The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 25, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 37
m mum
RcprcHtiitatlv of OrtRon's
I-irt District
fct kt Cstlls Perm
jo0, Willi Uewlsy, Oregon's
raprewnUtive In Congreeefrom tbs
first district, enlved io tbe ollf
liooJtr, and addressed about 10U
propU in lbs court bouM, IUoton
Bowmto, presiding, aod Introduo
d ib speekei. Mr. 11 aw ley re
mark! on lb marvelous giowth
of tbs elts, ji ibat be siped
td lb ttiK (o have al leeet 750,
00U at thf owning oenaue, and en
!nof of eetltb that will be sur
prising. Ha dwelt ttpoo lb g reel
Immigration coitilng this way, and
Hid thai lo tb Kaal, naver be
lirt, all 7 ara turning to Oregon.
Mr Haalry ga ilput thai lb fuf-t
rtwin iliuuM be reduced aed tba
amageef laitila opro to arttlcuirnt rn
U'frJ II aar in lit triM arc
Ukjumh'U of artva wbl b ahuuld lit ojo
10 trttkf, and Uit H"ir prvsror la Ibe
mtftt tll Uor(itl. not only m
I kwiln f lrurra4 piodurtiua, but as
I piutevitun, wall. II aaye Mr.
ftocliul liuatfrr! with him a lotbli
pmrnUtloa ilh row, and be bopr la
tin to f"" 'lir mailer through ami (ft
wtwyi uiatr and Utva Ihuw laixU 6l fc
brntioK oi horticulture thrown open ami
rratotrtl to llir rmlumt domain.
lit ht that lh Oregon & California
Und, Kino in lb railroa-l grant with
lb hi hi to mII at ft y pet acre, art ao
la tb count, ami predict Ibal Ihey will
b rr.toml la the people, eventually,
ami be furred into aaf.
Mr. lLly urgrd Ibal bi couktllu
rat k of him ami h will al a rapid
ly at p.uili!e. He rettrwrd antue of bl(
oik tb paat two year and aald be waa
willing lo on bl record.
Tba funeral of Robert Willis Kirk
ood, a ol Oregon elnoe
SH5. wbo diad at bia home In For
en lirov November IX, 1H09, we
bald from tba family horueHundey
Tba dncrae I waf 01 e of the cnoel
highly r'p-f ud olilieni ol Waab
loton CouDl. and la aurvlftd by
bliwidnwaud tlx children Tb
children arc l'ruforJ. K Kirk
wood, l'oiverUy of Moutaoa, Mia
oola; Mrt C D. Frconn, Han
Joaa, Cat ; (intrude, lUrtha and
Albert A Klrkwoxl, Forat (Irora,
ud RoWt J Kirk wood, Portland.
R. W, Kirkeiond waa born al
Edinburgh, Hooiland, October 5,
1H33. and cam tt tba United
State with bia parent, who eettled
lo Indiana in 18.15 At the out
break ol tba Cieil War, ha enliiled
Id tba Thirteenib low V'oluoleere,
and rerv4 tbrnuthout the war
On February 12, 1871. be waa mar
ried to I'horl,. Hough, at Crdtr
Rpid, U. In I m, be mo? ad hie
hmil to Orefoa A ton, Prof. J
K. Kirkw.KHl, ie wedded to Kile,
daunhtM ol W. H Hoyt tod
ife, Hillnburo.
Juje' N. (irabel, who haa Jived
here for many yeari,iulTed a fall
while putting up a celling laat
"urad.f tmj broke hia rUht leg
the kme, He waa working at
ui nome or bia daughter In-law,
Ha slipped a MUnd hit ktee
"ruck rwiween ton two-by foure
UR Wait hrnnoHt In kt. knm In
HilUoro and Dr A. B. Bailey at-
'naea the Injured member. It la
ore than likely that be will aofler
onitderahle Inoonvenieoce it la
" ame knee injured many jeare
Twohnunea to rent Inquire at
QfMr'a More. .
Hon.C. f, Tlgardvllle, waa in
uy monday,
Perrr I. iu
P ii I rtuuo' anu win, ui
. h, Aonott nome.
. W- W. Williami. of Mountain
.if'8' WM down to the county seat
u J' Rnol,nK hli friends ,ol
oidun days,
Mies Marie Tunxat, a student
DOrie at Ik. V..u
.i urm raoiuo noeni'
j "'J i orllnnd, was in the oily Bat
u", Rreeting friends.
0. R. Adams, of Soholls, and who
Z. T ,.,e,ri w" In tie general
' Beai Monday morning.
nJ nurM Address, Mar
ear,". O rown' at Mr- s' Mor
lab. . UOnCI n' BMWIBw. Wil
19 t0ffn r oountry cases. 37-8
John Oppenlander. of near Cor
""us, was In ik. nit. m...
J reelde, n tKe Suebauer section,
town M Mh 4t P'0"' Whi,a ,0
a. "Ppenlander oalled on
i,wl l.. .J i . . " IT"
uurneu nrica, and build-
, ,or c') d fouoda-
liona. Try our buildimr Ki. ankel In
your houae foundatlwia. Cheawtr
than cement or brick and better
proteolloo againtt frott. We have
Qniabed our run of larv til. .n,l
are again running on emaller sizae,
and have a fair aupply at the yard,
larliea wantim til. H.iiu.,.
ahould place their oidera now so we
oen haul tbem Mof bad weather
There Is alwaye a ruah of hauling
orders lo tbe Kali when roads are
almtiet impaeaable We bars a
good aupply of rough and dreeeed
lumber at our mill, and a nnamU.
of oorutnoo lumber at the Uaie
epur, below Newton, tbe latter to
aell at a eacrifioe 2iI2 2iH ,r
Ui, 110, lt, lio end 1x4. of
verlotie lenthta. Thi i all
dry Block, and it will pay yOU to
inveelliate ebould ynu want any of
tbeee dimeneioos Uroner A Row
all Co., rkholl., UllUbjro, R X
Jeofail Milne baa a Bhorthom.
Jereey cow that gave him 119 31
net lor tba month ol Ootober that
la lo eay, ibal much net under
hauling. Jake does not know juii
what ll ooel to feed the animal, but
at tbe mnet it inuil leave him a
handaotte profit. The milk teet
on tbe animal run 4 04 and 4 on
right along This ie ibe kind ol
dairy oo that pavs. and tbe soon
er dairymen realit that the scrub
oow la not putiloi Ibe belanoe on
Ibe credit lid of the lelger jutt
Ibal eooo will be gel the proper
producing animal and tbeo smile
et tie income. Mr. Milne tart
that outaideof two panaoC'larm
chop" per day tba oow baa bad but
ordinary raliona.
Aodrsw Wrelberg, of near Farm-
Ingtun, waa lo Halurdey with anme
Dneappleeol the King and Bald
win variety. He baa one of the
6 neat sod clenet little orchard
io that section, and lar that be
will plant tbrea or four acres ol an
addition, nail year. "Andy" ii
one of tbe boy who makrs apple
culture pay, and there la no reason
why others can t follow lbs same
J. A, Kirk wood, of Reed Wile.
waa in town rrluay. ue says n
recently leceived a letter from J.
Millar, wbo la viaiting near
Montreal at Houtb Durham, Can
adaand be says Ibat le Is now
"totter eatiafled with Oregon, than
ever," after eeeing a big aoope ol
country. Mr. Millar le apendins
lb inter back lo bia boyhood
Wm. McQuillan, wbo recently
sold bis farm to Kerd Greener, and
who haa retired from tbe "simple
ife." bts boueht the Dr. t. J Bai
ley horn and content, on r?ecnd
and Oak BlreeU. Ha baa taken
poefaion, and now baa one ol tbe
noateet little lrmi In tbe olty.
Tbe conaideralion i said lo be be
tween four and five thousand.
Owing to lbs fact that aereral
oaaes of scarlet fever are reported
n the city tbe echini board bad
eohool adj turned Monday morning,
and ll will be doled all weet
Janitor Cibeen haa been lumigating
ibe athonl rooma with sulphur and
other dieloleotanta and more than
iksly tba school will again opeo
nett Monday.
John MoCallen, of Cedar Mill,
and A. L. and Chaa. Holoomb, ol
Bethany, were io Saturday. Mr
McCellen is lo ths market for s
small farm, al a bargain, near
town, aod Cbas Holoomb wants to
sell his Isrger one, and get down
Into Southern Ormon. wbers be
can run stock.
Do not be deceived we have
the eioluaively agency lor Htllsbo
ro for the on v aenuine wap a
tan ahoe best wattrprtofshr e
made h sb and low top, oiaci
and tan made. Always look at
the trade mark (Nap a tan) before
jou buy. II. Webrung & Bone
Rlnoer Hermann's handshaks
ka heen the subject of much mer
rlment for years, but Brother Haw
who auoieeded him, ia also an
apt aludeot. He can hold to your
hand just aa long as Blnger, and is
developing into a campaigner that
is bard to beat.
I will tell at publio auolion, to
the highest bidder, lor oasb, one
oow in milk, and one pony, on
Main Btieet. opposite the Main
Rtreet Llverv. at 1;30 p. m ,
Saturday,, Nov. 27, 190D.-B
Cornelius, Auowoueor.
A carload of genuine newly
manufactured Herculea atumping
powder, made by Ihe K. I Dupont
doNa MouriCo., of San Franolsoo.
lust received. Both telf pbones.-J
K Borwiok, Reedvllla, Ore.
J. 0. Smith and wile, of Green
vllle, were in town Monday. Mr.
Smith Hates that the star route
out of Foreat Grove, to G.eenvl Ie.
has been restored by order ol the
postal department.
Chrli Grand, ol Wret Ua.ioD.wM
in town Saturday, and called on
the Argus.
nt uon Lav a BfKul
Sect lore Furnishes Thousands
of Cords for Portland
Fer lbtuaaad Caida la aa Caatract
Rerdrille and vicinity embracing
Dare's Spur and Wheeler Station
ships more oordwood to Portland
than any other locality on tba
Weet Hidt, thouscd4 of cords hav
ing been ahipped out to tbe me-,
tropolis Ibis year. Practically all
of this is billed out cl Reedville, ae
there is no sgent at either of the
other pilots. Oneoontract alone,
on thetnot below Wheeler, cal la
for four thousand cords.
While It cannot be ascertained
o a cnlainty, it is supposed that
dealers pay In ths neighborhood nf
tbiee dollar ter cord, which will
mean $30,000 for tbe district, net
fbere are yet thousands ooon thou
sand ol cord to be cut adjacent to
tbe Southern Pacific, and the in.
duslry mesne more cleared land
etch year. With tbe advent ol tbe
Oregon Klectrio a mile or so to tbe
north, a great deal of ahippiog will
follow in tbe oordwood line along
tbe trolley aystem and great de
velopment will obtain in to the
etel of Hilleboro.
Leave ordera for oreamat Greer's
John PebUtel, ol Banks, was in
town Saturday.
August Hogs, of South Tualatin.
was in town Fridsy.
Fred Gbeen is learninf tbe bar
ter trsde in Portland.
Jaa Sewell Jr. was in from ibe
Kat Plains, Saturday.
Clyde Lincoln, of Glencre, was
n with the big crowd, Saturday.
8. C. Wileon, ol tbe Banks sec
tion, was lo tbe city tbe laat of the
Anton Pautmeier, ol near Farm-
ington, waa in the county seat
Lewis Htmel, farming on tbe J,
A. Imbrie place, Weet Union, was
in town Saturday.
George Z-Mzmao, of North Plains,
was in town Saturday, gelling
redy lor a ehootfeet.
Sam Kunt, who conduota the
Bethany store, waa in the city Mon
day, aod called on the Argus.
Chris. Peterson, of North Plains,
and who is satisfied with tbe Tua
latin Valley, was in Saturday.
Adam Hergert,of near Blooming,
and wbo for years waa in ths saw
mill business, was in the county
eat Saturday.
Frank Zuercher, of Schools, and
who ia spend iog his Thanksgiving
with relative) at Cedar Mill, was in
tie oily Monday afternoon. ,
We sell groceries at lowest price
aod bitthest quality. Fancy Jer
sey c ran berries, 10c per lb. Beet
eweel potatoes 2o per lb., at H
Webrung fe Sons.
F. W. Sohuhheii, of near Beth
any. was in town saiuraaj, ana
says that there is only a small
acreage of Winter grain sown down
bis wav. and that - hundreds of
aores of spuds are yet undug.
Harold Merryman, eon of Cspt.
J. 1 Merrymsn and wIe, was out
from Portlsnd tbe last of tbe week.
lit is now a law atudent in the
University of Oreaon, with the
school established in Portland.
J. C. Lsmkin went out to Dusne
llarvev's, above Mouotaindale, the
first of tbe week, to put in some
tinwork on their new residence,
which takea the plaoe of the house
they lost by fire a lew months ago.
n. W. Nelson haa moved hie
harbor Bhoo into tbe Pythian Build
Ins and now has tbe finest shop in
the oountv. ue naa nve onaire in
stalled, and will be in a position to
take care of the orowd when there
is a holiday ruBh.
Ambrose Schmidlin, of above
Ruxton. was in the city Monday
Ha aavB that the voters! of Road
niairint No. 34 will have a meet
ing to vote for or against a speoia!
mad tax at 1:00 p. m., on Decern
k.r 18. 1909 the meeting to be
held at the O'Doni ell school house
rw V. y. Bailev and wife, of
Portland, were io town Sunday and
Mnndav. truests of relaties. The
n atill owns the Union Woolen
Mills nlant. and is making arrange
ments to operate In the very near
futuie Thie plant is in the oenter
aI a fine wool diBtrict, and is a
valuable property.
J. K Keevee, of Cornelius, was in
town Saturday.
Freeh home made bread for sals
at Pope's depot store.
Clem Sbaner, of North Plaina,
wae io town Saturday.
J. C. Hare made a businees trip
to Buxton, Saturday.
Beautiful pictures at Baird's for
89o with every (2 00 purchase.
Ixaao Kones, of South Tualatin,
waa over to tie hub Saturday.
Tilt Kenniy Shoes for men are
the kind that wear ask Baird.
D. Tschabold, of Helvetia, was
in tbe county seat Friday.
Try our new flour tbe pure
while, (1 G5 per Back, al Greer a.
John Humphreys, of Portland,
was out Friday, tbe guest of
friends. .
Tbs pure wbite fl ur is tbe beet
on earh. $1.50 per sack. At
II. H Hall and Virgil Davis, ol
Shady Brook, were in town tbe
last of tbe week.
Csne D G 8ugai- $5 50 per
100 lbj. Seventeen pound for $1
(iuaranteed- pure-cane. H. Web
rung & Sons.
Grsot Mann, of near Corneliu,
and wbo is one of tbe progressive
stockmen of the county, was in the
city, Friday.
J II Staues, of near Phillips,
waa io town Saturday. Mr. Stause
acme time ago bandied one of tbe
milk routes into the city.
Post cards, local scenes, and poet
card albums, at tbe Pharmacy. A
One selectioo. Get local scenes and
send thrm to your friends.
Lei Perkins, deputy recorder,
waa a Buxton visitor Saturday and
Sunday, a gueet of a his parents,
T. B. Perkins and wile.
Our stock of clothing and Genu'
Furnishing goods is complete. We
can fit you all in styles, price
and quality. U. Webrung & 8ons
Hon. Ira E. Pu'din, for years a
resident of North Forest Grove, aod
who still owns a big farm there,
waa io tLe city from Portlaod,
Do not forget the dance Saturday
evening. November ?7 1900. at W
0. W. Hall, Glencoe. Tlcfc.. $1,
including supper. Toelle's orcnee-r
Ervine Burkhalter, of South Tua
latin, waa in town Friday. He
eays that very little Fall plowing
baa been sccompliehed out his
Wendell Davis writes from Los
Gatos, Cal , that his party ia now
located for a lew weeks. His
mother is there for tbe benefit of
ber health.
For sale Ten or twenty acres
unimproved land, all in paBtuie;
two-room house. At a bargain.
C. Sorsnson, 1J miles south of
Reedville. 35 8
Thoe. Gbesn, janitor at tbe
school house, is graduating as a
gasoline engineer, and he eays if
there is anything more contrary
than one of these little barkers it
is another. -
J. E. Butler, of Tie Dallas,
where he is in the employ of the
Hi e building into Central Oregon,
artived in Saturday, to join his
wife, wbo has been visiting here lor
few dsys.
Saturday was the first bright day
oi the week's end and there were
many people in the city. Merchants
generally had a fine business, and
notwithstanding the beavy rains,
the farmers are all leeling oheerful
taken op: enna e .oow; no
horns; white spots on hips; rather
thin; not in milk. On J. A. Im
brie ranoh, Weet Union. Owner
please call and pay charges and
take her away. Lewis Hamel,
Hilleboro, Route 1. 37 9
Fred Ence;, who recently moved
here from down the river, has
taken a position sb foreman of the
Hilleboro Lumber Co.'s logging
ramp above Buxton. Mr. ' Ennes
has spent many years in camps
and understands bis bUBiceas.
A. Gross, who has been back to
New York ordering stock for his
new store io tbe Tamiede concrete
blook, arrlvsd in the city Saturday
and is hustling to get bia business
opened about Deo. 1 He has an
announcement display in another
The news that the condenser fa
to start up December 1 ie receive
with satisfaction by townsmen and
farmers alike, and the price for
milk is to be the best ever paid in
Washington county, il the last half
ol tbe November prioe is to prevail
acd moat likely it will. This
means a big factor ia price and
one mote agenoy of competition
Besides the fact that it means an
other avenue for tbe milk produot
it will make another payroll for
Hilleboro and that is what ie
Citizens Take up Question of
Rock Supply
All Appear te b Caaalojeaa fer Special
Forest Grove held a rock road ma t-
irg, last Saturday, and although
the crowd waa not large, owing to
tba storm, tboee there were en
thusiastic over the probability ol
adding mora good rock road to their
section. Judge Goodin stated that
be was satisfied that ba could da
liver rock at tbe Grova at a rata of
$100 per cnbio yard which is
considerably under the preaent
cost, where crushers have to ba
moved here aod there. From tbe
general expreaeiona of favor beard
it ia more than likely that aeveral
dietriota up that war will lew
special Uxta to apply to ths per-j
msneni road proposaL
Tboee wbo add rested tbe meet-1
ing, al er Judge Goidin concluded,
were: President Ferrin, . Pacific
University; Judge Hollis, . W.
Uaioea, J A. Tboroborgb, Ira K.
Pnrdin, C. N.' Johnaon. JeDtbaJ
Garrigua, G. W. Marsh and II Ii
Russell. 1
Report of tbe condition of the HilUboro
Commercial Sank, at Hlllaboro, in tbe
Slate of Oregoa, at tbe close of busioeas
aov io, 1 904.
Loan aod dleoants..m...4oi,s44 06
uona. Mcnnues, etc 11,836 33
Banking houae, furaitmre and
nxmrea 0.000 on
ime irom approved, reserve
bank 7a.u e-7
Check and other cash item 1.781 16
Caah on hand....... 17.449 19
Total fji4,i58 81
Capital ctock paid in--.
.. 00
iiurpina fund
11,500 00
Undivided profit, lea -
penar and test paid.....
4,849 73
Individual deposit subject to
Demand ce.lificate of depos
124,417 a7
it... .7a8 11
Time certificate of deposit... 5,870 71
Saving Deposit... H8.78s.73
Total............. .. $314,138 81
State of Oregon, )
County of Washington, )
I, Geo. Scholmerich, Caahier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly iwear
that the above statement ia true to the
beat of my knowledge and belief.
Geo. Scholmerich. Caahier.
Correct Atteett
Edward Schulmerich, J. W. Bailey,
Subscribed aod sworn to before me
this 19th day of November, 1909.
W. N. Barrett,
Notary Public.
A concert will ba given ai tbe
Tualatin" Plaina Presbyterian
Church, Friday, Nov. 26, at dght
o'clock p. m. No admiaaioa will
ba charged, bat a free will ofiVrini
will be taken. Tbe proof ela are to
go towards paying for the new
oburoh organ. All weloome.'
Pres. Berry, hailing to the For
est Grove oondenaer, save tba roads
ara badly cut up this Fallowing
to tbe beavy raina. tie may be
transferred to tba Hilleboro eon
denser, when tbe factory ' starts
December 1.
C. C. Beera, who owns a place
near the Hcbolneld farm, Cortelios
and the Lakaoo plaoe, on Leverich
Lake, waa a caller Monday. Mr
Beers deals in ths celebrated
Hampshire shsep.
Customers at Emmott Bros may
get a beautiful China Dinner Set,
free. 8es their window display,
and ask them now yon can get
one. -
' ' II, ,S Woodman, of Banks, was
. a.. e
aown Monaay morning, and was
axonaed by Judge Campbell from
airoutt oourt duty as juror.
Guatemala caracal coffee, the
beat in Hilleboro for tbe money, at
2' eenta per lb., afWyett & Co
Five pounds for f 1 00.
J C. Buchanan, of above Corne
lius, and who bai been in ths hop!
Dusmess lor many yearfYaa in tbs
oity Monday morning. .;.
Jos. Connall, of beyond Glanooa
was in Monday, and sayi tbs acre
age of Fall-sown wheat ia mighty
siimout nis way. r
J. A. Thornburgh, president of
.me Forest urove National Bank.
was in town, Manday, a visitor at
tne oourt nouss. -
Judge Hollis, L. L Langley and
J. N., Hoffman, of Forest Grove,
were in town Monday, at opening
J la a ww
01 circuit oourt.
L. F Caratens and wife.
Greenville, ware in town Setnrdar
High Quality
The Delta Drug Store, IHIIsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition. November 16. 1909
Demand Loans
Other Loans -
U. 8. Bonds (at par)
Other Bond
Banking House
Cash and Due from
Bank and U. S.
$146.737 30
- 5 ,000,00
5. 347-50
. 16,060.00
$437.03 13
Wllbor W. McEldcmnox
People of Reedville and vicinity
would do well and save money by
buying their Merchandise from
Who will give you satisfaction and
your money's worth. Carries a com-
plete line of
Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
, and at line of f
Agency Tor
Men's, Ladies and Children's Hose.
j ueneral Merchandise, Reedville, Oregon.
If yon have not a Victor in your home you are
certainly missing a world of pleasure.
The Victor will sing for you, play for you or
talk to you just whenever you want it.
The Victor is the standard , by which all other
talking machines are judged.
. Call and hear your favorite song or instrument
al selection. - -
Improved Victors $10 to $100.
Victiolas $175 to $250.
It is not necessary to 'pay cash. Send for cata
Drug Store
A dutifol ton and obedient daughter are their fath
er's pride aod their mother's delight. Aad when
aickneaa viait the home all medicine given them
ahould be absolutely para aod of the highest grade
obtainable. These yoa will always find at
Trie delta sTvee.
In fact everything in oor'stock ts the very beet we
are able to obtain!
Even our line of candle is unapproachabl by
others, and tbe prices are bat a very little higher
than is charged for inferior goods elsewhere. We
have secured the agency for Whitman' Fine Choco
lates and .Confection. None, better are made any
where. We are closing oat oer line of McDonald' choco
lates at greatly redoced prices to make room for our
eztcoaive Hoe of Whitman's.
They sre GOOD and RIGHT or yon would wot find
them at the DelU Drag Store.
Capital and Sorplns
Undivided Profits
Deposits -
a 5,000.00
. A. Tkaornbwrsi
HOYT, Victor Atfent.