The" HsLLSBR0 A 5L xvi. H1LLSB0R0. OREGON, SEIT. 1G. i909 NO. 27 IDIfS GAUK 'II BEST OF Till! iEAKpz Again H.'at I iuforccd Colts Y INMNG Hit OP IMtWKMl iitf Sottra wis i uy a i Klatb .-,U.' tame et Atblello I'arkl Sn .i doo lo hiatory as ibi r . . .. W llOU tlftVft A t,,,,,1 n,tn Iv 1,1 g'tod ben burnt) I briik, mi l lai 1 1 ing blocks I ir cllr m .1 f. u, .It-1 tiling him kit :nt ' I li (. hia imr than catiiMit nr liriifc.t,! I-!!,, tt iilktl tut! i a . in i i (' v.n iron, rtfi.jvc rjlnaN Ala Il.-at lh He- Bn,niN our ,,,,,, u , , , are again running on tnitlt-r ml have a fair aupply at tli. y.r.l artles wanting lii., (! ihoul I plan timtr onlor no m. , Bin haul them iiml , l,,r fhera U aUaya rub uf nankin? order in tli Kali when r miltt rip Initial imijalU Wn havt. n od aupply of rough ami OiubPf ill our mill, mid n u i . u t v of common lumber at tlm II. ll played tbe grounds pur, boluw N-.wtiti.tba U't-r t, in We.biugtutt County, lo lha rriiic---i:ii. .:'., l'A)'.. Tb. Colts cams dawn ' '' rur-l Urov. with a teao, fy tUtik,Ull a wiil , I cmU i7 i"u n invalidate nlioul.J y want miv i.l Cardinal, plsylng Ibe aaro tbwa dime-nr-intm i','m r .V flo. a ita fur two wo. oerlainly " Co, Heholi, Ihiutnro, it 2. mad lb heart of tin I'tcel fans A grjtleuin who ktmw th t ir- cumslaric wn rUtiiiir. lii? uUt day, bow tiiiti cmld itiftkn vii in the Wiwt i h fc ,t hi fiiinu!,!, r ll lt) UrKl. . MiijiliMi i hit. 'tiuiinl b ti j ' Tnff i liric Wtiwio, of Timber, hu rm h-n i lew ytt Hjjfi, l l .pU.-iI mi a tht kdii, Tb doll tIIf I iin ( I uiulwr Uti I I imtn-r uii la tiii uimli tuning, nJ lb tit C niaifno-l iiiakmi; funurr foorad on lliia, Jucki aiKi Kr f"lly ocuumUtf f ichor McBril. wbn rcei4 lb I few duUtm bf Unir in ll 11 from MMotid Im, bln 90 put l! In iurplu -onrtiitiK, wLidi Jilo in gUit)g lb bll on lb ir very mll, tutu tiuilir ln !- )unf. it Kfu iucq iuiiuii ui couiu ' if cht'iijiiy, t ouuiii of ltgu i i, kKUy li ron, I dri.-u U PorllaiiJ UfU tiUjTBM 6if illy f H) tJn) hi .it juj think of tht? it Dm lh ut.y bill put up lo lb li tort. Tba Cr lin!i noornd la lb firtt clnib liming, wbll lbiC!il ir blatikiKl until tb vlgbtb, wbn v ..i... j lf rD ODH UTr ina iiiv iou 10JMY BOAItD PAYS ANOTHER GRIST Wftotod: (iirl tot dining room work at tbe Tualatin Jhtel. JOS.SPENCKK ADAMS AT Oilue .f Ciuntv Fruit I)i.ctor Is Abolished HHV U0LL4K GIVEN In. lomiH;iotr' Ceurl pitt Jiturd! an4 Undu'lfl Huxlocx Hermtn Prbl, of norihiMt of tbo city,' wm an Argun caller, Sat urday. William IfarvHV. of nar CtsUr Mill, waa in tbe city Monday, and Was Despondent Over Finan """J- cial Failures and Illness K. W. fkbultbeiz, of near Beth FOR PRIZE "' WM ,n tne c,lJ Moua7 BAD BEES IJI ASYLUM POCRMOSTBS morning. T. B. TerkinB, the Buxton mer chant, wa down to tbecouuly seat tbe lant of the week. J Came to Orrgta la 1853, With ParcaU, CaWia Adiat tad Vlft morning, abjut tbre o'clock, by twigting a curtain into a rope and banging himself to tba gaa rod overhead. He was committed to tbe Hospital May 3, from Halloo mah County, after a Tain endeavor to regain bis failing health in a m put up bettor ball, at any . Tb w! in waaotanM and fan witb a wak heart bad no ittnM on ma grounaa j mo 4r utnii'rwl. and lhara were laor cl t UMiiioti. Ttiar tu last dmpwhion lo kick at tht taal Vciiim, but Mc Bride, the Cold ktchar, it li paid, a I milled lb Vrdlntl wifi, but that it it gaoia to kick and get another icing, If p iMiiliU Umpire ttoei , bovpr, aava it was not clot jougb fur a doubt. I1U.LSUUK0 a a 11 itev Kvan I' lluh", a numW if yi-ara patnrat tbwt'ong Church In thin oily.ri'i o vuj)uij th" pul pit at Cjtvlli, wt ii I1,! city iuday ninriiiriK, nnroui lo P-rl land. Mr. H tulip thinkil liml liillalHiro l makiiiK vrry r l progrene Ifom a c imwrdal an i butldlog itandpunt, an1 (r i u'.p a gret future fir th r-iunly -u Ua aaye that Cor'l i- aak n- ing Irom a Ivui an winkm 'i nd U lginiiiiig t i lki alv.m'.HiJt uf it pltibilllr N 'U f tj i f i"Vpi Hi hi in lm r a allnaad t!0 7fi .l ...'. ...... .1 JoseDh 8Dncer Adama. for manv ' '-iuin. luu januer vcner. cii abhi, iiii r- m for 'l-Aiiia-a u-ttlord by reason of that pdnt, were in the city Satur- . 'Went 0' this city, and day. who was in the brick manufactur- Victor Call'er, of routh of Corne- ng bueinees here in the eighties liue, was in tbe city Monday. He and early nineties, committed soi is sooo to have a public eale al his Ufo in the State Hoepital for the "rm- Insane at Salem, last Thursday B. Thurnhar, who banjuot nnmb ed his home south of Cornelius, was a county stat vieilor, Ibe first of tbe week. Fred B MiningT, of Helvetia, was in the city Monday, on bis return from a few days up in the Mouo taindale section. The Painlecs Corn Doctor treats Portland sanitarium. He had been OrkV rup.rt of fuel at 1556 15 bunions, removes corn", moles and unfortonatein financial sffiirs, and pp ,: warw. vioneuiiaiion iree. uuioe, " r K.mrl i,t;tM.n 0 K Frank el alt ttoom 3, Tualatin Hotel. Jopn bpeocer Adama waa born in 11 1 1 s 1 j . .. . . . . bycamore, ueKalb Co , III., Jan. lo, ifttllowcd up-iii advice of dial ally. Hon. C. F. Tigard, of Tigard- ,851, ,nd aune with hia parenta. Calvin IVti i n 0 It Hrn'on et als. to ville. waa un Mondav. and aavs Adania and wife, to Oregon in 1853. He .-t u, rpfm.i to Supervisor things are going along swimming "f to Martha Goaney, about IWwirk.pi.l7. Iv down bis way B 1. the wife being adaughier of L. M. ' . , 17 uuwo uib wajr. Gi aney, one of HiilaboTO'a pioneer car- iiiioi ' " now in ircapury, 1 , . . . . pentera and boildeia. The wife and three . . ' 1 , a l. chiUiren, of Port Una, tumve: Veraie. farm, and can gel results wi h any ,ged Tbomaa. aged 19; and Leer, of them, was in from West Union, aged 8 yean. Deceaaed was an Odd tbe last of the week. Fellow, and waa affiliated with Monte- ruma Lodge, ol thia city. Customers at Emmott Bros, may of hia immediate family hi mother get a beautifut China Dinner Bet, and the fallowing brothereand aiatera free. See tbeir window display, Bo7,1,b . ... ,.m . , .r ' TualaUn; Amoa, Spokane, Wath.; Mar- and ask them how you can get ion Uro Fjno Idaho; PtofBi of c one. H. Pio, Portland, and Wm , of Third. State Diplomas bave been grant- iii-!"ir'iVi lif(i,(, A U Todd. J W Htwell and A A Morrill, M'veyor, to meet 8fpt 27, mi l vii'WftuI curvey road as per ltniuii W II McCormick et als. Vjpwrr rrp-irt adapted and road h per ii'i to'i J.ihn A Johnson et al, ordi'f" i ntab'isbd. .r!t Fir awarded l'0 to Im puij an premiums on riun'.y 11 hi hits r-li rill'a report of fees at I'J I 05 appro v-d. !.. if.i-iiiif to Uoad Diet 2 ordered turiinl ,vcr lo J II Hayes. I' l ni rrcommxiidalinn of Com-nii-ior r of Horticulture, oilica of Fruit Iii'poctor tor Washington (v, sm'y W4 vacated. J.'ln Mihie was granted ware iimi lirerM (' ttiam allowed: - Iwdll t Co. cngina cylinder. High 0' DfU9 S tore hi a a rk. .,,. Wll. i b.. uaa, J b, .... g. If -., ittoa, i h btr.c f.,.. Irt. i L itlt, e linliut, p , J I o o o 3 o I t t M J 4 7 linkle, I f ll, 1 b cHrlilc.c. IcHlwilri, a ,. latch, C f , ....... Porttfr. i b lai HUiiconi, t f, MUgrr. b itcrnocr, p, FOUK8T CttOVR AN M M 4 m i i it s o 3 t 1 o million i b'jnjr eipnild thore hn tbe Iwuetil of lbs Agricultural Colltgi. I will anil al private 1 at tuv farm 2J mil tnrth f Cuinr Mi l, 00 road to iUilbany, mile ect of tierman Baptli Cbu-ch ooimi 0 tank, round, 8 f-el hih. 12 ft di ameter acrons iMitiom, rpru-w, m good ahape, holds (JUKI enllonn; ioBglng truck, 41 inch le; .'HW leetof patent ruttxroi tiia proni K.foiicr , kiwcii, .K,.l III kl f,.l nUnk n "! between Baaeline and Oak atrects, Hilla boro. The remains were brought from 3alem on the afternoon car, Satur day, and interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, under the di Lumber is being delivered for rsction ol Monteiuma Lodge. I 0 !v..'.! . Co, lirum for plow Diat II. e moiioo grefDooune aouei, auu u. g; t jo, ix-u lor mtier 4 9 Mr. Morten expects to bave the jurur KW-rtr iu.ueat, auicuie at structure completed before ths bad AUCTION SALE j,rt.t. Su.'.ipr. it: W Srhul- weainer sets in. tjiri. i; J A Uclmer, fi;John jmQ C0W8 (or gie; Both in The undersigned will tell at public L, l, ................ .......... 5 00lwlllr rtna frttuK iKo nihur froak In atln at th JamAa Yonnv farm. ana. ,,t inour.. fh.i MiGto n. I ""'-I - - M'ht !.t; toii c i os ad tbe following from Washington . Co. t !f for umber. County: Anna P. Cook, Forest litt-I A II Flint Scholia 7 50 . 1 . , T t',i n .. iw.ii a r, v , Aumr. H.M-k drove, and Mis C. L. ivian,Bea- rmshrt ami niuiMiient 21O0 oo VertOtt. Hrn!l & Co, njurkrr for gttolitie rnii'i and tfriift Cup I 60 , 1 1 1 I 1. . 1 1 , .l . ry J giy t . r . tvi... iy uacemuer. vue a uraueu jorBBYii""" uiiw uwhu ui w tin 3 00 the other a Devon add Durham. 10 o dock a. m , on Ir H Hrn.llpy. niovinu crolier... l8 40 n. M. Huritur. Cornsr Fourth and THTTRSfl A V S ATTTRH A Y .IA , u i-. v... uv.if.n r" . t. , 1, v..., . ,tann Hi ihnrn vli H I r. . ! jil. Ilu-key and Henm-lt caaci 7 56 " " 7 '55 ww, 10 mua., y. C V.iowf. coroner1 fi. Buck- . II T R . 1 n d W J imu l"'u "H. "' r -F'S 1., ,,.. , l,.r.r ,l Mer.lotn I ... . . . . ., . t, . , I wagon; 14-mco piow, so-ipqiu mtiiir K: ' J xx oc 'l n1 lamuy, returnea r naay r0W( cultivator, Superior grain drill, top 19 00 Rarus, up iu the Wilson River eeo- ? d. Plvmouth Rock chicken, 600 - 1., ...... u-... .1...,. . - ui: j :r . 1 Duaoeia oaia. vt Daaneia Teicn aeea. a from 'i lo 4 inchea .hick, tn um ' .,".1 To Vou' " . a ."j: " T hay. hovela. fork., houee- ni .ill a.11 all thin tin vrv ,,.;.,, ' u , Co ink cle.k'aoffice x sol " wiwuauu oavuru.y. hold furniture, farm toola and other ar 1 .k M WI t',.,iU,l Or C., Ilmkint.lmm. witneaa inuueat 1 So A nmrnA nf Amcripan wira fnll c numeroua 10 menuon. - I UUr.ll , ,.-,. v. .....-., j ... . . v, v. ,, ... , . . , . 0 i).....' O 97 'I Arthur Voder, wit )-.lstlc COurl...- 3 50 ... ... m;vnA ,u. Onnn.ll tr iermS 01 Bale f 1U SCO. under, Itouw . - ,,. I.- 11 n.,. rh.i. U"B J""" ..... . l. . ,n 1 o . . ....... ' : V,..;:" I'.:: : :.:r ' ,co Co. atore.and they are selling it c"i OT oanaaoi. note, o rrea sjcDomtnirg ia ev-iy ., .. ' V:. . V'...7 aLt. .k.- ... u .u.. per cent, interest. Two ner cent, t . , t ... u. 1 1 ,(ititt oil. w 11 j 1 ruuit vv 1 run tin iuau t ja vu bjldv aw wow I . letters " j . 1 , lr s T Winter, coroncr'a pbyai- wher'e. Come in and see them, read bs annual elateuienl of in ., ,nrtrt uu,uei 1000 " . .,, . . .... , dairy herd, which wa pub'iebed in Chs Miller; wit rV-haererlnq.... 1 5o 7 " DUllu ,enuo - lhe Argus a few months ago. Iin iriKuier. " .... 1 50 "y. . ....Kti.KI i,. manv A l-.KKlUinn, . 0" Tflli, A ncntro KiV.nnmh Bat ......... ..... ' . II (I rtrt , AV J. " V . wwvb wu. v. wv. I rrtl rimer, juror ..- . -. Kt fnml tnKc--U L McKenna 110 39, 1 wivu mriw 8iwu, Mm ie c Hurioert 8 73, oeo v iougiity inlaid, surroundea Dy Drmiants. t 70, a w Airey 4 9. "c'r J"'" Ver Valuable only as an heirloom Re- WE ASK HO t-AIULtt teat to our ability to aenre you with any- . thing in atationery than to compare our allowing with any other yon know. Ask .for anything In tbe way of 9TATIOHEB.Y. If we cannot anpply it, you can make np your mind to two thing. It ia not to be had anywhere or ita finality la such that we (to not care to handle it. If it ia good and ia in the Stationery line, yoa will find it here if it ia to be had anywhere at all. You will aiao find our line of druga and druggiata' aondriea complete and of high quality. Our aenricea are right. Onr price are right and our goods the very best obtainable. The Delta Drug Store, Hilfsboro, Ore. s xitheischool;ofIquality Tenth and Morriaon, Portland, Oregon'' 3 8 TA. P. AnBatronJ, LL.B., Principal Old in years new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwestf Ojien all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instructioa.'1 Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. 1 Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship. department. JWrite for illustrated catalogue j Sunday at Christian . Church 33 1 6 s6 8 Rarnr.i ruti-Cardinala, 1; Co'ta. Ik. I . m Httm . Kl... . . . - . tlm- HIU,,., W. I a.,,,,,, It. k.11. ,,ir ,, . . m .. . .. . laruoia waa iiuuup.i m Lft r.H iuuiv..ii..i. i.i.. mock and cieirv ra mth, and itrockont b Fiulieiier, 1 1 ; by IHuhui, done a world of good for WVIiiug r F.awd b.iia by McBride. 5; by on County. If farmer and uiry rati.. I. J' rat liuc on errors, two . . . 1 varn. Il'ip I off, oa cash over $10. Wm. Harvey, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. NEW ABSTRACT COMPANY SHOUTING MATCH . ... l I :.. .... men who nave goon mowui ibeir hrd would publish what ihev have arc imulished in a year it would Drove a bjotr club worth There will he a shoolin match on "bile. Jhs Hawthorns Place at MilkapM, J. L. Robinson, of Karminglon, a mi e eat nr I Uhnrnnn hat ... n lnn Mum ar. and rtilifi" A. ca ,i ne p and 25 rock ball r.lAi,'S 'S roS tm to Argus and receive reward IIUIMT dlH 0ia i Uv 7Jlv a . - , Mf Koote n 55, li it Ruedy 5 S O M Pops Any information will j 81, Wm Kcrrou 300, Momciuuia olatea. l.oile IDOl'JI 93. be appre 27tf Hon. W. H. Wehrung. president W. G. Hare, Geo. R. Fagley and E. C. Luce have incorporated in the sum of $10,000, for the purpose of forming an abstract company The new firm will be known as tbe Washington County Abstract, PUBLIC SALE of the Oregon Alaska-Yukon fair Title & Trust Co.," and the articles commission, was in the city the tet forth that it will be the business last of the week. Mr. Wehrung is bf the new company to buy or sell 1 1 im i :.,&, a i bai i saw nn mini . . t r line, Sunday. Heptember IU. bured the Argun force witn a ooxou i n; rvh of " roruana wr- real eHtate, lease and sub-lease rues will be SlU for tbe best. Hne atuiles, and winon are eiui m eam v . 7.-- swea onow, anu ne eays mat ima propeity; mate ana compile acorn 5 for the second beat out of l.nv f f the varielv raM nti where UwHivi.le, on tne narrm unuge year-B demonstration will be the I nleta set of abstract books; make . Those wishinii to see the Th. fruit wan fe from worm or Road, at ton a. m , on gneBt the state, ever held. and sell abstracts of titles.examine game will have amnla time. L.l. and it ie certainly n exetn MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 ,. n T , . . . ,, . . aoBtracta of titles: and to serve as - .... . . j auun u, ,uuu.u...,iv.. . ... ' , .... .Snooting commence at 9 a. m. AUCTION SALE The underHluncil will a.11 at the fuba andHnberg place, near Cen emna, at iu o'clock a. m., on MONDAY, 8KPTHMBKR 27 ttray horae. lo. 6 vra: aorrel home, 1300, 11 ym: both mmd true tiullet a. work anvalor.. in...... r. .. 1 1- '. 1 ...1.. -j MUW MIIIUCT ID ,kFM,l" - . .. , . Bering mower, Oalwrne rake, Superior Inaction Since tn tue umm, r,. an now anu un-ii, r...n ondny, and called on trie TWo cows, one frcati Nov. 1; 37 n"",' A 4n v.ara An a nart of tha old executors Ot Wills ana admtuWUa 11..,. .ml three vear ou. urain ana, r----- -- above ro-boc drill; Springtootu harrow, atcel 0r Si lever harrow, 14 Rock Ialand plow;Cultl- u vator. ami D...i.r....l , the city m g'xxi repair; Mitchell back. iV, nearly Argus reporter "w; top buggy, used but little; lot har- T. a.v.illiv i.....1. . ' w,,r wnesa, new;aet , lwo for B plar of what can be accompiiencu with a little we. .ikin olow. Kniahten place. Fnr aala: Bbronshire and Ram Liiikv niovr, rolling cutter, pegtooth bar- Grove, and who has a model farm, B'B'eT ,,re wel' Kn.,lllt rams. vearlinKH Atid lambs, Mw. wa-n, back. et heavy barneaa, set wag jn lbe city Monday. T. G. is atu1 " .'i.. . Mhtm.jhlri.-H and hall 1'lOW tulties. cream "epaniiur, - . . .. . ... in. Mr. iiQCe IS leiigluieMwrrginnT. ,..,.. ..... oie) ci,iCken, in . nlr . r, n,,i 1st uiiir. V '.. . e . i' .1 .1 nnl v. s lilt b aalho MiABnnrian Ciera. are iroin ianuiau rn". "--k , i, roie aim puueys, ibiui iwn., iuio- na.uv. ... Kerd tirnni-r, m,.ts, etc , mine ljoiiwnoia luruuure, ieaye , "Kase you saint neip u. ....i ......... r.u.o nihi-r arltclea. 1 '" ' . .. 11 .11 . i l j in c-UTInd.r StO oaah: rracucaiiy an tne nopyarae win a n 1 fiolnh lhaia havoaaf thiu vfiar tmnl.. 10 and over, one year's time, n"u "" ln9 nnaersignea win sell at publio Drctnt. inWreBt, Two per cant. " sale at bis larm 44 miles south of i-IT, ensh over $10. oonBiaeraoiy uguver vu.u w.a Cornelius, at 10 o'clock a m., on . Mem .owner. 'rZiZ It P. oomeiins, Auctioneer. -7"-- -; r, , .V I Ten good milk cows. 5 to 5 ye.i C. E. Kindt, Clerk. iiub i; " ? 1 lh n l I old, all in milk, coming fieah 'from Huh imnorted Stock. ScbolU, IliiUboro, IU. 2. '21 !W n M Kvle. Dionetir uf lvSRJ.and 1 " ' . .. . will k.i li vmiI m tin i(ir nun Forest torB 01 estates. Messrs. Hare and Uagley are well known as tne nrm ire, attorneys, and Mr. Luce is tin deputy oounty PUBLIC SALE The Bohiller a 10 cent cigar, f'ilkcana.clilckeiia.hoiiachold'ftunlture, quarter cigar, are what you want lotattitill farm lonla. anil nthrr article! u., .mi hnv H cilliir. Kepi J , nuru jv.m - j , - t uuicroua 10 mention. pect to get through, while all the DeCember to April; a heifer ,2K veare 1) B. Kurkhalter, of Farmington, '. . , ... tnB .rn.n,:nn V4th blood. fir twenty years of dairying, nae I . , v!v: ;i. Terms of Sale To Its. cash in hand " 1 0.1 i.-.J T..,. liwruapsui uudvi wu, wuiuu I . .,l,. a Z, C biiiiiKek a hers :SZ7S. ?p -Mijra lermsof Ha M.TTndar tin. nash: , ... r. w r Vila annK M, m " w 1 1 I. mmiii . A iWHil 11 HtUlja Ull iiini wuvui aw a 1 len and over, six months time, ap- , , Sohlegfll, of the mirkhalter says he will gradually Speaking of apples 1 in the Wil proved D&niable note, 7 per oent.i i,u,ii0 unraln-Lot hunk into the da rv business, lamette Valley, and tbeir pro interest. T.a rff n.ah 1 InKS oaeeoau acu '" r . , K"" , - , ... . Mi.'h ui awaa, v nu a v 11 Farmington, has varieties, and Subjects. 11:00 A. M. ' Crawfish Christians" 8:00 P. M. "The Church Glorious" Gospel Sermons. Splendid Singing, Geo. A. Webb, Leader. "DEAD IN EARNEST" PREACHING You are Wanted. Come next Sunday. Come every Sunday. First Sunday in October will be a Great Day, IT IS "Declaration Come Why? Day" .. . - "w f"' vvu.. w , 1 , ..1 uiu, . har 1 ( auu Win hilt nPTf ailtT win oiuuav uu umi uuviiuu'"v, overiio. ram ,;'x.. - , 1 i.a .u wh. Af n..f - . .... . l. ... r.( ihn oanifl. II Itie ici'iu wiin rfKlNinreu diiwjo, uu uou oo.vv., eter Vandenberg, Owner. I. ,, , 1 r,., ii,. mHnn ho i,nv-a h. will milk and test him- three acres of various B P. Cornelius Auctioneer. RD0Uia P'y ' ,.0,iLtdf. In this way he expeots to lit ie safe proposition -onn vaoderwal. C erk. F. W. Ueisman nan ..... . . oelleno. na one h. n Beu about n He has Viotor Callier, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer., . Ed. Shute, Clerk. " '. . . . j. ... - 1 Tlllamnnlr wnnrH I UU'roo , , . . J T v a.i. ro " ' - .) h0if, for that will D6 nara to uea. ai m mil w a nKiniu ran i u 1 nuiru 1111 wn n tin an a ---- fruit. C. H Freer, who is turning tbe this year that Smith place, near West Union, for- ,200 worth of I merry under lease to Kuns, was in been prompt In town Saturday. Mr. Freer bought Wtor this week. l.i. He dieioi ed of the lot with Peter Grossen, secretary of the out troub e. i., H.M'.nj r... ,. spraying, and has cultivated un- the lease and personal property UUT.ruT. r, .,lnll,ji . nrl h a fine hei Twill biarhest living prioe for them. I . n ... 1.1 ...i.l. have a new arier, ana lunea wiea stintedly, and uhotfa that it his fine bearing from Kuni and will have orop pays. Near Mr enough this season to praotioaliy f than, Mutual, was In the oil, Ju(,t follow thecrowd to Nslrotf. M Westberg's orchard Joe Robinson pay his purchase price, and. leave Monday sftarnoon Somd Street buber hop-tho j"g w For ita: Agood-ssnewsecond- fnfclrrtop in WaAing- Zm'LT & ft nSa Yen r sale: Gray borss, 4 f.nd John Dee, gang pTow-R. ton'county. Always four m n o,, I Q m Jlnitoj Co J l years, weigh. 14(X): sound and trne Bears, at Auto Garaae Third Saturday, il A , we,5n "1Be lhe De81l aP ? 10 and well broke. L L Crawford, 4 St,r 1 " AUl U"'ge 'o, L . ' t Box". E. B. Tongue and H. M. Munger the world, when care and cultiva- fthoM Banka. on P. R. A N. . . . , . ,1 1 - - , - - ara innn unn. ami mat. me ju ni" r , .,, K.nJmma Vinmaa nn I r.. n n t .. mil . MninniHv. anu reuiuiuru - - . - - . mown, ot lowa am, auu 'T.n' M. family, who re- Main, ut fast 01 me r. K a, . crop is a paying one, were wm -- aoeu vr BBDingiuu aniuut w y - ,. a .i ()f the CroB:-ing, tnis ran, aua nave mem ohuuhui w appia uruu.rua it.ui- veiopuom the wilds, was in town turneu wivm , ready for oooupanoy this Winter, ed. On R. F. D. 2. 27 9 Paul Lsndauer, of near West Union, was in town Saturday. Did You ever Stop to Think that the balance wheel in your watch makes 300 moves a minute, 18,000 per hour, or 432,000 from the time you wind it until you wind it again. You oil ' your windmill or wagon, your wife her sewing machine, almost daily. Still you let your watch run in old rancid oil and accumulate dust year after year, or until it stops. Then when it is worn and the delicate bearings are cut out, blame the jew -eler, because your watch kept good time for ten years until you let him clean it. An ordinary watch, cleaned yearly, will last any man a lifetime. .My seventeen years' experience at watch work, is at your service. It will cost you nothing to let me gamine your watch. All Work Guaranteed. laurelmThoyt Jeweler and Silversmith, Graduate Optometrist Joseph Sax, of near Tigardville, and who has lived there the great er part of his time since he was 14 years of age, was np to the city Monday. "Sep." as he is named by his friends, says old Hilltown is going ahead, and he notices it every time he visits the old burg. ? Wid6er living 11 miles out from town, wants middle-aged wo man, who wants home, to cat for four small children and keep horn, housekeeper to have foil eharje. Address, giving foil name, asd wages expeotad wa-sa moat be nominal 25, Arfoa, EMboio." I l: if I, r vuuai, 1 irita.