The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 18, 1909, Image 1

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    V0XV1, HILLSBORQ. OREGON, NOV. 18. i909 ; . TZ
mToThW TK 1 11K TIB.0A!''T!JV.!ogi "W'r. fIPHlfl nrilliiTllll I gr.h home mada hr, f,,.1.finmmii I
kiiiiiii iii' mill i ! uuiiivu unci, arm imii,i. i . n n nwhiii i - -- 1 1 11 1 111 ijiiii
lil III linll M KK Ml- 4
i w u ii 1 1 iiiiii ii i' ii i iii
I - - - ' - - ve-v W aUttsU III
W1U Give Ten Dollars First
prlaw, for Applet
poLUii roi iicoso rem
. tk.IJ k. ikl. t.
flielsgwl l,M' P"
Pll ,P Hm Mum
tin b ul lhlbl1
dill IbesVer btt,,d
L PorUmd. t-o. 6 8, and lb
BUlibwo Brd of Trade bee do
..ud 110 ci.h p'U for tb bt
uhlblt from Wathlogtoa County
,(! IS cb prlie fortbeuoond
a"" . - ai.l.
Iuj dUelif . loeooiy wwwuoa
L string U tbt the product moil
Ik. fromibii county. Thil gor
u dooitlon ibould I ionic eot
llliv la tuke mid of oor p-
a! produce sit p sou
a QilUlwfo it the ooly tiwa Id
iU aooDtr which bu iflrd
- . - .
rottr aoo raising
Lpplm M mo be f'Und la tb
torld, tbtr ibould be a fine rvpr.
tuuiioa lo th ItmtCUf.
! Hamtr C. Atll, president of
iki0rioo Bikio llorltoulloral So-
1tty,trilN. il Airland, exte
laryef lb Board, " foiwwe;
y. tv.t Kiit 1 rv f Ud to r
ariN roar. u4 llt 9 n Intl. In&mleg
taw xgulMiiaa will give lio fo
Oxawt bo of applet grown In Waah
Imim Ownty and f$ fot tee st b,
Si but la t r lUtlilitd el our eauual
! MtUtf ia Portland, liecvmurr e-S, I
Hgnt ihtl yoar information did Mt
i iMck at la lim tot your on!f 14 p
MW aritk la ntUrrt In IIm im mUom,
Ml I soak) tiKt (hat JW Ctum font
le tri in U h omoty pajWra,
M Mil M tlx PortUsd IWN, If Uw
i aayt poaivf of ibt waly ara nada ac
nuittd ttti youf ooVr I am aara tbav
Ut irtuJ, toil tl will ba a good aJ
ftrtlmtnt for jmtt tatarpdalag city."
Kit till ba racaittd by tbt oadtr
d0td it HilUboro, Orafoo, for tbt
ppwij of Jobo P. Aplla tod
Mattai Aplln lilUitt MAT UUlay,
Otma, Tbit 0DtU of a two
tbirda totaratl in lb farm of Ihi
bit Jowpb P. Aplln, balog aboot
10t0acra Improvad laod allb
Widin,.. Bid will U noaifad
ip lo DaortuUr hi., 1008. Bidi
id hU lubjatt to oooflrnaUoo by
tbt U 8 lUrVrict Ccurl.
i Kd 0 Lueo
Truitie io BaokropUy.
LatTi orJer for c ream it Qtm'i
R.1I. Walkar.of oaar Bairarton,
wti la loan Monday.
TUt Kanny 8boet for moo in
m klod ibat wear tik Baird
Wot. Hftonoo, of PobolU, in
maiiy friday, tod oall.d on tbt
A F. tlfiltmaoher and wile, of
wi ej, wera io lb ooonty ml
W. J. loffain, of oaar Farcnin
, t lo ion Balurday, aoooip
JWW J bji wifa.
A, J. KilUn, of Tbaiobar, M in
No Monday alUrnoon. Uatayi
ioi lrat waa vpry baavr op bla
ny Bondty olgbt.
Wioitrom, of Boboila, waa lo
woiy monjay Hiaroooa. Mr
wiMlrom tayi bo ii wry muob
piawad Ui t lowa'i imprort-
wi iiiq pan o.
M. Bririgoaii bnif parklnt
tbiMurtyardand A.P. Lulhar ii
tha iod. Tbbl ii thi flnt
,n. moy ywri, tbit
"ra dm iaen turoad ovor.
Tbi froat of Sunday and Hon
y MUMd Roma paopU toihlw-
lutoroari think not hi of of it
?J T that baok in tha But
CIS f'any " bnikod oorn
-.nnaoafa with waathtr muob
T biBhHt bidder: for o..h. hna
8JW In milk, and one pony, on
t:'W publio iuolion,lo
tin Hu...
r"roy, Not. 37, 1
Corow. AuoUonw;
Klnaer, of tha PioiBo
oondanaai at Forat Grore,
Ij-'!" Tud. to broutbt thi
r-v-mB D9Wi lh lh Hlllboro
Z""7 WOUld
onnnalia tK Main
Livery. At 1 HO n m An
B. P.
F!,!l?0Powt. for milk thi
"-' oi the current month.
Tk. tl... .
ir. ai"oro ReJ A Oorntt
for h; l" "wuni
ruuuo every
f'an'a Hall.
wa no bar a good lopply of
i , Vf uu'"wa ur,c. md build
iob Diooii ior eeliara md founda
UoM. Try our building block, ior
your houae foundation!. Cbaapar
til A am a I I .
proiaciioo ataloit frott. We have
uoienaa our run of larta ill.
era again running on imallar ili-m
IKll kU m i- I I
. ,,r auppiy at tba yard
rartiM wantina lila A.v...a
bould plao tbair ordari now aowa
eaa Daui Ibatn bafora h&d ....V,..
Tbaro Ii alwaya ruib of bauliot
rH woen roaaa art
aimoai inpaMabla We have
gooa eoppiy of rough and draiaad
lumowr at our mill, and a quantity
oi common lumbar at the Hate
par, below Ntwtoo, the latter to
Mil at a ieeri0o-2il2, 2i8. 26
, niu, us, an and lif of
wiooe lenibti. Tbie la all good
ury WUKl. ana II Will n inn Ln
lavMUgale ibould yno want any of
wwaa Himeoeioni Uruner Row-
Ml Uo, BcboUa, UilUbsro, R 1
Hargaral Gill and HuoKIn
who died at bar boroa norlbweit of
uieoooa, Ko 9, IWJ, u born In
Holnaa Co, Oblo.,Oot. 24, 1830
ooa moraa wun ner parante to
Iowa la im, Bbe waa ooovertod
lo tba oborob la aerly Ufa and wu
a devoted Cbriitian until daih
8b marritd David Ilutcbiaoo July
4, 1H60, lo JtfJareon. Iowa. Nina
oblldrea ware bora to tha anion,
veo ilill eurvlvioi: Arrbaba
HolobUoo. Yamhill. Ore : Irvin
Jaoaea, Marioo and Anderaon. of
Coralline, itmt 1;AIU Miy, of
Portlaod, iod Barab Mir. of Uil li
bera. All Ibe children were praeenl
at tba deitbbad. Funeral eervlcea
wer oooduotad by Jeplba C. Uir
rigua, of Baoki, Ore.
Kd. Biker, who ibot bimeelf
through tba band at Portland, laat
waet, aayi tba daooe and bora
raffle it Button, Baturday night.
gifan by him, wa wall attended
ad a financial luooaea. Kdltb
Hethorn, a Hilltboro young lady,
woa the bora. Mr. Baker datim
lo tbaok tboM who bought oum-
bora, iod aayi that when youog
people want a good lima they
bould oome lo Bui ton. lie de
cree especially to tbaok tha lam-
hermeo it.d loggert wbo milted
tbt affair Boancially.
Attoroey Cbai. J. ScbnabaLol
Portland, and C. Birober, admio-
brtrator of Ibe eetatc of Frlu Bleder-
nana, deoeaied, wete out Friday,
aad aold 40 aorai of land on tha
weal lid of Cooper Mountain, to
HeJwIg Smith, the tale prtoa beiog
$1,090, fbr ii aaid to ba were!
hundred cord of aood on tba
plaee, but tbe laod ii very rough
Tba properly wea originally ap
praiaad at 11,400.
C. F. Borneo, of tb Argua, ind
J. Knight, wbo tl on tha Borneo
plaoe, near Rood' Bridge, bav it
teaaivaly gooa Into tba pigeon
bualneee, and will ralee iqoaba for
tba Portland market. Ttey al
ready bav 230 of the bird at the
farm, and ipot aooloer oooign
mentaooo. Thebirde were bought
from tb homer (arm it McMinn
0. f. Brown, of QreeovU'e, wu
a town Baiurdar. enrouve atm
from Portland, wbar b wa at the
beJaide of Mr, Brown, wbo f l re-
oaotly uperaud on by a aurgeoo
Mre. Brown I rapidly ooovaieeoiog,
aad will looa be able to return to
bar home. Tha patient la a deugn-
tar of Mr. iod Mr. C. B. Bradley,
of tbU oily,
Carnallua CamD. WoodmiO of
tb World, will give a Masquerade
Ball on lh evening of Wrtotnaey
Nov. 24. Mueio bv Toellel or
obeetra, Portlaod. Tick eta, II 00.
Spectator, 26 oenU. uywer up
per, litra. All are invited.
Kdward Newbegin. eecretary iod
manager for tba R. M. Wade & Co.,
Portland, wboleeale aeaiere id
farm implemenU and machinery,
u in tha oltv Monday and Tues
day, calling on Connell & Co., ihe
Arm handling tnair unee.
Tha freria ha not Injured pota
toe In 'thi ground and there are
i hnndrela of icrM nndug. It
wai thought t Brit that tha freew
Uhl net mm nOHal UBUJalKD IU an
regard but the fean wera nnfound'
0. Klnr. of near Olenooe,
... In town Saturday. Mr. Kin
. . I . I.m Tavai a
mr linn n ft rim nnrv iiuim v -
year or iogo, oa oougo
Sootoh Churoh, thlokl tbU leotlon
baaU ihi Tnai oooniry ooneiuor-
Ooiiomeri at Kmmolt Broi. may
a bliuUlul CblM Winner
Bee their window aiepi-j.
oan gn
Bnnday In
By Bnrln.
Krfl -nd under tha lead-
am.:.,. ,-0M- PMker.till turn
Haa Another Escapade, Steal-
Iok Kabblta From Home
lecanlgiblt Veaik Uire Herat aad
Baggy la Ttwa
tbu. Buroham, a youth about 20
year of age, and wbo hu bid eav
eral regiitrlee la tbe Wehiogton
touoty jail, i again an applicant
for tba Lonora of the bteti'e. Ha
aa given bia freedom but a few
week igii, and it wee thought
that it would be io me time
before be would again be a
candidate for imprisonment, Tbe
other day he took the Burohtm
boreeind buggy, ttole hi foeter
mother' ubbiU ind bUd to Port
land. Arriving in th city bi aold
the boaniea, pot op tb borae, and
let It remain there without notify
ing bi foster par n'.
Wnatgvoont Buinham nadt iaa
plaoe where be can work off hi if
ftrveeoe aod at Balem tbey have I
plaoe admirable for him Lti oaf
io j eoliaooe appear to do lim no
brteSt acd at fat u be vote out ol
one eorape ba falle iolo another.
Friday night, Nov. 19. h, at the
Orange Uall. the Eodeavor
eri of tbe Cbriitian Church will
give an entertainment followed by
a doz fooiai. Lad tea are all ia
viud lo bring baiketa, or boiee,
with enough tupper for two. Bue
will bold to ibe hlsh-tt hlddr
tieotlemeo come and buy boiee
Noel of lbs prooeedi will go to
ward tbe tew church, ind gymowl
urn room for tbe bova. to ba built
oear tha Churoh. Help out a
wormy eotarpriee. A one aoclal
lima it aored. Come at 8 o'clock
one. 8oholfleld,of Coroi
Uu,iod who lerytd miny yeinii
"!' - ii.. Monmootb Normal
regeoti, waa
Tbi pore white flour U thi beit
ai no ner iaok.v At
uk them bow you
In Ibe county
Miry JvMepbine CarUoo lue John
U. Carltoo for divorce, and her
complaint eat out that they were
mtrried In Vancouver, Wuh., in
May, 11)03, and upon being advieed
tbe ceremony wa illegal, again
mirrial io Portland, last February
On Nov. 2, CarUoo tued for divorce
in Portlaod, alleging a atatutory
oflene. Oo Nov. 11, be dimiaeed
the suit, and oo Nov, 13, Mr.
Catleoo uee out here, aiking di
vorcement and a resume of her
maiden nam. Turnbridge. For a
complication of eveote thia bu tbe
Frank Haneman. a ted 81 vrare.
came down from North Yamhill,
Monday, to roe tbe historio town
after So yeara of abrence. He lay
ha had no idea that there were io
many ringei, and he Mye that he
aw but very lew or bi old friend
tbe late Kobt. lmorie, Btava
ftonaffina. and Iaaao Smith, not to
mention "Uncle Ben" Corne'iu.
who wa a boon companion. Tbe
Uit ilma he vial led Hilleboro WU
In 1875, wben a fin county fair
wa ilwiyi n annual mature, nr
Htumri owna ooneiderable oroD
e ty around North Yamhill.
Snveral threehermen from thie
oonntv will attend annual oon
. a a in A
vention on Uocemoer i ana a at
Tk. n.llu Tkai-a a nrlie offar
luo r-
of 1200 for the beat buihel of wheat
growo in tbe state, offered by fnu
n Katat. aeoraiarv oi ine aeaooia
lion, Judgei in thil oonteat have
w m rw
been named m ioiiow: rroi. n
D. Scudder, agronomist at the Ore
AirrinnUaral Colleae. and J
W. Uanong, vtoe preeiaen oi me
Portland Flouring Mills. Addresses
' nnta ara on the Drogram. frof
Pbil S Rose, Madison, Wiio., will
iinn nn tha uie of ealoHne oower
on the firm, and Byron Hunter, of
the Department oi Agriouiiurai,
Waihiogton, D 0., will ipeak on
geleotion of leed wheat add tm or of aeed aro wars' an a
ration. The government good
.... m a
.n.a mnrV will be repNeeniea ana
iwa" " ... ... . . .
.tk.. anaakara Will tell 01 . IDC
,t....kna Industry in thil state
Th. kiialnaaa men oi ine vauee
will give the threehermen a ban
quel at The Dalles to'el.
n.n P.rklna wu out from Port
mu v. -
land Sunday afternoon.
Alfred Guerber, cl Helvetli, was
in Monday, greeuug u
friends in the oounty eeai. mr
n....k.. la .ill I in the obee?e bust
i. Vi K ain't timft to
waaaBal lllia HHVH aU V - -
end down an eihlblt to the elate
Freeh borne made bread for tale
rope' depot eiore.
Jo. Cawree. North Plains hor
' .
man, wa in town Baturday.
Watch for Nelioo'a barber ahon
i . . .
local next week.
Kd. NorthruD. of Bhadr Brook.
wu in town baturday.
Beautiful pictures at Baird's for
ovo wun every I z.OU purcbau.
J. II. Dorland. ofShadv Brook.
wa lo tbe city Saturday afternoon
Try our new flour the pure
Stanley Ilahn.of near MonntaJo
tale, wu in the citv tha laat of tha
Vtbd Rood, tha RnoVa Rrtdaa
opgrower, wae in me oounty seat
I TJIIIaavt tl. I .ntJ
grower, wu in town Baturday af
Jake Smith, farmlna- near Glen-
ooe, for several years, wae lo town
Georte Lennen. of Vinalanrla
was down to the citv Tnaadav. and
called on tbe Argus.
Herman Schnlmarioh. with Wada
& Co , Portland, wu out Sunday,
me guen oi relatives.
Dr. Gay Via. of Foraat (Irnva
now practicing at Buxton, wu In
town tbe laat of tbe week.
John Carrico. lata of Mlaannri.
and now (etching at Gas too, wu
an Argus caller Saturday.
8oow for the first time waa viai.
his Io the Coaat Ransa of mnnn.
taini between here aod Tillamook,
Saturday morning.
J. E. Berwick, who ranantla
bought out the Frank Interest in
toe rrenk dc ttorwiok store, wu in
toe ctiy Baturday.
Frank Llchtv. Cadar Mill W J
Lichty, Weet Union, and Perry
Gardner and family, of Qaatama,
were in town rriday.
Nathan Noland. of Corralloa
and who knows all tbe old timers
here sioce earlv in tha flftiea. waa
down to the city Friday.
Do not foraet the danoeSaiurda
evening. November 27, 1909, at W
0. W. Hall, Glenooe Ticket. $1,
including eupper. Toelle'e orohee-tra.
H. W. Scott, who deals in timber
ndi and ia ooe of the reliable
timber cruisers of the Weet Coun
ty, wu in the citv from Foreet
Grove, Satarday.
J W. York, of south of Rad
ville. waa in town Satnrdav. Lha
first time since the carnival. ' He
cays it ii too wet io his section for
a t
mucn general larmiog.
A carload of aennina nawl
manufactured Herculee stumping
oowder. made bv the K I Dnnont.
de Ne Moors Co.. of San Frannlann
. . , . v. . . r
jusi received, eutn leiepbonu. J
c. oorwici, neeaviue, ure.
Brakesman Knudaon. who waa
injured at the P. R. fc N. gale a
lew aays ago, ii gelling along nioe
lv. and will eon a ha ahla to avain
take nls run on tbe Oregon Eleo
trio. ?
A. C. Winuey, who haa painted
all Summer on tbe North Plains
and in this oily, bu buepended
operations for the Winter, and is
now on nil ranch Im the Winter,
nortn oi uienooe.
Shooting match: There will ha
a mooting malob at tbe Louis
Stonier plaoe. on the Jaenar Gra.
bel farm, 34 miles nortbeut of
Hilliboro, on Sunday, Nov 31, 1909
Forty turkeve and lot chicken
Commence at 1:80 p. m. -
Hon. W. N. Barrett waa at Al
bany, Saturday evening, attending
tbe muting or tbe Mystic Shrine,
which assembled in the Linn
County oity in number of about
600. There waa a big parade, and
a clui initiation of oyer 50. He
returned Sunday morning.
Gua Kempfbr re'urned the last
of the week from bis trip to Eastern
Oregon, going aa far aa Buyer
Lake. He saya they were mil
threading and cutting grain in the
Redman district, above Prineville,
and that he encountered some
enow op that way. Fred Hoidel
went on to ibe Klamatn country.
and Geo Uibson.well known bare.
wbo went with them, returned to
Portland with Mr. Kempfar. , ,
; Freddie Hill, son of Fred Hill,
who formerly oonduoted the Quim
by Home, in Portland, lost a finger
on the Forest Grove oamput, lut
Thuriday evening, while handling
a gopher gun, that the janitor had
et on the grounds. Tbe youngster
found the gun nt in a gopher nole
aod.ptoked it up, wben the die
charge badly mutilated two fingers
Dr. Brown found It neoeuary to
amputate the Index digit. The
young lad witnetood tbe ampule
lion like a Spartan. There a ere a
number of people on tba archery
oourse wben toe accident took
I place.
Washington County Pu'Isout
a Few Premiums
Orrgea Raraery Ctwaaay CtU Call
' Betel a lat Exhibit
While it is deplorable that Weth.
ington County did not have a gen
eral exhibit at tbe Aluka Fair
there la tome consolation In tk.
that wo had trowera who nnt
individual ethibita and won
some premiums. It la much more
our credit, however, lor it is
much harder to get Individual
award than when an exhibit goee
at a collection. Tbe award
reaching Wehiogtoo County art
i louowa:
Edward L. Navlnr Rrf ..M
medal for Mohair.
Barnett Y. Roa, hoaorablc mention,
ted chaff wheat
OreffOB Nutaar H. Rllln ....
gold medal. '
L K. Ully, Foreat Orove, applet, ail.
ver medal.
D. C. IJI1 Dona r.... ...i..
brooxe medal. '
Peter Zoerrher, Beavcrtoa, applet,
broote medal.
J. C Martinani, TaalaUo, applet,
pronte medal.
W. K. Newell DIIW ar1. nAnor.
able mentioo.
There will ba a bit ahoot matnh at
Oak Park on Sunday, Nov. 21, be-
finning at 8 o'clock ia the morn
ng. One hundred turkey and 60
geeu will be tbe trophlw and there
will be both rifle and ahntann
shooting. Bine rooks will be ehot
for tha birds, and there will ba a
ipeciai oun priie for tbe person
booting the most blue rook out o'
i poesibl fiftv. Them will ha twm
wta of trape one for tba boyi and
one for adulta. Lunch wUl be
served on tha grounds. Take Ore-
ton raeotria ear for Oak Park-, a
mile west of town. Aleo riffle.
W. H. Taylor ft Herbert Miller.
awaaawi aaaa MMWaaiaaawai
Two Hand red Suing Bally
Sunday, Nov. 21, at 10 o'clock, at
the Christian Churoh, there will be
held One Of tha varv taattaat Ann.
day School and Churoh Ralliee
a a a .....
evernoiaia mat blatorio church.
Tbe mark haa haaa tat for 9fm in
the Bible eohool. Tha motto: Tbe
Whole Churoh aad aa If an mora
in tbe Bible 8ahooLw Tha naator
will giveaurmoo talk on "Strings I
Binnger jcaoh person is to bring
a airing aa long u he or aha li
tall. Tbeu etringi will be need in
the talk. Thi will ba at U nVlk-
Uon't miu it Children'e dav nra.
. a n .-7
gram at :au p m.
The annual mutinc of the Beaver
t am e.A . .
ton rrutt urowerr Aseocia ion, will
be held at Beavarton Hall n Rat.
urday, November 20, 1909, at 2:00
in tne anerooon. Membere are
urneetly reaaeeted to ha nreaant
The publio ia oordUUy invited to
do in attenaanos.
B R. Patton.Becretarv
Beavarton, O ejon, Nov. 9, 1909
0. T. AUiaon aad aoma of tha
young neo Die of near Joba'a tandar
ed a aumrtaa laat Vrida avanina
to Miaa Bertha Millar, daughUr of
rrank Miller, of that aeaUon
Thoee prf ent were:
Minnie. Iolia aad Baa Htwaatk: Violet
Webb, Irtnt Olaala, Mamie Bakr, Jotle
narngrovar, wara vaney, Kay Cbap
inan, Leoa and Harry, flay, John, Bd.
and Emil Miller, Fred Taylor aad Claude
Argos and Journal, 12 SS.
Twohrjueea to raat Innnin
Greer's stove,
Tbe Oreeon EleotHd haa marl
the oirouit court aaklnw thai a inr
determine th value of Umber on
tha nlaaa Af Wahataw PkllltM
Core elina. and Iharanohnf T7
mostok, at uarden Itoma, on the
right or way of tbe Una. Tbey aver
that tha tlmhar and an mm tk. mIm
and ihey aay they cannot get the
defendants to ut figures u to vel
ues. ; uagiey a Uar filed the pa
pen the lut of tbe waek.
Hilleboro aaloon intarlota wat.
ezpored to tne publio gasj, Sunday
tnr tha ft rat lima In tha Uilm.
- " - " ww H.PHI 1H
he oily. All front doors bad glass
In them u low u five feet from th
aidewalk and th pnaasr by, and
the nrohLand oonhl aonld eanalU
eaa tne Dare witnoot uoubia. Th
neoaliar thin about tha nonditum
is, that while It plseea U prohl,
tt aiwayi staris im eaiiva in tba
leiiow who orooki us aibow.
Higii Quality Drug S
A dutiful arn and obedient daughter are their fath
er pride and tbeir mother's delight Aad when
ttckneat viai it the home all medidae given them
ehould be absolutely pur aad of the highest grade
attainable. Thete yow win alwaya find at
In fact everything ia ewfttock ia the very beat we
are able to obtain. , ..?
Even onr line of candiet it nnapproachable by
other, and the price are bat a very little higher
than ia charged for inferior gooda eltewhere. We
have secured the agency for Whitman' Fine Choco
lateaand Confectiom. None; better are made any
where. ; , J t
We arc cWlog oat oar line of McDonald' choco
lat a at greatly reduced price to make room for oor
extensive line of Whitman'.
They sre GOOD snl RIGHT or yon would not find
tbem at the Delta Drng Store.
The Delta Drug Store, llillsboro, Ore.
, Vice-President
Forest Grove
Semi-Annual Statement September 4, 1909
Demand Loans . f 159,389 17
Other Loans . ' . 47,765.87
U. 8. Bonds (at par) . 2500.00
Other Bonds 41,097 50
Banking Houae . 16,060.00
Cash aad Due from
Bank and U. S.
Treasurer - 118,68796
$409,000 50
Capital and Soxplw
Undivided Profits
Circuit tJoa . .
Deposits ...
: S.ooajo
'X'owr Itx-oixje r. eatpocrtrully
Tho. C. Todd John E. Bailwr 1 W. Fuqua
Wilbcr W. McEldown.x f J. A. Thorn bUr;
People of Reedville and vidnity
would do well and save money by -buying
their Merchandise from ?
1 nr TrTrrvjws a
Who will give you satisfaction and ",
your money's worth. Carries a com- "
v plete line of
Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
and a line of 7
General Llerchanlse
Agency Fog- t -V t- '
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hose.
General Merchandise. Reedville, Oregon.
. ; .. .
A Howard Watch
Has a fixed price and a 'permanent t value. You
pay no more for it than your neighbor, and no
one can get it for less. If you want to know how
the Howard holds its vaiue, try to buy one second
hand. ' . - 1 ' ' '
Printed price ticket attached at the factory ..
$35 to $150 , ; 7;,;. ;
Let me show you one of these distinctive watches.
Do your eyes trouble you? If so come and
see me. I can give you the best satisfaction for
the least money. ... ..... . .
LAUREL M; 1IOYT, Victor Ant
oo In the Wm.m.H.
OD aru. .; r--
t '"wwiia, i aaiaw g
aaeaaaaaattnat ( f