tt rr JnlILLSBR mGO .VOL XVI. HILLSBORO. OREGON, NOV. 4, i909 no. a i MEETING AT COUNTY SEAT OCT. ol) Every ai ia UtHm lt,,eJ and People Standing tils siuAitr inn or oecuh g,,, ILK MHk ' Huh CealiaetfS .,f, ,ral In the clroull court p, rs Mending. Saturday sftar. boos, -ben the dairymen of ths eom.IT wl lr PwlilnM 8iort, of the roifl Coast Coo deod Milk Co . tslk oo lbs dairy Mr, rjtusrl drcUrtnl that the milk ft M filo to a llllle over 16. 000 dill;. "! that ,h P,,nl ulJ Botop'l this supply. H alto iltd thai ibe flow ol Fowl Gnu hJ decreased 040 (M pounds for Oolobar in Ibe leal lo jitri, od If that parte tage t( de cmi cim'louwi it would be but nailer ol tinu uotil both lectorlee cold clue. He advocated getting tt! hb( tetter milk 0 m, tod reWoi green fd lufflclant lo qooiit" o thai very llttU r chse would I cereesary lor re tiooi ot lb herd. Mr. Bioert gave figure rbowiog the decrease of bulb UcluiN. II Mid hie OnmpiOT wanted to run, and be a factor io county Industrial life, but tbtt they wul.l out ruo oo so null s milk luj.ply. lie gave the everege price paid durloi tbe years from 1903, thro lhy eatabliehed at lb Grove, until mr.i. and aaid tbat they mm always governed by price dr butUr fat. Han Jsmee Wlihyeorjnte wbo bit been ooa of lb tlete'a cloeeal observer, addreed lbs audience and dwelt u (n tba great growth tbil dairying had brought to ibit section, inJ told bow Ibe lndulry badrjuYra!d tha toll, adding io S'tued tVrtitiiy, and bad enriched Buoy who a few years ago were auugglirig on tbair farms. Mr Wiibvonrnbe wa at hirne, f jr ba it Iboroughly familiar wilb the tub Jcl, and ba aaid that ba deplored lb fuel thai many war wiling their herd, Mw Juhii W. Coniwli ttfllvtmJ a ihoil ulk mI will tbat It thought llrf tmn ntn niaking a mlrtakt II llicjr cliii ot in? ttrijr Ktbla market. It kid that hu il.iry w jnylng tilm, thai if vWult ttrtn fetd wtr UJ It imiIiI ilu much towti aolvtitg tba Btfttrr n( profit. I. W. Ilnghca. ot Brar roirt l.ruv, hamlltil llc uurattoq wtlh oul (lov, Mr. Hughei wxl that poj'l "K'llltig IndiB.nrnt aa tu ilalrjring, bfuM the lnta(rv hxl raltctl many a WU,,ISI!'. We are, Im talil, tuuclt mora wiwnm limn in former jrtart, whf a laraicri bail to itrpcnj U(k0 a dBMifl Itnl Inittrr matkrt for thrtr returnaof tea lnalriiuitr anil profit It a. Now that prop's r larurly out of dabt, thef are iwtarn ny me uiuruii inuiiirrvnre aau w)r hail fllher cut down their herd or old out entirely lliii aiatui obUieing more Miihln the lat all montbt than formerly. Me advocated an Increaae of OairyiiiK, rather than a decteaaa, and id Hut the milk maiketa aSorded bf tue cotukiMcra had done more todeeeh op the country than auy other agency Dr. Tamlrtie remarked that he thuuubt oor cumtnerclal future largely depended apuu ilalryliiK, a,nd tbat It would ba ad iati!e to kct p every poaalble market offered, lie aliortly revleaml conditlona before 1i ami othera In thla vicinity openril condenaer, which later wai uld to the Pacific Coaat people, and avtrrtd that condliloni were eery much hetter now than when we depended upon a Portland market for our product. ALFRED SHAN NAHAN Wa noa bav a good eupply of gtxxj oara Durnaa brick, and build ing blockt fur callara and founda tion! Try our building blocka lor your bouaa foundation. Cbaapar tnao cameni or brick and belter protection againat froel. Wa have Qolabad our run ol large tile and ! I .. rw eia running on auialier aixa, ami have a fair aupply at tba yard. Tartiat wanting tile delivered euouiu piece meir oranra now an we oao baul tbem lafora bad weather Tbara la alaay a rueb of hauling ordere io tba Kali when roada ar almoet impaaeabla Wa bava a good aupply of rough and draaead lumbar at our mill, and a auanliiv of oornrooo lumber at tba Uaia apur, below Newton, tba lalUr to all at a lacrifioa 2x12, 2iH. 2i8 2i4. UiU, UR, US and li4. of tarioita langbti. Tbli It ail giKd dr? Block, and it will nav nn In - ----- i j j ioeaatigaU tbould yrni want any of ineaa aimentloot (irooer dc How 11 Co , Hcbollt, HIDtbiro, K 2. (ill iPimnn ti i v A TWELVE MILLION Hon. II V. (iates Negotiating I'ill Hivcr Tunnel Iroj ct UIY BELL TO JOHN HAYS HaVUOKD Stvea Ullti f Tiaarl f.r big Water Pwef Freih borne made bread for tale at I'ope'i depot (tore. 8. U. Rhodea. of neir Roedvilla, waa a county teat Tinitor Monday. Beautifnl nictuTM at Balrd't for 8'Jo with every 1200 purchase. W. C. Jackaon, of Gleoooo, waa n town Saturday, taking io tha K A Kddy, a protuloaot figure of tba Tuaialio arolioo, and wbo with all ii a jolly good fellow, wn up to tba county eaat, Friday, oo buelneet at tba oourt boua. "Tba ad veal of the Oregoo Klojtrlo lo Waablnctoo Couotv bat been the turning point for program along uburban iinaa and onaeao not tp praclaU wbat ll maaoa to Kail Waiblngtoo County onleaa tbay vlalt tbat aoclloo. Oar population la looraaeing at a wonderful rata and aubatantiat ImprovemeoU are tha order of tba day. Large tracta ara being cut Into mailer acreage, aod boraea ara apringiog up every wbara. Rapid transit la doiot tba work " Mr Kddy, abila io Ilillt boro a few month before tba Ore oo Electrlo alerted to build to thla city, predicted itt construction lo thit pari ol tba county and Ublltbed bit reputation at a propbel Hoo Jai Wllbyeomba, director ol tba Oregon Agricultural College, and wboaa former borne wat three mllee aoutb of Ihii city, wbara be elill oaoa a vary productive farm, waa lo town Saturday, greeting Irlendi Wbao aked at to bia po litical future, Mr. Witbyooinbe would not bo emoted, but io ail probabiiily ba will make the prim ary race for tba governorship coil campaigo, and if Inlegrliy ana re ilabilitv go for aaytblog be should oertalnly win out tba nomioatioo. Mr Witbycombe baaalwayt stood for a better Oreson and baa alwayt bn lo Iba lore front for develop ment of our productive reeoureee He seea evidence ol a great deal ol improvement io Hlllsboro and sur rounding country. lion. II. V. (ialea baa just return ed from so ri'ended trip to Red ding, California, wbere be ie fur- 'hiring an eogineering feat tbat bat do Kiuil io the Paci8o North- waet. This prrjeot it to drive tunnel seven ml lea long, tapping i'ltt River, and cutting off 21 mile of lhal rapid stream. 1 he fall is over 100 f et to the mile, aod will furnish power for one of the biggeit electric tyitema thit aide of the Rockiet When completed the plant will take into Han Fraooiaoo 200,000 horae power to the bay city at a coat not to exoeed 1 10 per H. r ir annum. The big engineering promotert of L. IT.ii.J lii.l.. lr.l....ll in the im-i ct. and J)bn Havt Uam mood, tL big expert and capitalist, now bas an option on the propised system, and U taking the eurvey to New York. Ii is ralimated tbat the eyntrm will cot twelve millions of dollars. While in the South, Mr (ialet eave ao ootion on the Klamath Falls electrio light and water plant THERE IS THE WAY TO START A DAIRY Daniel Buikhalter Pays Nearly $000 for 2 Cows Iflnw," tTtaWal t n tm WW IUVSIiUa Fir rich milk delivered at votir ilnnr nvr da (Inn null A Cla. , . Peter fJroaaen. aaeiatatw of the Kct,tlJ Btrl burtJ, Betbanv Mutual Int. Co.. wat an Aaw Argut caller, Baturday. Call In and aaa onrbarrain tablea. I Daniel RorkhalUr. of Farmlrf for aboet and clothing. H. Weh-L.-. .n(i -k0 .Boantle aaid bia rung k BOOS. Mai,, hard haa atartid tha nnclana Henry Maaobam.of 8kamokaway, Lf another dairy with two parohaaee ah nn lha nrat nr me I ... . from the Koea rnelsoD farm, ro X Wash, waa dd tha Bret of r week, the gueel of relativea. I. H. Maxwell, of Mountaiodale, aod who ia in the bop business, waa down to the city Baturday. Anton Vacdehey, ol near Green ville, wat down to the oountr teat Saturday, taking ia the dairy meetinir. Ueo. Meacbam. of Moontaindele, nd hom P!,ndid "rained down" Monday, to meet milking etraine. Mr. Borkbtlter his brother, llenrv. who is tjd on I will add to theae orodaoert m rapiaiy u poeeioie, ina toon nave a berd sofSciently large to enable County, wbere be bought two cows at a publio tale, paying $557.50 lor the pair. It coat bim $10 to gel them down here, and, with hit io cidental expeneea, the two cowl will repreeent an expenditure of about tGOO. The anlmalt ara registered Alfred Hhannahan.of Foreal Oroya, veteran of lha Civil War and a resident of Oregon rince 1870, died me nonae ol bit daughter, nra. T. J. Cleeton, Portland, Sunday monting Death wat duo to heart failure brought on by oomplioa Wone. Mr. Hhannahao waa boro t Rensselaer, Ind In 1840, and volunteered from that atate at a loldier in 1801. He aerved through the tmtira war In the Union Array. For five yeara after ar riving In Oregon, Mr. Bhannahan lived in Portland, later removing ? a l&rru near Vernonla, Oregon, f've yeara ago ha moved with bit fttilly from that plaoa to Foreat "rove, whertt lha fuoeral wat he'd Tuetdav mnrnln. f.nm lha famllv id.noe. Ha leavea a wife. Mrs. Sarah K. Bhannahan, twoeoni and ree daughtera. The children ara: K.J Bhannahan, of Duniee; M 0 obsnnahao, Vernonla; Mn. T. J. isflion, wire of a prominent fort tod attorney j Mrt. Carl Kunleen, o' Astoria, aod Mist Merla Bhanna ban, who lives at the home of her Ptieitt Rev. C. K. Clapp ofllolated 11 'he funeral ceremony at Forest fve, ana the body was interred In theNaylor Cemetery. Will oontraot for slashing, and ditohftg and tils work. Bee or rite me at Beaverton, Ore Sam T. Walters. 33 5 Loord Tompkins, lbs wboleeale lumber dealer, last Saturday bought io tbt Tompkiot Bros, sawmill at Mountaiodale, the plant having been told st eherifTs sale, Mr. Tompkins hid in lbs property lor the amount of hit mortgage, which was (or 11,44272 Hs does not know whether be will keep me mill at its present tile, or sell it lo aomeooe wanliog a mill worse than himself. It is located In a good diatriot, but there it quita a baul to tha railway. J I. RlmDaon. tba orchard man of South Tualatin, sent three huge Gloria Mundl apples back to Ihe Chicago exhibit ana M naa mem labelled "Hillsboro, waaningwn County, Oregon" Tbs Tuslstio Veil. nan make Hood Riversitup and taks noUos wbea tt comet to fins lo iking applet and, besides, famish s pippin that has a bouquet that the Hood River prod uot oao not tOUOh. J. R. Wyatt,of Portland, aod wbo ll assistant United Stales Dis trict Attorney, recently psid 121 lor tbs beat box of apples at the 4 Ik... annU ahow doubtleSS OS- cuss Mr. Wyalt resided at Albany in the psst, and wanted 1 to thow hit local patriotism. Tha pur chaser it a brother olTbos Wyalt, ..t .Tnhn Dennis at woo iu w Second & Main. Win. Otto, who owns tbs big lam on tha top of Chebalem Moun tain, at the very point wLe-e Bald n.l m a A Inn Ira ahotit ax teen ooun- ties ol Oregon snd Warhington, was In town tbs firet ol the week. Us ttyt that eaoh year his plaoe i i ms.a ana man ui ort for Sunday plonicers, wbo wish to sos ons of tbs finest views in Oregon. Young people who enjoy good time should not forget tba dance at M W.A. HW.SSf evening. November 13. Tickets. 9A 0,nts toelle's orchestra lur- nithrs the musio. k.ik.m the former Hills- bi' Koriown' the Cbicaf gobaieball team the last part of ths leaton.hat been sold to tbs Louisville Nationals. m AO a. at. m. Married: Oct. 81, -residence of J. Baldwin, ol For ,t Grove, B'-f&S fiolating, Mr. Cbas. Mnnksrs snd Mist Lois Baldwin. PROGRAM FOR COUNTY RALLY This Rally will be held in the llillehoro Chri.tian Church. Fri day, Nov 5 beginning at 10 a. m. Note the splendid p oram. Traiae Service ......10 00-10.15 A. M. Keporta from 6eld io:i5-lo 45A. M iaOaWatjat tUllltf. a tda M. F. Horn MOON I MTU. MISSION :o-. P. M. I uvnninn nf future work. lUIS-l lS ! M Special aoi.K -3 5-3 P- M Addreae, "A Sew Record for the New Ctnlurv," HlijaU btlvtra, of Forttt Grove -J -y.y V Special long. KVKKINO nicl 7:i-?:w P. M. Siiccial aoeg. a.l. "TTi Kundav School aJ a Mi.iocary Force," Mr. Clara Eeeon Addrrte IC F. Swaader, of Portland Tha inwnMneoo e re iovlvea Lt there be a larf e gathering of all tn ereeted workers short vieit. Married : At the residence of the bride't parents, Oct. 27, 1909, Rev Francis A. Phelps officiating, Wil liam Walker and Viola Meyers. Mies Martha Lock, Miss Eya Kirk patrick and Robt Jamiaon, of Poitlaod, visited Sunday at the borne of Mies Lock's parents, B Buck and wife, of North Plains. J. C. Weatberred and wife, of Tacomt, "the City of Deetioy," were bare last week, guests of T. 8. Weatberred and family. They will go to California for the winter. Mr- Weatberred was a resident cf Hillsboro twentv-seven Tears aeo. and states tbat be hit noticed much Improvement heie io the past few yean. Eturick and Corwin have juat about fioisbel the biggest plumb- log contract ever taken in the city. Their total contract amounts to him to have a fine profit. AUCTION SALE M. FUND STILL CROWS The understated will tell at public tale at the Ernest Kraua num. two and ore half mi lee south at Corne lius, and one half mile sooth west of Hillsboro, at. ten a. m., on THDR8DAY, NOVEMBER 18 Soaii mares. 6 vri. im and uoo: No I brood marea, fall blood Percheron, piiaranleed an v where von out them. atM-l-srav and darkbav: now nntll Janu ary 1; j heifer, coming freala for firet titn In Prhruanr? t vrarllM calvea: Btudebaker waaroo, t 1-8; Stadebaker hack, eood condition: Colombia. Ohio rubber tire buggy; cart, 14-in. Syracnte nlow- new: 11 in. Oliver olowr M-toOth at eel harrow; disc harrow,' broadcast seeder; set heavy work haroeas, set chain barneaa, tingle bnggr haracas, new; 3 8-gal. milk cana, a vgal. milk cans, 30 eal. kettle, havfork with rope and blocks. PeUtnma 100 est incubator and s ate inia 1 Annnani amAiinia ami . . " "-v-. brooder, j xnt aw, 5 lorna, petvey, about $2,200. and It all COmnletei o nanelaof hurdle natent fence. 1 culti- eiceDt one or two minor affaire, valor, and nameroaa other article. TK aentio lank waa installed bv FREE LUNCH AT NOON r -- ... I . . them, as well at the dunking Terms of Bale Under 11U, oath fountains. Tbe MDes for the heat- $10 and over, one vear ' bankable ins apparatus rau into money very note, 6 percent, intereat. Three rapidly. I per cent, off cash over $10. P. 11 a a a it a Qtv I X3 1 tY tmt 1 Ernest Krans VBU tuc ovum uiii.iviv . , , ,. rwanhnnaji and sea mr olanU. J. W. Hoghaa, AucUOoeer - r I - KlAdina Knarta nennie Hllina ana hniha nf all kind. Rna bnehea Evanaeline Prioe. formerly of .A .k.nkk. nhaan Tarn aaar I this nlaCS. reeldlDB OOrtb 01 10 WO. UU DMIUWirvi V a vwvwa-u J I B S old roses at 25 cents each. Every- in a private letter from Crolton, i,in .ia rhn inr naah f!nt Nebraska, writse: A Beotleman flar.ra fr.r Itinera 1 a or rlertnrativa told me Iaat mnlnft mat at nnrnnua Mr Aenea namnhall. boueht 80 acres ol land here a few Corner 7th & Fir. Ind. Telephone, years sgo for $12.60 par acre and H54. 33tf be bad just refused 80 per aore High Quality Drug S tore ' A dutiful ara and obedient daughter are their fath er pride eud their mother's delight And when sicknesa viai.s the home all medicine given them hon'd be absolutely pure and of the highest grade obtainable. These you will alway find at TtlE DELTA DB.1'0 STCKE. In fact everything in onr dock la the very beat we are able to obtain. Even our line of candies ia unapproachable by others, and the price are but a very little higher than is charged for Inferior good elsewhere. We have secured the agency for Whitman' Fine Choco late and Confections. None better are made any where. We are ch sing oat oar line of McDonald' choco laf at grea'ly reduced prices to make room for oar extensive Ike of Whitman'. They are GOOD and RIGHT or yon would not find tbem at the Delta Drug Store. 7 rrffifi The Delta Drug Store. Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. THORN BURGH President THOS. G. TODD Vice-President JOHN E. BAILEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL w BANK FOREST GROVE., ORE. Semi-Annual Statement September 4t 1909 Capital and Sorplas $ Undivided Profit - 5-44 Circulation 15,000.00 Deposits - 348.73S-00 Demand Loans Other Loans U. 6. Bonds (st par) Other Bonds Banking House Cash and Due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer - $159,389 17 47.76S-87 - 25,000.00 4.o07 50 16,060 00 Tha aarmons on "Ideals for I Young People" being delivered by that thia in a cold wlndv oountrv where ths land won't avarafft mors than 20 bushels of wheat to tbe 118,687 96 $409,000 50 409,000 So Your pcatroxxcase r emjpootrxLlXy Bollolted DIRECTORS TKos. O. Todd John E. B.ilwr 1- W. Fuqu. Wllber W. McEldowney J. A. Thomburajh r Tha Ladies Coffee Club cleared $98 7K at tha Granse Hill, last Batur day, and this added to past ool Mr, Horn, at ths Christian Church, tcre tnd tbout 25 bushala ol oorn, leotioas. makes the Rest Room ,re trading wide spred attention, -hioh is now selling at about 60 fund ovr $300 Th ladies are to Tbe auditorium itcrowded at every oenta , bushel, and they think give a danoe at Ibe Hillsboro upera Satiij evening service The beet lnat j. .,,0,1, , Everything frote op House, l Danxsgiving evouiuj, tu, viz , -ina meai uouron here about 10 davt aaa Uundredi add a few dollars more 10 meir t0 be delivered next Bundsy night. 0f bushels of potatoes ara f oasn in nest egg. Opinions ol various churchmen and ground, as well aa other vege- others will De given, nr norn ublee. Can on v raise annlea in n:..ui attnrnav K B Toneue eava be bas in his poeaession a tha fmlt tin, and moat of those ASoiiv "" '-j " 1 . oru I ' - - .1 . n.nn I lummnniiiil nn OTAP lKlMl VAara 1 1. t .I- .A u T It. k la altenulDK circuit wun vi," 1 vu..,-- - - j . 1 un iiiuou uu ui ui-v- t uuu. Citv. thit week, making tbs trip old. Hs will quote freely from it. Oregon Is all right," And, j el. . .- 1 am ahouid ooma ana near ram ... i... ... 1 each way avery day. if M TI r.haiilel and Mil J. hub, ' 7, . t w.ik aiaiAra. returned last week from a trip to their childhood home at Waverly, New YorK. Customers at Emmott Bros, may and get a seat All should corns and hear from I yoo bear people say that land ie mit oiu uocuuiom. vuiuo onnritflo h ah in the liialatin vauev Im. , . . v. .T.) 1 he writer soes on 10 near River, I VT ataai uii j Was latllAa i vr . iu, ui Ka'" v. ..a . .ltMn Qet was in tbs oily friaay evening. 7 Mr. Sain says that in all his trsvels Tbe Arsus this week received an rnainruera at Emmott Bros, may " '"".." 7 , ne argue urn wewa xwoeiveu au aet aSauti ul Sna Dinner Set, East and South last Spring and Kogiilh rnoney order , from Miss gei a oeauwiu. j;...i. I Summer, he taw no oountrv that I u a fiimnn .tA fn.m.rlf Had r,M haa tneir winaow uteui.j, . ...... . . 1 - -r: ' lr them bow yon oan get "voraDiy impreeeea mm ae n Hillsboro. Miss Smpson baa and MI W8m HOW jou u"u " Mr H. n waa in N Or. anm.1. ) U I viojuu, - uj, Dion janiauurv uu uw ov. OOe. I tuna anit aava hia trin thrnnsn I .1 .1 1 ka .L. .tilt k. John Sohaer and Carl Chrielener, thebUck belt was a revelation to L varm pieoe in her heart for the hn live above Mountainda e, Mm ti Northern neonle wonld I t...i.s. v.iu. ...tMnAlla Tha - at a uauwaiu w aataav uiwii wavraiw . go Sooth for a few weeks ih7 1 money order oalla for igiht ahillinga W0U1U realize no uover ueiore mr D(j oar d., and WHen tne Ulgn maenitada of the race oneetion. I st. w-. - a a ajvuaaviua aaaaejaavaj waaiw ' aawtwi an. An w.on.ncffnn I aim nnxtm oertiio that no matter I ;n Kaa oita.iA4 iwm PMtmittta.r Hiiiip rnnm uuun vu w'b'w- i i- . i wih w ivuwvsva v Street, on car line between Second what my pol tics are . fl Mr, Sain Is a Cornelias. . . a -V 1 III 1 JT.. .a la, B a t an aW VOTlIl nilill VI I 11 I IB Villi III I1IHI and Third, 101 ouii, iw - -"b Mrt. Georse James, of Portland. Ernest Lyons, a muea strw-w. r t." "."Tw aooomnanied by Miss M. H. L. e Hillsboro. 01 h ie P;,u"7" .r:"L" r I?' waa in the oitv tha laat of Ibe week r were Kuesta at tbe J W. Bal- home, and visited here pre- ftuw ' - . , . .... ik tutat wina in the norm- watt U made, were down to tbe city Saturday. THE IDEAL CHURCH Great Subject at Christian Church Sun day, Nov. 7, at 730 P. M. Some very important questions to be answered by members of various churches: 1 Creed. Shall it. be long" or short? What is the Ideal Creed? 2 Membership. Name the things the most immoral man must do to enter it. The most moral. Are the things ' named in the New , Testament? . , 3 Discipline. Have we a right to excommuni cate a member? If so, name five offenses for withdrawal. ' ' . tl 4 Finances. What financial system shall the Ideal Church have? , 5 Government. What is the ideal form of church government? 6 Name. What shall it be called? Morning Theme: "The? Supreme Mission of the Church." . Cordiai welcome to all. Come. Fine singing. " . ... . f and indhearted, but the have a Married: At the reeideoce of probieixa in the negro quea- They tie bride, In Beaverton, Or , Ooto- fa Southern negro is not at le7 . imui D. ITana. MnlARa . ... naval her 26. 1909. Rev. Henry Spies? .fflniatino. Oeorae L. Newman and UIUUeii'Bl wa Mrs. Rose Henry. all like North." negro ia not at 1 - v , , . . j j the negro we tee in the Pf ?T ,l0.k ." virii iu wia a-iauviauu. l.i . ri , I .k.iil ll ,nua I IWMIi mi imi.ivin.ii Light colored yearling ar8 of He drilled into town last of Resdville, and now living ; in Jersey heifer. Stayed from T. R. . . ' lcked u demenl. Portland, waa in towir Saturday, Imbrlsf.rm, Watt Union. Reward. erj t7the Southern Pacific depot, ooompenied by hia .brother, An- Notify W J. Llohty, West Union, ba'Mftrshal L,r8en, ftnd i0ageIln drew, who ibU tm t fine plaoe Hillsboro, Ore., Route 1. 32 4 - h That right he tore near the Reedville seeUon. . -. . . ... . , Oranno IS 10 D V8 a poeioiuue, 1 up u" utu'( 1 " r" - blob will be a great convenience troyed property in ths basllle, and Uate houses and do plain sewing for . - n . u Hatnrdao was iranfiiArraa 10 me inn nav av ana ooara mra. ti the nursery town. . -..- ---" .,.mtn,d anrl aKi., kiiuv r.. -11 ia 1 v,a naw noaimaster. anu win 1 uuuu.j " - - u.u.i.. . .. . . , . . . w, - j. u .. . nminh offioe out of sent to the atylum, being unable to 1, Box 139. Paolfio States Phone, conuuot 1. - r . . i,ii:oon.l- , .. a-11 hia I IT ... QRA 519.K Hlllaboro for three monioe. u r i. " "T ' " " ".11 -UI a-o to Orenoo by oarrier name, or wnere ne uvea wneu Hallowe'en nasssd off with the iu... - d- ,.- ... iv. I. ... Ihnnahl at tirat lliai : . . ... for 90 days, wbsn, wun m " - jT iI usual Upping over or woodpuea, Sm. of the offioe before Washing- be was a sufferer from drink, but 0ftiga. wd tCni ;n department will beabsto r.'d bv ol sidewalk .section.. Bom. few determine w - -- --- - gaws were aiso miaaing nere ana .. v ia mnra iiiau 1 iiiuaiDBUii wuu w-n , wv.. likelv that a number 01 larmere A: .inmm,' inmAVVn. close by will alto nave u m. " - w'Uo ha. all kind. rf sal. aent Wtbat poin. . -..-. - --f--" .7 the baMe. h. make, wat an w up Monday. oonierrmg j - Postmaster uorneiiua. ""-""" VICTOR TALKING MACHINE They Beat the Band SOUS A ON THE VICTOR; Gives You Every Number "by Request" Think of getting a musical instrument that brings to you the voices of the world's greatest singers. The popular hits of the Roof Gardens and Vaude ville Theatres. Singing by famous comedians and entertainers, THE PROOF IS IN THE HEARING If you will call I will gladly play any selection '.. for you, " . '..:, : . : .... , , . ; ' LAUREL M. HOYT. Victor Affent. i 1 1 1 , t!SMUinaknix..a1