The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 25
i i
PrclJcnt W. II Wchruoa
Say it I 1" " nner
flli,r ivdiBir i thi win
WMt ft.asl I'.tr lb K.ilbwt.t
,a (ibbilloa
Th borM l" al rorlid
fair and l.tvwi't 6iim,
a-iatuber '0 Inclusive, prom-
Um io tclip any ktf event
. .1 i .
im bU ou v-. u uerrmg
it. lasla .t Clark show.
f(rbiH lbs largal exhibitor of
lUodsrd It"! H I K Al'
Isy, of IWbu'e. Or son Mr. Al
Isy bring fall complement end
SOlari In ell c!mc frotq lb oolle
op to !(" horses. Ills record 10
tbt buw rlt g Ut year it still
fresh la lb memory of fair goers
Hit bor- " admlreJ by Iboue
sods tt 8!iu end Portland, end
lbl Jf b will M'JI if uol U'
ptssbui funior snowing and win
SiOgs Aoi ul,ir' hit.ile u umlaut
tmltair I. C. Mi Cui muk, W. I.. Whit
matt, J. I' I'uiin, ll i f 1tiaitd. J. I.,
lialtoo. .Silwilfii, Tb, It. Iticttta. Wal
ts, W'ala . Wratltitftr, I'm t laud, C.
X. Lafrat, lluui lark, Mont ; Kl
till Ani.l, 1. liiuuiDO. Canada; Ivll
jtway, Ua icuicr, Wean. Tlci
BH4, 10 brat 1 1 inu
Tli l l.k:;rt oil) In. trprvavatsd
br J. D ifl"o .V Soa, ol Nrwbrig. Or.
Mr. Cuf.l. ii umlc a lil acruM the a.
lit, (wtBHiK out a Itcw iuiuilaUun with
tkxb lu inrrl all (uutria. II, C. Coa
lUnct. ut tilrtitrntT, will bar fuur
brad. Itub Nc.i.ii.ul (. bimafom, Waab.,
Ill bt ou head, ti. M, l.ydn,U Wood
bum, bat a luir aged Cl4, W'w. lol,
(ulirit. Uirk'i.n, ha biut
aad Lthcfa 111 brat Imlll
J. Cnnb Sm, i( tjifayrlif, o ,
hai tarn !ttiliiiK liorart fur yraia,
odarvatil tuuanal vrrjr alittw aol
bit of ImiMifUui-r. Thry bart a txaorb
bam al I'uili.n l ami tvu-tarnrtila, Cal ,
Uxl all) bar a big A. C. Uubjr,
o' burnt luijuiirr, lll ha lltr laijcn
Hhibil hrrirf u out. He ltl aho
rmal ol Ilia liravjr t.rrrla anil baa
hfBi ocw lini.iUlloo luf tbr latf .
II. C. L'amjilIt baa mammoth ti(wo
lab Jack . llr'aoa "bleb tlwajra al
tiact much allrniiua.
fcrtbrrtrtitmll I a)ion hf Mc!jiu(h
lia. Ctumli, kul.y ami acvial utbai
Tatm all I, Krllirr It l ot ol
lb brat br abuot bclil on tl Pacific
Coaal ami it mill be woilb gulu unlet
to art.
K. C. Mulliijr, of I.aural. m la
Biturdajr, gutting rvadjr fur hop
Bud Olii ami family, tvl faw
ffianda .,.'. to RiMlarlck Kail, on
Uala Crwk, Sunday, to upond lb
m J UtfTHjr.of MrtuoUlodK
m in Monday, lie will take up
bii riwiilnnna again on lb farm,
prmaDnlly,t)0Ujbar 1,
A ibaying oomMoalion thai will
pin.., and at KM for tha wt-t
". irop and a hon. Try
on they are datidlea. Ktnrick A
Cora in. 35.13
8. L. H .HenUck and wife came
down from MounUlndale, Butur
day, and want Into Portland io bid
frewll to Mr. nod Mm. Ii. C.
HollenUck.who atarted tb first of
the wek far St. Jboi, Floridf..
Wanted To rent a farm of from
0 to isn aCre cleared, with build
iogi in ahape for ums Will piy
cub rent Want gocnl plo. Ad
drM ilen I'omeroy, Holbrook. It.
F.D.I. 24
J-W. White and Frank Bell, ol
bove Ilankn, wern in tba city
Thursday evoning, and called od
m Airui. Tbfy report their aeo
Won an Improving wonderfully
inoe the I'. R ,t jf. U,j jti ,tee
nto the territory above them.
(W Hohulmerioh, caahler of the
wnmerclal Rank, cane up from
loncalla, Sunday evening, after a
viBit to the BboMtriog raoohee. He
Wm. Sobulmerich were oul
Bturday, after deer, and Woo.
brought down a fine buok.
Monterey, Mexioo, where Mn
onaitb, formerly Miei Lottie Lam
m, rehldn, was vieitfd by a cloud
blUBt Saturday, and 1,200 people
wore drowned and thousands ren
ueren Immui.... tu. u 1 . 1 it.j
- ,1Dro, JU0 oujiiua iivru
0 tho elevated distriot, and were
wiuune irom loss.
State Qnme Warden R. 0. Btev
SDBOn. nf ITn.o.t n.. 1
"ion viiuvr, wao u
'he last of the week. His deputies
0vr the state aft doing vigilant
ann me ollica Is getting
tnanv cnnviniinn. n- . .
. Southern Oregon, the other
jy. his deputy bagged the Mayor
the town, and several of the
h'K gun" from other narts of the
"te. Mr. Htevenson says that
lawsdiii be enforced If hsrd
w,, will enforoe It. and it is nota
"'a 1 tut there has been a greater
uooma irom Ones slnoe his ooou
Pnoy of the offloe, than In the
od herd borne l.n.k. u. Luil.l
Ing W.H.k..,rcll.r.,.,l f()llll,u.
tlona Trv our luiil.lit,u l.i,...k.
, - - mm llir
your lioiia. foiin.latinna. Chear
than cMiianl or l.rit k and Utter
.rololioii ajjamal fr.Mt. w. J,tv
flnlahoil our run of large tile an
sr again running on amallrr a '-
and have a fair at the yard
I'artiea wanting tile deliver,
should tt ace their order no an w
can haul thern Mora had weather
inerei aiay a rub or haulin
...1 i ... ! 1
miinra in ins ran wnen made are
. 1 .... 1 . . ! ...
annual iinpaaaauie dave
giHl up ly tif rough and di
B.nn pu()i, v) fuugu aim uieKKHii
lumUr at our mill, and a quantity
l I I ... . .1 .. '
hi L-oiiimuri lumix-r at tria Hat
pur, llo Nawlon. tha Utter
ll at a acrificf -.' 12 '2K n
2s. 1 1 10, UH, i ,nd m, 0f
varlotia lanih'i Thla ia all b(I
''""i" imiii-. iinaiiaii goou .
drv stock, and t 1 ..n i
- -- ---- I w
invoalliiau should yuu waot any o
tbeea dimnnaiiina tirnnep .Ir It a.
ell Co , Kcholls, Hillahiro, R 2.
Doc again lr. (1. Ii. Whlu.ev
tba former Koteel (irove deniisL is
si libuty. lie was lrie.1 and fon-
vl Ut.1 of luanslsughter, in the mat
ter of tha death of Miss MaUl
Wirtx The Hupreme Court re
veraa.1 Ihe dM-iaOwi and fnr a fmm
days Whitney was at liberty The
nmcr again arrested him upon a
revised order of the Huprsme Court,
Hating thai ll was a remand for a
new trial, and not a diachame
Whitney was wiled al Porllaod.
but bis father arrived Friday from
Michigan, sod Haturday filed a
rmud soflkiniii to Satisfy the
Court. !r. Whitney will make a
strenuous tlTjrt to bavs a verdict
reoderenl in bis favur. The case is
watched with much Interest bere
Ucaue of Ibe prominence of i)r.
Wblioey end bis alleged victim.
bo was very popular in Washing
ton County.
Orant Downins. of Hummit. Or
and alio is well known her as a
resident of several years ago, re
luroetl from a trip to Vernon Coun
tr. Mo.. Haturdav afternoon, aod bs
says the heat I an Ixwn very intense
hack there. Toe lhrm'meter fre
iuenlly went b Hi II bat bten
aheenl atxiul three weeks and this
la bis first hiu.' trip in '.U years,
bis father having died suddenly.
John J. Long, well known bere
in the nineties, and who went from
here to Portland end thenoe to
Hole, is back in Portland again,
and was out to the historic old
county seat, Sunday, taking in ihe
ball gams. John ll not as joung
as he was, in tha tl eh, but ha rays
the spirit of olden times Is still
with bim. He sees great evidence
ol Improvement io Uillsboro. His
family is still at Holes.
For Hale New tw) story htue
of 8 rooms, with woodshed, on lot
U'JxlOl. On Fifth and Jackson,
oorner. Hplendid location. Four
blocks from court bouse; 4 biocss
to Oregon Kleclric; C blocki to
sohool. Citv water; also good well
-M. N. Ilonham, Hillsboro. K3 6
Arohle Whlsnant, editor of the
Co.a Ray Harbor, an exohange
which visits the Argus every week.
was In the city Belurday, the guesi
of J. M. Brown. Mr. Whisnant is
In Ihe same town wilh Mtlee
Kveritt. who is In the drug bust
there He thinks Hillsloro,
from all appearances, is forging
n n Ileasnner and brother,
Iteasoner. started for Ns
1. -ia Hiindsv morning, and will
in at the heaoh two or three
days, bringing with them on their
reiurn mien wruiire
. at:.. 1 w n t ai Kiiinn.r in i
Mrs. Alice Hawortn, ni vtaua nana,
slater of Mrs. Keaeoner, wno
n the coast lor over a
carpenters unu, set uica, iuii "-"".-....,
. 1 .nntharU. naiu hlarkamith coal, au-
Nnnkane. nave emuum
npoaauo, a-.ll
shipment or tne ceieor- ...
Matt ntr P anea maae ny ugo
. .1 XT T Tf Inn. I Haal I
y0., Yliimaui.,. ------
ers don't sell tnem, B80" "
Five Portland stores sen me Deu
8etting rianeB.
I). B. Reasoner floiahed
K-i.iA Haturdav evening,
nana- "'"",- .:', n"
and opened 11 i"r iravm. -j
Reaeonerleft the first ol the week
to put In the county bridge el
Greenberg station, and expects to
finish ll thi. week
Mr. and 'Mrs. W K. Kelso . me
out from Portland Sunday morn
tng.andwentonout to Leieyvills
whe.eMr. Kelso will have charge
,f ih nlcklns of Mr. Bagley's nine-
r- " ,
1 ...
iy euro uuj
Mr and Mrs. I. H. Crawford, 01
I. 1. n. wawiuru, u.
855 Clinton St, Portland, desire to
thank their relatives and menus
for their kind sympa by '
liful floral offjringi ist the burial of
be,d- nl'".?r 'iSl
at nose o
Just follow theorowd to Nelson's
a. Hir.At barber shop the
nnlv Tour ohair shop in Washing-
""J. ,U 1 . . I . Ml
ton County. Always four men on
Halnrdav. iiu
Ed. Nortbrup, of Shady Brook,
I, It Kl ' AY
UU'' Will.) KM) Ll 1 0
,,. Nifty Hunch I rom the Me
tropolis Takes Score of I I to :l
Tbt Wtrat Day Cirdlailt Hive
'l " l"'iding f.r the Cardi
.1. u 1, nmmay, wrirn they went Up
gaiml the Portland juq Club
Uam, an i the remit was a icore ol
13 to It in favor iii the viailnra
r.rtrroKiy on ln (K-al team ine
ed to have a day olf, and appeared
to wiah they wore al the"old itaim
ming bole," or anyah-re elite than
on the diamond Tin fint Inning
the viaitors batted freely, and
scored tlx timt-s This look ihe
ginger rut of the locals, and it was
eaiy from that on. The first gxd
hit the Cardinals had aaa in the
fourth looirg, wlpn liunssn slam-
uird oul a three bigger. Chester
Alf lander then hit out anil nonrerl
him. liunseo hit out two two hair
gers alterwsrd, and one of them
brought in two score. He made a
bad muff of an easv one io right
field, however, and II tualoo went
to the bad on a dandv that be
should have handled. Copple, the
star shortstop of the Culls, played
third, and be couldn't God ihe
sphere in bis old time firm. Walt
Rob neon, who wss touched id for
the six tallies in ih first inning.
was succeeded by Miller, and be to
turn was diatilaced bv Chester Al
exander but it was no use the
visitors hsd the dope ou Iberu.
as a ii m n
Atriasdtr, p. j o I o 4 I
H.trhelai. I I o o J o J
l'hl. C jo 0830
Houilun, 1 b J 0 o 4 J I
IViSkrt, aa 401 131
tlrlKX. C f 4 1000
Koppla, jb 4 O 0 1 t I
Ingram, 1 b. ........ J 10800
!)unen, r f. 4 1 J o o 1
KobiaauB. p 000000
Miller, I f-p 1 o 0 o I I
y J 6 17 16 9
aa a h ro a
Smait, S S. 5 1 3 I 4 I
SiKiliy. J b 6 3 o 1 I
Aodtraoit, c f 6 I 3 0 o o
Howard, rf- j a I o o o
Van Northwkk, I f . 4 11 I o o
Saton, I Ii $ 0 0 11 0 0
Hrenthy. a b 5 a I J 6 o
Srhulu, c $ a I io i o
Stokrs, p. 400000
Brown, p i o I o 0 o
Tl iTT3i7 ii
rum t'ofllaml Ctrdiiialt.
Tbrrc bate hits, Biinwn, I; a bate
blla, Duoarn a; baas on balla, Alrxandrr,
i; Mlokts, i; lell on Bates, laramais, y,
I j tin Club. 8: itton errors, Portland, 7;
Cardleals, a; Struck out by Robiuaou,
t; Miller. I; by Aleiander, 4; oy mokcs,
4;byHown 4; double p!a)S-Sigsby to
Krrncbv to Satlou; hit by pitcher, Alei
tmler, iiowanl, and Saiait.
Ti.e rratnrra of the same on the part
nf ih rr.linala were Wilkes' teutalion-
il jumping one-baniled calcu ol a leias
irtV and Old PreiEbt Train Bunten's
t... UDMin vu iwo-oairiftta. lue
.ii.ii.lnr -aaa verr ffood and the visit
or! received a liberal applause whenever
a good play was uiaoe wuicu waa wry
often, st the team plaved in remarkable
foim. John Boeaer oincmieu as umpire
By onler of the County Court I will sell
.1 nti 11. w . .1 . oumc u u c iic 11.-
cutiscnaerer, i; ni" v. ...
Bethany Store, st io s. in., on
I. ..,....,1-1. ...1 nf hlarVimith tools. Del
'Tr". .kZw.. n-i,u.
mows Uiowrr, uic iinv., "iv
gumnu., - .
..11 n.,.., mher art c ea. suiall cook
. . , .,,.f
lemiSPIoaia v - "
i,i,i-uttor of the estate of the late
- -
John Kocb, of south of Cornelius,
... rinam tn ihs oitv Tuesday, on
"""."r" , '
fgll ousineea.
MoNamara and wil
Mt t the
faahill . 10 cent (
Gfand Maroai WQ for a
what waDt
qua" a , ,
wW jou y B v
h.r In Hillsboio. Ask for
Within ten days thi Corneliu
. .111 have oomnleted
mftnr ,he harjfj80rne one-
oonor'et, block building, 100
J 80 feet( whioh wiU
banklogi qutrterB loon
completed., The building 1. on the
Bile forrJQeriy oooupteo oy tne cun
nng livery stable building, which
t,aa been moved to the rear. The
iront l8 to have a modem French
. .... ! J I .11 1 .11 I.
atnolasa window and all in all it
ill be one of the neatest buildings
i tha thriving little oity mat oar
ries no debt.
C. B Taylor, of IUnks, was in
wn Friday.
Henry HtrjflVr, of Relhany, was
0 townHunday.a guestof relativrs.
Adam Hergert, for years promi
nent in the sawmill business liter
Blooming, was in the city Tuetday
A. K. Mead, of Buxton, was in
towo Monday, liKiking over a pice
of county work, for which he may
a competitor.
K. Kchiller, the Portland cigar
manufacturer, and who knows
everybody out this way, was in
owofrtday.grtetiog bis customers.
Mies Lottie Butler and cousin,
Miss Myrtle Butler, departed Tun-
ay fir a few days vint at the
Broadmead Farm, Polk County.
If you want a bouee moved, or
carpenter repairing, call on M. C.
ewilt. First class work. Coun
try work solicited. M. C. Hewitt,
The Washington County Newi
oisn, it is said, is sore about having
to pay five con U for a "neckshave "
And, yet, be advertises himself as
Try our prices for tinware, gran
iteware, and hardware of all kiuds,
before you buy. We can show you
hire we can lave you money.
Emrick A Corwin. 25-6
Christian Zuercber.of near Cedar
Mill, was up Monday morning,
taking back with him Tinner J. C.
.amkin, who is doing some work
on the Zuercber and Nels Hansen
Julius Bchoenberg, who has been
over in the Holbrook oountry for
some time, has moved back to
lencoe, and will tske a position
with Mays Bros., in the general
merchandise businees.
For sale: Shropshire and Rem-
bouillet rams, yearlings and lambs,
11 eligible to registry. Shropshire
are from Caodian sires, out of Kng-
nb imported stock. Ferd Oroner,
Sjholls, HilUbon, lit. 2. 2133
H. T. Blair and wife, of Port-
and, came out Monday, to ac-
oompiny Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J
v all and son over to the coast
range, lor a fortoigbt s vacation
ll. T. is one of the etai ad. men on
the Oregonian.
Mi?! Bertha Spcooer, who has
been visiting her uncls, Ed. L
a roes, of west of town, returned
home, the last of the week, accom
panied by her friend, Mies Ethel
lialiard, who is instructor In piano
od vocal music
Miss Hallie Hendricks, of Denni-
son, lexas, arrived nere Monday
evening for an extended stay with
tieo. Schulmerioh and wife. Mr.
Schulmerich and the little visitor
go to Southern Oregon the last of
the week, to join Mrs. Schulmerich
Glenn B. Cline, well known here
in Uillsboro in the "Nineties," was
divorced from Maybelle Cline, in
ortland, last week, lbey were
married in 1005, and tbe husband
lleged that although he furniebed
a good home, the wife deeerted him
in March, HHJo.
Kd. Nortbrup, of Shady Brook,
will bring into the Fair a radish
that is already eight inches in di
ameterand still growing. It has
foot of radish above the ground
and Ed. hasn't prospected the
depth, yet, and will not, until be
digs it up about Fair time.
Van DeLasbmutt, who has been
nvesting in Spokane, was up from
bis Witoh Hazel ranch, Friday,
and this is the way Van talks
"Hilleboro will have ten thousand
population inside of fire years
now you mark what I eay. You
are going to get mills here, and
other industries, and I know it."
Dorr Nelson, of Devils Lake, N.
D., was here last week, the guest of
his brother, C. W. JNelson. The
visitor has been working on a sage
brufh land deal down near the
California line, for several weeks.
and oloeed hie holdings out sxcept
8.500 acres, last week, and cleaned
unover twenty thousand dollars
on the deal.
J. A. Cummings and wife, and
Meedames Lina Weaver and Tena
Ward, of Bonaparte. Iowa, are in
the city this week, guests of Wm
Wolf and wife, ol Hillsboro. Mrs
Weaver and Mra. Ward are sisters
of Mr. Wolf, and MrB. Cummioge
is a niece. They have been taking
in the Fair, and came over to see
what we haye in Oregon.
E. W. Dant, who" is now finish
ins bis 38th year a thresherman
was in the city Friday. Gene says
that ha is not exactly tired of the
business, but it is getting monoto
nous. He finds the yields fine and
dandv. In a day and a half hie
machine threshed 4,051 bushels
while on the Hare place, below
town. Oats, be says, went
bushels to the acre on the MoCal
ium place, near Reedville, whi
the Hague orop yielded 72 bushels
per aore.
Thousands Gather in Yards
to Pick the Fragrant Burrs
Hsrrttt Cstnoicscsd Usaday kfsrais
la Vssy Yards
Hop picking commence! in Well
ington county, Monday, in many
d the larger yards. Wm. Bagley,
Ibe Leisy villa grower, opened work
in bis 0 sc-ei of vines Mondaj,
and minor yards commerced Tan
day and Wednesday. The Nelsone,
tbe M ai yard, and others to the
eastward, started io midweek, or
will take op tbe harvest by the last
of tbe week.
Hops continue strong in the
market, and fioa all indications
ibooe who have not contracted
their crop will make a killing this
season. Twenty-one coots was the!
c flaring Monday and Tuesday, with
a strong indication that before
picking ceases there will be a big
advance. I be acreage io this coun
ty is not over half, it is said, of last
year's, and this condition prevails
over tbe state hop districts
he Cbehalem Mountain and Lau
rel districts began picking midweek.
and this vicinity produces a great
many hops, nearly all yards pro
" w i
ducing bnely this year.
be school board baa decided, be
caue of the street fair, to delay the
opening ol the publio school to I
September 27, this Fall, and by
that time it is hoped that all will
be in readiness for a good year s
work, ibe board baa purchased
one of tbe beet sets of physical ap
paratus, costing $150, which will be I
installed immediately, and this
feature will be highly appreciated
bv the High School students. The
tiigb bchxil study is to be featured
as follows:
First year (Required Subjects)
nglisb, Algebra, Bookkeeping" I
year, Botany i year. Optional
Subieots Ancient History, Latin.
Second year English, Algebra
year, Plane Geometry i year,
Physical Geography Optional Sub
jects Caesar's Gillie War, Media
eval and Modern History.
Third year Engli h. Plane Ge
ometry year, Solid Geometry i
year, Physic. Optional Subjects
Cicero i Orations.
Can be had by ambitious young
men and ladies in the field of
"Wireless" or Railway telegraphy.
Since the 8 hour law became effec
tive, and since the wireless com
panies are establishing stations
throughout the country there ia a
great shortage of telegraphers
Positions pay beginners from $75
to $90 per month, with good chance
for advancement The National
elegraph Institute nf Portland,
Ore , operates six offioial institutes
in America, under supervision of R.
and Wireless omclals and places
all graduates into positions. It I
will pay you to write them for full
details. 2.S 6
J. W. Cornelius, of southwest of
the town of his name, was io the
oity Monday, greeting bis friends-
For a fine lawn or field fence,
the Royal American is tbe best of
all; neat, durable, strong. Any
height you want. Emrick cz Cor
win. w-6
W. W. Reynard, of Laurel, waa j
in town Saturday, preparing to
start for his boyhood home in Eng
land, where he has not visited for
many years.
I will buy prunes and pay tbe
hiirhest living price for them; I
have a new drier, and tnose wisn-
ins to Ben ineir prunes snouia sen
a i a ta
them at once. a. h uouenDecx, ss
miles above Mountaindale. ' 25 7
A Anderson, of Helvetia, was io
Tuesday, and aays that the Helve
tia people are very much elated
over the ooming of the United. He
save that they expect to get a sta
tion not very far distant, and ship
their milk and cream, saving a
long haul; '
Cedar Mill had a road meeting
Monday evening, and about 35
turned out to talk over road mat
ters. The distriot last year voted
$2,000 for road purposes and a
great deal of work was done, but
there is complaint that there is a
zap of about S00 yards between the
two portions of the road that has
been rocked. Judge Goodln and
T. W. Hnnun want from here io at
tend the meeting.
High Quality
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Tenth and Morrisoa, Portland, Oregon?
Old in yearsnew in methods,admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the Northwest"! Open all the year. More
calls for help' than we 'can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by
office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect Special
penmanship, depart men t.JkvW'rite for illustrated catalogue.
Forest Grove Monumental Works
Designs and Stock, none better. Quality and
Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES LOWEST on
the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders and all
communications promptly attended to. Will call
and show designs and samples at any distance.
Main Street, N. of P. O. Block.
Occur to You?
aaYJJBBavaWaaWaaWaWaaBBBBaWaaaWaaWaaBB '
"I paid that bill once." "You must be mistaken." "Indeed, I am
not mistaken." "Have yon a receipt?" It seems to me that I have,
but I don't remember what I did with it." "We have no record of
payment, and unless yon can produce our acknowledgement in the
way of a receipt, we must insist that you pay the account."
But It might have been a different story had the bill been paid
with a check on yonr bank. No chance for argument or dispose
when the cancelled check is produced. Better pay your bills but
, once with a check on this Bank.
Eye Headaches.
Sap vitality and bring about general nervous break
downs. Many sensible people continue to suffer
great pain and inconvenience through false pride.
Don't Be F oolish,
Glasses will relieve, if fitted properly, and wear
ing spectacles is no sign of old age. Let me relieve
your headache by supplying glasses that will take
away the strain. Hundreds will testify to my re
Jeweler and
Drug Store
wi: ask no fa linen
test to our ability to
serve yon wilh any
thing in stationery
than to compare oar
showing wilh any
other you know. Atk
for anything In the
way of
If we cannot supply
it, yon can make up
yonr mind to two
things. It is not to be
had anywhere or its
finality is snch that we
do not ctre to handle
it. If it ia good and
ia in the stationery
line, yon will find it
here if it is to be had
anywhere at all.
Yon will also find
our line of drugs snd
druggists' sundries
complete and of high
Our sendees are
right. Our prices are
right and our goods
tbe very best obtain
able. 8 3 f A. P. Arm tt roof, LL.B.', Principal
State BANK.
r ,
was in the Monday.