i MILLBBCRO APOU'i SEPTEVBER 23, 1909 PAGE 5 Ml J Frank J. Hell, formerly of thin place, and Uler of Hi, John-, n. I who had trouble here (of irtiy In lh H hutment h Htor. m,mn year, ago, win t., Cnlfei, vi, lb other day, and aked (r , ,,.' rant fir hi ei wife. (;rrt It Mall. ho wt divorced from him, upon her own itiii, July 'j H alleged elm had broken the ) j,, marrying on Wm. Muihio within ii liiotitha atlfir hr divorc wm granted. Tin o.urt r.ful i. ., .1 (i i k Pant lilia .. ,.i ....I ..it it. ii. di(0''' I " ' nu nan io gn , i i bi. euiwa anil lain rare ( ... - wih nil v iuri iwirii iui him rltn 1 1. - . t i " -. i mil vi inn . i Uh -, r" ' m decree. . i,i"f I" ' .. .)... Portland taoee ..t.i ..,.. , o 'i IH w .11 . . I - ...,BN iaH ,aCcr fcjUi.l,,,n " .(.., who won In thrr wr""-v i . . ,rt.,u,i I ...... i brat. In """ ' r04 nrw , Lii. MotUvriutt Hi fel n" M )Mt in tbre of L..j-i vrr rol on lb th . I !t.. -I M"" " I Harold Hoehr.n lli. f ------ J-., 1 n of Oscar ftintbrnn. of east of town, Ml on the pointed end (.f i measuring Uere, the other dty, and lor an ugly end dep wournl In DMik, tiUnding up urnim bit )w. Th liltln Ud wii in iirwtrlou Ut until turclctl tl wl of Ih MiMiwIpul. lUlltj tUndud tl.t nojnd. winner ill no rtpri-ont lh Fpirtllt oor- Ml. Mak nalrciioiii in tour and vim ourMl to niMt tbt r'inrininu of tour fit uta Hnd l tal card, tt 5u ira.k. M Aitmn Hrtt I phin ctll for ppointiufot Mn b tirr.irr H.Um I5.IMM) M. K. CudU, Illlbbom, Owgoo I ' a wa going trill ltni fifth and Jtckton 8trl. lnd I,. Mlin of hi ii'in brdbip, pendent pbun, fM 20 .'J7 klk,mun.irui- A.r Mat Crandall hu tha Ujini irnl fu nl llai roll narly raid, arid advor tiM in thlt litua that I ha ii ard A PUULIC bALI Kiiualiiation will uiet on Mon.l.t OoioUr 1 H, tod will continu fur ItiltK'l l I'U' iic ' .ion i loirij uaji, according to law. b jtalioa. on ,nI on",,n'' "jutw rou ii in irgm icai wn aver CJtol liillfbifo. at .in .oo mm) owing to nuuisruu cutting fllOSDtV, "KiTKWUKK 27 of larg placw. Cor Hl: Forty acr, 10 rul! onrlbwaat of HilUboro and 2 niili nnrthaatl of Uanki, til cUaiad but IS acre; tUoding litsUr, hoar- tog orchard tod tcr batting mi arm Jmkvv Iw jr, l'", i tIMl bar mm.miiu !'.'' bm. lMfi(i. M Ium, ..m, 1 I Mibh Mliii b W huftl. i Millh a. ail ITfjaj milt, en fih ti', tUWli la!;...!!--! '". ''''". I tiaird:da4 nw bau tod gxxi u.uA. ..l.h atawti iiarriii. a Kittai uwaia. aay 111 Uw'btr. ! " iu, i rufinlni tlrMtn of tpring water. 10iUlro( Mr. John Waateiiecker lt.uk., Or.. 2H 30 Krtd Narup brought in tit boiea of Itrg artxiod crop Duoltp ttrtw twrrie today, tnd placed them on tiblbilion, Th-y tr n t tiutll. ... ... .L . . .1 k 1 h. h Ml.. ibum . itaiian iom. iu gal aMM"ii t-i'i" rilciv. t.tM II At NHN Ttrmiof Hal Alt auuit undr 110, 'b, 10 an ) over, 0 montbi Wb.nkal.1. nou, Inurwl tl 6 uk. ih, n)0tl of' Urriw, but W ml . To M.r cnt off for o lb. ooolrtrj m t.r larg .nd H 01,f i, r. n baodaoiu Urri. Tbty war raid K iUrcraft, Owner, J. C Kurtili. Auctioneer. 1.8hu'.C:rfk. H AKPk H - PRICK .M K!.,h Harpr,of Van- Mftr, Wih , and Mi.i Viola WuoU I'nc" wnr ruarri4 at tba kodwijf Urn l.ii.l"' inulher, Mr. 'Jtt E. Vtkt .Nmih HilUboro. (Wedowl.T, rv.pl. 2'i. I'JUU, Rf. Wicb,ol (Irene . ofliclaling. AfUr Ion bit farm near Danka. Owing to lb favnt that the new chool aoniZ I not ootopleted tb achooi board ba fliad Monday, October 4, a lb opening day. lij that lim Contractor Uoliand hope to have thing far enough along to tbat there will 1 no Inconvenience to teacher and pupil Tba new Oregon Electric depot i melowd and painled, and will t rdy for o In a very (ew ikarle-d.tinif irtn iaHi U and dtf. Tb rtoutbern TaciUO car I' . . . .. r . i -. . , ........ j . BriUih Columbia, and a few daya oieri nave oeaerwa m yno ub at K.etxM th Lut Knma not tar tb titu being, and the io their friend October 15, at WW "Iruclurt t lb oulh end of Tbiid Wait Ki,h'b SirrH, Vftnoouf r. o ""HO Tb brul w re a pretty lull of Mm. Wm. McKwan, lal from maniiik warp Henrietta, and ibt Orknev I.Uod. and Mr. Jt earried tbiie ctrnationa. fb (jron, of Portland, war out lait wiuump niircn pieyi oy t Friday . gueU ol lhir brother, Vt inT of the hrldf. Kvanielina Prio. Tb decortiin were wblt and UvenJer, with ivy an I Oregon rpM t hackgiotiutl. Tbey wr tb recipinntri el many bnaulilul aoa un'iui ireent Tb gr.K.in j. in L. L: ... ellf.trni tl, bride i iBlDdtrouiid HilUboro, Lioklater. Mr. McEwan will tuaka her bom in Portland, and ia delighted with the Pacillo Coait Cha. tiievrn. of Buiton, waa In ;own today. Mr. Htvn I the uiuuir lor olo Um t)!l In tb thepio, of --!h,L"rj::f: l7Ln k -ben. ball from tb. catcher natvereu nil raoiare. Mi Nalll Wilooz la now pr. Dared to oiwn a cite in piano io truollon All who ar inUretd lellli.ll.i ,,i.ii. -t.i-l .ill nlaaterjall in teron or tel. Urm.one mile weet of Cedar Mill, pbona tba reldeno of U btntbe Cornell aud Canyon Wllooi, HiUtboro. wdi,2J tnilen northwest of BwV Th Pftbian brick block la fin MtOD.on tb did Hilly Gray plac, t.hml aa far at the brick work ii t ten o clock a, m., Unoernad and tb. fronl adda to WKDNKSDA V. OOTORKII 13. iha .trust. It i rall tba nett lltek horl7 yt-nra aid, touml front in tb. oity and ttract tb "w wue; it,y lunar, i,4y., K year old; utentlon of U vUltor W tb City AUCTION SALK u uj Borar, ynirSi t.3i.o U voo.1 horart, out'l and trur; 3 milk cow. all ill milk, (rout Jummiv to March, graded ryi mid K, miirrr, a belff r, k14' U W "Kon, uaed hul ihort ; brail h,-w ti, liu((y, opU bllgKy, "oik Itiiftirn. dIiiuIc ImrnrM. J ulow.. aiic mrnm, ,nK barrow, all kincU of Route 1. wipj, Htt)u ii)ir tiittrliiiiM linre nil. lf.,r " 8ala-Beven Toung mil i (mah balance to fr.ihen k.i.n nnw and October in. rvm w ( - - ( 9 at iIaiI Itnl.telnaand Jereeya. A. Vndhj, Ulenooe, Uorneitu Hon. Tboa. Mcauler,of Meoom tmI pullry, con.plrte; mock ho r--T. in vr.itiiK : amui. limiarlin it fur- "hV'Tr mrr rMc,M' called o'n the Argui. boing n old Terma.iui it 1 m,n u MqaaloUoc of tb. reporter. jiMnia o Hale Undar 110, oab; 4 . . n.ti.nj and ovur, one year', tlm! Mm. Joob Olbaon, of Portland wuaoie mte, 8 per oent. Intereat. U Tilog 0r n woprcnt. off, onh over 110. John MoCallen, Own.r. 0omliuR, Auotloner. John Vandnrwal, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE Tllll Bim, to J . 01 Ftt ion, H. Adam and wife. wingion, Hept, 'is, vm, a . Ctrl pfj,l and family, of Bloom lDR nm iu to the fair thia after OOUQ, '.A. 8. Itriggn, the Dilley mer "ant, duwu l0 lbe ooUnty t today. will ell tt publlo auction at nay lata ranch. In Bbady Brook, 2J mile north of Olenooe, and 8 mile, from HilUboro, at ten o clock a. ro., on MONDAY. OCTOBER U 1 iV. oii all 1 1 milk, grade.1 Jeraeyi; 5 leot.il . for U .?mi.l,T.t:rtu Prol. - a wow.raiiarB-. "1. ll.aaat bank. he,, t'. u ..v'lAl.w '""iPi" Kr..Tr.rne;..lnirl.harnei Mihh Margaret Donne, of FoiitlKifia'oftUtjr "a. down to the Fair tlaT, X t. houeehoM Yid the, Argue office with T. JZZTJ - .., uo wa, fchowlng the lit- etc.. hve wen ' ""V VaTpureBBaed " 'a,,y lh intereating phase- of hh lTZJ0i ,1"' Lunch P.t noon. Beat life. T" , a.iUnder $10. ca.h . Tb,. v...., . . . . m. --a one vear'i time, l.- j , lui;or ia out iromron1 : a ... mnt Two . land. tnL !.. .. j . 1 l.ku nnie. 8 tier oen. t ui in inn pair ana Brwet Biuau . - mtn !Lnhold pioneer friends. Uncle per oent. off, oa,h over ttu. Toi iH a i,irtn of 1 mu . far- a. Wendell Davis, uwner. bii 1 county iH oocoirned, baying -"uiaaa theooaBt In 1852. icM llorlicultural and Ar- riculturnl I xhibit evm wnMssru iue coimv PP't tid Fruit DUpl.ja art Kcvcli tUn I Viaitara Hplendid, iUal weather greeted the eiiing of the Ktreet Fair in tbie ly yUrday murning, and the ibihila were witneeerxl by a fairly md eued crowd. The fruit, vege able and airricullur.l l,il,ii ejeopener even to tboae who ave wl(bl prolucliori In thin fdion for yeare, tnd in reality It aUolulely the lineat eihibition whtt Waebinglon County cm rodune that wa ever dieplayed to the p.iblio The livestock eihibil re not up to ll yer'e, but when be i'tlhon. ar.d coit get in Kii ay and halurdty it i. expcted that the eibibit ill erliiwe all oth er (fort even in the day of the old county f.tir glory. A near a t entile Io learn the ibibitor of the Fir are: J CJ Ji linaort. jimi j k 1 0 . Iturbaiik lita ta. w Ullil, aunllowrr. Iiavlil lluuluii, oiiiuna, 01 ; ( iK'ar KrUay, com; Jo (.tmtirll. think oU: J Mra- Intrr, culimn tuiniiw. Kov llrirmk. rum, bii. Cliu Mrirr. millet; Karl olinwm, cucumlirr; Mr W J trr(;u, rucumlirr; K Hiatt, hop; into Wililrr, ablMr, cucoitilr, corn, ouioin. lur- Ipa, tiariiiltx, rarrola, lireta, itrunri; liru iMuhtv. ) nror auuub and (mmi liiin, A lluoxik, .Uli, pumiAtn 111 )!', u A r.ltriauri, iwrrl polalora; J N Millrr. llnrUuk St Kjrly How pot tura; 1 S Kuliiuaon. collection aitjlr ti blblt, 1'iunri, vrvrialilr. Urvrat lodi- blual rkbibit; I'ctrr oniotii; liiiiti- ctlol Krnnrily. vr)rrtblr. Prank tKiugbly, r(rtliln. Wren Cbatiiu, vrgrtablr, S M I inn, 1 Vrinit Hla-lor. Oibrr K.hlbitor U Vukrra, W K T1II011, C R llr.dlrv, Mia lrribCoiwlr, Mri Zurrcbrr, Klnwr 8tMt, l K Cone, A W ltarlr, llrnry Hick, J T Rlrr, Harry IowkiII. Mr K C Brown, Jubn Van.lrrwat. C I, Crockrr (boja, tlrruiB Tialll, Woolant, Altilrr- aoo, Myrtle A'UIM. l wumn, u Same, W K Trayle, Krtd Slllrr, L J nahloar, l Corii'ri, I McLoud, t Itlurn. Kd Northrup, Philip Iouhty. J S Loiuiif. Peter l.otlrlli. t.rroanlt lUwdr, Mr Thi Murjiby, I'rancu Muryby, Mi Km. Mr r-al.e. It f. lunniore, J V Krr, K L Kohmaoa, uba Bcauilah. Jno Krichra, Milo llucli- er. K M Hlcr. Mr K Imbrie, A Amltr- mm, Mr U W IJurne (i a timiuu), vn rabel. Mr w Ii McCormtck, Punier itra. Cartv Htluiur, J C Henry, Ikir Siaultrr. Mr 11 V Mc Nelly (lieihibiU), ltaiHTK'k. Martin amleliey, Joliu lloyd, J H McCluud. Mr V l lirown, iolitieSewell, RuUie twweli, w A i ar il, J w Gate. J Ailam. II WmL A .officii. Ikmlbv lln. K Auierv. Mr John .Scwtll. W C Adam, Pr.nk Morty, t) B Ueatonrr. T K Imbrie. I'rnl much Fred llraa, A P Luther, Mr Geo SH-buv mericb. Oto Ilatlioroe. Klmer Miller Utl U.ra'ini' Mr W Uitlilloot, Louu Mrrr. John t'clel. J A Vaodebey, John Xir.art Km Narup. II llumeuiau Kenneth C.clile. Icwey Jolinoi, Joun it Otrr Tlie fo lowing up to noon uxi.y, nau ihlblt Io the poultry and rabbit pen. i--.fl Jnhnaon. Theo Pitman. Wm Nel- Smith. K Cauieroo, A M Colliu. Ch CI, Fred Olnen, lUel Kenneuy, " m F'i ". i. 1 M ) T If dlord. H Brnoett, C L Johnaon, 1'Jackwo, H Hick, Mr C I: iKMlije, fbeo Tanner, Prank Sim. 1'ctcr Gottlieb, J J NuMbaumer, K ! nuns- moor, WOJck. Koy M'uuimencn, j C ljimkin. lonenh Meyer, M Jacob, M - ' c . . . f ul,in.,n K IkKiher. Jim Harrow, L Myer, M.ry Lighlfool. M Stewrt. AT KXHIHIT IN CITV HA1.I. Tb fiillniiiir have art, needlework and other ehibit iu the city hall: M..l.mH 11 William. Kusniow, 11 Lend, H Saunow, U n is.nu, ocu IKiuKhtv. W A Marlin, A M Bohall. K C Brown. Sluckl, vCima any, m Geo Schulmerich, A M Kennedy, 1 it Kniuht, B Thoniat. K w mwuu, an TlnK.lrom, M.m JW Mr t Kbuadei, air J " - Johnaon. CHIUHKN'S HXHIBtT Krnetine Brown, Rhea Wilke. Klma Hchulnierich, Kred Stuckl, Kdllh A ron. STtKK yRir.KS Wui Schulmerich wa today awarded firt priie on tne ioiiowihr; ....11 i,tA nf four Jerev dairy cow, be.t herd of three Jewy dairy cow; best Jersey -year-olit lieiier. rucumu ith took econ prue on jencj .., " o close wa th contest that only one or two pol"l decided in favor of the Schul mericb bull. Program for Friday and Satur day: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER H 10:30 a ni. Band music. IOUSm. rrteecu 1:30 pm. Bandniuaic. 3:00 p m. Kree act. 7-30 p m. Baud music. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 0 30 a ui. Used music. 10:00 a m. Balloon ascension. rree aci. Parade of Stock and award II in A. H. Flint, of Kinton, wan in town Haturday. (Jeo. (iibnon and wif, of Arleta, wurw Ilillclioro viitnra today. Wanted .(iirl, general hnutioik Iri'iiir at Toi.gtie Law Oflice. Mr K I. Abbott inn len se verely i nd ironed for evera! day C V. JIurHt, who iai a leane on the I! V. Currmliu farm, wa io town Friday. Chrixtian Zutrcher and family, of Cdtr Mill, were in town thia af- terj.o n. CALL OF CONSCIENCE IMIIISraTON Peculiar Qise of Hulbrook Man who Accepts Helicon J. H. Miller, one of ScholU old- time renident, and who for several years ban been up in the Hood River country, wa. in town today. He and Mr. Miller have concluded that r'l W aeijington county 11 PROFKS8IONAL. F. A. BAILinVM. I). Pbyiiirlan aud Surgeon Ottir.-HiiilevMorirn Murk. UUlra. D .. . 19 fj ...I 1ft nM,.lj.,i-A u,iilrK- gOd eiiCUgb, and -tbey expect to eornir Baseline and Bwwnd 8Ueeta. permanently make their home near Both 't'honea. Hcholl. While in the citr be ew WVvVVWvvvvV made the Argun office a. rleaeant ASK1 TO UtKECOOD FEffV GIUFTi Ctugbt Cepbrra fthea a Bay Wroogfally HM Sctipa aad ill. Wm. Schulmfricb, of Farmion- ton, wa in Men lay. Mr. Hchol merich aaya that the Journal of Portland, i in error, when it aaya Waehiogtoo Countv has bad no 3. T.LINKLATER; M. B. C. M., PHYS1CIAK AND? SURGEON Offlo o(itlr oTsrTha Delta I)ni Store RMtdanoa Kaat of Court House, In tba corner of the blork. I'llHi ' . . I' I 1 1 J M.T rl, UI B Ultiawu4l I I l I 1 f T I lunvvui wa e fcf vvwb - in thecilv thU wee.k, tb. gueet ' baa made repeated PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Railroad Co. Kniflmli. (f- rl Co', a ain t)t HUlaboro, Or. 8iirfron Bonthem Pectflo UoimulUtion In French or trina to the bis -i t r- . -T- - - -- of Mra C. K. Deichman. 10 mwD wr P" m'dntj farm in this lection of the 1 i.i 1 ,.1 rv.i; . fence, and a willing to abaw him- itate. i... 1.. wlf i.ubliclf u the Dartv whoee nu ufi r.. r,,t.?v"M.Hoytw..r wim nan 1ifw.11 uruieuiK viijjimr iiar-i 1 ni wwwj, iviuivu; " u 1 nono aiue pi M ly all Hummer, waa in town Mon- Uer folio wn, this old world would ton, and now of Britiah Columbia, dav. Wm full of nridnnat!on and real I wt taken to Portland bi u rot of I T Mill., nf Kank. and who Cbrietian. County Treasurer lw!k 7 Vt-l'lat' P; A.IS. BAILHY.M. D.,D.lJ.b. . - - . -- 1 . DU. J o taken lum bi left ujr.iu uu kjuijwu. weiKhea eeyrrti OPFICE Rooms t. 8 and o. Bailev-Morcan Block. Tea Ttrrlt (in r-kmmnr-H the I Wioter term at the Univereitv ol ttlUSDoro, ure. Department, b'cb 1 MAAWrWMWMWVMVWvVMi n rortlaba, ineteaa ha a carpet eih wan an Argun c ernoon. Holbrook, Ore , Sept. 22, 1908. II L. Flint, of near Kinton, ha Win, M. Jarkaon, HUlaboro, Oregon, iioil lb. rlu.iy araoon rank and lar Hlr: A tou are tb Treaurer, I ' , , .:. , "iH make my little eonfeaaion to you. WlOier Wrm ai purchased a fine louring car ol the itere.iwm year ao, when we lived in Orfgon Medical Duryea type. Wiwhiniru.n County, and I a boy, and . -.(.viji,.,! i ,r Ww.hlnir.uin (kiuiity ukei to pay bonntle elrjlllt0fca in It. W. 8 Hamer.nf ForeeUJ'ove, on Kopberado cenua piece) and 1 like of Eugene, owing to the . ... tt . I ill libr Iu.vk fMitirht fllM.fr, r.ir th.lnoriAV.Ii t. . . J -l waadown to the county eett, cat- i ' r., 1 .7..,irt Vfni. notpuai praouca ana 01 unity, greeting iriena tnu trDs acting bueinee. For Hale A few high gradel Ililetein bull calvea A. IJendUr, Cornelius Route l.fourmilee north- eel of HilUboro. 2H'.f Mr. K. K. Hoover hi returned from an extended trip to Alcea nd Waldporl.over in Lincoln coun ty, on the beach. John , Peters, liorn and rained here, and now civil engineering in Portland, wa out thi Ut of the week, greeting friends. Onlv four-chair hop in Warb- money order for 92 00. ington uounty running mur renn terrd barber. Bath in connection. Main Street Shop. (iottleib Zuercher, of near Cedar Mill, and who i recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever, wa in the city yeeterday. Mrs. H. T. Bsgley and Mies Et la Hchulmerich returned the firit ibibit at the Fair, Jtckaon recently received the fol- "wth wa' tiler yesterday af- lowing letter, and it eiplains Iteelf: fhoulder, a pounds. and ex -t nei vt oheervation tlm line and cau h soma in Multnomah lor tDe baneDl 01 BtUdeOl. County, and I never thought anything- ol I it until t got religion. Then and there I Diosene looked for an honest I a", ibUito i0 tbe Jyilt, bat took . Do. I convicted me lor that, and said "You I must make that rigut," ana seeing wis ui , vb--i - y i-bance to itraiirhtcn tuia out, wbicb lanieru tnai s me laea a lantern, I a part of my dirty lack track. I am .-j ht lh. firjM, .DU.ta f ii-j. mu: n uu w mail, I csuf,n ... u . . , , ... . rush ( 0111.tr -aon.ethir.ir iik 15 or is. I the least money tbat cao be bought iboi'irbt I would call it M and be ure of lbia .jj, 0j where Cook discovered it, wnirii t nave gouen out 01 me vrtwurj 1 , , on wroiiKfulIy, and now most humbly eon-I me DOie K. Wave. imi my wrong in ooma 10.1- now bus- -a n , ioualy longing Iu have it cancele.1 and 8. B. Gilpin, Who Wa one of the rid it of my conscience forever. Hoping big Washington County buucb tbat you will be so kind and put it in the treaa- , VlnHik. ...iW in ury-tbati the fiW for me. and I will wen l?e Klondike "Hike 10 thank you ever ao uiuc-b for it. 1897, WM down from roieet Grove H1LLSBORO SANITARIUM. Mr. L. R. Hick. Ward, and private room. Inspec tion invited. All classes of non contagious esses front reputable physicians accepted. BpecisI at tention to confinement case under physicians' caie. Trained nurse in attendance. Phone Pacific Main 33 1. Independent Phone, 074. Your Truly, Cbria Luethe Accomtanying tb. letter was a BACK TO ST. LOUIS Saturday, greeting his many frieud in the county seat. Geo. W. Kelly and wife, of Vine- lands, were io the city today. Mr Kelly has a fine walnut exhibit at tbe fair, and it shows what the hills will do io walnut culture. M. Susbauer, of Cornelius, and VVvVWVWV'rrVVirW DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist of the week from a trip to Seattle Toeoi0Bic,i ;ourM. The evening nu criuen v.o.u.iiui. was spent in tinging and playing W. J. (irecz. the owner of the! names, and refreshments were Milne til tee, this ride of Leisyville, served at midnight. .ml whn baa inat finished harvest- Those nresenl were: Misses K Scbeu- . . . I . v k k . t u&l... in ,.f r,n.i n tnain iwui.h, f ". UK ""l"' 1 man. T alanine. K Herbert K Mienecke. U Haase. W Haase:Mr Fred . ... , I Haase, Mrs h Kreus; MCHSrs K Kraus, u KOV Dtuart, WbO na lieen 111 lor Kraus, U Bei.kmeyer, M Behling, ti l- .A tiTini.r,i. Kehruian. F Bowlby. W Behrman. II some weeae, r M,m,r,0i F H au,Weniop, iy voegain im tinrito m uio ftauK E weiebbrod ana B Uemmin. on the track work ol Ibe uregon A pleasant eur prise party wa tendered Richard Kraus at the borne of hi mother, at Cornelius, who has just fioiehed harvesting IP Stturdav evening. Mr. Kraus. af-1 acres of bops, and wh) is one of ter having spent a long and pleas- the few not under contract, wae aut vacation at bis Oregon home, (down to tbe city today. returns 10 01. uouis o unmu me u ,j r. T R In.l. Rooms 10 aud U Morgan-Bailey Block, street. Over Dennis Store. HILLS BO RO - 0RJEGO3 MrrrrMrkaeVMMMMMM Saw. H. BaesVy W. . Ma DAQLEY A HARE ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW Rooms 1 and S Skate Building HILLS BOKO, . . 0IE60S. tnrned Tnesdav from a trm to Newport. C. A. Hanley and wife, pMWsVaeVkM of north of town, ar. still enjoying ihamselve at that beach. Mrs. T. C. Wadsworth, Portland. is tbe guest of her father, Dr J. E. Adkio. H-r husband will join her here Saturday for tne last day of the Carnival. L. Jean, of North HilUboro, lost a pair of gold bow bifocal glasses, between Electric depot and Second m upstairs, jsaiiey Mergsa Block E. B. TONGUE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms J. 4. S Morgan Blk, HUlaboro, JOHN II. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW and Main. Finder please leave at i.inwiv.. 1 - .iirrmu ear 0 Da not forget to examine tbe ctrpet samples when you come in The undersigned will sell at public Argus office, tomerair. rr iuu iuiv.iu...i, , hi. r.rm. i mile lout n oil u;.. va;. n.,..- i v..u n;n. rite I. T. Mills, Back, Ore., Betbanv. and 8 miles northeast of k, AanuA ui fnr nv iouie 1 Hiiietoro. at ten a. m.. on i.k. ;n . 1.1..,. 1 1 uuuiuif .u inuvupg w m wi' ui J. L Harris, of netr North Yam- 8ATURDAY, OCTOBKR 2 announcing the serious illness of a hill, wts in town Saturday, getting Horae, noo;si cow, five of them in friend. ..1. v.:n. Pii,. nl mi.k. some fresh in December, all choice I oui etiouiiie io. . ...u-u,w. - , 1 w. w a.. r n. n;, Chehtlem Mountain, v-ho will havslhap. h U.tpriog hack. Lnd well known here several ye. u. IH MaiilBmnNr . i - I V... Iamab ainaaa 1aIaa h a v4 Ipsa 1 . ' nw'h.rmw. h.vr.ck. old waeon. U. 8. M ". tha cltT Friday, greet I now have my new stock of fall cretm separator. No. 6. used about 60 tog her friends of past years I ' a.. e.lMWHAJJ Viala tknl aa lo 1 A a fan. a 1 milW esnt tm Vrii. I ma siuwr unuuiru .u .. . , , r ,.. . , , r. - 1 U7 u P.iiff r w i i! Piu. ..II .ml uu them 1 hoia lurniiure, ana numeroas otner aru- .wiu, uuvu , ir.rv I ..... . , I : A I shape Mr site tbe court house. . ... . . , s : j 1 . I I I J .- 4 1. . l U H Rhea. Main street, oddo- c' .SB "7'5 B" uu epruuiug w pwetweea. or.V oouoie narness, 1 wis single names., nuw,tn ni8 daugnter. Mrs. 25tf feed cutter. J. H Pnnoh fi II nnntainHailA IT-ST A 1 VAAH I O r mm vim. w 11. V. IUUU, UU Bill .WIUII., . , ... . I J, T IT II charge of the Greenville school, terms 01 aie unasr iu, caen; ueruacu oewe, o, xow. xiiu. 1 a b'. .I.h Wa Kata tutAn I 1(U kuu wioi vuv i wwat m a aj v. v I " - w. I::: Th , LVi. Two percent, off, h Holsteins, bought in Wisconsin, - -i . t n Rooms, i an! a. HILLS BO RO, . ORXGON. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Orries: Main Btreet, opp. Court House. HILLSBORO OREGON THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Cpstaira, Rooms j, 4 and s Hillsboro, - - Oregon Dr. S. M. REAGAN over 910. Sam Kunz, Owner. B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. wae in town yesterday. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND' SURGEON where be formerly taught. I wish to announce that I have received my Fall line of Millinery. Ladies needing new bats should call and se my line Mrs. J. P Peterson, Cornelius, Ore. it a V Gates left the last of the It has eome toour notice that some who has a nic- herd of HoUteins, Officephonea: Pacific states 501, lnd.213 A Word to the Wise ia Sufficient Dance, at W. O. W. Hall. Glen. coe, Saturday evening, Sept. 25th; Ji Tab 1' nmhratra. Tik-ola II f1 I 1, : r " iiuuiuuiug euuufr. o A. Bend ler, of North Plains, and I OFFICE, HILLSBORO LIVERY CO.8 STABLE No. 1 H. ' ica UIO IHDt VI SUV - . I . l t I . U : 1 ibb b sw ia lABwrt nftalaedaai week for Klamath Falls, and from 0I out nouseEeepere nave o-en io w j..u.y. there will drift into California and i'u'u"n Mr and Mrs B. L Unffitts, of visit the Portola. th big Spanish og powuer rewuun m ueu.e. -r M1I Beaverton, were county seat festival to be held at Ban Francis- pounu, visitors Saturday. oo He and his daughter, Miss rnwpuan suu vioumeu v Helen, will Winter in Mexico. egg Aiuul IB rrgaruru u uiuij iu Residence phones; Independent 243; Pa cific States 481. Peter Groesen and Gea Krebe,of Helvetia, were in the city Satur- gal tons B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. 10:30 a m it:oo a ut. lujofprlic 3:30 P Hie W v,J,v- x.qo p m. Free act. A nA tt Tmr of war. 1, w v .... --n - ... , l,l,U. by Sheriff Hancock. Sheriff Hanooci nasnamea rare w II Alexander. Miss Etta Schul m'.rinh and Miss Mlnule Myers, as judges on that official DaDy prize "DECLARATION DAY" At the Christian church, Sunday n a will be a ureal day. Ibe VV w, .. - . " . , -.,.. Rible School Plans to nave iou in 1 . VT JahK IK.lf will attendance, nu uu .nh that number, dome specie annoe will be rendered In addition to ths usual services. Special ser annronriate to the day wi be deliveied both morning and eve nlng Come visit tne cioie oonoo .nd wan will be Rlad to speak .runt word for it. Remember, Sun day, Oot. 8, at the Christian churoh Come in hn you are attending :urioue; phosphate is made from day. in, v,.mi.ii .uuu. -- rjumed Dones mnea trim on 01 fit- gam Ornduff of nr Tjniral line of airtht heaters-Coles- rioL Album,n u UBually made 8 of near Laure . .r. will show vou the best I. . .1. w.;.,- wae in oaiuraay, enroute tor rort- stove in the market, and sell you Thi. Albumen is worthless ' . t 1 f. .1. I - w a - at nnces mat cannoi D8 aupucaieu .n Innradient in hakino nowder. rrang iiioniy, or near Cedar in HilUboro. R Cave. and ia onlv used to make a mis- Mill, was in town Saturday after- n T. Starr, clerk of ihs State leading demonstration when stirred r. -i..,,;oir, ... k. ' Ih a 1U water. I wm Afmnsr. Ol VArhnnrt 11 VUUiUJIDDIVU, WWO MV.v I , , , , j . , I, r -, - - - , H week, going over th records of I 01 ouV in town yesterday, looking over the deeds and comparing the assess-l7 omwtion.01. wn.u uawu id rir. ments with purchase prices, so as I 1, v , . l. -ki. k. !nfT.m.iinn The only safe and really econ .1 ..::., Tk 1 i. Hnn. on oa uaaiuK uowuor is iuau lor me viouiiuiobiuu. iu n - , ... ,i. .v. ,., . from Dure Cream of Tartar fob be equaliEed according to values, tained only from grapes) Soda, I will sell at public sale at the intelligently. $nd lU8t enou8n Btar0.h to give Robt. Imbrie ranch, West Union, IBfclOUgtU aorpiuij vjMwiiiiinn ayvw that the label reads: "Cream of ter, Mies Eula, of San Franoieoo, Tartar, Bi-Carbonate of Soda and and Mrs. Will Jaokson and daugb- Starch." ter, MUs Ruth, of Portland, were DR.J.R. MARSHALL, DENTIST t am Prepared to do High Class . Dental Work. A New Office with Modem Equipment Wehrnng Bldg. HILLSBORO, ORE. AUCTION SALE strength keeping qualities. See 5 miles northeast of HilUboro, at ten a. ro., on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Sorrel mare, 8 yrs, 1300, with tS-months visitors at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. R L Davis, on Tuesday last Mrs. and Miss Howard are on their wav home from the A. Y. P. Fair, at Seattle, where Mies Howard, who is a talented musician and formerly a pupil of Mies Davis, gave a piano recital before a large and appreciative audience. A Hillsboro man who was at Forest Grove the first of the week was told confidentially thU the United Railway people were going to obange the oounty seat and take it up to Forest urove. ine story and lope muBt have been inspired by th new man on the News, for it appears to ciroulate every time a change takes place oo a Grove news paper. County seat fights always afford much pleasure, and add to the gaiety of nations. "Lay on, MoDu&T PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public sale at her farm 2 miles sou'h of Reedville, on the Harris Bridge Road, at ten a. m , on MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 Two cows, one fresh Nov. I; 37 head of ewes, two and three year old, grain drill, Osborne mower and rake, walking plow. sulky plow, rolling cutter, pegtooth har row, wagon, back, set neavy narness, set and half plow harness cream separator, two milk cans, dozen chickens, fan mill, rope and pulleys, farm tools, imple ments, etc., some nouseuoia turniture, and numerous other articles. Terms of Sale Under $10, cash; $10 and over, one year's time, 7 per oent. interest. Two per oent. off, cash over $10. Mary E. Merrill, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. C. E. Kindt, Clerk. colt, out of Behrtan horse! nnrnl ru.it. a yrs. 10, broke; brown colt, 3 yrs, 1400; bay mare, 9 yrs, 1250; brown gelding, li mare, 12 yrs, 1400; colt, 4 mo; colt. S yniJ 1400; gray oolt, 8 yrs, lGOO; brown gelding. 7 yrs, vm, brown mare, 12 vra, 1200. Twelve head heifers, from to 3 yrs' eome in milk, and some to be fresh soon. Bain wagons and 8; tubular axle wagon, 3 inch; K lighs wagon, with cover; two top buggies, good repair; 3 seta work harness, 2 seta sinKle harness, Deering binder, 6 ft, new; Champion mower, 6 ft; Kreb combination hnn nln. ..t a ' horse diso. aprlngtooth harrow, No'. 6 " " "u l'ow, a wo. w uilver plows. S Syracuse 10-inch plows. No. 7 Oliver plow, If No. 20 Olivef nloi. u.ji. pitcher pump and pipe, dltohlna- ami tarni tools of all kinds, 4 doc chickens hayesrrier. fork and ropes. 5 tons oX DBjeo. airaw. and numerous other articles. LUNOH AT NOON Terms of Bale-Under $10, cash; Ten and over, one year's time, Dansaoie note, 8 per cent. Two per cent, on, cash over $10 i r n M M Med Owner, B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. SEALED BIDS Sealed bids Will be received by the County Court of Washington County, n ... ... . :.. 11:11. uregon, at me ciers. s onice, iu uww boro, np to two o'clock p. m., on Sat urday, September as, 1909, "d then opened, for the following construction work: . For the building of the approaches 01 the Firmington bridge across the Tua latin River. For the construction of about 7.000 cubic feet cf cement sidewalk on tne court house block, in Hillsbjro. Bidders must accompany tnetr onis with a certified check in the sum of five per cent, of their respective- bids, and the Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . , J. W. Goodin, Conntv Judge. By order of the Commissioner' Court. Dated this Sept. 9, 1909. 6 Argus and Oregooian, $2.25. J