The IS JnllLLSB buxvi. HILLSBORO. OKKGON, JULY 29, .900 NO. 20 R NKSIiAITKK AtiAtN s the mm Out by H-cIhIvc Sci r? Five l Tw BOfD MK" UBIII0JI tbt Vitltnii ty 3U0 people went to Banks tu. mil wiliieae-d the Cerdi f..t their second drfest thia .. . 1. I I. l.L -.1 'vin.iivrriitii" The first Idb draw a 0 lor luin l. i" m aaonnd HilUh.iro soond In .,nJ WilkM singled o Ural was advened to tMlrJ b oJ xtrt on Cbeffio'e ... .ii, io llulluk. H I0 W a ihuutth tbera would be but Ingrain went and ItutxMQ wnt oal . ... t ul to ercml. All ware V il it til th fourth, although II " ' . -r Dibofo should have scored to I iKir.l lUtrh weson third bn Whw Mir J daisy tu i left Ulence. which Parrot ht,(Jt J ch tn tor home before welting U,if the hell flMded, end L iktin nut before he Jul bftck. Hh fourth Phtp- ftl hit nd tt to second no R'iber. over- .ml ec red o Wllk' ln- ml bre th old cat died In ilnniri lUnke ecored twin. In i fifth tiirdner. the Cardinal jrher, hi up rlkir WiUoo, jan snd Chsftio. when I'trroU Wi ibJ Wlloo end Brown fed on a Hi"i play. Cbeftin Vd on Arm Perrotl'e on. In binning there were no bite; no tots; and jet ikree tuni were nrd-and tbal'i aolng torn. iliioMo went in iht box for the rdintUlo tba iith ml after lb( were no more aoon. tbiua hki n pitched 24 inn iihuiil tllowini t tear. JUibn .itrhl lor lb Iiok ), rJ pul up ft Rtfl gtltlt. ,tll hlflt UlliHIlJ, HII,llinKO V now hkvn niu..l I. .1 muni hrJ htirim I l.f 1, ....1 1 ..1 1 liiK Min k for cllri umI found. mini irjr our iiuil.lmg dlm-ki lor our ImiMiit foundmi-nit. Chdpr lliftu CKiimut or brltk tnd Imitrr proivciioQ igainul frotl. W hv AnUbMl our run l Urg tiln mm) r K!n running cm iui;r ii , ixl bftvt t Mr nupply tt th yrd. I'ftrllnft Wfttilirig tiU dolivurtd hnuld pln Inmr nrdm now mi eta bul Ibftm Mora Ud ihxr M I . t MM inrift iy run oi jituitfig ofderi lu Uib Fftll mIikii rod are tlmriit lintiiimtiU U'a !. . iixhI tutiid tit riiuvk tml ili..,l luuiimr t our tnlll, and qum.Uiy of cum moo lumUr at th 1U, pur, Mom Nwloo. tbt UtUr In II ftl Mcrific 2il2, 2iH. 2C 2i4,.lilO, 1 iH, lit; tnd lit, (I riiiiu Irntbtft This ii all aiuxl dry iUnk, and II will jjr you to inmgai anouid yc.u want any of IDM aitniinalotJl tiruner A Kam all Co, Hcbolla, IIilU b ro, K 2. Hillatxiro abould sot tbat rut rximil ahould el it. ami a tf rl will brin tt and limn th oily abould gat ft travalbg library 01 wi bixiii, aou si ma ana or a tatad tMiriod ha a thitm i irhmutrl placa to real; ft placa fur ladlra to rrfrwh thrnuaaltrva afiar an bour'a rlda Into tba city ; placa to rawoTo ma aialna and duit of trav liMthrr. J I),. Wipi, e Buttuti, 1 h., like. 1..,., Wow, I 11.,., inr, 1 .... tarhrUr, 1 ( iitiirr, u, kliinitm, j , ah a i ro 3 S 4 o II o 1 0 a 1 1 14 IIAVK.S RKf.l'I.AHH AH M It 1 4 I 1 1 I ,t 0 J O J i " I o I o J.I I a I u o o o A o i J 1 o t o o t i 0B. L.. tlllrsrl, C f 4 fealiiu, c. X kifoltR.lf t 'Mtt A, I Ii J ntn, . 4 Wk ill f umlriliih, r f.., ilUon.l I a 1 i o o 4 o 0 o t u II 10 I t 1 a 4 17 lj ami ft placa to wait for friui i' rrifala: all ihla wa ihould hav Thara ia no araumanl taalrmL il and tsftoy trgutuanli In favor ol kTKUKANUK MASTKK WW!'! ii i Appointuifitt (jih;h to It. I.ccdy, of TiKitrJvllle FHOMINEsr I SI CUAKCE CIBCLIS BuiUa Jtpptlata aat fur la Stale Graer'a for jally glaaaea. Geo. Bantz Br, wan in fiom Hha dy Brook, Tuwday. Mra. J. J WeUenbfck. r f K. 11 wood, waft in town Baturday. J. T. Morriaon. of near Farming ton, waa in the city Baturday. B. h. JIollinbeck and wife, of above Mouotaindalf, were in town Baturday. H A. f?urr and familv atinnt Each Caaaty Kundaf at tba Newnort beach, re turning Monday evening. (I. THINKS Gil LAW SIIOULDBK CHANGED II. W. Scott, of Forest (;rov., Has Ideas on Subject WANTS COUSIV TU BAVB MOSIV Saya Tbat Oatiidtra Shauld piy Bigger Lluaa II. W. Bcott, who ii eomewhat of ft dwalayer himself, tnd who knowa the billa of West Waahiogton Coun ty like the average boy doei bi own awimmiog bole, baa decide I : I .i i 1 T Iucier. dauahler of ... V. . ., tbat place, wai t Portland visitor, Ham UafTdtv. of rortland. came Htale Maater of the Ori-goo Grange, out turdfty ftl ft witnena for nat Austin I oxton. hai uat tent nut bla ammintroanta for 8lata Denu- illw. of Bnka, nl v. ho i... ,i .... . . .. conduuti ft Urge hardware itore at J t r poiniee. lleratoiore the dt'putiea ltf,;,t. t,... . I ' ,,. u.u uu. wu.. M. ... T..nWr nol.Ur if ' ty, nd there have Uen tlmei Qrville Tucker. !'ortlnd, i ft guat Ulkinf over the preeeot license . t ll . t III. I . at I . .t i. t L . t II l.u.l.m Ut Annlt aaw' at mi Dome t ner auni. oira, u j f "... (. Gardner. "I ,hink ,ht present game law 4 T ni I, ,.r TuiK.n. nA bouM le ao changed tba the coun-y -v. v. w. ' it .v... . .. r " k the money for all tporUmen It ... IT . .f J- uow '7"""' cen-.,.ml the money ahould then be i. Va ' ud for local purpoae.. like payment of n.j moUu7. Umntieaoo wild anlwala, that are both l-1-.L! Q..l...1..:..U UI . . . ... -n ,1 J. uumi mwi. otiiuuiiriiiii, in nin (leMIUCttve Ol WIIU gmujr, i wcu mm uw Commercial Bank, wai ft vieitor at Ulestic animala. The law ahou'd alao be tbe BbfKJitriog Kanch, below Cren- amended th.t a man might kill a deercn vail lha mil vaok I "Ii own piac .. y well, the pftlt Weelt. f.wa U a man oataide of a CounlT I M Hiuii mil mi fa and inn I utiouli! want to hunt here, lie ihould be lUrold.ftnd Dm Long went ov j," W ' h?" "J" d! . o ' !. .Li i , i . live here; pay Usee here, and apenda VO OULDUill. Hill WOC. IU IUCUU lew dayi on the Ureear ranch. when it wai impoaxible lor tbem to meet iaiportant ftppolntmenU. I he Grange la growing rapidly over the atate, and the orianiztlion ii teavitg an I m prone on our itale and county legialation. Tbe appointment for Washington county goee to B (i Leedy, ex itate mia'rr. and who haa renraaented the Htte i-f Oregon in tba National lira tilt OmIV, M'. 1fXHlT ll ft practical man, and baa always liven eminent eatiafaction in bil wotk He baa farm near Tigird ville, and la universally known in every precinct In the oounty. Wanted: Girl for light boue- Score liy iiininiFi: IillitKiro-o I o I o o o o o Hanka-u ooyoon 15 Bumnmiy StfUt'k nut tiw l!il.n A' fa.,ttir I: jUibtnauii, 1. Hm on Ulla-Kellien. ; Oardiier, 3. Karrlr,,. II tl. I t. ...... I ItouMe ily-Rdlti to A. J'-rrott; B. l'armtt 10 llullock. "It tiy nlidird ball nrown, lfl uu hmiea HilUboto, 1; Hanks, 3. BBAVBHTON WANTS ROADS Jo tbe Taxpayers of Road Dialrict I wo. id, Iteaverton, Ore: I Ths (i mil Koa.U Club, of Beftver- pn, will hold its reguUr meeting pn Grange Hall, Mondftv. Augu-l Ifit8p m. (iuestioni about the "Mt wy to fix our ronda, nd how to nise money for the work will be .oisouiseit, A oommitlee from ft lormer meeting will make it re- port of the amount of rook or nlank na.iu.i , .. ..... , l 1 . ....1 'fomthe Multnornfth oounty lite to Ueedville Diatriot la ft oondition to hi triuulu.l ... , I . u . .... County Judge Gam, in od Coun ty Comruieiiioncr Burner will be present to give their experience in oumiing in other dtetrloti, na ooet thereof. IC very body oome liy the rreeiiient. SCRAPER TEAMS WANTED Soraper teams wantwl on I'ftolflo Katlway & Navigation grade above u'on, at Timber. Five dolUri i oy' mn anJ leRIn ia J. W, Bwenney, Contrftotor Mrs, Addie Merttereau, daughter Mr, and Mrs. Thorrmi Uglow, of Mountaindftle, arrived Tue-day Iler h("nin Oakland, Cl., ind will niuU i.u 1 .. '" wivu ner parein" lor ttlOnth fir ol. L. Tu. af... 11 ' nooaa, 1110 tiini- wreaus H,,ent the summer of the que" in Oregon, but later went "Mk to California, where Mr. M. 1ft now , entRel in oonduoting a w iludio in Oakland. A V. Dennv. ol near Raleith. Iiai aued the Oregon Klectrtc ot aeveral txtuota, aektng (or 9 2V. B U. Huston, bla attorney, aeta for the (ollowina items: for thro Ins dirt outiida riabt of war. nrevenl log oulUvalton, 9i5; for till that baa oo culvert, causing water to elite, orevrnlim cultivating. 140: during eonsttuclion, for throwlrg down fi line and damage fiom alock, and labor e'e , fl2f; and other minor damage. K. Tabikt ftnd wife, of I.tka villa. Minn., were the rl wek Lueeia of their fjrmer neiehbirs, leaUr Kueblow and wife Jhy Jeparted Wadneaday for the Kl, via tbe Northern I'scitic. Mr TaUkft likea the Oregon country verv we . and a entbusiaatlc over cumiog beta to locate in the not diatant future. lie U iu Ui eiev tor bueinea lck in bil stale, and his return is baetened beraue btr veet is alio til to begin. M. C. Bteeiilei snd wife, of Ho nularn. Wash., arriveil Baturday Lir a ehort vieit In Washington County, and went on up to Galea Creek for ft few days, Mr.Meepiee ia now contricllng on iirret ana sewer work over In the harbor city, anil aaB Hniuiain will attend near- I a nuarter of million on tbat class of work thia year. nr lata 1-2 II. I. Russell en iial at ft. I fit 18 Hartramuf feel nleJ on trucka, gotnl condition. Will ftell ftt a bargain, .ill accent small team and money in exchange Geo miuraw, tlank. Ore. Jaa. May, one of the old veteran ib. r v War. waa down naiur frmn the Vinelandi section, where he has a nice little home. He came in to meet his son, tni u.. mu and nhlld. who will spend a vacation "down on ma .arm ii..n,an ('oilier wai in from TumiIii. and savs Bundav T.....I S.-hnlla and n towarue I ilft u V S I a. w tljaatuaiti'rtn. MI) lovrd a heavy a la iwer .WW " ' y - -one of the heaviest ot tne season which did tboueands of dollar! worth of good. v.. ..tan, trade: T0 H. I an.inr Htnvr. with tank v 1 a vithnul. and ilo spraying outfit. Will sU single or w 11 utratinn. Come- Heparaie. i . . - - f us. Ore. nr v Qmitb who fatmed lor W , M l'l"""l , v, nlaina east and north of this city, rd who uiftde the ..L.. r v,u lifa." when he pur chased over in South Toalfttln, wis n the city Saturday. n... -all known ftt Forest OR 111 vmmi , .. Grove and Hillsbo.o, and all over the north county, oame over .ro.. Greshim, Saturday, and called a tbe county -eat, to greet bii old time friends. ti ..... a house moved, or car,ienter repa. mg, --; it it tsar. nuiMi nuiti try work .oliclted-M. 0. Hewitt, Hi shoro. n-.i... -v,inl In anv auantity and will deliver, at ai low prices ai i .u., .nowhere C n you can g --j . 1K 9J Reynolds, Mountalndale, Or. 15 21 Mr.. Hugh Smith, of Forest f , - ik. aiinai oi nor. uauau urove, aw -v......,,.. ter. Mini Tearl smun, pio. Teter While and wile, now itopv . warn doWO tO ping near jbum, " the nltv Saturday. of R. B. Uoodin ana lamny, Sunday. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice ia brfbv liven that tbe County Buoerinlendent of Wash iniUm county will bold the regu lar examination of applicant! for State and County riaoera at tbe nubile school buildio., in Hillibo ro, aa follows: fo stat i-ArKas Conimruriiig Wnluewlay, Anguat tt. at 9 o'rlork a ni , and continuing until Haturlar. AuKUit 14, iooo, at 4 o'ctotk n. m Wnlnrattav I'rnmanahio, Hiatorr. Sjclllug, I'hyaical (leograpby, Heading, Pivcbolofy. Thuta,la Written Ariihmetic. Theo ry of Teaching, Oiammar, llonkkre ping, rttviica, V.1VII trftvernmeni. Ktidav I'liaioltiirv. Oocranhr. Com imaitioo. Algebra, Kngluh Uleratute, Sri-latit Saturday-Botany, Plane Geometry, C.elinal HlattHT. KOH COf S TV FAfKH ('nifinitiriitff Wediirwlay. Aaeutt 11 al aoVtoek a. m.. and continuing until Auvuat 1 1. I !. at 4 O Clock p. Ill Wednculay-l'eomanahlp, IliMory t)ithography, Reading, Pbyticai In-og ratihw TliurmbiT-Written ArithmeticTheory .1 T-.. I,inu Cianiiuar. I'llvlloloBY. Friday 4ography, S:bool Uw, Civil Oovrruitienl, l-.Bgllan uneraiure. k PAIR OP JACKS THOSE FLATHEAD LANDS hi money In keeping up the communi ty. All fines should alio be paid into a fund ihat could be handled bv the coun- iv administration. As it is dow our for- nrk ami in aUira. Bmatl famil v. rati luooort tbe wild lame and the out- German or B.i.s preferred -S.iae "faud Hi thflimiu Home Bakery, M.i rust, t ortiand, T, . an..i.f fhnBed. As for mvteif. Oregon. I think that when Portland sportsmen , . ... ti . come out and kill deer tney snouia pay Robert Simpson, of Buxton, pass- ..... m,. i.,i.-h,r. ih A. ed through Friday, no hil return Mn pay taiea here while the Portlander from Portland, where, in company doe not There are many other amend- with hia f.lh.r kainant mart ot menu that could well t maue. Dul ineae . ' ' r are the not unimportant onea." P. R. Cooor. ooerator at the S P , aocompanied by bis wile, depart ed tbe urat of ln wees lor a enori , T , ! ..j nu.. ... l- . . I lit . Jltl. IUUD. ua.iny wuu vu vat who relatives ana irienua ai . .. - . , . j . ir 7..i. . l :. L-amiin Btarvea fnaay wr a ip iveiso, n i.a, aou ovuer Fo.uv0. . 8.,monb,rrT reirion Whit oftldinir nonv. Kmmett Ouick took them UP to weighs about TOO; about 10 years the bead of tbe good roadi eection, old; dark mane and tail. R. W. and from there tbey packed In, " .... -I.a.. a a ail fltt. ifnfTakar MilU(il Ore. K. l. with tbe aid oi a -ourro. ine Box 02. 19 21 Bret morning out wivn me paca n i n v tram they loaded the ii truer. aUBUwtatcr j. hji uw nj it.L.n j . . . v ' timnniT csiiea i iu. tuu uuj moTPd his ollice mio in ur. wooa . . a, D r. riA.j j .... e .i I Kin. lill. IUU UliOT. all U1UV.IUWU a?: rsjr vzx z iw . p-tbe four ?f th.m- . V-..VV.. Dut the lour legged "jack" balked meomoea great aeat cioeer vo toil , nn '. . Af..r P. R. & N. Main street elation. . . . , B ... . . ,. i a aa ixi av i aa amajvi a aa 1 1 v wwaaww Black Eagle Mining Company tbey gave up in despair, until Cat. Treasury etock selling $100 per was forced to argue with the ani- share. I will sell you 50UU shares mat. Tbe genial assistant cai liter for 35c per ebare, as must have then said: 'TU tell you what's money Address W. A. Currie, the mater he wanta a lead. I'll 408 Mohawk Building, rortland. Uurt out first ind he'll follow. All Oregon. 20 1 h wanta ie a bill." So Cal put a Mr. ami Mra. H. T. Blair and 7 bell on, brayed trine, and - ' ' - I.a . I T l 1 1 I ilk ... n . .. M-ii. t)a.i ..j i ihR ninnr jirk ioiiuwrni wuu uiiro vaaaavsa wwwa - . High Q DALITY Drug 3 tore 1 I . taw.-jf UEAI. ILOWEIi are used in the mak ing of our perfume. Yon can almost aee the bloMoms aa yo inhale the delicate odor. Reality ia a feature of tbia VUVii STOKE. You can get what yon think you are getting here. Aa onr flower odors are made from real flower, so all our specialties are exactly what they are sup posed to be. No sub stitution, no adulter ation. Our service are right Our pricea are right, and our good the Ve ry Best obtainable. The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. ware here sundav. aruests at tbe i - - - j .t home of Mn. Ruth Blair. Miee Rollo ia caehier in the mail order Olda, Wormian & T. is in th ad L E. Wilkes, U. 8. Examiner ol urv.a with headuuarlen in ' " , , . . ... k.m. iki. aut wia, aiOuvauw, waa uvuiw v., - , , , " '. i ..j r. denartment at uu,g bis urn y. .ni, uep.r .w. . n;Ktbni3 Rising room of the Oregonian filed on it Miwoula ftod htuspel, Wolf boys btve eetUed with Mr. Wilkei ttnys: I John M. Wall and tbe c&ae ia in . .t I ...wH lla.Miakainila Kvi fill.! I .i.a.. av f at p sia iKft ir! mill ftl " 1 U.UMI HI UfUH aa - I HtAlli l AJ DW lai wn uiv va saM - on theac land. But a email wrcentage u gre C0Dcerned, This 18 the c.o Ket ... '.Vul.rL1"gA" case where the boye could not ac- co'intv mau woiim 'r - . . , . M..,,,1. .ml return, ana wr ma c- oouuii iu wu'j " swinging stride Thus it waa, with two Jacke at tbe head of the pro Qesnion. that a tired quartet tramp ed into tbe mountain tastnefaea of the Salmon berrv last Saturday eve nine, and Cal. now repeati, daily, "you can't fool a Jack VICKERS JOINT AGENT P. fi. Vickera Tueadav morning re it, ived notice that he is appointed count for property on ney gouthern Pftoific bad borrowed the money and given J 8 p . p .. . . mor,8tt8e- tin Cnmnanv. with offices in lh V. I iff.., I ,1.. nBnAn L . , J . i ! T .) I a big chance, auu omy itw uvua.u , fera ntarvrampi uwiuo nra"jii)iiinerii i aciuo urpu will net property and many tnoueanaa . th e .m0ug McCormick binders, Th S. P. will aoon sUrt work on will not. me tiaiu.. ... ,.K.;-r..r rilvM. teildera and all v,. i int Hanoi and aa aoon aa four lieure wh e over a humtrto tnou-1 " J ', . . J , "r - ..mi have filed ami applicant are .till I kinds of farm machinery. Do not constructed tbe new quartera will ....i ttn load. Anain, tbe In- u tn sab him. if vou need farm Ka n and. The P. R. N carnea a "" r - ; , ,, . .. .ii .r t. I . . .. .7 i ,i 1 " . i disn have taken oy aiioiiucui ai. . imDiement8or this kind. Also sens .reat deal of freight backward ana tbe International gasoline engines forward and tbiswiu aaa consiaer a I 41.41 1 pumps. Come and eee mm. ion ably both to tbe duties and emoiu The Webfoot Realty Co. report the following real property sales: ,ot owned by U. w, names ana Mob Uam-irilal Ath ,t KdiHon. to 1. . . . t G. Knittht, $1,025: lot owned by The Nursery town, urenoo, nae a . urtia. in n A Jnnpa. SS5U: tavlmo- librarv. and tor six u.t in int. to i,. tnuram. mnnina ine neouie ui um kuhuu Palmateer 7 aorea, west of P. R. & may on Sunday afternoona receive N. water tank, to G W. Barnes and Mra. Lizasie Sample, $3,500; Leonard Tompkins lot, 5 h a tt. K . . . npA aT . W d to G. Kolfe, ai.aiHJ; mra. m. a. Ilailav nrnnnrtv at Dlllev. to Mr Reed, $500; tloeoer property, HAMILTON BROWN SHOES Are the very best that money can buy. Stood the Test of Years It you are wanting Footwear xall in and see our durable Shoes for everybody. FOR SHOES THAT WEAR Our Line is the Best on the Marhet. JOHN DENNIS, Hillsboro, Oregon. penr and 15 cents filing fee might get a D,j borro ,1Cee of land-end again, might not- haUe, that would not be o valuable. It ii al big chance, aud only a tew mouaann t . 1....1 iinwever. there are innumer able homeelead yet la Montana that are ir.. and based uiHin oycu w n -. , niv sia years' experience, I would say that many of these will make goal, bit year ago, when 1 nisi ' f " homesteaders hied on what I thought were worthless land. Today many of these claim are worth f 1000 wide from the Improvement. But it will take hard diguing, and natd living, and if a man expects to "aae row u ...,r . .... ll... .,,,,1, all tills." niiug u mull a Notice to the Public Anyone cutting any timber of any kind on tbe Aiirea Ainerw pia.00, above Olencoe, will be prosecuted to tbe full extent of tbe law. Alfred Alberta, Kcatua-Alberta San Franciioo, Cal., July 1, 1909 a waa over from South Tualatin, Saturday, and sayi he is going to have a fair crop of apples this Fall. "8 naa a nice mm w chard and givea it plenty 01 oare M.,riM at the home of the ofli niatlno minister. Elder (J. A Bias, . r innn al . n.ll.a (Irnonn JU1T 21. 1'JW, Bi Charles Buhmao and Miss Gertrude Bias, daughter ol Mr. and mrs. u A. Siaa. w x if avnam. who has one of ,, . , - . the finest ranohea up aoova raoun t.tndaln and out from itoy, was m town Saturday. J. 8. Siralley, of Reedville, was . s . .. a Q.lMexiattl an to tbe coumy bbw diu.. . J . . n U fn He nodi uregoo guvu uuuu him. ment of Mr. Vickers ORENCO GETS LIBRARY KERSHAW is in Town To serve the Public as its House Painter and Pa per Hanger. Church work given a Discount. draining, flalsomining ana insiae rmismng my Specialty. Motto: "Well pleased customers are my best advertisers." Postal me when and where to call. J. F. KERSHAW, Hillsboro. St books. The list of 50 books is a oompreheneiva one, and embraces man authors. Liickens. uooEiei- low and Locke, leading. There are manv numbers for the children 1st and vnnth and the library should T,ni,.n.i tnr.haa. tiewell. $375: he well natronized. The books are 1 ' - .... m, T. M . Kerr property, Edison, to W. to be found at Orenco nan. 1 ne ir '?ivv T,.non int. west l at of titles mav De seen at ine a. iiiuii t"v, . , of First, on Washington, to U. A ball upon request. u..Kk.rl 7ITfl UUUUVl l t vv. , ... . 1). W. DI1D, WOO WW UUflUI uc The Supreme Court of the S ate . Oreaon delegates to the of Washington has reversed a de- N .. , Kditori,i AaB'n. returned oision ot a lower court wherein tbe . sattle. Sundav. He waa ao Oregon Condensed Milk Company, oompiinied by Mrs. Bath, daughter builder of uiusooros urs oou and Boni,nd Mrs B. E. Ditmoor. denser, was plftintui, anu a oeaivit. f nh.rlotL Mich. D. W. Bays commission house was d,enaaDH thev have a great Fair oyer there, The lower oourt decreed against tne ? . tht the Editorial meet- Mi k Company and upon appem , ... of the Be8. n, ev the verdiot was reversed. 1 be to til now set its money for mer ohandise placed with them on com mlaalnn. Dr. Tamiesie. Fred Schom k... lo R. Rairlev and J. W. Shute were among tne nm lounuere attended He h is been appointed on the National committee, to reureseot Oregon, for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gilnett, of rT...n-B v.,k Rand. Ore., arrived Bun- of the uregon w a,u.. v., ---- - . d. mj r ..Tr.r.r"'v:rn:i w M,s. gumu win tut on f ' T-i - - - I w e ,.ntx Mr. ind Mn. E. .a anv arsi nunareu uouaro nrto .u-1 " r . " , 'i 1 L. Abbott, for a few weeks. V V V -mrm a Do You Trust Your Watch? You have seen people leok at their watch and then ask some one else the time of day. He can't trust his watch. If yours is that kind, you'd better throw it away, or bring it in and let me make a time piece of it. If you're going to buy a new watch, be sure that you get a trustworthy one; one that you can depend . on; one that you can catch the train by, or keep an engagement by. I sell only dependable watches and guarantee them. LAUREL M. HOYT Graduate Optometrist Jeweler and Silversmith,