The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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    yVOL.XVL . , HILLSBORO. OREGON, DEC. 2.1909 V ' t
i i .
.1. A. U. UrllLD.
Ulg M M.'etlag at Court
llotiar, Friday Evening
Bnctw aas
Btla F.r
Over oo hundr4 nd elsty votere
attend I tbe mat maelioget tht
Mart boas' "Mob piece ad-
jourameot wee mede fro n th city
kll to nominate ft oiljr ticket for
the flection held out Mood i j.
Mayor John Coooell prtddtd
ted Cbes Leroklo acted at mot
Ury, with F. T. Kane eeUtent
For mayor, Dr. A. B. Bellty
pieced to oomlaetioa by B P. Cor
otllut, receive 103 votie, sod !
J. P Tamleale, nmd by t J
Ruthiow, received 60. Or Bl'y
a declared the noul;-et. tod l)r
Temioei n iff 1 that tb aeembly
make the vol for Bailey uneni
inou. After tb first ballot, to
tb oounoi! eiolt. In which thr
m no eli-ctloo, R jbt Hanrempf
waa nominated by aoolemaiioo op
on motloa to euepend lb rulni
W. W. Bitoowlhta folIotd with
o high )U aod lb Mat motion
prevailed. Alter o few mlnate of
dwaltory tilk, Fred Bcbomborg
withdrew Irom tbt ro la favor of
' Mr. Hrim. of the Cllmei Milliog
Co., tod Hdm wet noroioeted oo
tht ntit ballot. Thle completed
the tbre Domiot for tbe o-uocil
For recorder, tbr vu but oo
ouuIcm Beooi Bjwmea. end b
m aleet-d by acclaim. For th
treasurer's nomloatloo, IfS UBM
or proeented, F J Beee I tod
0. Hero, BtvtU Motiving lb
Boolnotioo by labtUotUI vote
Mr. Jabtoot Hkow, lft of Frnk
Bko, of or FtinioKtoo, diod
I tht f roily bom. Wtdnwdoy
tftalog, Naternhor 24, 1009 Do
0Mtd wu born la Nory lo 1843
nd wm ntrrltd to Mr, Bkaw In
im, t Bn FroncUoo Tboy
ettnt loOr:9oin 1880. tod wt
tltd ot tbt frtoent bomt. Tb
fufwrtl took pltot Frldty, od lo
twmtut woo ia tbt ForoilORloo
ttnottry. Tbt bnrbtod ud oo
on, Ctrl, ittrvive Mm. Oo
o klodbotrttd, indottrinut vomon.
Md bd rntoy friti i la btr o m
nuolty . Kvto wbto btr bttltb
u Uiliog ihtrotoy tlwtt cvtr
Uitd btrttlf In I fit Mo ottt to br
Frank L. Hay, too of tha late
Wlllitm Hay, plooer,wa lo town
ti e latt of iUek. accompanied
by hi little eon. Ur. Hay ia at
present in charge of tba Pullman
qnlpount of tb Weetero Canadian
I'aoifia, with headquarter at Van
couvar, bat after January 1 will g
to Moolraal for promotion. Mr
Hy waa tb gueet of tbt Bar
while in town, aod tf bia etater
Mra Frank Irob-U. of Wo t Ulloa
He taya tbat Uitlaboro li$ im
proved ainoa ha waa bait a yaat
eo, and thloka that bav
bright lutur. f
, . Notice tt Uw Pnblk
. Having told my ircrv ator to
, Thomu A Thorn ae. air Derona ow
. -tl mar hqaetted to call aod
cut payaent tt 000 ai d aavt
tba oieta that will acaiua by plao
' og lb earn ftir collection I will
at tb aio eft a few day a.
. A V. l 8 A. Curry.'
Hillabow, Ore , Deo 1. 1909.
Frank I to brie, of Wet Union
WMin town Saturday.
'oho Koch, bf aouth of . Cornell
i waa in town Saturday.
Beautiful pioturet at Baird'a fo
' 89o with every $2 00 purohaat.
, , Frank K Rwall, of Sob oil, waa
,?; Friday, en route for Port
' t fo, w H mr Bnarattt and
H.llaboro. Or . Nov. 29
"T"iVa aon. -y .
V-,.' a""1 awjou ntn i, no, , io
''.. m J . : a a t a m
i;. - milk aoparator Ut tale at M
,0UD! ds Sjoa. Prlot, $50
Wm. lu.n am tit aknva Mnnn
Hlodale, waa lo town Saturday, on
""new ti Q oourt aou 0
.- PH. a a r ' . lva
uaind nurae. Addrr jr
garet Brown, tt Mr Roei Unr
IM'afefiond and Baatila. Vl!
4ai town or country caaet. ' 27
, Gnhardt and Frad GiU
beyond Lloomlnff and LaSrer
Moon, ot Iowa Hill, war ld4tfo
enoty, a--;,oult court wltntaaaa
wt no. btt good tapplr of
good htrd burntd briok, tod bolld.
lo blookt for wlUrt tod found,
llooi Try our bolUiog blockt for
your tutuM fouodtiluot. Cbttpcr
tbto otmtDt or brick tod better
Protection ttftlnat frnt ur w...
Bulibwl ourruoof Urg tilt tod
d h 1 00 r "m
boulTTf. JSL V
- r viyii, UUW VU HI
eta btut tbtco btfort btd wttlbtr
lbtrt It tlvtyi t rotb of btullog
ufotn io iot rtit wbn rotdt trt
tlmtttt Inptwtblt Wt btvt t
tood iuddI of Milan anH AmA
lumber tt oar mill, tod t aainiht
of oommoo lumber tt tbt Htit
-ir, wmw nwwo. m mier io
ell at a Morlfioe 212. 2iH lift
2i4, lilO, US, Ii6 and 1x4. of
ftrlout Unitita TkU ! tl
dry ttock, aod It will pty you uj
loveeuiate tbould yna wtot aor of
lbetedimeoaloot--Orooer A Row.
v, noooui, umDro, k j.
J. C. Mertioml, of Toatatlo,
watla town Friday, aod oalltd on
iht Argui. Mr. Mtrtloatt it well
koowo here and at Forl Grove.
baviot at-4oded P.eilo Uaieereit
eome vearaaeo He late I
fruit grower end toot an aiblblt
o tbt Aletka Yakoo Fair, pulling broote mtdal. Tbia we
tba wort ortdilabt ainct bt only
placed bia diaplay oo tbt qoart
after a f-w dayt i f ootiot Had bt
bt eonld bav binned out bia to
titnd cutaway tba foliage, bt
aatUBed tbat bia produot would
have favorably compared with toy I
Nor bwett apple.
A yoom man who deelred to go
over to Tillamook with bit mother,
bo lqoiueldriy,telMbDrd Em
melt Quick tbt olbtr day, telling
bim tbat be would givt him 100 to
takt tb two of them over. The
mother d dared the would ride
over with no oo te aave Mr.
Quick at tbia time of tht year, and
would reel ptrfeoily toft with tbat
wall . koowo drivtr boldiog the
J L. Bmitb, of Tualatin, aod
ha bu bt i latere ted io tbe tew-
mill bueinet lor mtoy eara, waa
io tiwo Friday. Ha elate that
tba now brick and tilt factory bat
alieidv turcei out oo kilo of
h,lk nA mtl imh tiurn ennlber
Tk. ....Hi. Ar la MM.k nlFu".1,K
m-..-, . .. I
Mr. Hmilbtaya hi company Will
bav 00 troublaio diapOflOgol a
eaoaoitv outout
Rofot Waggtoer, Of Napor,drpeaded upon traMponatioa from tbe
aod who la making tbat poiot
ermaneoi nome, vmmw ow n
laator 10 WK, 10 join Ota wu,
both bein annate el tbt G0. It
ti'ii... w Um U.M I
teted that be frequently met with
n n '..nJ .-J it. ,J .V.. 1 1
n, i, uuiKi u wiw, auu I
they Ilk tbe ooaat vary well, .
Do not be deOflVSd -t Day
. . . . . I
the eiolui vely agtnoy for Hilltbo-
ro for lhooly-gouirNap.a. totto
wu "'" " ' . , .Imeetinfito tote for or againat a levy for
tanbobeat-watorproofhM wkdpBrpotei. "
-mid blah and low top, black
and tan made. Alwaya look at
the trade mark (Nap a ten) before
jott buy. H. Wehruog A Bona.
R. I. Davia and win bava moved
toOrtgoo City, after a rtaidenc oftana ,nd mailed tb patitioaa to
many moo the In HUIaboro. Mr.lht gojgonof both North
Davia baa un who to .ee
Broa. Abetraot Company ounog
Kis atay ia tbeclty TWjrmaoy
frieadi ber regret their deprtara.laABlw ,nd the meetlnaa will now
A carload of csoala aawly
maouUotured Heroula tumping
nowder. mada by lb G. I Dupout
d N M our Co , of Ban Fraoeiaoo,
uatraoalvad. Both tolepboota. J
Borwlok; RMdvill, Or. f
Mra Wm. Curry, wbll partak-
. m aaa . a lB Jl.. a
item va i- - ' r -
tba bom of J. C Ee'.tla. oat Oreo-
tuff .red a atrok ot oarvoua
naraleai. and it WBS DSONSarf to
call Dr. A. B. Ballay to attend thThe rtmains of Oro Ransom
n.ilanL . a
..1, r.M a. int aoraa
i -1 .A .11 In naatma:
uu 1 ee a m"mm v :
two-room btuae.
0. Boransoo, 1
mil SOOth OT
ga 8
Loudon, of Iowa EiUV waa
in Friday, and says tnara wat a
.light fall f "ow on tb bum ap
hie way, Tbuwday night, but that
it malted aa rapidly as 11 eirwa
tba aartb.
Oar atook of clothing aod uoota
B-.,,ni.Kin eooda ia eomplata. W
a 1 .nn all in it flea, orlo
uau i 'n..
M.ntH wtnruoB a Done
Georsa U v PDtr, 01 auuve
. a 1 . 1 Ham.
000, cam In Saturday to paat bH
.11. who waa ratnrning irom a tw
w ft. who tid lo Portland.
Poat oarda, local aoanta, im paou
card albuma, ar tb Pharmacy.
fine selection. Gt loal scenes ana
end tbm to your menae.
Z M.'LsRa,of t obv.
U I iwuui; - j
j- ... . ...1 . idtior muiTiih. n.nth.rhcxKi oi uico.otive t.itaai
."' 7J .v.l.naat
wet in n Jl""nr ft'
Ut ItWI " " J
Committee Appointed toPetl
tlon bupervlaor
UVY llll TB0U5AS0 T4X
rutuieit Btt4i trt tbt QtitUta tf
lh Bear
ct01,i mtt tt tbeoourt
oi lut Bttordty to Ukt op tl
nuvn oi otrmtaent rood ot
tnd tbt propotitioo wm difoowed
pro tnd cod to torn ri tot. Judge
Qood'o called tbt mttUog lo order,
Dd lM Kdff. Bobolooerlcb lo
prttidt ovtr tbt aaatmbiy. Andrew
EwlmiD, of Cedar Mill, waa tbt
Bret to addrtaa tbt meeting, and be
t.ld that tbt people of bia road
j,...!.. u. k!j . almA . . ,
ilMMt "5 i,P
ould what bad
beo dooe. but on tboothtr hand. I
would actio vote anotbtr tax 1
Rock roada wtrt Invettmonta. be
declared, aod n t naltert ot taxa
lion Wbto you voud a lpclal
Ui for rock roada, aaid Mr. Kggi
nao, you voted for tranaportatioo,
and not for a luiury, aod every
farmtr, aa wall u tvery towniman
wbo wanted rgreaaaod logreae to
market, ihould iudo trt that which
would mtk it pottlblt month io
aod mouth out, to te. oar producla
to market.
Judge Umdio atatad that ba
thought with r ek laid dowo hart
tt $1 par cubic yard we could bava
ana reck roada at 13,000 per mile,
or lea, and ba booed to att Uilla-
boro, witb ita two road district, at
leaet vote 19,000 for permaoeot
road work.
Dr. F A. Bailey iteted tbat ba
WBUMKi vowvm m iwri, aau oopea l
noma oav a tai lor to pur poet 1
noirtver. ot aa a toai oa waotaaiaayuuDi you may wbdi tor a nice 1
loaeaagood ayatem toataiied, aod
... . I
with tbat in yogua w aboold bava
00 trtUOl IO gelling Value Wl
CeUtl. . I
Dr. Tatttleeie alt that be wanted peo I
ZVllr; u.t SN "I V" fatbtr, W., V. Wilay.
did But fear little ltra teaatlon for
puttie the kmuI leading to tbe city in I
focd hpe.
- wm. Bchalmerkh, the Panninrton
dcinrmin, aald be wanted to ace good
rowU M WM nttJ " lw l
f -,1.1 t..M tM nut. ! Mid ih.i
awktmu county wu Rettiug buay on
Ipprmineat road work. Pan Burknatter,
Alfred Urvwood. Mayor J. W. conneu
1 r-
ler intDc.
I'poa motion of Conwy Clerk J. W
named bt the ctuuruan to eee that pcli-
pauiVVi aaiWi iwiivwimi nmiemw.w
tlon were properly tigned and pmented
North HUliboro-J. W. Bailey, Dr. J
P. Tawietic and Pctrr Gotleib.
Soalh Hillaboro-L A. Look,
a C.
KUIcn and C.Khodt.
Chairmen Ballay and Long
Monday had tb 1 aoeaaary eigne-
mj HUIaboro road dlatriota
t u. tfewoll iaaapervlaor for tba
Morlh .od . iwt Keleay forth I
be calltd and the matter definitely
atttled, for or agaloat prmaont
road work. It baa always lOllowad
tbat wbar a apwnai tax vai wwa
for on yaar it bu alwaya followed
ttreaftar and o the future will
largely ba determined by the aotion
taken at th ootnlog apaoial aaatm
I Mtaobtm. tnt enjtneer wn waa
I kuled nr Mlaaouia, Mont., maa
ia th
aay 01 wet w, n
oaarge o. w. ""TA
I Banting lot uiwonowii ui uwmu
1 Hv SSI of t!lctu!
tiva KagiaearsJ
MftBuna Crs. Maaebaa tr .
ohiid. aaoomDBQted bv tlica Uul
l'T.i.-.t alan arrives end
malotdat tbo Frad Cani her
Thfuta al took plat EsSay, at
1:00 p m., at tbeCoriaUaaciurca,
R. Horn oreaohlcs tbt amnion.
interment followed la tb TcalaUa
I Plain oemater V. ' " ' : : -. , ' ' " '
1- .. . ... r-.n.t v ...
mr. Jtueo. in isuki in tae
- r - ,1,, .n.rDr.
1 si tsaia sua tiivwi " .
L( u,e tnd all the ftiioweraplojec
loved bim. Ho wa aneiuive ami counc
,.1 had kind word Jbr everybody.
1 w r . .
l awrao ennmcii
tbe rock alidoon t
i J -
3T,r; ft biiowV Tbe tt
U,., Wa fouud within eftw fcttlbridjpe. vB; P. CorttJiue, who wi
of tmm,
. I . T . rt. .i. ; .'J.
KJTTT .t. aitmlMd kin for
' '
I ArgU. and Ora;onlan, f2S5.
8ogtr.$640 per tack, at Wyttt
0. 0. Barlow tod wift. of Port
lead, wtra oat Tbtoktgivlog Day,
guetltof rtlattvta.
If vou art mtklos t enllectlon of
fancy platet. be tort and look om
i a . t ai I
ri. Ktoa urawtr.oi fortlaod.
vltlM tbte jrw with her partote,
earn a auti flta av aaivbaiv
Kverybodr aboold lovtaticatt
Urttrt large premium offer dorioi
too mooto of Ueotmbtr.
Will Quick, of near Forttt Omi,
waa down to tb city Bandar .'tb
f0i 0i Mi brolh-r. Kmmtti
Without a doubt wt can aavt
you mooer on yoor Cbriatmaa can
diet and outa. Greer. , ,
Miaa Berth Booudy.of Portland
tmot TbaokMivloc witb btr noo'b
Mra. Lena Roandy, in tbJi city.
a W. Low, the optician, will I
bo lo Foreet Grove. Dec 15 aod
to, and at uuiaooro. ueetmotr 17 I
Miaa Wanda Logao, of Portland,
pent Thanksgiving at the J A. I
Ioabrie bomt, tb
gueet of Miaa
Mdg Imbri.
Can D 0. 8agar- 95 50 per
1 00 1 bi. Seventeen poandt for 1 1 .
(iaaranteed- part-otDe.U. V en
rang i. Bona.
A. Bendler, of North Plaioa, aod
who la ooo of the ear ceaifol dairy
mto of bia eection, waa in tb city
lb laet or tb waek.
Beat bard wheat flour, tl 65 per
taok, aod will oootinot to sell fl .or
at that prio regardleta of tba ad
vanctog roruaad price wyatt ft
lo. 1
Miaa 5oa Foord. of Portland, and
who ha a reeponiible tenof raphic
poaition In that city, waa oat Sao-
dav. tht eueat ot her mother. Mra.lln BJgnt.
AltearoAML I
are w B
.. . . I
eometotng toatwut intartai tv-
wiwn. unwiw untarranawn'
meo 01 owoew, wye, ana in iaci 1
Amaa praara . - ;
. - - . ,V " I
Riohtrd Wiie- ttuodini tb
nni'a Ullitar l.m. .I Pl I
Unit aaa nnl lha laat nl lKa .k I
,.,)!.. tha Thxki.!n. ...k I
1 t et . q
J L. Sim peon, of South Tuala-L
tt. ..j k-1. ki . i
mu, -."'" -
too um ouoiufM, oaviDi maoei
avrai aoipmant ot appiea ana
.. r.. ... r j.k i
im. mm i. vm , mm .uauv, wm tli
th oily Tueaday.
Attorney Benn, a claaramat ol
Attorney W. G Hare, at Ann Ar
bor, lererai year ago, waa out 8at
urday, on legal buaiceia in oircuit
oourt. Mr. Bona ia practicing io
Portland, and ia making good la
but chorea field.
Mite Btrolot Schooling and Miaa
Jecaia Clemena, of Portlaod, war
tke Brat of tie week, gueet of
u , H t Uiufii.Ml
Mr. H. T. Baaley. Mia Bohool
ing haa returned from to extended
atay at Waltaburg, Waab. They I
returned to Portland Wedoeaday.
Tha heavy Winter traffic, attend
ant with tb bad weather, haa mad
an ioroad ioto th running time of
th Corvallia tchtdole, aod tb
lootjinern rtotoo naamaaeacnaogeumorw.
ot time table, to permit more Ume
between Cor valli and HillaborP,
I on the Eaat bouod run. Be th
I cnange 01 aoocaut 10 tntomctai
lim itwa
; The Hotel Buxton narrowly ee -
beioa demol ebd bv firaioarrnta. Ur and UrS. 9. ' E:ar
.boat 8 o'clock Friday e?enln.
Conductor Jacob Griffith, noon r.
irtnR diaoovered th down stairs
full ot amok, aod found an olllmony. Th groom I : promiaioi
atov io Cheater Aleiander'a room
a maaa of flamea. Tb stovt wss
removed and no serious daet
waa dona. Buxton haa no fir pro
tection. and had tbia not bean file-
oovared lo time th hotel, which
valued at 14,000 would have been
Jack Shea, who ass been la an
fcroed idlenossin tbeoounty jail
! 2cs sarly in th Summer, arnd
I c.:b karslary of a bona in Cera
I U:
:zs, Mys tbat tb Tbantrvin j
iiaoar sarvad by Sheriff ; Hanoook,
ri as ta as uiwjoytx a
Lias 01 tts ns'M roriuna.
Its t:;t r tim n.:t trlJj
as4 or;:rry tt-aoa ait ccr
K :Z:ssU au ::::. Eha say a
tUt ttl prlwner ail f It thaukfl
I to the abarl2r. aod tlat it wis a
moal fit for tb pa tbtmtslas.
NotwitbaU'adins tb baavv rtloel
of tteput twaweeka, Wai.iD;tca
I County has . suGered KtU or ao
damage &om bljl water It will
.mk..Bi .v.. j-.-v tn t.".t
lh. fretheto ooet tb oouotv aota
anr 1 viaiiaiwa ,wwa aw
thing Ilka 112 ECO tor trashes'.! tf
then county Judr. oer:mtcJ a . 1 . u.
um m iduu.i.i.bui. iwm
" vuu.7 Fri.
ly bu betn imraon treat dr "
m LI. I. - 1 t l
IIOH ojgu watere, wu..e outer o
ties have had to pay the fiddler.
B'jose-coat mm
Ml 111 DAIIH
Ura. Wcl LzmzIm and Fatailv II TIIIB IIC1T (LOTUS
Beat Ptaai atlew IL hae. Saedav
Tbt Bide--we,a bmaa boat owned
by Mra. Wm. BtagU atd aooa, at
Sellwood, brokt from ita mooring
at Sellwood, latt Friday noraiog,
and ita occopaata, Mr. Beagle, her
two aont, William and Ray moid
aod a daogb o. Mra. Graot Ran 11
Ld btr baebtod, Bbtrmaa, and
tbir aix-montba baby, aacaeal la
Itbeir nitbt eJotbca. lira. Raa-la
bad been ntrvooe over tb ftoibat.
"d M op, io tba kitohen, nod
bad made aom off a. Tt boat
wu itruck bv anotbr. and aba
gave tba alarm. Mr. aad Mra.
RoaatU jumped from tbtir bed.
aod Mrt, RoaatU tritl to drtaa
ehi aoooaadad ia gwttiog Into acor
att and by tbia tin it waa oroea-
aary to laov tb boa. Rureell lock
tb child aod jump! to a log-boom,
bot fell to twtwewn tt log, he aod
tb obild going aodar. Ba parted
tb lo-a and bald th bab
paaaiog it to tb molbe aod Mr!
Reagla. Tb boya bad alao rtacb-
ed tha boom, aod after the kooaa
drifted awav tbe billed a ntn
85 vaara old. who oama to th tm.
co with a boat. All were ia their
night 'dothm txcwpt Mra. Eeegle,
"y "
itfiiti .a
wuiwni, ore 01 to ooya. re
maiDed oa tat boat trytac toatour Mt h etJ m
un ah-a ha amm ait tm Ihw.m.
tk. m .AA ik... ...
.u. ... i il. . j
bulb took thinraio a r matter
of fact way-l!bUoi bU pip bt-
f,wa ha atartad aSnmaiaril aiilk ttl.
ehivattne nm. KjiaKina tha
Kmiaa nl a naiahhn- tKa nmmrmA
oloibm and tbaa mnUton
1 10 an nome 01 aire, tauui cmiia,
i bm p..i.
" . T'.rr'- "
known her In BiUaboro.
Tka KfuiMknat .u Inn A .A
m;iaa hai. et Thn. mA it..
1 rv - e-
aoowaa onlrjurtd, txorpt forth
and to walla bad a fallen that
they protected tb appavL .Tb
moay waafooad iataoi. The boat
waa ruined aa all tb walla but on
bad .fallen. '-,.-.-,; -r:
Tha Eida a wet waa a vary 00m
fortaibla hoaaeboat, baylsg five
rooma. 0 It waa well furoiabed,
having everything thatoooeould
7 nlV.rtK.
I inm, B apttitt Ctaxa CVB to tb
I M Nn-t. It waa fortanate
wish io a we'l relaUi tatbot4.
ptt dog, Nar-t. It waa fortunate
that th boat i'A not bur, as there
was a fir ia tb kitohe atova.
Mra. t:le aad bar daughter
and bar huaband and. tb two aon
wet oat to IliUaboro. Sunday,
guaata at the hoc: cl i k It
Mr. Eaagla bab aai&rof
Mr; Charles ' Citct'a' arl U'
Beeai Surimnt warbOBlted io
1 marriage U tb bom cf tb bride'
I devant. Coroeliua. Tbttreiiy. Nov.
25. 1SC9, Kldat StardtvanL th
I bride's father, pwtormicj tba can
I young man of tb Yloeland district,
I aod Ut brids Is ess or Wasbtogton
j County's teaches. Tleir many
- jtrianda all over Waabiroo Couo-
ty wish Mr. and era. Mutoblaon a
itlunj aad bajy II.".
Thci t.1 b a aboc'Jrj match
Sanr . Daosmfcsr 5, at 10:10
ta., one v s atrtti of IIiKtor at
I Kllntmaa brlci yard, on tia
R. - k N. reread. Tao gseao,
P. I
tursaya aoo o uoe pi - n.une -
mra dt Qian.
You : wUl ficd a nlo lino of
Xtcaju. prtactte, aocb- as ricvj
br-9iwU, Beckiaoes, iocieta.iraUa.
and cbaini. All tb very k:;tl
gut'iuwyi uts jwweiar.
r 'n ( v, Kovf ?7, at X i an ,
1 . r l uurji a?t 1 i:a
ltav;.UariJF. lloro tCsia
Tbe harry
'3PU U1
1 la fortlaai
:i, T.E!iiraai r-J. cf rr':";J,
c- - tr.liia. 1Mb A-t:-i4of
: tao.- II T.' icia
' 7'atls e'"";! ties,
Uio ttsC.:" ' a e
as d
- ta
a a a
l...;aaend ta
anxiety. t ,
Giles: C
We have 11-J over Coco
year. , i'eri.a3 p per t-
: tons cuca c il!-cs3rvtins
rectttra and fi&tlity ia fillip tl: 'Z. W'.r . - t
our rccponxsbility mthis iit;- D;;l)r
loured to eater our prescriptici C.;irt:;r t. :ztzz
no doubtful drus ia it, ani trr: " t-1 tillziztis txz
never allowed to erst dott u;j zizllzizz xrs
dijpinse.,,,..:-:: ',4 -"4 'v;;'''t -
We ana to be tbe drtt!it to vLrzi yea cia trirj
yosr prescriptions fof 'rrriob c"::3 with ptrf;cc
fidence. " '
We also carry fall lizz- cf UnzZ Catdrua tf
extra quality. : ' . " -
- For Chrhtzaais Preaents '
We have Dainty Statioatry, . Trasntnt Terf jmcs tzl
Delicious Candies. -
Yours for a Merry Christmas, and a Happy litw Yen
The Delta Drug Ctcrc, lzro9 X;z.
, Vke -
. : , Forest
rOREST govz.
Statement of Condition, Novcn rr.
Demand Loan ' -
Other Loom -IT.
8. Bond (at par)
1 146.737 3o
" 25,000.00
16,060 00
. Other Bond
Banking Hook
Cash and Doe from
Bank and C. S. -Treaaurer
-, ' r
437.03a. 13
v DlrVECTOri
TKoa. C. Todd ' v jobn
. Wilbwr W. McSdowaay
People of Reed ville and vidaity
; would do well and save xzczzy t7
... buying their Herchzadbti frcta
MgagMMerggj.v.l. - '
Who; will give yon. sl'JIz. iJLzh uz. 1
your maey's worth.; Cirrus a coa-.
- plets Has of
Gcerie3.:Doct3 n J Choea,
s nd o line cf
General 'OCiOf:ir;''-
. Hea'a, LaCiea en C " ,
- J. E. DOIV:. :
General MerchtaCitc He, l
v7 r.ntec.
.Watches that want ti:n tinj-r
to bring , your vratcits' tlit vr;
'! watches thai the avers
, No work too difacult .
guaranteed to give yc
, . ' If they troutls yc-, I
as cpod ctodi Jc:t t: ;
rWt .
John r. bailsy
Caches .
G'o vo . ;
- VCr.
4kf a- J
Jaa4 t
.it r..
S O pe r
E. Vm'.lmv
j. rr. r
i Jt.
t:r m V C
ti'.::!;!! k 1 r