m3T A LLSB0R xvi. NO. 21 I'icttV IilC I'ltJtt NWni YAMHI1.1 W urn have a K ci,..!y i,f good hard Imriii'l ti'irk, mi l I n i ' ill (t bl'H'k I If I! I ! I H! ll f lli. lion Try our huildu.g !1h k m jiouf hiu" folia In'i i: ('M'spit than cement nr brick tkt.il lii.tb 1 protection Mn; riwi fri, 1. V Smv flnl.hrd our run I liif.! til- Hint re .gain r u 11 1 1 1 11 on nnl.t-r nil have a fair up lv at lli y"l Parlie wanting liU il',iverd ahoold jiU' I li"ir tiithr now iii rn haul thfrm In fir lut I wisiJht l'hr in lv 11 ru-h if liwui'.i g order Id the rail mhii ri.mU .it elliioel iiiiiaatiiM We hum a diuul Mlltllllv if tl ll.'ll Mf.ll llll-..K,l irJinU battel '0,l"'Miuiilr at our mill, and a fjuiti-. . I at ..... I 1 . a I It . tlmir atrlig Sunday, I W common itiu.mr ai ui iili W ' I ..... I.. I V ... .1 .. I . - - . ,i 1 k...ik Vi.i. I aimr, iiviuw ... i'mi, in" inTirr 1, in -.-. - - -" n 11 iT iir 1 vi rn 11 11 Wmu llfPJIUMVQf UlJl Mill IIIUIIMrtl ll 10 Hurb.'cue to b; There Saturday Held JlHli IHtf CKOVB COLf .......( TwUta for the! riii' IiuHm1 .t we! J f. il.at I full of ginger I an O. A C. student, pinii f ilm Cardinal", end l. " ...liillHia wa lull it Pnliet Vil ' 2S .Ml 2.1, UK), US, lui and 1.1. ,1 ariotie tenth' This i nil yum dr aim k. a lid llaili in Vnu I" - - - 1 j investigate 1muM J"U ant any of lh (Jinifliirloim 1 j runt r v u tirwi' for jilljf gle, David O'DonDfll. of l v HuX I'm. wai In town the firnl of th Bam OrndufT, the oldliiinsr mw- ...;il - r.t I inri.1 in Mini. UiaU, VI day, accompanied by lii wife. Mra .J. K McNamara. of 1'ort ' laud, wu out thi firat of tb wetk, k'U'K AMI J'.mM) 1HECKUKTBIU of Mil. K W. Moore. I i 11' tr.1L-. mnm 1tnW. htlter.of Bouth TuUtin, we In Tw. Beewiid th.ep, BmW; .Im ii .Ua ll)e Clly Monday, gmiog narrwi Bad Kaadt ARTICLE BY DAVI. ItB KfcPOKItK (.: T. l... .. A r.,i1 anil . 1 111 HHUIl ajiu wu'A isii'u;, 11inc1p.il I, .... in. 1 ti..,. J i - f It. I b . A. r f .... It. c... , c m, J.. . 1.11 t!u. HiThilla. llili.Wo. K 11 ' f . W. J. Wall. !, I her f..r t!.e ..ubtl. irnns .-. u , , , , lU fir.t tw Ctouw. o ,Wliog rela'ivo. 14V., ol K.tia. ultima li bad lfl ball Ctli ,( MeIiCOi hr li In lniiiip.n ..1.1. . 1.:. 1 1 . . . 1 . i . :. ...... itu, liUl U ib "" I icnariMia. n i" a nnf I'linm r n. MJ .raln tb looigbt. bul lb-r ar mV IKlf r i-U i. a, .firr tb.l h.wttltd d.wo American. In .ur anlinn, an i u nothing but ati?r faun thrn, ami Umiatot, an anln ri l'u". I.' fr 1 biid 17 turUmd ii tuali ea to California, aiid Dr-gcn tod not Hj.rinK I nlnji at laaal fifty cariuU if I can gH in) Ordnra BlUd. Tbf nalivf I .m n II 1 In tha liib l bare wanaoait I ,.l . !.,. i t.nrnii.j it " Mr !nck work for lb local 1 Waall w forui-rly ili ur h" a war nut ofr tb iMt Lmlrr ba alu,iiiKliali'm u' J li Julia bf tbaiii in tbtam Uy Hwell, and rn ti mif I in tie hill.o iredoneln lbeigbtb fM wiui bualnnaa bef at 10 In toe nimn. uru 'Mi ma. Mr. Wall 1 iiui'iiitr m er b hoi of 6 t 4 Win. H.h-i and 'T to M. W alitndance w nol Urge f, Hoffman, mid Mr. Wult i (iurgaiup UmirrtMU brother of AtSorm-jr Jtdu M WI! , boih the baUrry an! ba ItaiAa la ll ...1 lUS, ."'7' T".. J " I (Bjr w. . v UavlU Kice. ol Bcnoin, aarieu ur Th. .,..... i Tn.l.tin are a-o nt iii'it'i f-.Mrsv 'iiimo i.Bi iim rvaminrra anil Hiirui. ovrr i . ....... . . . , . i i . . .: T 7r ' to have a picolo at tnai place, on -utii.y, uii'i roiiuj aim uranoinj ianu. ine nrai 01 me woea. i t . i . I Aaint7. Tber are going to ba lli(l',irl fiiv ( ii Ml rina nf lh I C.. r r i ....... ;l ,.., n ? . . 71 " ""a: l btevee barbecuf d, and a nom- rii'r fi aiMUHii' itaina in ine r-iain. aeu jouroaia. raiiim ungi. oo . . , us- .. iiiii .i pi,. . . bur of hoe and beD iofficient to Ui.i itnjr ll u, llnk. 0; forrai " iniwu'irt u..ui-w, ... -- - 2 TUra waa b,IWo, to ll P-fi State. 125; ode- feed a large number of peopl.. Tb.a ... a I itv UllvUli VJ I t apia I I1HT11ITCUV5 UU UlltUlU ! 1. I I 1 t i.u liiud i,m.i . I I 'r.j l JIB HI" I UBIM lid lli llm. W. N. Barrett 21 if aad wife dandy diilon. Cr.linaU C HIkJ III lb " . I iitiini. Matiagi-r Moor, uwtii llm Gral oarl if lb' u,J-. Biat, and old Home ,. M.o e rent out a T.ImH ih.t mured lio I I lb imhill ran a maa acr lb t 1 f .!. i-i ui I'lio away, limping in , . . ..... , , ;. . and aon, John, went over to Kit c iirm in ib ai d utaiutiidiria but a. i., . li . I. . .. i : i l 1 1 .....II . . iiiiii wit iiir"WHii inn iuj", biju barbecue and picnic ia given by thi farmer in tbe iotereet of good roadx, and everylwdy ia iovlted lo attend. We will give I Mm big dinner and treat them tbe beet that we can. Ai tbU is to be held in gut a tun in the first In Cli were up I. ii lin k ii I.. oil ai il aiiiii-t it f mo tli art, t.d tiol i- ir ut lil in the i inth. nit; 1SANK did Tbe id. r.t i. a us i.vh. f ... i'lUl. II, V Imjilii, i. I'.m.MI li, 1 I I'.itt U A, i ti,. I t' ji .. I'llU... . .1 Wiin'U tiii li, r .Vii--:i, J ! ibii tduid umtilre we lot face iu ih aat. AH M K 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 i I 4 JS I o o a I o i o .... 1 . S t I o o t o 1 ro t I 4 4 o it o 4 I o ' 17" NuliTII YAMHUX am a 11 m Jbuilt, I (. ! l.jb ... lin, r (,... an, f ...... id Wi.M. 1 ti. j6 I o o o 1 o I o o a 0 l I S a 1 1 6 M 4 14 1 o 1 t 1 1 0 1 o 7 i-o J $ 6 o 9 u 1 High Quality Drug Store lit by iiiiimi;: intuit- 11 ami I uo I i.i.i o .10I0400 I J liimt)- kilwit bin- It Minr, Knu-rr, ink nut by KobliiMHl, j; i.akf, 10 on bll - k.ibiHinn, 1; Ijikt, f. ilttl banri.''i'aUM'lirr. Bltlflt. K Muiumi. II mi bM-llilUlMiia. 8: Nuilli nil, j. t i)l KllK, I lioiir JS nttmitra. IIEKK IS A HEHD in Haturday. d .ay tbat railway delay in i!rl,vtiiii rt on rail f r freight it'l alv i A I .all year ha aold .Yi toi cf oat bt ;hi pr ton ciot inj ut UjHi'i t i ting cr fr l.lpint Winn wantrd the car wpfp a liti'.e f!' in coming and the nrdr wa nr OUihI Mr. Jack.oii latt w-ik bli,i,.l the .Vd t n;'! iirain ' ti rectvrd Ml ptr ton, givit-ft him net price ol 111 per vm lor war. h.iuaintf. ThU i 11 fiiriv lucky deal but if J W. ih u!d fall into the creek that run t.at hi ranch ib would very likfly fud K" UI.I...I ...ii 1 in Hai'h 1 mi' k t-t mIK'II tl gained the bank. Col. B C. Hnnc!r, a Portland t Inrntv. and who in known bre f tbe aH;iale cihioiikI in the din where ltl!ii B. Kii utl iutaii II. Iteyn-ild lor allMiation of hurband'e afT'Ctlon, wa in tow ti Mouday, enroute to hi lunch m i)illey. The Col. know a lot le-f abiut ranching ihm ab.mt the U but be y It i willioR to Icar i and willing to pay tbe tinn' Kioma J. WtHt, of Portlanl. W. K. Went for divoiiM allege that bed.ne-l her inl'.H! The wife alo rn that kIh lon h! him Him out ol her private fund, which he never rcpn, al ilimmh Im tiroiiied to N'tniy her fho aek a judgment fur the " along with her decre. Kerd !Iartrmi.f ha the pency a Ihw dava do on to newoort lor (lit .'ii!ei f Vahii g'oii County I tbeir annual vacation. i.rii....,y yeara-me r.ir.Hi ..roe Ttk,n Up: While geiaing piny, n . n- C'olM.d ,W areWI playei, weiKb..bout 700; about 1 Oyea. 1,, 1. , U.H-..HI Li I n. r WiUr ' mane anu iau. n. t . o ' iii..ir 1 t;ll. J.l- r... ft t li.1. nuuaaer. uiiituaiB, vre , n- . ium. Una ft2 19 21 TU awaktra tie Hon. Lionel R , , ,. . . , Wetiaur. of Portland; Hon Oeorge K. W. W. Wilhami, who wai raieed Brownell. of Clackaniaa County; Hon. x ,.t ,,t Inmn al r i HAOi infll. f I1F A ltUr fn.rrtvrv rnnlntllivr? UJiaO qdi ui uTvua44va av tutM 1 ri am. va''i ' J f " ; 1 I . U....t.!nJ.la ... 1 frnm Jark HID CountT. but DOW fTftldlOr ' . 1( iwiuni Hon Burke Tongue, of lo the county ieal MoDaif.grrtH- Hon. John Mtnning, of log dib uiauy uiiivuiiiB. 1 portagd. ti .1 r-- 1 1 . i:i, Chef McFerland, of Oregon City, haa Wante.1: Girl for light boue- . toconduct the b.roecue. work and In ilore. mau umiiy. Mr McFarlasd ia known throoghout tbe German or Hei preferrtd Se ise sute of Orefjon aa being one of the beat if r.'i ci,,.i t . .1 I ..Wa rr nurnmir of thia kind. Iiome iiaaory, uu riiav, mimiiu, r r r , . . . , ' No pama will be tpared to make thta ufea'D- I picnic a tucceaa. and, while the faimeia i ai . - .1 at.. I ... .rii.ni.ri v inviird from all over the aire. Vuaa. marun iuu mio, .. j-...- " ... . V.i..!W . P ,.lar,,t ..m. fti Utate, an tnvitntion.Ueitended toevery wishea to come. The naual Mondav and were met by U. Weil- ..!. from awakine. will be con oott, of Vinelanda, with whoee fam- ducted, auch aa aack racea, fat man'a hMrh&U same. and. aa uy mey win maan au riouuou JII' - , r . .. a nne puuu. u ... Tl,u' dancing and the beat orchestra that could For sale: 8bropehire and Ram- he bad engaged fr the occaaioa. Dane bouillet ram., yealling. and lamb., th'O0honl h"teB all eligible to registry. Bhrcpihire. Hon. Ale Swetk, who waa borti and are from Candian .iree, out of Kng raiae at Tualatin, and John Kyberg, o l.nh imported .lock -Prd Oroner, who ia the Road Superviaor of the Tua I . . .. r . . ... n n. nn li.iin nUtnri and ii ii much interested Saboll., UillHuoro, Kt. i. a. r--- ny B,0 io the Mis. Mvrtle Butler, well known full charge of the arrangement, for i. a r.... .,mi "P' uiuu iuu rumiii viw'w, . . . w la.t week for an extended visit with br relative, the Butler.. Her borne i. at Yakima, aod (he i. a daughter of Tboe. Butler, wh was raised in this section. IiiKLSr t'.kuVK. CHI.T.S b All 5 J 4 i 4 i 4 4 4 I 1-0 o 3 1 1 1 V I o 9 J Srti ui W W, I f ... lv 1 ! S . I I' Viii lOmu "in, I ,k II. t I!, n, b !.!!, r f. m . i r h hit U K. l ii. lidiff. r... KutllllMill, 1) . h ore by Iiiiiihk' :.ii.V i o o A a o o o o-6 I'u.l. - u o o u o o 0 u I Sum iiuiy Si i k out he Rotiiuton, H, Catatena, 5. I mi 1m l Ciltiii. I. Hit t v pitched Uli-K Parrott, Schle- Krl. C.H.k. Tu t.tw lul VniiHlnricom, Otter, A I'iiii.'li, I'juntena. Ihiilblr play WuuiU tUill to A Paimtt, S lilrrl tu C Imj in. S ..1U1 c lnl-mown, a; unueriun, kupple, I, M ion, I. Pike fW. M.I Davia. cub report- nr on the Areua. and who ii a great fammr bv the wav. ia fliving the A rgu. readers hia firat ateignment as a "good road." Dooeier. CALL FOR STREET FAIR lurdt lol, of lieyond Blmim wa in town Haturday, Mr it let Id naiaa eftn waaatiti V mj moil 11 mn nrvtiti mill ur ip,i iuu iwimv .., intiV Kl.imi 11 1 11 Ann hAid h Imnwnri. hftf ran, I'Huinn kuu . LlArt.il tu..ttMM tltH..iu. lkl,la nf firm in lii'li 1 II IT V . P ' lUit yiTnitiiig IIUIDKilll tinililV I illtlin lohl i Ur4UAk.AaIt l ni. Ml If. II f,x tiA litill 1 1 Villi Iirrit luni. !,' it. vi inyuiidiu. w o v I inii ' . . , . . . . 1. . . t I ' 1 a lo mn la JU lialoown.a prlii regie implemented tm.tinu. W ll ilHtein bull tired by the tbe International gaohr.e eoginoH pUtllp. lOllie mo ero im.. Ike. Hcaiiiioone. bull Thi. IngHter'ii grandfather look tbe pr r. at the Liwi A Clark Ir and hu oranilfathar rariinil y ur.t p-iie for three .uooee.lve lr al Halem . Three of hi. new purchased heifer, are cloaely re TfcACHtKS' EXAMINATIONS Black Kagle Mining Compauy T....i, atrW aallinir tl 00 ner ft I Dr wa J er rv " p r I .hare. I will sell you 5000 .bare. p . . ..nu. th. and for 35c !'. Mlr aigned hereby calla for a public money Addre. W. A. Curne, n k Uairl at tbe 1U3 fflODiWi UUIiUIUH, 1 UI wuu. ... r on .i ,... r. thai lh UmiUU. a.u a Kill U .mw , D Wash held at the Cit Hall. Hilt.boro. at eight I U Uivrv Ba a wu- n - I. C. Gary, io the early ninetie. August 10, 1909, for the purpoee of i ..... ..... U.t ..... lmluiil fif V.milliy inii,-n,i. i.v... ... I j, v. Vtli IU .mt j iuUDk av, vw, 1 - iiiii'on cuinty will hold the regu ticket agent at Corneliu. for tbe appointing committee and making iar examination of applicant. I.r Southern Poifio, was down from geteral arrangementa for a Street .i.,in aid C.miitv oaiier at the laKavaita Mondav. .baking hand. IV tAr and Carnival lobe held in ii:ii..i... i . . t.i. t . -i i... .. ... tp.n an u...: uh niaoiatime n a niogioa vuuu-1 int. cuv ioib reii. au uuaium ty friend., lie see. evidence of Uen as well a. oititena not in bu.i much improvement down tnia way MS9 re invited to attend. i - . a an v i wt Iff f Lena C. Story ueu Seth J. Story for a decree i f divorce, They w ne wedded iu rirllund in VM .ml have a daughter 7 year d. She ih mmtodv of the little one wrobaaati he fer. are cloaely re $ .() lth aHmony, ver- ! totlueeol the greate.1 milk J u f , 2B ,ier im)llib luoingoow. in the world. Thi rin lh.lit 09 8 T 1 b, .i...ii.i j.!.- iila. a (tieeuiaii , t in the .tart but after lhat I" Grant Holoomh, now residing nt ay, ripringneld, Lane Co., bete nr a I Leek, having ben called to Went h'bo w-.i! . iB i n,.Fii,uaui. nf town, on ao- M.ia. I'lauiniin.oi near raroiinn' union, - . .i ... h wa. in town Baturday. oouut of the illntwa of ha mother, John Ibach, of near Bank., and "ho now lmp 'R' , .. V.I. t.V . . .. ' il n ..lam, trail! TtfOll . id uue oi me ninny urirer. oi i rur ni- Vt fertile .eotion. aa In the citv Ua.oline engine, Stover, with lank. aturd.v.. ' and truck., or without, arul m.o ft i l. , , Lnravina outfit Will Poll Miigieor Cedar .hinglee in any qaanll ij 1 2?i2?It W II. Nation, Corn id W delivr al aa 1... nrlnaa aa P"'8- ' N if h can get them anywhere -C. 8 liu. "re; nlliuwr wpnt mnoida, Mountaindale, Or. 15-2 Anurew jva r - 8 A I). Meek, of beyond Olen- 10 . rtine(J with a catch of near- . we in Haturd.T. Bteve wy m Mlfiah.Md it waa not Olenooe waa full of United ' u a diV for ofttB," fithor. 'gineer. when he paaed through very 0,MI u . , ,,,1 i.. ..I r " Tl mini A llOllHH mOVI'll, Or Larnenter repairing, call on M. t l"iarrie(i: At tbe home or . U ffirHi c1h work. Conn fu'gan (formerly of Hlll.boro) Jwl;k loHci.e,,-.Sl. C. Hewitt fW Grove, July 27.190e.Oh.. S?,,. "organ ana Mary Katner noi- , T , i ig. whose ranch U on the hill he . ... . fail aa nver to the "r. Knieht. a mofeaslnnalcleai v. i - r . . fi anu nre..er. will tin vnnr aullil r .i.. i v . , ... . .. . t HbMow. w hi runnniiy i oe8hop,Est M.ln8t,(or tele, bought raot th eule of ooneind. 68 Will call for and isewion, wn v -t Wiver. Prkei, reaionable. 21 2 day. pubic echoed iuiilding, in Hillebo io, a foilow: I OK M M'K I'AI'KKS Cumiiirmioi; Weihicailay, Auguat II nttfoVlock ik in., and coiitmulng untl S,itiii.ly. Aii(iit 1 1. W ' o'clock I' in, I ' . . . i.:.. it ,ui.a.. W r,int.iiiy- i rninmii.in i"."vi ih-IIiiii!. fliy Hicnt CcnKnipliy, Keading, vi-li.ibi'y. t , ibnilnv - titti n Atltliiiirlic, 1 lieo- iv ol Timhini:, t.oiiiimar, IliK.lilifeping, PhvaicA, Civil Loverninnil. if.i.l,.. I'livmo 1'iiv. t.eogiapliy. ion- ji.niti.iw. A'Ktora, l-.ngliMi i.iurraiurc, Si lio.il Law. Silnoliiv- lkitati.M, rlnnc c.eonu-iry, Crlirral History. I-OK CDI'NTV I'Ari'RS CoiumriiciiiK Wc.lneAilay, ARUt 11. si 9 o'clock a. in., mid continuing until AiuMist l j, uyiio, tit 4 o'clock p. m VfiliH.lav IViinmiiAliipi Hialory, Orthography, Keailing, I'hyikal eog-ini'by. Thuriuliiy W ritten Arillnnetic, i nrory ol TtnrUiiiK, ('.riiiiiiiinr, t'hyaiology. l'liday lieogrnphy, S.'hool Law, Civil Cuvcimncnt, Kiiglinh Literature. FORMER UILLSB0R0B0Y Oliver Huston, .on of Hon. S B iinui.ni and who ha developed in to ouo of the bert oollKgiate eprint erin the Northweel, i daily train since he left here in 1895. J. A Thornbnrgh, Cashier of the (TntMit C.rove National Bank, was down Mondav. f hiking hands with hia rnnniT .eat irieads. J. A. is the spalpeen, who wben not so lleehy, and when the Argus report waa inoumbared with a trifl more fieeh, Blood for the double of the Argus man. He reports things up in the college city s getting along swimmingly, i Taaao Allen, who crossed ths plains in 1852, was up from bie ranch near Reedville, Saturday, and brought up for repairs an old "cap and ball" piBtol that ne car ried across the great American dtwmri. The weancn has fivecham. hara and in olden times was the nhif of it. class. Mr. Allen killed ii buffalo with it while crossing the Bad Lands, but "Uncle Ike" says: "I can't shoot like I UBed to, Sonny." Kd. Wann and Thoe. Williams iKair fnmiliea returned Mou lbe- !lL extendi overland va ing for the big iinmio . , N(jUrtBaud they 8peni ia expected lo win new Uureli hi the time on the trail. cuing HesHon. me on . enroute and lit!fi: . . , r ... nearly every big lucline meant an llic iMiivi.i".; v. - , . .... TU. .m Konlr aa . . .1 ... , ,' u .till Willi imi inum mil i.nw uauis wwwm Oi't'll I t cnicii in nun ;.,"i --- .ui, - the muni consiHu iu iu-cu.... BjMI BK B umuuo i developed in the liotthwest, i. working . fBeliott fine, what with out nigbily under Cornell, lluaton waa . . nftro;a in. a change of Jobn W. Connell. Mavor. Hillboro, Or , Aug. 5, 1909. WE ASK HO FAIbF.lt teat to our ability to serve yon with any thing in atatiooery than to compare our abowing wuh any other yon know. Aak for anythiog In the way of STATIOREK.Y. If we cannot anpply it, yon can make up your mind to two tbinga. It ia not to be had anywhere or its quali'y uiech that we do not care to handle it. If itU good and ia in tbe atationery line, you will find it heie if it ia to be had anywhere at all. You will alao find onr line of druga and drnggiara' lundriea complete and of high quality. Our aetvlcea are right. Onr pricea are right and our goods the very best obtainable. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS 1st Announcement: We have just received one of the largest shipments ol SHOES, ever sent to Hillsboro. We are now ready to supply our trade with the LARGEST Variety and BEST Values in footwear for fall. 2nd Announcement. autleriiiK fro"1 ft 8or bliclt' CI,IICU ov diving, but Cornell lift the aorene. al moat gone mul Huston ia feeling In splendid shape." ... . i ..1II...1 .i.iiiilnff Huston lias uecii ciciii"." "" the century under io seconds, and if he u i .i i ... i murk 1ii is luinnil to be beiinl from in both the junior and senior cvenls. Cornell likes me way iaubwu w ruuning and preilicti tnai ue win maac ii.. i naii.ru cracks BO Some before the ....... ia fiiiiibi'd. Smilhson i ome i. :...,. if .,,,1 ili imir liHve had llltinlicr Ol UVCiy lllliniiva " '"- field. SCRAPER TEAMS WANTED Soraper teaniB wanted on Paoifio Ilnilway & Navigation trade above Muium. al Timber. Five dollars and team. 19 2 J. W. Sweeney, Contractor diet. Ferd Groner, of Soholls. was up Mn.B Ha start, in a few dave Hnnkann. where he will attend IVI -t jvtwa- -i the National Irrigation congress, having been appointed by juage Q aod in. Mr. Grooer has over 225 aores at Scholia which he can irri gate splendidly, as it lays right against tbe mere Dana, auu uo contemplates putting in at least a "v a , trucks, with t pump, mat ne can ... .a I a, A ik haw shut trom one poiut uu mo ium in annthnr. Irrigation on the Tua latin, is to be one of the greatest helps we have, and tne miure win . . . a i UI. 1 prove It to 06 oi ineanmauie uouo fit to ranchers along the stream. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE The attention of onr readers is asked to ii,. ..lirtiifmnt of the Portland Busi ness College appearing in this issue of the Argus. 1 ne aa vantages oi mc jra mealioneu are set ionu m mam, at raight from-the-shoulder eipresaion. ti.. mniin nr atneran in the line follow- Ing the ornamental aenpt neaaing, is iuu ...ln "Thi. 55rhool of Oualitv" should be both inspiring and encourag ing to yonng people who desire to pre- naie tuenisel,ea lor commercial K.revia. K . ...J 1 ..i.l ula. .nvnn. inifiFiiru iu m uibi.iiuii . .. t im. .ill Hn veil to aend for a catalogue of the school mentioned. It is a beauti ful aivr men of tbe Dnnter'a art, ana ont.ina full infomiaiion about the eev- ...1 m . . .... . .t.,,l u tuaiil a number cm. wuim ui ","";i 1 nf .nv nuni rf nentnansmo. samDiea oi Dullness lorms, c. the asking. Frank Lung, of Cornelius, was in town Saturday, greeting bie friends. niark Peter Biacow was bu.V R.tnrdav signing ud the bond and coupons in the sum of $10,000 for payment oi tne new ecnooi building annfX. L. K. Wilkes, who viBitfd here la.t week, spent Thursday and Frl dav at Se.itle. after which he went on through to Montana, to again join his party on surveys. Hiitar A A. Bjerv. for two and one balf years p.Btor of tbe tlillB boro Christian unuron, leaves nep tarn rwr 1 to take charge of the Dul- nit at Kern Park, a Portland r-- Christian Cburon. r T.B!a nf halow Beaverton. and hn kaa a thousand prune trees, was un Saturday. Mr. Lets is one n-f iVia moat crogressive fruit grow ers in the county, and as a result of earnest care, has a crop tnuyear that is a dandy. Mra Ralnh Rieas. of Portland. and Miss Gretohen Mienburg, of Waitaburg, WaBh., oldtime menas ofK'derA A. Beery and umiiy. n!uiid hre last week. Mrs. Riggs' husband is photographer for the Oregon Daily Journal. We have just received word from buyer, who is in the LARGE Marhets of the East, that he has made extensive purchases of all kinds of dry goods for fall business and Has secured many ' Rare Bargains for Hillsboro and vicinity. When we get a BARGAIN YOU GET ONE 3rd Announcement. In order to clear our STORE to make room for the Large StocK now on the way from the EAST we will make it doubly worth your while to call on us dur ing August. Do You Trust Your Watch? You have seen people look at their watch and then ask some one else the time of day. ' He can't trust his watch. If yours is that kind, you'd better throw it away, or bring it in and let me make a time piece of it. If you're going to buy a new watch, be sure that you get a trustworthy one; one that yon can depend on; one that you can catch the train by, or keep an engagement by. I sell only dependable watches and guarantee them. - - . i .. .... , LAUREL M.HOYT Jeweler and Silversmith, Graduate Optometrist t f ; ; "awErr-r-