The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 11, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 35
Hi 'k,w v
m ... . ..
,sMl mini"
r0fTfl rAmi Willis!
. .!. I. .if. ., Will t
j( 111! "-
GiaaJ Jo''
We no have a imxi tiiMilv i.f
1 4 I . . . '
gooq nera nurtiea brick, end build
D blocks for cellara and founde
Hons. Try our bulldinir hlocki inr
your house foundations Cheeper
man oemeni or brick tod Utter
i viuiwi un aiaini- iroei. wa hv
,'lhe r'rc Mm u,n' flolsbed our run of large tile and Wil Hear the Tualatin Mill
ere again running on smaller aim, Uttch
mi nave a lair supply at the yard
Parltaa Btntln til. .1.11.. i
should tilecetbeir orders n. ..,. ( 4 OS t NOVEMBER 11
flan haul them before bad wealbar
I bate II always a ru.h of baullne H Unlet C.yrt T.....lnt.
... i . i, . . - I r
oruersin ine ran won roada are p.... n.
ir. i rttae4 Oo
tMv. iiMaui it nave a
wvl atintila nt x.iiuK ....I
Lty Cl' J-u " lumber at our mill, and t quantity Tb . y b''"l l lt week
twiiii ". oi ouBirauD mtnocr ai me uii o'i passed atoo the ireulir
buMoee. Tue docket
following orders
Ml curi jury -i.v.. ...ion. Unci.'. Tm.l.ii i vou l'Hone jonn Uurmn el
Llftll tbe venire ! mprUed dry ltock, D1 it will pty you to ,I)d W 11 bbek et sis r.firred
lihi (truier c'"' "na u" " ! should yru went any of w uieirict attorney fur opinions.
lMi(- , m.rnwn.ailve lot oil dimensions (Ironer A Row- R ed petitions I RTbomasel
f... fi,m,will be called lor "W.Ponoi.e., K 2.
i"" .... .l. if w n.t ... t...I.:h
r.'Ji ....... .u trial iurore !et ry liuU ot m l.r bti
f,uw , . , ; . m oaa0 ton wwinier Bel. Wben
ft, HBtlPlvi ihrtahlni I..I fell, Mr Dant turo
... iL - If.. ..! tl.llfftlMW I . .111 . t . t t i
nil. d oo mo jmw.i-1. i aa ou Tieia oi ween dicd ri
hut It li not likely intl the 1 1 be iMMt, he (!, for btrd
IL.. Mot.der mcroloi, ed 'Pur. i,0' Neejtoo. th latUr tn monlbly
Ed. Northrop, of 8hedy Brook,
m io to wo Beturday.
K Wagner, ol linyvil'0, wai in
town Monday afternoon.
Frertb borne made bread for aale
at I'opa'a depot iWire.
J. C.Miller, of (he Arcade dis
trict, waa la town Monday.
liuliful picturee at Haird'i for
89o with every $2 00 purchase.
Bam OrodulT, of Laurel, wai Id
the city the Unt of the week.
Fit e rich milk delivered at ye ar
door every day. Coooell & Co.
II. M. Hunger and wife bave re.
turned from a trip to California.
i. A. Mitchell, the Oieno
p'mtii.ii'er, wa op
Two Portland Purs Advertise
a Glove Coutest
Ixblbltlea aa Ihta
Two vouo fellowi under tl
t.briqaeta of "Kid Wbi'e" and
"Kid Pareooa" aJvertieed a teo-
to the city round glove cooteat at Beaverton,
to take place laet Friday rveninf,
I). FarLham, who i tuild'ng lio Beaverton Hall, ihe price ot ad
and lien Day et aU, read fiml tim;
10 te ition of V L'ichit at a In
. ,
reti ion of Tualatin Mill Co 0
opn ditch and drain land eet for
bearing N .v 11, at 10 a. m.
Tranacrip'i allowed Foreet Grove
anew residence near tte Uermin mioeion beinf II. Tie ball wa
Kamna place, wae io town Mon- h,rfd icd thB imQ D0 Dat i n
DDearanoe. BberiB Hancock went
K. I). Baker, who owns a hunch jnwn .ni .. mnnn .. ,....
. . 1 -1 n.-L. I w" a
fjand that the official waa to be
present be hunted around until 1 a
found bim. Tbethtriff told him
of rich bottom land above Banka,
and near Crawford, waa in tewn
Tjtnnarii Tnmniina tha lumber-
man and real etate man, epent he coaI1 Pul1 tfit 11 te conteeta I e
Bundav with home folk a above I wished pi ovided it waa an exbibt
Glenooe. I tion only but if a fight were pall
.. , ... a-.:.. ,. td off there would be arreete. The
only ootnmunfcaU Following claima were allowed: L:r' "r';.::" Ugbt promo' er told the principals
&..ry to ..y thai ju.Uo. with bl.o he will U gratifll. a. be M.. v.n.feu.,, relirf. count, . . Few dav. 7eit with rel.t m of the ,U"tion 'Vhe?! d .to
CLTMMJd ' acirdlng to the Uba. to lend It up to the threah ... far..... .7,75 70 V1 " Jf. t,S milh wUUm put on a four round exhibition for
ertnen convention to be held at
.down till Ueiuflkleot to fill oea and ptumpneM. tbtl be had juatice court: Bta'e v Lyda; Zt z 81
MBfl a many will doubtW ri In the county. Here- oo; Turck; Hundley; HilUbsm G
w9 ti From a pereonal ao marked It at the time, and eayt If julice: State va Bohleckla.
.i.uaai with the iurore eelec'ed b owner will only oommunlcaU Following claima were allowed: oi
Ix diiirtl "aerofuing" The Hal;
ifctoiewrirk, Mr(ih...t, I.H..W Tba D4le la DKMimher.
W TimK". MUit, lhlLIM Cell at the 8uth HilUboro
UTiwelwrvt.. Haiiit-r. oft Oiow grMbbooaa and M mv planU
C h.s. Kiwrr. tiiiiui bleediog hearU, pooniee, lilhei. and
, nr i. 1. ...... la a a m it a 1 a a a
V, OKtrtrawn. rainwr, 'a"" I DOIWI oi an itooa. KO ouinea
W J Kvatit, wit conoly court i , M" lunmj. I rmlnla rriaroa no arimiamnn. and
. .. I .11 I f w" - w 1
j n naiicr.cieraaiuaao drp....i 75 ohrln. Orand. hn haa aeen 33 it i.U n . mllantlnn ri!ph
'J join in tbe Weet Union country mt the program followed.
I. Isiion. V mrr, N, tfMrt Orow
p H.rtlcjf, Fimn WaUimgti
Jwt Ftt"f, Piur .IUt Huttt
I Pottt, K.titwr... .....C.a;f trk
f. eain. ftimrr. Hilb Tualatin
S. PMtner. Piiturr. South Tualatin
. Bill, itimtt F.a.1 ttuttt
U. Pklw. Prnirf Itanki
N Cf. H. I'uir.l OlOwt
1 Vooilaiai. r'imrr ....Hnki
I. rllroB, J tmtr. , .... Itaat CVlai
. VMj, Paimrr .... ...lUat Cftlai
L Ci.ff, l .tinrr, Soulh Itilltboio
I Ittm. JUtt limit IWavtrdam
. . . . t 1 1 ... I T. ;
rtltwr. Fantirr .Mountain lOBI bow i iua uum i"e i",nV"f V ; 'Ll TK. .,J..,oin wilt on tn nri
nr a ha l I J W uooain. ro luiiiie aai aou cp. joo io i u ui.uv m . r--
roor K C Brown went to
ilolti, ..t Tbumday, and held
Uqutet on the IxhIv of Kcoll
tk, aba be t killed hitmclf that
a I ana aim iiaes luav wuuuu waa iu i n ta rainer a tame en air, ae
j 5 town Saturday. Ifach ierxed to fear that if too
. - .
""I tT i.i .i I much BU&m went into nunchM an
Jik. n..n vi,in n..r tha area would aoiue. Af er four
T 1U VlVa 'wiiiv, xva I . . 1 -If .
00 Schmidt & Kuliach atore. eat of rounaa oi winamuung, il na. waa
6o L .k. t. a Ibaagfd no blood waa drawn and
6 ureooo, wb iu iuo mj luoouaj ,r - . . , .
. afternoon. Tery ,uue co,n .o,.,t0 ncn
w nL.j o...u li -ue uoiwiu onuooo.i-oau.
J VJ. Diue, oi Diiauy Drooa, wa
Pboenlz Ldge No
W C Moji. eMiit
Hlll.tiiro Ioilfrn.lcnl. prtittititf . .
Wumngtoo t.o cw, j.clotlng...
Mai Hrrj. rclun4 tat
Irwio llwlam Co, iumliei ,
0 C lUncwk, rlir(..
HrlgKi Hroa. rlirf
I. K&,k Mrl...t. South Tualatin abrobberv. cheap. Two year U?ir'ch1l,n'(e'' ,l.,.r' '
I. Dtru, I'.rmcf tuiumi.ui 0ld roeea at III CoU eaob. Every, nguat Rentier " " " ..
L Kin. fur ........Bank ihlng elae tbap lor cah. Cut (ita.shtnrr ' " ".
e Srlwa. Partner. Mountain fliw-re for funerala or droorative Jalm 8t " " " ...
.. . t.l. I . .. ..- .. . . . i li I Hrtvif. ltrn rHf ....... . arm
HbgMM. rainier v purpuuM re. An ttpwH, : ; ,J " J U. BlilB, ot hdy Broos, wai
k W. Mww. Parmer KeeJeiiie Corner 7th A Fir, lod. Telephone, .. crn.!it auraaor too oo in Monday. Mr. Bills baa a Bur ' PRESENT FLAG
vaid cement bank potato wbicb WflgbB en
y" pounda. It is a three-body tuber, jba Udiee of the Woman's Relief
Wb0 Corns met in lbs Odd Fe'lows
Monday evening, and there waa a and deputy.... 178 60 can beat nr rJall, last Saturday, and afur tbe
lar a attendance. The new bull J 1 1 tcn.i tupi Hitry mti . . R.minton tvDe- routine business wu over, invttsd
in will ha dedicated the firat Mon- .V,." HL'''i".UUi".rir ?. 1? Lriue fne aale. Ueed hut little the G. A. R over and tendered the
da In iVfrmber. unleea acime tood a a Moriiu turvewor At 80 Will !! fnr t (id. and it ia a reeu-1 ) 01 a new nag. Mrs. U. &
and auffloient reason ceuees a tot' ehniug & Sont, jail and c h 9 "5 lar $100 machine. D Corwln. Crandall, in bthalf of the Corps r re.u...... 1 HiUeboro. Ioouire at Emrick & maae me preeemauon speecn ana
iraii iniicui. ikz rw-iunu u ii .
" - Irt t IT J .U
tlieiitrteal & dcp.J5 00 Uorwtn iiaruware owro
P?: ....- 5 o,r,. M-nBW. who left here
txiant pnoDcrt....HO jol . ,
W Ifeatinger, tlienr office I $o tor Uailiomia a lew wefae go.auor
JDWirtb. " "' 5 5 a short viott wttb bie parente, r
lac Cot 8ituip Work, thff oflic i 5 and Met J H. Heaelev. had the
v-Mmwonvoumy ic.cpuunevu, mJafnMnne to break an arm dOWU
High Q UALITY Drug Store
A dutiful ton and obedient daughter are tbeir fath
er a pride tnd their tnother'a delight And when
ttcknet wish the home all medicines given them
thoo'd be ahaotately pnre and of the highest grade
attainable These yon will always find at
In fact everything in oar stock Is the very best we
are able to obtain.
Even our line of candies ia unapproachable by
others, and the prices are bnt a very little higher
than is charged for inferior goods elsewhere. We
have secured the agency for Whitman's Pine Choco
late and Confections. None better are made any
where. We are cl sing ont onr line of McDonald's choco
1st s at greo'ly reduced prices to make room for oar
extensive lite of Whitman's.
They sre GOOD and RIGHT or yon would not find
I hem at the Delta Drag Store.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
" W M Jukion tir..urrr'i u arv ... (d 00 . . . .. 11
flrat meetlrg Io the newcaatle bell, Willis Ireland, recorder's salary Pul Of'" " P'w-
Forest Grove
Semi-Annual Statement September 4. 1909
pooetnenl This Is one of tbe Oneet
halls in lh city, and ii s c-edil to
lbs city. It will not be open to
Ora and Roy Cook, two of Corn
Us. fori, laboier. South llilltboro liua' oldtlmirs oo the ball diamond,
J, !, Fanner .Itaat Cedar were in the city the iait o me
I Jtmietun. Ptintrr West llutte Week. 'Old IIOM llirry says
1 I - ... fS On I
inr muurt u Y w I . ... .. m i. .i
Jno MoClatan. commistioncr's tal 6 ao in Metnain t aUP, leoenuy.
Rodolph Crandall, for the Post, re-
eponded. Mr. Biss. upon request, I
sang a solo Marobiog Through
Georgia. Tbe Department met
dent, Mrs. E. Chamberlain, was
present at the Corps meeting and
instructed tn general work.
Demand Loans
Other Loans
U. 8. Bonds (st par)
Other Bonds
Banking Honse
Cash and Due from
Banka and U. S.
f 159.389 17
25, coo. 00
4,097 50
16,060 00
Capital and Surplus $ 35,000.00
Undivided Profits 365.44
$4OQ,0C0 50
Tour patrouaco r oiotfuJJ.y
(409,000 60
D im-.l u ti--.i..i.i I Kama In lhA aalerltnn
v... r...r, ' r. . . "l.' .1 TIITn.. dl.l.lltuffi JO 00 eaU
h .. Reined. South IhllabiHo team, and lost me county enouiu Wlmsn; refund 3 16 Ut or
a ti a a. ws a 1 .... x 1 v a
. ulT" KlUtbeth BielaiKl. relief 0 00 StnK1 Hillahnrn Rnntu the Oreann Rlaolrio 7:40 ear. waa
UUUIIUl'V WlUiiiuii aa.t.vwwwi - - ---pw
ao 00 vate bouses and do plain sewing for
per day and board Mrs. Henry Knndson, a brakesman on
a 00
Court Houte Wm Tupper janitor US. Farmers Line ZSO. M O aionaaT morning, wnuo paaemg vo
roweii a is, u a .. .. .. . Forest Urove Una of ine section
ardueria H. U. Atweil, tne joree. urove , . ...... ,K.
70c. V K Atklnt is oo. aiariou
ie waa not
was in tbe
set ud a boms circuit.
I . ..... L . J .U.I. .. , ti
"IV!:: i:" .:. WuiZi UZ l.Boxm PaelfioStatas Phone caught at tie P. R N. gate,
1 . as
Are you ready to blast siumpi? U m Coiitm n, J R
Do you want a powder that needs 'V"?"6.' " r.:V ..1". .Xli: rr. . en opened the ga'e and thecal
- .K.-ln.. oi... nn leidache ro vo.',A.- '.V lrul iwi "" r" .,., . ttirnnah thi the en
'""'"li '" -- - - --- ioi,. t 7. umsDoto lJiriu waierto r .u. nfMnn Hlata II irticaltural I . . f
Thoa. G. Todd John E. BaiUy J. W. Tuquat
Wilber W. McEldownwx ' J. A. Thomburtf
W Ukei rirt above Ihe eyes, They bave s man who will demon-
aa oaa tpiu ihe dead man's brawl urate for jou.
fn II evidently bad Disced
I t . .
roouieoi Hie a()-30 W inchee
I HI lilt 111. fAfl,..,l n.l !J
cnKl down with one band end
mi the trieeer. Doath
r..p.l mmrm W tt ltlin
L. t -. .. " .-""f
r. i.. Kowell, Ceo, II. Taylor, Ceo
pwr, fc. u and Frank FlK-h
l iS, y hm,hi the following
1 .. . J..L.
Dewing gives no, r c.o.uu,. . , , 7l m,tKrf0 .iBht & Water Co . .L.'n. m.t. lTiir.nltnr.l P"B,D8 wrougn wn
and is the moat powerful and ef ' ,a l8. n.vis Sale A Lock Co " ?u" V'T,:". i:.:..: cident occurred. Tbe ga
lnsiBg br shooting hlmaelf in the fMUve alumo Dowder in tbe world? ,, BurrouKb. Adding Mtchine 367 50. C"'B '.LI;, c . ! o , 1. held until the coach wa
a 1 . ..1 ' m ..1 .. 1 . .. 1 te: i 11... h 1 I'nri inn i f t itmiii ir Lt u a. iu i . .. . . m
iw lr Link ater went w lb III vnn dev nil cill on Hmmoii "!'. 'S"j r. -.. , . ,. c'.tr.tbs end or tbe oDBtruouon
they found thai lb. shot Br0V, who handl. b. Trojan. 3 5o,
wriiwi Bros 1 08. il v Kr.umer j 15, g " , .7 . -..t.. :n r rearsteps. ine gate inraw mm on
VV Whltmore ,8 So. A K McCumtey 8 v4, APP'" ,w "Z. .Ill Va man, -roond' His cl,,t
o n Zimmeriuan 350 7. o 0zimmer- exhibition and there wiU be many . . wefe
i" s G MorU 61 i? Tl! wjekoffs' P"1"8, broken, and, in fallii-g, bis collar
in.- B1 J 7, 1 if sii 1 80. J a The saloons of tie city are busy bone was broken. Ha was picked
Imbrie 4 ao, c F Tigaru 9 50, jamea mc- imB weea putting in o giaee up ana carried 10 ut. lamieeie 8
Gowan 10, Hen imj a , u Mig 'vTldoors, th8 panes being not nve leet Offloe , where bit wounds were at-
llurkabav a. Edward lluckabay a, W J , ... ' ... t..i TU. ...j'j it . .1 .
r . 7 . . . I 1 IV . '.. .. ....L-i 11,1, I aiHJVO IUO tmon.1. .0.0.. . i,uuml, u WH nui U H TJ uou
end Of Ibetraca lor eeverai ...y. . ptaey nT"XTJJ":uminAn,a will dolose the entire Samaritan HoaniUl .'. Portland.
a, u w Mtrto 11, 1. vni.icM. , . 1, . , r ' rT ;
.' I ar. that all iin -L... t.. . ...J.. iu.i.l nW
. . ,..J-- lUrr5. irouuiuu uuuu.ja d j wuo u 10 uuum imwui, Mv.v
aay snu reiurnou ye...-j. liridires-Couielman nros 110a 35. " b g, e that tbe Uw8 are being ob Heidel and hie cousin saw the ao
Yonni people who enjoy a good R"'"'' sa is .r ??w served. The strange part of the cident, and were the first to reaoh
"Wt. the 1..,. .r... 1 n..i- ..rlilma should not forget Ihe danoe at ? ' ., Mi.,er ur feature is that the saloon men ad- the iniured man. Knudson may
r w of H. G. si.rk. stree that he M. W. A. Hall, R e Iville, Saturday Co 8 A Belmrohr a7 4. Krneat Hlte yanced the idea to the city atlor consider himeelf fortunaie if there
nt Ir, I,.. I . . ... 1 " . . a mi t . . I - . r .. O 11 T ..Hima a 1 i !a
November Id ncivis. 3,8 h neiinte iw, r , T " ney ana assea vna. it do moor
hraS.l",.'k.rth hf it own bands, in e,'e0ln, November 13
lUU, ... il,.!..,. .!.. 11. I.l.t..a tk mil alfl
m new Ihe dead man very well; . .... .
known hit., fo, 4 .ears; that M Mill , of
fvta hi a cabin on tbe dead man's in Monday, an
SJL.,r?';,,m. ,ivi,,8 .th- . ! around is too wel
! JIT' linynlKk.6 ,7a7 i'.".? N Pled inta.n ordinance
tra iur- 't...uh'ii MIIIGo iu KH How- n,.iA Mrnn finii
" . ... r.t i.. i.k.ri v.uu.... -
ell 55 3". James wnureuiii ,j oonorete walk for the county, Mon
Wohlschlegel 3 78. . eveoing( afler several days of
are not internal injuries
liehed ihe
KM for him;
tal.. . -IJHtl
'turn, arid returned cmcd
North PUios, was ui-. j d
d save that the 0.fD battle against the rains
. ... .1 ,.lAin. I nww.v.. -
WBl IOr ("
The Pythian Sisters teode.el Mrs
Emma C. McKtoney a rurprtse
The walk
t. km hnilt on the east and south at her residence, Saturday eve
K.rhim;w,i the section when Kowever hsve seeded wheat t aides and there la an entrance to oing, the occasion being in boior Said AVlJyh.lZA Milne has The nndersiwed will sell st public .u. hniAina from the corner of of her birthday. In behalf of the
"m ciKciiii i. ...M .n ...1 an urr uivwiur -- - . ,r . . i : . . . . .1 ,
hi .nt . .i.: " 7 r.V" :; - .a a at tbe ttrnesi rvraus larm, to a.nrifi .nA Main
i. V"' P,,wt, Vn: w . I i k.l annth of Come- i v.J .k- ... r m!.wr t. ..m nraaenUd he
stark naa . , , n ninAmlns and BU u"" "" : , neariy umsuru .u 1 r-
Daniel Bailey, of Blooming, snd
who wdnt I
Mr. Moore baa guests, a handsome oat-glass bowl
lower Dart of and mirror tret
Bailey, of VtomW, ana 4J of n maag the upper Hon, W. N. Be
Into that section wnen Hmhm0 l ,en on 8tory being already completed. He presentation in
'1 X12 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18 expeot8 to be ready for settlement marks. Th.
ablla. these days. Daniel! Span niaret, 6 yrj, WSw-aijoo;
. .. ...,ji me suiciiic. wu- - brool nitres, i" .v..
btt ,0ve' 10 e Stark cabin at 6:43 u. .nJ Mr 0. A. Frost are guaranteed anywhere you put tt
H?.Tln?' nA rrlurneJ I0"" , j I tllna. erandDarent Steel-gray and darkbay; now nntil J
e I tt. spirit., when over being BP f "h ifcr(, comlng refh for
LLm" b"1" ,h "'Kb! 'fcre. when
wr ni nvi.. 1 v? ... 1. . . . ... . .
ii.i...j . ,u "e s csoin snu com-
l"Utl 01 Inn.l.l. ...1.1. LI- . - I .1
aiitk. . w,lH nenu, ami 1 m naarlV
rdd Ml nolhi , The, engaged "f"5'r;7
BVWSllfil: S ..iS'abUi tbe. dsys, Daniel!
r wc
tsi.rt". 1-ooaeu uaca the door n,.,, An 1 lUfJU
Mk icl,m Was onen anil ... Hl.rk Banks, UOl, 1, IWU"
fwhtt v,or R,,n 'i,,itkly. ," '-
L. ' nve you dnn . Kill ttliMf1 MA
Barrett, who made the
a few felioitous re-
evening was e jjoyed
stan maret 6 yrs, 1375 and 1400; No. with the buildioR committee by the witn games ana oonversauou, ana
r r...i ui.x.wi Pawhmrn 1 t . 1 . f . a I i:nit AifAanmaniB wjrapga upvan
KrAil lliarfl. IUII UIWW viwuvuMm M(f nr .H. n. nniiirnrja, IIKUS mivouuiuuio wwwaiw "vmw.
jt vw. --- 1 . I aUtUWtv vm - 1 . w
llICU 1 rhoA nrtwni were:
.a.Ml ... tt m n. J ..11 -v" r-
buu-i Mit AtinrnAV M 1 nftaTIBV Clftll I vt .t -ar- Ji
firat I aawvvr. a--y O ' I Mf. AnO JUTS. WtW. DitTCU, r. BDU
...... - a.. a n itnno sartri vnaw niv I r-t.a.i I t mr if.. T
. i an b niuiiiinr 111 i.i y d buu iuuuk m h i rs Mrnnininrn rwi r. anil mrn. .
in February; 3 yning V. ,Ktl, lh(, Usl nf w rmn.ll. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lowr.
What is It?
Hundreds will be asKed
their opinions this weeK.
Morning theme: "The Supreme Gift"
Everyone should hear this sermon.
Dead in Earnest Preacning.
Fine Singing.
Bibie School at io a. m. Aim, 150 present Sun
day. "They're all coming." This is a
"Home LiKe Church"
rh"!1 'T'A irirown cibVand these dvsa bouncing son was
KSrt VA bn to Russell Frnrt and w,,, 0, lecture 1 j'!: h A- Whltcoinb. Mr,d
u?r- Vr . "rl". ... ...i i; .l. j ..j. : . Mn. U. U. wroner, mr. tpa mn. joub
fLL'r.'J 'L0W.r8ht Hallowed, The boys took their
John Roethllfite ger,
ruiui..... 11
I W. :f.Tote th n was a brother
iv.i ,Tl""u ,lle was a
Mrt. John Boeker,
R. Imbrie, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Crandall; Mra. Wm. Nelson,
Susie Morgan,
Miss Eleanor
Hendricks, Miss
Susie McKinney,
gal. acme, Z T.'l.iZ.
blocks, Petaluma 100 egj .uLuoar -u-. o restore the DrODO-tV Miss Pearl Smith. Mr. Herman Schul
t W..kltr,n blocas, i-v,
gJSSZ "between Soond yffSitp.rat Vnd straighten up the tEljSKS
.U Third lot 50x190, for esle- Jators, and numerous other articles, buildingo whioh they bad toppled
McKinney. A
E neat Lyons, 2 miles northwest of free LUNCH at nw ow they would not te mowwaoy
f.1 ir 1 m uA ia i nnar n 11 1. iimmii : 1 iha 1 a nr a 11 whfh mm lulu buii i . . . rm
WA lflriEB Ul UBIC iva. -r 7 . ' I ' asvr. ---- " . I A ItAvt l.lnAAln f.f lIAnnnil. WftR
t 1 LI. I ..a. . .11 1 . a a 1. v I aiuvt vwnua .
UlUSOOrO. . . ."". , fc.ak.Mt ".ii. Ml whn wore in t- Aiuert luyuiu
John Northrop,of lXi 3 eacepV one young fewio town Monday.
tivanfi ' ' "Km waa a
W .ll ve(1 ,,0wn theie fourteen
"ti and that lf.n . .....
JO H.1.1 .r auoui 7 years
la whiiV hen u,e brother was
iil,,.n .". 1.1,ll.i some years aito, he oc-
1.. 1 y ia.kM r .(. .1 -11 ii 1 jonn itorvuruM, u. - . , ... n
D-MnrnViX'Um the. "0l6' "? XltZ over $10. who was rather backward: When J. B Stewart and wi'e, of South
r- uui iiwIkI a - - 1 w . . . .. Mar. 1 iimt iirraa h. vu we-- . - ..
hiertra,:??!!8i' )
brother had been r..U.l .-t Z lw,MB
. - 1 . i 2 ann
bad never Will COOtraot lor laeniiiK,
"Monfj . ',,' ean man
MUr, l"m with hit brothers and
, sef.iiBik' brc,he, h,1 moey ,B
8. H. iJTZZZl. ...... rod West Union, wer, in the city oOCUpyig the ground. He
1 -mnuuuii vuuil l . . .,!, not SB Vet aeoiuou u -.,
LTn' " P 8'iU,dy' ur..i TTnlon. Lay begin constraction early in
Ernest Kraus.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
be found, however, that all the Tualatin, were in town Monday.
names were known te hastened to n.n,v u..,.!. f and
get into the "olass of feoitenoe and who for B6TMlkl yet farinel th6
a w 1 I 1 ) and waa ioa1 tt in attt I 1 1
Bf I . ma. I J I Waa Ik-kMA B .
drawn for s build ng on the corner busy, ine " was in town Monday.
ortwu iui " . . . . ... .i. sj. iV. . l,.....l..l nn hnnini fix art 1
serene until Customers at flmmou tsroa. may
P atlai iV,! h"! no tfou,,e w'th Mitnhincf and tile work. Bee or
tlmt the dead man " ... nartnn. Ore 8m
33 5 T rrnrThfrd to take the fixed; the toppled pu
tmii..i... :- "r" ... 101 " - . , i, i .11 . hn
""e, ana owed no one. . , ..jni,.. CTMoomb. Of be- ni.f,B 0f the wooaen DUiiainga now up, u . . K-.niifiil Ohina Dinnae 8t.
A u , ii.. u- f , .... ...rl Ha 'haa nxt vear. wnen, u more property ' - - 7 . .7, '
"'i'lMssntoall, . was in town Saturday. laprmg.
i .Ii- .1. ...rt thai, will ha arrnar.R I ire. coo mw muuvn u.t ,
UUt IB UU1.(TO, -. ..1. .1 k ... ...
the and all offenders will be subjeoted na me tuem uuw v- K
to fine, or imprisonment, or bow. one.
THE Best Entertainment
The Proof is in the Hearing
Come and hear one at my show room at any time
today, not tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the meanest word in the Eng
lish language. It's a cheat. You may not have
any tomorrow. Why not live today?
With a Victor you can have everything in
music's enchanting domain; from Rag Time to
Grand opera, from Geo. M. Cohan to Caruso.
LAUREL M. HOYT, Victor Atfent.