The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 24, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 15
yisiTiSGBiix m
People CbthlnTei of I'orl
I an J Not in It
Wa hava n fitiihxJ our ruo of
liuildini I'.Iim k ami hava a h'xmI
supply on tha yard. Wa will have
supply of brick on html by lh
iiH6 ill Juti. Wawill fun our
run of large tiU, 10 Inch and over,
Ik)UI Juna :. I'trlim wanting
thoaa tlina tn U at ortlnr I hum l.v
July I, aa we cannot alford to carry
(hitin In slock, ao do not Mania ua
If wa have nnr.a whan you call for
Ihntii laiar. Wa ipcl to bav a
full slock of auialUr aims lha latter
lair Unit Ut ibt lecal Swileinis, ,,t of July. Wa have 3 in , 4 Id
t athletic I'aik
Hill.bjro Cardinals, llM'so.Clo. 4
Tbis U the rull of lha gaii
KunUy at Atblallo 1'ari, ml i.a vi.lliira war not a hie ii
I. .-. - ft. I - I ' . .
aitanl, It waa pr.y !.-. v.7 Uy of Un(M,r at Hare's awitch
o thra inoiogs diJ lb Peoples I that wa will anil at a very reason
Clothing nloe hsvs a louk lo-ona able figure, lit U6. UH, 2i4, 2iG
t ik i t K llnthafnh and one n ll uirnl Irrivtba, all
. . 'i. ,t.. . l . ,i .L uifaefldanl alxml. ncept the 212.
IDaniQ. i ThU I .11 sood lumber and I til
the Cardinal mad no icore. In itucki , u (i my d If you
lb Ut Inning Wliiiatas wai nut ran uelutubror thee dimensions
found to hurt, tod the" aid wet It will pv you to look it up
..!.-! -Iik t...t f.n man at l).. 1 iMIier K IWrJI Co.
btl. Hiiobalarwa the Aral up lot
tha cardinal, and ha e tbrowt.
oul at Ural on a hit Vl KJof I bur,
nd Phelps went tbrf.ame foul
Hon. tin went tn llrt on a n
and Vllke li d out to en Ut.
aouri ig H Utio Tn tll'n
ttiau batlftl inl' 'h 1 fa. ueldm'i
band, tatiriiiK b eid .
In lbeC-nd J"0'e aeut to fif
on a pid bill, bat lt
lbron out on eleel to 'C.iiid
Ki'liotild want U' Oil lha third
ink, leaving ao mm d.n
Kwiib pd tu (I "I on liaiU. aii'l
Nu-k Wit Uun lolloaeil hiuHI
atoU third and Vnlam urn id
and both cord on l'lp hit. lh
btlter bffing l h roan out at third
In lb third llouaton want loa-c
ond on ft iit!ar an I Witkr d
vanord bini tu aarond. ruaklni fltal
abtad of the throw. Tom William,
advanced Ibeiu tu third and etcind
and Iviy noorw auaabed on to
dep Irfi and acorad llouaton and
Wilkee. Kilrgerald bll to thorl
and wa throw o out ftt Aral
Did Carpenter Work on First
County Frame Court House
Ca4 fr Utay Ycir t
ippeart Taday
and 0 in. on band at preaent I'bone,
lfi)r yuu ouaia for tile, a thia
atock may U out anr lima. Wa
burn our tile and brick bard, a
wood I no oli-ctwlth ua. Don'i
forget that wa carry a ro'h! line of I tn1 ha wnjoying fair health
rough and urrMd lutuler, and can ; fr bia advanced age. For many
Henry Wehrung, pioneer of 1852.
wai rinbly one yearaold, Halurday,
year be baa been Intereeled in the
mercantile burineta in thii city
and wa the early day cabinet
maker He Hi much of bit life'r
work on the old building that
were In and around Hilleboro, and
he worked on the oi l court bouae
building, now ued a baibtr
bop, ard oppoeite the Tualatin, in
1HM. He and Win. Kane worked
J E. iS'irwtr k, in the nmrr
buooe' at Itefdville, wait 1
city, Friday.
Born, to Mr. and Mr. Bud O ia,
liillkb'jro, Or'gon, June 17, l'.KjO, a
8. 8. IWrnei, of McMinnville,
wa down Friday, on buditiH. He
wai formerly in the rt&l en late
0. A. Ltrnen, who baa 50 acrea
under the plow, below Newton, on
the Tualatin, wa in town Friday.
Bring your watchea and clock
to Libby, for prompt and k tllful
repairing. Corner Main and Thud
tlreeU. i'hl
Administrator of Alex Agge
leu Instate Gets Non-suit
WiaUd I7 yjo for Deatk ef Greek by
A jury in the Multnomah County
circuit court last week waa ioitroct
Fruit iar, cap and rubW at M by the preeiding judge to give a I
i'urtland pricta Fratk it Bor verdict in favor of the defendant
wick, Ueedville, Ore. 12 if corporation, the P. R. 4 N.. the
8am Pairlcy, prominent in the Tillamook line leading out of thia
Buxton eection, and held aaeror cjlyi M ,Kainit M. Apach, admin-
cipiuig, "". '- '"". Utrator of the eetate of Ale Agge-
ArirnnU from Irirt In l'ttrliari1 I I
,,,,, , le, uit for damage in the eum of
For Sale: Ojod . jouor oowi, al 7,500, the plaintiff alleging Agge-
freeh; will take rheep in trade . , . ' , ,.
Victor Collier, Corneliu. Oregon, ltB detlh WM du SW
Route 2 12 5 UPD the part of the defendant
II. C. Perron, whoe wife i company. Aa no ooe waa near
i-ptnding the year in Kngland, with but Aggelee when the explosion
relative, wa over Friday, from took place the plaintiff could show
Iiwa Hit).
r ii f il l .1
c n. nynoiin, uo h in me
intr'tntile buireup at Moun
aiiidnle. one of the fnrlile eectione
of the county, w iu Friday.
Cedr fliii.tfle i i any rpantity.
no ntgligence and the court in-
mructed that the company could
n t le held, aa dealb may bars re
timed from careli-uneas upon the
pari cf the dead man.
Tbe Argue oi March 14, 1907,
publiabtd ibe fallowing, which ex-
tnd will d. liver, t a I . piic-e p ,jlig lhe caw l0 a nicety:
i u can khI them anywhere 1 W
Kiuv ld, Mo'ni.h.dih Or. ' 22 Sle: Tlve b.-alnf ebep;
a Trend C'tw, good unlket; aid a
is tuonthe Jersey hull 1'. 11
Nieii, two mile north of h'choll.
0 egoj. 15 7
Four roniu btuie on Washington
Street, on cr line between Sec.ind
id Third, lit ftUxlHO. fur eale-
Aiexie Aggelee, a Ureek, em-
ployed by the P. R & X , at the
tunnel, abjve Buxton, was blown
to au me, )eelerdy, while working
a a 'powder monkey" Aggelee
went to Ibe powder house to got a
b.x i f giant. He entered theehan
ly, which c mlaiied two boxea (f I
the expl rive, when an exploeion
wae luard, and tha (1 eek and
Mr. ind Sim, Henry Webrnnr.
i. ...... , i... u.. .i.j i
KrnM Lyon, 2 mile norlhwet of ' 'Z." " ,T ,"l
J. W. Hughe, who atnually gei a-aied. Dr. F. J. Bailey, who
cnee a good many rale in tbe bapoened to be neir tbs tunnel.
Western part of the county, war picked up the scattered remnants
down from Diliev, t riday, accom of tbe dead man and Coroner
a a t 0
paniea oy ni who.
John Finher, who bought the Ul
rica Haa place a few years ago,
( W. McPberaon, of Portland, side by side on thii old building.
Hmitb ha been awarded the contract for land tbe building today is in arplen
bll to tha nitcber and there wa no nuitina m tha beatina bltnl for lb did date of preservation, and is in
soaring until aeventh inning I nw school building annex. The tact, except, perhaps the eills. and to from Went I nion, baturday,
this nn tic lUtcbelar bit to second toard made the awanl at Tburs- aome of tbe changes lo convett It na says ne nas a nnecropon me
and l.t tha throw u Aral- Phahte .1. .hin ih ntliw beinff 14.- Unto a buinee houee. farm, but lht his fruit will be
made a dandy bit and Hired, U'.N). Mr. Holland, who bss the i Tbe aame year he built the Tualatin I'gbl.
lid lhrn I ..i,.,. i r.r l.i.ll.lmo K. tmt tin ! Hotel fur liuimrlf. Tin building be
Brown went up today, to investi
gate tbe sffair."
Hountoo went oul on a foul catch; bl bond, and will begin work as
WilkM II tw out on throw to Ural ; I aoon a material can be placed on
Tom nilllercs mads first on a bit the ground.
over short, when Moore rapped oul
a two-bagger, advancing Moore to
third, when FiHgerald fanned, end
ing tha inning. In tbe eighth
Hmilh hit lo devp canter and beat
It lo Ut, Alexander hit to the pitch
er and was oul; Btlrhelar hit il
oul and Hmilh made a somersault
slid home, scoring. I'help then
cracked the sphere to right field
coring ualchelar, going oul btm
r 11 f n .1 . . : c.i
U.l ...I .1 . I,. ..!.... I HUJi ui uriuiur. WKUIO IU tJk'
ml cabinet atoie. In i6 be wit mar- urday, moving Ralph Wann and
rinl lo Mart Catheiine Kmetick, who family to Cornelius. Mr. Wann
tu born tn hnrlngheM, III., In is ami
Anna Erkie to Albert Link, lo a in
ec a8 1 i n a $8oo
Calip lialtetal to u T Chmtenwn
et al, pari aec jo 1 1 o J570
ferdtnand ureener et ax to Frank A
Foster, n W of nwV the twWof nw
V and nwW of wV aec is t ni6ool
haa been tpachlnir the nethanv I Jaa Oillit et ui to v R Orifha et ir.
wuo cnB -"-f".':'" achool and s ensaced there for the part aec 26 t t a 1 2000
14. witn nrr ptieotii. Mr. ami J ti. II V Whitney et al to W R Conlee et
at. nart lot 10 Pinrood Farm una I
.... ' 1: 1 f. .1...:. . ; . I . . 1
W01BUIV.01HC1. Ann wirir , r,.. . v'.tlL p . ., mnA J A filcLov et al to J T Baker, oart
. . . , 1 . 1 , , 1 . v u. vw " 1 ru. i ui u . itnun. wuvj i - . - .
air. aou airi. nrurung itiuuui'icu mr 1 , , n. . - , 1 see t t t n A 1
tel. not aoon tnrre.iier aom oui ana 01 r. " , . K ' Jo Galbreath et al to W A Carter et
Wthrung then devoted hiniw-lf to the I in Friday, enroute to Laurel. He al, e S of ntX ec Jt & X of w
mtpuure DUiiurm. u ucr vcai. uc mmts ne win get gooa prices tnig Ol IIW v sec 21 t J I 1 7000
tetcu iuegriiriainicn:iiaiiiPiiiximin- n. nir tn tha fart that fianrea P Joosten to Martm Uoemana. part
1 1 - r. - - 1 ... . . -
r what I v vuuliu u 1 V 1 u J w.. w 1
iviiij);vi iv . mu. aiiui.1, tia.k lUilfimnf baa tha aaenev
for ibe famous McCormick binders, iCbrinu.n liuieiick, the fuiily witling next term.
mowers, bay rake, tedder and all
kind of farm machinery. Do not
fail to see bim, if you need (arm
implements t f this kind . Also sells
the International gaoline engines
pump. Come and see blm. Idif
(1. W. Kelly, of north of Glen-
c.e, was in Friday, and l en vale
. a ill - -
AM H II 111 A K
IWlchelar, I f.
l'lirl), c
lloiuion, j b
William,, T, r f-...
Moire, c f
FitKeiaM, i b
Smith. b
Wilhaiiii, N. p......
Alexander, p
Mullin 1), a a
Murphy, 1 b
Ivli, t b .
sen. llouaton bll to third base ing from a severe tllnees. u-o says
and wa thrown oul at first, ending he nearly passed over, but is worth
ids Lardlnala work for the dar. rx- a dmn dead men ret. tie slate
oept to give tbe visitors their half, that bit four and five year old wai
Alexander, pitching since tbe nul trees are beating nicely tbi
seventh, then fanned two mn. Leanon Mr Kelly baa a One nut
walked one, another flew out to first exhibit at Seattle.
i.i . . i
nu me game railed. fi, nnd delivered in
lit f unntiii I vu ...
iiti.i.nui n.w i ... , ,. ,,
any qiianuir in city, i er miru,
3 25 and 3 50, ft per quality.
Abo have aih wood, dive your
orders now. Leave at Hetdel s
real estate office. F. Q. Ileidel,
Hilleboro. Hit
0. Holmes, of Ksst PortUnd,
wa out the )at of the week, the
guest of his father in law, Preston
M. Jackson. Mr. Holmes was in
the Alaska oountry for some years
durina the height of tbe gold
boom. He was oul ibrougn me
north county, Saturday, od saw
some fine country and some epien
did development.
Dince at , Reedville, Salurday
evnninir. June 2fi. 1!H. Under
ausnioes of Modern woodmen
. ma. ii ne
roelle's orchestra. 1 ictets, ei.o,
including supper. A good time,
and everybody invited.
Peter Jac ibsen. who settled 35
vesrs ago near Wret Union, was in
Friday, and says thai oats sown
earlv est Fall look remarkably
. . 1 M !
well, but that winter ana npriug
sown are noi mriving. ivimou
s'anding the drouth he says tbe
Aelda are exoeDtiona Iv lout mil
neat on.
w holesoroe meal
..i. n. ii r. . . -1 k. I hi.
patturroutandukinKbitMnt. Wm H. on hop oontrtctB are
and ii. A.eMio ptruiertatp who nim. i uvj wrrv jpr nu.
TL- .a.a t...lls Mat. tlta ftrw nwJem I
Ltirka In the citv. and their itore it now Taken Up: At the Mch ee A t.0-
conducted in it. nee mill, red Durham cow, with
Mr. end Mr. Wenninger well known .mall Im-11, and large horns; also
an over .ne .i.ic a. .,u.. ,elow jBr8ey heifer. J. J. Hay
v. r.-w mti.B.. .hn4 thv meet wrd, Cornelius. Route 2, lad.
hundred of people from the uorthwest. Phone, Line 9, No. 552. 15-7 chutch if thia citv for Frftnk Keuon. who baa seen U
many yeara seasons on the ridge north of Glen-
Thetr children ere: tnanoiie a , wue cc,e, was m Friday, and says pros
of Kx-SenttrO. V l'.tlenHiu. now re- , f j fai
aiding iu I ortlaud; Mary C, wife of Da- " . .' ,
.1,1 r .i,, , nf th. mn of Fmrick & H excepting hay. He says that
I o o
U 10 ii 17 ii 4
l'i:oii,F.S CLOTHING CO.
, All H II PO A n
j a j i i I
... j o o 1 a a
...40 1 a a o
4 o o a o 1
. t t o 10 o o
o o a io
4 4 " 4
in Corneliut Environs
Peter Gourley et ux to Edith Fitch,
4 01 nw aec ao t j n X w 10 1
Lloyd Ingram et ux to Joa Ingram,
26.75 a sec 23 t 1 ( 2 1
Thos Ta'bot et ux to A 8 Sbole et
al, part Wai McLin d 1 c t I a 3.... 96
V V Ktpey et ux to at A Henley,
part tec 36 t I a , 10
II Metzger ct ux to Jo Gornick,
part lot five acre homes 900
Oregon Nursery Co to A C McMillan,
lots 1 and 2 blk 8 Orenco townaite 275
Jo Burgholzer et ux to V Rlchter,
H of neV ac 30 t 3 n 4 ..1500
U W Black et ux to Myrtle K beater
nwX WX ec aa 1 1 2 -3500
Kobt Ulendenciog to G W Barnes,
part blk 1 Tucker 4 Mewart addi
tion to Hillsboro .1350
Walt McCalluni et ux to W A Shaw,
25 lot in Beav-Reedville acreage 18000
J M Cox et ux to U H Linton, part
sec 34 t a a a aioo
Simpson P, r f,
Mullin C, c
Johnson. 1 b..
Simpson L, c f a
iveim.c r 1
"''.'f 1
Arthur, p,,, 3
hcore by iuiiings:
lllllsboro 1 3 a o 0 o a a x-10
People o o o t a o o 1 04
Two hue hlta Pbelp. Houston,
M'xire, 1. Mullin.
Tlm-e base hit Wilke.
baaca Wilke. Smith, a;
Struck out by Wllliania, 8; Alexander,
Oi nriuur, s.
JUsa on balla Arthur, 4
Wild oitch Air.. n.l
''""hie plava Arthur to Johnson; N
" mini 10 Houston.
For a good
1-eftou baaea-Peoplea, a; Hillsboro, ,nn)9 co, king, and oourteous treat-
Corwin; Hon. w. 11. Wehrung, Kx- potato planting will De on irom now
Senator, and who ws In charge ot tlte 0Q until tne Fourth of July.
ii,.onn 1,11, It at the St. Iinls Fair.
and also in charge of the Agricultural R. W. McNutt, of Cornelius, and
exhibit at the Lewi & Clark Fair, and wbo has done business in that
who ta president of the Oregon Counni. baUiwick or y yearg bsrring
SIOII lor inc rcaiiic rair, anu u. n. - . . , , , 1
nf UVhruna & Sons. w veara 01 rreiueiiv-j at lue
Mr Wehruoir waa born in Alsace U rove, was down to the hub, Fri- 11 A klioateinet uxto'l MRoaaVii
T.ain In ISM and n 1848 emi day. accomtiftoied uy rred scnoen a in sec 30 1 1 n 1 aooo
-... . Am.,Ia aattlino In Pitta. Sr. iiumuuD AssB to wiiaoetn ooa,
a' """- " Dart sec 2i t I a I ... loo
nurg, n. 10 io.jv u uiuvcu . re., 11 niier dale 01 June H Kmil KU- Hunt ciub A ssn to s B Lowenbeiv.
going to California. Two years la xi bis brother, J. d that I P' c 24 1 1 1 1 300
ter he again pulled s'akes. and set he and hia wife were on the h5gh " 5
lll I. WkU.lni. nnnnl I -! ! - tl-u" NOrtU IIRartlVllle 600
icu iu v--..v. era, on me luoiuunu, a namourg ivrCp, in Tczauer et ux to Robert
American liner, and that as vet Fletcher. 6. w a in sec a t a a a t6oo
. . .. i - tf i - .
Aavrtleu tellers .l. Hnina nf thn Un had not Ernest Coberleiiih et ux to Western
been regaled w ith hie breakfast. In I?n T'ust Co' 18 60 in
CS Baker, Viola Johnson, Geo Bulli, K other WOtds he had not been sea Gottfried Reusser 'to'M W Graves.'
Hill .1-1. fla..,1 l.r I . . 1 . . '
Jone. K F Bell, Mrs Viola K Johnson, Mrv R fc et , ' c &-hoen,
Archie Baowk Amoroae wnore, room J0nn reugn, WDO DOUgnt tne baechlcr, part H Johnson d 1 c t I
Becker, Rose 0 McDonald Mr Clara Wm Aj4n)8 piace near Mountain a a w !Z
calZTn':. "7 dale, and who got a dandy bargain. W O Johnaon et .1 to John Walters
i, utiiici, miiuicu ii.v.., ..... ...... - - et al. Dart sec to and to t I a 1
Nicol a, FMBrob ell, ARosenstem, was in oauinay, mna a ioaa 01 Georgia A Hughes to City of Forest
Ilradtord, a ll Kooinson, i.eo .arr, r v teu p&one p ilea. wr. l eugn came Grove, part W Stokes d 1 c 1 1 n 3 350
Robinson, Matntuie Corbet, II S RoR", here from Wasoo, Sherman County, Jennie Armstrong et al ta j W Bald-
2"" wrV;:::..,:, ' " i : , and eavs Washington County is I win, part blk 26 Forest urove...... 500
rUtlUC, UktB nUHUlilltUi VVI VVSW UAI,1 - , , ,
Greek K 9, Greek Box
Kobt k siewart, ueo u uodirey, u j tma is a Hon oi on year, in a why, Co;n u.,..vfl
... ........ - msI -- , I ! V m.a
Stockdale, Will JleniincM, Mrs l iui- in K Walker d 1 c Io
in u if m n. VitniMii litka nntinn! Will Ball 1 r-. "
ioca, i "?'. '..?. ": - , : N Nolandet al to A N Cox et al,
wooo, auk w voij(i, "in iiuiuicr , or vraue lor goaie; liiino ueuu part of lot w Corneliu Environ., xo
Arnold Wynian, fcuill J wyiteis, Bessie -rade)J JPr8ey 00ws; One 7 years, B N Sproat et ux to W A Shaw, part
due to freshen Deo 14: one 10 ot Beaverion-Keeavuie Acreage...3ooo
II iltCltkJCr Cl 1 4U O V- UUUI 1U19 e
Time of game, i hour 50 miutitea.
t'liiplres Shute and Nelson.
Jke Smith, on tbe Col. Corneli
us plftoe, near Ulenooe. was in Bat
urday, greeting friends, and getting
roauy to houne bis olover crop.
ment, call on the Ci'y ReBtaurant,
8eoood St., Oppoeite V K. A N. of
fice Rooms for transient, and
15, cents. Board and lodging, per
week, $4 50. Mrs. H. Lusoher.
Dr. M. H. Parker, for 20 years
"one of us" was down from Ureen
N. H. Jones, who in the nast 20 vllle. Friday. He was at one time
j-ears nas cleared up 25 sores ol
auu on tne Hill bank of U ennoe
"s in Saturday. menoed practice ss a physic:
Herman and Wilhelm Bishup P. A. Batcheldar has ft fine 2
's up to Buxton. Baturday. in year filly, gentle, and easy to break,
oomnanT with J... 11. , nn a l.wn. which he will sell, will make s
or ueai with Sweeney, the P. K. A I lauo ib. sniacai; is a oay.
in. oontraotor, I Hillsboro, on Oak Street.
High Q UALITY Drug Store
When you are sick and in
need of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
To maKe room for other StocK I am maHinrf
a sweeping reduction on the prices of all
lines of Shoes. These are absolutely the
greatest values in Footwear ever offered in
this city. Just read ih e following pricest
For Ladies
$1 75 Reg. now $1 35
2 00 Reg. now i 65
3 00 Reg. now 2 45
2 50 Reg. now 2 05
3 50 Reg. now 2 65
4 00 Reg. now 2 95
4 50 Reg. now 3 45
$5 00 Reg. now $3 85
In men's shoes we
are making the same
quotations, dollar
for dollar, as in
the opposite col
umn. Good, durable
shoes, and in style
and money savers.
200 pairs Baby shoes in Price 50 to
73 cts. now on sale at 40c
Misses fc Children
75 ot shoe for 60 cts
$1 00 shoe for 75 cts
1 25 shoe for 95 cts
1 50 shoe for $1 15
1 75 shoe for
2 00 shoe
2 25 shoe
2 50 shoe
1 35
1 60
I 70
Sale on Boys' and
Youths' Shoes
$1 50 shoe for $1 20
1 75 shoe for 1 40
2 25
2 50
shoe for
shoe for
shoe for
shoe for
1 55
1 70
2 05
2 35
Harris. W A Wall. Rev John K Welch,
Mra Km ma , llenson & Waidiii,
John White, Victor II Wolff. -
It. P. Cornelius, P. M
Notice to Property Owners
year, due to freshen Oct. 13; one
14 vears old, due to freshen Deo
17; all now giving cood H)w oil
milk, test ol 4 s per cent, tour
and one half miles west of Baoks.
I am making a survey of the streets F. W. Pribnow. 15 G
for tne city. You can get your u now iook thoURh Hftrri.
property lines surveyed now cheap m(in will take over the Central
and s blk 43 Metier Acre tracts.... 600
I. P. Vannoy.of Dilley, wasdown
Saturday, getting mower repairs,
and states that he could get them
nowhere else in the county for hie
particular machine.
Ed. Hinton and wife, of Bake
20 ville,Fr day. He was atone time than any other time. See me Qregon-DesChutes survey, and if cZi, T d whe"
ol principal of the Hillsboro schools, ln p.r80a or leave orders with h, BBhan, lt will mean several thou- 2. HintoTfi
,e, Ut has not taught since he com- Wilkes Bros. paod dollftr8 t0 the widow nf the M'- no;;S2t,a' fo, .
menoed practice ss a physician. , Thos. 8. Wilkes. Ula w v km hr, .ith Wa ,aore8 fw. Sh.' "'5
14 6
fellow-company, owned the profiles
Gjod Dasture for horses, one half and fieldnoteB. Mrs. Nelson is a
mile east of Hillsboro. Q. w. sister of the McUourt boys and Mrs
Bondurant, Hillsdale, R. 2; or see Jos. Downs and Mrs. Cbas. Koonti,
J. W. Masters. Hillsboro. lo 8 lot uiusboro.
lateW. F. Nelson, who, with his few d vi8u with relatives and
a 1 1 M-AMH AM.aJ tli4 m.aK La I . '
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Abbott,
of Portland, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Abbot, over Sunday.
TaKecare of your eyes
You cannot be too particular in selecting - your
glasses. First, the lenses have to be properly fitted;
2nd, is the adjustment of the frame. A lens perfect
ly fitted will not give good results unless the frames
are properly adjusted. I am as careful with one as
the other, and guarantee satisfaction.
here receives the 'careful attention it deserves. No
matter how delicate or expensive a movement you
may have, you can leave it to be cleaned or repaired
with full assurance that the work will be done in the
most skillful manner possible.
And Jwlr