The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 14, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 31
. i i ni v
Cmmiit n,,J l,ur"cJi
lUim-ji l otnof Sinokt
UliflC W0A1STim2CtlIH
. i.uit -'. bw,
jj(lt Hannah i'urerr, lbs aged
rUin '" win created a en
Mli3B .,t week by running away
IromibtrfMUl r-prlng Manlier,,
om, Kwl !'jrilD.I. it the wife of
jbs'lat l'v,J Iurr m
kootiiM ""I"" kin of Iw
vsr too
Mrs l'urser, while in lb Purl
UnJ Huiirlmn, under daU of
Jam VI ')f- vv l)- WooJ
tut enur, of thU city, askbg
him U com in Portland, es she
hl to talk lo biro about lbs
We no have a gnml supply uf
good herd burned I.rn k, nn I build
ing liliM'k f ir cellar ai il f,,in,.U
lions Try our I. ml, In K ,, k !nr
your holts', found a'iuih i',.-up.r
Ihen CMiifnt ,r I r i k m i 1 l...tir
protection against ffm i, Wn lnvi.
linlshml mir run . f rK ul tt,
ere again running nn rumli.r '..
ml have fair supply ni tl, yRrd
Parlies wanting tiln delivered
should plain tiii'ir inil'Tn now -ran
haul them lt.fnr hud weather
There It always a ru-li of huuling
order In the Fall whi n road are
almost tru 4hlo We luw n
gKKl supply t.f rough and (1 f IS iH.
lumber at our mill, and a (j lauiHy
of common lumber at Dm IU,
spur, below Niiti.n,thH litter ti.
U at t srri!ice- '.',t2, '.'S. 2.1
2tt, UK), US, Un and lil 1 1
various lentv. 'J hid in ail g,od
dry Stock, end il will ,tj yvu to
lnwllgl hmi!il y 11 oi oy of
ibra dunnimioiit (iruiifr V Ko
II Ctf.Hclu.lU. IIilUti.M, It
K V, lUnt wt up fr in Mu d
vilU, MiimUy iiin.iiK, b'.IimIh.k
prubtt court. Th in of ,
fuioting giurditn for t'uiU
0 AlUn. of iifr li'Jvilii',
thrown out tl court. Tr nil fi
deintn dinillril mtkinK lticitii-i-
uiitUk nd id. in ddri-fii.L'
tbt Court, that 11 II, Ml wtin lull Hi d
0intdnrhl8 mjitfy, in iui, i-u-,
r uxttitn lly itnit"l uimh,
nJ thtt If tvrry man aho tnd t
0(inUlike, fliinrilly, mi-io to havni
turdin. tb wm.U m!d l f nl
ix .i mil mi suit
V. (JalcH IjiginccrinK a
So vtii Million AILiir
J. J Mnacham, of H inks, wi in
town Mondy.
Joneh liinhup, of Helvetia, wai
in the city Haturday.
If you have head and eye ache,
consult Dr. Ixiwe, Oct. 22.
A. W. Holt, of below Newton,
waa in the city the laetof the week.
Farm for rent. Cbaa Bernard,
Heeverton, Itoute 4. 110 1
Kd Kchulrnerich'and wife have
Liiis.iioD ir ct Koiir Water Pawtr gone to California for an n'ended
Wanted By young girl lo work
for (ward in email family. Addree
"A" care Argue. .'501
Jacob Hiltbrand, of beyond
Wetit Union, waa in town Monday,
and called on the Argui.
David Uice wae up from Hcbo!U,
the last of the wek, greeting bin
friend from the North County.
I, W. Houne left Mondav lor a
County Solons Meet and Dis
pose of business
f Ciu Kiver
If. V (tale, of JldUboro, and who
in n iw in California, in fnjKd in
litii'Kiinu touching on wlt-r rights
iT I'itt I'.ivrr. nrar Hwdwixd thai
Ul F.Miie years ago Mr. (litpc
aiid s.,in associate survywl a
tunnel which will ilifl.ct the entire
waters of ths streani and jiromole
the grratot water p jwer in the Iuoutn'g ilay ,t Kansas City, Mo ,
Ut 1 In- tin i-ct wi'Uld coslseven where he waa acquainted vearB IB",
tnilhon dolUrn, and Mr. Gates
tut at !" i"M-tly As the byi ia
ntit '" Ike Irllrr not la
11 n. 1'm.ri tiinlwitng. I' rrpltrd
4d rnl skHig win ll wiltf
!, Tl' 'rl'1V '" l'-"
.,,! a aurM. Mim NrttMl l'r.
lhl l bt wnllfO ai inr e.ur.i
mI Ui. t'uf m ( .
la I'lMlUnd. fl tit !
i. of IlitTC Irttrta, and AHulll'T
W. n, tuiirti. ).Mt arnator lor mia .,f guardians and wardu Jlontel
iiu.ltt. wet hI Ulw. aol. ai ' m.n ho were wor'h
. la,lt.r W.hl..tfUHi Cob l whoyM had mad liustak".
lawuinnlr I'f Wowt bcr giwf and brought Up a local (fiirwhrre
dus. aint (bat Itr rarculr bowti In tUel Dronunent financier had t one
mm J io...... Th. an-"ti'm ume b.ugbt a gold brick that turn
. . ... . r , i... I ol out worlhle llieoltl nun s
toilw J'uiwiUmu. ami tha order Man logic was of the Portia order, and
prltttr but at a Una, Containing her q Waa xf lnltle.1 to g'l his say
llhoui any rtnng.
On August the stor of Kmrl
iiaat and brother, of Sheridan, was
robbed of s uns jewelry and ph-ui i
uld have had no trouble in se
uring tinance 1 1 r the work. A
anta Cruz capitalist it now con
wtit gMr (rates' water tighia and
as rarrifd bis trouble into court
Mr. (Sate built the HilUhon
water and light plant, and t w
owns several surh systems in the
irthwst Hie home is on Third
ir't. Ilillet) iro Mr Uatee Is to
pi,d ths Winter in Mrlico.
boiicv imvatf iMijisra jnc Uactoi
aroiml the In, and f.iund lit tt krvetal
knailf t itutiai itiore money lliau Mra.
Purer rrjirrwrited Mia. I'urtcr re
BuiocUl the Ntniuilum unlli July It
when ill' a.ked ti U takea away. Mie
brought to ItnUlwroaod imaiieil raphs, and Andrew Vaughn, the
f irmer rorwl (.rove nun, was sent
for and took bis hloiulhtunds to
trace up the thieves No track wa
found and it was though' that the
burglars made lhir esnpe with the
plunder. To the eil'prle of a
farmer, who was plougUrg in
Hwtugi eatahluhweni after Ihe I'alloit tleld wt'lun a ha f tiUl-t Iftii .Tierr
Home ha 1 rrfuwd to care fur her, and Jan, the other day, he unearthed a
after the bad !en refined admittance tu . Prh and in it were all the stolen
at tbe 1 1. tni'. home two nigbta, and
lhrn iriit tu the home bf Mr. A. It
Lmculo. Iliil.Uiio, lot tare, fib re
BMioeil ttirie a iiiuitlh, and tciauie an
Ktnagralite, ant ibeu aanl tu the
CryMal ,Stioig .SauiUriuiu, wbrrr alic
CMiSil reicite lha niedlral care and at'
leiitiou lirr roii'tillim drmaudrd. Mra.
I'uiwi unty ukro lo Ihr Ciyaial
tlx St. J.-ph llixne fur lbs Axed.
tr. WihI aiatn that he waa drawn In
to the uiattrr thnaigh Mra. uraei'a rv-
iu.i, aoi! that after tbe nomination a
(tunllan n, the aptvartu Uiurh
plca.r,l He aialrd thai the ratals was
earth fig y. t.le Ihuinutid (jf Una
Wing irai e.ule and rnat trurriv,
iikI Ihr tlatiie Icing ninuey and txindi.
Itr taut Dial hi Ixind waa a aulhcleiit
guaranlT that he would tie I for in the ilu-
tirtuf hiaiharr faillifully, and thai be
fearr.l nntlung. hut very much ilialiked
the cheap miiiirirty ctrirumatattcra had
blungtil alniul.
A.a uiitiirr of fact, at om time C. It
fry, a iral r.tale man, of lleavrrtua, had
urn ! rnin,latnt i baiKlng Mra. I'ur
ler ilh iiiwimy, lml the rater waa
never tiled. Mra. I'urarr hat been very
rratic lur aoine yrara, and baa maile art
tul nl!, uniting nilc other than ber
nriiirw. Umi. juhuton, legatees,
llAi.l.KV WINS OfT
Attuinry II. T. flag ley surd out halieaa
coruiu tiroverilliigt lie lore Juitire llron
ugh. Mnmlat, and the caar waa heard
Tsenlav iiu.iiiing. The Court held that
the Saintaiiiiin had no right to hold Mrs
and Ibe iswelrr showed no ill
-fleet of the damp hiding place
and tbe phonographs were in good
working order. Ivnesl ll.s is a
a at, r I II . . 11. Ml ....
son 01 i trica iiass, 01 um,
and waa in the Kasl wh-n the
roblery took place.
President Ferrin, of I'scilio I'oi
verslty, lell roresl urove .nonuay,
to attend the meeting i f the Atneri
can B iardof Foreign MieictH of
the Congregational Cliun-h, which
tueeU iu Minneapolis From that
city In will go to Chicago, to loo
fmr financial inle.eeis I me coi
Sega. While alueul I'rof I ay ml
will act as president ol the uiuver
H. C. Hollellbet k an I wi!', 1 '
left here last month f.r St. Johns,
im.i.l. I.av Inft that siate ami
are to spend the Winter at Oklslm
11 ii growers are having their
innings, with the prevailing (U na
tion for th - Oregon crop at 25 Cent I
Hr poind The ever aif price last
year was 7 cen's; in YM)1. 7 or n t
and in l'.K'ti 12 csnls. The last
gli prii"! year was 11M)I, when
the (r'ui h'p went lo 4oc and
away hack in IXS'2 there were sales
as high as f 1 25 per poc.od. In
mie reeperls, the market this
year respmbl that i f 1S.S2.
,ighl crops all over the wond
ire responsible for the prevailing
high price. The Oregon crop is
the lightest since lS'.Ki. The eeti
Hate of iGOtK) l.als for the year s
. , , . . ! : I ...J
yield in mie siats is coosiurrw.
.out right, wih asbington
crop I5.UH) bales, compareti with
17,(HR) hales last year, and Cslifor-
i i sn iv,u i . i .... at.
Din llS atK.Ul t.Uissj i.aine ui e
year compared to CHWHI bales last
It is expected this year will
., . - : i L:u
tnsr tne nrsi ot a eenoe ui umu
priced crops. This year, the next
and p wsibly one or two more, will
mean lanse i.rofita to growers. Af
" . '. . .
Purarr .1 .1,- 7.1 .1.. I,lml CitV. WI'll relatives 1 lley
here no court oider had been rntercd found the water not good tllri, ail'l
linokiuif a rratralnt. I'rom Judire llron- L.i.,i.. (1, frii nds wil t have
aiigh a deciatun, and front his atatrmrut . H, u ,,, ,,ii1 in this Stftte,
On the l,,ch. be also Ir.nrd lo tbe om- ho,UM "r 10 "U ' ' , ,.'
lOQ t lllt aa Mia ...rW. aril,... In m. b CD lOBV SBV IB UU" '
Sueiting a guardian waa voluntary It weeks of observation elsewnere
WUUlil lr mtril iiinaitlam taY-ltawlliat nr fflikl I
theguardimiahlp would bold law. Mr. Conttre'smsn Hawley in touting
..,, wrm in nravrrton, lueniay, the Slate to OUlliI Up niH It licee, nu'
comiiniiy with Mra. 1'. M. Itiililmaiu. aud I , ., ..- r t ,.,.
Is.ur, .levelopment, in he c will be ' '"""V' " "l"",
watched with interrst. lion of HilUboro tbe county stmt
ol the oounty wherein uvea anmne
AUCTION SALE primary asptrunt Ur congressional
honors Wilbur K. Newell. Ir
The underslan..l .ill ..II at hi. hit the Congressman does no
farm ,. .ti! 7.7. " Js it. "t"- like to invade this seciton on mi
uub rani ui r wiiuiiifi i
lot). On mil n Po-ll.rwl ami fl aOOOUni
miles southeast ol HilUboro, t ten
. in., on
Day home, 9 yrs, uoo;bay horse, I wo,
won iioiara; jcrsry-iiurnaui cow, ui " - - . . . r
"""K '"Ha i Jersey lietfct, fresh In I'd.- trip 10 uanaue, unr'"'. - ; ; -""y;
two yearling Jersey heifers; l i.nJ and while in the Unltf il
lllKii 1...... n;..i. ... I....L ,,,,ul " ... 1 1
11 r.iirv ill. o 1 ... 1 ...... 1 nruiiiii
,. -r, - IKInoilfim ieii,pu
n Hhaw. who resides on
Perkins place, this side of Beaver
..a In town Monday afti'r
noon. Mr. 8hiw relumed the firsl
r it., month from an extended
... 1
..1... .1 . ' ..-., - K nOliniD
.mime work ,,e.a; buggy MM " , m(,lr(,noli.
ruriu 1
in... ... 1.. t 1 . . . ..,.
pu.irj 111 nuriy good repair, jiainae
oarrow.gooil as newOllver cntlleo
e'w, 14 men, hayrack In good conut
ii.a0 lneds of lumbt-r are leinR
. ., ....... ,l
Home iw, .Twvi .. e-. da lv hauiea to -
f'l'isre nmiio. In good co'.tdltion, other days, for railroad bridges on ine
hiiuwlmld furuittira and numeroua other tl(o,l RallwftV. The llieil H)
ft'cles. i,r,l looHt the
"rmof sale: 10 and under. L..i flnUhed to Olenooe before
cash; over $10 one year'i time, :.inv WBather oomes.
Is .. I I - liwri'j "
"naaoie nott, at 8 per oent. o .UI snnn have
Bol. Jack, Owner. o ' the K v.nReIiol
P C". Auctioneer. jj" and pain.ed, and
tt. P.Wie.e A.nat. .m. .ard. the structure wtll men p...
- ua'wuvw aa. .u w -
"niwas down from Forest Grove, ry
l"Hday,on business at the court "J. 1 ,","phrnh Street
nouse. Deen noutio"".
... . . m-. Rhrnnshire and Kam
wanted Partv to omh 30 aoie.l Ba"" ..,i lamhx
. jv n 7 'ii iii ania vearuimn nun
Zn"!: te. " U fble togietr,; Shrophires
A urron, B' 7 , - n .,.;. u rns nut ol it-ng-
Mi. south ol HilUboro, Orssjon. 'ZtS Zli
U,UU2- 29 81 J-bJW. ffl iXiu 2. 2133
Kmll Kur.tll and wife were in . . . a yery flnB
mis ins last or tbe weelt. ana union --- - ,
e- 'eoud to leave there for Denver, Fall for u ; r .r.
b. they wer. to remain a. lew Frank -
J. A. Z tu merman, of Rowland
Farm, and who has an eye for
beautifying his premises, was in
town Monday.
The Greeks have just about com
pleted grading in the Oregon Elec
tric Yards at the depot, and tbe
rails will be laid in a few days.
Customers at Emmott Bros, may
get a beautiful China Dinner Set,
free. See their window display,
and ask them how you can get
James May, ol above Glencoe,
was in Saturdav. Mr. Mav has
orllanl. Ore, Oct. 12-(Spicial) been indisposed lor a week or so,
but Is feeling better, and was out to
get some of the sunshine.
Dr Lowe, tbe optician, does not
go from house to bouse. Consult
hird about your eyes and glasses at
Holel Tualatin. Dorms of HilU
boro references.
A. W. Walker, of 8outh Tuala
tin, was In town Monday, returning
from Cedar Mill, where he and his
wife visited Sunday with M. Is
Bonham, of tbe Union schools.
Strayed: Two Jersey calves; 8
months old; one is bnndle msrked
-W F. Wohlechlegel. Scholle,
HilM.oro, Oregon, It. F. D. 2
Reward. 29 31
Mrs. Wm Moreland, olSellwood,
was out tbe last of the week, visit
ing with friends Mrs. Moreland
and family lived lor a number of
years on the Smith donation, east
of town.
Lost: 3 yesr Jersey Holetein
heifer, black and white, with brown
on top of hips D Shaw, Beaver
l n. Ore.. R. 4, on Perkins place
that, because of high prices Telopboue Ind. Scholia. 355 Re
having stimulated production, more U.ij. 313
it 1 . It. . ... . I
ops will IW g oeo luau a,.o iicducu r..ll... V..
and the price will drop again. -.11 diwin buslneee all
Summer, went to McMinnville yea
lerday, to do some work lor some
former V ashington County reel
;'he undersigned will tiler at puonc denters.
i l. ..r I .tit..!
shIH. ,i mile iiiuuwmi ui
at 10 o'clock a, m., on
Parties aak
Ceo sty
fr Terrific
The county ciurt held its session
last week, with the usual routine
business. County Clerk Bailey led
the county officers in point cf re
ceipts, bis September feet being
4 1G 30, as against lo 55 for the
Recorder's office.
J isepbioe Smith, of Yamhill
County, asks Washington County
to pay ber $2000 damages for in
juries alleged to have been sustain
ed by ber horse, the, pacer "Star
light," while crossing a bridge
across Cedar Creek, in the east end
of tbe county. The petition is now
on file.
Claude Meeks was given $12 for
damages sustained on the Stark
Bridge, in road district No. i.
Ordered that all special road dis
trict 32 be transferred to Otto
Road petitions referred lo tbe
district attorney's cttioe: petition
F Lepechat et als; I K Thomas et
ale; J R Hornung et als.
Pacific States Tel Co, telephone.... q S
Geo G Hancock, exp sheriff office. 32 S5
boem prisoners. 14 00
salary .315 00
Effie God man, assessor' otTice 78 00
Max Crandall. salary loo 00
Otto Nicholses, special tax road
Dill 3 334 99
Martin Vandehey. relief 6a
Germo Mfu Co, county jail - 22 50
J E Price, couit bouse 7 00
Hugh Rogers, sbfl s ottice 7 00
Kmrick & Corwin, court house...- 7 95
Gordon & Adkios, livery 4 50J
Csp Guilea, court bouse 2$
hcuruhlt & Kultacu, reiiet 4 y
Willis Ireland, sal and exp .179
HilUboro Argus, printing as 00
Glaaa 8c 1'ruilhomme, supplies 4 30
P B Hartrampr. county laim....- 11 50
Pac States Tel Co. telephone - 90
J W Goortin, sal and exp 1 10 30
Jno McClareo, salary aa 90
T H Tongue, dist atty office ao 00
W M Jackson, salary - y
M C Case, sal and ottice exp
M C Case, traveling exp
High Q UALITY Drug Store
test to our ability to
serve you with any
thing in stationery
than to compare onr
showing with any
other you know. Ask
for anything In tbe
way of
If we cannot supply
it, yon can make up
your mind to two
things. It is not to be
had anywhere or its
Duality la such that we
o not care to handle
it. If it is good and
is in the stationery
line, yon will 6nd it
here if it is to be had
anywhere at all.
You will also find
our line of drugs and
druggists' sundries
complete and of high
Our services are
right. Our prices are
right and our goods
the very best obtainable.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Semi-Annual Statement September 4, 1909
Jasper Keffr, of Glencoe, was in
.10a 85
. 6 60
J W Bailey, aal and exp 230 00
Hillsboro Ltverv Co. county court 1 00
Delta Drug Store, relief 6 50
Hillsboro Pharmacy, relief. - 16 ao
Gonlbn St Adkins, livery - I 00
Wash Co News, printing - 7 5
Wash Co Tel Co, telephone 9 90
Hillsboro Independent, printing... 14 30
W I) Wood, health officer 10a 30
W W Boscow, wit county court.... a 00
Win Tupper, janitor -. 45 00
J II Brown, livery - 3 00
Martin Vandehey.'relief 63 80
A A Morrill, surveyor's office 17 00
Witnes I.istrict Attorney cnaries
Roberts f6, Julius Skag 6 40, Lon Werth
6 30.
Roads and highway s John Beyer
$7oa 33. J C Heuird 47. J Raymond
1? co. A B Todd aa. H Smith 30. B Oat-
man 5, JN Munkers 7 50, Henry Shorb
t A KTortM 11 60. I W Sewell 10. I G
Demand Loans
Other Loans
U. 8. Bonds (at par)
Other Bonds
Banking House
Cash and Due from
Banks and U. S.
f 159.389 17
41,097 50
16,060 00
1 18,687 96
$409 oto 50
Capital and Surplus
Undivided Profits
$ 35,000.00
$409,000 5o
Tour patroiiaco r orspeotfixlly ewolioitasd
Tho. G. Todd John C. B.ll.y J. "W. Tuque,
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburgh
Monday. He has been setting up McCormick 4. V H McCormick 4 J A
the sawmill which he recently sold,
and it is now located on the h
Wenstrom plaoe, between Laurel
and Scholia.
Dr. Lowe's superior glasses fur
nish all the eyes need ezoept water.
Just how they relieve the nervous
systems and strengthen the eyfs
It'.mk mare, 5 yrs, 1600; sorrel mare,
51m, imy m.rse, ijih, n""ru J11"1' v""
luroc .li-txav liroo.1 sows, octween 30
mid 4obft-p, a drrrn cluckens, roou 314
StuuKhtott wagon, new top nugKy. aei
diuilile work lmrm-ia. bt!gy harness, 8
toiiH mixed hv, 50 bushels wheat, 150
Im-du-la oata, lmvfoik, cook stove, bouse
I111M titnisils, No. 11 double barrel shot
l'uii and other at tides too numerous to
f .t. .t
IllClltlUtl. 1.UI11.U ..wm.
I HruiS of Sale Sums of $10 and
under, cash iu hand: sums over $10
x months time at 8 per cent, bank
able t.ote. 2 per cent oil lor casn Roberts' ranch below Karmington,
Hulit 4. McFarlane Bros 5 18, Henry
Dames 50c, David Wenger 100 45. James
Deulin $, Banks Lbt Co 13 77. "" Hin
msn l.Jno Borwick 150 aud 19, Peter
Iloflman 11 30, J B Merrill I, Scott Wo fl
1, O Gardner a Bo.
Refund V M Hetoel a 03, ieis oecoo
35c, a t: rtuiDert I 14, v.ouis r,uui
5 48, E A Hyde a a4, Jas Hasking 1, J A
Thornburg I a 76.
Bridires 1 I Wismer M, jonn uison 10,
Donald Lbr Co 8 58, Jas Churchill 51 95.
nn Hums over $10.
Frat.ct Cola, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Kd Shute, Clerk.
takes longer to expound than ex
perience. Consult him Friday, Thos Murphy a8 36, J R Dickason 6, A
nn IK MCUUUlsev I171,J wi.ui'H . x
Thos. Simme, who owns the big Prickett 35.
A Word to the Wise is Sufficient
was in town Monday. Mr, 8immB
has accomplished the seeming im
possible near his place, by building U has come to our notice that some
a good road where lor nearly a mne 1 of our housekeepers nave oeen in
waeons in the winter formerly duoed to purchase an infrrior bak
went to the axle. jng powder retailing at 25 cents per
n...i. D.-tc. .1 ikn:u nound. which is made of Alum,
ing is about ready for the painters, Phosphate and Albumen (called
. . . . a in I Ann 1
.... r 1 . -.-.I" . I A d VfiffA VilAli ktfl hIDhiV ill
' n...ntAd ri 1 :nrnHiiiiN. vavci mi .... niianeAia f 1 hai 1 aiulu o v , v. -ra .
AIIUIIIBD, v , o I WIU U1UVD 1UO UUSIVOID. Jkk , - v.-.:- .,la tmm
A UfCuaitw ao a- -
.1 . '. r.ih. Raw A Rnhin-I,
frm H llsbo;;, ind af duot. Thie Albumen is worthless
ler the ceremony a sumpnous o,n- mo """'ub Be u imi.. - r --,
. a inik.i..MnnmlMr Iwnm rennrted to the county board I and is only used to make a mis-
iUewuae iv e l..iu r. a.ntar.k&r' Ratnrn Aa mnnat.ratinn when stirred
' .... .1 , t .U . I ... m.trianal at fnnlCf lolll difl- In arater
ladies of Cornelius, and is well eases, diphtheria, 6- cases; typhoid All of the above ingredients are
known by all The groom has a fever, i oases; scarlet fever, 1 case; highly objecUonable when used in
noeition in the city engineering measles, l cases. Dinus uii, any arwete ui .ou.
poeiuon in j s, o rmin. 7. Deaths-maleB. 9: The on v safe and really eoon
ileparimen 01 . Wood. County Lmical - bakiott powder is made
aunwa. luey wu 1 "--- . - . - - - - ,
From standpoint of young men of Hillsboro.
First sermon iu a series of four on "Ideals for
Young people." Here are a few of the questions
to be answered by thoughtful young men:
1 Will the ideal young woman be a christian?
2 Will she use slang, profane speech, or lead a
a poodle?
3 Are dancing, card playing, or wine drinking
accomplishments which you admire in her?
4 Shall we judge her by' the same standard of
morals by which we !udge young men?
5 What one quality do you admire most in a
young woman. " i " - .
6 What are some common faults of young
The pastor's sermon lecture will be very helpful
to all.
Morning subject: "Entering into the Labors of
Others," Celebrating the 47th anniversary of the
organization of the Hillsboro Christian church.
Don't miss it.
Haahh Officer. from pure Cream 01 lartar Iod
i.i' s .uJtained only from grapes), Soda,
.. . ome cnitareu piaym iu ... - , . tn ,-.
r T llufAttsi savi fA AI . 1 x r i i UI I RI1U I UDi Cliuuau o"v O
the state is in the city Monday, 8truck a match and start- &JJrZ
i the interests ol the order of Fra ed a liuie fire, which soon grew to h Sfi'rf Soda and
tetnal Brotberhoou, ana wiu remain ft Wg Wftls9j afid deslroyed tne V""V',, .
several days, i ne roruana arm building, together with thecontents,
i ..m ha rn nnrinr inn lhhiu i knna haws ortm 1
irillll 1111 i'W www sw w - I WDlUil TV OI D UUlDCi unji ft I . . . - . TT .
which will he . ...i ini. Tb lnaa There is some talk cl tne uniiea uii m - -I WBKUUB, uu luuig "-' I .. , a. . l XT .L il.
u Um Hnfofii. This order 1 1. j 1. u .knnt i nnn or itaiiwav eoinir iu ma nurm m
U one that pays an aocident benefit mon with but $100 insurance, present survey and making tbe
as well as lile inHurance, and sev 0ne of the children had his hair Cedar Canyon route over into Til
...1 r n Waat niiiKiinH am niftin- l ,r... da ormld oft lamook. This story is saining
I - ..... n. 1 1 J .inM Ik. .ran nan o-nn a in.
hers, out ol the burning building, iw grouuu .i -
am Moon, ol Centerville, was In neighbors, made a desperaU bu 0 1 tbe nana , M ,
Tuesday morning, and Is leeling unsuooessiui auemp. 10 ge. '
If Your Eyes
Pain, smart, or water, it is their pleading for help.
Spectaclesl No matter, if some one does try to ;
.dissuade you. Yours is the pain and danger. .t
Come in and talk it over delay is dangerous.
. If your glasses are crooked or bent; I will be
pleased to straighten them for you; free of charge.
.'..-. ,,. f
All -worh guaranteed.
a ii.. ik. .in. in 1 noreea uui ui vuo B.iuubuio.
uuru ID a lew dava. BDlDmeuii,
- I .
1 niivi
ys iheyw llbehomelnHUIs. 7" "7;j7ndtbla.