The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 26, 1909, Image 1

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n r
n u
f0L. XVI.
NO. 24
kto O.IKclorof Cuatoine
Visit oIJ Home
m hi ' B,,, ,u
,R Willi md if,of Juntao
iu,MfiJ m rl,y lb ,Ml
Willi ffiil " a trip til over
WiiUmrt't VHy with ?!
buying ton. Untl lrtpxiula-
il it tw CuHoftor or wua
i fot tbMn'l't Ditirlet of AUa
tlib b'Mrtft at Juotau.
ii (tl.rf i II I' annum
l .11 lliil alitn ka la
lit flj-
ttliioi. blflb I oootidertble of
.. i ...... - in. i i
is list, i 11 I on oi iiiit'w
t bort ba hn J" B00) ' ,B
m!J of emutiorrn tod hulntt
p4 iiil i br. h e number of
M. Hi roeoy Modt era
Crd to n tu bit iuooww tod
kh h bright fu'.Uft M bit
W Ut VVtilW it wldJ to
radios dugblr of It T. I.t
nam I tit. tml w-ll known t
hnt tAt f H'lUhoro,
Yo hn h "," d Mr Willi.,
iiattUy, ' ha your lawn
MfrtOMNf Inn) of yr dt y com
rititkr) tut when 1 Ctxupei
platf Hi lliilnliuto u( mt ttitte.
lr yttr ago, I - III B (tklcart vi
i'Ulial K otl, What I UK Bet
w Urtr colon tut tfl lb Otang
aiidivg til Shtiic IUk. tofeihtr ttb
It Cwaia A Wixwtrf Ink k. no Ibt
latUm tniil.ltntf . and lli W kc IUu,'
Ixittii Ut'JuiK, about all ib
ikIi w li fit) - tu y nothing (4 the
j Mil. Hut ' "u haw many new
kkitxl I iltl aaUtfutlotl lht
H Ktigkt ( I'ylbia mid tit. Tamiaaw
(mttitiM up tine LuiLllng-aanil I brie
tW Oilil I'r'luaV (miltling; lb Cow
irttuil Bank atruriuie; tin Crandall
lock, (It litiror tmkj lb Clrnl
Iwait. at 4 iuii ullwi (Outturn
orl of mrtiun.a ht ttuibiiii nl
bVttn K!rif laplj llM
JMul tunny tfiH tin Ui r S. I., ilallY,
titk ! Hit ihc iciii'trnari auit mm-ll-nl
I a. i or ami hatntaoUM? lttl
kiUiat mi.Ui a. I litt con.
I4 1 In) HilUlxxa U oil it map "
lUfmin Hdiuhuerlcli, bo it
iw Wda ,t Co , Portltod. a
Uddaf io tht Clljf.
Barn. U Mr. tn.l Mrt. Jtt H.
tck, ef JVholJt, tt AmHy.Ort..
oui 30. 1'.W, trftagbur, Ctcll
iU Jck, wnghl 10 pouodt.
Gui Bnry, who bat imn In Ibt
Cunly country, on to tt
d Irip, hum laiurmd, tod bu
-ehtd out of tht dtliftry t-
pm, ion tfiiimi ii.inQ to butinrtt
Waptmi To riit farm of from
to 150 tcr c Iftrml. with build-
! in nh.p. for ttM. Will ptT
ibrnt Want km1 ultot. Ad-
VmiiUn I'omoroy, Hoi brook, R.
. D. I. 24-6
!8. P. UUr, of Ilillwltl, tt
p Monday. H ? thtt ult tto
mil rapidly .Mthr.g tnd that It
mowmborbtn to I'ortltnd, tod
oy ue hotutw trt btlog built
I tod truund tht villtgt.
John Mpurer, nf ntr Ctdtr
ill, waa up to th cuuntt tttt.
ondiy.tnd ealltd on Hit Argui.
' "turer ht lived to tM bit
00 praclictll tn
WlltDd. with il.i .. if ik.
lootrio lint.
Pwrin lUnlel 8l.pltt, raittd
rt, lud now a raU.nt nl (In.
tulitn, WtHh.. waa In tht nil Iht
t of tht wnk, tccotnuanitd by
wiin. wnnm kt i. i.Li-a. t
'..Mut no in VBftlUK U
r-r, jiUhn, for bar btalth
(WDilt lu the bt wat tha gaatt
JMMo MtHtum and wlfa
I J. M. L,w ,nj fml- m0TJ
J Corj alii., Tuatdy, after many
JMnof wtldanotln this city. Mr
Cr. 111 ka charge of a botl
o bu ollyi ,nd hj8 Htro,d
...ibf me Agricultural Colttat
urtttr waa fnm..l. l- ..J 1.
"ion lutrrvaimi in
i::::rm r"PUon lor buaioeu In-
-e-j ana uir dealing
B.O. Holltnbeck and wifi, who
muled above Mountalndale
aoout TA ,.ar. Mr. HollUhok
""n 'oil known at a worker with
came in Monday, and ttarled
J.nvfl0r n' Th"y direct. lo
1 '"HUB, M1IU fill II UI
"MM? en 8t. Johna Lake, to St.
S""." whloh iown lhT have
porohtM a ten acre tract of land,
( V"'u tboy will make the r fu
tnome. The ar, wUh Uo
S town, and only twenty
wached by . fine .uto road Tb-
r--, ai Mountalndale. The;
PVt miny frienda k,- .kn .1.
toera all KOnd fortune ,n th 8omh
.ttv.? 8)ld tholr Mountalndali
fciai- ' '""'t'DDeoit' will tend
impreBBion. ol hie new home to
"v rgut, .
SVt now hav a g M11 iiI ,
gooil btrd liurtind brirk, tint buiM-
. lit a 11
in( iiiix'ia i r cllara ai d f,im,,U
tlont Try our building blm-kt un
your lfu foun-Utj r.a Cl,i.aM-r
tbtn enntit or brb k tnd hntur
proUKjtlon agamat froi t. Wa hav.
tiaiabtd our run gf tg. t,. j j
art tgtin running on finalinr ii,
tnd have a fair auppl? tt tlia yard !
I'trtlnt wanting t,. tUllver-d
tbould i!a a tbnir ordnrt now to wo
etn btut tbtm Ufurt lal waibir
Tbtmit aUty ruab nf hauling
ordert In tht Fall when ntdi trt
tlmntt impumblt Wt luvt t
good tupply of rough tnd drJ
lutubtr at our mill, tnd t qutniity
of common lumber tt tht Ham
tpur, btlow N.wUio, tbt UlUr to
ttll at a Mcnfict2tl2. 2iH, 20
Ui. UIO. UH, lui ftt)d ,4, i,f
varlotit Itnibia Tbit it ill gmMi
dry ttock, tnd it will ..y you to
Invettlgatt ibould you want toy of
ibttt dimnluti (irorjtr A How
til Cu., Dchollt, llill.lioro, H. 2.
KodtH Mttttaon, of Hxgio Vil
lay, It giving gravity irrigation to
tbout 5 tort of bit farm, tnd with
trtnebing tt a imtll tiptuta. cto
Irrlgalt at ltl 7u term. Tbot.
Main. k tialna a adaal
ff I rw Hn W VVIf 111.
an J pump, cto irrigttt NO or KM)
tirtt.end both lbca gentlemen ere
Ihinkln nl arinlvlna I Via ,.. i,.
i j n "
tbair ftrcsl In wbolettlt dotet In
tbt not ditWot future. (Jo it, boye
tbtt't where "our hrtdatrt level.
M 1). Wiailnm all knnvn in
all Wtebingion county etockmen,
and who bte ditd the Hurt! rjpir
It for ttiany ytart, died the laat i (
tbt week, at bli noma in Portland,
lit wit ttcretiry of tbe Oregon
Comtfiieelon tt ibt tWtla Fair.
and bit ton mtrrled Kib-I, t
dtughter of tbt f'reeideot of the
Coa.raitKin, lion. W. ii. Wtb
R N. Vtrlev. who Uvea t mile or
to wett of town, bat a cherry tret
mil yield over I,wu poundt ol
oberrtte Ible The family
umk) all tby wuli d aod then told
I..VK) poundt for 118 (W, tht pur
cbaeer doing tbt picking. The)
trte It a large one, ana tin been
producing for erbtt 2i yrtrt.
For Htle New two ilory houte
of H roomt, wilb wotMlebed, on lot
IWillil. On Fifth and Jack. on,
corner. Hplendid location. Kuur
block i from court bouae; 4 blockt
to Ortgio Klectric; 6 blocki to
tchool. City water; alto good ell.
M. N. Ukii bam, Uilletwro. 23-5
Wroon M Hail, of below Tuala
tin, wat in tbt t-itv Htturdtr, Ut
etyt tbt report thtt tuitllpo wit
eptdemio In tne uuaiy oi di
brotbtr, H. A. Kail, former county
tchocl eut)rtotendent, refilling
near Oiwtao, l not true tbat
eotrltt fever wa iln tllliClion.
Carpentert Ware IUot. Co ,
8okice, have tnroutt mother
thipmtnt of tbt celebrated rWlf
rtettlog I'laoe made by Uige Tool
Co., Vineiand, N. J. If local deal-
era don't tell tbetu, gtt out there
Five Porlimd ttoret tell tbt Keif-
Betting ritntt.
John tiootlin. formerly of Olen-
cot, tnd at one time prominent io
county brldgt building, wti out
riaturuay Mr. tlmwlin it tht fa
htr of County Judge Ooodin, tnd
he now reeidet at Monttvillt. M r.
U-khIIo wat aocompanted by bit
J II k'err. of Portland, aod a
brother of the Hilltboro rati eetttt
Kerr boyi, wat In the city Hitur-
day. Mr. Kerr it interetttd tn a
new itove pipe damper tnat prom
itee to revolutionise baeioeei along
thote lioee.
a W Millt. of Banks, wat In
the olty. Saturday, aooompanied by
bieooutlo.O K. Mllli, of Craw
ford, who came Weat on a yw
eight yeara ago, and liked It to well
that be remained,
A ft T.wlt. formerlr of Cornell-
ui, now of Caldwell, Idahi, writee
for tbe Argta another ytar. a.
.i tkat the timer' arrival each
week it "jutt like getting money
from borne."
p.!.. Nnlanrt wit out from Port
I uwve ' -----
tUm Uai nf ihi week, reter
aaAtn fri a aM Kir nlnoe near Oren
oo for a good round turn, and be it
taking a rent after yeare oi rtuuu
T.. f,.lln tkanrowd to NelflOn 8
tfUDI IVI1M" ,
a....A kJlrt htrher fihnD toe
OfU IUU fc.i.vv " ' , ,
only four ohalr ihop In Washing-
An f'niintV. AlWaVB lOUr Uiou u
Saturday. , 22lf
Wm lUolev. Sr. wiehci to in
nounce to thoee who have ""H
to nick hop with blm that he will
begin picking In hit 00-acre yard
on tbe morning oi Depie.uuc. -
Ato rkalmert. of near
CenterVille, returned home Tuee-
day, alter 'i"'"' "1 rfT"
outing at Kirtwoou vouagu, --.
hart Park. ,
Com mleBlonerB W J. Butnerand
t.l u.Pl...n mnrn tt tht OOUOty
teat Saturday, meeting with Judge
Goodio at commiBiionere oout,
Sell wood h-l-Ms CardinlH in
rtt (iune
Pen Cat 1 heir Moeij a Worth Btyoed
t Doubt
Hundiy'i amt at Athlntir. Park
WM (he fineat I xhitiilirin nf kaaa
ill yt rtM-n nn the kctl ground,
tlthmigh tbe game tent
gilnet tbe Cardinal, it wn one
ong to be rernemtiered fur clteey
btwball. 1 hi acora waa '2 In 0 in
vor of Bull wood, but hid tbe
tenu work bten per fret, tbe inn
ngi might have kfpt on until iun-
down without a ecore on either
ide. Tbe Bellwoodi eiionly bad
tbt bteebtll "luck" with them, and
that tellt tbt ilory. liilliboro got
four bit ofT Brllwood'a pitcher, tnd
Hellwoid got but two off Wiltiirul
and tbeee two counted. Wil
liami itruck out 12 meti, while the
vieitiig pitcher fanned but 5
Neil Sunday tbe Cardinal will
p!iy tbe Portland Oun Club, which
t one of ihec!tMi teaiiiilnthe
tnnteur lineup.
John It.wker Umpired tbe game.
and all bet were d:lared off be-
ore tbe Gret ball wi pitched
be gam :
. i
luuaton, i t...
Wilkr. t a
I'"- c '
Hltmii. I f ...
iiltrun, ti 1
lUnlirUr, r t. 1
Millrr, r I
William, p
Wixuli, c f ...
,kr, I b.,..
W riilwutth, r f 4
rent. I b J
konubur, I f - I
Scott, p 3
31 o
...... 4 o
4 7 7
7 a
Score lir inning:
Hillttxtra o ooooooo o o
.SellwTKxt o o o o 1 loo
tilolro bear Huuaton, Brown, lkry.
Sarnlice UitaHronrn. llane on balia
William, a; Hcott, i. Sliurk out by
William. 1 1; Slt. 5 Hit by pitthr.i
Uall-llriKK. Ikcy. Ufi oo Ur-llill-
tro, 6; Srllwood. 4- Time of gatue, I
hour and Jo ttiinutir.
(). Weeootl, of V'inelin Ir, w.u io
town Hilurdty,
J ihn Ibtcb, of tbive Iiarike, wn
down to the city Haturday.
Jacob Keichen, of netr Went
Union, wa io town Saturday.
Ii. II Hall.ofKhady Brook, wu
a county teat vUitor Monday after- ter Whesl and Irrigates Crops
MUftClaieand Midge Imbrie BiSDLES PROJECT WITH
ieparted Mondty for a week at Be
. a . I ...a.. tm
tuie ami tne rtir. I Mail. I irri.n.. u.ik ..a .no
I ' ' wvienje tMy ll uvtUI
(o M. Ro, on tbe I)eLah u,.
djiih nop rincii, waa up to lit
Oountv aaL Halnrdav.
. . .
tia. v..wu ""oner,e.cuniy commie
lend f. . few d.v. vi-it with onw, and for many yeart a cot
dauoliter, Mrt. U (!. Gardner. tractor in tn t county and vicinity
i ir nm..k t hat 40acree a milt nortbweet .f
. a. iiuuil'iiicin, aaijit ui tuv
I) H Keasoner Makes a V'B-
late llarrieon Humphrey, wte io town, tnd on the tnct are 4 acre
tbe city from Portland, Sunday. of beavetdam of the richeit quali
J W. Connell Friday b mgbt 11 ly- Mr. Raeoner looked into the
hed of cowi from Ftm Vtrley, who irrigation pnjet tbit Spring and
it going out of tbt dairy buioe. concluded tbat ba would have a
C Bluer wit t Newport vieito' plant of hi own, and be com
tbe first of tbe week, miking a menced work. Ht conetrncted a
bunine-e trip to the Summer resort water wheel .bout twelve ft in
M. N. Bmhatn and wife were diameter, bung it in a ditch which
1 . t I 11. .L I. . . .Ll .
OOWO VO CM U III me ll Ol me ,fT,l. - mm , . annr. .J
ee, gueew ol tneir oaugmer.i a. . nn . . irM .
tbefquine furolsbet tbe mu"cle o
Mrt. Barllett.
(1 en Pomeroy and wife, of ni a- elevate the water, givioe s flow if
llolbioik, were in tne city tfiiur ix.J gallon per hour. He it
day. Mr. Pomeroy it looking for now fixed ti irrigate about 8 acres
a farm to rent of fine beivtrdtm, and with ea-r
Tk. vt;..Ann OhrUtine Keth. flamiDt can irrigate in all, with a
erine and Belle Cbalmere, of near f,w cbaogee, and a larger water
Cnterville. left Tueedav for the b'1. leMt 25 acres of hie 40.
Seattle Fair and B.itiih Columbia. , Tbe horse wheel will run for
tnree or lour nours at a time before
If you wtnt a hooe moved, or lh(l a-.t- Ml9 ln ..4 ,vA(l .rt(l
carpenter repaint, cu on m. u. tn DOnr of rest another hour of
Uewitt, Flfel claes wort. Uoun- DUmmnf can be indulged.
. . . a m mm - I I r n
try work solici'.ed. M. ty. uewitt. Th, -deo hmievidence of tbe
1 1 i .
UlUIDorO. benefit nf Irrlettion and ha i rata.
8. T. Crow and wife, of Greeham, iog crop4 of eugar beeta, corn, cab-
were in the citv Monday. Sam ii bage, celery, poUtoea, aod every
one of the o'd timen ol the Green- ining tbat will grow in Boil, with
ville section, and is well known the greatest degree of succeea and
here and at Forest Grove. yo'd
, r i .:i. The plant ii a triumph of in
J. c. porwica, in voo uita-.iHiw ;,.. . ..;..; . ,j u.
buidnees at IWdville, was in Mon
day. He bat bought out his part
ner. Mr. Frank, and will conduct
tbs businees alone, herealler.
B. F. Roth, of Connorsville, In-
Rea soner save he has to feed thf
horse, anyway, and it ie cheaper
than irrigation, although be my
later put in a small gasoline en
glne. : Oa bie little holdings be ie
The undereiaoed will tell at public
tale at on his farm, 1 1 miles south
east of Reed ill. on the Portland
road, at ten o olock a m , on
Kmht cow, a follow: Mionnorn, 3
uhl ftrili nrit Al'ril. Holstein a
Shorthorn, 4 veamolil, frrsb Nov. o; 5
gmdet Jcrev. ott to ficntien Nov. 6,
on Nov. 18,'one Nov. so, one lc. ao,
one April 5 VJ tne Al,ril ,i; l"'"K,)th
burrow. Iteering mower. Ik-ering bav
.... M.-Cormick biiuter; U inch walk-
iiik- plow; 14 -Inch Moline nilky plow;
..,n-.r. c milk cana. 8 aud 10 ttl-
Scholls, Hilleboro, Rt. 2. 21 33 Ljeion. oata, onions. Phenomenal ber
l.U MnV.m.r haa hn Joinj potatoe. peas, peanuts, pawpaw
some good work on the Wilton Jii prone. pumpkina, piomi- vViietie.
ver load the pSt two weeks, In or-1 Kentucky Wildeoute; raspberries 4 va-
dr to fit ths hiahwav in OOndi- rietie red; blackcaps; radishe, weet
tlnn fur teams to net into the Tilla ltt (No pot.uma," but plenty of
i rwttiti fit ku 1 in 11 aches &r r en hatarrtawei inn.
mook Country to work on the f. K flowe. ta,ip. tom.toet. watermelons.
it N . I wfceat, Eoglish walnuts, tnd a few thing
W.E. Kelso, of Portland, and "Ti?
In lliia hnriM-a mm anil rhirlrna.
who was foreman ID tbe Wm Big- and yoo have a lUt that boald snit the
ley hop ytrd last year, came OUtl biggest crank in the world on diversified
Monday, and went out tp tne it-"""""a
sy ville hop king's place. Mr.
K an w ill handle tne DICK in tne I Joon uuier. wuu u nwn BBir
hi nioetv-aore vard. thit Beason ly all ih Helvetia country cleared
s i ' I - ... ui 1:1
, . , , , tup tnu maoe 10 uioom tite ruee,
Wanted-Teams to haul lumber ...!,- s.i
from Miller's saw mill, beyond
ve i j - - t ,
Inna' hav carrier, rope too paiiey, nu
double iiarptioo fork, tnd one Jackijra
fork; crib bril, aecrtiary, renwr ui5,
f.rm tool. J V wagon, J-lnch wnle tire;
about three ton Uaim ny. nouse now
furniture, tna numerous omcr auiL-m.
Lunch at noon.
Ttrmt of Stle-Under f 10, cash;
$10 and over, 12 months' time, 6
pr cent interest.
W. K Mouaiium, uwner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Jotiah Millar, Clerk.
, .. . .
Wm fironse and Sydney Westfall,
both of Sherwood, were brought be
fnrt Judae G W. Barnes tbe last
of the week on tbe charge of giving
liquor to two minors, tne uaa ai
leged to have received the liquor
being young smoc mu youug
Hagey. Thev have waived exami
nation and Crouse will answer two
charges before the grand Jury, and
young Weetfall win answer to one
L B MoUonneu is on young eo-
fall'i bond in the turn 01 ouu 10
ninrt h a aouearancs, wnue t .
Oolfelt and A J. Hest are suretlee
(or Crouae, 1500 for eacn onarge.
irr Guild, son of H. G. Guild,
came out from Portland the laet of
the week to aooompany ms parenis
ne to Newport, where Mr. Guild
will take charge 01 me oignti,
..oVlv nnwananer. Thev left for
their new location, yesterday- .Mr
Guild still retains hit hime on
irirat Htreet near Oak. Mr. Guild
made many Irlende while in
HiilMhnro. aud the Argus wishes
him ' the tenith of tuocess in hit
new venture.
Argus and Journal, $2 25.
Glenooe, to Rook Creek, near Wii-
bei place, United Railway survey
Will pay by thousand; timbers aod
. 1 . 11:11..'- :ti
lies. nVVlJ at tuiiin a rn uiiti
Cornel us. Ur.. u. . v. 1. m
Postmaster B. P. Cornelius and
DeWitt Smith left the first of the
week lor an outing in the Tilla
mook country. They expect to be
barnt until the 29th tnBt. John
MoNamer has made all arrange
menta for forage and lor camping
facilities on the other end of the
W. K McCallum, of below Reed
ville. was in town Monday. He is
to have a publio sale on tbe 80th
of the montb, notice rf which is in
High Q UALITY Drug Store
test to our ability to
erve yoo with any
thing in stationery
than to compare oar
showing wi li any
rftber yua know. Ask
for anything in tht
way of
If we cannot supply
it, yon ran make up
your mind to two
things. It is not to be
had anywhere or it
riuali y ts such that we
do not care to handle
it. If it is good tnd .
it in tbe stationery
. line, yon will find it
here if it it to be had
anywhere at all.
You will alao find
our tine cf drug nd
droggtsts' sundries
complete and of high
Our service ere
tight. Our price are
right snd our good
the very best obtainable.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
ditna, and who is on the coast with raiting the following list of products
the view of Inciting, wae in the a perusal of which should satiety
city tbe first of tbe week, koktng tbe most ardent supporter of in-
over Hillsboro and vicinity. teneitud or diversified farming:
EV. ..I-. fik,,,iakir ami Ram. Apple, pargus, beans, beechnut!
a vi miDi v. a. 1 , i.tLt
. ... . . 1 1 iTTxs, utaiKorfnci, 4 vsriciics, imrtcr.
Douiliet rams, yeariiogs ana umi, UtB-pop-com, iweet com. field com;
III eligible to registry, csnrop'nires cucutuljeri, cabbage, cauliflower, celery,
are from Candian sires. OUt of Kng currant, carrots, canteloupes, cherries.
li.k tmnnrted tock. Ferd Groner. !.. gopseoernes nay-iover. tinio-
r . . Ithv:kale. Ioeanberrie
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 8 8 'A.P, Ansttnal, LL.B., Priacipai
Old in years, new in methods.'admittedly the higJb-standard
commercial school of the Northwest Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. ; Bookkeeping from written forms and by
office practice. 1 Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special
penmanship department. rite for illustrated catalogue.
Forest Grove Monumental Works
Designs and Stock, none better. Quality and
Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES LOWEST on
the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders and all
communications promptly attended to. Will call
and show designs and samples at any distance.
Main Street, N. of P. O. Block.
Mrt. W.'H. Weir, of Vineiand,
waa in Saturday, on bueine?e con
nected with settling the estate of
her late husband.
Martin Mead, wh has a h ipyard
on the Frank Imbrie place, wat in
o vn Saturday, attending tbe spec
ial session ol the county court,
Mise Nellie Wallace, of the Pa
cific States telephone ooioe, is
pnendice her vacation with her
part n is, at Hammond, Ure.
Mies Pearl Smith, ol the Argus
oompoeing room, is visiting tnie
week at The Uallee, wnere sne is
the guest of Mrs. lotor Wismer,
formerly Miss Florence Bidwell, of I
another column. Mr. McCallum ""
is going down into Lake county, Harold Vincnt Milligan, who it
and will Icoate at Fremont, mk- ortaniet ol tht Rulger Presbyter-
ins too trip overland. The Argue itn churoh, New York, and Seore-
will visit bim in bis new nome. ury of tbe Treble Utef uiud, ot tn;
Prof. C. E. Bradley, well known oily, wat a guest a the Alex. Uial-
at Forest Grove, and now in tbe mw " f-
chair ol Chemistry at the Corvalns p. 1 Lilligard and wile, of near
Agricultural College, was in town T..urei were in Saturday. Mr.
the first of the week, a guest of Ro- Lillmard says that hop picking
Occur to You?
"I paid that bill once." "Yon must be mistaken." "Indeed, I am ,
not mistaken." "Have yon t receipt?" It teems to me that I have,
but I don't remember what I did with it." '. "We htve no record of
payment, tnd unless you can produce our acknowledgement in tht -way
of a receipt, we must insist that you pay the account."
But it might have been a different, story had tht bill been pa1 '
with t check on your bank. No chance for argument or diapatt
when the cancelled check is produced. Better pay your billa but
once with a check on this Bank. : , ; t. ,
State BANK.
oorder Willis Ireland. He was ao
oompanied by Mrs. Bradley, and
they went on to uanks, wneie mey
-11 ! -i 11. D .. .-1 1
Will V18U WHO lur, uiaumi o ymi
ente, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Bradley
over his way will begin about Sept
1 and not before. Some yards
will be picked considerably later
Herbert Matteeon,of "Deer Horn
Warm and who in his dav haa
Mames Blaok and wife, formerly Ln on of the miehtieet as well ts
ol Baker City, Ore., have moved to lackiesfc of Nimroie, hat leased hit
UDDer Dairy Creek, two and one- o.n-Dtn Vallev ranch and takes
hail miles above Mountaindale, hJfl ((imiy to Tillamook 0 reside
and Mr. mao nas Daugu im r9r, Jear or 10,
.... kiiilitino nn tka fttniner nlaotl
ltul, UUI.U.U, r . ,ir n-. j :r ..1 J
and will open a mercantile businBss w, w, uoeuow uu iniuru
in .K.i . -av ne ten davt. Mr. from a week at tht 8eattle Fair the
IU . T
Blaok bought the property from last 01 tne wmk. nr. owow ey
nuar .ml h atnrt w illlthev nave a nne ratr auu iui toe
supply about 40 families besides Oregon building has one of th
furnishing a trading point for many finest looations on ths grounds. He
.1.. .Ma In ika V nalanrla dlt- PftVS BetUie IB a Krc viJ buu use
triot. He expects to make tbat tne spun m. ue . Wu..iu, F
n.n. kia neriutnent. home and t&a town, iuerois euw.j.w ui
L..11J . mp Riank- and nnll. a strong pull, and a pull al-
Mr. Gleller were in Friday, getting together-and that It what makes
the deed made out. rniogagu,
When You Start for the Coast -or
the' Mountains
Don't forget that your outfit is not complete nnless
you have a pair of good Field Classes.
One half the pleasure of the seashore ' is ' in
watching the ships go by, and viewing the scenery
up and down the coast. 1 . 1 " ' ..'J't
I have a fine assortment of Field and Marine
Glasses at prices that will suit any purse. , .. ! , ,
Call and see them before yon start. " 1 !
Jeweler and
Graduate " '
i t