page e HILLS BORO ARGUS NOVEMBER It, 1909 The farmer who buys either the New Deer G.nJ or Sulky' Plow ?ets absolutely the finest, most servicable implement of its kind ever produced. Before buying such a tool youJl want to know how it's built, how it works and what it will do for you. As to quality of the material and workmanship the name Deee on it is a sufficient guarantee for yon on those points. For ease of operation and light draft the New Deere will be a happy surprise to you. The many new features which enable the operator to work with it he never could do before, with a sulky or gang plow, are marvels of simplicity and effective ness. It takes a whole book and a lot of illustrations to explain them all, and we know you will want to read the book. J. E. BORWICK General Merchandise, Reedville, Ore r W. A. Shiw, Prts. W. H. Fear, Vice-Prea. J. W. Tabcr, Sec. Shaw-Fear Company Paid-up Capital $50,000 Surplus $50,000 NOW OFFERING BEAVERTON - KEEDVILLE ACREAGE. 3600 acres, pUttid into tracU of to jo teres each; a system of completed roads extending along one or more sides of each tract platted; located ten miles southwest ot the Courthouse, on Fourth street railway, five trains each way per day, 40 minutes' ride; no rock, no gravel, hillsides or cold white land, but very fertile soil, especially adapted to fruit, nut and Yegetables. This platting offers you acres at the price of outlaying city lots and only 40 minutes ride from Fourth and Stark streets. An op portunity you will not allow to pass when you investigate. A few hundred judiciously investigated in this acreage and paid in easy installments will result in highly tatifactory showing in the very near future. ' s Come in and permit m to explain to you the extraordinary ad vantage of this special location. Now telling at ioo to Jjoo per acre; payable on easy install ments. Call at our office. , 245 1-2 SUrh St Portland. Oregon and arrange to go with our representative and examine this property. r T. H. HE KB H A. HUDBEPvT Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town,- call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS TABCO LOCATION, ladopsmdont Phone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON "Tie Meaowt Thing in HiUsbo rot What ie it?" Hug will b the theoie Sunday right at theCh'ie tian Church. The pastor it aekit g Tsrjr many this, qurwtion. Many antwrra are giyn. Ion I fail to hear thr answer and the aeruiot. that will tollow. It will be highly iotereettDK. Coma early and gel a eat. -They're all Coniing." The moraine them will be: "TheSu p-eme GiiV Bib'e echool slmi for 1 50 in attendance Sunday. The men aie ahead in the roateeV. t M. KobiDaon. the contractor who failed to finish the M K Church, last year, the baiKTn hir ing been completed by hi bonds men, has been arrested io Portland for weaiing to the Union Guaran tee Awociatioo that he was worth as much aa his bond. K binoi threw up the work and it cm th association only 13 240 to floi h th contrtc. The (rial will take place utc Tl, and the real charge is ub Uiotn "mtney U-der (aite pre-teise." Frank Mu .ger, ot Etst Oik btreet, and who roturiel from North and S.u h Dalota, week be f re last, says the two Dakjtaa hkd a fine wheat crop this season, and Ithit nearly all rrffetablca weta fair, except the potato crop, abtcn was only a 1 or average. Dakolau-. he says, are now raieinc mm clover than ever, and th old (alia cy that it could not be produced in mat atj ouuirr has been sx ploded. Editor Klancke, of the Fore I Grove Prees, was in town Friday, in the interests ol his Daner. the first ieeae of which appeared last week. Tie Press shows pre.t) fair advertising list for an infant. and il the venture keeps up its present level of business it will be able to make its weekly call with out etreea or trouble. W. P. Quiolan. of Grants Pass. was in town the last of the week locking over this section with s posaibli view of heating; While in this section he was the guet of J. T. Morrison, of nearFatmiig ton. and with whm he was ac quainted down in Southern Oregon Van DeLashmult. th old time Portlaider, and who as Mavor of that city in its strenuous daja, wtt np from his Witch Hixel ranch. Saturday. Van is no interested in Spokane property, and is makinv gooa in ins inland Empire metrcp OilS. Oeorge Kirk acxd, who until 28 years ago drove loo motives on Eastern railways, and who atil I minks be would like to pull the throttle once in a while, was d tw I C . t"y . , iiium ruree urove, rrioay an Saturday. Dr. C. H. RafTe'.v and Portland, and who have list turned from a trip to EuroDe. came - . j . ' ous rriaay evening, and were m oy Jacob Kaffety. who oonvee them to Mountainda'e where they xpeni ounaay ai ins old borne Why buy a steel ranse from peddler, and pay bim more than you have to pay Emrick & Corw lor a steel range? We can beat their prices here at hime If you iuum Deueve us come in and see C. V. McKinney, a Biker Coon 1.1 - ty Btoctmsn, and who reo-mle brought down a shioment lur 100 uni in siock yards. Port and came out the last of the week, and was me guest of W. V. Wiley TV. 0-t!1t- l luo ocniwer -a 1U cent waar . " ana me u ana Marca, a two for i4ujicr vigar, are woat you wan when you buy a cigar. Kept every bar in Hillebjro, Ask for them. Painlessjentistry Iwafctr 'a brii It w .' Ss.W.LMULmma.MZS BS.M.LMUE, iwimiihimwi pl ' HRMly, S3. 5 IvCrMM 5.0 EmwI FHSnn 10 WhwrWnt. .St ita,nnt. Z.SD piitH 5.00 -tST ruu. 7.50 mm WhUm Eitf'Mw .50 woiik auASANTiiD ronTi VmZZi' runiaa titrotlo riHwkn pltim or bcidaamk Wise Dental Go. fauna JBuiLDm iNcoaeoaaru iBDaWua.STS. PORTLAND, OftEQON saaia,iMk ,Notice of Final Settlement Administrator's Notice Koeber's Confectionery Is the finest place in Ilillsboto Oyster Cochtails Oysters in bulK. Call in and try us onto and you'll com again. All kiuJs of confections and always courteous service Second St., Opp. Dell Central Hillsboro Commercial Bank KDW. SCHULMKRICH, President GKO. SCHULMKRICH, Cashier Are Doing a Conservative Banhing Business CAPITAL S1XK, $25,000 SURPLUS, $10,000 Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings and Time Deposits CLOSING OUT. hit gt"K to ft""- "t ur rnlir of Underwear, WorKlnrf Shirts, Hoi'tnt lloso Supporters and Susprndvr' ea utvc TIh itolaif all nt. luvt only ttrrn In tlw Iumim . i i k I hv pt iu Imlcl iut to rirr llils Hur Tahe Advantage of the Low rYw e win make you, as yon w ill m ver 1 the ehatuc n.Aa. s;itcen shitts, 40c; C.otnl woikin.r shins, 35c, (inl heavy, cotton midirwrnr the suit,70e; Ladies khh1, black, cotton hose lOc; Men's good, Mack, cotton mix, K)c. LV Hillsboro, Ore. u aiiMsiiSaiMsaiMsaiiaiMasMssaaaaasssjpjsjsjiissiii JL OUR. WW ll La t 7 ur a X wre re uurai mail carriers am all agreed that the roads are getting uiiKuiy maaar and Blmre th days and some of tlena who have long routes are rery late io getting wots, io nuisDoro. airs. Mary Walker, ol K.i nm-Doro, is very . and hr icnudrtn have been notified. aaojihter, Mrs. Wi;e, has tele grapbed that ebfl has started for rJilieboro. Jl1L foil. II......J 1. M l I siened has bti. bv ,, ""u. V. "" v mo ciwei D rtr hnn-th ty Court mUe and ntrel on the llih P01 "ur chair hop in War-hina uaT Of NOVAtlltior A II AdminiJrtrator of u v. .,: . . l"u "u"l7- Always lour men of Uamol Ha,a. 22 A D Cl&lma lira nirl xt. ,vl"ff Bmua CiHtULH HID (iaaan I V a mm mm . nHr.. 10 Prewi" the name, uwethr J - w- ndr velden, tie Roy Willi ) m nsniiui . 1 . 1 I 1 . . . . " -Mffl,,: oron'ir caud .h.resinoe the P. R A N boro orl!T H" ToT' Jr" ,u "'"a- bu'u through that section, was from the daie borcif. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON la the matter of the estate of Matilda Baudntone, deceased. To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby riven that I have filed In the above entitled Court my final re- uioiuhtt in the city Monday. 1909. lk wis m mPh Tinv u" . .u8ene BcbiUmt; once a railroad : . '. Rltll Ann nur an1 ak. Thnm U . . . """"HlHtraiOr. . " O -v., ul HUU UIDI uI1Kue, jr., Attorney. place down n the Betyerton CITATION TO REGISTER TITLE aj,Un w" in lown Tuesday auu titcu uu uo Argua I1ST THIS CIRPTTTT f'nr'nTi rn mn I Win. Bclnlmnrinh mhn K.. wwin up 1 i n - -1 uog STATU Ar. I .! . II . . ur uiujuun TOR WASH- rcpumiiun an over me stale as a ifsUTON county. breeder of Jersey cattle in . 1 mw a)U Cwi'inH , of th2 arP',ca"' of A. n. n c,l7 from his Parmington ife, to f-risS,- the tm.' IT "L'W raUCQ- IU'J. F. M Crabtiee was in from Lau 7.V w r,01 oecti"n 13. T. 8, N ... . uuuiv. ureeon: 1 disj- tt , . 10 whom it may concern take nJi. r.B1 F r,UBy: .ao nM nnisned p Uoe Thatontha nut. a r r. . . 'Idrvinir and dnlivnrAH hi hnna .. 1809. an apb icRtinn uJr 5 ? ; V- n.n 1... it .... ..-si ot f N. Lowe and any c have been filed to said "heard and determined Judire of said County. Charlea o. Handaione, Administrator. Tnoa. H. Tongue, Attorney. account will be by the County Argue and Journal, $2 25. fi loa-1 K u.. ;.i a lnn taka it iinltl Um.aM .-Hon- W. Marsh, of Center- above dasoriiMn- n?.'tand Tillfc Friday. (J W. says he sees improvement in the plication abaii nnt hT ap- oia town every time ne viHite oa ihaii be taker,. m7r 'T. :,"m,"a",e . ,-.r. . " u"w,; P I.A i W Mint nf H.ffAinM ..... Tuesday ' Mr. Stitt is oldtimera of Beaver ton. Jacper Ktffdr, of near Glencoe. was in town Tuesday, uettioa ready for plowing if the rains ever oeasa. R. DeGunia, of Cornelius, was in town Tuesday. mtrt ub ii! .f 1.1 J Will hA AnrjirH ii r . """"i : Ti -w"jiu) io me prayer of uiemoaayoi iwoemoer, iww. at tne Hour t"" vpi"non anu you will be ruiwr in the CitV of 10 o'clock a. in., has been fixed as the bJ from deputing the a!I10, 'rev,!r nnc I . k day when any obiectiona which ma first publication. Oct. 21 .W one 01 tne publication, Nov 18. im. Clerk of the Circuit Court If Waning. ton County, Oregon. Miniifr- By Edw. C. Luce, Deputy. Argus and Oregonian, 12.26. The CITY BAKKR has a new Biker and the best bread ever turned out io the city U now being nude. Try Our CAKES AND 1'IKS and all Kinds of Pastry. Everything as neat as a pin. No dirt; no bnphazird baking. WHOLESOMK AND CLKANLY. CITY DAHERY. JOS. TRUTTMAM. Prop. ?OR THK Best Fire Insurance AM rBOMPT SKTTI.K. MKNT OK LOSSKS Sl-K JOHN VANDERWAL Agent London & Lanca shire I'irc Insurance Co. OIT.ce with Kdmond Cornelius, Maib St. loi. I'luinr, 39i. Pscific Slates Phone 334 lllMSlUKO 8UMMONS. IN THK CIKcriT Cdl Ur OK TIIK 8TATK OK OKKCION KoK TIIK COUNTY or WAHHINtiroS Palmer W. llliuimn. PUinlKt. 1 Kttis A wtw ikriuATION BOOK FREE Well Irrigation for Small Farms" is a publication iuH isBUfd bv the General F'awenger Imparl ment, of tne uregon Kailroad aod Navita tioo Co., and Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon. This booklet sets forth in a prac tictl concise way the pofsibililies for profit ol inexpensive irrigation, and should be in the hands of every farmer in Oregon. Copies may be obtain! free on application to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, O 11 A N. and 8. P. Lines in Oiegon, Port land, Oregon. Wm. McMurray. Notice ol Adminislrator't Sale. IN THK THE COUNTY COURT dp STATE OK ORKOON KOU WA8HINUTON COUNTY In the matter of the estate of Krlix Ri.i. ernianu, deceaxeii. Notice li hereby elven that an order of the Couritv Court , .ft !. m.., of Oregon for WsAhlnKum County, made onOctot-rl, A. I)., im, at Hillsboro, Oregon, in the above entitled matter the AdtnlnlNtraUir of the until minu, n ii at i.ubli!au.:tiori, to the higlirst bidder subject to conlirniatuiii ol said court all the right, title and interant of Kritz Bied ermunii at the time of bis doalb and all the right, tltie and intereMt that the estate has, by operation of law or ,il,ru ... quired, in or to the following de scribed real property In Washington vs. Hinman, lrfiinlm,t I Tp Kttle A. Hi 11 tn 1111, dorudaut abo namnti : In the name of .he Suio f oMVll. You are hereby u.t Ibe i,Utili has tiled a complaint KlM.t y i alKiye entitled curt m,.l ,.,u.. and vu are hereby rulrl to ap-ar and amwrr "id cninplalnt, or rile nome amvaraur ther..u on or lfore the l:.tli Jar of Nm vember. I1W., lu ,f Jl)lt Ul, tJu and answer nal.1 ixiitiplalnl, nr fllr .iimc apiiearanca therein the planum ul rauw your default to be entered and nnt-.l ,, will apply U the Court for the r,.lif ,,r,y. ed for In sl, complaint, tw.t: For a decree forever dm..lvlig th. 1,0,,, , matrimony now eiatl.,g between yon and thei. Kiiilltr.and for au. b other in.l further relief aa Ui the Comi i,iay ii, meet, ' The date of the l,t publication of II. i. jummoiia Is Thursday Hrptembrr :. ll. and thliiii,ioimUui U publi,),: r ?"."v."7 1 Uun,iy "t M' h w eea for a lliereor being of date NovetniMr II l!fi and this iiimmonN 11 piib,i.-d ag.iu..t you pursuant U the order of Judge". W fZt'l ,"""t, J",,F" of WMl,l.,Kl.i it 111 1 Ur,tf'"'. ''re and eu-r."l l II Isboro, oieifon. in chambers, on the tftU dsy orHaptouiner, VV. A. IK, I lln.l ' '""HI. .,....,.- ,,,, . K,jcoaiif;e U11II1I inuu, ,re. IdliiK, Port TO OUK PATRONS Wo wish tu :11111m 1 iti-i iti 1 1.- M:.- .-v niv ttUUllluUS to the store ami warehouse a c i)iiijilcte,l ami we arc now in a txsitiun to your wauts in most auy line of jimh1s Hcj;inuiiiK Nov. 15 and continuing until Nov. 2o, u)h wc will Kivc 25 ti on any sIkk-s in stock. Wc also have a few hamlsonic framed pictures, which ue will Kivc you ahsolutely free with every fto.oo purchase while they last. Hopini to see your smiling faces, ami n.sstiriuK vim wvc you nroUcy. How About AU)tit that woven Wire I'cucc? UEYSTONE AMLRICAN ROYAL, which will it M ot 'tin With. or We've Yours for a Q Deal always ROWELL BROS. & CO. SCH0LL8, OREQON Phone 51 x 16 The Use of Money The way a man uwa money-uwars it, aavrs It, It- Is per haps one ol the tart trsts of rlisraclrr. Money should not 1 n-K.M as the pi I nc I, ml ends of hfr. oof should U I ,eKa,dr. h eontm.p,. f0( j, r,,a,t ,0 , Krr., . lent the mran of mental and physical tomfoil. The finest qualities of of human nature ate irl.u.t to the rhl UM of immrvgenerosity, honesty, ju.tice and self sac ri fur, bank, sad s 'Ie- III suoa vuiu- A hill ", a aavinit accmnl with tW.. termination lo u- your money right (by saving It) olate a balance to our credit. Wc pav four pe, cent ot, aavi.s and time Certificate CORNELIUS State BANK. SUMMONS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATU OK (JHKtiON Foil WASlll.MiTO.N COl'NTY. V TU...I.U.I.. IH..i...:ir . . . .. . n r V VH.JOHH KuiH.rU. To John Kolwrta, the above named di In The Mania of The Ktate ofOre,,,,. feudant: In Thi L'Z?,a"khy ,"i,r'"1 oi.,..,a,;;i,.,i U) lie and apwar in ,e sIk.vs enlliled til. I i.Hwer wie (,iuplaliil therein flle.1 against yon. on or Iw.or. tbeesp.r nr. ,,'.',hliUWB,,k,H J011' ''teof'tl,e Hrst ntiblinationof thi nmons In the Hi h-Wo Ar,(,ia. the date of t, llrMt publloHtlon thereof UuvMU . 1., " . V; ?? Rl"i i'T ,,",e "' li" 't I"'''"- ration thereof belt.K the Itltl. day rW . Be... a part of the UI,Cof Kdwln B. '""J will take notice that If you nill vOinlurt and in Hpft'mn 1 w) to at)i)riir mini rtiurn a... 1.1 . t urn u in or and Interest :,;' ." ':,! "'f "M ami illHliurse " i;iii.u. a 111 toe a i) West of the W M. beinir ,..,i!?.i .7.1 particularly deecribe.! as, 26 ehali.s w eet of the southeast corner of the northeast rjuaifr of said rwetlon twente six Cm) and rum.iiiir Mimir. V ehaliiH. Ihunce norLh '2l rl.ui,,.. n, ...... east lit! chains; themw south 2(1 chains to the place of beilniilfiK. containing l.,rie acres. Haid sale will take nlawi I2th day oi November, A. D., 1ICJ. at lU:.'iO o'cIiick A. M at the fmni l, ..i n... Court House. WRthln,..,.,, ., -V HillHboro,, and is for the purpoee of paying fu(.rl (;harK.-H, expenses of administration and claims aKiiit said The terms of said sale are r.l, lau,r,.i nionevofthe l!iiiii uiu...a ...... ...., . .... am pric ni toe time or sale and the reiiiaiiiitu? one Imir .,i. i.... of sale. " r'h. r u .c-W"t!HKIl, AdniinlHtraU.r. Chas. i. ochnabel, Atlorney for Auiniii-iHiriits'r fW TAT ITVH VI 111 VLIirR. nituf in t w . ... . ..v.. in IHi:iIlou.-OllmiHllM Ikn K.rfL.a PrWfsi tanJari con mcrcial schcxil of the Northwest Open .11 the year. Mor. Svidl! J w c mt-PO"ition certain. Oai m4 cm o n" ?2,0n-, IVK,kkccP' om written form, andbf f nZn f Shr,hand ,hat Mcch ln cvery mpect Special PUltnan!,ll'P dPimeni. kWrite (or illustrated c.talo.oi. Nolue of Final Settlement III! li 111 (II I I.....- l. . r ' rtrni pmirttfTV First Traet: liexltmlne r(triia r l. .... " ,.,.V.h ... . " """"'W1"" quarter of the u tartar nr in .n . .. .. Notice to Crcditort Notiie la herebr iri sl(ned have been duly confirmed by Or" .b. nio.Miuiy uourt of theHtaU) of . B . i..r TvaeninKWii ;oiinty, Kxerai torsof the last Will anil 'ru....... ,., Willi..... I U . . .I.IIIDII, AJI " " u ..rK"iis Dr., (lecoaHocI, and have my quaiilleil as aunb k-pc,,i,... uiererore. all Mrarma i,...i.. ttimillHinirf ..i.i ..... .. . . i , K Itled and rwiuired ti. ,...; V.TL?.."".: the undorsiKii6l, toKetlier with proper T.M.....O.,, wMrnor, at the law olllce of n V .e nnuie inn i ine. in illsboro. WaMliliniti... r'..,...i . '".?' h"rmtM" U ,"U"tl'8 fr,,"'t,' Hated Oct. nth, m. Wm, Jur(rons, Jr., Executors of the u-t um ment of Wm Jurgens, Br! deaed. Hair ev A Hare. All.......... r... til fon . i.ujo iwr r.itx u- ...... ...,,r , VMB soutnweHt ouarler of 11.. ij.;- . . ' ,""" "nn lOchs. to ar-r..' ""KUINIIIK, C0llUll.nK fio Hocond Tract: 11.. . H VI IIIH lOIUIWf Iff An undivided one-lmlf iimcnneil real protiertv llijat. In Wahium'l-ou.'o f i.L; . .( 1""";l"lf at the south went nV.Vii . """'least (piarter of the s iu . . . ! ",r,r, section 24 T. 1 H. H. i i,,v vviii. ivier., and ruiiinnir i' !"'!!:. we,,t- k. thane, north TV west, zi .Hi elm. to tbe iIh,. of he(l.itiiiiK and conuii.iinr -J! . !'?!" Uched at the sidt ami In" i. ,," o7the al.vo named plalntltl' In ih . . .... V a.aloi., be sold by the bhnrlir , 'l ta an ed La " .?K7 h..f claim f the p,tlVf 7,7 wK i ff and dlHburseme.its f ttiiM action Zl . costs and expensesof sale. ' 1 his summons is served unun vim hn publ Icauon by r,i,)r ,lf lloriorobij j W (ioo.ll,,, JudKe of the above entiled I'i WW, which order requires that yL,' pear and answer on or before ti e ex , Ira uuKley & Hrfti Attorney lor Plaintiff. V'",l;'"l r-lHTUii The To, .My" VttsiibiKt.ii. t;(ii,tv i.. ' ld Court ha. nil yk.!,.r"""-..n, M lixi "".MO.V. Wll Mine, IIBK1 . ... '. .i"i,, ni iu a. in, as the n. ('Oiii.ty Court r, , veniiier and the oro, OreKon, ttiotii'. ir ... Mini II... II. tmnt ol said cute M,ul8- II. T. IIAOi.tV Attorney. MAIIV UOVVKNN, Ailinlnlstratrli- NOTICE PUBLICATION OP SUM MONS 'N TitM,UCl"T (:0U"T OF Tll ."aoMiii-UN COUNTY. Aiimlla Hb.iir. 1,ii1iir ... Ntohr. defendant ' 1 "'""'hii ni;r-i(wiihe., riu;,, (1.fen(lllt Bliove Adminislralor'i Sale I" The Name Of The Htiil fir i. comnlal U" f . .Bl'.ra, aWBr therein on or Is-rVrn tbe - '.'I'lHrii,,,,, -f December A ,",1 "ZlTi "ppearand answer said cm . V" fHllt Home appearance I 'M l't1l'l1or ,ll' "lundW';!i-!;;tHSr f niatrl,Miin . M r,,, lnds "um":!,.,xi,,u?,'r'fu'i October. s, , tl d'n, " Hlb ,dy r l"'liHbed on everv TI. , '! to '"' week lor a ... e, .il Ji" rH,,y. 'f anl, said dules. WW,K" hulw.'oii above ntUI, ; . Ju'V r lha this , ,M' ' 11 ,u '. 't.a,nbrs Nolli la t.sreby Hlven that the tindsf; alumni, lbs duly appointed, ipiallned 1 soling AdiiilnlHlraUirof the Kilal of P. J. Iliti'hey, deiiia.tiil, by virtue and It pursuance of an Order of Hale made as entere,! on the 27th day of Heptember. A. I. UMI, by itbe Ooiinty (Jourli.f tbeHlals uf OreK., fr WashlnijU.n County, fro and alter November rilh, lm, will private sale, to tbe biKhest bidder for 'MU In hand, all of the rig-hi, title anil la lonsit which I', J. Kitehey at lb tui.oof his death, In and loth, lollowial doscrlbe.1 real proiwrty, lying, llnsn aluial. wluilu the city or lllllsboni WasliiiiKtoi, Couniy, Oregon, and (Is nrlhed as follows, to- wit! l'lio mirth nni li..r,.r luia Nn A and d of and In block a. of and In Morgan'! Addition to thi.... l.w.i. ll.lnl llllls Lr",' 1vv"l'lKton County, Oregon. Maid sale shall be nnuie aulijeot to tM fio" Urination of the I'ounty tioiirtoflM NlHte of OrsK'ni, Tor WaslilngtotH'oU""!;' Oate. this 7th day of (Nttwlwr, A. !.. 1 . J. KlUiliey, Jr , adiiimlstmtorof tM estute of P. J, ,,.caaed. , I boa. II. Tongue, Jr., attorusy torW' mltilNtralor. Notice ol Final Settlement, Notice l hnri.ho 1 1.. i r Hi., miller K'ied ttdiiilnlNtrator of the Kstate jrf Horace Kanihain, lemiasil, have flleJ ' th county curt of the 8laU of Oregon ll.r Wanhlllirljlll nimnl v m llnal aiwoiinl s admliiiMtrKUir of said estate, and that said tourt basset M lay. November". mi, at the hour of iOo'olouk a. in. of said ''"y"11"' lime and theioounty ooitrt room 'i 1 Illsboro, Oregon, as the plaoe for hear ng objection, to said account and ihi llnal SMttleineiiiof said esUte. Ihilud OcU.ber ti. Ifsrll. . , , t'lIAIlliks I). FA RN II AM, AdmluistraUir of tl.O Kslate of HoraO . riirnhmn, deceasod. , W. N.IUrrett, AtU.rney for Kst.Bte. Tilt Koriney flhocB for men U the kind that wear ask Itaird.