" ftn-T-,.. . JTheT HlLLSBR H1LLSBORO. OREGON, SEPT. 23. i909 NO. 28 A We oo bare gixxl supply 0f good hard burned brkk, and build Iri blocka lor ollara aod found, tioua Try our building bl.xke tor your butiM foundations Cheaper than onuient or brick ami mm nrnlantinn analn.1 p.Iklknsp Lands) 111 H Bobbed oor run of large tiU and for llillOro u"b oo iu)nr iir iu 1)1)1 si m rii. H...I-. ...!. ail I miOPM pp0,sn,IB" UbottM place lblr ord.re now eo w. ceo nam main neiore bad wetihnr. ft ktr Ci' IUr ,,,kM' Tb,r ! ub of hauling 1 . , .. u.tt.,i orders In tbe Kail bn roads ara eirnoat impassable Wa hare a good supply of rough and dreesed lumbar at our mill, and a quantity of common lumber at the Ha. apur, below Nawton, tha latter to e.ll at a tacrine 2.12, 2iK, 2i6 2H. HID. 1,8, IK) and 1H. of verlona lenthte Tbla li all good w .1 II. fVinfal. j ibianouai aiMr.... I11 l M,u nnual eiin id iuh" M. K. oburcb. u tha . lL .... ...-ttl Hi I labor 0 i. ..l ...i i. m " . jj iu iDiufi r' urr biuci. idu it win nv vnn m for lbs railing, end ne dm loveetliate should yt-u want any of , ,fim ,ti 0f ibla eUon. tbeae dimensions Oroner 4 Ho- PP"" ,ru . ... 1. .11 r uk-.ti- u iuu ... 11 n Thi bl.bop UitJa waan.ngioo "'U . rr & ftnU (tim iimiKiviiiit nf l Vi ! t) . 1 . . U'i ... j i . . ril. ami U la .JI Lnn . i t i r 1 i, urj) U i, w . . u avmg tha fiml j,ach orchard Id Monda?. on buaineea at the court the n-clion, ahould be proud of bi boune. o H.nry and William, who FrlKi Mren.of Shadr Brook. and nU aa fo!loa: Portland auto drlvora rotting iii' will lata Iba HllUboro to Waabingtoo eounly ara making Iba Mad 0fiTbi by lot drit- tng In tna urro diatrtcic, and in aeverai inatanoaa damagat have re ulld without Iba drlvtri ilopulng to aa fbelber or not injury ob lalnad One day at ak a Port land aototnobila louoded a corner and frightened tm, the driver being tbaeet a few rode Tba ra will take I eull waa aoma datsaga, but tbe auto wbiiked away without any ,J. W. Kion will UppT la,r7 rn'al' oy nr tk Tu li and Uweto pui- w wi irouoie in aiora lor ina 100 ,.. i i i,... i. .j ...... tiu C -It. iiatniiwn, lurmeriT 01 1 '"' ui m.u lUkiraaod Nberg. take Utt t V rnhr com" to .R,,.Blkoa taking ni pMiorai. grr. H P .firtoD charge. Jtf. U.C. tuvie etaya illh Iba Streeliui ebim, g.f Uiram Uiuld lakealba Kor- i Grove pulpit p.. u. Blewari ikuttal B"- rte a .aat Bp 2)'bnre power ginoliiie enttioe and fire-inrh centrifugal pomp, lay ng to ail Crek to the higheitt point on tbe arm. From the bouee two wood QurniNi ara uied to carry the water to the crop. Thirty arm in all ara irriiiaid, and tbe pump pnll 800 galluna of water a minute, the ilreant making a mloiatura young ver. 1 be engine, purup ana ma I will aell at private aile at my farm 2i milea north of Cedar Mill. on road to Ilethaoy, mil aatt of AUCTION 8ALB ! till tell at pubHc auoiton at tha cburch, Purt!od, and Kev A, wall known hare BMVKi " "lftioif In lUlhin i mile eatl ...l ..... iin mii in Honla.l . jt. " " ' irtnin Hanllit Church wooden Ult. ll.nW Hfi,t H faWil KlK 11 (mI tti amataf acroaa bottom, apruoa, in good ebapa, bolda G.UOU gallona: logging track, 41 Inch aile:J UW lat of natant rubbarold flre nroof . ' . . n.l" r- . . a. cnno nmneeieaa, j I rtKjfing; about 100.0U) feat plank tbiati of H-xlvtlle, on rrom '2 to 4 inobea thick, been uaad TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 tom-wilt aell all thla Hit v.rj lea e'l.k a. m . all Iba atock obaap -It. M. Kyla, Portland. Or . ioip!weiiU of tba JobnMn KouW . rlra, m l.illow: f.. Wllaun. a brldta caroenUr g(liyo.,KK.UH.B.4aa.l$vr.. i 00 lh( Boulb,r0 ptCific i BtW. W.itltttf tftfl.lllltfft B Atl.l i . . ' I " !.... . CT V. . H..aulnn rii ., Imt m. i4o;ia were, cu ou ii-u ;ariiti.i mil. iioo. n s r-M I WllUburg, waa atrock oy a railing ho tvl. iiou. iixii it vi-old mr itAa . miU at of Beaverlon. Buo- rwl Uoim, Iioo! I jr-014 i. ..,.,..,!. i. V,Wn KnnM ill.ln,nii kI horn, jiooijjixxl , ' , , . 11 . 1 i ...... . .... li.i.i.. n tba left arm. and dlilooated l)tarlu-;i. j., u.t gtwt bog, j gumt I aboulder. with poeeibla internal In. iMitt utn blnJtr. t ft. i.irlu I)r i. M. Roblneon attend WiiJiwri no niof, jH-ft. cut; Mo lh (Uol and b,j hm leDi t0 Comtek aiemrr. h irdl.r, tiurk tektl ,, ";, ,,,, n.., Wiatk. aw b.rpJ. fork, i $o ft. r,; Portland boep tal. Ha livea near MibHra luikv ri.t. ii im h (iiivi Tinatdville. and had worked but CwiW ptoi, i ktrrt piue. j arction w0 daya for tha company. WU )U.... . i . .. .. . 1 1. i. . . u ....1.1 Uniert. UuailWu u bo drill, wrtaio Krwln Kilter, adminlitralor of WW, CUiun fnnlng will, alckle iK. Mlate of the lal Jacob Hchaer- T.7.; I ?., 'Tl; ' ,r, bo met death by hie own hand Jfil kfUlt, 10 gl kftUe.hf barrow, . , ' , M,n,t.. iBBh.,k. ti .u.n-.mi,.. fw waeka ago, waa in Monday, :.r. "." " i ... i ...i ii. ...I m hi dbi ), v .inula inn nrnMta nueinwe. u kmaj. s wrkit'htai, grMHler, band that far be baa not located any aim iMtiti. i lurce tnimtML rooll . .1 ...r. k.ira in lh K.lh lnltr ? ft '.i. w imuwi wr. Ml. cu cui mw, ioit. lie. , , .... k.. i.l.n.,1 lh mltr aow, i gn-atryihr.. n,t..h aJyihe. 14 o arland, but baa plaoed lot matte H iwtiuior, tooriig iucb-iur. i In tbe handa of tbe 8la oonui ii" ntru, t,rirr. ri pipe ntting .i Portland. The aale oi me on 2ogailoB. Vn,ar,6aacka nr. i uh i, brought quite Jfiln rake, fruit ruil.r tnw I . ". " , W..mg , h.v un,U. h.m.ur. baad lht0 109 PPMUleDl- ""Tttcan, loik., double ireea, car- v.k Shearer, of northeaet 01 btwl,cklu.ve,co,kii.KuUiiiia.1th lima ago to J. 1 Rode, receiving tw, 4 UrrtU, lot temp iron, great many $K) per acre fur 2S0 aorea. hen ar thing too mimrruai to nwatloB. k, i.i. ik. DUoe h nffered to aell Tartni of Bale; All aumi of 110 Ma boo croo for I.WO. but Mr aw under, cah: over thai amount ut. nnnotuded not to take them oaoDthi time, with note and ap- Mr. Shearer picked them himeeU, Proved aectirity at 7 par cent FWa infJ a reault of the higher prioee P' cant off for caah. k- .HI nlean ud about $0,000-a C N. Johnson. Airfiit for John. L..m. m nf luck for Shearer 1011 Belri I .ail ti.d nne for Mr. Rode. . Chaa. 8. Parkar, who left her four weeka ago for Iba Sound, waa in lowo Monday, and oama oul for tha weal to play with tha IHllabo- on ra Reed & Cornel uenu, oi wmoo W. A, 8haw, Auotionatr. P. . 8t N. PR0CRB8S Blri(f Hanoonk hn til ) waa 'ut J In an Irrigation IMantl (stin Over $1000 Wo. Robb, of Centerville, In town Monday. Jacob Schneider, of Leiey villa, waa in the city Tueeday morning George Darely, of byond Glen coe, waa in the city Monday morning. (j E Iltrmee, of Mountalndale, wae in the city the fimt of tba wek. J. K Dick anon and eon, of above tety ai4 William Uiatrmiaa laitall Mountalndale, were in tbe county I (loem MU Saa be Stele At tat j.e noaa'- la Pertl.ed Julius Weleeobeck, of Rwdvillr,! High Quality Drug S tore Kt GOOD EVES TUB FIKU YEAit 1 Pumplag Pltat I Sheriff Hancock Accompanies Detectives to Timber DEFESDAST WORKING OX P. E. & F. t . ... I v. I'nnan nuniemann, who own 4U ... t woodnaw in Hilteboro t i .us i ting vne nova lntiaiiea a I. It. Rachanan. of Corni-liae. I. ..... . . .- In lh. oi, M,nd.. afUtrnnnn Ugl ,d7 tective OOleman ' t 1 Ti If t I T . I anu i oucemao Lrougiae ueny came out In an automobile and in com pany wi n Sheriff Huncock and John Peteiaon, prosecuting witneea, wtnt on up to tbe right of way on tbe P. R. & N, above Timber, where Charlea 8iendetrom, a logger, waa arrested, charged with atealiog from Peterson tba cum of $200 W. B Darety, of Glencoe, were in to eee bow tbe fair waa thtping up, Monday. John Nyberg, one cf tbe beat 'I I S I .1 n. l .i . .ln . . . ,. i . i. i I tipw man rrtiin in inn i iiftiAiin im Nifindaiim h.n m An riia mrmn ocn mama irtm uury . " . : - . - r nun, uo w tun uhj iuo-ui; Den placed under arrest. Ac mornlng- cording to Peteraon'a atory the two Imt: Pair gold thnm, between m.n i Pnrti.nd tfirthi.r. and Iill-boroand the J. W. Codd.11 pelerioD wanted to end $200 io larm Finder pleaee leave at Ar- fci f Siendettom gu. offioe and receive caib reward. volaaM aiht money or. Mra. Car! Leopold, formerly Miaa der as Peteraon could not under Bird BapDinaton. tow midina In Und English tery well. 8iend- terial uead, to aay nothing of tbe Portland, waa out the first of the trom. ao Peteraon says, got the I t . . at i. In ..... I k,n n rw Aaa4 lakrlrXA abor. cot the two boye about imng wun menus. """f. , Tk 7 1000, end a. the wood flume ie p...,. v n . --- ined with piper there la co leal bemtifal China Dinner Set. ni a . ik. nffin. " " - ' UIVUWUiU BJBJUU VMV VUJ wvt w " w free. See their window display, obliged to walk 14 miles. They and ask them how you can get returned with the prisoner Satur oce. md took him in to Portland Emil Duyckand Mary Kendel on the erenlng travin. were wedded at the Verboort Catho The two men were rooming to lio Church, September 15. 1909 gether on Third Flanders, a hm Father L. A. Miller celebrating the the alleged theft said to hare nuptials.- PJc- J. 0. Miller, of tbe Arcade dis trict, is busy theee dayi drying hie Drone crop. Ha has a very fine age or waste of water. Where wlrr hu been tel the yield i) netrly double where no ter u ul, nil In lle lrt, ri-l cow feed, the crop it now double the yield of Uit year this lime, and with over a month yet to mature. The farm now lui iplendid ekmr pjatuie where water wa. turned oo, and tbe kale crop it aometUuig won derful aa cuuip.rt'l with dry laud farm- The water lurnel on too Ute not wing ready for uc until Aujut 1 1 for lha brat rratill for tuia aekaon, but the amount of benefit will more than pay In lereat oo the plant betide paying lor the quality, DUt me eiXB IS 001 up W Utwr of loaiailation. Two 6-ltich maina. intt 0f former years. wo feet In leniftU nd two wooden flumea, I one yto feet long and ibe other iso feet, Hore lor sale: Uray boree, 4 ith tbe w ute enKint ana pump, con- years .weighs Huu; souna ana irue, aiitutt the eijuimieiit, aud tiel year the Iluiitrman ranch will be icady to Irri gate it all lime, ind will give double ibe clover and taita; double the kale and CJto, and all kiudi of vegeUblei. PUBLIC SALE and well broke. L L Crawford, 4 milee above Banks, on P. R. AN. On R. F. D. 2. 27 9 The undersigned will aell at public tale on tba Wikander plaoe, 2 milea aouthet of RBKDVILLK, OREGON, the following deacribtd property. without reeerve, at ten a m , on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5 Span bay marea, 9 nd " I1- " cn 4 corn, all in milk; heifers. freb next Winter; t-vrjemy bull, 5 down chick en. U d Hickory waKon, 3 with bo; htndmaile hack wtlti mountain ipringa, MK-oimkk binder. Osborne mower, lulky havrake, 1 6 inch aulky plow, io- under contract. Inch ileel fred cutter Um lrl.rr,a akn livwl mint yea.a in the Mouotaindale district, ble note and who has been locsted at ana near Tacoraa, since last Winter, was in town the first of tbe week. PUBLIC SALE Tba undersigned will sell at public sale at his farm 41 miles aouth of Cornelius, at 10 o'clock a. m., oo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Ten food milk cows, t to 5 ycaii old, all in milk, coming fieah horn December to April; a belters, 2i years; freah tn Spring; two-jear Jersey boll, t-jtha blood. Terms of Sale To $J$, cash in band; over f 35. 3 month time, 8 per cent. Two per cent, on lor Viotor Caliier, Owner. J. C Kuratli, Auctioneer. Ed. Shute, Clerk. LANS OUT ON BAIL F. M. Crabtree, of beyond Lau rel, finished hia hop harvest the Bret of the week. He had forty acres of the vine and besides filling Henry Lane, who for aeverai months hia contract will hive considerable I conducted a confectionery on oeo to sell at advanced prices. ond Street, after a day or so in jail, A. F. Decker, of Forest Grote. 9U t'Jl&'l -in k.ntnni..t.rinth.n..ar,hon1 on i 1500 bond, furnished by hie . 'R'" r " -- k..l building annex next week I . i .4 nn I I.UU .u. w Lane was charged wiih having niow. iliac harrow, cultivator, j, wi . threatened to kill nit true ana Z fanning mill, cider pre., s iner man -uu two UF.. olhf)rwiBe ,bu9inK his family. Mr. . ...i . . . . i- a. io bee nivra, miacciwurvuai carload 01 A Ten and over, 8 months time, Dat able note, 8 per oent. interest. 1 wo per oent. diecouot. ctsh over $10. Chris, lliller, Owner. B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. M. P. Cady, Clerk. aawaaaa at r Tillamook line tbe last of tha ha is a member. Mr. Parker, who "vtk, save that b tk. ..v' nt .i.... a famrita with the Jwk will be laid nine milea tha boyi, received a royal wsloome by "er side of Buxton, and that bis fellow bandamen. 5n7.,Wl" lhenk"oldoflha' p Shropihlreand Ram M laying, ,tld will toon bate kI.U ,!'.. .rlDB, and lambs, I prensHd into serv oe and , ,i .iek Ferd Gronar, - ,B unar. rooa wora, i . , . r .t j nd whn . ' .l- j' n.,i.a T. s. of Portland, and ' condition of the weather, who li on tha police broe of that , Lh. .aa in town Friday, passing throuah to Timber. Douglaa was . driving a big touring car, as well QtideraigDad will aelt at the oting as an oOicer. 000 VanilnKrn .... rt.n rrt.. awilla. 10 cent cigar I. .-Ill Wl llUO, U..I V5U UD u .- wJIK t 10 o'clock a. m., on nd the Grand Maroa, a two for a MONinv nirnTiMinnn at I ....!.. ninar. ara what von want Qy ho,l350,6 vr.;torre, horW when you.buy aolgar. Kept a ."yr;boihgoo.Hru epuii era, work every bar in. HlUsboro. Ask io He will work vo belpsrt. American wire fence r ;. . .r.loiin and nnahU to farm toi. houathoid othcr b jUBt arrived at tbe Connell & Lorv Lane went bankrupt in the .rliclea ttw nunjjrouo nielion. . iA'g ,Pnd Terms of Bale-Under $10, cash; cbe.per tnan . c. the bankrupt law la. winter w. wucis. ' " "-i mOVOoi auu uruiuer turu aaiu and you will build that fence right Q(m for t oontinuanca of the ten away. tore, and Lane later eold out He T. P Rrunnar whnajt hAma la at is said to be a good cement worker, Tualatin, but who la an engineer on but has baen down on h s luck for the government enagboat, Nathlc sometime. The brother took the ma. Dlvina the waters of tbe Wil defendant and the family to Port BANKS BANK ANNOUNtnaanrn namette, and who has held the po- iana, auu nm UD v sitlon tor three yearB, was up Tuee- no appe.rou wu , ... art Jir-L KiialnAao 1&DU 1U QQ LUOBUHUl. 1WU UllU TotbefJltiaensoiDanasanuu.au u.y.wu . work and see that he provided for lOgino vuuuty. ixiai: A neavy uaoa -uuiuu, not f.mil l . .:...... mnA atnnkhnMa.NI I ... .l l. ..... .it.. IUD luo uitcvmio i wilu vnree pm Kroeu uiainuoiiwo, of the Washington County Bank 1 iolaa,ta, surrounded by brilliants. Uke pleasure in announcing to m Valuable only aa an heirloom Ke general publio that the Washing- turn to Argus and reoelve reward ton County uani is organs AnT information win do appre a Capital of $10,000, of which oU(ed 27-tI J0'.600 ,,f P'iM"' A V John Joos, formerly of Glencoe, duly author Ued on Sept 8, 1JUJ - ulu-j WST "The lived beyond the Jackson school general uaoaiu. kftW for man teari. but now re- Bank baa ereoiea a a r."V" pn,,,'.na ITa kM man. tioo, for aavwh. , 1 1 lu F"X lru Pul,e,, ork very Mri1:1"0 .V'.nJ" ,l them. J-iMri1TrRli!i n. n..la..T.f North Wash lav., u i iuihiuiu imriow, , uio." . ... T , S kLT' Rock hUnd piow;cuiU. 'lngt0D County, and Mlsa Lura M tood ,eni.f tV K?"l,f0fd w,on' Caee of Pimburg, Columbia Couo 'epHir Mltche I back, iW. nearly MB' i u r.t -mk .t St ;topbUMy,u,(d but mtlilio" bar- ty.were married lat week at Hi barn... u'"wor harneaa, new; aet hack I Helens. , mK.',,n-1? hrn.a,f.n mill, . . .... .k.oro.d to Nelson' lot .i,,.n i ",c"tl'iaouaeholdfuintture, """". , . .u.. .knnthe toonun fRrw""'.nd other ariiclei Seond Street barber .- "werous to mention. only four-ohair shop In Washing- TsrmsofSale-UndertlO.oash; ton County. Alwayi 'our men on U and over, at mnntk. .n. a.t.J.w 't PUBLIC SALE I will sell at publio sale at my I Farm on Cbebalem Mountain, four milee west of Laurel, and 6 miles east of Gaston, at ten a. m., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Brown gelding, 1250; black mare, 1000; 3 good milk cows, all in milk, and all coming fresh about March t, Jersey and Holatein exceptionally gooa cows; 51 Rir 1 ITI lilL.a M.iLa) WE ASK HO FAIBEH. teat to oar ability to , aerve you with any tbing la atalionery thao to compare out ah owing with anv other yon know. Ak for anytbicg tn the way of ' STATlOflEttV. If wt cannot aupply it.yoo can make up yonr mind to two tbinga. It ia not to be had anywhere or ita aoality ia each that w do not care to handle It If it is good and ia In the . eittionery ' line, yon will find it heie if it ia to be had anywhere at all. Yon will also find onr line of drnga and droggisia' nodries complete and of high quality. Our service are right. Onr price are right and our goods tbe very best obtainable. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. r Washington County Bank BANKS, ORE. Now Open for a General Banking Business Latest Improved Manganese Safe Protection to Depositors. as a Your Deposit is Solicited. Cashiers' Drafts to all parts of the World. Do your business by check accounts, and you will always have a receipt for money disbursed. - - - Courteous treatment to all. ' Directors -L F. Carstens, N. I. Buraett, F. N. Myers - W. 0. Galaway. Cashier. F. N. Myers, Presldeat. N. I. Burnett, Vke Preskfewt. r Sunday at Christian Church 1 The Home-like Church." Subjects, September 26. UtOO A. M. "Wireless Message From Heaven." ... 8.00 P. M. "Weighing a Man." Both Great Themes. Hear Them. P'O'ed bankable note, 7 percent, ntereat t .'. . r .L n. i v. 4 nu P8r . 0" n DPler vndenberg, Owner. - r. Cornelius, Auctioneer. 'u" Vaoderwal, Clerk. . . 1 L Will Joo, of Glencoe, ana woo is on the old homestead, was in Monday. Eight bars of Rainier Mineral Soap for 25 oenta, at Greer!.. 26-9 bank building, and be bead of bog., top buggy,l6-inch plow, :i v .m ia.i at r io nana i iiiduub wm j i : a. a.-wi a. rr ra- l tirii rtarrir in onnn IbS Mme . wwui.. , A U.r that lmlmAiAn'uY'i.Z,;Ci-CZ? u. ...... . t Ranks Oresnn. and asiF'"0 ' ' snape; arg nw, 4 ?EU.. .boulooWlagr.yo.tVa5 bMh.h matter u r,....v-, - - 1 wheat, 7 tons gooa oat nay, nearly new aafe keeping of the funds of ita de- j0hn Farber, the old veteran who co8t $45; air tight heater, . a I. 1 I. a WW . r - l I - I . - , 1 I t J r. la. . A Doaitors, they nave puronaseu a has made f orest urove nia noma kitchen treaiure, nouscaom iumunre two sore door, three time-look Man- for 31 years, left Monday tor Wau- numerou. to mention, farm tools, tc. aanese safe, 0! tbe latest design kesha, WiBoonstn, lor permanent rermB 01 oaie unuor iu, oaan, and Improvements. The stock- residence. Mr- Farber was a mem- $10 and over, six months tiaw, ap holders at meeting selected as iDer of the U A: K and waB enuBt- proved note, o per oen. mwiwt. directors two townsmen of Banks, e(j in the Thirty Fifth Wisconsin Two per cent, off, cash over $10. r. IT fiarstens and JN. 1. gurneti Infantrv. serving "ZO montna. airB. n. m. tmu, uu, and F. N. Myers, of Portland. The , , . Tonana A, Craig, Auctioneer- management of the Ba"1"- whose horse. Lord Lovelace, won order the supervision 01 tnese gen . ..a !n ,Ka nrt ti.men. whioh with the assistance ST . iJ. l..w a wJ At the vard of the Buxton Lumber ;V7antv-nveof the leading oiti- 2? " " .Cl 7n fihmnaoT. BaKton. By virtue of a ;ens In 'and around. Banks, a. ?;fTa7 i3 ckholder., Bhould be uttJole.n nd wife departed for Astoria, 8un- ties in 1 at of Walter 1; H,drlo et day.whsre oourt opened Monday ale vs. in buiwd lubp morntnir pany et ale, ihs undersigned wUl, morning. v . . lM . , . John W. Sewell, who always is privite Baie for cash in hand, in the mascot for Lord Lovelace, re J quantity, about . turned from Salem, Sunday, with onnnm FEKT LUMBER hie family, and it would do your m . . , . . f n Mten. N I Burnett, L F Caratens, heart aood to har him tell how 01 au biw, -u W O Oalaway, H C Carstens, Frank ,h TonRU8 hor.e won that raoe at the plant 01 ins Buxron xumoer Sells, R M Banks, John Wunderlkb, J . . yft ,iwayB bets wa- Company. Yard one-half mile M iZJJ2 tltLLJ southwest of Buxton on P. R. AN. Turner. Mrs J L Banka. Wm I Moore, nd when he does win he alwayB Rll W O Young, n a Yav'"- "r . 7' w08 tPree BUalght au due to me "Dead in Earnest" Preaching. Splendid Singing, Geo. A. Webb, Leader. A Message for You. Come.' . MARION F. HORN. Minister. aim ontrantee to the public that de poeitB made with. this Bank will be properly handled. We oordial ly invite ona and all to call at the BL1bI of stockholders of the Wash ington Counlv Bank. lway. L F. Caratem, 18, WUl you Take the Chance? If you value your eyes, have them properly fitted at once. Delay, and your eyes may be come so bad that no glasses will help them. Then you will regret it all the rest of your days. Do not trust traveling opticians and spectacle peddlers to fit you with glasses. They get your money-r-and you get exper , ience. This I know because it is a common , story from people who have patronized" the peddler, and then come to me for glasses that ' will give them the vision and comfort they should have. . I; have the, appliances, knowledge and experience to give you as. good satisfaction as you can get anywhere. Spectacles and Eyeglasses, from $1.50 up. Cold filled, from $3.00 up, Solid Cold, from $5.00 up. ; LAUREL M. HO YT.ttu Burnett. E T Turner, J J Roberta. . f . ..; f ' I fife'- r- t.: j