The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 01, 1909, Image 1

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. - - " " '' "' 11 " HI - Mill li
NO. 10
Yinltliitf Portland Tcmn Had
ly 1'ioK 1'uiiHcd
lulls BaiU d Ht IMibtri tut el
The Cardinals took 00 tbe Iil
worth Perblea, HuntUjr tbe crack
, up team thai beat Cbebalie, a
cine eupjMiewd lo bw the fastest In
Houtbwestern Washington. It waa
t case of "ln no" and Charlie
Hoiea, lor IhrtM pitchers were bat
ted oul of the box by the Cardii a'a
Tba final aoora waa 1 i lo 3, and
tha threw by tha visitor vara not
aimed and wrra tba reult of Iba
error coluiru. Nj ona knoa bow
Ihry bat Chebelie -it roust hee
been tba da; of the eclla of tb
tun-but tba slaughter her Was
All of tba Cardinilt bit, tod
tbera was something doing all Ihr
tim on tha looel endand
Nswlhln' dolo "on tba visitors'
tud WelUr Robinson pitched
after tha seventh, fur lb Cardinals,
and ha threw aoine g'V'd ball,
making a goed aida fr Nick Wil
liams. Tha ania waa so tanta that Jim
Cava, tha official gang Uwr, near
)j want lo aleep, and bad lo ba
prompted when h ruoa want in for
tha Cardinal In 00a inning
ilorkar dropped bi emire pencil;
and tha city detective swear that
Klllan, of tba Independent, was
only prevented from going into a
anora by tha water which trick Ud
down bit back through tha grand
Hand roof
am a 11 w M
lUulirUr. I L 511000
rtwi), c j 4 t 9 1 o
lUutua, J I) 1 J I 4 11
Wtlkc. 1 I 1)1
Willi.n... T, r L... 511000 ., J I J J O o
huillti. 1 ! 5 i toll
Kiti,rald, 1 ti J I I 7 1 I
William, N. u.,,.. ) o 1 o o o
KulllUBitl, 1 o o t j 1
jl 16 ij 14 10 5
Wt.WoKTll ID-Itntr-H
l I II M
lluKhrt, If 4 o I a 0 o
Variaa, c 4 I I 7 I 4
Young, 1 b 400 J o o
larr, J a o I II
I'brUo, 1 li. 1 1 o J I I
lHiuw, j b, r f. p j o o 1 I 4
Kelly, r ( iul p,., J 1 I I 1 I
llrllutau. C f .too I lo
llrmblrr, p, 3 b J o o t 4 . '
t S 3 11 li ij
Score by innings:
1 ri lur f o 0 0 I O I o J
llillilmru-6 o o J I o 4 16
Hlolrn Ihiw tUlrli, ritrljtt, I; Hum
n, 1, Wilkes, 1, T. Williams, Moore,
Smith. 1.
Sacrifice hil-IIihuIuii.
Two lr hltlltighrt.
Struck out by WiCiauia, t; Rotiiiiaoii,
5; llrmlilrr, j; Kelly, 3; ltauae. 1.
1U.M on ball Williams, ; llersthler
i Krlly, j, )ane, I.
imiljle Jilnya HltrrM, ulMMlated;
llnliimii lo Carr.
I'awrd IWIla-MarUa, 4.
W1I1I .itrhr-rr-lilrr, 1: Kelly. 3.
Ufl on Uara Derlura, J; HllUUno, 6.
Hil by .iU her- I'iUgrralil, Wilkra.
InnltiKa pitched Willlaun, 5, Koliltl
, j; llrrachlrr, 4, Kelly, Hatiae,
Uavea for I'lirtlauit
Foreat ('.rove Local 6:5 a. m.
Hlieridao Flyei.,.,, 9 11 a. .
Voirti (irove Local 10:41 a. ni.
I'ortaU'.mve !-al 3:3 p. m.
Corvallla Overland 4:14 p. ni.
Uavea Portland for llillaboro
Corvallla Overland 7:o a. m
j'orrtt Orove Wal 810 a m.
roitai (Wove Local......,,,. 1:00 p. bi.
hlieridan Hljrer... ,, 4:00 p.m.
rorent Grova Local jo p, ill.
The undersigned will aell at public
at her late place half mile
northfint of Bethany, and about 8
tuilei northeaet of iiillrboro, at 10
a. m. on
Brown borae, i yr, Jjjo; Cray horae,
10 yra, 1300; bay lioiae, o yr, 1300; 1
towi, one frcih 10oii, one In milk, both
"rat clttaa dairy cowa; farm waifon, aprlng
Kii, McConnlck mower; Cbamplou
'yrake, chopper, 1 la lit plowa, cultiva
tor, 60 tooth ateel barrow, apray pump, I
eta U4 work liarneia, one at K001I a
new; iit,Ke harneaa. pulleya, cordwood
JHi-k, bale-hay rack, hayrack, wire cable,
"ella. tied, 16 ft log chain, ao-ft log chain,
crowbar, potato fT.rka, lilaitiiiK auger, a
wneelharrowa, agrludatonea, aomehouae
J'o d furniture, and numeroua other ar
,lt'J; Luuch at noon.
ierroe of Sale: Ten dollars and
under, oaah; over $10, G month,
lime, bankable note, a. 0 per omit
interest. U per oeat off cash over
B. P. Corneliue, Auctioneer.
Krin Ritter, Clerk.
Born, to Fred Heea and wife, of
Orenoo, June 25, 1009, a too,
J K. Hrevre, of Homl, f (Jorn.
liua. wa In town M.m.U.
Ileaayt the Uaverdam cro ar
baking flna-an l glory to i)ng.,.p
' crampa-ha haa only
twelve anrea of curumU-re, wl,!,!,
promtaa an eicMUot htivnat J
r.. aaya ha la raining thoae allium,-
lary canal li.t,r. l)r 8 ,
canneries but it looka In a r u,hi..
dub of a nwapapr man aa UidukIi
ba ia lu leatiua it!( i lts jliyr-Kiai a
of tba ci.unty. U Argue iuggeita
inai ueeve .t,rta a drug atore in
comuciKMi i, b a "cowcumUr"
r neim iliai tin crop u
uww in. oeai paying win been
b i planted In ordinary ) ear Ibia
aoieaga ia oul of the ordinary u
Ibia way, but down in lb Tualatin
and Kberwood country ih -jaome
imaa raUe aa big acreage on ingle
farme. Uirt u( dill pickle
b uld make llva a b irter rwein
r of ih. fewitniat Club, and
(barge bitu no du.
Wa have now fluiahed our run of
Building ISIot k and have a dihh!
aupply on the yard. Wa will have
a aupply of brick on band by the
20ib of June. We will begin our
run of large tile, 10 inch and over.
about June 1.1. I'arliee wanting
(biM eltne mual ordr them by
July 1. aa wecannol aff .nl loi rry
lliein in clock, mi d i n il li'aine u
if we have nnn wIimi oi rail for
them later. We einct to have a
full atm k i.f amaller in the latter
part of July. We bare 3 In . 4 in
and ti In ou band at preeenl I'bone,
before you euue for tile, aa Ibia
lock may I nut any lime We
burn our lile and brick bard, aa
wood ia no oM-H with tia. Don't
forget that we cr ry agoni line of
rough and dreewd lumber, and can
fill any ordinary bill our
yard t' k We alao have a quan
tity of lumber at iUra'a switch
that wa will aell at a very reaaon
able figure, 1 s 4 lxfl llH, 2ii. 2 Hi
and Vil'Jof dilTrenl length, all
aarfcdand aiied.ncept the 2x12.
1 bteje all good lurubi-r and la all
tuck, ao it ia very dry. If you
ean ueeluuiborof lhae dmieuiiona,
it will pay you to look it up
(iruner A Howell Co.
Tha Shaw-Pear Co , which ia de
veloping hundred of acre down in
tba HeaverUin-Reed villa aection. ia
getting rady to put in an avenue
on each aide of the H I. Track, to
reach from Reed villa to Raverion.
riila will ba a mighty fine Im
provement (or purchasers of their
small tracts, aa well aa a conven
ience for tba general public The
Sbaw-Kear opla evidently know
how to "do things." W. II. Hmith.
the section foreman on the IJills
boro sub divieion, aaya that tbey
will make It one of the finest
stretches of small homes in the
W. II. Ringln, well known here
for year as superintendent of the
light plant, and who haa leo
working for tbe city of roreet
(irove, on the proposed water ays
leui, waa down Monday, grilling
friend Ih tbinka they will slat I
to woik by tba middle of the month
on tbe lirove water plant, aa they
have some money in the treasury
and not wait until the auit now
in oourta is settled'
Kerd Hartrampf haa the agency
for the famous McCorniick bioderr,
inowera, hay rakes, teddera and all
kinds of farm machinery. Do not
fail to see bitn, if you need farm
Implemented ibis kind. Alao sella
tbe International gasoline euglnri
pumps. Come and eee bitu. 13if
I'itcher Chenault, with Casey's
ball tram. Northwest League, spent
tjunday at the T. li. Woatberred
home. Chenaull's grandfather's
farm cornered on the old Weather
red homestead "way down in Sun
ny Tennessee."
W. J Lichty and wife were in
from West 1'nion, Monday. Mr.
Lichty is fsrminn the old T. R.
Imbrie plsce one of the best
ranches for its acreaga in the county-
Kor a good wholesome meal
hom conking, and oourteous treat
ment, call on tbe City Restaurant,
deoond Ht., Oppoeite 1 R. A N. of
fice Rooms for transient, 25 and
15, cents. Hoard and lodging, per
week, fl 50, Mrs. II. Luscber.
Miss Blanche Huston, daughter
of S. B Huston and wife, and
Harold Merryman, son of Capt. J
I). Merry mm and wife, have grad
uated oul of the University of Ore
gon. Four foot fir wood delivered In
any quantity; in city. Ter cord,
3 25 and 3 50, aa per quality.
Also have a-ih wood. Give your
orders now. Leave at Heidel's
real estate office. F. G. Heidel,
Hillsboro. l4lf
K B. Poole and wife spent Sun
day with the Kempins, at Oswego.
Mra. August Kempin, well known
as a resident here several years
ago, is very 111.
Tbe Paoiflo Railway & Naviga
tion Company h pu' on two
more passenger coaohes, making
three for the line.
Hund Over to Answer Or
cuit Court at Novcmb.r Term
Hues Stars st Gardra Bsme, Kcar
Orrgoa Electric
Albert Muner, former I'anke sa
loon keeper, and at that time a
partner of Beard, was arrested the
first of the week and Monday taken
before Justin Barnes, where be
waived elimination and was bound
over iu tbe sum of f fXI to appear
at tbe November trm of circuit
court. Tbe offense charged against
Mizner is that at (iarden Home,
where be conducts a little red store,
he has Bold beer and wbikay, con
trary to the statutes of ihs State,
ha having no license. Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Tongue apptara for
the elate.
Muner faces tbe chares of sellini
l.r lo A Bnbnke. and some
whiskey lo J. (i Umisvilla. Forest
drove's former chief of ih fire de-
l artment. and afterward citv mar
abal, but whose term has expired
Mrs. J. C. Hartley died at Colum
bus, Wash , June 21 llMKI, after an
extended illness, oovering years.
Martha I tiivens, wife nf J. C.
Hartley, waa birn in Pey Coun
ly, Indiana, April 0, ISM, and at
gs of two years waa taken lo Cal
ifornia by her ptrente. Her father
lied in that stale a xn after arrival,
and ber mother moved back to Il
linois in W)7, going east via the
Isthmus of Panama. They came
to Oregon in 1HG5, settling in Mar
ion Couuty. Kbe waa married to
J C. Hartley in 1HC7, near Salem,
and the next year the moved to
this county, settling near Banks.
fieven children were born lo the
union, and the husband and the
following children survive: J J.
Hartley, dlencoe, well known for
years in tha sawmill busieeea with
the Carstens Bros ; Dr II H. Hart
ley, practicing physician, (itldrn-
dale, Wash ; Dr Clarence Hartley,
Dentist, Corvallie; and Misa nay
Hartley, at home.
In UH)4, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley
moved away from Banke aod went
to Columbus, Wash., as a mailer
of health for tbe wife and mother
Tbe remains were brought oul Fri
day, and interment was in Crown
Point Cemetery, Banks. Beside
her husband and children, deceased
leaves a brother, Dr. John Givens,
at Oro Fino, Idaho, a half sister,
Mrs. Jacob Shearer, Hillside, w ash
ington County, and another ball
sister, Mrs. M. F. Derting, Golden
dale, Wash.
The Oregon Klectric runs six csra each
lUilv The M:c a. m. and I .i n. in.
trams out of llillnboro connect promptly
with Salem csrs at Garden Home. The
1 1 illalioro-Portland timetable follows:
irarre HillsWo
Arrives Portland
7 as a tn R 3 "
8 56 a m loooa tn
li toa m u IS P
i 43 P m a 50 P i"
55 P 5 " P m
6 15 p m 7 ao p iu
Leavt-a Portland Arrivea Hillsboro
7 00 a ui 8 05 a in
855am 10 00 a m
10 is a m 11 3 "
1 30 p in -a 35 p 111
4 10 p 111 5 5 P ui
$ 30 p m 6 ,vs p m
K Wenstrom. of near Scholls.
was up Saturday, taking over a
load of eaa-mill machinery irom
Glencoe, to be used in the Wobl
pchlegel -Wenstrom mill, which is
10 be established near Souolls. Mr
Wsnetrom is very insistent that
Martin, ohaned with the murder
nt Nathan Wolf. Portland's Dawn-
broker, killed last winter, la in
Taken ur: At the McFee & En-
nna mill, red Durham cow. with
small bell, and large horns; also
yellow Jersey heifer. J. J. Hay-
ward, Cornelius, Knute z, lnd.
Phone, Line 9, No. 652. 1ft 7
"There is opportunity for anyone
in this country, eaid Carter, the
deliveryman, the other day. When
I came to Hillsboro eli years ago,
I bad just even $20 left. I have
supported a big family, and have
made property wnton wouia net me
over $3,000.
Four room house on Washington
Street, on oar line between Second
and Third, lot 50x190, for sale
Ernest Lyons, 2 miles northwest of
Hillsboro. 51-tf
Contractor O. M. Hunter has
lust finished putting up a 86x70
rn for Jasper Keller, 01 near
Ira Hoard and wife, of v.-le
were in town Friday.
Born, to Rufus Kwing and v ifi ,
North ilillsboro, June 21, a dsuh
Mrs. C W. Rollins visited with
friends in Kuno, the first of tbe
Carl Korenson, of south of Reed
villa, was a county seat vitit'ir, tbe
last of tbe week.
Wm. Bnnnett and wife, now re
siding in Cornelius, were down to
the city Mondsy.
Albert Bernards, one of the orig
inal settlers in tbe Verb tort colony,
was in town Friday.
R A W hillock and Mim Susie
McKinney, nf Portland, spud Sun
day in the city.
Dan Biirkballer, one of the pro
gressive farmers aod dairymen of
near sarminglnn, was up to the
city Friday.
OxkI paeture for burses, one balf
mile east of Hilleboro. G. W.
Bocduraot, Hillsdale, R. 2;.or see
J. W. Masters, Hillsboro. 13-6
Samuel Conne.ll, raised near
Glenooe, and now prominent in tbe
commercial world of Portland, bas
been appointed on Mayor-elect
Simou'a executive bi ard.
G. W. Hines, of Crawford, above
Banks, was down Saturday. He
aod bis son Chas. are putting in
800,000 feet of logs for ibe Big Four
mill. -
Cedar shingles in any quantity,
and will deliver, at as low prices as
vou can get them anywhere 0. 8
Reynolds, Mountaindale, Or. 15 2'2
J. W. March and wif, of Cen-
lerville, were iu Monday, Mrs,
Marsh la convalescing froji a severe
F. W. Bcultheix, of near Beth
any, and who bas spent 38 years
oleaning up a nice little farm down
there, was in Monday.
R.H.Greer went over to New
port Saturday, returning Monday,
aocompanied home by Mrs. Greer
aod Mrs. Marlin, his sister.
If you want a house moved, or
carpenter repairing, call on M. C.
Hewitt. Fir:.t class work. Coun
try work solicited. M. C. Hewitt,
Mrs Eliae Schaer, of Bethany,
and who will have a public sale on
tbe lOib was in Monday. She will
move to Mountaindale in the near
J. W. Roueh.of Kendrick. Idaho.
and who owns property at Forest
Grove, was in the citv Monday.
and will leave the last of the week
for bis Idaho home.
Herman Glaeke, of Bethany, and
who is well known all over the
East county, was a Hillsboro visitor
Saturday forenoon.
J. C. Wilson, who has spent 52
years in the Bethany section, was
in tbe city, Friday, talking with
several of thefriandn who were boys
with him when Washington Coun
ty was a wilderness.
W. C. Jackson and son, Claude,
were in from Glencoe, Friday. Mr
Jackson knows every foot nf tbe
north county, and when the United
gets into bis community he will
have a place second to none.
Henry Brock, who settled over
io South Tualatin 20 years, back,
was in town Saturday. He bas
been a factor in clearing up one of
the best dairy sections in the coun
Isaac Leisy, now living in Port
land, but who still owns the old
place on whioh they lived since
ninneer davs. wa out Sunday.
spending the day with Dwight
Pomeroy and family, at Lmsyville.
Grant Brown who owns the
Simpson place, near Reedville, was
up, Saturday, taking out piping for
a well which he has bored, and
says he is going to have water that
will stand the O. A. C. test.
Perrv Watpon, of Buxton, was
down to the city Saturday. Perrv
still declares that he has sworn off
on crossing the backbone of the
Rookies he bar only made six or
seven trips back to old Audrain
County, Missouri, Bince he first
oame to Oregon.
Vnraat P.rnvn is arranoinff to have
anew publio patk, and 15 acres
have been purchased from inns
Todd, ex county commissioner. It
is possible the carline will be ex
.r.r!ar tn tha leant and the base-
.Viiuri " - ,
ball association may have a dia
mond on the grounds, as the pre
sent field is not all that is wanted.
T fj ft1nanl rtnnanltiniT an.
I n tliA nivil an.vinaarincy iA-
partment of the Oregon Electric,
was out Saturday. Mr. Galvani
reoently returned from Chicago,
where he attended a peaoe confer
ence. The paradox is that an
U...I..I liVa Oilcan! ahall attnnil
a neaoe gathering, but he says "we
r .. la 1 1-12
must nave pesoe 11 we nave 10 iigm
ior it.
nrim 1 nr it 1 rr
1 ' 11 m
Irvine Iligginbotham Pitch
ion With Joe Tinker
Hat Air i'cddlcr Makts Cojd With big
Irvine Hipginbotham, formerly of
Hillsboro, and who was coneidered
a veritable hut air merchant when
h-re, bu made good in the East
pitching baseball. I.iet teaon be
pitched with St. Louis, attracting
attention U cause the year before he
won the pennant for Aberdeen,
Wash. Tbis year be started again
with St. Louis, but fe'.l out with
the captain, and was placid in but
few games. He was traded to Cin
cinnati, and later waa signed with
the Chicago Nationals, the ambi
tion of bis life. He is one of three
of the greatest league pitchers who
have tbe distinction of rating 1,000
per cent.
lears ago when in Hillsboro
Higg" swore be would some day
pitch for tbe Chicago Nationals
and he is ooecf the boys that make
Ltst Thursday afternoon Emma
Lambert, lbs 10 year old daughter
of V. Lambert, a Frenchman re
siding beyond Glencoe, near tbe
Tompkins ranch, was badly cut by
a mower sickle. Her father waa
not well, and ber brother, older
than herself, was driving a mowing
machine. Une of tbe horses waa a
ittle alow, and tbe little girl took a
stick and ran ahead of the tick'e
bar to touch up tbe horte Tbe
animal lunged ahead and tbe cbi d
was caught, sustaining a bad wound
on tbe right heel, cutting out a cot
aiderable piece of flish. Tbe left
eg was also badly slashed below
tbe knee. Dr. Linklater was hur
ried to tbe farm in an auto driven
by R Lee Sears, and the surgeon
soon had the blood flaw stopped,
and sewed up the wounds. He
sent the child to St. v incente hos
pital, Portland. The little girl is a
twin sister, and is a bright little
Card ol Thanks
Tbe undersigned desire to thank
their many friends at Columbus,
ash , and Banks, Oregon, for the
many aote of kindneea and assist
ance rendered during our recent be
reavement, the illness and death
of the wife and mother, the late
Mrs. J. C. Hartley.
J.C Hartley, Columbus, Wash.
J. J. Hartley, Gleacoe, Ore.
Dr. II H. Hartley, Golden-
dale, Waeh.
Dr. Clarence Hartley, Corvallis.
Miss May Hartley, Columbus,
Hillsboro, Ore , June 26, 1909.
Glencoe Lodge K. of P. elected
the following officers tbe other eve
ning: D. R Rice, chancellor com
mander; H T. Johnson, vice; Will
Darety, prelate; John Loftis, mas
ter of work. E P. Cornelius, keep
er of Records & Seal; John Zim
merman, master of finance; uo
Darety, master of exebecquer; Fred
Myers, master at arms; Geo. Hel
laire, inside guard; Wm. Davis,
outside guard.
Henry Hannan, one of the Bux
ton pioneers, and who with his son
is engaged in the mercantile busi
ness at tbe railroad town ia the
hills, was down to the city Tues
day. He says that there are over
400 men at work above Buxton 00
the P. K. & N , and that more are
coming in every day.
Uiqubart Adams, who has been
here for several weeks, visiting
with his father, Rev. Adams, of the
Congregational church, returned
the first of the week to bis home in
Winlock, Wash.
Wanted: Man to cut about six
teen cords of fir and ash wood, four
foot lengths. Inquire of Wm.
Hildebrand, on Thos. Connell place,
WeBt of Hillsboro. 16 8
"G. A. Larson, of below Minter
Bridge, waa in Monday, and says
be has a fine crop, even if this is
an off year. He waa driving a
filly, two years old in May, weigh
ing 1,400 pounds and that's going,
For Sale: Twelve head of sheep;
a fresh oow, good milker; and a
six-months Jersey bull. 1. H.
Nieeen, two miles north of Scholls,
Oregon. 15 7
Hon. G. W. Marsh, who haa rep
resented old Washington in the
legislature, was down to the bub
Monday, greeting friends.
uuau b
High Q
'I A
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
HI mm
To mahe room for other StocK I am mahirxfC
a sweeping reduction on the prices of all
lines of Shoes. These are absolutely the
greatest values in Footwear ever offered in
this city. Just read the following pricest
For Ladies
$1 75 Reg. now 1 35
2 00 Reg. now 1 65
3 00 Reg. now 2 45
2 50 Reg. now 2 05
3 50 Reg. now 2 65
4 00 Reg. now 2 95
4 50 Reg. now 3 45
$5 00 Reg. now $3 85
200 pairs Baby shoes in Price 50 to
75 cts. now on sale at 40c
Misses &
75 ct shoe
$1 00 shoe
1 25 shoe
1 50 shoe
1 75 shoe
2 00 shoe
2 25 shoe
2 50 shoe
for 60 cts
for 75 cts
for 95 cts
for $1 I5
1 35
1 60
I 70
Did You Ever
Stop to Thinh
That in buying watches and jewelery bow absolutely
you have to depend upon the knowledge of your
jeweler for the value you receive? What sort of a
watch or piece of jewelery you get doesn't necessar
ily have to do with the honesty of the jeweler's in
tention he probably intends to do the very best he
can do for you; few jewelers have the expert knowl
edge to protect themselves in their buying, therefore
can give you no better then they buy themselves.
Remember I have had eighteen years experience and
this experience will protect you when you buy of
And J.w.l.r
Drug S
are nwd in the mak
ing of our perfumes.
You can almost see
the blossoms as yow
inhale the delicate
odors. Reality is a
feature of this
You can get what you
think yoa are getting
here. As our flower
ordors are made from
real flowers, so all our
specialties are exactly
what they are sup
posed to be. No sub
stitution, no adulter
ations. Our services are right
Our prices are right,
and our goods the
Very Best obtainable.
In men's shoes we
are making the same
quotations, dollar
for dollar, as in
the opposite col
umn. Good, durable
shoes, and in style
and money savers.
Sale on Boys and
Youths1 Shoes
$1 50 shoe for $1 20
1 75 shoe for 1 40
2 00 shoe for 1 55
2 25 shoe for 1 70
2 50 shoe for 2 05
3 00 shoe for 2 35
4 Optometrist
4 :