i-uc o 4 A '1 a 1 it J 4 .1 ' i r -1 '1 . - -U aa asaaBaWMM afjaWawawaw in aM ' " fc L "I 1 " H REST-ROMP- RECUPERATE The Seashore NEWPORT I SUICIDE AT OILLEY Is a delightful resort an 1 a happy combination tf pleasure ground possibilit'cs. An ideal climate, diversion of lecrcatiou perfect bathing Ixvi ting fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most charming and popular play giound. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Has A Special Summer Excursion Rate to New port of $6.00 From H1LLSBORO, OREt Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." P. G. VICKfiRS, Agent, Hillsboro, Oregon. Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent Portlaud, Ore. Mr. Mary Jane Buckingham, aged 55 year, and wife of George Buck ingham, suicided at ber home io Hi! ey, the last of the week, by taking concentrated lve. Her lu hi d survive her. The Btu-kii n hams are well to do people, but the suicide was io the labil if worry ing ever trifle. They nt-ed a ricb a distance from Dillv. and it ia popularly supposed that Mr Buckingham was worrying over eoruething connected with the farm, which was occupied by a renter. Rudolph by nam, who baa the reputation of being a good tenant The funeral took place Sunday, and i hi aged husband hie gone to Portland to reside with a aon-in-law for a short time. r Koebers Confectionery. ...... ' l,,.nll..m- II... ' 111'"'-1' , .t.lM... .ItniW H'-'l ' ,,, W II mi..! ft l.'i'K'i'S '', H " 1 VI UK VrK U lOl.lVK II I" 1 111 M I u ,O.U !' I "... U ' ,. m.rnal. Ihe ,, f . in rr. v l"t' t,c lUv n (. m the ! ' ' T ..i i ... I ilir tl I - cvvti llu t t v S.rontl Strrct. Hillsboro, OrtRon. Wr hvc v Kacluslvo Selling Aftcncy for Chase &. Sanborn's Well ktu u kauds tf ctillVc tttul Uas. costs wo mote than other rhh brands. have it lo)tu as t tjtulity lu-xt time uu need either ei-mc to u nnd try it. COUNTY COURT Beaverton-Reedville ACREAGE! ! County Court met lest Saturday i with Judge Gjodin and both com niiewonere, W. J. Butner and John I McClaran, preeent. tee buia on 'the Banks bridg acroee Dairy Creek, were ae follows: C. E Potts, $140 45; D. B Reas oner, $137 50; J. S. Loreung. $165; cod trait awarded toD. B Reaeooer. Bridge near Greenberg etat oa C K Potle, $164; D. B Reasoned $154.05; J S. Loreung, f 16; con tract awarded to D B Reasoner. It was ordered that the court ak for bids on cement eidewalks on east and south aides of court house fquare, and also for walk f-om court bouse portal to the southeast corner of the tquare. Ordered that ccurt advertise for bids for fill on ths river road nar Chas. Jaepereon place, district No. 25 Hillsboro Commercial Bank KIAV. SCHULMKRiCH, President GKO. SCHULMKRICH, Cashier Are Doing a Conservative Banhing Business THE PASADENA OF OLD OREGON BEAVERTON-REEDVILLE ACREAGE ALPRICH AC REACH ALTON ACREAGE ANDREWS ACREAGE KlXNESWtHJD 3500 ACRES platted into tracts of to Jo acres each, with completed road to each tract. 40 minutes out on the Fourth Street Railway, 5 trains each way per day. Land lays beautifully, soil very fertile and is especialiy adapted to fruit, nuts and vegetables. 700 hotnrsites here, of an average size of 5 acres, insures wondeiful community development. Now selling in such tracts as you desire, at from $100 to $200 per Acre to per cent, down, balance to suit purchaser Call sad arrange to go without expense to yon, to ex amine this property, and determine for yourself as to ITS WORTH. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 StarK St Portland, Oregon CAPITAL S1XK, $25,000 SURPLUS, $10,000 Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings and Time Deposits SUMMONS. Thos. Macauley, ex sheriff of Dunn County, Wisconsin, and one of that state e early pioneers, was a suest of his niece, Mrs Alice Sand- ford, the last of the week. Mr Macauley is a veteran of ths Civil War, and earned his shoulder straps at Shiloh, where he was in the first day a engagement, in com pany with the late father of the Argusreporter Mr. MaAauley was one of the party that placed ih late Mr Long on the ambulance after be bad ben th it through the right knee -The veteran calltd on (he Argus Saturday afternoon to renew old friendship. Southern Oregon, where he is filing on a homestead. Th) Argus wish es him health and success, for h it a fine exam pie of Americanism, and he par txcellence of a Christian gentleman. Fred Reie, who gave other names as occasion rt quired, and who was ef nt up from here on the charge of ton Co"nty- made and filtered tola 20th v.v.: .v. ri.u i... day of June, 1309. ter, escaped from the penitentiary the last of the week. One of the Hillsboro. Ore. Are You Going To Build If o, Call and ec our New StocK of Star and Stur Shlnlct In tho Circuit Court of the State of OrcKon for the county of Washington. Clara JotTrU's. plaintiff, V. James Jt'fTrlvs, defendant. To James Jeffries, tho above named defendant: In the name of tho Stato of Oregon you are hereby required to npHar and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before Thursday. August 12th, 1909, which Is six weeks after Thurs day, July 1, 1909. tho dato ordered for the first mthllratlnn of tills notice, and lis goes to If you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply for the relief prayed for Id her complaint, to-wlt. for a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between above named plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems meet and just. This Summons Is published by order of the Honorablo J. Wesley Goodln, Jude of the County Court of Washing- Bicycle Repairs I have opcucd ;t hicycle repair shop next ilwr ' Cre scent Theatre, where I wlil Xk pleased to meet my old custom ers. Trices rcasor.iblc. FULL LINE OF Baseball GOODS which are of .stand ird make. Give :::e a call. F. R. DAILEY, Main St., Hillshoro. A Girload just arrived The lllvST ShiuKtcs at the IlIiST Price. If you don't want a full load of shingles, rcmcmlr t hac tiuuy, many other thing that you could finuh out your load with. How About AU.ut that woven Wire I'cnce? IAKYSTONE or AMERICAN ROYAL, which will it he? We've. Kot 'em Iwlh. Yours for a Q Deal always KOWELL BROS. & CO. SCHOLLS, OREGON Phuuc 51 x 16 T. M. tlEKK H A. HUBBERT Are You Wanting' a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FABGO LOCATION. Independent Phone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON t-ecapefl was caught near Wilson- ville, having passed through Tual atin. Keie, however, is etill at I large, and will most likely turn up 1a fortland, where he has relatives John- Pape, of the Sherwood- CLYDE RICHARDSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. 51S Chamber of Commerce Uulldlng, Portland. Oregon. Notice to Creditor! Soil la hereby irivpti tlmt the midtr- siKiied hi been duly apHilnte.l admin- istratrlx of the imtitta of Krnitr W. Truver, lV order of thel oontv Court nr wli- Middleton district, was up Friday. 'nKu,l County, heretofore imu.i--.ih1 - ti .. ,v, u: . " tio..,. lereo, ami imsnuiy tiuallti-il m iiicii. MD eye UIS ,w uun, aniuiii Now, therefur-, 11 p-rsoni hvinK and Louts, are still wheat farmins claims -vaiimt utid mtt are Ihtit nov- np in Shnman County. Herman T "n r,"J"irI Ju fff" "",n u . r ... , . 1 . . I the underMKtifwI. totretlmr w Uh iiroiK-r 18 CU.llOg aOOUl 0W acres OI wneal vonelirm lhrror, at thK law otliee of this harvest, while Louis is cutting 1,1 "'" hi,llU """'''"k. 'n Ann .o. ,! I. -J Tk HillslK.ro, On-Rcn, on or Ufoi. six -zw awl co uu un vu iouu a urj boys, however, like the old Wil lamette valley Utter than the FOR THK Best Fire Insuranca A SO PROMPT SKTTLlv MKNT OF LoSSKS SKK JOHN VANDERWAL Agent Londou & Lanca shire Tire Insurance Co. OlT.ce with H.lmond Cornelius, Main St. Ind. I'bone, racihe States Plinne 354 1IM.ISIU)R() HAMILTON BROWN SHOES Are the very best that money can buy. higher altitudes, r-n f!mlAo' ttmui tfsnil Q generally the gentlest of Mazeppas, took a notion to enlivm the street, Tuesday, and ran from her hitcb iog post by Lane's, southward, and when she reached the City Hall, collided with the electric light pole, wrecking the express wagon, and turning it upside down. The Cap tain is Iteding too many carrots. Fay Harrington and wife and month from date hereof. Dated this 5lh day of AiikuhI, IMK Maiy ii. Sorter, Administrntrlx of ths Kstato of RaulT W. Trnver, ducrascxl. Bairley Hare, Attorneys for Admin istratrix. SUMMONS. SUMMONS. 1 a Til K t I Hi ITT 1'OfUT OK Til K STATU OK OltKOdN KoK THK ('Of NT Y Ot WAMIUNu roN Walter S Nash, I'lalntill, vi Jennia It Naxli, I )!-tul an t. fu Jnniiln It S,. Ii f..idnt Ik,b nKiuwi: in tne name of In .tali of Or (foil, you are linre,y reulrnl Ui aar ..... unni:r me eoin nail n eti ui in.i INUTO.N COUNTY T M. Oivls, iJefenilant. To James 1. Davis, the altovs nnniml defendant; 111 ine name 01 inn state 01 ureenn you are hereby reijuirwl to aear aiKlanswer the coinplaiiii ot the aUive named plain- ini in 1 oe bikivs eniuieii court, wltlllil all Stood the Test of Years If you are wanting Footwear call in and see our durable Shoes for everybody. FOR SHOES THAT WEAR Our Line is the Best on the Market. JOHN DENNIS, Hillsboro, Oregon. IN THE CIKOriT COITKT OK THE y the attovn mil Hot I miit bm.( r.n I by ths Mth dayofhe,itniiili.r. 1WU whirl, u.ui.j uiiiiiiti.i run .. n n 1 1 i - ... ........ ri4 nn.K, iwt (tain o llie ttrnt tmliliriUi.Mi aa ordermt h the court In tlifl ahove entitled suit, and It you fall to .' apimar and aimwer tint Hamuli win ,,iy t the eoiirt rr the rnliflf liravnd Tor in thn wit- lor a decree ol Una court tliwuti v ti'K ..in i.m.r.HKo rainiraci nrrntororn ami now exiatliiir letwem lilaiiititf and da. remlaiit and ,'or aneli otliHr and furthnr and ad.lllional rlif aa to the l,ve c.u lltljKl court may deem meet wuheiilty Tina Niiinmoim Is iiiiIiIhIiB, hr ,)r,,. 01 1 111 Hon., rahlii J. t;. CiiiiI, JuiIkd w. ...o nniiiicii court, and mud order waa dulv madn ami tlin 2-M day of July, HMi, in Mun "I'on tho amdavitof plaintllfilled nere in. ton, and Hush Read, wife and two week' fr""' datn of the timt publica children arrivAri thn Uat nt tha "'""'rthi" 'i"imona, to-wit;-on or 1- cnuaren, arrivea ine last 01 tne fore thp nth day of Septouiher.inoii, which week from Benedict, Nebraska, acd iaUie date preacrihed in the order of the are guenU at the H. Harrinnton J,l,'fe auttirij-.iriK the pui.hcation of thi u xt 7u ni "WIlull'"D Hiimrnonsfor your appearance ami ana- home, Korth flaiUS. Fay, who wer. If you fall to appear and so answer has been here before, remarks that "T i'JaJnllH 'win apply totheooart for the k "...I. 1 .'1 ... relief demanded 111 the complaint, which he wants to get back and get hie iafora decree diswdvina- the umiimii No. Kin68 Under Dad's table again " matrimony now exiMtin between the plaintlrT and dufendaiit, and that the Chas. Bloom, of below Newton, '".me)" 8llowed 10 "" her maid- and who worked with the Argue This siimmonx l pul.llshe.l hy order reporter nearly twenty-five years f the Hon. J. u. Campheii Judgeof the aon nn th nrenont Wrin. R,L Kb',v,e enU "rt. niaile and entered ago, on tne present Irvine Burk- n the imh day or July, v.m, directing halter place, South Tualatin, wa the publication of this summons in the in town 8aturdav. Chas. is trvinc ll,a llrNl l'ub: 1, . . , ' , ... 1 1 iiitjrw.i no inane on me 'rrni I uib lurtuues iubbo aays in me nop oay 01 liny, lm, ami the laat puhllca- Hon be made on the 2nd day of He-item. her, 1!)9, and that the defendant l,e re quired to answer said complaint on or before the llth day of September, 1IJ01): Dated July 1U. V.m. J- K. Booth k. Attorney for the Plaintiir. Notice of Final Settlement business, Four room house on Washington Street, on car line between Second and Third, lot 50x190, for sale Ernest Lyons, 2 miles northwest of Hillsboro. 51 tf J. W. Marsh, whose heart is al ViVA fn tho vlnVir r) a na and iUm !a u rao V..J juuiouu;, IUU COllBU. I TON COUNTY C A. Hanley, a prem'tnert .1" Matter of the Kstato of TIiom. II 0,nae -n -K V. ...u.j i r"K". deceased. tiUKW -UV4 Tf UU unu 1DIIUUOU li I Mt,. t t .. I .... for many years in the Lsyville WZnlWZ bouviou, was iu ai city mooaav. i",,k,,bi 'iu, nave hied ' "'eir nal ac -o.mt In khuI estate and that Miss Bertha Roundv. with fiwet- J!1 ('ou",ty ()"rVlf WaHhin(ion County. nJ, n' J. I. j h.y and entered ml 'h Confectionery, Portland, was U' ih day of AuHt, iiKiii, hasTiinl int a guest of her mother, Mrs. Lena ?,'J ,,",'tty.11' 'm ,lav "f Hitmir, RonnrU. thia -t ' ii' the C!ort iloNe in Hillsboro. WaMhiinrtiiti as the nlace. for iimrimr ).i..',.t aaid linal account aiid to the hnal HLtl- uii-iii. ui aniu eniaio, llateil at HillHlmrn iin.,.,,,, ti.i. .,. 1. day of August, V.m, " ""' V. H. Tonoiik, . , , . , F. K. KltKKMAN, Adimnistratora ol II. u (.ui,..a ... i .. Tongue, dewiaed. J. A. Htkowhhiimi. n . , . , , Attorney for Plalntiif ui ursi puniication July mi. IMte of last publication Heptaiular lifvi. Ed Shamley, who is running a logging camp for the Hillsboro Lumber Co., near Buxton, was in the city Tuesday. Come everybody, and see the bargains you can get for lOo and 25c in class and cranitnwarn al Greer's. Customers at Emmott Brng may p 1 d ui u j m ?et R beauti,ul China Dinner 8t . Carl Pfahl, of beyond Blooming, free. See their window dinnlav was in town Friday, and passed a and ask them how you oan lit nleasant half hour w ith th Arona " 'uu n 8el a - www g vau . uuvi Notic. ot iherifVi Sale on Foitc osure Notice is hereby KVoii that by virtue of .. .,.111100, necree an, i onler of sale U HUttil out ol and ender the aeal ,.r u, ci. cult Court of the Hlate of (JreKon, lor the Collllty Of Wayliin..l,... ,i..J;i . .. ,1. . "wtni iiid inLli o lenlieck, Flalnllir, ami aKalnat K. M. " o.,.i, r,. neldel, hla wife, M, Kinney and Washington County .Ore,,, Detnndaiil, for the sum of Kni-i.-fi Muiidred and Fifty five I)ollara(itlM.W) ?.,dJ.w'".,t.T"'lKllt nfll,lH' will ll"t ....7.M, n, , ra.e 01 a per cent, tier an iniin from the lHth day ot A prll, lm. and ..r uiuaiiiiM.r iwo Hundred and Hfty mlars $).(Ki) Attorney's f,s. and for u o. i , . . - ""Vimtemi Do lars am l"tfty Cents Il7.faii n.,.i. ,,. .1, and ilellvereil .commanding me U) make .11., r' property lioreluartei' do ?,.Vi . !' ''"v" evM "!"" B",) P'THuant 01 sain execution, tin cree am order of nub. 1 uin .... u... .1 ' ' the 1 J h day of Hcptember, ItKHl, at the south door of the Court hoime In Hillsbo ro. Washington County, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of Hi. da" , sell ,..10. 1., B,i,; ion 10 tne lilgliext bidder for ;..Ti ' "" "m 'ollow llg d('M- T I '",' Jri'W"-. ""4 am. ..... ... t,i,,,ki(M i,oi.ny Ori'L-on 1.. n Z,7' '. '"" """ quarter of v 'I'larmr 01 feci on ), the Northeast ouarlr n,. m....i . if ' . 1 . tl'e HoiitheMt.pmru.raii.1 the Houtl, half f.,r' ,":,rl lw"! 'l""- and the No.rth ,u . "ouifiwost qunrter, all in H.ic tl;";mJ"w,'Ht,ll' "North Itange I VVoat I"'"""" Morldiau, to sat ifj i , heroinbolore mentioned sums ami for P-mes of sale a.. I o sa d Writ. Hald sale will he ln ule aubie.a U redemption m per Htntute of Ormn.n '-.r miKiini, lV,f, , u, ; f'HMiK O. HANCOCK. T hm I WtMililiiKU.il (Jounty, (jre', Pl.li.uir ' '! noriiey Oreirnii Attorney for E. D Kerr. A sjK.-culi.st ou horse-hocinj. Hwif l'uud, (jiuitcrravk, nail-pricks, forniu, inlet fi ring, and all diseases of the del Kturanicctl cured. Pech's old stand. Third St.. HllUboro Summer Rates East! During the Season 1909 VIA THK Southern Pacific Co. IKOM Hillsboro To Omaha and Return - - $60.65 To Kansas City " ----$00.85 To St. Louis and Return - $68.15 To Chicago and Return - $73.15 and to other princlpalcttlra in the t.t, MuMUs West am! Soultt. ... tM"'l'''lifiKlv Low I'arti. On 5aU Jun. 2. a, JM1X 2, , Aufu.l II. 12. To Denver and Return - - $5565 On ! May 17. July 1, Aug. II. Th!lK.i l . 1 ' mU 10 ,Uy fr"m ,,Me f . "' return limit Oct Jl or v lee. . " "",,,,,," "r attractive features In the wayef I"P P.'. I""l,t-,1"l' f rmites; tf.rrrhy bltn ri,vert to rusk. 4 M- u, many interesting m.int. enrm.ie. " .SUvnr"r ::ip ibrou,l, ui,f",i" - . Vance over the ml, . .....! i.AUJL,u'!!?'UrV,,rt)t,,K'rvatloiiariil tickets will ba furolsaW .,.nern , 1C (K., agrntl,y 'ATT VlCKKa.1, AtlT., HlUsbOfO,ef Wm. McMurray, Gen'l. PaV. Agt, Portland alaMala POST CARDS. 1B1G S ALE.-Wc offer 5000 all new POST CARDS for a few days only, at 15 cents per 12. Regular 2 for uc and 5 cent cards AT I ,AXKK' opposite P. O. Notice ol Final Settlem.nt Notice la hereby given ii.al n. . . lgne.l Kxecut, a'o? ihMaai I II ain! i i."r" meiil of Anders H .v it ri. . 1,1 i' forhearingobje Zm,u,t, Mn,.TX ... fo, the ,l,fal .oureme" 1, '' Dated this Angina 111, mt! m "l"tfl- Kseeutrl, of toM"f valtChrestenaen, d A,"'"r" ll0" "HglevAUare, AtUm,yH for Kau. ArgUBand Oregonian, $2 25. Adinlnlitratrl-' Nolle of Appel"-1 Notlcn Is lw,r.by given that th HeJ h Wiialw ll...wli.. r...l.. r OniilltV Uan of WashliigUm (Wiuuty, Oregon, has imlnted the umlerslgiieil as Adm n'"2" trlx of tho Kstaln of Mloha.1 WWflJZ nKaied. ami that he has dulr quliOJ "aid, ami that he has dulr q"n?.r such Adiiinlstratrl,an(lalIliron,?5J ."K ' iiioia iigaiiisi hbiii .aiaie a.o -" ..l lil to present them to iiera, at tne law "-( irdson.ln (Jhamlierof "KJ IIOlilllMl lirooer Vf.iii. "iyii iiiinaruson, in unammrvi -va llierne Moll. II.. ,r P..,il.,l iirauull. WB'" slit month from this date, , laled al Hlllaboro, Oregon, wU day or July, lm. . - MARY QOWf'Slw AdmlnlstrHtrIg of lb Kstata of at!"" Qulgley, iNiaMM, j , Olytte Richardson, 511 Chamber" Commerce Uulldiiig, AUornaj tot"