FANOCM THE NAMELESS SHIP l-trr: e I , l t- m 1 r;U t;J 09 : ri Mi - A .9. p V r 1 - ' 25 per cent, discount On all sizes of screen doors we will allow a special discount of 25 per cent. This is your last chance this season to buy screen doors at such a sacrifice don't wait, as the stoch will not last long. Granite Ware (Specially Priced) We are offering some Hg values in triple coated blue and white granite ware, 50c 60c 75c values, for 33 cents The pieces in this lot a'e fine coffee rots, preserving a a - kettles, dishpans, Berlin sauce pans, pudding pans, covered buckets, etc. AGENTS the New Perfection Oil Stoves, in one, two and ! three burner styles. Camping Outfits Camp stoves, teuts, ham mocks, etc. We are Head quarters for everything for Campers' uses. Special Special 4 hole camp stove, $2.25 With Pipe ' Japanese porch Shades Made in natural and green 6 foot, $1 50 7 foot, $1 75 8 foot, $1 95 lO foot, $2 50 Complete with ropes and pulleys REFRIGERATORS The celebrated Century Line of Refrigerators is added to our stock, and as a special inducement to buy ers we will give away free 200 Pounds of Ice to each purchaser. If you contemplate buying, call and look at our line. We will explain the advantages of a good refrigerator over a cheap ice box. Prices are $14.50 up According to the size. Old H ichory Porch FURNITURE Furnish vour porch with Old Hickory and you will never regret it. See our window for Display There is no'porch furniture on the market that will af you as much comfort as a few pieces of this grand old furniture. Rockers priced From $3.50 up. Call in and see the finest stock of furniture in the Countv. The House Furnisher. TIM s SLAUGHTER PRICES! To make room for other StocK I am mahW a sweeoin rfdtir-t;-,, .u lines of Sh the rrir -f dl . - - w w u II toes. TVipsj l l ... i . i greatest values in Footwear ever offered in this city. Just read the following prices, For Ladi es $1 75 Reg. now i 35 2 Oo Reg. now 1 65 3 00 Reg. now 2 45 2 50 Reg. now 2 05 3 50 Reg. now 2 65 4 00 Reg. now 2 95 4 50 Reg. now 3 45 $5 00 Reg. now $3 85 we same FOR MEN In men's shoes are making the quotations, dollar for dollar, as in the opposite col umn. Good, durable shoes, and in style and money savers. Br ANDREW C EW10. tCryr-t, US, tr ATf(f rrma JLwc- ctatsua.1 Talk stunt tb tljia' Potohnjan, aM the centenarian cf the Sailor's Prscg Harhor; - twan't a clrro :. tf to the phantom sbtp my sranf:her 0s.1I to M nie aNmt wbt-o I u I hoy. The oM maa was pretty otl is M M I am thjw wbon be toij It tu I me and had sai',J the Stilish cja.'a ' bcq ftrates there vis thicker o : bumboats about a cewly arrived Amer ican ship off KaraL And mj gran , father 'n her. tx with his own two (eyes ami her wild can'n on hs w!U jship. He was the fust pirate to p!t I m aeserts. Hanfiin' Joo't do It J that's only kil:ln Put III tell you i Use story aa my i-ran father told It ; "A shlp-my grsn'father didn't know j ner nan; fact Is, the didn't hate a I name; some said that, beta' Intended I r.r a Santera frvm the start, she sailed without a name well, this nameless ship sailed from Medfard with a cargo o' rum and fold and silver bars. She beaded for a Yvr Indian port, but got Into the doldrums ami was so long- without a hreeie that the water and proTisKma gxt out The crew was reduced to chewla' the leath er or inetr twota; but aa far water , there was none even to be pit from damp out o' the sail. The weakest j ik fust, then the stMoger. and to ! n till tbe roost endurln o' the crew eiTe In and their srerits went i.,f W hen the last man had perished, there oem nothln' more fur the doldrums to do, tbe wind snrune un and th.Mr saueu away with her crew of dead. I He wind bein' out o the the ship ken" on her cour towar.1 ho West Indies. Then It was that Juan lastrea. the most oomerHfn! usat erer sailed the Spanish mala, saw nvr and rbae! her. It wa an matter to catch her. thoueh ererr r - - - - s was set and ske was a fine sailer, for. r!t wttnon- a helnwmaa-at l.-axt imn one bed luff now and then and hare to wait for her sails to HI! apaia. When the pirate com nn with ner toe du5k of night was settln down, and all the pirate could aeo was a figure behind tbe wheel, another leanln- up ajr'ln the taffrail and others scattered about In different positions wnerc tney a died Svk !v aus.C'J ::hs.!tt.e oktirj t: ssaa l:ke Aa HouUa. .!ov..t i to eoe '.lent fviins. Nick tti.'i.iti.s ts; t:'.: ti his hit. a4 bat Ut the etto ci IVt!ie M b.4 f. en; a'.ocg the ine. Y.'.tatt Ssi'.h bt.e ; -' kuta maa ictt! ukii".i; or. otc If he i!l ciUi m an ;h v.J illjtoa hand ptr-s a J:: C or tv !u be able to l-ick lo .;:om. Catcher rhc?t mis he ! ' i mbo- Jot Viut ju;ck uio' ins his niOMi-c ncturvs it t'.r FilttermM. at iirat. w.U ! O K hr be gets atvut two jcar niote on h.Ki aaJ he ts b jiniiinji to hit t! tin on'.. to HvKmUhi b co mora! iitbt to u il aiorkey txit oj ns t;Bk jUrt V lloustoa dtn't dee'.oi otuc 'C'. ' platers out of Canhual it oa t U his fault. OM man Tom V:'. nm aal Ko Moor are gettirj; their batting tr a pretty well devcioped. am! it ihcv diavard that "oer an irt " thr t ! cf them owt that fcocr. T!.c;! tic!.i :j; i gftung cUubt aUo. Little Batcheiar is stickinc !'.!.!i8 and base running like a Cot-..u.:u!ic. Shoctston WilkfS is stickiuc lc vrtrran and hcn he cues to !-al there alwat s acmeth:n .t.m K'tA K tis.itY.. on the tuncKi like a Clticigo Nau na'.. Mdnacer Moore savs be is riri t. batten the crandstand itKf. ami thru t can nun all it wants to. The ivoctaiioi is alo (OinK to extend the l ircvbrr hw and put up ire. When tbc s t ihrou,;! it will be the nnest neKI in "rtuo. 1 PRf llfyfn7fll !! II n Mil II 1 71 VB llllll llll II II I III I U lr 1 1 r r-yri V 1 C A 1 Fat III UtlU A AAV AAV Martha - If they were in Hillsboro would be Looking for Something Nifty and Nobby for the Glorious Fourth of July. Joehua Merrill and Siu Come lias, both of whom are rjoI horse men, bate pnrchatJ the Albert Bunnini liver barn. ral atid rr- iooal, at Corneliua. and e. , r inlo a geceral livsrr and horfal baioe. The boT uoJerstanc their buiioe and will make i euccwi. Mr. Merrill, while "helpere,M in the form of cru'che has broke more horse lhan an other man in the county. Bun ning is negotialirg for a farm ane will try the life pastoral for a while. Mark Butler had - " . ' s. ot-lii I it km in nnnri M.w k..ab - . , , , , - nan j a narrow m puns for defense, drifted un hlil he I k.j :j. ... . , .. . , , . r I .my Hum uau accuein Saturday when the wind lulled and. krln' aom .i. . . . . of hU men to make fast, iumnnl aonapiiDS V Muogef lunubei aboard hU prixe. The two rLt. JVa- .i,e w" Boioading lumber bumped and separated. At that mo- ' I l" on th Tillamook ment a sudden puff o" wind struck em. !lDe ounta tbe car on which But- The pirate had lower! most of Ms 'er worked, throwing him on dome sails, and before she could iret m nn timbers Urine alonffgide H a hin aealn th iMn ritiw.t . w,.., : ...i i c i .l away from hr Into the thick night, gone two feet further Mark lave he &Dd thjll' that laaf IK. aIM. l I 1 i i . . . J vuic rra o WQUia DAT6 1061 ft Dftif Of leffrl. - n Drtwcrn the Druj Starrs. Is Headquarters Iter. 200 pairs Baby shoes in Price 50 to 75 cts. now on sale at 40c Misses Children 75 ct shoe for 60 cts $1 00 shoe for 75 cts 1 25 shoe for 95 cts 1 50 shoe for SI 1r for for for for 1 75 shoe 2 00 shoe 2 25 shoe 2 50 shoe 35 70 Sale on Boys' and Youths' Shoes $1 50 shoe for $1 20 1 75 shoe for 1 40 2 00 shoe for 1 55 2 25 shoe for l 70 2 50 shoe for 2 05 3 00 shoe for 2 3r JOHN DENNIS, HILLSBORO Mies Olive LarwWa A - n . ' I mre. ronise, returns thi wetk from an extended visit with friends at Brownsville. Argua and Journal, $2.25. J. E Price, of nnnh r,t . 1 a fine p.ece of .,nter wbeat b avs the other empire the of his 14 years of farming in rw g.n. "The nert seen o" tbe nameless shin was oy a Britisher. Can'n rtro. was at the wheel singln' and shoutln uu lauirain ana tnrowin' h a rmi about He bad found himself 8HID VLh notilltf but Hum though she was the richest nH had erer taken, with the easiest cargo 10 Dispose or, gold and silver bars. with rum enoueh to kea him rlnmk ror the rest of his natural life. Wheth er drinkin' tbe mm helped him to go maa or a crew of dead men wa enough to do It, nobody didn't know. dui ne was mad sure enough stark. starin mad a-swearln' at his dead crew Just as though ther was all and he must bare found plenty of am munition, for be was pluggin 'em all me wnue. One o' tbe sailors on the Britiaber recognized Ca sires, far be had been taken by the pirate, forced to walk tbe plank and got picked up. He told the caD'n. and the can'n tnrnt away without even speakin' the other snip. 1 he next seen o' fh mi.i. aa toe britinhers called her. was It sn ttallan brig. There was more super stition amonr the Itallana than ts EnglLshmen, and, seein' a crew o' dead men commanded by a mad pirate, tbey an uneit on deck and crossed thoir. selves. Then the cap'n, who whs the oniy man among 'em that bad any sand at all, took the helm and sailed on another course aa quick as be could go a doul "But what I've been a-comtn' to all along is the time my grandfather seen the phantom,' for after aome rm sallin' about, seen by rar'us craft, that's wnai mey called her. It was one evenln' on the equator. Mi en' father was a young feller o nlnetn an be'd heard o" tbe nameless, as she was then called, when be 'was six years old. So, you see, tbe story' true. Well, the sun was a-attn' Koin' down into tbe water big enough 10 uite in a dozen craft on tbe horizon. when suddenly a shlD seemed to com up near by, as If out o' the ocean, and wined right between him and the sun. ub fleck was CaD'n Castres lwtnln' over the gun'ale shakln' his fist, hi frj es a-glarin' and horrible sounds pom. In' OUt Of his throat. Tho rvhnnfnm must 'a' rattled consid'rable. for nni lit-r Tlm was to be seen ee'ln th arm lookln' for ail the world like a grid iron on a redhot fire. "The phantom alwavs brontrht tA lack. Ships gen her In tbe early raomin , at twilight, after sunset, by moonlight or in a storm. She was al ways scoddln', breeze or no breeze, manned by dead men and stewed by the mad pirate. And no ship ever lighted her that didn't either bar a plague aboard afterward or go ashore or strike a rock or somepin terrible. just go to f,"ew Bedford' and 'em about her. They'll tell you of the women and children of New Bedford crews bound to be made wlddera and orphans from shipwreck after 'the Phantom' waa sighted la a fog off the shore there." ask Good Beginning. "Your husband must have absolute rest." "But be won't linten to me when I tell him so, doctor." "That's good. He'e atartlng weil." Cleveland Leader. A Capitalist. "He owns a yacht, doesn't her "Yacht? He owns a revenue cotter." "But a private citizen can't" "Can't he? I've seen tho atiAara ha cllpa coupons with." Cleveland Leader, The little BOnnf Tho. Willi. ma batordar evemm accidents!! cm off the eod of a fioger on tbe hand oiamtie sod ot Mr. Dw-ksr whf lives just Southeast of the bucine section. Dr. Tamieie dreteed the severed digit, and will save the en tire finger. Born, to Wm. Conlty and wife, of North Hillsboro. June 25, 1909, twin sons, both of whom are doing nicely. Mr. Cooler is an nlH time Wisconsin lumberman, as well s a carpenter, and the Anrn will bet be is a Roouevelt admirer. Principal B V Barnes and M Case attended the Hiate T.ach. W meeting at Albany, thin week. When tbe Areus eets to maWino aws it ts going to have the att pay for teachers' transportation to all cf these meetings so that all can go B'gost.! Bud Oti. wi h Eamntt P.m L baviog all kinds of hird luck h- now nurfine a blood nniann,! Soger, caused by infection is a cut. Brine voor watches and clnko toLibby, for prompt and skillful repairing Corner Main and Thir.l streets. m,i INAPPY NAPS IN RIM OGS New lawns, new patterns rcg 13 Men's patent uxblood oxfords. . Boys " " " . . Misses tan oxfords, low heel 2'j Ladies' tan pumps, swell styles Ladies' white nifty garden ties.,, Ladies' white waist?, all styles. Infants' garden ties tan and patent Ladies' wash shirts 50v up, x20c..lOc ....... fni.73 ...... 230 to 6, 1.73 ...1.23 30c up m Har Little Schema. There wa a hen Too old to lay. The rurmtr men Ort Iwkwl her way. Bha saw them at her ulyly wlr,kln And ao bean to do aom thlnln. 8h knew that h Could earn no corn And frkaxoee MlKht tn adorn. But boldly she the problem tackled Hhen others layed h loudly cackled. Her little scheme Worked well Indeed. Her ownera deem Her worth her red. About tha yard nhe waxes fatter And itlU caia the dreaded t,lattsr -Loulavllle t"orter-JournaL The Champion Leads Them All. Everybody Happy. 'TU the holiday aaon. And that Is the reanou A Man Keels at peace With the world f Or he la jiupposed. To be so dwpoaed. ills flag Of good nature 1 nfurled. The presents are bought. The turkey la caught. The pudding la ripe For the pot. His appetite keen Appeara on the scene, Ana Everything Goes to the pot. His children and wife The time of their life Art having For once In the year. His grouch laid away, Ha Jolna In the play And chips In His mite To the cheer. For such recompense Who cares for expenaef To worry Is really A sin. With provender there, Enough and to spare. To Joy He feels more Than a twin While giving a sample With girth measure ample Of how To be happy Though busted. Th-rr i, no greater .atUlVt.nn i ,,.), ,, , , is 1..U1H very easily an,! that cut, evenly. Hie Champion .Iraw cut bo.., cut. evenly, Ket, .11 lr .., r r ,,;,,,rf, r u u r j;;:;t::;:f Ur -... Hi-It liKht ilmft an.l greater cuttini Ix.w.-r the fl, lev re. to prevent nut op wear when ,Ja,y ' T .er,terharontl,i. tn.rhine ha, a.lj,,.,,,,,,,,, fr ,,. knife n.l keeping the knife property ,eKi,t,-,l Urivifg th. ,)nsllinK, ,,,, , ,,,,., ,,y , f There ate smple 0iliK f.rilitie, ,,i nl) flili , the best n,nne, ,0 Kct th. oil to the ' """' uiK'i.LVR SELF DUim A an ,11 1 u. 1 ' u. nil rtlf ! I rHKC Illtf fill ri...,..v1 Jurahle, convenient, and sh . r T1' pti(roa for rakmif all enniliii,..,. ,. " . ' ae is we the teeth rt-tutn to the Krounl pro , .ftrj!"!V ' M".'"" Mi Itly ..) wltiilrnw Tl. . 1 .1. r- j nicy nave rt..u...t t.. .nn icavea ine nav neut tl ; . -r-'.iiu r. V . -""piici tor Ink 111 1,., V Hdapleil windrow. 1 . me nay ThethC." K",,,', 'ke.' cocki.- i VTrT'L" without effort. lUT wlll,lrows or to bund, The Myers Pump Piiuip compactly built, NKI,SON IIAUiny AUK CO., n, This free waterways and double liiig, adaption h to arlel pur- ancU as forcing watrr to jlillerrnt parts of Imil.lliiK", sptlnk liiiR lawns ami lire protection. It is the l,i deep or stiall;w )ell or cittern pump 011 the uiatk e . . .... .,,r)r, alln may i with windmill head and th wnen desired. Capacity linn per hour. I lifted iree-wsv 440 gal- M.SIM)RO, OlH. J. I). Ueurmann and r Keater Co.. N. D.. am her fn. . short visit with H. Huotemann and familv. Ilia wt . 1... .1 - ..w ,0 Rietcr ui Mrs, HuDtemann. and th h.A not seen eanh othr for !!2 v. J5S?UH iftk0U ftrrived Tutu, day aud U the guent of hi. broths,, E- They had not ma each 0 hr for 22 yean, ant! the brother' viit was a eurpriie. The visitor j a M. K. uiiniHtr. aa 11 aa a f farmer-and, of cure., he like. 1 what he has eeea of Oregon. ;