, PAGE! . v . .. i! Ha-.: sii i ift ! i.l,,IB ""n'' 4th OF - JULY BARGAINS At GREERS' Cora rceal per sack $ 30 5 lb bnciet lard 80 io lb bucket hard 1 50 50 lb sack half ground salt ... 30 100 lb sack half ground salt. . 55 5 gal coal oil in balk 75 Wall nuts per lb 15 7 bars Three Heart soap for.. 25 .'. : n R.;tr, of Halreua, wai " vi : r ti the cvucty sat t-aturday. j Frr i Jvh.ri.it, of Laurel. anJ j hi t Ha Hicjt tew hrue, ' r ."urat acu caliei 00 the revgiou wk. Hr.rj Psfi-rxart. of belcw Rood BivJ, - np Friday, lit h h--n ic.i:ioed for wTeral week-, bat i cow cn tbe mead. Mr Tbo. Cortne'l. wboee Ut j ---' &Ti?in! cwsi the biE TiWr' r'.ac, of town, iu out It !t of the week. It Haser, th tiaot powder tuo of Ftu'Jip, J. I-. Fowe, of dm' MorUnda e. were in town Satur day, getting t'ilj for the picnic at tieiretia Mjrcay. Is " ' ' " i . ;,:. : C".ir..I. t.;. Tt .t.o !. r t. ; . i':.- S - ; r ! d ,i Iv :t !-d i . ,, , I . i .-.,,. I . ' 1 ! K f t...i. h.. I t- , . i t i .'' - vt :. i- ' ; "! th r; Beaverton-Reedville ACREAGE THE PASADENA OF OLD OREGON BElVERTON-KEFDVItlE ACREAGE ALPRICH ACRFAOR ALTOX ACREAGE ASDEEWS ACREAGE KINNKWOMl) $500 ACRES pUticd into tracts of to jo acrw each, with completed road to each tract.' 40 minutes out on tbe Focnh Street Railway, 5 trains each war per div. Land lay beautiful?, toil very fertile and is' especial! adapted to fruit, nuts aad vegetables. 700 homesite ken, of as average size of 5 acres, inwrea wonderful community development Now aellicg in soch tracts as yom desire, at from $10O to $200 per Acre 10 per ceat. dowJaiCaace to suit purchaser Can aad arrange to go without expense to yon. to ei amiae this property, and determine for roarself as to ITS WORTH. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St Portland. Oregon T. M. URB H A. HUDBERT Are You Wanting' a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FAB CO LOCATION. Independent Phone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON OUR FLEXIBLE Steel Ladders are the things Sold at one-third ot the cost of other Ladders t 1 Made of the best of steel 2 Indestructible by weather or fire 3 Do not collect ice or snow 4- -Will not collect moss the roof on 5 Always ready for use 6 Can be folded into a small space 7 Can be adjusted to any shape of roof Price list sent on application Manufactured by McParland & Donnelly Buxton, Oregon. Ernest Haw, of Sheridan, where he is engaged In the drug buiinees, has been vieiting hit father, Ulrich Haae, for a few daje. Within a few dare he expect, to etart east for an extended trip, and will visit m iowb, iinicago ana JNew York. ! ?0;LH V' GateB "turned the last of the week from a trip into the John Day country. While there he 1 u flared a Bunatrnk wh,u u.- 1 "mvu icik 1J1LU in a Terv unsiitifufnr condition. Mr. (AtKatKinVi. inn' Mtit niiTl i 1 . . -v .inner, DIB j health. O J Bru"tr, lat of Michigan, ar di who r cntly houjht the ('.rant Landras p'ace, near the Knew' m:SL was over frooi S. uih Tuala . tin, Saturday. c uomcid, wbo toogbt the Jaho Ivrtrwn u'ace. cear Witch iH-I'I. a fw minth airi r.1 wh waoui:cal!y a contractor at S' Jobt5, was up to the city FiiJaj. J. J. Krebe, of Farmingtcm, mji that hi acre of grape will produce fioly this nawn, but that ttbr fruit on hie place doeen't amount t muca. Loas. roiiett and lamUT arf campicg rjr Buxton, for the S'jnimer. Mr. Folttt is th pio- ; nw ecgiceer on the P. R. dt N John Boge, of FarmiDgton. and woo tin ren a memMr of the Ar gu fimi!y for lo. thm twehe year?, wai np to the city Friday, accotnptnw py bis wite. J W. VanderTelden, of Rot, ahere he condueU a atore, wae io Morula? eTeoing. J W eaye the new Catholic church at Roy hat ite new bell ewung in the eteeple. Thoe. Simme, who bought -the marcnintrj iwbert Bros. Kancb, near Farmicgton. and at a bargain, was in town Fridav. Thie ia one of the beet ranchee in the county Mr. Minnie (l.-abel, wife of Chae. Irabl. a former Hillahnrn raiiant viitA,t arilh (Via fmilU. nf VI" v' ; Smith acd A. W. Walker, of South , 1 ua.atin, cuodav. W. Rernard. of near I.anral. anil bo for years was one of the beet arueani in me country in tne boot ana shoe manufacturing business was in tne city f nday. C H. Willouehbv. who anant hi life until a year or so ago down in tee heedriiie section, and who now live dut 00 Route 1. was in th city Friday. Robt. Simpson, of Buxton, wa down Monday, and says the town is full of men going and coming from work on the big Sweeney con tract. Lawrence C Brown, whoee par ents were among the early pioneers, and whi has pnnt hi life in h S mth TuiUtin sectiOj, was over Monday. Mr and Mrs. J. W Msrehall are in the citv. eneets at the J W. Sewell home. Mrs. Marshall was formerly a Miss Frazier, of La Grande, and is a niece of Mrs Hewell. Ja. II. Pewell, who is handling the Ed. Lyons place, formerly the Wm. Jackson place, is having the barn moved over to the electric line for a warehouse, and D B. R'aoner is doing the work. Don t forget to buy vour fire works of John Dennis. Ha has lot of the beet, and he is making prices ro that you will have to buy if you are in the market. Bee his window display. j M. M. Mead, on the Frank Im i brie place, sent in a binah of rhr nes the other dav. and tha r-tnl j branch bearirg was two feet long only and contained 2.50 cherries j Thie is going some, evtn in a cherry ! E. E Lvtle. nreaidflnt of th P 1 R. A N Railway Cnmnirt. maaart j t J t a"""1"- va tbrouzh the citv MonH on over to Tillamook, taking the it -a. ' . " woamer etatre on the w inn j River route. i Samuel Gowan, who has made I his home in North Hillsboro for a number of years, has sold his place to an adjoiniog neighbor, Wm. Fauil, and Gowan will go to Cali fornia for a time. You will mt have to wait for your Fourth of July shave if you go to C. W. Nelson's Second Street shop. Only four ohair shop in the county. Quick service and first class workmen. M. C. Hewitt, the hoasemoyer, has the Mrs. Anderson residence on its foundation, moved fifty feet back toward Main, and has also moved the Pelton building The Oregon Electric can now get busy with its new depat building and sidetracks. S J. Raffoty, of Portland, and who has been out to tbe Mountain dale ranch, where he lived since 1857 until a few years ago, went into the city Monday. He expects to come out after the Foutb and then go over to Tillamook for the bot season. Claude and Roy Greear went np to the Sumit, Benton County ranob, belonging to J. M Greear, Monday, with a bunch of cows for dairy purposes. This will make 25 head in milk. The product goes to the ucrvallis creamery, and Mr. Greear I n . it rt si of twins tn th .' rs of Jim n-t th- d.fe of !!'.' !-i-t r thrrvof W.i.f. on ihc -:! J. li '5. And oi u'm' r.o! fait to so i-iw.r aliJ 4U fUlDt. t'-o ! 41Uti5 mont ac.iinst jou is tr i ronii!attit. t!s ThM ou an 1 h of ! ... 1.1 Vi ' ' 1 ' , ,., J Vi , . i l.Hi. , , ,. .-. r ...... . t... tf :-r ! .- I- ' "I ... ! '' ;.. I !' ' 11 . 4 . ( ..! ' !,:-! ;.. Ui .oh. I . r 111. .. . . M- ''or , ; ,w . V I I . I. .: !- 11 of A-JU!.! r ! , o:r. i ! ! t a k 11 u lr mil lor m -t! K . , .-'itft!, of ;in ok sr.l of Ro fffint la .1;. ! to n.il -o : . to lU-ti )!:.::.; at '.hi ll!o.k To of nj dttioti to the toan 1 1; horo. tr-son. Hith on tbo '. 1:". satj cHv of Hi".-' .ion nxi 'or"ht torn, r of 1:1 li-;;: ; !u. A.I 1 now of till!" ! ..'.i!; .! .: thoili r of v.:.! ).;. k It) ot.i H'j r..- thoncv at f. t to ot'Ctor Im of M'.d bSivk. tbrtiit north on the orntct tm of s.ii.1 !lok To us'., t.i-t to north iino of wu.t t.iook. th. m- .-t on th north of msJ tK k ( ! to th o of !;:.;:!: That th passi:;!! tw il ri-.i to tw th nor in f.1 !t!ii'l of mI.I fr.it ;rowrty. That th till ot mi.1 p!.tt ! Iw OUItt a.l(U"t th llrfrU.Ull! That th drfrti.latst- U- rijinm-U to r cut a ilorxl for v.. I rat prujw rt to Blalntiffs. ar.il thin on t -.r fatlnr to do 10 aithm tn iUy aftr rn.!itton of the dtvnv hrla. that wnl .i.x rr shall Umi !i and for . -mvam-r throf. and for th '- and diiiniro ttifuts of this sun. and for una uihrr and further ordrr as m.iv aj irar to th Court to tw tsjnitaln Th summons Is rvd tmou vim hv publication hy ordrr of th llnrmratrl ' V. (ioodlt). Jlldc of th 1 Vuiitj Court of th Sl.il of Onom, for Washington Coutitv. h.iid ordrr Im-iujc mad and il.itrd on th- tMh day o Jun. loS, hith ordi r rulrs that you apiwar and ..:;. r on or l for th Irtirsi inn nf si frunt thr date Of th first imMiraiiou throf, to wit: (In or ln'for th ,.(h das of At;s- Ut. lst9. K It TONiit'K. Attortirv for I'lamnfT Exrcutor'a Nonet iKivU h bn duly appoint.! and h.ii- nuw dt ornrr 01 in 1 ouuiT r oun rl lh tiuit Will and Ttwtatnent of Ahali K. Kir. decajHt, and baa duly tjiialiti.! an mh. N'.IW ll.rf..r .11 .,,i.m I........ ciaitus aumn-it aid tat ar hrhy noli tied and rtviuir.! to nn-oit tha utii toicrther with projr vouchr tliprofur. to the undrr)id at Ui law ottut it nagiey iiare tn in Miut tuiltiiir in on or tiefora u inoutha from U11 dat hereof. DaWd thia 17th dar of Jun, A. P. imtv r i.'ii ii' KxAMltiirr,r f i. 'a.f Will .iwt 01 Aivan r.. m, uawnl. Barley ,t Har, AtU)ruy for KxcuUr. T 1 !l Hi N -n ..(!! '.!. of Ui,n, .ll ar hTf I r rja.t U appf au-l a.a4 Ui iv. .anil tiil axa.nal .hi hi h f i !.!..! al a.i.t . liiw lf. ,l tf M i., .lav. lh I ail of July, !''. hi. b I.. 111. lf II, an r ki aftr tti dat of lh t rt l lni.tn ot IrrmJ t tt. I't'tllt in l! a rlitu!,! ,,lt and II v.'ii U.l I. . i j ar and luir lh ;;aii.tid i ;i v lo il-.a I ut l.-e r l.tif ' p.'av. d t,.i i" i!' .iii.laiin. t. ml; t.r a dfx rr ,.f t'.p fmirt .)!.. iv.og tha u.a? f .-i.u. I It. ri.-f..ri a.ol l.. r It.-;j p.ajntif! a.ul dt-ndatii,l. a tuitiirr f ... m pUinliti llw fu lur ,rr an.l 1 uuly . id minor rhil drn nan:,! liirrriu, ,r f .".t.r month a: a .' v n I s rnlr til .loilara Allt.f nnt t.H. an.l f.vr mi 11 ...Htir a,t further rfirf U,p I .'OH rt.ay driil Willi . J ai..l J ...1: I I... Sni 1 !"...!. s pui'Uiird 1-jr ,.fdr of th .,rl, r J I. t alllphrlt, Jl..!r. ..f ; th aU.ir fsitil..l t'.'urt, and aa'.l tldr : duir m I an.l alrl on t.a llft Uay nl ' .! I laiot Rrai f.iblt.Hatlon, May Jt. IAW I Pal of iat pub i. alien July I, i J. A Mtoa'-fi.ltfa Atl-rury f..r flaiulii! AJr.i n itrator NotK Petition (or Liquor License IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASH iNftTnru rnttiuYv In the matter ot in appiivaimn .,f II c iiaar an.l j. i k.H,r..r t.,r i .......... .. aril Spirituous. Vinu ami Wail l.iuuor. in li-s.H quai.liUra tiuin n Kailon. in i.al.-a 1 rwH I'rei'lm-t, aahlii;tun Coun ty, Orvgun. To Ihe Hurmraik- Cntiritv Court nf thr suite or on-u.in. rr aaliltiKtonruuMy lii unilriiuini itih.,,...,. ).... .1 .... rra or Ciilr t.,..k l......,.-, u- vouni. irri-con, ana conalltuting a ina jnrny ni me h-kui vulrrs or aital l'r.:. 111. I m - ... .ia..,. ,is w. wa.u I U- cincl. and havitiK actually r-aitlti in itl l'n-cinct Ihlity Ua mum duitriy pr. , J. Inir th (bilM i,t tm., ,...).,... .t. .1 . . of the niui( of the aanir, wnui.l rvaiH-rt- tu.17 ri.vt.'ii unu jiray, inai a II. rli tn aril apiruuoua. vinuua anu malt ll.U..ra. In ' wia 1 tin mail t.ftM vt 1. .11 if. Crrrk i'rolnt, Waahliucton Cnuntv 1 ir Ifun. tir trt!inl..l iilul l I ... II .' ...... and J. M. Kot..r for 11 pi inl of on ;.,(. !. E. WtflHlllKllOUSC J XI Ilaml.i.'n ..rlr WIlHiin f-laartt lluiehf.a C. J. J.im.a Wm. liusae f. M. Hat'inan Itot.l. H. llarpr li. V. .M.-Hnbeit A. I. llarpr J V. Il. ilr llt.nrv l.tnuun John Tlmmerman J. K. Jiayden V. Miyr . Otto l'riulapp '" J. Clark W. K. l'arkln 'A. l'arkln N. Hottman K. l'arkln F. 1'illzlapp J lldhm A)l-n Mnrrinnnl.l F. W. 1'rlbnow Konler Otto Kahler W. J. f'amona Jaa. Churchill K. I). Wllaon I), tfnn.lrv !). 8. I'ayne I.. C. Trltea William t. W. IS. Hc-holfleld A. H. MrCoy B. H. ll.iCoy J . T I m m c r m a n If Hum J. Hrrilth ' Alonzo ClfiNMhnw (. L. r'laiJHhaw J. M Lilly uc-o. 11. Uarrett ( Wpillwra F. FulUrri.url Wm. Ix ila Urn Multland C. H. Han J. H. i:atnmn K K. Joints H. K. I'orrrnan Oatar Hmiih Joe "I rurln l 11. lirimnnhr NIc l'ntrwurxr O. Htorhnw Oro. l llllrr J'.hn 'l'ft.p F. M. Whlti! Jnm-ph ('aruplrf. ll.'iiry Ovrri JlPiiry evrt. Jr. T. It. J.ihnninn H. II. l'urkln N. 1: Lilly If. O. AnK.,r.th Mlll.-r f.'harlta Woell John McCanii MoMa II. Md'ay Jl. J. Htnr.'y J. K. Wim-II Thnmaa drove J. I. A.lkina W. R LoualKriont J. T. LotinlKnoiit C. A. Wllann J. H. Hhutt A. W. Wilson Haniual Clnpshaw II. C. Hmllli J. L. I'marhlcd H. K. Harn.lt J. M. Ilayd. n TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. NOTIf'tt 114 lllOb'i.v tnw ...1..... .,i-,.t 11 im in unddKixnw will nn Hatiirdnv. the lulh llftV Iltl.p Kill.. n ..... n...l...... ... I. , n I'll 11 lllllH A. JV1. or Kihl rlay, prcaent the fnrfKnliiK pciltlun to thfi County Court of thu Htat of Orrniiri for WuahltiKton County, and at. mi I.I tm and placfl will aak that a llccna ,p Inaiif.i ... ..... u.io.iniitiir'i njlHirilLN ll . aplrltuoua. vlnnua and rnult llnunra In i.uii-a rwK I'rln-t. Waahlriiftnn C.mn. ty, Orrnon. In Ihhk niiiintltlra than nn iratlnn. tttr n r.nrl.wl .J - - date of thn laauancA of hik-Ii llncna. imu-u tnia nth day nf .lurio, VMi'j II, C. KAKKIt and J. M. FOHTKH. t 1 o . Appllrnnt, Tsnelr: V & Tlnrn. Allnrniii.. I... ... ,, N.n la hrr'ht ltd ti, that h ur.drr in. haa two. by IhaCuuiily tVurt ul lh Mat. if Mri;on W .hiiitim Coun ty. tluU ai (-,ii.l,..l Ad:iiiniL.r of 1 . :i of lo,-. a J. rann... dwd. and bat du y ,iiaiil,. aa u. li. Now thrt-l a!l w.in hailnj rllln acaliiat ald tal ari lihr r Hlllfrl to T-il th Mitia Ui li Un.ln I lii.l i Ui !a oltire ol lu,'.rr Hara, ; m lli!il.n, U!T-.,..i. ..f ai m otft, ..f ' "Kliwt.y Yn.ittjt, haiuhtr uf riaiiaimra! HuilduiK, r..riUn.l. tr-g..n, auh r..p r von.'hi-r. m ittiiii mi in. ,,,;!, from lb! dat tivnaif. Palr.l a:id liral putiitli. Jnt.a lo tun ioil..Mt Vt't N. A hn.n.lrt,.r .( th mint uf lirlwri J. Kami , 1 Tr ). Advniniatratoe'i Noiite Noli, ia hrrrl.y gitril that I ha wn ! apinint. a-liiiinuiriUir of th !ata i.( i I'lulp Mi. II, dm,-M, t.y hf tut,i; Court .f th Mala ,.f l)rvgn f.r YVattii ' l.n County All iwram. hating rio.nn ' ajfaitnl th ui rata- ar hrty r,iuud 1 In prwiil thrin. duly vrrtttrd. Vi ma, at ! tb ortl.w of T. li. 1 iinriitiin. aiu.riir i iaa. M.i.krv Ituinlini, l'..rt'aiid. nrr n mi it kdin th ipiiti.,u ,,f tit moult,, tr.iiu tli - I rat piil.it.aii.il, hrfw.f, aUuli tint puiihratnm u on Jun In law i. M11 1. 1.. A.lii.mnrati.r. bUMMONS IX Till. Clli. TIT HT ATI" v . in:.; l.N'IT'.N Till. I'MfltT N I'' 'I! WASH .on iiatiir,! -ohaima i, i-!!viii, 1 ' I , t , 1 1 jt, v. Chart tiuttalhiii, iffrn.i.,t To C,arli IiikuKoii, Ha. ai, Pldrlldanl In th nam nf th Hta'r of 11,.,,, . y aia hrLy r.n,rrd i., apar an. ar th CimpialTit l,l , ,.,, th al..v,.ullt c,nirli ran... ur Iwlona iird day nf July, , ,,.,, aftor Thur.uv, J, pi , .lainrd. rr. fr il, i,r., pul.ln-.s,,,,, f this i.iilii-, ,1 jf T . hlmi and ainiirr piainlitt will apply f.,r ih rlil praywl f.,r in hr iinpi.iint to aif for a .Irrro diwol.mK t .,u f riiimn now i;,tln l-tar.-,, .,., riam, pUmtirr Hn. .p,4t ,, fl aurli olhr an.l rurih.r n lirl a. t th, nnirt ar-iu mrm j,ti in. iiiiun.,1,. 1, piii,ii,li I, , ....... j. nmry Iiikkih, i,i,(-b Loillity rtiiirt. i,, ,! ri,irrw ci.VPh KK IIAKlii.N ,,,, , , Atmrnrv r CUint, .lit UiainUtr oft oniu.ri, I'lirlliiiid, OrK.iii I-r.,f of tha oil th I OU Til K Best Fire Insuranca AND l'ROMpr SKTTl.h: MKur ui' i.ossks ski: JOHN VANDEKWAL Agent Londou & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. OClce with Kdmonil Cornelius, Mj j nn, i none, jyv Pacific States phone 354 IlliXsriOKO Sealed Bidi for Wood Sealed bids will la- received until Jv .'iTv , 'l ,live,'" w""l follow.. .'1' """yar.i, in llillsD.iro, l- tween thia ,lte and Seplenilier 1: v, corda fir m 1. ...,i t , . . ' red or v Inu, r h . 1 ' ."c Nm.fl .1 '"""r"- c ri-i linen lor furinance of contract. 1 iiiiisDoro, (Jre., June 3, 1909, ,2"s John Maaters. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTtrm ru iri.'iMi.nvf .i,j .... . .. . "".."..I ..iv r.i, 1 nrit i nr Jin.lrHlKnid cxni ul.ir nf th hint Will and C. .', .7 "o"'4"' iniKihoy, (l..(.Hiif..l I has illwi In thn County Court nf th Hint,; 1 nf Ori-c.in foi- vo., mi, 1, final aeeount In Ih mntt. r of aiil.l (ftr,p , and aaid court haa llxod Monday, the mx j J ... m..., 11 1 fit- en II ly (.oui-t I room in II ul.,...,. r . ' . ..l ii 11, ni icin o r ink A. M. of aaid .lay, na lh Urn nnr i,.i,. ! for hMrlna ohjortlona tn aaid T Z J,r,tanU f"r 11,0 m,i" ""'Unnuint nf Mllij ' Uated thla June 12, 1000. Ewcuto. nf Ih I jit Will n"d T aiiiiricnt ' Haglny & Hur(J, Altorn-.-ya fr Kxecutor. For sale: Full Wooded Brown eghorn rooptpra. iliia u.i.l . - 1 juin nau;n, Fr.vaannile ..... - I vuioii.in,iTO.ut..;i umear cmo ni u cents per cockerel nays he has fine pasture all Sum- Herman Miller, Grant Holcomh Try a Del oval If you are thinking 0f lmyinK a cream soparator why nt buy the 1 W.- are the ,tu f, t the D E L A V AL We KuaranUe thia machine to la the easier.! cleaned, the cloai-at of rt. miner, the loK0Bt- i ve-.t . ,, Ihe Dest Separator In the market. We w.H iHce the Uf Uval Iu n compel!, contest wi ll any other c.ean, fepara or and let the Il. Uval apeak for it Btlf Mr Customer, it will pay you lo investigate the tminv Btiix-r-ior points found only ' in the -DhUVAL-: Mays & Conover SCII0LLS, OREGON Argusand Oregon! an, $2,25 Special IN TMH C!k Cir Ct'l KT 'r' TIIK .srtri of oi.ic.i'N. nk W.tMUMiniS CO! ,N I V. !'a - J 1 Wa.krr. r'ai.ititf, v KUf- C W .kr. IVihi.Uih. ik- C W!r. llndanl atn 50 lb. K best Dairy Slt IOO 1!. K StocK holt 50 lh. l StocK Salt lritim I n Sr ailuki,. I prr cent, hut wr lmVr pl-lJ1 oiaPrUr.25c. 5c. 40c, 7qc Special 0c Hill&boro, Ore. SI: 1 LOOK! A new assortneut t( Wtttliful Finely Framrtl Pi turn jttt ntcivcJ, which ly tuy. tuj larc quajititicji, wc have Writ ahlc to get at the lowcM prices obtainable. W'c give our cuslmners the 1nejfit of this great barga:n and we have a Urge assort mciit to select from. Call iu ami sec tu J will give y.-u mU tuent. Our j'tUTiwi lor yott th.nt I't.rtWf anil our ?.to?c Jut 1 f Grncrol MerchaJ of ihe Uvt iu the mttifi Yours for a Q Deal aKsiys ROWELL UKOS. & Cfi S0HOLL8, OREGON Maf F D Kerr Tht? Vitonitr. Turf llor-t -nrto A racialist 011 horse htH itig. Hf. Ih.ujhI, quarter-tracks, nail pricks, l"rK'K'. iiiierferitig, aitl all tlisciscs of the feet guaranteed tin oh PecK's old ttand. Third St., HilUbofe M DID JT EVER Occur to You? Ml . I . . ... . ..11 paiu mat dill fm, "Voa mutt lai m..lakn." "la ia not tut, ukru " ' llava na a ,rr. .,. Ii l., ... ttul Im hot I dmi't nrnienihrf hat I ili. wall it." "VC ha an ftM -.Tiiirn(. mi unlraa yota proliH ouf acktiol.lrMll a of a rmrim ...... .1... ... . . ' r- " .mim. in,i ym par iimij.. But it iinifrt hat Urn a .Hfl.rriit aloy had the MO ! "iih a check on vour hank. hn th raorelM cht k la wmlucr.1. Hettrr n.r m W ome-wnh a cheek on Ibia Hank. CORNEL1U State BANK1 Summer Rates East During the Season 1909 VIA Till? Southern Pacific Co. FROM Hillsboro To Omaha and Return - - $60.65 To Kansas City " - $60.65 Jo St Louis and Return - $68.5 , Io Chicago and Return - 1&73.15 '! to other principalis,, , Ule K Mle w ad W 0 - , , l-'urraHniliniily Low 1'area , On S.U Jun. 2, 3, July 2. 3, Aurfu.l H. ' To Denver and Return - - $55.65 On SaU May 17, July 1. Aurf. H. 10 days from 1. of sale, final return ?i pr vileoe, ,,! " C" me ""7 tve fenturea iu the J m Koutinir ni. Ii c l"Un8 point enroiite, .i,n vn sri:t:ronotedp u,rouKh uiifornu 1,8,1 " y dj Houtl er, i' ,'ir P ."g ?' re,"V''"'"' ''' ticket, will r J Wm. McMurray, Gen'l. Pass. At.. ?oM