J r The"" HitLsigila Mrgus VOL. XVI. HILLSMKO. OREGON, JULY 15. J00 " " KTM J . I .... imiui i imi iuiiu i'hiii I - n'liiii in i l i it in 1 1 ii it i n. n. i r. ii . irmii itMni.iiin mw N I'lMII inr.5ri.,l'. aH TlliJ CITY SlTIIHIIlVrCZZ, J WARNSTHH riRHRRS niGH UUALITY Urug Store 4 flainc Thai Warmed HcrMf The llicbll I'ana rRltriMTClUE IVIBSH HUll Krulir licit p ln-tlt II all a ( fi for tn I"1 ' fanjom-lh clieel, prlllet md mott nUoiil tvr n her mJ Ihe oor wa 3 lo 2 to favor nf tbi Dairy Crk danlitm. It wis s greet game a rt gem o ioulnct of brealh holding, fasting tod prayer a gr"l gtru. urlt as yuu will not are oh0i 'n bundrd Unit with iinateurt no a diamond Htokl bad the good, and tbay played lik demon afler lbjr (bouhl thy be I lb game Bui vun't It ft great gamt-tnd who could b tore If their bom trim did l'MM after thai h I'illoO f hatebsll? Nothing doing the first 10 In titii In iba third, logrtm. flrtl up lined rut lngle and mad around on WHeon arrnr tnl ran romping boinf on Wilnn'i oond error of Brown's Ihtiw lo nlfb Hunn it ond. Tba Ct'dintlt Vc n J acora came In lb tilth Wilks wt m.I ('help netly tcriflod bin) i tecond, tnd eim (Hoping In on Moir' drlv bit intld th third btallnend rlghl hart th Cardinal rreU-d tbelreaea h looked lika a cinch Iwo lo 0 Old Htnk got busy lo th lucky tevanlh Kvary man on th team Uk i hrecr iod amy roan filled ith alrlf loily and gol th shock to aurkiug in goxl ahatxi. htchcr CariUoi mida Aral on Wilka' lum blr; iU)U aMond oo Hullocka out, iod ricad lika a wolf, creating lb plalo, acorlng on Wundrllcb'Tl ii Inguii to right Hold In tbe ttgbtb. HohUgal tiogUI and ad iool to third no Chtflln't oul, tod emit boma oo a dindjr "w" pity. Tbli tiad lb toof, iod neither tlda toorad in lb ninth In lha CtrdioaU' batf of Ibt unlh lhrt wn no rult MTt t oiphtr, with tbt riot knock al off, it tint Tba Hinkt bttitr tbon went Into win WMion fn nal; liroan wn hit by a d(ohd ball, naohtd third on a paMml lull tnd Krd on Tautchtr't fumbU of BohUgil'i groundar Fully 700 -..,lc wiinrMi)! (ttr gtmt ml no 10 tram, tvtr lyef uioie trn-j-ru ianiuK-mt gfrt gmii! i-blf)(tl ttf wan ibnt iimi fur itukt tliiougli rutbin iotfreiu f hit by 1 Icmiw rBMlimial ct. Ii ruiiiilii, on tumM -i tlif oimh. n.l ttr iIm nidlwd Uir Clina'a of trut hi tbt tniii) by icrrat iuuuln rati u f Tu chrf i hit. Ur(FB( pilrUnt tn rt (arm, iml Willi, , w. ,n fioe fr,r Bnk' cikbet W4i all to tlx Ko,xl well, gol datn lt-tlir)f ill fOl. Bank. Clrll Cartnt ami lBiliHi CarliaaH. Wtlli.iu, ami I'Ueljia. Tnu ii Hi trrc lxx)h: IIII.I.HHuKO AH H II ni A K ;-unr, i i " O O O O o o o 4 I It I 11 o I 3" KoMiMiu, f, Tiutclitf, j b . 0 """', 1 it....,,.- a llirlta, c Moon, c ( liKram, 1 , Hunwu, r f William, S p",'.'" a t a o J o 4 1 i a . 31 KKC.I I.AHS AH H 1 I O o o I o 0 o hi I a S 1 5 o 3 o i Brown, t , Hi-hlrK, c f...." -hHiU c. ""oil K, J f. JWt! A. 1 , wrtiia, p B,llo k, 3 bM, wumlrrlUh, r f . Wilaou.a 36 3 6 jo at 4 vu,c iiy iiiiutiK: llink. 000000 1.1 1 I o 13 iniiaiKiro 0 0 1 Summary I 0 o o o a Btolcn Uara-mtcb, Wllkcl, Moore, A I'arrolt, Bullock, Sacrifice bim'iclp, 3; R Tarrott. ten 6 " Un"-W',ll"",ii i c' Struck out by William., 8; Caratena, 3. . -..,c piayi iiouatou to IliKram. " by ptit-l.e.l ball-lirowo, Human 'e,l fiall-Pl.eipa, 1. 111 on baaei-Hiiubofo, 9; Baiiki, 7 Ctdr Rbingloa in any quaotity uu will deliver, t low prions tt you can get lrjBIn anywhere -C. 8. "ojnoldg, MouDUlndftla, Or. 15 22 Uraen UftU, wife and dftughtar , ra out from Portland wr their innuil Bummer outing at Aider Camp, a mile weit of town. J". Hftle reserved tbli traot when oia to Hiioet et all. The lawmill is running full time ,Ma dy, nd alto keepe Ut rftner hummlog nlghti. Mr will have a big run thl. tea on, and (hlnka theoountv out wll "nLOV!r. tb 100,000 million feet I lie t inn year, oonalderably. liava now Guiabal , 1 Huildlng UI.Nka and liava a upply un tba yrd. W't will hiv upply i. u k on band l.v (I.. 'AHU uf Jump. V will l,i our run of Urga tila, ( ,1C, ,n, U-.ul Jiuia I.',. I'.rtia wai.ti... III luuat ordnr lliaiii l.v July 1, waoaiinot air ird to c arry llmitt in Urn k. mi do not lilan.a 1.. if mm bava lion whan vim rail f... llmm latrr Wa ttv It hiva a full M'n k i.f amatUr iita tU laltrr ptrt if July. Wo liiva a in , 4 n audi, in uu bind atpranaiit. Tbona, lf.ir yini c.iiin for tiU. aa tbi t'K'k may U out any tiiua We Hum our III ainl brick bar,) a. wood ii nu otjol with un. Dun'i furgal tbat w carry 1 go k1 Una of rough and drrad luiuUr, and cm llil any ordinary hill frjiu our ytrdalmk. Wa alao bia 1 jinn Illy d lumUr at liira'a imiub that wa will anil at ,tr raai n- Wa fitfura, U JiO. US. 2x4. IhC and 2ft U of diirrent Ungtba, til auiftewlind tld.jcapt tba 'lill Til. 1 II it . 1 oiai an goou luuiUxr tn l U til luck, t It I vary dry. If rou can uatlututmrof tha Juiif uaioin, it will pay you to look it up. Oronar A Kowrll Co. John M. Wall bu Blml an in- foroiatlun tgainal au and W.ll wolfa. two brother, tnd who ire on ol Mri lUhr, tllrging larceny uy 11 lea. Wallcluro ha hid oh at I? I ru'irlgiga on tome property, Inclu llni 4 on, 2 heilnrt, a mare and itii harniaa, and allege thai lha nulla gut rid of the properly with nit releiaing th chattel Th uit I Ufor County Judge (Jood in ittlng tuigitrtt. J C. Millar, of above (ilaucoe, waa tu Monday, on probata bul- ne, tnd iy tba rtint will help the polilo crop on the hill, jual piaoiru, iinuieimeiv. ruiaux-i am not again need rain until lata in .September or the Aral ol October to ineura t fine crop of Hurbtnk. I'p there" U where Ihey riu-e I hem. Mr Willi and daughter. Mr R IWtgtaftnd Mr. Mte Dobb. of A lank , ill of whom are well known here, have rented the Crin 1 . . ... nan noma lor me rummer, in a will remain until Kill before re turning to Alaska. Tbey have mtny friend in tbi city who will b plrtced lo renew "tuld tcijuent " J. K. McNtmara tnd wile, tnd I. K. Toiler tnd wife, ciuie out Monday tnd went on oul lo Hear ha m fur t fortnight camp trig trip. Mc once belt potmon ith the Argue, tnd Mr Totter it in the real eatale limine. Mo Nttutrt I now with (!lai A Trud boiuuie. Jo. Uilbreilh, of Clpole, a new Itaii m on the Oregon Kleclrio, wt up from below Tualatin, Monday. Ilia father tallied dou there io H.'2, when Joeeph wi but a few month old, and had jul chiper- oned the parent icroi the plain fit the 01 team route. For t good wboleaorue uieal home cooking, and oourleoua Irett' nient. call on the City lleelaurmt, rliwond tU.. OniKwila T H. & N. ol- flee It(K)ni for trnient, l. and ft. cent Hoard tnd loiUing, per week, MM) Mr. H. Lurcher. Ilarrv Cook.'an old timer, and who ba been one of tbe faetett of ball pltyer in bi dty, wtt in Mondtv. from Corneliu, and talk ol ffolna iiti the Coeur d'Alt-ne and ttko up tome government land A Mr. Klink and wile, of South Dakota, were out Hunday, Irom Portland, aufttt ol Mr Klink uncle. W. 0. lUuer. Krtnk Ilager and wile, ol Portland, were alo gueeU at the (lager home. N. A. Btrretl.wlth the Mitohell Uwii Stiver Co , for mtny yetre a In to wo the lat of the week in at relurnina from t trip to Till H- i . n I l.i.diriAuB lltlfM mOOI. A nun iu uui several yetre tgo. Thna Murtibv. who hti been up l.n Mnnnlaindale for uver 6i - . ear, and who had to cat bifl way on trail to hie pltoe when he went in. wn down to tbe county eeat Monday. . Attnrnav Malarkev and Dan Malarkev were out from Portland Monday, In court in the matter of the eetate of Jtt. MONUiiy, a oner wood resident who died tome year or bo ago, Krank Ptuli. who ha been visit ing wl h his daughter, Mre. Grant rvi.nina. at Summit, beyond uor vallis, on the Corvalli A Ytquina ' a . Iflll I road, hts returned to umeuoro. Four room house on Washington 8treet, on car line between Seoond nt Th rd. ot 6011'JU. lor eaie Krnet Lyons, 2 miles northwest of Hilleboro. 01 " B II. Lredy, past stftte master of the Ortnse. and who wft in ou nvamA RMnretentfttlve last year, was up from Tigardvllle, Monday morning. (leo. Hellaire, of Uleuooe, was in town Monday. vi. iiiivi un u ir Uiiii j d.vjJ Kiev wa up from H.:holls, II lllil 1 IllUI UlI lll II II arv xpectn Soon to Have 2.000 .Men at Vuik.on Line HBKI FIGHTIXG kU)QH LKiSM 1 4 0t Want lbrm laa Claw l Labor I'tmpi Jonlractor Sweeney, who bat the conatruction ol the P. It. ,V N. from the KuiUuiend clear through to tbe completed end tt Tilltmook, wa in town Hiturdav. hi ml.im being to e that no al,on were ioatalled In dale Creek nrecinrit. - " taker tnd Kjuler tnd toother par- bad ecured a mj irity of the voter of tbe pneinct, anking for talo in licne, and it wis tbe In tention lo atari lb em up netr tbe railroad line. Mr. Sweeney hard of Ihe propoei- on, aud Uriel aorue remon- Rlranc oul with tbe result thai nnoy who had tigned the petition ignej tin, rem mRtrance. Tbe out- oome waa m ire remo.iitranott than original ligner, and tbe county court turned down Kith petition he ltw ayt that if 1 man sign the petition tnd reinontrtnce the remonelrance signature shall count one, while the ligntturetf the parly will not count on the trillion r. Bwetney lay that he will aiMin bava 2.IKK) men tt work. He now ba 4(K) bmy on tbi end ol the line, and about MX) on tbe Til- arrook end. Much ( f the right of way muni be loggetl tnd then cleared, tnd it mean t big under taking. Th log will be btuled oul by the lir,l train that operate over the raiit, regardletsof whether they are material or regular trains. L. B. WALDRON eater K. Wtldron, who ownml the Grant Holomb ranch, beyond Weal Union, died tt the 0 xxi Sf aiartlao lloapital, the lad of tbe week, tnd the remain were brought HilUboro for interment, the fu neral bring held Sunday. He was aged 41 years. 'J is mother, Mrs. Carrie Waldrnn, died iu thit city, Mty 10. Waldroo wtt t btohelor, tnd died from tubercular meningi tis. He, with bis mother, owned 5 acres, 47 nf which is cleared tev. A. A H ery preached th funeral service, and commented on tna fact tnti noi a relative was preeeul, His nearet relative is inter, wbo lives somewhere near Chicago Tbe body was laid away by the tide of hi mother, in the Odd Fellow' oemetery. NOTICE TO FRUIT DEALHRS )ealers in fruit ol all kinds are hereby warned to neither buy nor sell dierafd fruit of any nature whatsoever, where such fruit thill be infected with San Joee scale or codling moth, and if mch diseased fruit shall be found on tbe premises of any dealer the same shall be confieoated and deetroyed as pr authority of law. (Irowers of fruit are also notified llut they thai under no circumstance sell die eased fill it aa above set forth. W. H. Stratton, Fruit Inspector for Washington Count. Dated at Cornelius, Ore, July 16, liMH). 18 tf Notice to the Public Anyone outting any timber of any kind on the Alfred Alberts place above (ilenooe, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law Alfred Alberts, Kmrua Alberts San Franoisco, Cal., July 1, 1000 Two old fenllem.cn and their families left Saturday morning bright and earlv, in a prairie schooner, to spend a few weeks at Netarle, Little Neetncca, and other - a. camping resorts, to recuperate While gone they win endeavor 10 find the Fountain of louth, and when they reach Netarts they ex neot to take daily ablutions that means bathing, of course in the Paoifio, whloh Balboa dieoovered some lime before the old primary law went into effect Anyway they are out on a good time, and one of tbem is Ed. Wann, with Wiley's resort, and tbe other is the left-fielder for the Cardinals Thos WilliamB. Their wives will en deavor to keep them straight, and the Argus will be their Sunday school lesson while absent. W. H. Stratton, fruit ioepeotor and A. Benson, who represented Cornelius at the Pythian Uraod Lodge, Pendleton, recently, were down from the oitv without debts and money In the treasury, Friday Oreer' for jelly glaeee. David P.ine wt up from H.ibolle, Monday morning. Horn, July 10, VMY.i, to tbe ifB of Krneet Foord, of Oak h.ieet, a on. Lou! and Frank iVzililt, of IMiilliji, were in the county Hat Saturday. Peter Vanderbrg, of Cenlerviile, wa in the city SatiiMliy, and call ed on tbe Argus. Alf (luerber, the pioneer of Hel vetia, and who ii running a Hie dairy, wa in Saturday. I.oui Rood departed the firel of the week for an outing at N-wp irt, tod will be 1 Writ eeveril days. Michael Kaemusen, of Hverton, wa in town Saturday Mr IN mueen is owner of a tine ranch in bis section. If K L Parr, now of Camas, Weh , will call at Argtm he will be given bis leather wallet, found 00 county road, near JIillnboro C. Walter, tbe (ilencoe black smith, and who always has all be can do in hi finely appointed shop and then some was in Saturday Paul Landauer, of Went Union, was In Saturday, and says his Winter wheal will sure go 30 buh ela or more to the acre, and that Winter oats in his section are fine. Frank Holcomb, of Went I'nion, wa in Saturday, with a three year old gelding not in the bet of fl-h. hich tips the beams at l.iO" Washington County f ir big horees, every time. 8. F. Ojodwin, recently pur chaser ol the Hal. Taylor place, was in town Saturday, and says the valley beaUold Umatilla Coun ty, anyway, and be is pleased with bis location. II. Deutselimaon, who has been the Uillsboro Horse Co., for with some months, has departed for an extended visit with relatives in aarlem. Holland. He expects to be absent three months. For sale: 12 II. P. Russell en gtne and oxis iiarirampi h-en chopper, mounted on trucks, good condition. Will sell at a bargain, ill accept small team and money in exchange. lleo McGraw, Banks, Ore. IS 20 Fred Hamel, of WeU I'uion, was in Saturday. He and Frank Hoi comb litre bought Lord Kitcberer, the standard bred stallion, wnh a mark of 2.21 J, and a public trial of V.). The purchase is out of Zim bro, 2:11, be by McKinney, 2:1 1 i Frank Holcomb will manage bim Ferd Harlrampf has the agency for tbe famous McCormick binders mowers, bay rakes, tedders and all kinds of farm machinery. Do not il to see him, if you need farm implements of this kind. Alsosells the International gasoline engine pumps. Come and see him. ld'.f A. C. Harrinon, whose father set tled on Dairy Creek, above Moun- laindale, near Koy, in 15 lb, was here from Astoria, where he runs'a machine ebon, Sunday. He is brother of John Harrison, whom all theold timer know. Mr. I Unison ft here fi r the city by the sea in 1ST0. State Land Agent Applegate father of Jwo Applegate, with Wilkes Bros.' Abstract to, was here, Sunday, the guest of his son lie pucceeds Chas. Galloway, who ison the taioomniUeion. Mr. Ap nleeate is a Southern Oregon man and of a pioneer lamily, and is an appointee of Gov. Benson. The Knights of Pythias have sent to the printer the bonds for their new two story buildings which is soon lo be built on Second Street. The bonds will be in de nominations of $100, and there will ba sixty bonds. The money is already on hand, but many of the membnrB of the order will take block of the iseun. A trip to South Tulatin the first of the week revealed a splendid grain condition, and the rains of earlv in the montn nave done won ders in making promise of a great yield On all ol tbe ranches where Winter a lost and oals are sown there will be a big yield probably the largest for ten or twelve years The s-rain, tust bllinc, and some iust turning, is a beautiful sight and nowhere in the Willamette Valley is found a comparison to Washington County outlook. Sister Panoretius, Spokane, Sis ter Marv Mt. Carmel, Walla Wa: la. and Sister Margaret Moore, Everett, Wash., came last Friday and visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Moore. All are sisters of the Catholio faith, and they were at Vancouver, Wash., Thursday, on church affaire, and received per mission tn take a day's vacation at home. There are few families who have three children whose lives are ooneeorated to the welfare of a re ligion. Tiny remained until Sat urday evening. Must not Offer Diseased Fruit for Sale, at any Timj GROVm AKg LS0 NOTIFIED 'ill Citfitctt iod tll fcaly Fruit a per Law W II Stratton, of Cornelius, and ho is county fruit lo spec tor, wis io town Friday, and is commencing lis camDtten earlv aca'mst frn t - 0 - hicb is infested with San Joee scale or codling moth. He will le aclivs from this time on as early pple are now coming into the market and if be shall find any diseased pippins he will confiscate nd destroy, according to the statute. In his notice to dealers nd growers, which is in another place in this issue, he warns the grower as well as the teller. Mr. Strtttoa says the county is more free from pests than nsnal, but tbat the only way to get im proved fruit is to follow tbe letter of ltw. II thinks it is Door busi- reus policy for anyone lo neglect h-ir fruit trees, when good fruit sells well, and diseastd fruit is barred from the market. Adroiniatralnz' Sale Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to in order of the II in. Coun Court of Washington County, Oregon, duly mads and entered in ihe matter of tbe estate of J. T. Killin, deceased. I will, on Satur day, July 24, 1909. at 10 o'clock a m. of said day, at th lata residence said deceased, 3 miles west of Banks, Oregon, sell at publio auc tion, to the highest bidder, tbe fol lowing described personal property 'longing to said deceased, to-wil: Mire, 10 yean old. Cow ami calf. Yearling calf. Tlurty-two goat. Sixty chickens. Spring wagon. Open bugKy. Set double harness and 2 aaddles. And at eaid lime and place I will also sell at publio auction the following described personal prop erty belonging to me, tc-wit. Mare, 3 year old. Mure, 1 yeaty old. Two cowa. l-'our tboates, 6 mo. old. Irou wheel wagon. Set double harucas. IMow. Harness. Ixt of small tools and other articlea too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale For all sums un der $10, caeh io hand on day of sale; for sums of MO and over, a credit of six months will he given, approved note drawiog 6 percent interest. Free lunch at noon. D ited this July 7, 1909 Hone K Killin, Administratrix of the Ketate of J. T. Killin, de ceased. B. P Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Krail Kuratli writes that he is now at Canton Berne, Switzerland, at the home of his wife's aunt. II you want a house moved, or carpenter repairing, call on M. C. Hewitt. First class work. Coun try work solicited. M. C. Hewitt, Hillsboro. 1 11. II. Hill, of Shady Brook, re turned Monday from a trip down in the Kelso country, where he vis ited bis eon, Al., at Carrolton. He says this county looks the best to him. Wanted: Man to cut about six teen cords of fir and ash wood, four foot lengths. Inquire of Wm. Hildebraod, on Thos. Connell place, West of Hillsboro. 16 S Eli Poe, of Cornelius, was down Monday. "You bet I can just see old Hilleboro grow, both in popu lation and improvement, every time I come down. You've got al good town, he said. Four foot fir wood delivered in any quantitv in city. Per cord, $3 25 and 3 50, aa per quality. Also have aid wood. Give your orders now. Leave at HeidePs real estate oflioe. F, 0. Heidel Hillsboro. 14tf Perry Ellis and wife, of Hills dais, passed through th city Fri dav. enroute to Crystal Springs, a resort owned ov Mr. nans, a rove Gales Creek. H has a epring that . a a. m wi.il t has curative waters, and an ideal place it is for camping purposes Next week he will take in a party from San Franoisco, who will try camplne for a time. Ellis has hit own team and meeta partial with ins to camp at Foreat Grove. The Argns will follow Ml. Ellis to Gales Creek during his sojourn. 0&- it If The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. HAMILTON BROWN SHOES Are the very best that money can buy. Stood the Test of Years It you are wanting Footwear'call in and see our durable Shoes for everybody. FOR SHOES THAT WEAR Our Line is the Best on the MarKet JOHN Hillsboro, KERSHAW To serve the Public as its House Painter and Pa per Hanger. . Church work given a Discount. Graining', Halsomining' and Inside Finishing niy Specialty. Motto: "Well pleased customers are my best advertisers." Postal me when and where to call. J. F. KERSHAW, Hillsboro. Unequal Eyes. Do you see equally well with both eyes? If not, both eyes may be defective one certainly is. Have them properly examined. I prescribe glasses only when absolutely necessary, and guaran tee satisfaction. If you would preserve your eyes so that you may have the best results from them in old age, do not put off giving them the attention they deserve. Do it now. LAUREL M. HOYT Jeweler and Silversmith, UKM. I lliWI Ii are ned in the mak ing of our perfume. You can almont see the bUrwoim as yow inhale the delicate odora. Iteality is feature of Ibis lKl'U STOKE. You can get what yon think you a'e getting here. A our flower odors are made from real flowers, no all our specialties are exactly what they are sup posed to be. No sub stitution, no adulter ation. Onr service are right. Onr price are right and our goods tbe Very Best obtainable. DENNIS, Oregon, is in Town Graduate Optometrist 1 ' f t