The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 12, 1909, Image 1

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vol xvi.
12. 1909 NO. 22
pi'tlHHMtV K)R
We now have a e.,tn MiiiiiU i.f
gmul hard burned brn k, ml build
in( blm-ka fir cllara at il found
lions Try our builJu.g block ;or
your buue fouoJa'i m Cheaper
then CHinrnl or lruk ami Uiw-r
protection tgtiait frwt. V hav
nntb4 our run of Urg til anil
are again running on smaller U-
aid have a fair supply at tti yard
at ilea wanllng tile, delivered
should plan Ihmr mA-t now auwe
. nan baui them before- bail wr.iber
Vk.i nlira roiil HI Help CH) tbi-ra l elway a rush of hauling
uriiDis iii tus ran "itr n roan are
aluioat ltnpable Wi have a
I'khI rupply cf rough ami
IUiulMr al our mill, and a quaMity
of common lumber al the lit,
and llh. Iir pur, blow N.wlon, lb latter to
... !..... la a aho. il ID0 SaU
, . ... 21 lmlO, UK, 1K1 and 1. 1, el
h. oroperty u-nri. . 7v- Uruh-a Thi. I. .11 aw
- ' i. i.i . - ...
ill but ' e' cepnai w io,nvi jf. tuicli tn, U will pay you lo
and ei'ia"" ln milling. InvewllMU should yr-u want any of
iil.bnfo'i new lilt lo Tillamook ihe dimensions -!roBr A How
X.ry b .b..i 40 billion M . ". R
to,J timber and your snip- Tb Tualatin Tile and Itrick CV.
! fcilitir ate ri'lrtxliU ur lUtu J L citttlh 11 1, a una of the :niici
. 1.1. i . . L.-ll
output. There U 00 Iteeon Pi P'pwuwp, in dui.u rig one in
,, ,, , i . ,m , uneei pi.m in the stale it
a laueiman. N . .Di,d
three V"r. Jff wf tepi "in a.ral thousand do! ara ln eMtinj
I pull tush-r mt eP- ib plant loi alia.' nil bio com
, w lultr('d l tnl I jjiM tbay baa a mmlt-rn lo
bit tny gl tl " ncra
L ptnn(,jvia Tlinhcrmin
I u..ur Location lit Ucl
L....i,'.i.i rraon ur trowi
HIl l0Cli tO"fB
Oiunly OunmisiiornrH
j urn t AuKii!it 21
l! V I'unly, oik dist No 4 59 50
Jmi WotilKhlrKeli bridge rrjMiir 6 50
Hirrin A hohlrr, lor (Jul iH 8 00
Willi Ireland, al, drputy and et
U hrlp so
M M Mead, Rrav bridyr and fill.. v" '0
Juo liorwlck, lkri k fill dit 7,, .15 7
luhnaun Brua, Ibrdwt 7 y 6
Joliiiwn Broa, Ibr dill, Keluy, up4 is 19
Krllrl Ann frrcman, y, I'.lilHrlU
Iiirlaod, 6; Jane, 1.
WitiH-Mra Mra Wm Kinle, f J 70; J
I. t inliird, xut Ilaltie Iximiriiont,
4 i; I'lulip Portff, j 70; Ctauile I.)da,
4 !xj; II K Marrrtt, 3 90; Juliui Martina-
i. I.70; Mra Nettie Marlimrzl, 1.70; IJr
Kamrraa Trioncilpta la utic Cwr t j Vim-rnt,; Lcui hKrrt. I.90; Oicar
uartcn, 1 70; joon run, 1 y.
Sfitiid 11 Ll
(io CoriigaD, of Shady B ok,
Tbtt County lizard mr-t laHtmk w1 io to,,n fe!urdy.
and atitl-J the routine bunions fur
Lost Team Ilornts, Hay and
Two Calves, Monday Lveniog
Buiiaing Bnraed H.ot O'cleca
at Jiigbt
Dauirl Roe, of near Meacbam Croe
Leo I'erkini and family bare re- ing, above Mountaindale, and wto
turned from an outiog in the Bui- lives near tbeechool bouse, lost hie
ton action. barQ by fire Mon(j,y erening, about
John Ennea, tbe South Tualatin eeVen o'clock. Mr. Roe retired man waain town Satur- .bout nine o'cUck, and wae.wak.n
71 ed about eleven by to? crackliog of
u. J. Diuinua uenry uoge 01 lheliiinef. Ueruehtd to iba build-
Houtb Tualatin, were over to the . , . . , ,
county Beat the U.t of the w ek. ,0 t0 hU hot "nd CslTel"
. , but when he arrived the roof fell
the month. Many tranacripta were
al oed and loan bridge, Bniehed
undrr contract, were paid for out o(
the road funJ.. The court will
meet on Haturday, Aujiut 21. 1h'
bucineea tramiacled follow:
Wairhutiar licctint icd; Pcrlcl Ill((e'
b r!uii.
H ad N'a 4'4, irtiiioii Jolm Marten,
rt !, ofdrird e ttditird.
A W l'ikr, C 1' l izard and Jiwrpb Con
rrll BjijMJinlcd roitiuiiuiuoti to inret at
Tualatin, Aii( 9 and lile route of ditch,
trillion Tualatin Mill Co, and ae
P Pck for lhe Lcob Raffety of Mountaindale,
onrutmtv t.nd.e. Ka!l barveet. who wae in Tueeday morning, eaya
lc-lj i- tbat Mr- Roe tbinke the tire wee
A. J. McCabe, who finished a t.ig caMed by eponUoef,a, comboetion,
contract on the P. R. A N , the be houeeJ eome damp bay a few,
pa.t eeaeon, wai out Saturday, oo dty (f0i aild it Wg undergoing
legal buwneee. heal iJe evidently bas no idea
Jacob Reichen. onetime budt that it was of iccendiary origin
and I) A i jity. a Minrr, Wm l.ynn, vj(0r j vgt Union country, and there were no campers at that
John Hluy. l-'rrd Winch; Chat tlurnham, , , . . 1,. ' -i.-.
LldlcrK; Wm llell. cwron.iKkela ln(1 h """T ,flend8 ,,er' PUM'
was in vown r nuay Hrnnlr Kin b im for mane
yearn, wee in Haturday. sreetioB lW0 e"B' nu "omo ua' uu l"m
bie friendi. machinery were consumed, making
r: ir.iKnm w V nf tbe lof a ievere one to a email
v vwi auaM V n ' ' - t i
a a 1 I
netr Laurel, were in Baturaay, narmer
fitoi Hod
S li m 'il 1 1 n apiMiiiitrd ii!rr-
dit vice W I Kaymuud,
j l..ti'lnn At I nrliiir, ou rouil liour, J
,rt., lor 175.
Triiciipn allownl: ntate raea IM
llltlllion. In com Ia r eiuec'e
. . ... ....I i.lrthll.lliVa ll.L.!.. .1.... -II . .Ll .
oi ai" " i'-""--"" iMiaiup iii' ii iiruiu .v an ur lur itinnl
I TM H,ni IfOlU I .Sorthwe.l, but Iba principal ia John Vandrrttal Kivrn poliry of Jvx,
. in.! wiiniii ail I it it . . . , i i n I
WllWlai ....... - IJMHIH win IW I UIIIIUU.
tltb .nA'.iw tepr.i-otauve tie
bar dy TbU grnlleman haai n. i urriw, -u. aon mur
UmUt loo grown from cniwren, ife Peiia. nuoy, .ona
mk ni In citie in lit 0V RlUr "'I'"i airi iu i ii
Wark time and agein In bit fifty tb wtk, and duiuioiled with John
'yieriof ilmUrtnao lifs and htU rrvaani r.rouy, 01 rwuui ma
alio, inev coma rrom uuiuin,
Minieoie, aber Mr. Purvee u ,o view id. ution J a lolmaon et'al, nation, near Laurel, for three yeare. Notice is hereby given that tbe
ri t i . - i - n , L2.. r . k
Wwutd only after be bad teu
Ibrouih tlienat rant ant wen
bit e have in tbe way if frMia
Tbi citr ha a number of fine
!ltri tbat cmild Im uilln d fo' aw
mill tliii'i It U not nrce-ary
tblt land clo in be Ufd but It
. rriiil tor lb growth tf the
town tbat il I cloee enough to be
'actually eoburban. Th e or fou'
big lawraiilt could ae well as n i
tni a plc Iit fr buioeoa, for
tbty will g i ne re tby cn get
litre reaaonahle-and there i no
rawoi why in lt.wtnente cn not
bt paeoni out hre that can lend
tbem. The nil three year ie go
log lobe areoird breaker fire
tabllihment of big luill.eomeab-re
long the rauilio Hailwav Naei
lalioo line h vein not HilUbiro
l bu.y and Und eome good tub
taotial piyrolU?
Cleik'a July Ire, fi6v .v6; lecorder,
r ; "J . . .1.1. j . . Ik. d !. i
J A Imorie, I W Conneli ami iu. vevor iiueoi oo a par ui vu uuui uu-
William Robinson, who bas re-
yardaiaaier fr ibe Northern Paoi
flo tie will return in a few day
nd resume b;i position for eome
time, but lb lamiiy will remain in
Oregon Mr. Purvee ii a son of
tbe boat and boate.
Tbe Knights of Pythias eipect to
oecuov tbair brick about Nov. 15.
Tbe front of tbe ball will
Nwbri nreaeed brick and will
prerenl a very bandaome appear
ance, Pelphoe UUi) K Of f , of
tbe Urove, will soon oommence the
erection f a building which will
aoat them In the oeigbWbood ol
! 000, HilUtwro'e building, lot
and all. will repreeent a value of
over H0,OW.
Hon. C. r. TigarJ.of TUard
Auk .
(, W iUrli and ! lUkerapp'd view
er lo meel wllh urveyor and view toad
r petition W 1, rroii el ail, Aug
Court alj-iiirne(l la Aug 21.
Tbe followin- claims were allow-
Ncli BrriKren, ai mat, roJ mrvrv 6 oo
Innl lti,..i fruit nr.irk llltl II - 6l (
. I J , - '
o 01 C K leic:iiuin, Held aiug
Ma Cramtall, tvtinly aror.
J K Butler, plalung road dtntrict JO 00
Kuie& MoFee.lhr Jacaaoobrulgejil H6
lit W 1) Wood, dreMiug wound
Oacar Andcrauu, I jo,plmt An-
leraoti decamped wit It a 00, viit
Jnu Shea, jail a as - 6 76
Kllie Oodmaa, aeor' othce... , 78 00
was over to tbe county seat Balur
The Climax mill ie being given
a new engine bouse by Heim &
Heidel. Tbe old one bad seen
years of service and a new en
cluHUre was badly netded.
County Superintendent of Wash
ington county will hold the regu
lar examination of applicants Ijr
State and Couoty papers at the
public school building, in HilUb
ro, as foliowe:
Commencing Wednesday, August 11,
T.hi Wilkaainl aaat nf tr-wn t. at 9 o'clock a rn., and ontinuiog until
.r.i1!"'.? L, tST";. Ur. M, .909. et 4 o'clock
60 OO ..ukl.Ai . Wail UAm fsatv
I fJ lea Ul ID U 1 tl m ICWIU IUI wsei iwu 1 p jjj
tuv wi , . .v.- Ik. nA I ' 1 n TJl
Hudson Bav Co. Laat week he Spelling. I'hysical Geography, Reading
.. . l. oi t.. i . I FiychoU
cauguv t iuutj iu ran ij.
8 e J. C. Ureear if you want to
sell your oats. Market price. Bee
him at ilil!boro l'nermacv, or
I will 11 at public sale at the
Becond Street cjrial lo UilUbiro
at 10 a. m , on
Over lj head of dairy slock ai
Sixty eight cow giving milk,
practically freeh: m of the
fresh neit Spring; 30 head to bi
irssb brtwen no and October 1
All thr.e cow are well selected
and give a swd 11 iw of milk
Mr. Tiaard wis raUed down in tne t; t-, juncwek, ibif and dep .aas oo
Ttgardville section, and bas two or 0 0 Hancock, sbffeip ot 100 o
........ 1,1. nnnntv J R lUinliue, lk work. Co will 16j J5
inrmi uiun . - , s -mllullgi kirck hri.lgc 3J3 oo
in the lower bouse al raleni. w Kaytuoud, r work &aupeivieori49 35
. .. : 1 .lf.. U ae
' ). . t .Jl. ... 1... 1 A, printing A aUiionery 66 50 leiepnone raciuo oiaiee no, iuu
W M lackaoa, co irea - 50 00 penaeni, 001. i"
W II Stratton, fruit intpectur aa OO
Frank tKhuiiug, wu stiaemr imex 400 a, m. Biumauer, oi roriiana.
lie was up to tbe city Tuesday, Jos Cunneil v,ew.r,g road 14 40 wbo is interested with J. y
l;.!" u Zlnt, Jat friaodV Bweenw io the W Tillamook li
- -- .t u Ulincoc,...u, ou P . c.....J. 1V!
CODiractt wao uu L3aiuiu;,niviis
I t II C...U a-k)iriif ntaiii mils" . . N 3(
A W. Pike, of Beavertoo, was up
Ira K Bradley, moving cruher... 37 50
Tu!ar. nterested In maiing a
report 00 a drainage deal oeiog
u,ed by th Tualatin Mill u
Jot. Conneli and Hon. Cbas. F
Tigard were the other commission
AlKart Strife, of Ulillsdale, east
Washington County, was tbe only
of Hsneon, who was up arourd
W.l.inglon to New, priming.... 750 D.lou " rTJ
Abe Hipp, dnKe li ao 600 oentlywent to Portland and m o
J A Imbrie, circuit court record..,, ai 00 result of his trip got time ot Kel-
W L lUchelder. view road M 40 jeig Bune.
C A Brickman, chainuian road...... 6 00
Henry Uenrickaen, road marker... o 00 for sale: snropBnire ana Mm
Allium Ucmoii. axeman on road... 6 00 I l.;i., ...,,a vAarlincrR and lambs.
Olio Hendrickaon, road cbainman 6 00 .. -hl . .-:,. Khrooshires
1 1... .... nrrm mm on rotlrt "a--
juu , n.Ji.n ia mil nf Kno-
houc ioarance 75 00 aro uuiv.uv.,.u
Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theo
ry of Teaching, Grammar, Bookkeeping
Physics. Civil Government
Friday Physiology, Geography, Com
position , A'gebra, English Literature
School Law.
Saturday Botany, Plane Geometry,
General History.
Commencing Wednesday, Aaguat n
at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing nntil
Aueust 13, 1009, at 4 o'clock, p. m.
Wedneadav PenmanshiD. History
interest to his Orthography, Reading, Physical Geog
Thurada Written Arithmetic.Theorv
A railroad erader oy tne name 0t Teachine. Grammar, Fhynoioey
Friday Geograpny, Bctiool Law, Vivil
Government, F.nglisn Literature
after matters
d give gw.l II ,w of milk. M,nlon uPTn. Tan in thi A A Momll countyiurveyiog..... S.6o H8h imported stock.-J?erd Gron.
Several head of heif-rs f.e-h late Washingioi County mao n ini Uk d ,D(i ejtp.,.8 65 Scboii- Hillsboro, Rt. 2. 2133
tbi Fall , in tbe Winter. ! drawors at Skane the first JM c c,W)U.ry and oflic exp .... 89 3CD0"8' ai '
l:.. 1 i f . 11 rameiVMi nome M r r. trave tltiior eitense 100
fifii cuii cream annaramr lun i " " . t... ... - .
t . . r. . .1 . I 1 - - X.'. T I ' 1 llilllf . UIH UY VUltr,,..., v vv
oy lleara power. Ut of 10 gallon ""O araw.rg iy. i)r Mumford, aet broken arm for
euuiroaimr luilg cans Vn. ..u , tra.le: T0 H. P Oncar Anderson uiwuoweu
Grant Zumwalt, who has eiooe
April took in the rounds from
Prineville to Grays Harbor, and
from ther to the Fair at Seattle,
High Q
Drug S
test to our ability to
serve yon with any
thing in stationery
thao to compare our
allowing wi h any
other ytn know. Ak
fir anything in the
way of
If we cannot strpply
it, yon can make np
your mind to two
thing. It ia not to be
had anywhere or it
anali'y usncb that we
do not care to handle
it. If it is good and
ia in the stationery
line, you will find it
hete if it is to be had
anywhere at all.
Yon will also find
our line cf drug and
druggists' sundries
complete and of high
Our services are
right. Our prices are
right and our goods
the very best obtainable.
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon ' g 3 ' A. P. Armstrong, LL.8., Principal
Old in years, new ia methods, admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the Northwest Open all the year. More
calls (or help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms said by
office practice. I Shorthand that excels in every respect Special
penmanship department. iWrite for illustrated catalogue.
Teo six monlha' hnara mil of r . ' u -lit, lank Schmidt & Ku iach, telle! tt-ler
Ledd'aiira gasoline eng n , -. ; . S S relumed home laet week and
e.v ana over, I year's approved ' (e W, H. Stratton, Corne- J Baldwin, serving PfP"8'1"0" w Wallace Wilson, eon cf Sher
beokahle note, at 8 per oent. 2 per 1 ! w. 18 tf Hillsboro Livery Co, ..very county ,
wot off for onh over 10 ' , ... webbVuverJimecourt' house 1 00 in8 Springs the last of the w
11. Stticker, Dr. J K. A- kins departed tod., JVui.he,. care 8 psopers. 8. 60 ;nd ap fhe ArgU9. trrival at
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. for a we's trip to Ft. SUivens, at m Tupper, j,mtor court house ,. 45 00 J like a green spot in
1 . ...i,,,! the Co umbia. wheie 3 H Johnson. stamp photos for shlf 50 spnoge ie iiae su rpv. .u
30 oasiB 01 routine me.
ila a vi mil
, " i 1. .-.idinfl During Owner it Rowell, lumber 8
b Kh M!,.l "LZt Ji 1.1. A Co, repair, rock crusher... a6
L 8 Bicrly. rocit tust ino o
be oloeed
F B. Clark, of below Farming
im.j. . ...1.. :i .1.. 1 . j
B B Reeve., lupplte. roaus Vu N , al ouxion suu tuo uuui, uu
i & rrudiiomme, suppnes
clerk', office., 3 00 u... nf the mountains, was down
and Saturday.
steak is as com-
Hon. H. V. Gates, who is a civil
engineer of a life time, recently, in
responoe to a query from tbe Spokt a
man Review, Spokane, woicn n
a enmnMiiim nf ttptinlna An ervada
ir.,t n.M " j"'F" - "
o ' and irrigation, sent in the folio
ing response, wbnh wa pub.iBbed
in the issue of August b.
"Hillsboro. Or . Aue. 3. To the Edi
tor of the Review: Replying to yonrs t f
July I : Washington County is most in
teresltd in good roads, and then drain
age. Almost the entire Tualatin Valley,
a'titude aoo feet, lies within the boundary
of Washington County. That valley,
once a large and deep lake, was filled In
from tbe detritus of its encircling moun-
. ' Tt.. K. . J.nAjil ha. kBn
ee tvnptrated to a deDth of 8 oo feet without
the encountering any rock foundation. We
the have rock, but transportation to some
parts of the valley ia prohibitive in cost,
so we are deeply interested in whatever
v. r !iv. h i D -tr lends to improvement oi rosus in intse
UUgO lvoKere, wu .uD . .-ctiotl&. l think bep best
come throueb the education of our
Forest Grove Monumental Works
Designs and Stock, none bitter. Quality and
Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES LOWEST on
the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders and all
communications promptly attended to. Will call
and show designs and samples at any distance.
Main Street, N. of P. O. Block.
Edwin Mornan was a Saturdav
tO-Mond.V viallnr at armrl tbi K t . .t...nM. bla dnntal narlorS Will
1 I I III.' . - - -
Mrs. Chris Jdhnann. nf Manl
Tin, . - -' r--
uiii, was m town Mondav. and
..ii i ... : '
iiea at tue Argue oHioe
Mr and M.. i T P.Uiiui
in i d, vi, iiiwiivoi luju i j ... . .ii Lfouzeiuiau mw, " - ..
went to fWttl. ik. tlr.i nf the k. u. heen ereottd witbin signi oi , , Wi,mfr, hauling rock (list iu.jus 5
. -- - -- t . I "I . . t..1u,.ra aail lit t II... IB 9U W Cla' .-- nwuM
wwt, ana expect to be absent a his home Zw'co pen fo i oo" , ' T'df dairs ock will Bniton, at Timber. Five dollars
k or ten days. Mrs KnI(?hli , prof.ion.l clean- gjf t0.d ler. ! VmMI l. 2 the Second V day man and team.
W.II. T.ylor and C, W. Nelson .rand presser, will do your in -- 19 2 J. W. Sweeney, Contractor.
out the last of th, week to join 0. K. ordera 'a 7
ii,. ii: ii l . .-, . i ., . . . tr Main mi., or win- i . . o.... i ili uii "b-- - - . .. ,
""i"mro minting party wnioo Sboe pnop, n.. - - -- . - . VViu Hardware vo, nana ouF in :ik This is the herd A. Anderson, oi neiveua, was in
went to un Nehalem last week. phone Iod. dm ... ... -. fricM .:.,;-:,' J ? TCm hrnntrht ut from the Co- town Saturday.
II M I T II llasltaiev. ntallllllK fiVMiiae. ... . I wuww " a r . . I
ii it j ' . .. I . . .. a i a ? i . . .
aunng me ni&n j j Sohlicht, of Mountaindale,
n8- was in town Tuesday.
tJ ... un Tuesday, and says that p vw i.iveroiore, lbr dist 3. Dei" 01
JS ltTlnllnot thirteen 78; 1 brdUt u. a6.9a 53 ?o to the city Friday
within tbe last twelve or " n I keeves. dist n - 4 Ha bsvs venison el
. 1 a I aw Itnal HMB 111 I 111 I aJ at D I ..a.. - - I aavi t I .
montns 7" r.7" i'i.. i Conwlman Bros, iDraisia......... y a Buxton bb Buuasm Ireland. eri.,r,l,r teams wanted on Pacific
i .. ...... ii
Railway & iNavigauon graae aoove
My customers are my best advertisements. Every
pair of glasses fitted by me sells others. Every day
some one says, "Mrs. So-and-So, is well pleased with ,
her glasses, that I thought I would come to you."
I want to add you to my chain. To fit you is
to fit your friend in the future.
I correct all defects of the human eye that
glasses will remedy.
Jeweler and
Ij ii.,.. Prinan. reasot aoie.
Ju"t follow theorowd to Nelson's P"""" ' ' . oi.. & rrudhomme, circuit conn Uunibia Kiyer
BfO.nd Street barher .hon-th- J. A. Messlnger, OD,co " " I Journal...... ? water, this St
only four-chair shop In Waging- ro grocer, now located on .
.001,00017. Always lour men on wi .Prninlhnen the first of I Ju? utribich, shoe roau piow, a a l. emao
oaturaav 9.9 tr i,anrei i Todu.up - i
"day. 22tf
J. W, Sewell, wife and daughter,
miss Mary, and Robt. Imbrie Jr,
nil out Monday for
uindale. J w in.n tn oat
deer and a "ba'r" before they re
. Howard Ralrd and family re
turned the first of the week from
their trio down nn th Waahlnoton
Jido of the Columbia River, aorors
om Astoria. Tbe'y were in Xhe
wildest section of the state, but re
Port an excellent time.
John Slegenthaler, of north of
Beavurtou. and wbo bas been work
log in Portland, was up tue first of
the week, He is out for the tbrrsh
Jog season, and Is running with bis
brother, Louis, who ban an Ad
vanoe separator In the TigatdTlUe
the week.
,r .. Anna k're returned to I
nhl Imlirla jr. Wire. - . . , .
'AU StH U. 11-
Cedar shingles In any quantity
Tnitd aim.
J 1 Kreb, C Vlngren, .UDpoeoa
dist atty oiltce ................
Hillsboro Com'l Bank, It,
nl.nnena dist attv office
- i. u,i ,liot attv nltirc.
V.II. JO""u"i ' . I ,
B B Ladd, eu(tneer roaa roner.... za 73 ueeu vuoio iu
Wilt Kmrick, wit tu auy ...........
Glass & Prudhouime, sta dist atty
Kd Greg, wit dist atty
311 I a 1UW Ul IUOD . - , ...1.
ma win U5ii'i" - ' ' n a Geo weacuam, wu ,'") ' '
.. - nL tham anvwuero v.. n.u Timo Htore. renei mrs riar
Vliu .l":-- T-4.1. n- tK.0J r.n l,i , it..
Reynolds, Mouniamu.-, - - r,.ou.
A. ureer, 01
Clerk J . W. Bailey was a Meach-
the Reed ville ware- T. B. Perkins, the Buxton mer- .m Croasinir visitor. Sunday. SDend-
n . 1 1 . . n I I. .... '
. was up sa'uraay. mtb. chant, was down oaiuruay, oj ouB-Mna. tk dav with the lumilv.
. . . .1 ... 1 . 1 '
Daniel Kellev. wno naB oeen visu inees.
n I. ..... w 1 il 1
o ingwttbtneimiays.wm ie.yei.or R g, nM of Fore9t
9 00 raorrun "'"i"'";" C " place, was in town iueeday, and
4 7S been mere ior several weoae un , ,
a oi .nrnad to th-ir home in Winni- r"ou uu m
Mra Mnrrnar t a Sister Ot I Tl vnn want a house mOVOd. Or
40 Mrs. Imlay and they had not seen carpenter repairing, call on M. C. 0eived a telegram announcing that
ao nn. anotner in 00 veers. tiewiii. rtra. u.aea nun. hia ann. w. w Adktnn. nail drawn
v v a i.u -ki,..i.B fft. try work solioited.M. uewm, No. 57 at Spokane, entitling him
Li "IV Hillsboro. to87tn choice in selection of gov
IUQ ua m
Wanted 500 cedar fence poets.
Must be of good size and sound.
State price, and whire can hi seen
Address W. W. Anderson, Reed
ville, Ore. 22tf
Dr. J- B. Adktna Monday rt
4 95
u, .n(l Mrs. D. A. ureer, 01 Dut 8 ' Plains, took a tr p up to Unn ueo. ocnuiuionuu uw uH T 7Z
n.f" a nuests of their Splering & Sohler, lbr diet N S n'nnii w -eek aoina there with below Yoncalla. Monday and re- lands, now opt nd by the govern-
gi.--. -r. jHSS SSrX 233 -
guuday. H BSrd,jusUce fee.... 850 "fL over the country and com- stories, and says they grow fine posed to bs worth eeveial thousand
Hon, W.D Hare and, Mrs. W "JBcUe,dePuty .heriff " !S. The land bought dollars. It will be necessary for
0 Hare and child, are camping at G w ,tore., ju.tice fee... 740 P- " '9 .r"P' BJ0 bvthe Shoestring people at a little parties to live upon the land for
Seacham. for an extended vaca- Ja.Wirth. deputy .henff. 5 .y.SStSKU Jl. lK dZ?s wrPaoreV would five years, but as there is an elcc
. 1 w liavia. luautc ....... a
1 nunir uu iu udqi ibliu. wvf tv u w" 1 w v . ... 1 . . . ....
tion. . Dr B H Brown, coroner physician 1000 .n(1 t.v- the better results, now sell at nearly thirty dollars ino nne running inrougn tne neari Milne and wife of Honn mS He says that he saw no such crops per acre-and that only after hold- ot tne territory uu. will not be
Plains, were ln we cy j 1 w Barn. iu. icVfee.... .... 7 ao'down South as he finds down here, mg a ww
Born, to the wife of Frank Barr,
Washington 8treet, Hillsboro, Or ,
August 8, 1909, a son, weight 11
J C Kuiatli and family return
ed the last of the week from an ex
tended trip to Seattle, Tacoma and
Bremerton, where the Navy Yird,
is located, and J. C. says that in
all he saw he believed Washington
County has it over all in tbe way !
of production.
John Schlaefli, who owns two
seotiona of corn land near Sawker
City, Kan., acoompanied by bis
wif , has been spending a fortnight
with his brother, Gottfried Sohlas
fli.of Mountaindale. Mr. Schlaefli
says that hs is very much imprest ,
ed with this section of Oregon. ,
They departed Monday for Seattle
and says this is bis "wedding trlt
altboush be bas been marrti
twenty years.
4 f
. &
4 '
1 .