The i i JnllLLSBR xvi. HILLSBORO. OREGON, AUG. 10. i90'J NO. 23 ML S i WXroS, FttlDAY Kill liihcr ,iPixG or V4CH0 tkip . - 1.1 1 Lltl.4 III , Is fl ni ut I'nrtlai d: Libers oul l"f rcrello; alJeolal kllliu taeuw Lr., he- uUl dn'Wga ' t. hid- "b itjf mi i on IP L turoirg. and at tble louk the I. K N ' o, Tbl aftrwoti tin boy JiuiUHi tiJ auriwi Mr in kiwi mu. 'bf ,' M licittip ami bv wak of , D Tb lad. Uiil lwIB O! luuinai ill afirmoi, tiJ . . ... i i i it vpthjr un t uiitu ii, ! tlmmaalvaa un C'htd. m a I'litrrel end it ji, he mwuige miini U opetwd tti" !. it and I ibt aii!. which wa rim fd in clwipR tl' hrch, the i .. iii . i. . i.. ii ...... it brtithai right eida, plow mugb!uii(, itid orltiin hurt V'h w ina'atiian- Hugh K 'girt tUibind 10 erifotf nd fh'f lT, and Cor b' C. ISmwo, la company KJfid M i in, a brother bij. it out Hludy ti ttd lit! the irintio bl In to th t)itlon under pilM. where tb b-xly wt M fr ihiuuni ana taken P.. 1 1 til 1 1, . .!.,.! .1 tin. I. Mil.l 11 lu !o rr.Olmg with wllwt, J.laai.t, l lU.niixuh tallied, itui Ihr UI Ut liwd lot Mother, al 4i Motlia atet, Al' 1Mb tada rrr aiilr iitlitiK nhool 11 tml, as4 tht-y aria kliuwn "I. boctn iu fUr tltc IkmIv. kiln t iriiatiithit uwlton with tS, llm contractor. Chr M lJrti(I .l.H bttlrl tilt lit- lolbtf. U lifntllmArn ovf ttit l mollwi i whluar, hrr butlmm) unit Uo inn ago. Thf m luiiy 11 rll bnuwtl Ui luf bltti it the it K. & N. car A)!iB, 1 niim'rr tf vcar. k llt Jldil. tn huy mil young B. . H't to lli- ilrtaili tif lb V. VI III! till? MllM! U I lb titllr U run liuuml In fo il F rl,,r'. h r jrr on ibe pw un nut!, , ihe Itttt Unl until Iiotu llw ills. UaK, ol the mu II EMILY A. r, HANKIN3 Kmilf A. T. Hnkio. Uiruf ih Ut J bn iUnlnf. tt tha huin of bur iltr. Mn 1 ii . . . H, irtur un tttnd0 III 01 f'in..uu. Bh wi born uron Counlf. C.nuU. Kbru i.vh, imi M married l tinnkinn, H.pttuh.r 2 '1, 1877, ona dying in 1895 Two '0 nit vivo. Mm 0:i Kih.l ' l Mhmr. Vith . and Al H lUitkln. of Haltl Waih. Rranu(!liiiitri.i ,t.i..u ti nrollier. (!. A H "hy, tif L'.U.vilU. ant! thru P Mr Fmnk Chulm... mil " l)vi. of North Plain. iv IIRU7, wife of (Im K'y, 01 Hi h horn B tuner! took n! ann Hnnrtav. viow werH h,i thll Ta,i. naini 1'rwhytarlan church at " thn iftHrnnnn It.. IUI PoffloUtirm.lntnrmftnt f,.ll, n tht dmroh rrai-tery. - .nmnw waa hiabi ra p an,t Gloved, and hid p ir 1 n I., ill .1 1 "n in ijIB (CUIIUII K'lrlV vpnra ul,. ... . . . nuw Rao 1 uigiu ' ne MApl.Ht ohtirch. "wHiB Rnhornburg 1 apund Vl0"?' ' vacation at Sea "a iillamook. Ion fli.ll.t ..... . . I.. ., ' . ' rt,iurnet trouo Ana iT" III Ual .,t ik 1. J 1- . : " wfM, ana ii -HiMHig a trip to the ooaat T 11.. " "lstnar. lm k.. n., f 7 years in Kaat Waahlngton PtV. Oil i, t , 1 u ,ro,n nr uauar f. Monday, HB ia .obuo, olk in II? ,1 , "VI 1 iiiominiD, nnhM ))en Indinpobud far 'uunuiH. wan n Mfnn.l.. M. ---. vr f v v W )tid II 1 h " " UHltll lina, ...I L , ..wcTcir sun u aooa recover nop ha will wontud health. J- Mmkin dniri.l k. n.. .v 7 11 " ,nrtnlBht Rodar "ii nn tilli.1 Pr.nW- ahau aa Nimada and an irnut anil ha. mni will I brook V tiuw bava g mxI luutiU i,f oimJ hard huriind hrti k, ami bu.l l- ii( blni'ka for oIUr ami f.,ui,.. ioua Try our building M.x ki ir your liuiiia fouoJaU iia (;hiar than camera nr brick and baiur tiroUctioa againal froi. Wa hav niabd our run of Urira iil and art again running on ftnalUr nd baft a fair auj-jdy at tha yard. antra waniing Ilia dl vard hould !! Ilmlr ordri now an we an haul thatn Imfore bad wnaibar bar la alaaya a rub of hauling ordare in tba Kali whrn roada ar moat iuipaaabla Wa bava a! aupuly of rough and dri.J lutntr at our null, and a nuamiiy common lumlwr at tha Hat pur, balo Naion. tha UtUr lo H at aacrifice 212. 2H. 2i(5 if lilO. IiH, lilt and lit. of varioua lanth'a Tbia it all khI dry aiock, and it lll j.y you to nvaatlfala abould y u want any of lha dimantiuna (ironer iV Hot- I Co, Hcbolla, Ilill.birn. II 2. K. II Holarmund, of N'awlon, aa la town Friday, aod aaya tbal bar la Mildarabla agitation for a mod big boulavard running from liartba claar tbroug1! to llitll;ro and Koriavt (irova Tha Udd tr.o ar Ua.tba I now putting in a tratcb ol road and if thaHhao- Far paopla, btwxn IUlvilla and IWamlon, aod tba I.add Ac Hard paopla tbi id, will aid, togalbar lib what tha county could aid.wi may gal a Due ibarougbfara claar thrniiib to tha malrot olta, It la a cintlia'bat tba mad tai of two or .a a 1 a tore niairicia, lor a yaar or lo yara, f ir Inatanca, togalbar with a title oouoly aa wrll private aid, would oiaka tba prnpoeiiloo any. Kor Hale New twj atory b iue M riK'tna, with woodihed, on lot Wa 191. Oa Fifth and Jtckaon, cwrriar. Hnlmdid loralion, Fuur lock from cm ft bou: 4 block lo ()rgon Klactrlc; 6 blork l acbool. City water; alaogiod w ll M. N. iljobem. 11.11.1, .ro V3 h A lU'vey haa b-an rutda on tha outh aide td VaWiiglnn, from Bacntid lo Third, and alao fn tba aet aide of Third, from Mala lo Vabiiirli n, and canieot tidawatk 111 be laid 00 both alreata, tbu giving the city concrete walk round tba aotlre block. Cbaa. K 1'arkar baa aold hia in- ereal in the tiillahnro Mrctrie Supply Houm to J. It Powell, bi partner, and bo will to Ibe future conduct tbebuilnaea. Mr. Farkr will make a trip tn AlUrta in the near future. M. N Bonbam. for eavaral lerma laacbar tn the Laurel aaotion, bia aken the princlpaUhip of the Un inn ecbool, near Cedar Mill, for (he Fall and Winter term. He will be aaelalad by Mia Teuiplelon, of roreel drove A McGill. who haa charge of tbe ig Orrgon Nureery plant at Oren- co. wa in Ihe city wonaay. vireo haa a building boam 00, and ibert will l many cottage hum there aa eoon aa the general olhoee ara moved. J. B Wilka. alMitractor, return ed the laat of the weak from hla Saaltle trb. where be met with tbe National Aaeociation of Abntreoi and Title Men. He reporta a very nalructive meeting. Marahal Carl Lameo. Thus. Wll- lama. Jaaiir Williami. Will Jck and lio Ireland went over to uil b rt Creek, on the alough. Sunday on a cat-fiVblng eipeditlon, and re port a g'lod catch. Knr aale or trade: Two 11. V aaanlina enaine. Blover. with tanki and trucka. or without, and alo unraving outfit. Will aell aingle or aeparate.-W. H. Btrattoo, Corne. iua, Ore. " and wife, of thla city, returni-d the last of the wet mm an a tended BIBV n"ii". their annual camp. J.l.payamo weather hai been more than 0001 over there. t u nla. who out 200 aorea nf hav thin reieon, waa In the city j . ti. . . . Unnrl.n aflornoon. lie rriwur ill UUUI ,- ... ou hi city flwction Monday waa ah lutaly dtvoid of loteraat, and but 1 vote were caat. Hiity 8ve oUd fur atiii)dment of the cbar Ur lo permit the council to give a 25 year franchiae to tba meeenl w wnartof ibawatarand light plaot 1bre were but fiva vote aiainat be amend man t to poat noticea of leragee of ordinnca, or publUh, a tb council decided Judge Hood, John Miloe and A (!. Archbold wi-ra iudgaa, and W. . Hinilb and Klmond Cornelio ctad at cUrka It wa a dull day nd ih-u viaitor were not over oumroua Tbi will give tin council power to ratify tbe aale of the plant and a ibe purchaaar a clear title. Tba ntw company will now be In a poailton to lurinar ineir mill prniKMiiiofl, and there will 1 aoniethlrig doing in that line before many month AUCTION SALS Tbe undrigned will aell at public aa! at tbe Lul farm 21 milea orlh of Mount irulalf, near Eaal I'nloo Dairy Cbu'chai 10a m,on MONDAY, Al'OUdT 30 ma of ni oaia going buehel to the aero R Hohaafer. the Linnton poet anil mnrchant. waa in the nitr the first of tbe week, and made i. a..ll the Argua a pieaaan ou The Oregon Klectrio late car ran ... tmn nnw.i near Orenoo, Friday evening, killing one and Injuring another. T. aural M. Hovt waa an Oregon n 1- ni.iin Miinnav.- miuiua wife, who baa Deen a guee. oi lives. t.i... n.,..lin and wife. of Monta .... in tha nltv the laat ol the week, gueata of relatives. nr.. HnivU Tucker, of Clark eton Waah is the gueat of her mother Mrs. 0. D. roweu. J. 8. Robinson, the Farmlngton rancher ani orobacawi, w town Monday. T. Millar nf aboVS OleDOOS 1 ' hita Hatilics the Sale I'ower I'lant ol Otl SUfY FIVE 10 TIS IT Utile laurtat Takia la tbe Elullie Dr. A. C. Katon, of Foreet li-ove, waa In town rrlday. O II. Prangar, of Leiayvill , wa n town Haturday. Cbaa Holcntnb, one of Wt I'oion oldtimera, wia in town Fri- lay. II. M Baaford, of below Hoode, wa to tbe city Friday, 01 legal bueiniiNi. Juatioe P. N. Vandemnden was down from Hanks. Friday, accom panied by Geo. Vanderzandeo. Mr. A. Blotter, whoa buehand ia on the Hawthorne place, at of town, wa an Argua caller, Friday. RETURN TO OLD DAI'S BY AN OLDTIME BOY Man Sixm Kitihtv Years Age Cradles Grain cf CITS AND BISDS LIKE PIPIT TWO Keayaa Cnadall Cradlea Grata Crp fur D. B. Keaaaaer speaking of 01 Jen timet; of modern linnrovementa : nf bindara trim- M. W. Hahn, cf Mouotaindale. . l. A . ,k., ...j was in tbe city Friday, a ptiaat of , , ., n ,. , his daughter, Mra. W. F. Hoffman. 01 mal IM ureB0D cl,mtw aw 10 11 a- w.t 1 1 tau 1 lf'riD down constitutions or Its II. W. Miller, formerly of shady l . ..1. n. Brook, and now reeidinjt at Foreat T , vs (irove, wa in town the lal of tbe CDUJ Don " " u week. lieamjner were talking about bar Freeh milk cow wanted: Fie ,,lin "d Vm'c ner T" n nred lhe freah milk oowe wanted Mutt be opimtn that Mr. Crandall, who 1 good cream oowe T. Del a no, Ii-a la pioneer of 1852, and who waa ' verton, Huu'e 1 If you want a bouae moved, or carpenter repairing, call on M. C. Hewitt. Firat clara work. Coun try work solicited .M. C. Hewitt, UilUboro years of age July 21, might like lo ewiog a grain cradle again, as be did nearly sixty years ago. Tbe old boy" told him he wasn't court ing that kind of work, but that be wou'do't mind limbering np his It. L. Kobinaon, of Farmtngton, mueclee if be just bad a good era and who baa put in tbe best part die. A bargain waa made and of an aotive life in that eection. Crandall procured a cradle and wa up to the city Friday, greeting went out to tbe Reasoner ranch, bia friend. two miles south weft of town, and Be J. C. Greear if you want to 1 ' "d f b,lf cradled .nd aeil youroate. Market price. See Luna ne7 ,cn'? 01 ,n- . . 4 ..... I I aial 1 r em n. all L ft al a f Ih bwapbT him at II abiro Pbarmacv. or 'a telephone P.c.fio States 125; lode-1 s " - " :tK7 9 f iiito, it. w., .u I i " ' I . n.. i iar,o I CSBIUTJ W VI CkVJU IU JUVe9 V VTWTI U p Loui Himel, on tbe J. A. Imbre the plaina aa far as Bait Lake with farm, latt week tbrasbed over 100 Hon. H. W. Scott, now tbe vener- bushel of oat and tares from one able editor of tbe Oregoniaa. He acre. Tbta is the beet record so tar baa made bia mme in waeninglon High Q UALITY Drug S tore Wi: ASK WO FAIKF.U. test to our ability lo arrve you with any thing in etatiooery than to compare oar allowing wih any other yen know. Ak (jt anything In the way of STATIOPIEUY. If we cannot anpply it, yoa can make op your mind to two thingt. It ia not to be had anywhere or it ouali y I inch that we do not care to handle it. If it ii good and ia in the atationery line, you will find it beie if it is to be had anywhere at all. You will alao find oar line of drugs and druggists' anudrie complete and of high quality. Onr services are right. Our prices are right and our goods the very best obtainable. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. from tbe Weat Union section. Wanted 600 cedar fence pout Mutt be of good size and ijund. Blats price, aod a hire can bi aeen Addrea W. W. Anderson, Rwd vills, Ore. 22 I County, ezcep'iog a trip or two Last, snd a trip to Honolulu in I 1 854 and a year or aa in Portland md Ashland, ever since became w.. .. . over tbe romand Mountain in December, 1852. He makes hi borne with tbe reporter of the Ar gus, and is widely known among all tbe old pioneers. BOY TO REFORM SCHOOL lira wre, 6 r'. Ij'; $ cows. 'oltuwa: ittailcd Jirji ami bhort- uiiii. S vr. in uillk: (.railed Jerev, J vis. tu un k: arancti jrnwv ami nuon- born. 4 yr. la milk, with full blood Jer wy brtfrr call at H't'I tloUletn and UI.....I.... .....I- .' tmn ..fftintf .-iiuii.iuf .. , 3 j--. , B i , . . . . . . i .ia ..11 Jrracv bcitert: Mitchell wairon. waniei wtey, woo oougnv tni o S; iiKbt back, buggy. 6 ft Cbampiuo H, Dunbar ranch, BuU'h Tualalin. bimU-r, Milwaukee mower, 4S cm. , fw -tri t-0 tDd a h Could fell ft tliborn auikv re. 11 loco aieei .. j ...ui. u.i 1 :.l r. . 1- ..l,. .Il harm.. ..). 'Ur " UUUUIO Wliat UB BII4 IU, f m in liiww , yivviai ' " 1 n 1 . m . . 1 . a r.,i...;u.r Mirhi Ian imil. hv canter. u Doi inree umea was ia wwn lib IV feel roiieaud single harpoon Saturday, and called On lbs ArgUS. Homar Warner, aaed lfi vear. and . , . 1 . . . -a I ' I" -- a B V hay loik, pltrnioraa, anovei, vai. 7 11 , a ann nf a Buxton hlapkamilh and v ' 'm; . f-ltl .V.luf. Vnr aa U- SKrnnab ra and Rim. eon Ol a OUXCOn D'aCBBmun, BOO I ,.-t-r .inmn anuun. beatmir siove. kn.,!tui ....Knai .n.i Ilobt Simpson, a 13 jear old lad, , w . 1 - . , . " 1 wuiiiiini atuoi j v i ui'a vvum a i , J t Tt a I .love Pil. iron neuiieaci, wire msv .., WK,An.hi, were o.-oukq oowu irom ouxwn out oiner aniaci. , . . ; Z. unUr ncp thn J. If. Rinrk m.rttiin. . . . 1 I liiiK tmnnrUil mint H rrt I irAflAV I - " " Terms of Bale-HU or under. .Tt'Z rr p, , , oT'Mdiaw tor. Deputy District Attor- cash: 110 and ovsr, 12 month . nev Tonsue oermitted tha Simneon lime, approved note, 6 percent fleo W'ithycombe, son cf Thos. lad to return borne, as it was shown (uteres I. THE' SCHOOL OF4QUALITY". Tenth an4 Morrison, Portland, Oregon" g g ' A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal . Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest i Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. 1 Shorthand that excels in every respect, Special penmanship department. iWrite for illustrated catalogue. 10 per cent dlaoount for witbyoombe. was in town Friday, that be waa under tbe itflaet.oe of cash over $10 Mary K Losby, Owner. J, C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. K L. Bhute, Clerk. BANK IS REORGaNIZBD and went on out to Glenooe to ihiekUr. Warner was taken be look over a bunch of dairy stock fore Judge Good in and sentenced to I for a prospective Portland buyer I tba Reform SccodI. He is running the home ranch near I It ia said that the Wircer boy Bcbolla. has been in tbe babit of watching i r L J a r a l 1 I d it iono i T,v. aepari irom me eiore ma Maddimr and wife, tn the Kmmott lhe.n en,rlD il "d helping him- Firat Na- .... L.v. T.t.ii . tki- to whatever bis fancy dictated. a vt 1 1 iiiBBiiow i lauiiii. uuui u a udibiiii. duiii suip i . . . . . . u.w r ir.ut rirnvA huL: n. . i u.. u. jj: . .s. I he lad a mother is dead and nis ,,., . . : I K' "eo ra r. luu m-uu.u, . F... ... ... M .... t. & An An nnlk. been etTecUd and lbs swcanoiaera of boys and they are very much :.,:,, Vk k k r Ik. n.Bi nal llltllin ara JDDD . ....J Iki IIIa nk.n'a ...T . nZ. i Mit nr H S". " Ur and it is too bad that he Fiiiiiievuu, utoiii - i rival. 1. . . . . t Smith. K W. . . ia wayward, uad m lad not been i. nu. . -- W a R un mii u nn Knnta 4 1 u . r J... :. :. :wi. .u.. t j j u I.lraiin W 11 I ' v..., v-...w. - au uiu uuouugr is uusbiuiq iu lainee, U ii I airaon, . , . .. . i. j a.. :. Holli L J. Cor , H. J. Hon, all v. " "ji " , ? ub migu. uwo i ClUUtH. 1 4 vui t " . la!,- Bm,1 U a aAn Pi sl laaMma aial i L. 1 a. s. 1 V! ! of that city; T. W. Sain, Bcoggin. ;---" -V 100?" . 10 m aawuwa v. m-m w w - VUAIKC Ul IU VV SU U 1 lUCB, a . at. a 1. .. it-a I Ivlonuments Forest Grove Monumental Works CAN SAVE MONEY FOR YOU Designs and Stock, none better. Quality and Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES LOWEST on the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs and samples at any distance. Maiu Street, N. of P. O. Block. GEE & JONES Box 343 FOREST GROVE, ORE Valley; W. K. Newell, of Gaston For the preeent the bank will con- l" week to visit with Leo here in the 7Pku- . i, meaent Bullock, well known here ' huainees at Us present , , , . , ,8. but will probably ba re- y" ?J P1Bt aQ Bone- been eleoted vice president. FOREST GROVE SCHOOLS Agent Crooise, of the Oregon Eleotrio, is taking his annual vaca tion. J H Humphreys, of Portland. In tosh is a resident of Eldorado, and raised here, was cut Saturday Kansas, and is engaged in the cat- and Sunday. dirt 1 niiarlBi ... .... HI 111 U....ul .1 .. moved later co me a w uun H0n nickers waniea: AC cne building on Main street, which will wm, Bsglev bopyard, 3 miles N ha remodeled. It is understood or. of Hillaboro: 9 seres to pick: that K. W. Haines. ex-State Bena- Lverv aooommodation. Leave vour tor and president if the State register at office of Attorney Geo lowest cash price. Banking Awooiaiion, win uo r. Bagiey, Hillsboro, or witb wm nreeident ( f the reorganized bank Bairlev. Hillaboro. Or.. R 3. 23 5 '"" .. ... I I -' W. 11. HOU18, a I0CSI iBwyrr.u-. n -... D, 1. tuciuiuou, a u moiu ui ran Jacksou, accompanied by his wife and daughter, were here tbe last of the week, visiting at tbe Uounty T . T . .. 1 I u. aaA V ..o.l l.rnTH Will BUI'll UTV t in,,nln arbool building completed a .1 . f.aa. The corps or leaon... mVj . . . business. Tha b.e P6' .terin:. .,..... family came out to take in tbe ... tV '...i.i.nt: Mis Bell Chalnier. Fair at Seattle and see some oi me eiuth' grade; Miss May Mack, eeveuth; ooast Country 7,"i.t.i,1 Mis Elisabeth ll I WJB If IB1II m A V ' I . - I . . a. . a. .... . . ... . di....i..h i in n a i . j : wmirtOn. hfUi: aVLlM JUCriC ouiniiauau, aj, XV. AlVOT UU Wilt), BUU OUU, ....... , . .ii. j. v .. i . . . . fouith; Mi mn cooae.uuiQi . j- n0 wbo Is attending college at tie Orecr, second; Mis llerth Clement, L,wr;n0e, Kans., arrived in the firitincoln School-Mrs. B. M. Gardner, city the last of the week, and were alutb and seventh grade, principal: Mis guests of relatives, W, H. M 01 ton Mary Stas, rotirtn ami imu, ra. v. tnd xbey are very Fuqus. sMond and third; M.a. M.ry Q bcroggs, nrsi. . . . ni.M.nt Dl.ce8 SPECIAL SALE of their travels. Mr. Alter Sr. is one ol the bis farmers of Kansas, J !.!. l L U.. VI,. .1.1. I. n . J A... Ol ... I auu llliuio nio ouu r. v nor niw At Ureer a, oacuruay, uB. , ... ... . 8..ttl( day only. . . .a. Fair tha firat of the week, enroute i i a5 copper bottom wanoouer yoc - WANTED: A FEED CUTTER A hand power feed cutter wanted: aleo a horse power feed grinder. Write and let me know wbat make and bow long used. Also state T Delano, Beaverton, Or , Route 1. J3.50 clothe wringer joo gal. oucacia . . . Ooe day oniy. $a-95 .arc Peroy Allison aod wife, 0! Port home. W. H. Jenkins, Traveling Paes enger Agent tor the Southern Pact' I Be, and J. B Eddy, claim agent UU .-.I. .V . . . , thecitv land, were Vieuing reiauvw. -.M. Mr TCddv wa onoe editor Sunday. - of tha Forest Grove Times and was Wm. Bell, of Tualatin, waa up to ln tbe oouniy seac moauay, au- we not tim9B in newspaper clroles ed on tbe Argus. Eddy says he always feels like he Just follow tbeorowd to Nelson's would like to get into the editorial mm! 8treet barber shop the harness but sys he don't like to only four-ohalr shop in Washing- run a paper in the same oounty 1 n m.m 1 wilk mn mn.n . man as nil! Mill A1WBII 1UUI UIDU UU I WIIU DU UIDIU m mm v.w mmw St ton County Rev. Belknap and wife have re turned from a ocmping trip up in the mountains. Mr Belknap brought in a pair of buck horns, a trophy of his trip. D B. Lueby, of Mountaindale was in the city Saturday. He has sold his ranch to G. nager, of Phillips, aod will give possession in the near future. Mr. Lusby has notioe of an auotion salt of person al property in another column. R. Lee Sears and wife and Ferd Hartrampf, who spent a recent Sunday at Meaoham'a, claim the record trip with an international Auto buggy, making the return in 55 minutes. They claim the reo ord for speed aod say they have a run that beats this and are only waiting for other announcements . Ferd Groaer, of Soholls, and who bail owned an auto aince the oounty had its first primer olass in ohoo choo oars, had . bia Brat "tow in" ths other day, sinos be wm- menoed his oareer as a cbaffeur He was brought in from near Glen ooe. and it ia supposed he waa out to see how ths United is getting along. DID IT EVER Occur to You? "I paid that bill once." "You must be mistaken." "Indeed, I am not mistaken " "Have von a receipt?" It seems to me that I have, but I don't remember what I did with it." "We have no record of payment, and unless you can produce our acknowledgement in the way of a receipt, we must insist that you pay the account" But it might have been a different story had the bill been pa' with a check on your bank. No chance for argument or dispnta when tbe cancelled check is produced. Better pay your bill but once with a check ou this Bank. CORNELIUS State BANK. A Sig'net Ring' Beautifully engraved with initial or monogram makes a pleasing gift that will last forever. I have an assortment that will satisfy every imagin- able taste. IN PLAIN BAND RINGS I can meet any requirement in weight and karat. SET RINGS Are so captivating to the eye of every woman. From time immemorial a ring has been the token of friendship and love. They are ideal gifts for loved ones. 5 LAUREL M.HOYT Jeweler and Silversmith, Graduate Optometrist j. .. 1 f f 1 r - f I' '1 '' 1, "v f - 1 vn ",V, - was in Monday. Saturday, 22tf Long." attiiver the goods. 1