JnlILLSBR yoU XVI. HILLSBORO. OREGON, OCT. 28. i909 NO. 33 lltL WW IiM TJfGII TO OTH Prediction Freely Made Line Will P Though llllleboro lliii TO TBI IO0IIW4KD AID LrltlM U"M te4iCelor it Prpct t fn rtllroad worlJ ! agog & over he probability of the Call! IUiU7 building down 1,10 ibt rioh Southern Oregon dia yici od lbn croeelog Ibt Caacede pop of niouotalne end Joining tb the Hill Ho reaching out In to Ceolrel Orrgoo. There U tnoob Ofc'of to Ihi prorpect end It ! iuwo tbal civil engineers ere run loi lioM from tbt Norlb Plains through IlilUboro tod acroet the Booth Tualatin country. Imilm Hill baa entered tbt gutero ami Central Oregon field Um public hid watch-J bta move illb much luUrMt, tod It U no lhoubt thetai Hill bee tbt United jUilteri un',er bla ooolrol.lhat bt looking af er, and with cove out tv lb big i-ogr traffic- tbat biilnt brtMo Southern Oregon ted Ibt trieropolla. Agtio, Ibt Willamette Valley base rich freight laid tod tbt Houthero Polflo bu I mooopol y oultide of wbtl little k broogbl down Ibt Willamette rim by tUnmboeU, Il would be I rich fluid, end every year would nepome riror. With br.ru h tapping Tillamook ewd I Mia Hut down lb Willamette Valtry fat liM wimld bt mi paying baale frwwi tat IIbw tt UdcJ to overate. If lh brrcwcti-r ia tiprtlcocvd railway Wtn m fur tajrlhlug It la quite likely tbal tk8(itio( lyidwllt an vast railway epruuon) tircting out ttvm lb Wah bfloa County plains MOTHER. KOM8 AND HIAV1N la atanint nf rwii'.atl na aildrftaaV , tod tonga illustrated itb iteteopiieon, at Cbrietian cburob, Friday, Oct 'ill. tt 7:45 p m. MuTHKM Opming Song krdutluo "ituther, Horn tad Hrwo" Florence Garrett Opraing Addirat .Mailun F. Horn Rrdottuti , IWaete SI moo lUtdiaf Blanche Mow man Illtwtr.tnl iHirt, "Mr Mother's Ul kturM".Vera & Lawne Tipton lAtitm , Itiv. Guy Stow HUM KfciUtlua A lie Smith Jllaitrtlrd Siwg, "How Hwwt llowt"..., Clrlt' Quarttt Bmlliig Rry. Aitant AdJrtM , ,Kt. Klther II KAVRM Rc'Utloo ....RutU TupjKr taxiing .Rulb Wilmoth Jmk IllMr.tr.1 Lwi, "Hello, Central Glvt nit lleawo," .Ruth anJ Kmiui Tupptr AAlmt.Ret. j;ijb Sllvcra.f or'tat (Wot Tbil will bt tbt bett twoiog Ol mui-lo tnd fidrMttt trtr gltt i io UiiUboro. I) jo'i tniat It. Admit loo oqI; 15 onoU tod 25 otoU. J ho Bohnoldor. of nttr Pbilllpa u io town Btturdty. DtTld Wtngur, of tlolvatlt, M ood to the oitjr Friday tfttruooo . Jcbn Koob and Ctrl Pftbl, of Myood lilooming, wtrt In town tbt latl o tht neek. ChftMnr BridgN, wbo It ruonlog th J. M Hri.l.M l.rm In tba Joba'iCroaing diatriot, wtt lo tbt oy Monday ctrening. Every dairyman tbould oomo 1 BttU'tUy, Ootobar 80. and btar bat Prwidont H'.nart. of tbt on dniiar, hag to tar It may bt worth while to all. L(Bt Hmail wnM krnivK I twoen 8th aod 2d. on Main; or bt- wn Main and Baaelint.on Bo wd, Sunday tfiernoon Rsward at Argut office. 83 Robt. Crandall, who bad betn tbt gunt of hit parenta for a fw aprted Monday for Call jroia, hid home btiog at Lot Aoga ' L J. Uuthlow told ttvtral lot ue otho da from kl haldlnca on 0k iti a it ir-kj i .ti the half blook, but tbinga being ing too now, out it up and Dt "o he knew it ctirly all tht traot iiurouiRtu m tingle lott. Patroni of il nann RlMtrlo Jiow have the new depot opposite b M js Churon al the,r diBpollt( hile awaiting oari. Tbt building ""aysnioelw liahted and uaaatn ra have every ooovenienot. Tbt company hat Hoithmi ita oonorett ana all it in rhip ihape. mi ..... . oe Uilleboro boyt who went up w ". Maaonio owemoniet Mooday vening are loud in Ihilr praiaes of Uncle M Clark, who it eaid to ve eoea that all were entertained yroDeriv. Th. -i.ii... ... lug TlllHIII Hf IPI Ire In .commending the hospitality r orett Urovt brethren lo Wa now bare a food ut.i.u r good bard burned brick, and build- Dg block i for oallare and found. Iloni. Try our building bl.x kt for your bouee foundatl.ma. Cheaper tbao oataeot or brick and Utu. proUotloo aialoil frott. Wa kava floiebad our run of largt tile and art agtio running on entailer lit, aod bavt a fair lupply at the yard. ParUat waotiot tile dalivarxt ebould place Ibair ordnre now ao we oao baul tbao before bad weather There It alwayi a ruth of hauHn orderi lo the Kail wban roada are almott impaetahlt We have a good topply of rough and dreaded luniber at our mill, aod t auanlitv of eommon lumber at the ilaie pur, below Ntwtoo. the latUr to at eacrifloe2il2,2i8, 2G 2i4. U10, US, lid aod 111 of erloua leotbu. Thie ie all eMd dry etock, aod It will pay you to loveellgaU ebould you want toy of tbeae dimeniiooi Uroner 4 Row- ell Co , Boholle. HiIUb.ro. R 2. Agent Vlckert. of the Southern Paoiflo, now baa oommodioui qaar Urt in tbt new joint dapol buildioi at tbt fool of Baoood Btreet, the re moval having been made the Orel f the week. Tbe 8. P. it eogaKd o reilog the old etruclure, which bai ilood, In one form or another, for many veart. and lie dutDOMr anot will add to thai aeotlon ot the city. If r. Vickera baa ample room 0 bit new oflloea, tnd be ie well tali t fled. It Ie bat a qqtttlon of time until be will be made joiot agent for both lioee 'he 8 P. aod R. A N. and Ible will doublleea carry an inoreeee of aalary. Herman Papa, wbo laat year bought tbt Bore here pltoe, in tbe tootbeaattrn part of the oounly, aod wbo for yrare Jived near Mid- dleloo, waain town Saturday. Mr 'apt it farming fverel hundred aorea of wbeal land up io the Kloo- dike, Bbtrmto Couoty.eeotioo. He aye tba wheat yield in but parlleu- ar vloioily iti not tbe beet tbii eeaeon. Fred Q. Iltldel aod Gut Kemp- far elarted the firet of Ibe week fur Lake Caooty. thlpping their eaddle boreee by boat to Tbe Dallei, from wbicb place they will ride into the oterlor. They eirect to be ab not eeveral ee-ke, aod will look for tomttf thai Southern Ortgoo aod that will bt tapped by both tbt Hill tnd Harrimao reilvaye. C A. Cave'l, of tear Middleton, wai od lo in city rnaav. lie mm i II hat iutl ie urceJ from a timber oruiaiog trip to Joeepbine County, aod will rent for a while. Mr Cavell bat made maoy oruleet for tbt Southern Pacifio and la ooo- eldered a very aoouraU man in the timber. Hon. 0. V. Qalloway, of tbe Oregon Tax Commieeioo, wae io thecily Moodey morning, oooier riog for a few mioulee with Aeeoe . .,, ii. i il. .. or Max t;ranaaii bi. muuw.j bu bean all over tbt elate looking nto the variout aeteeemenU, in an endeavor io get a lint on valua tion A C. Bhule. oaahier of the Bbute Bank, and Joe. William, of the Main Btreet pool parlon, were at Arlington lha iait of tbe week, efter wild teeea. Tbey arrived a little tnn late for the tood ehooling. but brought back enough to ttir up tbe appetite of an epicure. flare vou are: About 2,000 Ira ported Holland and Japanese lily, Rnman hvacioth. naroiuut. tulip, different oolort aod crooue bulbt. Now it tbt timt to plant rote ouanee and fruit treat. Morton t green houte. Thna Rain, of Gaetoo. and who baa a big place lo tbt Booggio vet I.. .aaJownlO ID OUT rnuar alt. Kiln baa a big traot that laye fn Hummer Irrif etlon and it i. ,t.A that he will let tba im ej aprvv - fever. v. .l- flhraoehlre and Ram- tniiut rama. vaarlinoa and lam Da, UU Mill' www 0 . - allalleiblttortgittry. Bhroptblrtt ... rvnm nandlan airtt. out of Kng- ILL, ImnnrUd itOOR. tCrO UrODN. - . m l n nm.tero.RLa. 2133 DVUU1WI v u n.aktrM. wbo irowa bopi tnd" prune., wa. io fro .Laurel, baling Kr day. no net nm knna and drying four aore. or prune, and ready to market bii orope. o. uAniall. nromloent here In tht day. of the Inetallini the Oregon Klectrlo, ana en d wltb tbt oompany, wa. In town Saturday evening win mntreot for .laabing. and ditobing and til. work. Bee or write me at tJeayerwn, T. Walter. a T WallAre. who WM raittd near Cedar Mill, and who live, at BMverl. wa. in town Saturday, nd oalledn the Argua. A. W. Pl". D of tha old .T1 Santera of the Beavertoo leotion, wa. "p before the Equalisation board Satuiday. Get Greer', prloe; on field wed. Stood Seven to Five for Con viction, and Discharged DIU. ATTOKXBY WILL TBT AGAIN ry igrrte' BUkttlty Wrete bat Ctt't mi Ikrret UUtr, The celebrated Tiota B'.aketley cm, of Columhla County, ehr Ibedtfendaol wai trie! for trying to eitort money from Emeieoo Quick, went to tbe Jury Friday, and atveo votd ooietanlly for ooo- viotioo, wbile Ove etood for ao- qultul. Tble wae tbe cam where UlakeiUy Ie allfgtd to bave formed a conspiracy to eitort money from Quick, wbo wee at that lime Cuoo ty tretrurer and ie now thatoffi car on olakeeley alleged trs- lumplion that there wae t plot to burn tbe county court houae at St He'ene, aod that Quick wai then to eell bie abatraot records la Col umbia for a large turn of unnry. Quick allegei ihtl rather tbao have a ecandal, which Blakeeley in al- lged to hedK!lard be would pre cipitate, be paid Blakeeley $3X) A otter eigned by -Jack McCtrthy" it tbe beaie opoo which B'akeale; wai proeuted. Tbie le tr wa mailed to Quick from fJonllon, and il ii raid tbat all tbe jurori were ooDvinond that the dfe idaot wrote the letter, but the Sve eteoliog out dro'artd Her oould not aee wbarein thnre wae any threat in the mieelve The caae ii of intereet here be- cauee Emereon iuioc wai wen koowo ae a boy at thie place. Diatriot Attorney . B. Tongue. wbo wa. ably ateiited by Qeo. R Bagley, eayi be will try tbe caee again. ROLLINS SCHMELTZKR A very p etty wedding wu cele brated at tbe Weet Union borne of Mr. aod Mr. E. E. Bchmeliier. Saturday, Ootober 23 1909, at 2:30 o'clock, when their daughter. Uene vieve. waa united in marriage to Mr. Tbomai Kolline, of Cbebalia, Wuh , Rev J. R Welch, of Oreo on. omoiaiiDB. ioe onat wore white cbiffiD and carried a bouque'. of white carnaliooa Tbe wedding march wai from Lohengrin, Mm Eleanor La Rue, of Foreet Urove, nianitte The biuoe wae Deauu fully decorated with Autumn leavee, fern and Uregon grape, i ne pree nil were many and beautiful. Af ter tbe wedding the company en joyed a delightful luncheon Cona-ratUiatlon. oeinir lonuurou, air tod Mra. Rolline departed io tbe evening for their future home in Chehalie, Waib. The following were in attendance li J R Welch. Mr and Mrt E E Schracltzer, Orrnco; Mr and Mrt Daniel Schmeltter, Mrt W n uaroer, noy a..i..ir Puritaad: Mr and Mrt Wm Reb, California; Mre P O Skeelt aod daughter, Seatide; Mr and Mrt Z M La- McArdell, MrtO Duntmoor and dauah ter, Veva Elwell, Portland; Mr and M ft A B Flint, Hcnolii; r anu o.u ii... Mr. n.t MraU O Gardner inn.im- Mr nd Mrt Thoa Goodie and daughter. Mr and Mrt Geo Payne, Mre J W Shute ana eon, itasei ocomic, or... iininn: Plod French. Wathinf ton; Ray Wagner, Urenco; jonn Kouina, ReetWille. ft R Porter, one of tht pioneer. in hop oulture, waa down from ror eet Grove, Mooday aiierooon, cuu (erring with looal bopmen. u,a TuniaL of Second and RaaHne. deDarte 1 the fint of the week for Ooeao Park, Cel., to viiit with her buiband, ana ton, jonn, the latter of whom ia there for hia health. Ray Reaaoner. of aoulhweat of . e 1 .. a town, l. running nta aeuer are,u overtime, and baa already tun ed out nearly 200 gallona of the Kabar Wllbeim diet, ne aaya tkat he And. ready tale for hi. oabbage in tbia shape, and baa enough of the vegetable to run five or aix hundred gauona. Tha Midland Chemical Co , do tnt hiudneaa at Dubuque, Iowa k.. rather a oeouliar way of doing buelnett, to ay tht least. ; They write a oounty official aekina for an order for their germ killer, Ineeotl A nr other done, which ia used for killing "buga," and then tell the nffiM.l that thie ia tha month they do no advertising thui enabling them to give a choice oi .ouvenire, ...lnir from revolver, up to Mix ing maohinea-lt i. wPP9d J govern tne range oi u uiuor. Kn one wav of aolioiling bus: neeathat eouid be called on the aquare," but it looxa a gre u like halt way to the oaatle of bribe Tha oounty offloiali natural iy look aakanoe at the proposition Mtd amue. Timothy, clover and all kinda of graee eeedi at Greer i. 20tf Born, October 23, 19C9. to Dr. aod Mm. 8. T. Linklater, a daugh ter. Lewi. Mven. one of Lanrel'e old time ball playera. wa. in town M00"- J. J. Bcbiloht. of Mouotaindale. wat in the oily Monday, toroute to Pitt lttl I a va a j v Weeley Paine, the big ranchman aod etock raiaer of Glencoe, waa in tbe eltv Monday morn nr. - i J. T. RnnV nf Vln.l.nl. .a ngo McLoud. of Mouotaindale. were lo town Monday morning. I J.T.Willie and Wm. Johwoo. of MounUIndale, wire callera t the county teat Mooday forenoon, Jreet J. May., with tba Maya Broe 'ttoreat Glencoe, wai in the ooonty aeat Monday, greeting UUB. i. 11. MCLOSd and aon. Urton. l-.L. J . U - J I "OIO IU IUS CUT OUDUIT UJUrUlDK. I ann railan nn tna Aroni fnw r.v . --- b-- - l minUlee. viv tt. f ik. w... aadn.nfpnm fir.- u. ' I day, greeting hit friendt at tht county aeat. m.ran. M... akn i .Hwi.iJ .iik r ir pn. u " a e wajwt iu touviai luvi - i chaodiae, at BcholU, wa. in tbe C IV Monday. ' I Amben 1 bornbure, of the Urove. . . I nd Cbaoey Benefiel, of above Baoka, were down to the city Sat urday afternoon. CuetoDjen at Emmott Broa. may get a beautiful China Dinner Bet, free. 8ee their window dieplay, nd aak them how you can t one. - J. J. Nutbaumer, of beyond Weet Union, waa io town Mooday, I nd .ay. there ii now eumoient moiature for good plowing out In I bit arction. Four room house on Washington Street, on car line between Second nd Third, lot 50x190, for sale Ernest Lyons, 2 mile, northwest of Hillbboro. 61 tl E X Harding, for years a resi dent of Gaston, and wbo baa been Ibe local justice there for tome time, wa. down to tne city Bator- day afternoon. J. W. Marrh. ef Centerville, and who his lived in that section sinos I early io tbe fifties, was in tbe olty Saturday afternoon, .baking banda Uh his old friends. Tim Talbot, of Corneliu., and who um iBiu uui iu suuitruu oceir i tbe Oregon Eleotrio depot at tbat thriving point, wa. down to tha county sett Monday. John Simpaon, who worked here several teara ago in the barnea. business, and wbo waa raised over in South Tualatin, waa up from near Beaverton, Monday. Loat: Light colored yearling Jersey beifer. Strayed from T. R ereeyneiior. owtywH iniiD 1. iv. l&SSi lotify W J. Liohty, Weet Union, Hillsboro, Ore., Route 1. 32 4 H. L. Burohell, working in the Snnthern Paoiflo ihona. at Port- land, after ranobing here a good many yeara, waa out Saturday, greeting bia Washington Uounty Irianrla . - T TT.1...1- Lioei: o vwar araaT-uuiBHiin heifer, black and white, with brown on top of hip. -D Shaw, Beaver- Aeiepnone ina. Dcnoiie, 000 - Ward. old Taa Ma, of Vinelanda. and who h.a ralMd hi a famil of bova. wu in town Monday. Mr. May is one or tne veterans 01 tne uivu War, know. a. well aa any what real hardship ia. Danoe at K. O. T. M. Hall, Gseenville, Saturday evening, Oct. 30. 8plendid oroheatra. Tioketa, inoluding Deluding fine oyster .upper, II 00, L fine Ume, and everybody- in- A Vlted. On Sunday, October 31, there will be snecial aervioee in the Lutheran Church at Cornelius, in memory of the areat work of tbe Reformation through Dr. Martin Luther and his tBSooiatea. Services in uerman at 10:30. and in English at 7.30. a . , Very large audienoea Sunday at il. nu.il .1 V, Tk. IQ9 VUflMu vuuiuu. iu. Kxp- lar evening subject waa "The Ideal Young Man," from standpoint of vnnne- women. Ane nouse wae " ? ... . . nmmiiMi with earnest vouus Deonieii and older a. well. The answers read showed muoh thought and in nnlnatad hiirh ideals. Tbe sermon- lecture by tbe pastor was earnest ning, unoer tne auspices oi tne and uplifting and waa listened to Beaverton Good Roads Club. Busi with tbe closest attention Subieot neea of imporUnoe will be brought : next Sunday night, "The Ideal Home," from atandpoint of young and old. Tbia will be a better aer- vice than those pieieding Cornel early and get a aeat. The ladies I nil iran tinman his and littltt ofl the Christian Bible school are con teatiog for membership. . You are wanted. IJo - nt Synod Held There Nov. I 3 and 4-TAComn-Portlnd l LOTH IBAIS IIPECT A BIO TIME I Seraeaa la Beth Cerent aa gegllth '"V r0"61501 U 10 ha't lh Taoma- Portland oonferenoe of the joint 7nod ' Oregrm and ether atatee Nov 3 aod 4 and a big time I. ex pected by tbe adherent, of that Ml,h - On tbe fi rat day there will be a epeoial aervice to c-lebrate Rev. Doecber'a fifty veara of eer Tl rI.a- i Tioei mm m uubuorao miouvor. act 1 KranM nf Portland !ll nraai.h ,L - n. . . J n 1 r ..ii... it v. . a til. L. I uuuni u. rvrnr, wi miiw, im Kngllsh. On the 7th of November me wmeiiu cnuroa wiu oeieortie . . I .1 I ll weir annual miaetoo leeuvai, anoi at 10:30 of that date Rev. Bruaa, cf Taooma, will preach in German, aoa ai a:w io &ogiian Ai a:uui . , ... , . I uDoechr wUJ I "6 lec0" 00 ""'" uu iu wi miuiiu;. A.. HIV iUTBKV. 111 ... mj4 McLBOD BARNES Mr. Orton McLeod, of near Be- verton, waa united in marrage, at 1 1 .M . tn.Ja. Antnk.. Oft I ,ona Ms.. w.w.i n.. T.'w "7 ST J7 o'T: luauguvor ui uuu. m. u. uu uni and wife, who reaide near that point. Rev. 8nyder officiating The bride ia well known In that leection, and her father it well known all over Waahington Coun ty. having repreeented tbia con- atitueney in the legislature of three yean ago. The groom ia a reliable young man and la the too ol J. H. McLeod and wile. Tbey will reaide at tbe farm of the groom, near Beaverton, and etartlife with tbe beat wUheaoia boat of frienda. card ol Thaake To the friend, and neighbore whose I kindnees and sympathy helped to euitain ua through tba lata aiok- neea and death of our beloved hua- band and father, we wiah to extend ?" ,,Doe,a ,Utud, "d Mra. E. W. Robison, Miaa Hasal Robison, Misa Nellie Robiaon. ASSEMBLY DANCING CLUB Fine Daaciog School aad Ctab to Open November a Prof. Montroee Ringler, Portland'e , M dancing maeter. who con- oted'anoh aJucc.-fuiolaa.here . mmn .u.a. Ia" at Hillsboro Hall, to meet , every Tuesday evening, beginning Itov. 2. Tbt course will Include an 01 the popular ball room dancet to- getner who grace movement. u I DOrimeni ana BOOiei ac)Biuu.a' mentt. TM advanoed danoere win . . i., 11.. 1.1,1 A.., tr.r.ln.1 ' "VV -J- TSZZltoZZi claaa.7:30 to 8:30; ad 1 - . fl. d.Bein. 9 to l4 ..V kaliaa tknaA anrnllsd in the claeeea. Prof Ringler will I X aW. IUI WiaiWiej wavw wmmv-r wMwr brios hia beet lady aaustant from Portland, and wi h good mn.io, a 1 not uun u awun Prof. Riniler xuaranteea to 'etch anyone to danoe in fear private leesona. Hours may pa arranged to suit. A chlldren'a claaa will be formed for tha afternoon. Terma, 10 leaeon course, 15 00. may be mtd ,B ft ',nta. 'Advanoed olua60o perlion;aooial danoing, I KA Mir rnnnli aitra lediasL SJta. Prof. Ringler wiehea U under- etood that he will ran a atriotly firat-claaa club only, and thoa in- vited to Dartioipato will be ex pooled at all times to oonform to the rules of poUta aoclety. I .Enrollment mar be made to G f A. ,Webrung, or to rror. Kingier . .t .k. h.n '"". """" " . Ik..u.n nf e ROAD MEETING i - ' I Beaverton will hold a road mee.ing, Monday, November A, at tbe Grange Hall, at 7:3U In tbe eve . . - , - . . before the tesaion, and all citiiens are requeeted to bt preeent and participate. ... . A. A. Pike, Secretary. N, P. Oakerman, President. ' - Ex-Fruit Inspector W. T. dtrat- I toy, of Cornelius, wu in town tha laat or tne week. High Q UALITY Am The Delta Drug Store. Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. THORNBURGH THOS. Vice - Preaident Forest NATIONAL h BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Semi-Annual Statement September 4. 1909 Demand Loam Other Loans 47.765-87 - 25.coo.oo 4,097 50 16,060 00 U. 8. Bondt (at par) Other Bondt Banking House Caah and Due from Banki and U. S. Treasurer 118,687 96 fcOQ.OCO 50 "X"our patrouago rospeotfully aeolloitoci D1KCCTOKS Thoa. C. Todd John E. Datlwy J. W. Tuqua WUber W, McEldowner A. Thorabvirh THE IDEAL HOME Subject at Christian Church Sunday, Oct 31, at 7i30 p. m. M. F. Horn, Putor. THE COMFORT AND EASE ' with which an eye glass rides the nose depends on its adjustment rather than on the kind of v frame. There is a knack in bending and adjust ing frames to fit the nose that is only mastered by one of practical experience in their construction. I make each pair of frames fit each individual nose. . My lenses are the very best quality that can be had. I never sacrifice quality to price. - LAUREL M. HOYT, ... Watcrunaker and Jeweler. Gradttte Optoroehis. Drug S tore A dutiful im and obedient daughter are their fath er t pride and their mother! delight And when ttcknrM visi.t the home all tnedicioea given them ahoa'd he absolutely pare and of the higheat grade obtainable. These yon will alwaye find at TI1E DELTA DH.OO STl'BE. In fict everything In our etock la the very beat we are able to obtain. Even oar line of candiee ie unapproachable by ctberi, and the price are but a very little higher than it charged for inferior gooda elaewhere. We have trrared tbe agency for Whitman'i Fine Choco late, and Confection!. None better are made any where. Wear; cUsiog out our line of McDonald'! choco lat t at gren'ly reduced price! to make room for oar extensive lire of Whitman'i. They are GOOD and SIGHT or yon would not find them tt the Delta Drag Store. G. TODD Preeident JOHN B. BAILEY Caahier Grove Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits I 35.ooo 00 265-44 15,000.00 S48.7J5.c4) 1409,00060 Some tllabry Important Ques Hoaa to b 4uuwrerd by tloeLovra. 1 Has the wife equal right! with her husband to frequent the taloon or other vile places? Why? 2 Name some admirable qual ities of a hatband and wife. 3 Name some common faults of each. How corrected? 4 Name three most common dingers to the ideal home. 3 Cause and cure of the di vorce evil? thing Or is it a good 6 Must the Idea borne bt Christian? Why? Greatest and most interest ing subject thus far. Hear the sermon by the pastor. ' Morning Subject, "What is the Greatest , Thing in the World?". A very important theme. , . ! Music that stirs the heart; This la "A Home-like Church," Come, and come early. , : Heneral. . k...int niaAarDere. naiore mu.