TEST i i JnlILLSBR QL. XVI HILLS BOKO. OREGON, SEIT.9, .909 NO. 2G toTI' IMTAL eiiiui inopam LcalcJ Mile Southcaal o lilhbit, Near ISewlou iKlTKiiI I'MJtH CtlTIMIIOI Lwlwi'l1"1! Trtseef DitUaet VaHrtlre J'i.blnilun Uouniye rerm onu . ..I. u I Jjpiul-Miff known m tbe fW rrm" i l'eled a Mile trer a ,,, of ,ht c'l7 P1" C, ib HwiliBfo Pacific Hallway irtlo Vtittlehpjr i Ibt preaeul ; lull ibuI of I1.W for Ibt 40 acrae )l IioJ, ell under cultivation, and Vofih ( conservative eslloieU i'j) m icft. Tbers rt over 100 fUll W u" 'iavw, uui tot , . .. .L. . I L. attsUa ' tvt of llit bt These Wears rsly 101 closely huddled, Id4 balf of ibeai itould be grubbed ui. Tit ". hoa-ever, la Mini sJs mm e Iiwiiie each ye r, and r, Vendohey is eroding 10 acre (ciomMcb yser. ee fertiliser. t k"-ix tx.wB f.ir diry purpoees, al U uiuirf contract la always p HI f if IMttk UppIj. ill Band 'gibltMi loik Sot tod bserops show avidtnee of cartful larlag. I Ttw euuiily liotplul ( big structure, kit lit em lri wi'pl)r, cauaistlag els imi!ii iOit. atul pump; water piped jail th'etiga the bour; bat mtitti fm Six (twain, iciKttli fat couaty put pose a l;tKi u.l (hire itxxua dawaalaiit, !) hum tli Itviug apartment Uh the papmeusilenl and foully. Twenty to- t4lrttug.1l! rl. ttllll UllU) HMWfl k:icr!:00 Slf Yattdrbey tU f 10 pel lmatli luf rath comity charge, and lav tt mm be mu.i tlotba and cam fi em tt pit but lidic help frtxn tM id fclka, thejr are generally very rtWt, Uj ptltrul, Auguit Baactit, imttwr, lit ilt ui ma InaMtca ttu i.hi.K 10 Nip, aadbtkt M ijiMrtf'ttuiiif . Wbea litt babjr Vaa It; cnr a !) ataru tocanlui I, tad a U ! bflfriag aboul b im. tJtut rf Ut iniutiM art f Hilda mud tttt ul at nth trouble, tfc ftfnl clmfr. kk4 from Um kiM 1 jtiMin ol I be woilct nj lu Hli, ore. I Taut J bi Ik-ib, of VlorUada. bo a w fn St fr wu4 iicb la btacabia, rnK duuioi dim ikaiiintt. Ai iiUKlr, l0 ba a tf la Kaa- VUHjf, intj two Kiowa tblMrto la lb tax. lha liolirr an r.l.I ilmoa J M.iV. 'aaliin(un cwimy, and bo la bllod. rw topla know that t i aruuuil. M. Valll. liiollirr In.Uo nt ttm l.l. Mq llnii;Xrr, on uf ht iitone r will men of lltr HHiiitYahl la aa ivMif. piiiil frutii amiml'.tiuti of one of hla feet. foa it gaittug firahy from hli rcat policy -m li. i1m, Uta a bant worker. i Wiitiftb Millrr. fcl.teml.UHt. K , . biwiulu up from lha tail I auiiiKie, an oUl o'cltKk llnktr, o h.. Utt, ft ,ropuUle4 jnt, j, "ontof llit lu.tr p. ' And .,t, a 80t kMtt Jimmit who llvavi makra ll a.rm far wybo hn he (tu where there la awpcf the joroMbble. Jim ml got 0B h,,j1K,tr , pttlhpd 0M B Um dy .? mc,1ob becaaee the ealoan " m HilltWo rrfuMil ti gla blm a Jimmw win conir Ufk K,we ay M(J U tl boy for , f.wweeka. AUCTION SALE Jbe tjndtralgnad will aell tt tht Mo Wndtnbtrg plaot, Dear Ctn- "'"ib, at o'clock t. ro., on MONDAV, BKPTKMBKR 27 nI?,ho"T',',J"'6 yflorrl horae. nv.i 1,01 h P",m1 ' Plla, work ere; M.,0 tiudwt la Ud p.r; Irv i. ' "i'""K"u narrow, airai valor T' Hl11 Ul, Plow colli valor, !, Uu,hfotd lZ' "l' '."Wy.nwd butlitilt;U bar h,rr 1 ofk hrn:. new;aat back lol ! ! "!!' fumlture, ton- . " ana oiner triiciet "wui m iiirntloo. T "'Wfof8al.-Undr$10. oaih; i land over, nix mootha llme.ap. ver' iio 1W0 Pf ctnt off, oath Ptttr Vandenbtrg, Owntr. J . torntliu,, Auctioneer. Jhn Vandtrwti, Clerk. Mrs. Almlu. II .L- a .... lain,! I . urooat, 01 HOUO St Vnd.who w 75 j . , -j ""n ""pa ana tuaiain thoUlrftCtUrJof tl'o'rni. AL and , noh couragt nL , , 10 " it htr houtt rKred Hnh ml.li - T ,, i j t , aim murei.it ouiiO' f .arm . B tW0 tUt houw 011 . !TiB alB building on hi.raoob K0r hVUlLhof Lloyd Jrthr0p hatjutt moved Into hit S iLT f"h. the other freeh in J'othe. Devon ."d Darh.m.- JinVa ' vuw rourin ana u v - no" 'od aupiily of ool bard burnad brick, and build log Uoik fur oallart and found lioog Tr; our building blocki lor four bouaa found atU.. Chaar (ban oamant or brick od baitur prolaolloo againil frott. Wa bavt dolabad our ruo of larg UI. aod art again running on iiutllr ( M and bar. a favir aupj.1. al tbt yard. Parllat vanllog til. dalivarad hoold plaot tbalr ordari now to wa ota baul Iban btfort bad weatbar Tbtrt It alwari a rmb of hauling ordartlo tbt Kail wban roadi art altuoat impaiaablt Wt bart a good tupply of rough and draaaad lumbar al our mUl, and a quanUty oi common lumbar al tba Ua.t -..4 a, apur, aaiow i.wlD, tht latUr to aall tt t tacrifioa 2tl2, 2iH, 26 i IilU, Ji, IiO and 14. of variou lantblt Tbla la all dry tiock. and it will t) an In InvoallgaU should ynu want any of meat dimanttoni (Jronar A Kow alltV, Hcbolla, IIiUab.ro, R 2, Tbt Oregon Klaclrio now bu tba roof on In naw denol al lha anrnat or Tbird and WMbloglon and it will nni Ui vary many witii until tbt old boioar will be abandoned and Agent Cronitt will bare com mouiom quartan. Tbt Southern PaoiBo and P. R A N. joint dpot it ftlao Oovarad and lha aorknun tipact to be through In about a fortnight. Tba old depot la vary orowdad, now that tbt Tillamook lint It carrying to tuuob freight to tbt front for oonttruolloo purpotat. Wan lad To rent a farm of from SO to 1W acre cleared, with bolld- ng In tbtpa tor um Will pit eatb rent Want food tilana. Ad. drtae (Han Pomeroy, Holbrook, R r. U. I. 24 0 Vat tM mm t W a am a 1 1 a w m m. Ik looking tot btlp, and find no man, and lh tame tt trot, largtly, at to labor oondillont In town. Tbtre It no exouae, therefore, f any man ho wlebat to work tod ctn't get it. And thlt Nmlndt tht reporter Ik.t a, ki. kitaka) f.I.la all 4...1 and wiih t ooottitttilon likt an oi, tiroes uavt Uurwto lor ito ctnu tht other morning, dealing out a l..J I... 1. TL. l I oara tuca aiorj. toe incoming A. .An tkl r?..fea!n aava klnt at. all worth bearing and tbt chap failed to gat hit tan cent, Tbt Sohllttr a 10 oeot cliar. and the (1 and Maroa, t two for a quarter cigar, art what you want ben you buy cigar. Ktpl ettry In HiMatwro, Aik for than. U. .,1 Um P fl RanOnk IVfa IHH t W MWHW ga and Mr. and Mn. George Larue, of I pat a. Illinole, btt been rltiting Mn Rulb Blair tbt peat fortnight. They btvt vliitad Yellowitooi Ptrk, tht Sotttlt Fair, and olhtr a. a . . (. Nortbern poinu of loitrtti. air, and Mra. Randolph returned via Salt Lake tod Uraod Caoyon. wbilt Mr- and Mrt. La rut go to tie Park. Lot Aotelet and otbtr Boothrn pointi. Tht Itdit are tlattrt, and tbey art oontina of Mrt. uiair. Juet follow tbt crowd to Ntlton'i 8ond Street barber thop tht ooljr foar chair thop In Waablng ton County. Alweyi four men on Saturday. 2 f IVU IIH'Pt wa-aww awww log book on tht Colombia, and who it ona of the beet tlmbtrmtn in that taction, carat oat tht lut of tb week, and nt on out to Bankt. Ha will movt to uuitooro tor me Wlnttr, end occupy bit own boon w. Rnall nmnartv. now PrnnifHi. of the Oregon Klaotrio nd may rtmain permaneouy in mt out. Geo. Ledford, fireman M theoon- denter. badly cruabed a finger while throwing wood lotomtiur. naoa, one dav ia wtee:. ne digit wet tiff from an old woand, and wat on tbt band that wai al- raady minui two oi Itioompiniooi. n. T.mlMla attended tbt wound. aod it may yet be ntottury to am putate and probably would be t oonvenienoe for iu omtnt if it wtre taken oil. Harry 0. Ferr, of Yamhill 1 ooun and Mitt ilarnei ivreiaw, oi if i n.A erani married at tbt rUITtl V'lv. " - - . retldfnceof K. Kreider, Sept, 1, ww.. t t. Cl.l aa4B HK, Re M"Jn OMTora, tbe Cbrletuo onoron, ouioiu. ..u flhmnahlra and Ram- bouillet rami, yearllngiand lamb, .. .... . i tlkAaliiraa ill eltgioie to rtgiairy. art from Candian tirea, out of Bog' ll.k Imnnrtad atook. Ftrd GrOOM IIDU iaaiv . Sobollt, Hilleboro, Rt. 2. 21 83 Geo. Aleiander, with t turvey eorpi on tbe r. K. n , aooTe lug vuit - -- Buxton in tbe Ntbalem, came over tht latt of tbo week for day or 10 here and at Portland. Cuttomert at Bmmott Broi may get a beautiful China Dinner Set, 1 : cu. tbalr window diipUv, and aek tbem bow yon oan get one. T t Qkaafaf nottmtjter 0d al, u r , , at Tdnnton. and wno It UIWIVUWUi ww - , . . . intartated in North Hilltboro pro- BOXING BOUT GALUD off imm me Spirited Giotcst Nipped He fore (aolng Five 8IFIREI til KG PEAKED TROUBLE lciltr Plghta Like Battlltf Nttaaa tad la t Coiair Two boodred itw the sparring con Uwt at the Creacant Thaaira l..t Halurday nlgbt, and the bout w.i ended at tbe cloae of the fourth round, aod entrance money refund ed. Tbe prr-llmary wait neat lit tle exhibition by Damoo Qreeraod Chat. Follelt, who did toot very clever wo k fjr laJi, and pleased tht aolience immeneelv. The - boy i worked at tmoothly at though thay were aocuatomed to tht game, and each look cart of himself While Ureer wat tbt ilroogar of the two tba little Fulled lad, not- Itbilaodtog be bai but ooe fxt. it oonaidarably tbt clevereat. Tba cmoltlt bad told tbe refere that all would b arretted If other (bio a boiing ezbibltioo wtre null ed ofT, and tbit put a deojpor on ibt go, Scalar, who ii a fine toier, tod who will tomt day get into tba GalUlog el eon olaaabe rlgbU likt tht Dant-btndUd Bob Evan u though bt wert a child, although Kvaot it a claeey man on poiota When tbt third round opened Scalar pnniihrd the little fellow pretty hard, and in tht fourth there wtrt tomt pretty hard ez- ohtogtt. and Scalar opened pretty tiff on bit oppootot, although the glovet wtrt too big for any material damage. It wat eaay to are, howrver, If Scaler anted to clox tba bout, 11 aa in hla powrr at atmott any time to have put bit was out fur tbt couut of tea. Krf- tie Kiug, not wanting It to go tot point whir a knockout miRlit I in- urtd, at all Uoiea couaultitl wilb the Hhtriff, who wat baik of the riDjjaiilr. ltaocock told htm that ha tbooKbt the boat bad better be called off, aa the bora were getting waintrxt ap. Tbe (thiol- tkoa wat declared off aod tbeo there wai aa Intlaul drmand for a refnml of the admission, Afiar aotue little parley tbit wet done, end all got their money ex cept thnec who had hat their cooiwna. Una rort'aotl iaa became t iciwo ana threatened H. T. Bagley. Marahal Lar- tea tUrted to make aa arrcet but tbe dlaturber broke through the crowd and ran down Firat at reel. The Marahal fired two or three ahott in the air to atop tbe fugitive, but be wtt bllUOK tbe high placet only, aod made hit getaway through a vacant lot, and got back to Cortland. Tbla probably will end the boxing gaoae in tbit city. No one waa burt, although Event wat badly winded. To thoae who bare teen aouie of the big fcllowt go and who hare eten tome of locale here at the clnbrootnt, tbe affair wet very tame. But, ce-Uin, Scaler ill be beard from in me puguituc world. AUCTION SALE Tbt undariigned will tell at publio rait on bit farm milet wett of Farmlogton and 4 milet tooth of Hilleboro, tt 10 o'clock a. m., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Crav borae, iao, 14 yra; gray mare, 1 J60, 10 yra; t-yer-old colt, broke to work; g good milk cowa, In milk, com 1 or fteah In November; I calvea, bull, brood aow, ahoata, !jo cblckena, 15 tone clover bay, 100 buabela wheat, farm wagon, hack, aorrey, buggy, Deerlng binder, Champion mower, rake, springtooth har row, pegtooth harrow, ditk barrow, i inch plow, thovel plow, cultivator, Van Brunt grain drill, incubator, a brooders; cider press, sll the grspes on an acre of vines, iX acre potatoei in ground, all household goods, kitchen utensils, farm tools and other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Ttrma ot Sale: All luma nnder $10, oath; over $10, 6 months time on bankable note at 8 per cent. 2 per oent off on all umi over $10 .- r iri r j.j, jvreoe, vwuer. B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. , John Vanderwal, Clerk. Gro Sohulmericb went down to the Shoettring ranches, below Yon nalla. tht firtt of tbt week. Ht will rtturn to company wttn hub ' a a wat Sohulmeriob. the last of tbe week, and oall hit vacation ended. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at publio aalt at her farm 21 miles tou h of Retdvillt, on tht Htrria Bridge Road, at ten a. m , on MONDAY, OCTOBER Two cows, one freth Nov. I; 37 head of ewea, two and tnree year 010, grain arm, Osborne mower ana race, waning piuw aulk nlow. rolline cutter, peRtooth har row, wagon, naca;, aci neavy narneas, aei and half plow harness, cream separator, two milk cant, dozen chickens, fan mill, rope and pulleva, farm tools, tmple menu, etc,, tome household furniture and numerous other articles. Terma of Salt Undtr $10, oath $10 and ovtr, one year't time, 7 oar oent. interest. Two per oent off, etih over $10. Mary B. Merrill, Owner. B. P. Oorneliua, Auctioneer. C. E. Kindt, Clerk. John 11. Zimmerman, wife and two children, of Habaibs, Kaa., and who le.fr. boma August 1, going to KlPaao, and thence to Lot Angeles, and from that city to Iiillnboro, r riyed last weak and are gueatt of A. C. Wioney, of above Olencoe Tbey remain a faw days, and think Oregon it about right. Mra. Zim merman it a daughr of Mr. Wio ney. I will bjy prunes and pay th highest living price for tbem. I have a new drierand thoae wish ing to tell their prunes should tell tbem at once 8. L Hollenbck, 3 milet above Mouotaindale. I'aciQc Hialee Phone, Gleocos, 131. 25 7 Sam Kuni. of Bathmy, and who baa juet finished a three weeka run with an Advenes tbrHbr, wa io town the last of the week. He re cently tbrnehed a inia.ll pi wee ol wheat for Fred Bt-rger that yielded GO bushels to tbe acre what'a tbe matter wiih that fjr a yield ? and turn d out some oats that went 73 bushela. Hum machine is a 30 inch cylinder, and in a half day's run be tbrerhtd 1960 bushele. For a fine lawn or field fence, tbe Royal American i the beet of all; neat, durable, ttrong. Any height you want. Emrick & Cor win. . . 25 6 C. W. Allen and wife, F. M. Al len and wife, and. Robt. Hoc ken and wife, passed through the firat of the week of, a fiahiog and bunt iog trip to the Wilson River ooun try, and tbey possibly may go over to tbe bay if. the weather remain warm. C. wSraa np Saturday to take out hit 1 icons and get ready for the trip. He expects to get all kinda of big game and laid io a keg of salt pel re to preserve tbe venison. Try our prices for tinware, gran iteware, and hardware of ail kinds, before you buy. We can show you wtnre we can eavt you money. Emrick & Corwin. 25-6 To the K. ofP.:-E. B. Hawkini, of tbe losurancs department of the K. of P., will ba here next Mon day night, and all members of the order are invited to be in attend anca. Tbere will be work in both tbe second and third rankt. Do not fail to attend, as tbere will be other important business up for consideration. A. C. Davis, of the Oregon Jour nal, Portland, was in town Friday Mr. Davie left Portland for Beaver- ton, taking the Oregon Electric fie waa duly sober, but becoming interested io a conversation failed to watch for bia station, or hear it called, and landed in HilUboro be fore he knew it. You can't keep them away from old Hilleboro tbey will come. Z. M. LaRue waa down from tbe Grove, Friday, and says he is Btill selling Welkins' remedies to the farmers ot Washington County, and that his stock and poultry fjods are giving universal eatis- action. His Hilleboro office is at the tailor thjp of Aug. Tews. See him. . : 26 John E Zimmerman, of the Wai- ace settlement, above Glenooe, was over to the county seat Friday af ternoon. He reports that bis fa ther, G. E Zimmerman has gone over to liuamooi lor a two or three weeks stay, after about 80 years of absence from lint place. Labor Day was a quiet propoBi Hon for 'Hilleboro, although the business bouses 1 generally kept open. Tbe county clerk kept open portion of the day to favor ab stractors, who, as a rule, are work ing harder than ever this season. AUCTION SALE By order of the County Court I will sell at public sale at tbe home of the late Ja cob Schaerer, ii miles northeast of the Bethany Store, at io a. tn., on SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 , A complete set of blacksmith tools, bel lows blower, tire sbrinker, tire bender, drill, set dies, lot of stock steel and iron, horse shoes, nails, blacksmith coal, an vil, numerous other articles, small cook stove, etc. Terms of Sale cash in band at time of sale. E RAVIN RITTER, Administrator of the estate of the late Jacob Schaerer. A GOOD POSITION Can be bad by ambitious young men and ladies - in the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy Since the 8 hour law became tffeo live, and since the wireless com panics are establishing station! throughout the oountry tbere is a great shortage of telegraphers Positions pay beglnnerB from $75 to $90 per month, with good chance for advancement. The National Telegraph Institute of Portland, Ore , operates bix official institutes io Amerioa, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials and placfs all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full dttaile. 25 6 HALO JW KICKING COLTS Great Game of Dall at Forest Grove, Sunday BOfB SIDE) PUYID CLASSY BALL Blllabsre Vlaa by Decisive Scare IJ to 2 Sunday's game at Forest Grove wat y to tbe hearts of tbe faot, tnd it was at out as classy a game as bat been witnessed this year in the county of Washington. Hilleboro sent up a monster crowd of rooters, and tbe team bad a terrific vocal support. There wat nothing doing io tbe first inninj, but in the see ond the Colts ran a man over Hendereon, tbt firtt man up, flew out at first; Moore made first on an error by Wilkee: madt third on two paeeed balls; Bullock fanned and then Fitcbeoer, pitcher, ait gled and scored More;Gtter got a case oo Dai is, aod Hcbulti drew a pate, putting Fitchtntr on tlii.d; VanBlaricom wat then up, aod as Druhot pitched Fitchener tried to make borne. Ht bad a dandy lead bot tbe ball wat widt and Van failed to reach and Phelna taa-ted Fitchsoer at the boma plate in tbe 7tn inning the Coltt again crossed the plate Moore went to st on being hit by a pitched ball: Bollock went to 1st ou error by Brownr Filcbener ttcrificed and Bullock went out at second, Moore advancing to third; Getter hit to Brcwo, scoring Moore, but th bat ter went out at first. Schultz then went out on a fly to firtt. This ended the tally tbeet to far at tbe Colts wert concerned. The Cardinals ran in four in the third inning Bunten bit to Short stop Cook, who lugg'ed; and made st; Bunsen stole second and on rauscher's sacrifice hit,, went to third; Turk went out on asacrifioe, but pat Tautober to second; Brown made a neat sacrifioe, scoring Bun- sen, and beating the ball to the firtt relay; Briggt, in a corking single, scored Tautohtr and Brown tnd Houston bit to left field and scored Briggt, making tht quartet of markers. Io tbe 4th tbe CardU nals again scored, making 3 tallies: then three more in the sixth; and men tnree in tbe ninth. Th? Car dinals played great ball, and Colly urunot, tne southpaw, lays be never bad better support in an amateur game. Bunsen, who muff ed tbe Sunday prior, and waa in sackcloth and ashes, handled two fiiee to right and gripped the ball so bard that it was dented and the umpire had to oall for a new sphere. Wilkee and Brown did some faat and clever work, and Houston played likt a laagua top notcher. Phelpa had his wing with him, dandy, and Briggt and Turk, who it now captaining the team, played like veterans. Tbe tame line up will play the Grove Colts here, Sunday. The Colli played a good same. but tbe Cardinals simply had tbe 23 eign hung np somewhere between Hilleboro and tbe campus, while the Grove appears to have loet all the numbers except the 2 and 3. HILLS BORO AB R H PO A B Tauscber, c f.. ...... 320000 mra, 1 n 4 2 t 9 o o Brown, 3b.......... 431581 Brlgga, 1 f. 32300 1 Houston, a d - 500310 Phelpa, c 300800 Wilkes, as............ 411011 Lirutiot, p.. 4 a -1 o io uunsen, r 1. 310100 35 13 rj it 4 FOREST GROVE AB K H PO A K van Hiaricotuo, 104 00 11 o 0 Kopple, 3 b- 3 o 0 3 3 1 Cook, a a 4 001 a 1 Henderson, u. 4 010 o 1 Moore, c f....... 320101 Bullock, r f- 40.0200 ntcnener, p , 3 01 o 10 Getter, c t o ' o 71 1 Schultz, a b - 2 0 0 i 4 29 2 1 27 it 'Earned runt Hlllsboro 5; Bast on balla off Druhot 2, Fitchener 3; Left on bases Uillsboro 8, forest Grove 5; First base on errors HilUboro 6, Forest Grove 4; Struck out by Druhot 5, Fit chener . 7; Double playe Brown to Houston, one of the fastest of the season Passed balla a each, Phelpa and Getter Hit by pitcher by Fitchener Tauscher Turk, Bunsen; by Druhot, Moore. Balk by Fitchener. Time of game a hours and 5 minutes. Umpire, Roy Cook. A shaving combination that wil please, and at $1.50 for the set a rator, a strop and a none. Try one they are dandies. Emriok & Corwin, 25 6 W. G. Hare, of Bagley & Hare went up to Banks Tuesday to start off the new bank, which bai just organized. Mr. Myerl, or the Bea verton Bank, is one of tba prinol pal stockholders. High Q UALITY Drug Store ' 1 The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. BLITHE! SCHOOL Tenth" and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 8 3TA. P. Armstrong; LL.B., Priadpat Old in years," new in rnethodsadmittedl? the high-standard commercial school of the NorthwesLf Open all the year.' More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. BookkeeninU from wri office practice."! Shorthand that penmanship. department. jfxWrite for illustrated catalogue. Monuments Forest Grove Monumental Works CAN 'SAVE MONEY FOR YOU Designs and Stock, none batter. Quality and Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES LOWEST on the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs and samples at any distance. Main Street, N. of P. O. Block. GEE & JONES Box 343 FOREST GROYE, ORE DID IT EVER Occur to You? "I paid that bill once." "You muet be mieUken." -"Indeed, I am not mistaken.' ' "Have yon a receipt?" It seems to me that I have, bnt I don't remember what I did with it." "We have no record of payment, and unless you can produce our acknowledgement in the way of a receipt, we must insist that yon pay tbe account." But it might have been a different atory had the bill been pald with a check on your bank. So chauce for argument or dispute when the cancelled check is produced. Better pay your Mile but once with a check on this Bank. Repeated ' Eye Headaches. Sap vitality and bring about general nervous break downs. Many sensible people continue to suffer" great pain and inconvenience through false pride. Don't Be Foolish, Glasses will relieve, if fitted properly, and wear ing spectacles is no sign of old age. Let me relieve ; your headache , by supplying glasses that will take away the strain. Hundreds will testify to my re-' liability. . ! LAUREL M. HOYT Jeweler and Silversmith, WE ASK HO FAIbER. test to our ability to serve you wiih any thing in stationery than to compare our showing wiih any other yon know. Ask for anythitg in tbe way of STATIONERY. If we cannot suppty it, yon can make up your mind to two things. It is not to be bad anywhere or ita onali' y is such thst we do note ire to handle it. If it ia good and ia in tbe stationery line, you will find it here if it is to be had anywhere at all. You wiil also find onr line cf drugs and druggists' sundries complete and of high quality. Our services are right. Our prices are right and our goods the very best obtainable. .OFlOT JAIJTY" excels in every respect. Special CORNELIUS State BANK. , Graduate Optometrist t I; f t t ft Y: , i " party, wai out lait Friday.