rr 7 IHE . Hills . oo HIIXSBORO. OREGON, OCT. 21, .909 ,f Nuiorttty lor .. , ,.,. .,. CM mw B..H. I- L ii-l .u.rdian of Mr. JBla . l alv.n I .1.--. and trouon I t t . i hI W I All WSf. i haf I BIO" .. i'S1" .J. .Il.rliim Cr,,ul , Uict attendant. 0d M"' bb ieelg" e. . i..f the women', property, m " . . .k. tni 350 to hi. i , uwoml lo r.ig we. u',vyl end uuiokly 14, iodine ia J jT Eioo king hodU H . I ...vara hef action. JOHN B. SHOWBKS V, Heard Shower, aged 0 U l0d who mi e C u.i ...k burled Fri- .... Pjcwt.wl wa. born in i. .).. ha lived until mfl sto, b0 wovtd ,J :o Fofl uro in o.u lb, Mi Carolina uieoa, tt ftttri anil lot blm I W !- -a- .... .J -Knm ChO.. Uf- mini tOKft 110. Hit in ito Mr. Bbowwt mrrW v . (V(. il nf iht Umvt, pk MM V 9m " I - ' l tidov turvWinf. A o. Ku Uin4 In mi. W no h a gfxxl apply of good bra burned brick, loa uunii- inc bloot lur cur uu luunu- ilnm Trv our bulldint hlx lu lot jrour bouM fuuDdatluni. CkMwr ihto oaDl or brick nd Uun d .. mii mi l tafBA lit Kml r nln ronnloi oo luitllnr hi, .1 .11. .1.11...... I houli) plo tbtir ordri oo o fmU IIBUl wiwi v r- - - - TBrt U ly IUID oi Bftutini OrUtll IB VU r wuu . i in . i -. (Oud apply of rough ud ' drel tr kt nur mill. od t ttUAbUlf w-w w 1 - of oomaioD lumber t th IUi nur S.la Ntvtos. lb UtUr In -ri .. . . 11 tl a keriDCMr ill. Jin. tl'i 2t4, UIO, llS, 16 od 14 t,f i I ... V. i . TkU U all fiml j. .i . J U III n inn In , ' . i .... .t f .11 Co . hoboll.. UiU.b.ro. H 1 hi U OM of tbt tmlitrlrat boyt of llul )Uoo. U Idling prtlly j kl. Von ikl iMkaon. it. .lid ih.Wm.Jollr f.rdof 30 Mf, tUli jt. pyio l.0 p f I I tHV m ..M.I. 1.1 .1.. .1 .14 t.w1itnl ami MbUkClMl W.OUO pouodi t 10 otoii, lfing n it rvrt nr.iin.4ii for lh bit td iibm. Tbli UI W Ibi 14 i..Hlll.iim (ill hlBMUtOlr pfVIT illllii"' Work, tod If Ibm U tnf om m-jr dMtf lo ib.n IbU br.w llllU dt- otodtnl from th. Orioty nioji w r from I'EinpiiiEii TAPS- SOME TlllS r.ulers ccerVflni'eiTy anJ Several ()ih:r l'laccs vn Dr. Lowe, Fridy. t Ta.latio. JnKn Koch, of UTOnd Blooming. wi la town Monday. Jobn Bobin nd wife, of South Tu.lalin, wer io town Monday. . Jl llaoion.oneo! the progrei .t j.t.ki. f iK Knuth Tuala- ri,0 , tin wction, wii In lown monaay. Jill am uiuimvi ATTORNEY HELD IIP Circuit Tudne Eakin Feels Mejebty of the Liw High Quality Drug Store - Rol.t. 8 Robinnon, of near Farm L-DTV . -.1B0Pi tX&yiiLS TOO BIG 10 CAKHY ini,ton. and who takw prld In hii " r...ii .mirl aaji no to the city II I Ml VI VM " m mm Bad Ua UuDflnd Ftnj ballan PeHf thbM enUrd the (lrr grocery, William' cigar , utoro, Kreb'a Lion lwn and Mixire A ..d Monaiy. K'd I). rley, Northwest Edi tor ol the Journal, wan out to HilU boro Hunday, a caller oo the Argun reuorler. Cabbage and "lock turnip lor Ill Btciaat Dlalflct AtUracy Tail iff Bird tb.t Judse E&kin. of the Circuit Court, . .....i nf Kr,m It U laid lUal Dei I a n.UH IUI I I 1 II. III. I HI . W u. bub swn . will (lnllVfM . . i am. any uuimnj. -i i- j , v .n hii n(,vei ex H.W. ...1 market Monday ,n dty.-I). P. Corrl.fouU, ma ,be day. Tb filabL aiiil tanned the til a for a lew AUCTION SALE V I .III ..tl tl hi tm Ana mil. iliia Mat of Partttltlf.' r .. .. j. ..i a M,oo main t oruana roao, u " h wuihean d HilUbtro, at teo n ,on RATHRIUY iWITOBKR 23 h . ..... I ft . t.af Mt aoir, 9 y t, i iuo, . i i ... i . I ... . ... riia ... . .f . i. t.lb ting milk; jity nmr. mu i.i;;io yeaning jriwy "'. ' j kas Iibi; llkktny wagon, toca Lu. ......t. ....... I.. ....... thitsrifa liaf. KjWIHUlf Dl'lft ,.. ... - , " " Iftll Wimity ti(u!f gMxl if plr, Ji'p'kt J, T. Morrleon, of below Farm I kaa iiftrimnUd thil year with Bummer Irrigation, via the geeoltoe engine rou-, - i- U......U. ami tafi at the In) IB iwiui 1 . , brie Und t;o. tome one n..H ..... f iha n til varietr. ii.l 1. In aval- reaUeCt. fully developed and with deal to the end of the oob. Tb ear are II, U 'B-. I iL aH.l ak. lh IV I II lUtnj IBDIlll BUM June I. and giteo water at proper .i ... .11 ninil a iotervaie, me vtvy r aucoeea. Tbt 6rgoo Airlce, of Corallli, j-r.t Paciao Uotrertity In their . ... . . i.. n ..ma HatardaT. at n III. a annre 01 21 tO U Pacifio put op a nap, --. the heavier farmer elefen took the tame by iheer ruuacla and weight. T . ' -ii AiimA n atl. Fer- ana " . . . . yin, uwlnn ana ner.. fta.riJ off the hooore lor A. J. Bookhold, who hae two donkey englnee cleaning up ' .i.t.1 f arav. on the I iv .N.,.bot. TIbw.o"l making great Baaw.7 ; . ... .. In man Monday morn ng, unog .. .! .t. nn the lib. Mr Bockhold baa but one arm but b know! how 10 maae ".e- - r . . . i ti . Htcoud Htreet. ..,: tm. ,- , i . , rn-j.iuourt came to iiuibuuiu w - dollar.. They gotnotbmgat 0re.iV J. W. Jackwn and wif,, ClyJ. company with nlee. It might have bfen a ..tu. u -r- nUtrict Alloro E. B. Tongue. ro.rch.ndl.e,but tb.y overlook ? ---- -7 . , ooi on of th9 Tongue 12 iotbeCMU r.g..ver,oa ..ca. , M MBOw fiirdt were rcarco, and which blongmi to a wom.o, leit chiDt Wnfc6r Bet, fin(kny 0M rote and K. B. baegfd thereto le deller-d. lby turn , lbrfr win,iow di-play.l hot , Utle alow aid ed over the (j'Hrafe,aud tried to tnd tbem bow you can el koockej ,he tail feathera oat of a 1.1 wan lha KittUtn ilh a chitsl. but nne. I. . ahn aa i 1 .inanaiome yuuug mutt bve been klarmea aa id Milton H. Bueh, ot foruana, anu , , th M, receptacle" win not furred. It ir- who lived with J. A. lmhrie at W. , hU necki Hia rooelerahip , h. i .,IJ 1 a!l La aa O W? ftlll I " . ...a 1 I1 eald, although .oroio iifrwnui ixy 01 1 unwi m .Hooked great deal nut nen, u tint r 1 Lthl there wae -in' irom rnyuanu, ouuu.j, .im n r eht. and wnen tne iwu la the afe. At tbii plaoe bltb the 0f Mr, Imbrie. wen to t boggy E. B. imisted wind iw ana ar were lorcfKi. J0bn Kwhnke.ol aouthol Bioom ,bat th. Uourt anoum ww TU ireuuraot a.t pool room e-1 j0 WM n Monday, a oc, tenting coat, aa tn. morning we uted. ead Joe. William, toet s;j; L, 0B tht Argoi. Mr. Koebnk cbilJy. The Court donned the !itlhlnrf Ulevco iruui .-..---, . ...Anntio. I ...1. JM the (Initial. luQ 1. e ,1 ...... f I a. A.aa aNW I na ni 1 1 en. I IUU UUa w nrhai rat 11 UIUIUK UW w . 1Mb dr..m, Ukrtiio we .r.io hm . r- " ,11 . .J.nnte eame (He turtiiion. htre tiwy n i' Uraie in me territory. waa du iuu """--":' :. , ' . . . I Knaa In aiorht and. tlOPPlDf (Ull roorn.o. .. .. ... .!...;, J. n.lnUr 17. ia"y. II "'" - ' . ." . Ai Kfrb'.Miuon tue w.r, w ".. II' I u;n.t. the oair. eald: "i ae. you nave me M. P. inuu, ' mi v.. ikathrnw It OUt 10 R.v. F. V. FiBber officiating. b v-' A" fo. ... firlt Ume Ra.mo.MD, and "."r - ioM of . t .. il. rrL'iHtpri aD Mr, lounu 1'" "" " ! , ....... . u... .......-Itiiiim iti jr IfC- Uimg to Th.. Wllhanu Utlpd """ " ? . .... ..... l.i.l. nn.l air rlvrt 10 C III"'" "'' " '-- i..,l, In ii u k iwim Tb y I "n" Chlart out of th l'. ,', W''ly rtld BcK ue ll. AI ItlU V 'Wy di " tulcird uwf tl WE ASK HO FAJIiEtt. . test to our ability to etrve yoo wilb any thing in eutionery tbaa to compere our showing wnh an other yon knew. Ak for anvthieg in the way 01 . STATIOHEUY. If we cannot" eupply it, yon can make op your mind to two thing.. It ia not to be bad anywhere or iti quality u wch that we do not care to handle it If it U good and IS In IDC Blv"J tine, you will find it here if it is to be had anywhere at all. You will also find our line of drag, and druggists eundries complete and of high quality. Our services are right. Our price, are right and oar Jreed the very beet obtain able. , The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. in hi. life aw Tiaion. T..I.M Ma, II.,., both of Rdv,ue. 7;- be the Colprit-for List: Light colored yenR k. bad tb. bird In hi. poweMion, ler. 8trav.d from 1. tDu be would becon.Jd.red fquauy j. A. THORSBURGH President THOS. G. TODD Vice-Preident JOHN E. BAILBV. Cashier . 1 Ci..! frrtm T. K. I . 1J U. ....U.l tnnall I . ..1 ..... 11,. i,an oni Jer.fy nruer. onawu , lana ne wouiu uwwuw- -1 j "."?..r. " fi ll.-..;, i.nei.rr .hm. tmv.,i. f.rm. Weit Union. Reward. I ;. u, Ton.u. finally per-i . . 1 ., 1. iliior and I 111 t t l.ki. Waat Union I 11 ...J that It atl a r.....l ft fintii the il 1. This witKut r... Tn,,u, 1. 334 I.. j ...ll. nrrwlnrttd one lore It tte thieve, pror-red ... ., n ,. 10fta et l.il fMthar. wbioh WOOeeu III the Ai ihe mc, . piece .Mtrriea: wwu. tk?. ..ti.fiad the U .heir r-aMrt.ng-.rr ,,,, .- --; ,,,, HiU.boro M. K rar.OU.ge, vour . ----- that wa. tili'tirn. ip' ' v ITiaKar nRic fttlUB. U0 I Officer ano iuo wu. - Uit,IU ihc Kmtuolt " nor-raiu ivov. 1 . . . .w-l - .llnwurl to denart. It " . i.. ii,.ii L!U.....,rM ni I'nriiinn. iuu wr uuihi make a .peviy ew.y -"' u. ouu-.. "T" ... !.. call, ho ir.it . g"l " 1,1 V, , that lb. anim.ii "u " Forest Grove NATIONAL h BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Semi-Annual Statement September 4. 1909 PUBLIC SALE "w i . i kAciaB. nn TA Orlan. A. Johmon, of Ulencoe. wa. . - l.oi!t:-3 re.r Jersey-Holeteio f ... ... eW. bunt. ... ' j -Ilk K.n.B u h fr. ti sci ana wuiw. "" . ., .,.. - Raavsr. ,u w" nn IPO 01 dii). " 31 3 M. Hall, 1 An. r..Wina nlare ,,. un,ure,u. i, '.- r 1 111 c flsr at public T.uw. Tn(i ftcholl.. 355 R- 1 am ul! . iticuuKm , e. 3miU. iwlhwrft oi w,,d. at 10 o'cliwk a. m on n , v n T u .i n RDA V. OCTOBKR 23 .W"U"B. ...nine:. Oct l' - I UdPHUTlHO, kja.ui - Bik .$ .':7,Tiw 30. Splendid orcbeatra. Iiomw. . hot. lioolK'i'lr'i Jrii row I . ... ,r .., .nnner. tl 00 'l'K;Jn" S& i fine lime, and everybody in- a.i r anrrn. i ui'n i - - r. ... T...-.r. u... aril ... . oi a vueu. kue, 14 iitrli. b.yriu'k le goud coedl- j Y. Home Comfort i.nge, gol ee kiurt piano, til gtxal cendlllM. Other kMUrhuld fumilun ami uuuietotti Oilier rotw. .viuiwut pain, t lv .mw ' X..I., . . tm ... . .. lima jau, v,ar fiu uuv jvai Mokible nolo at S r oent. i .tie i mil. J.CI, uwner. B, P. Coinrlius, Auctioneer. ft T r.nm ..11 knnwn hire w-i V ' " i rwi bb ew - - wtiri ago. ami now .lopploir at A pi.h, YVah., wa. in town Bon- ;0,. ft. 0. Ithmif. of below Reed- .in. ... .... a. i. .Mm, w.i a county seat cauer, o orday, nd vinited the Argua whll. In .r.a.. ill HJWU. R rulx.U and family, of tb. I riL.i.. il vir .. I us, vnriainnatin iinan. n v.. Union, wars in the nntintV Mat, Balurday. U. r.i. r. :m ..f ui....nAlla "o. IUR frilliu, Ul 11 .11 ur.)i'.i eu a oiimt ,,f I. J UiikViIow and . n - - - . - I i, . . . . . . a. .. i.miiy, Humlay. Mr. Urllrio a distant relative of Dr. J. P. Tamlf J. C. H.nle,. for many ye..- -Jid.nl bot. Bk. and wh ia now in tne orouaiv. ? . .....v the North Rank road, was m i "T,,f." " T7i, old vui, imnrovam.nta. r Fr.4 Bcbmldt, of Laore . ana who havesid ,vaai -Jr,rf hop..tbl. , yaar. w. I- JJ Monday. i .,.".;. IU, T.rv contract and hw" 8l nlo.ly on Mr. huu I... uod, of Schmidt na "" r green bop.. H B. Uaucby, owo.r ol in. ueo. . ..' firnenville, Mc0r.w Piao., ,u lax lite. OlT law I....H .at'OII. new top DI'KR. eri D.WO.k.bVHTM, tagWta" lent muni . 5. "" '. - bushel, oat., tuvfoik, cook .love, uo Oll.liri. v. . . ......... i. K.,,1 abot boia uiciuii., .u. w -i .,i.., .itiiirt toon uiin sou ui" - - . u,Utiou. , - Yaar:" Terinso -" -I. Old Tim. under, caen io tii r...---- 8 months' tiroe t P' ennt, bank able rote. 'I ceoi mi v on sums over 110. Francis uoia, J. C Kuratli, Auotioueer. Kd Shule, Clerk WHAT DO I0U KNOW ABOUT IT? Ther. i. alway. aoruetbing new on- 2. v.. .14 Iha der th. eon eyeo i u l:h. it ai l m new U WUUline Ullir. , . ..vt. ., i. .hi. .Lnr. wnicu ib lQUUBuua -' li . , . .. r- .v. Olat nl Ranlam her. tact. VJU ius .. w. --r- Emil KuratU visited with Eugene Pfabl, a oitiienoi urn"i. Demand Loan. Other Loan. U. 8. Bond. (t par) Other Bond. Banking House Cash and Due from Banks and U. Si. Treasurer $159,389 17 47.7587 25,coo.oo 4.97 50 16,060 00 118,68796 Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits 35.ooo.oo JOS-44 15,000.00 14.735-6 J409 .0CO jo 1409,00060 Tour PatronOSo roepeotfully .olloifd DIRECTORS Th-:; W. McEiaon., h A. Thorehurgh wheat, so First Methodist Episcopal m Tbe ho.t u a brolher of love, bouse- Churcb, Rev. Fredenck V. Fisher, cll pj,bl, of Blooming, and he LlX pa.tor-H:00 a. m.. Sunday, s.r d Mr ,nd Mri. Knratli'. .Uy. TC Ln. "Some Goals of Tbi. Confer- lht oity a wy DIea..nt on. rtm.nd ence Year " at 7:30p. m., .ermon, Nurnber- , on. of tb.olde.t toy -It Old Tim. Religion uut 01 mnufaoturing oiUe. In th. 01a . ...' I nr 11 .nit 11 K.a anmethine that J K. P. Brown, who formerly U a curiosity. Hold your breath. J ... 1..1 t. t. urm it la a r.hurch that is over owned the nay piace, ueiuw io. ... IK. and who wen irum u... ";-. ', r.u and rerentlv bought a ranch down in name root, .u " 7u recently " . " . , . LkPK were built toMthor, and it the Lone mar eiat-, ,um. I.r'I'L 7. tK. le that no fewwwksaod .old out wr. .as . ... -- 1 - . a .. - a r ,1 t 1 L.i.i.aAna lain rrii eair. in unnu au mv ... 1 a. 1 . . . r . arTViei ia. aiiwii. 1 iNUHLniiiun isiue. Timothy, clovrr.nd all k.n 0, protit. i - tDoy lhe wor.bippers, grass seed, at t5rei's. 'f T. B. Corn.hu., far year, city oje ney p,oh so 8 ' , D1...I., .d wife, of near marshal of Salem tnd "ho U. J. Pii""" - ' , . .ar.lnn at 108 ueuivcuwj . , . .l.at nl the UmOUB nuru r.ar.l. were In lown alurlay. - , t0WQ the firat of '.a nMvaa Th n...'a nriiei oa field seeds K . ,w . 0n busines.. Mr. Corn.- f . and the beet before buying ebewbere. 2Jtf liu8 worked the two fellow, who f M Tbe devotees o! one J .. i ....i. ik. r Bet a-way from tn. , nf tbe oth- u, - . nantured. .A lha mnrals oi tne cuy ui ' oily Saturday. Lyd, th. oldtim. sawmill Wg are lhe beet in the German m n flnarkman, a Beaverion . ftL.si.. n..i Pf.Kl of Booming, 1. v. , u.i, m.n and WHO 18 uuw i.uviu." n,mpi"0. vw. - - real UI. wan, was in town Sat mn Jjj Lk WM ln the cit, toWD Frid.y and tell, this uruay. J F. Carsii ns, who had a great deal to do with putting Bank, on tha b,.I.1V. I t II . .aa "uimi ua.euau uiapi " down Saturday, aooompan led by bis wife. Br. Lows, th. opttolan, will b. ) the Hotel Tualatin, Friday. Utve him tnai mir . Nine tasn years experience. Doaen. of Hillsboro reference.. Wm. Johnson, rscently returned from a l,li, I,. U....U T I Mnklinht. ho has been prune drying over In Washington State, and Geo. Cy pher, all of Mountalndale, were in wwn Saturdav. sreetlna friend.. " M. J. Murphy, who ha. car peotered for many years east of town, was in the olty Saturday eve- In tha nltV n.r olass, and is getting along In but still carries that Irish lnkls in hla eve. eT " Mo Brunswick, of alov. Gl.n- and who had a million ana h.ll .i , .... . n . . ii i umner, whlcn I. f ery mm 0?4aors. wa. in town Monday. Brunswick worked for 5 year. 00 tbs J. h, flewell ranch, and U ell known down in this bailiwick. wa. in tne ,t.tM that rrana r--. - all h. can ao uijib a .. nor.. uwi a r H.W.I1 WISU.u Bup.rvl.or jm "L.7" ded over th. pa. w aat and north of .town, whh grad.r.oa r.. otlve the traotion .uglo. " PWM' .ft.,.nd Ram- For..!.: "0U":.-Ti.mbs. boulll.tram..y.i"h" ehireB llellgioi.w"'e t - Kng. ... from Candian .ires. ou I " - a MswFll. llllll"'". lish importw 21 33 .,bnlla:Hlll.boro,R.2- .u..t..l lk .J; J w,. . 1. . last nr. aun t- bom. m. .v.TrwIn-UodBon ,1 eetata 7." Lwignont Lke, was In tne cuy W88 in town r naay. " rday. on business. MOoropftnied by bis son, 8tory, and when Carl tell, jou, it 1 ti Vanl.um, carrying man on . d9 who j8 convalescent from can be counted a. th. truth. ornsliu. Route 1 ever sm the k of lyph0id.pneumonia. - Bute larted, was in th. cit, Bat Lyda say. that h. gets it Q M M0D0 vtll with the Ore rday. , -huooh" to try ..wiU e7 gon Electric, w. a ou Co route siarwu, Mr. uyu -J" . . urdey. , "huDoh" to try .awmilllng every Eleotri0i wal out Friday, hunt ur 1 .. . .L w..,.at Orove .in .while, but as he lost two the festive. China rooster. G H. H. Wa, ,a v. fMl. that it i. down to buriness. 10B IUS IWM...V-. . .B . 1 J .... h. miaht M. dowreJ one, auu . j . ..rokar it the eon- mpting proviuuv , have Dgg , , " !,.-. r . I . . j 1 limitAd a man 8 '" a, Li'Xl .. w.'"r.T.'.hrt puc -a J,bmta. cb.,... look!., . a. tort. "riTk.Tk id H.turdav. Gaston farm. ' " harn. and it oo.t the In 4U M AlmoraD nm, ... . . t2 hill to .et- F. L Brown, wno u- n ln 1843i nd woe i. now genia.r.u--j .h-rfallv Laurel for many ye'. " - . M ve. old. Mr. Hill Sr. is a tie. N "-.""tTed nn .een that W..wwlB1- member of. Holbrook Lodge, a. . paid nut - to gr..t, wa. in towu & A jj 0 B Wend.. Ifour room bouse on wmu'V" , one oi tne tnrw u' ---- ' . T a irourroum fl . n. oobb there Ooto- n... Warden J. 8. St'"-,!" CV. oTfor sale - T ieb ;ie the 50th anni- .W-r '0lX up and 1 nru, n,tMt n, 7.-;. , nriI.nization h"1' ...i. ..w morn- irrnMt Lvons, a mueo uu.i""- - yersary oi m" - ---- waiter iooe, .; V. J Kboro7 51t! . in th. college cit,.. I uantl?t5 without a J-ena. nd w w Rnwell ol. Scholl., was In meetin(l 0f the survivora oi brought the noy, - .in II. .UU. that, the Lf yma Indian War, he Id here L 8 old, be or. J-ti B t. n navn tlUBD I . ... wl A.w a TBH01UUUU nlhflre Dt DUWi - f " - . , Rowe l uro . room " f A. Long to " d and wa. fined 125, tbom m- W.!J:r:riWrV Boom, and mum, for th. offena.. n. no. ik. unlnme of U..I.U and reoueet them to -aid he had Den.i. rt.a nrriRfi lui 'uw w 1 1 niiuuciiptu ... - . MAtim vn nni iou r- ur.iheirbest oQ oea in getting eu dys and tnougo. i business. use that nm lloed on the "d est aome game. A. h. plead- 1 L Simpson, wh, is buS r-- that . fine orcnara .u ---- HmU peDBlon tne the M.w - .i. From View Point of Hillsboro'a Young M A sOl MS tea M Women. Subjecx ax Church Sunday. Oct 24. 7.30 P. M. . . . ....... n.f.C. A FBW OF TBI T'ONS TO BB ANSWKB.KD. t Will the ideal young man dance, play caras, un.i liquor or use tobsccc? Will he .wear? a Name tome admirable qual- itiea and some common iaun of Hillsboro'. young men. . 1.1..1 3 Give yoor wea ci wt voung man. These will be worth while. Hear them. rhnrrh Rally at n.oo a.m. Subject, ''If Every Member of the Church were )u use at, What Kind of a caurcn wou.u Ihi. Church Bif" Pine music. Be ure to come. 1 I M. F. Horn, Pastor w 1 W aUawiatant. - lha ranriuwv' over u u Roan helier, . - i """'-... Owner oau ir3roCo ar..o MercanUle KrSy ftom a trio to l ? re. ST " .Tacoma. whither new" -.17 .7 1 beir $12 per month. At ine m . ...,.. Arthur B.Flint, of Mr. an wrldaf evening, mother, mra "w "h B-aSid 2 . 73, who died at her bom. in Wash CotTe." Club production - Cresoant. , Argu.wdOr.gonUn,l2.2&. "TC ;naion rolls so that they may ed guilty if aeel kn in trouble. - - . 1 awaa ww reoeive . t . win. mu n.j anmnien iu o..-".- , wm m . tiaare, ui ? T.ma. wh ther ne we :r,. tirt ,1Bf month. At me -J(... a finds "" .w.Jal.hnI ni. ueir k iMlnarB! waa in W f-j" . the inteU.geno ', in. beid the t-ge"""-- tlme. beside, hi. dairy won, to .....11 irBo is J: vv a ju i 1 aAAn nxvfi time, Deeiu , in Wash- wuuaui 2: raise prunes,, uu . 1 aa -r hii riHiu v vv -m ' I b a . nvtuinng knruuv.11 1 children, mr. i- Stephens, 10. JEWELRY BUYING Wise buying in general is difficult. Wise jewelry huying is particularly so. Know the store and you know the jewelry it handles. , , .. . , Jewelry buying is largely a matter of confidence. The future of this store depends on the conh- dence that I can inspire. If I ever deceive I am ready to make amends. LAUREL M. HOYT, WrtchinAtt and lewder. ' Graduate Optometrtat. I youngest. i : 1