ii i JnlILLSBR XVl- lULLSnUKO. OREGON, OCT. 7. i900 NO 'miiMI PI I I I'l'lU'lV " no" good luiuilv nf imitJIt mil MlliMI mim I IT I .,i fM,. hnnnlhl li nil mnn nit ' " II) I! AISK M ON KY S mi 1 titoriuiii ni utBttui Th.'atrc. October IS U) IXPlCr GKEtf HTPORT no have good euunN nf . . . . .... - - i good bard burned brick, ami build ing Wwn for cellar ami found. UOUS IfTOUr bU Id in hnrki i.i our house foundationa. Cheanr .1. - . . . . . . - man cement or (tr ek and luitur protection against frost. We have I nieued our run of Ursa tile and ar again running on atnallar alt . . - - enu nav a lair tupply at tha yard rartiee wapting ill delivered m DULLAHS AND COSTS Nothing Sit Id, However, as to Neck Shave I B. STRUM WILL APrilL CASI Mrecinrt L Ldiw' 0ot1 Club will enter- the public at the tre-cent Friday evening, Octo th net proceed a are to Justice Law Bar era' Ceart VUliilea Flede ehould jtlaoe their otdere now an we oan haul theui More bad waihr Pitctcdi le f Tewird Ket Kooia There it alwaye.a rueh of hauling oruere in me ran w ben voade are aloioet impateable We bare a good eupply of rough and dreeeed lumber at our will, and a ouanlltv of common lumber at the II. pur, below Newton, the latter to ell at a sacrifice 2tl2, 2i8, 2C 'Im M 1111 1 U 1 - 1 t . , i . i.u;i.i!. iu lit. oi "nuhl t lUiui ,.,iAn, I. .,. tli. i. n . , ' icuiuii. iniaiaau biumi t mii,h nidtd rent rOOU), and I ,), .l,u.W it -III iaiiilint att nhtrsi.it tth hranltnlna . 1. ..-1. hn an mlli.h I I n ul I... I. .W....I.I ... !--.. l . 1 I. l .1. ... it . . woicn iui( - .-v . iuuuiu juu waoi any oi luueoriei wora wunnui a ncenee or I iK h.at sbt or ten 1 thee dimenttoni Uroner .v Row. I-M.n. . . il.. .ii ... run""" l " " I .. u i .1 .i n i i " wuiaiim uiiiit tun uiinu ,. The ladiea bave airead; ...,.,, ,. un of a rrgUered barber. Stream Uhed fct tor the court jarU. noe. w. wyaii, oi baetero Ure- contend d that h had a certifloate D3w up in arme to "",? .fOOP. but that he had left it eomewhere 1 . . . .n ft ire vu 15. end I J II Strram. of Forett drove, wit Itet Friday found guilty of violating the barber law by a jury in Judge 0. W. Btrnee' court, aud the cuurt fined hint t'25 and coele. The de I) .P Superintendent O'Brien may Try Gasoline Knglncs fkeicbt9swikbio;at biivirton la (be tti ibt Llai may be tUctrlfi 4 te Pertlaa4 they are id r.t room where farmen' - . , M . , Mn hit travele He averre.,how Unity haveaplnee to remove add to thee liuee a general line of that ha waa working under a . I at tUint il travel wneo inej it to tte city. I- DL. .1 1M l.eoora r.. cuw, u r, Obio, will promote Lao- tht af and thecomej bigbly recom id. K lull nynopett 01 Ibt nim will be found in another mn. with a caet rr more woo locally tke part in tbe enter merchandise and gantlemeu'e fur- oltbing goodt. Mr. Wvatt hat euo toeeeiuuy conducted eeveral etoree over the Northweet and having old to profit himeelf, in peeking for a lojation, oonoluded HtlUboro wat a promlting point. He and hit lie will at odm take op their reel- dnoein (bit citv. The buinee Farm for rent. Chat. IWnard, Baverton, iloute K. .10 1 J It. MoNew and wife, well known at Greenville and Went Union, were up from near Rood vl lie, today. Ray K. Chandler, of Middle ton and Mitt Mabel Ilainet, of Hher wood, were granted marriage license In l'ortlaod, Mouday. K. 1C Tayne, HilUdale and Rachel llryne, of the tauielooatiop, took out marriage licenre in Tort land the firtt of tha week. Cuetnmen at Kromott Hroi may get a beautllul China Dinner Bet, free. Hee tbelr window dieplay, SuperinUndent O'Brien will try an and aak them how you can gel ..na.im.ni i. .n-i. t..i. i, l saeoline motora on th Wait Hide l K. flardner, of Mountalndale, br.noh iB KnrM. n,ft U. Ika A .... iVi.ft l A ty k I " ih l.r.r.t Lhm.n ola.a tbia N aaaoonatlhe Beaverton-Willt term that be hae ever witDeeard burg out ofl It flniebed. Tha freight there. traini will then be run Into Port N. R. Want, who hat lived above 'd via Beaverton and Willtburg, Banka for a number of yeare, waa creating on the new ateel bridge at down to tbe county eeat, Tueedey, the latter plaoe. Portland la rait mporiani nueineea at ine noun- ln. . . .... w of ift mAB. enslnea Dantinf no and down Btraye.1: Two Jereey calve; " Fourth H treat, and th High Q UALITY Drug S tore one. i on ty olerk'a regUterrd barber, and that thlt would dear him. Upon examina tion, lnwtver, it wat laid to havt bren atcerWlnrd that the certificate of ihi barter uodr eh ra he wae luppoeid to be working i spited lam rprtng Ktreetu lay In wl.l apical to th oircuit court. P puty Attorney T. II Toitue i$ a smnL Tut nniit un i ud unouid nave me rr . . . .. .. ouragxairnt oi me enure cuy WEDDING ANNIVERSARY .tod Mrt (i-h. W. Schulmericb rUioed a few of their fntndt ThurtJay evening. Sept. 30 . tbe occasion being th fif ih weddina annivereary. The i .;..!! J l - J M wat DMUUluiiv unjurmu h latumn leavrt and cut H wert I hot and hoetee tottained tir repatat'no ai cplmdid enter- ert n. i. ikij piuru marritze rervice In mtnoer t would quality blm for tbe V and Hon. W. N Barrett . . . f . a f t tbe DffMntaunn tpeecn in irerict a hinltome cutzlait ktertet. iToelle'iorchretrawae preemt and T(d daring the evening Dainty JrnhoaDti were rerved and tbe ninv wat made enlorable bv mmnd vocal and inttrumntl bmc. Tbow preiwnt werej Venn, tnd Mmliuiet V N Barnlt. UtUreer, Wnt Nrlnoa, K W Moore, Kd lulmf ncli. J V Council. V. K Cootwr. BWilkrt, H T H.Kiry. W W Boow, W 11 Wilroi; Dr and Mra W I) Woct, nd Mrt A B nilrr, Mn K A Willi, h I K BtK''. Mr !. H Wilkc. Mr K UcKinnrr; ihwi r.tt Schuluiericb, illic Wilcox. KliMlicth Milne. Laura 0. Rbr WUkn, Wtlke. Hen.Iri. lu; Mrr.T. S. Willie, 'llli IreUnd tnd W. I). Smith. very worthy "m koowoaa lhT. W.Wyatt proeouled and M. B Bump de Co. Mr. Deonlt. whi bat been In bueioeat her for number of year, win devote bit time to bit ranch near Newton and lake a general re t all wbo know Djonla know that h will "reel," In th littl tnd of tha cornucopia, of couree. Rtoben Foelr. well known heie everaJ year ago at bookkt"r and Umtkpr with tha r. R it N., in it inoeplion daya, waa In town lb firat of th week, the gueet of U. T. Bgly. Mr. feodrd in the abeenoa of Judge HolIU and C W. Idleman, de fendant' attorney. Thejurv: W. W Boaoow. fore. man. V M. Jackroi, F. J. Bewell, C. W. R-dmoid. K. P. 8utoi. oftioe. T.n - ' ' '" I ID (tilt I n Hivauil in.l lha AAmnina -W. K. Wohlanhle..!. Brholla. mUhn ,0 lh r,,. "F"' HilUboro, Oregon, R. F. D. 2 " th gaeolio soginea, wbiob Reward. 2J 31 !' now enroute from th Omaha . r, r,,..nu . Vul? roiaoBbop,provafailur, n. iui.viuiiUi UI vru.riFin, llhl.n fmm MflU U Ia Vmt. . . tvi t I eaMw eewa v aw u U T V WVT UI w ic me ouy ,ueo.y. mr. veyr .DJ w n, doubl h ,lMlrl0ued man wae ei on- u.e . venver- tnJ lh jolo lurnej on Thu m vllUpoatmaeter, before th day of , muoh lh. rural man reavice. tk. .u.m t..ln. . r.. Wanted Party to grub 30 aciw. quent eervio oan be inatalled. and burn, ready for plow. Can wt ask norAibr.it Ut to our ability to trrve you with any thing in tuttoeery than to compare our thowing with any other you know. Ak for anytbltig In the way of ATATIOHKU V. 1 w canuot supply it, you cn nuke up your mind to two thing. It It not to be bad anywhere or it fiiullty untcbtbat we do not cre to handle It. Hit I good and 1 in the tationcry line, you wilt find It heie if it i to be bad anywhere at all. You will alao find our line of drtir and druKKliu' auodries complete and of blgh quality. Our arrvicea are rlgbt. (Hirpiicraare 'Kl't and our goods the very bet obtainable. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. furnish cabin A L. Urebe, all milea aoulb of Ililltboro, Oregon, Rout 2. 29 31 K. L McCormlck hat moved hit reeidence to tha Keel of hit lot on PUBLIC SALE Th undertlgned will eel! at hit farm on mil due east of Farming- ton, on main Portland road, and 6 A. THORN BURG II rretMent THOS. G. TODD Vice rretident PRETTY SMALL BUSINESS It'a not worth whilt to bandy wirda a-liiorklly, with tha Newt man, of Foret (J rove, who klckt an Foatet'e trenuouily about th county oourt father, who raeidad In and waa In. giving that paltry laU !of premium! , . - . . ImrmmUA In nmrjirtf at I nh U Or t t0 IBM lireei Carnival me .r f. . . . II l. I I i. .in tha IVi umh diiul tha Il if i oion'T ditihi inmu uim w iui (ha mk n,t the fiinaral tnnk nl.r. ttOCkman ID the OOUnty, Koreat Aundae Tha fathar l.lt.l Hill. Grove and vicinity not being ai .'" " 1.1 T. - II -.-l.ll-l.-J hM kn th. mnn mnrmmA hi.r I CDiea II It well eeiolluu Deceaaed leave two aom and Iwj that county oourt baa bean daut btert. ail adulu. tp-oding bondred upon nunareue m it. r i -.-..e ..... ,101 aouart lor roca oo roaue v Miea Miooie Abbott returned -ft.nhin. trn,-t flrove. -hlle thl Sunday evening frora a abort vltlt hM b4d on- wh,t t ab I.. 1 . . 1 m .III .. - who oer eisier, aare. i.iutu uuueu, Llnooln and oonUmplatei building tulle toutbeatt of Uillaboro, at tan a modern cottage on to corner oi m.. on .a a ewta t a I . t n I I tnat etreet ami mird, in me spring SATURDAY. OCTOBKR M L. Jean, of North HilUboro, loetl IUv bora, e vrt, i loo; bay horse, iioo, a mlr of eold how bifocal elaaeM. Iod work borws; Jersrv-Uerham cow. r n .. . 9 . . I ......... ..ML. I- t ... 1 u-l. I between Kleolrio depot and HtooDd r:"" Z. i.":',." " J and Main. Ftoder pleaee leave at U'n' h,n.' iiirk (v 'inrhl Argue offioe. I aalr ; double work barneae; bui har- . , . . n net, surrey ill lalrly good repair, Stplk Bert Mead Cam down from UUI- looo, barfiw.eood ai nawi6liet chKled ton tbe latl oi tb weeg, ana waa aiatew. 14 Inch, hayrack la good coodi- eueet at tha homa of bit brother. " t-omiort ranee, good a new, M. M. Mead, wbo now live, lo tb J&Jfeft . t V ' I . I U . 1 J I .w. -w Vw v.... , nicaenuoiuim oouee, oecouu woo articles . 1 I. Trm. nl U. ItAan nnJ I ..... v.w B. K Todd, eon of A. B. Todd, cub; ovr 110 on year' Urn, I near Dilley, and Mitt Alyt Cronln, bankable not at 8 par oenL JOHN E. BAILRY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL a- BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Semi-Annual Statement September 4, 1909 of North Bend. Mlai Abbott came op on the tteamer Breakwater, and only miieed hour. Had liano the would have eiperlenoed a rough trip aa that vetael loet her rodder after leaving port and wat towed th entire coaet line into At tori. Wti dell Davit, of Shady Brook, Sol. Jaok, Owner. B. P. Cornellut, Auctioneer. SOON TIME TO SHOOT a' I J.nnhlA ftf P A Prnnln nnn.tlm lalutely htd to have. Blill, the u r.h.lof Koreet 0 rove, were Hlllaboro preea baa aald no bing r.nU4, to wej tn porti.nj. a armiu aniai imb iieen 1 a uuuuicu tun 1 a r a the Allianc a few L.MM, ,F,h. and. at tbe 1 the tailed 00 tb Ai L.l,. ,im. .k. rft,.i -ork in nu.a. Murderer Roeelalr a ihort timi . , ... t .11 -.a 11.. ... .1.1 ... a lion wae being paid for out of tain "7 Tha bunting teaton opent Uotobef eenerallv and a proper publio lm-1 Jl loat there were no u men dm; tn(j n.ra m b great aoram provment. Thit work waa paid Wathlngton County wbo would D after th China bird, th grat for out of the general tai. and not eonviot him But Rotelalr Judg eit g,ma blrd n h wdrld from tolelv from contribution from the ment waa alway a trifle rim-fir tj,s pon 0f tb eporteman; from . .1 ... l.i .-ta . aft Foreat Grov eommuolty. roret For aale: Sorrel team geldingt. tn point 01 oeauty, ana rrom in Grove bat a lot of broad guage 0und and true: 7 veart 0 d. welab landpoint 01 me epicure, ll tor buicM men, but lb thriving 750. new barneea and new wagon le any wild bird that ia quit aa Demand Loana - ' Other Loan U. 8. Doada (at par) Other Bonds Banking House Caih and Due from Banki and U. 8. , Treasurer i59.i& 17 47.75 7 1500.00 41.097 50 16,060 00 18.687 96 Capital and Surplus Undivided Profit Circulation Deposits Jj.ooo.oo S44 25,000.00 J4,7J5-o6 409.0x0 50 fcoq.ouo 60 Your natrouato nesmeotfuUT- siollolftsct DIRECTORS TKoe. C. Todd John E. Datley Wllber W. McEldownex j. A. ). W. ruqu. ThomburgK HOE N ELCOR DON Ml If 1 waa in town Friday, mr. uivi .il m mihtin uli fln'orMr It win - ,.-w..v,.-.- . I"-".- "7. . 7 " mi in and ha haa aom fio cow, and little city la alwavt unioriunaie in wm ell altogether or aeparat ao vooineom e a oioeee poeaeani 11 guarantee them to b good milkere getting a cheap ohap who alwaya ftr M team and equipment are ron it another on. And If thr la an- mi find lor rim n irv o. Il I CDipa id who vomuuiu tu cernea. ajo . jrir om 001., ow V1 " f r very pretty wedding wat cele- thJ can b milked by man or Vatdit tbe horn, of tbe bride't "man lDe" T"J J"0"" Unt. Mf .n,i Mr a fi...4nn Any one wanting a good family aday. October .1 YM, at High 011 do weU ,0 hi" loon, Rsv. J R Welch, of Orenco, v.. u. Miller, of Rowall Broa. & loiaiin?, when tbmr daughter, rj0 , and Erneat Hanaen, of Sobolle, llmbeth. wan united In marriage nead throuah Saturday, from a k Mr. Fred Hoenl, of Portland. I ..Mk'a buolioK ap tt Buck Moun pgon. The bride wore cream ..i, ,hov Mountalndale. They olentai d? 8mm nilk, and carried bt(i -T.k .ij.tn fin four year old Dooqun 01 Bride rosea lbelu..t .kih lnokl ft I UUVBl W UIVM - lOfrtmaid. Mihr Anna Gordon. u.. iui nnnn ... -f .t. 1 . .. .ML lU," V wrui me oriafl, wore nine tin 1 r.t aa ganaie tod carried pink .1 r - . l a I a. ftrrnncf Lima. UUi won. iu up . eirocted from a man aha want a "neck ebave" and klckt at in live pennlee neoeeaary for the polish of behind tbe ear. fleet of wing, and ax fertile of our vet tend him out to tb Washington pound. F. 0 Ileidel. 30 1 in rs I I I.I 1 w. a, uaivani, wn aiuag ., fjouoly ahootliU and they will beg neer for me uregon iwecino, anj Mm Thl- K.. . - .-ij.j in I I Kti t n tn I - . . . rear for China tuiaeanta, and tbe WANT BKTTBR ROADS N. P.Oakerman. of balow Beaver- inn waa in town Monday, and il 7.1. aiT atlna. by a referendum vol.. th rla. Yung ooked aa if it might M' J-ff Jf u he Uod Mit of with ha Am and. Th, veniton JJ nJ j f Bea. ince ita contti e S - eatte n tier of town- JJ- wbo ia a frequent contributor lo tome 01 uregon oett literature, b)th from academioal and editorial eland point, waa in town Tuesday, 00 bufineit at me tempi 01 Juttloe. Chria. Yungnn, wbo haa been ity condenaer ever conitruotion.lt her for a viaiting homelolka at Helvetia. He went over to Seattle, Qelda ehould be lull of them. There baa been quite a bit of illegal rhiot log, however, and thla had depleted th atock. A few yeart ago tbe Argue, in on of it sympathetic moods, advised a farmer to kill a China out of season lo order to have a nio broth for a lick wife and during September ther wre hundreds ot tin bird killed and laid it to th ad caru-inntaii s-nnd anonan 10 eai. 1 . . . n-i, lom. The aroora waa attended bv . " .. L . . . Bn'P' " ":". v r, . .MUrd a, to tea the Fair. II waa ever man John r- Harry Murphy, of Portland. "irOrovVaod , down from Helvetia, vice of th Argua. . f. Gordon, of Portland, play J"'"" di F J ;. by hi. father. in WfrtrtiriCT mitoh an1 U I uv pas - ----- 1 tuu uquet The hoQie wan beautifully deoo wd with Autumn leaves and nink -J . ... r o green 1-st o-in Dinner waa 'Vd io three courRee. The preetnU were many and jatatifal. The following were present at th w . juarrilge: I Kev. J. R. Welch, of Orenco; Mr. and F. K. iloenH, Mr and Mrt P. ron. Mr. and Mr. A. Couture, Mr. m Mr. H. Wolf.-, Mr. and Mn. C. O. 'mi, Mr A Word to Ih Wi le Sufficteot I It haa coma to our notioe that aome I of cur housekeeper have been io fumiahei tb wagon roadi for ladn Contnre cZh t the h,ldl'. trait orchard north of that city, was lU the travel into Portland and John R. Bailey, of above Buxton, Set 8 "k" ii, tha city from Portland, Friday, lh,t noV sufficient money ia being t week sent down two boxei ol ...tins hiaoldtime frleodi. mr .nnt on road improvement, mr. 1 Kartlett pears to w. vy, uoaoow 7 . n I . . .t . . .11 l. I . ".- ... 1 ... Pnl n waa at th Beailie rair ior n.barman elates mat in an prui ana on 10 in Argui rtuuimr t I iL. m. wli-vaw ti Altai I 1 n. 1 1.. ... 1 k ba rm Atvak 1iP I TL. Ana aa m r1aai ef ufKaaft. ff I JhuJ A a wii k an ttutfm KalaV at t aitjT wmmKm in iiis viuutvj vi i rtt tit ty id are wuuiu w uw v A uvj wciv u mo v n uwv uuuou w uuiwueww ihivuvi Oregon commission. thin project if the made leading in be grown in tha mountain diatrlota, ling powder retailing at 25 cents per pOUUU, WU1UU I lUBue ui aiiui, Phoephata and Albumen (called ess ) " 1 teat Alum ia regarded aa bigniy in iurloua. Pbosuhat ia mad from burned bone miied with oil 01 vit A IkitsMM It tiaiitatllaf tntrla farmer within a few miles of Hills. h YTi. boro can take a little lour horse I, Thl A,bumen lg wo,thl.ss o of nata Into Portland and re UMUW , ., . , . , ... First-cl... gray oat. .In th. eam, day and get 180.25 aVoBrSto-StTO mr oi ioau-. . ...uB j d, demomtration when itlrred ehowi the value of proximity to " .. . T.i . 1 11. rpu. ! tne norvnweei luoiruuun. mill what Fred Hamel did, Monday, W. G lure, of Bagley Hare, land even at that ra aoesni tnina n 4.i.. uM mwiUtn have to Portland were puvi m wnen oareu ior uuu uiid iu. ,uC0Dp hUdlM MmDle Jd a condition aa the Multnomah hi trees. Mr. Bailey haa one of iaitoLr.TPHo7 road., ardaay. that unlei. there i. th. Urgeat apple, prone and pear J ' L " . uTi.. 'Th. (mm aomethldg done toward permanent oroharda in that eeotion, ana ne lei ??i,BJL k. :"o.etl. road making the next election w II turning out f.uit without a blemiah. ShS and ;ri! be an innovation In .ee It put oP to a voteof th.people. AN KVKXIXG SPECIAL tomgtt oomlmttng of ofos, duet; trio, tmtt, eto. Christian Church Oct. IO, 730 P. M. Organ Duct the Misses Tipton Congregational Singing Prayer Male Quartette "Nearer Home" Bonian, Webb, Garrett, Sclirenders Scripture Readings Duct Do You Hope to be There?" Misses Tiptons Solo Mrs. Horn Mixed Quartet "Rock of Ages" the Jones and the Webbs Announcements Trio "Evening Song" Blanche Bomau, Gertrude Ray, Eivcrn Tipton Talk onJ'Music" by the Pastor Solo 'Only One" Sclirenders Duet The City of Gold" the Misses Tupper Duet The Webbs Offering Girls' Quartett "Nailed to the Cross" the Misses Tuppers and Tiptons Benediction Bett evening of music. Come and enjoy it. You'll miw it, if you mil it. Morning subject, "How to Build a Church. " Come aud learn bow. Hillaboro architecture For aale: Shropiblr and Ram T I llm.n M ntll MK"!, Miw r.lmlv. In and Ineik ti .. .AMa Bki !l nrral gtnrl laimbfl . . j ' . 1 rinniiiBiL raiiuH. w oaia at uajka re, aieWs JI(irrv Murohv. LesUr .. .. .. ,.T- ;.. ui...hl ture. and m ., ir.i.t" .A y... all IlglDI W "gwirj. '1 Wolf, of l 'firtlfiml Mr at nil Mm i l.r. from Candian aire, out of Kng J. C. B.ch. Fred Oordoa. u.h I m nor ted atock Ferd Groner, r .1 r-l. I ". , . n 01 aft "" vi 1 onhniia. Htiianoro. 11. VMWB! M.lad! October 1. 1909, Judge n w fuma. Hillaboro. officiating lonr u Q..i.i. n - . n.i. li: d...h P Haittia ana miea aiubi wi oriiiaa uoiumoiw . mi 1-ton WMk.vi nni ri ill u. m m.vw- Ml. Ella Weokert ana ira omooa attended the wadding 10 cent cigar, Maroa, a two for a Mluei Nellie ami I w. Kchamburif. of Tualatin. Mr- and Mrfl Hnnnnl denarted Mis evening train for a wedding CRAY OATS WANTED Wanted: oar load lota up to 100 ton. Ad drew, itatlng beat prloa ana aeuv- . M Arena offloe. w ou vmj , ' 0 M other Hound points. FOWLES-IBACH William I). Fowls-, of Mountain. Gamer Jasper, 1 . 1 . dale, and mi . ' 7 "T.T era what yon want and who larmea ior many year. . " y- -v " v.t ..lih Verboort aeouon, waa "ear canki. were united In mar- when yon Duy cigar. y j.. . k. in Hillaboro. ABK wm' ever "at the home of Rev Father 'J. Daum, Pastor t.f the Catbolio vaurob at Roy, Ore., Sept. 29, , ine groom is a son of Mr. and I- A. Fowlea. of above Moun- iodale and the bride is a daugh- woi John Ibach and wife, well bTa ! ""u in me Banks section. All of the abova lagrdlenti ars highly objeotlonabl whsn ued'in visited riawv i" a"u'i uo "M man uu a ,vu ' I The onlv aafa and really eoon of the week. nesi but be oan. Lmloal baking powder ia made w.ni.tTt vonns oirl to work (1. A. Sanford and wife, of Miss-1 from nure Cream of Tartar (ob twi.rl In email family. Address Lnrl. arrived here the first of the talned only from grape), Soda, Iwl WW"' my I ' ... IB If I . . " "A" car Argus. ou t week, and were guests at tn r . at. and un enougn ataron to give . . n ile delhome. Years ago oaniora strenatn Keeping auaiuiee. oee 01 roreei urovo, ,.L . r .t.i "j.. n.um Ar 1 1 mi niinnMi idh ubuiuuibi iu iuivu.it. i liikk ilia ibuci muni vivmm v. m I ... !. l.j .1.- a l . r. .i .- - a.j. .-j Tartar. Di-varuonaie ui uu uu Staroh." The Schiller nt the Grand i .i I .nfi inn larmeu ior uuur imh iu i ... ....... l I. and later puoiienei me oearon iu lunui:. n i L. luht. at uorneuua. rrom nere ue Bant In Hi Halnna. whera h con First class four foot wool, de- jnoted a hotel. Going East be re t TKnmaa of Cornelius, and livered, at $3.26 per cord. Leave mtined a while in North Carolina, A. L. Thomai, 01 "J0"""' ". I . r.mv n'B tlnshon Thoa. ,u .nt tn Rlrh Hill. Kanaat. 1 1 lw--.a AAltnlAUUl WILD 1U0 UIUD10 w tuvu'w viwmi -w ---1 V wno nea uintnn. U Cornaliui Btat nana "uu"-j;M " waa in town tne and called on the them. J. A. Thornburgb, President of tbe Foreit Grove National Bank, waa in town Saturday, looking the and later settled in Missouri, whsn part of prosperity and good nature. Adolph Biegriat bout n,m u nu ' .i.t. h. u nnndnntinir a hotel busineii at When aikd why h was not down Trgu hla wile and daughUr, Miss Dottle a medical spring resort. He and to a. "Bill," th. Fraaldant, J. A. Argui b 1 wife M W "'A.,,. ' h,B wif, 0linf. out to visit the Fair a.aurtd the Argui man that on . a' r.TB"L toh u ud lDilai.till flat with friend. aahy mania Peruana at urn. , spent oanaay t . I in thi Motion ol Oregon. iwaaanougn. ARE YOU EXISTING Get a Victor and Live Enjoy the grand opera singers, the popular songs, the great bands and orchestras; old-time melodies, sacred music, dance music all the wonderful variety of melody, sentiment and mirth that comes with the Victor and makes life worth living. . Josh Billings says, "Life is short, if it ain't jolly, it ain't worth living." The next time you go past my store come in and hear this most wonderful of musical instru ments. I will be pleased to play any selection for you. LAUREL M. HO YT, VICTOR, AGENT t it a a I I gt r I '6 wbolaaale tba oily. . Argus and Oregonlan, $2 25. naive