Clyde LIW
. .. ' r;. """ ''e"PO0ni: Mr.
it ait or ataf Ma. t..:. L. r . . '..T. .
iTi .. . . .mer,
, : ,-""". aaiaq ati; Urace
- .. , .. t. uuia 1.IDCOI0, CUM
'!.?d..,?,,!!,,,.0,u ,0B' r ai
J. ",Hl nana, noun aiadale
rt) llllir Mill' Mr u .1 7 '
Moutimiiid.le. .ft ...r .
Mr.. u.k. . . .
rnl but were not in attendance: Mi
, Wa. H"l.,,r .Ue..;
Ti: . ... T n w, er-i
. . . -,"'i. laws, ae aiifa.
I KIKliii Iowa, bntter knife; Mr. and lira.
. -'nu. vuiu iucbIK lorgr
Mm. Onrinna Mill., a.i.
cake ilftfr; Mlswa Amanda and MinaU Mil .1. II . .
.--......., .... mwtVl UIITC M(i
Ojhera in attendanca were: Grandma I
r. anu Mn. Iha
II... luii.i . 1 i . J9um,
. . ' v "cu" ""coin, mm aad i
Jesaie Jaekaon; Mabel, Ethal aad Walter
1 1 unM.1 D.IJ.k A .1.1 1 ... . '
"" "mwioo, nazei ana Hel
en Hunter. Maud e Morrill, Milton and,
...JI..IUI.U a9, IlllllllurO.
Mr and Mra. Haaa lft
IhIv f,ir ftaaltla In .L.l-
j - -ww rfBia lUolr
'wm, ni.vt Of
tn arill taka nn 1 k.l. ...u
1 T J. . mini loaiunuoo
In 9k.. Jan k. . 1 . . I . .
iu uuniiiini, nunrn . Will DA at
k. I lL.1. 1 . 1
uuuio u tuoir irivnua.
Santa Claus has
head quarters at
for the past ten years, and
he Dili be here this year
tfith a larger and better
stock than ever before.
crd album., .nd toilet .et. v
mL W.'g"'S, "" air gns' "obilM
mgK laqtenis, and many other thines.
PUIn and f.ncy di,h of .11 klj.
Iecember 24, Q9
66PE iltJOlEElI
41 .
$3 50
3 50
3 50
Men's heavy shoes
Boys', heavy '
Udies' shoes per pair 50e to
; Patent leather Hamilton
brown shoes per pair .
Fine selection men's work pants
W, ZO.
' r j
;e carry a complete line
Wn s Underwear includ-
ing Union Suits.
children,S HMi all
Styles Sizes
Bv M. ouan
ICopyrlrht. 19W. by Arwrkan rrr. Anno-
MUa t'roe Cordon of thr? r lt and
......uirr iiaiur at Ofif aunr'a mam.
nrmiw bad never cauirht a flah m w
lira, one didn't trn knw it.,., .k.
. . .uc
wantea to until abe tr..ll.wt ni ...
tua lake on tn ground on i,. n,ii
nay or nor arrival ami
l a ragsed lud uf fwjrttH-n, who bad
a polo and lln to apare. Wtwn be had
"alien Iter hunk f..r ku. . n.t
it mn ue diuiiu nuked:
JMJ, yon got a feller yetr
iKiirrr ane repeated.
"Yea. a beau."
vri rouraa nor. I'm 4n. -t
- VU. VI
well. Toa'II ret or in dm. .11
rata do. Ffllora an. r.. ..
- - " "'.111 ,ui Sillll,
na gaia are looking- for ftilera. I fa
nent too. I m irlad yon come ont h
.t. I mm
if luiruMikT. ir yon Mfrh H Vhnn...
Of at fijlh TOU'l! IlB al ..
" ' - a. vaaa n ILIIIK
week. Nerer knew It to fn in -
White Wool Blankets, per
pair $1.25
llillsboro Water.
LiJit 1 Power Co.
hava pur
b ia for
place cf
M'xed otndia. 12i Mni. n..
I at Wjratt& Oo.
Tho Poikt.n Ql.ln.. V-
I. . f.iiiiH uibioi um
oha"ed a new piano which
He A In iksi nai sb tm a a.
urn uiroil AIM tJlall
both the Pjthlans and Sisters.
IT..n kiin.. Tf.M..L ... . r .
ItM. yy inirn iiniuuruuii, 01 rorl
land, and formerly of Molt InnviUa,
TdA In istaafM iUtm mmmmX l.a.KI
nwn a m wnii lUiai WWAa IUMmVIOW
If.... a a. l. a
iing loose a no flare nopa for, sale.
wm, Uagley, the rale ran bop
srower of Leiailla. waa in t.t...
day. Mr. Bagley is oontauplaUng
moving to town as soon as he can
k..:u i xt ... iimi.i
uuuu ih nuriu niiiaooro.
ricmLLT YOURSEf.r -. '
Now $1.75 and up.
CutMitial RepaiiinK , a Specialty
t A. M. CADI n f c . Trr y
--"- kfvuna an
I adiZaTamTlkrT,l,"T"
an.7"' :.'v,.u"w"?" as- t, L Crawford.
life. Tbere'a an awfllt .kiniu. l
thla lake. He' a nirkmi ir..'. .
feet lonf. Ue'a bit off more n a hun
dred line. If yon could only catch
blra Lordyr
"What would happen r asked Prue.
"Too'd catrh nn In ru... 1.
. .... ft ... ,lu
time, and he'd be a datey, and yon'd
n niarruHl and live hann
- VYI .".V .
after. I won't tw k.. i,i
on come ont and nttb by yourself.
The old whopper always cornea around
In ttu. aftomvai
in Kirea u
he bit mi, but fbnt your teeth and pull
for all you're worth.
In the afternoon Mum p0 n.kt
, uv HIKU
aaain. A vminir m.n . . . . .
" ' .w a KBl UU R
tof forty feet away, and without look
ing In her direction he calmly prepar-
ana noo ana r..t thara tnin
the lake. It 111. i.
wu.v uue Bum
merlng In the Tlllage.botel, and he had
twatl tnlf th. .... ..1 .
. .w iui waa iroe IO ail.
Mum Prue waa nttlMl. Th.
ana watched the young man out of
tne corner of her eye the more annoyed
aha felt It would have been at least
"freah" for him to h.v
ber. but hla action aeemed to ienoro
t. a a.. . .
a iug, oreary hour had pawed
when the stranger suddenly leaped to
his feet and hnnn t ...... . ..
P.- w wnmc K.VIUUU.
That "whopper" had taken hla hook.
Boo watched hla excitement for a mo
ment and then threw h ...
- v. y 1C
into the lake and started for home
with snapping eyes and blading cheeks.
In tefllll IT kor af..M . f . . ... .. .
a aun goi were
aha went tears of nror an.i ,.. ...u.
tlon. That evening aa abe aat on the
varanrla .ft., ji uiuuer, gntung her
toetb now and ihn .h. ........... ..
uo uvu(jiu UX
her wrongs, Dick came niinterinr nn
tft hlM. 1. ....... . .
uun nn- usoing naa turned
out. 8 he poured the atory into hla
ears, and be aald;
"I know the (vIIm- ir.'. .
a .u nrusi
""'ug nt me tavern. 1 told you
abOUt that l'hnn.iir . .
nshlng. and now ii'a nn .. ...
-- - "If w ure lu UO
aomething. rm your guardian like.
I m 8oinir to do nnwi,in
D... L . . .
"Ul "aal you dor was asked.
Lots. He' anl r.. .w.t : .
"But. Dick, von aw
But OlCk Was nn a A . .
.111. ""i ur uie
vuiage. He had never spoken with
the artist, but that made no difference
to a boy like him. n k.,i ..
n errand, and that errand must be
done. The artist waj found on the
veranaa enjoying a cigar and
tba gloaming, and no time wa lost
In addressing him with:
"B. . . .
j. uu, out you ve got to apolo
Siae or there'U be the biggest kind of
a row around hara
"If 1 have hurt your feelings I don't
guest l"1 108 surprised
Don t nobody never hurt my feelings.
mad .Si yU maU5 ner awful
mad. and you made her cry. Will you
anoliwlu. a..k. . . ""jruu
'"rt a glrla feeUngs? When?
Wherer Boy, tell me all about Itr
v J.! mm Sfe'a Aunt
eneaaa naiui.mi. . . .
about that whopper of niokerei Z
me laae, and I told ber that If she
mill.! i., . . . " " "
I..."" Boe coul catch a dan-
?.'ft!n00. but she was. She was
tor tba whopper when you bT
W?f iLT8 tht RWat the lake, eh?
tak. her " w"8 W to
sr..-. 7., ' . "u u,us' apo oglae.
tack wTth ff fm to eooi "atona
oaca with me and do It s
Tba artist v. All I a. a-..a. .
mmt to be marched up to the
notii Tiki w a ' "iae ma apology
tola id.. V:r """ uu wtren I
caaValonr ' -'"P8 or h
he apology waa made: wai,
awacad by the statern k..
"wkon.w.. ... ... V " "" me
W lakl, urnea out to b an old
X? at Y. .fr?m th 'tom Of the
atekaai thrT" S?"?. the
ih.. .i.i w "" erass. After
nmin " C'me eas,y- -"Dick. W hto
Sr'kl? hunted 8We for tai?
ftah Ttf.!!!C!,!i'. anotbep W ow to
nah aiui k 7 umn 1 catb no
Rill all 1 I" 8,UU r
b. taken d8.,ga?Un flsh mu
th.tMta.rinA n,,,l of "-not
Sat i'i'.1'1 ar. but
vaugm ner.
mannfiictiirpr of drainpipe, eeXasal
liiiiilfniii.l .ufc k. ... ,
ry took a letter from the mttef. toaw a.
fMwtl ........I.. . . . . ...
""" ami inrew it in a
"KvUIently" aald Rmithaoq,
i .r.w your corretrpoodent"
fh, thine women! They um toA
tlnuiUIr writ 11,
. m w .nn; wane
some of my charactera mean by aweft)
a thing, or how Intereated thev are ia)
the storr. or how an 1. u .
... - " m wm ai aw
in the magaxine or aontething atoa. ail
of which means that they wish to M
me to attend a fnrutt..n ...
to give and sliow ma eft aa t&afr laU.
mate friend. "
RmlthMon nicked tha n... .... ...
- rm v uw
niki-t aim reaa it.
I i
.0 a
'Would von .! 1... ... u . A
lndy over to rner he asked. V-.iaV J
un.,.l. .....
. TV .... JU.
vt In the least."
"8ha aeenu, k.
wuo your character of Edwin 0w-
her twrtV. Follow l nn .
-k. riwuiii aaw
ir you like, and yon will be Uotueatf."
And SO It f tl rn.wl nn . . .....
- . vuw n, Vm Haaw
the ailiinrlona Tkik
. - uihiiihvh waa oin
ent at a mnsk-al aa Edgar Barry, Wve
had recently risen Into proinmaM
through a storr that hA .a. .
The worst featnra akn
jierformance waa that ha ni-i.,. .
report that he hail rira-n
admired Edwin Oatraivtaa
aelf. - .
It didn't take long, for the faacUM
Ing literary manufacturer not af iw
mancea, but of drainpipe, to M Aa
love with Alice BeartWey. wAo ante
her whole heart to tba deceiver. Bos
propoeed to her wlthont r..n- ....
be waa doln?. . n.i its. .
carried away by her feeling-, acaa
Mm war! thru A A.a.t ...... . w
it Tbeil Hah tra-itra. S-K -.a- . -
Pr t bad happened to a KalkuttM aC
hla ltiiutl.,n tr. .... .
....... wrme oat ia eaav
fessiona and tore them all f ft
started six tiroes to go and paaka a
verbal confession and backed eat ar
y time. Including the one after banaA '
rung the doorbell.
Bob had told Misa Reantala- ra... a
wrote in a room at the Authors' aaatv'
He told her this, intending to aoat
Barry, who really wrtt, fAara, M -that
If any notea came Barry wenat
tl accuroiBgiy. At la
o'clock in the morning three daya aJtar
Smlthson'a proposal, wttla Baa waa
PUt tinff Sorn ma.... . k... . ' .. .
character of Edwin Otrtrander, UtoAeac
opened and a servant in tne ciaara
livery announced: j
"A lady In the reception room to am
you. sir." , ,
"A lady! Whatladvr
"She says tell Mm I'm his naocr
r a. m
The Author" rfnh let at AnU
Probably that la hnranaa analgia.
no money to spend in cinba. Ne aba
was about. The lady, taking advanUan
of this had followed the serrant to
"' oarrja worKrooma ataf new an
I)eared, trembling, at the open Aoar.
On seeing the author abe atarted,
"I beg your pardon,' aha said.
was looking for Mr. Barry."
"I am Mr. Barrv."
"Not you; Me Mr. Barry
"I am Edgar Barry
am looking for Mr. Barry, tneaer.
i writeat least, try to
novels. "
'. Meanwhlla 11s. i-.. . ... .
. .. iauj nam bmh
. I.I ..... . u . . ... . .1
"v,v5 i" povrai muco bewildered, 4
"" aiijiroacnea and annoaneaA.
. U.1.1U . biui u anotakaa aae
ment Mr. Bob Smlthaon entered.
"Oh, Edgar!" cried the lady. "WAal
does it all meanr
r ... ....
uo cnutnson stood the Aictatra ad
"rau. ire suirered and snook
took out his huudkercfalaf. An
hastily across his brow, throat tt
fnfil hid wv..f.l.-..i. a .. a. .
i. mea 10 stammer
bi'u at last looked
pitifully, at Barrv.
"What la It, Bobr naked teat lattar
"Tell her." .
"The lady who"
it our heavena ake atraighten
"Miss"- Barry hesitated.
nut l. . ,,n .
.u. oearusiey.
an angel on earth
was a devil and a fool
"old on. Bob! This to going to
riBuc: , uon t make
nurse, nils, tton nlula.
Ptged to my esteemed friend
u'uiiuiKiu, 1 oeueve.
"I thnnchr 1 .
Rnrn. K . ..
m uoveiwc." Xheo
u--r nance, "What in your
alrm ' T"
"Smlthaon, sweetheart. Bob-I
Robert Smithson.".
"Your profession?"
"I 1 Soil ilrili...l.,.. n
"..(.iiiHi 01 to win Oetrandec
I a nnnJ.... .
u uu:lor 01 aowage."
x.Ke me.
Re strotrhMl m.r 1.1. L... .
vu. Mia juanua ro nwe
but she turned, and After A rnaatott
the hmi n,. . ..." ..V7 : "
... nutuing ien but the
-al silence of th inlhAM. .....
The same evening Mr. Barrr
on Miss Beardsley, apoke in tba
est terms of-Mr. Smitiu-n a-..
tbat he had drawn Kdwln OaArnalnX
If ever thea ma
and ir ever
ffom him and secured a reconcUAAat
The engagement baa cxmtteaei;
' 'Am I a. ....
HU'.'h.n .!Uct, WarVt
NorLr""1' hu'K" atrWl.
Thpean to ban aa
BOB ;mm
of Crawford, war
nrst of
KJapyrlgh a IZ . nuTCH'N8.
Edgar Barrv. nnvnllatv ....
! b Uvtoa rooms h" "l."' .mt ta
bi,." .... " " iuo Mlonaa.
- iy at card an' aoa Gt n
Han tan.. . 10 an
W'll. hoi.; I""'"!
" n ana's Jvat
atMMtnnae to ave
Hit Tain araua
Th. wV .kT Mr n-a A
A biok. au
HI cawn't X"7... m.--
Har.kl. T"'1."T lu I
H.n -. .'. D".UI w e n
--- .,. mm -r nat Km.. j
""n Hi bam aotnta Urt a arX
bta "n a ttt-nat.- naa,
uL J" ot tr kZi77 v
The kiA. -vl rv
h.. Tk' . -"aa leea
? J
i . j