The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 17, 1909, Image 6

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Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Are Doing' a Conservative
Banhing' Business
SURPLUS, - $10,000
Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on
Savings and Time Deposits
J500 ACRES platted into tracts of to ao acres each,
with completed road to each tract. 40 minutes out on
the Fourth Street Railway, 5 trains each way per day.
Land lays beautifully, soil very fertile and is especially
adapted to fruit, nuts and vegetable. 700 hotnesites
here, of an average size of 5 acres, insure wonderful
community development. Now selling in such tracts as
you desire, at from
$100 to $250 per Acre
lo per cent, down, balance tosuit purchaser
Call and arrange to go without expense to you, to ex
amine this property, and determine for yourself as to
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 Starh St Portland, Oregon
II. L. Halvowoo, sod wife, of
Farminuton, were up to the cily
l lrioh Kmp, one of the Ilel-
vetia clieef makers, was in the city
j Tueday.
I C.erhardt dottle, cf Blooming.
1 Mated Monday that clover cutting
I had commenced in his cotutuuuity.
Win. Kobb, of CenterviUe, and
who is one of the prcgrcwiT farm
ers of his faction, warn in Monday.
Rirrer Miller, who is running
the II. V. Miller ranch, up in
Shady Brook, was in the city lues
Andrew Pierson, oue of the sub
Mauiial firmets of Rredville, was
up lo the city, Monday, on legal
J A Vsndehey, ef Ulencoe, wm
in Tuesday, bringing in one of the
neatest two year old fillies of it
brted, eeen for some time.
Geo. and Theodore Vandeutn-
den, ot near Banks and Roy, were
iu the first of the week, trying
to settle some school tax matters
B Thurnher, of near Blooming,
was in Saturday, and says that crops
are locking fairly good up on the
hill, notwithstanding the lack of
Chas. Barrett, one of Greenville's
oldtime ball players and who can
catch some yet, was down to wit
ness the festivities, Tuesday after
A. Pautmeier, who has cleaned
up 26 acres down online river,
southeast of town, the last few
year?, was in the cily Tuesday, and
Chris. Christiansen, a former
nrtcess worier at trie uotanser,
has bought the Calip Hall place,
Shady Brook, and is going into the
dairy business.
James Jackson, deep sea sai'or,
light nous man, and lor some
years a teacher in our county
schools, was up from bis West
Union ranch, Tuesday.
beo iompitns, whose ranch is
on the hill, above Glencoe, aud can
be eeen all over the clear places of
the county, was down with the rest
Are You Wanting a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the -
"Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
Independent Phone, 193
Steel Ladders
are the things
Sold at one-third ot the
cost of other Ladders
1 Made of the best of steel
2 Indestructible by weather
or fire
3 Do not collect ice or snow
4 Will not collect moss on
the roof
5 Always ready for use
6 Can be folded into a small
7 Can be adjusted to any
shape of roof
Price list sent on application
Manufactured by
McParland & Donnelly
Buxton, Oregon.
; Smokers like the Schiller and the
Excellencia. These eigars are of
', the beet (took. Yon can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
W. D. Quick, who now owns a
nioa little plaoe a mile or so this
side of the Grove, on the Oregon
Electric, was in Saturday.
Jos. McCourt returned Sunday
from a visit at the Seattle Fair.
Fred Bulling, of East Hillsboro.
says that land values have gone up
fifty per cent, since be sold hia
fine Laurel farm, - and he now
wishes that he had held on until
the present-
of the "grangers," Tuesday.
F. M. Crabtree, of above Laurel,
was over Monday. Mr. Lrsbtree
has 40 acres of as fine lookitg hops
as can be found in the county, and
he thinks prices will be good this
Mrs. Dell Cornell, a daughter i f
Mrs. Nancy Johnson, came over
from Lebanon, tbia week, for an ex
tended vuit with her sister, Mrs
Frank Holcomb, of the Plains, and
other relatives
John Kamoa, who has 60 acres of
fine timothy on his big ranch down
this side of rarmiDgtun, was in Sat
urday. He also has 65 acres of fine
first-crop clover, some of which is so
heavy that ram would lodge badly
Littleton Lindsay and wife, of
across toe river, wereovjr Monday
Lindsiy came to Oregon in 1852
and took up a donation, and.
1862, has continuously resided on
his place a few miles couth of the
J. J. Hartley, of Glencoe, was in
Monday, enroute for Columbus
Wash , on the Columbia River, this
side of The Dalles, to attend the bed
side of his mother, Mrs. J. C Hart
ley, formerly of Banks, and who is
quite ill
Neal Dailey, who has been down
in Humboldt Co., for some years
arrived Tuesday, and is the guest
of his brother, r. R. Deiley. Since
leaving Hillsboro his father, It. K
Dailey, and his uncle, M. S. Dailey
have bun passed away,
Fred Hamsl, whose place on the
West Union plains was quarantined
for fear of smallpox epidemic, was
in iufsday, and says the ' joke' is
on him. There was no smallpox
at bis place, at all, but the syrup
toms were there lor a day or so.
Joseph Robinson, of Farming
ton, was in Tuesday, and says that
while many orchards here and
there are short on apples this sea
son, his trees are doing nicely, and
he expects a good average pro
duction. Mr. II. raises some of the
prize winners.
Mrs. Mary Greber, of near Beth
any, and who ia aged 80 years, had
a fall one day last week, and broke
her left arm. Dr. A B. Bailey
went out and reduced the fracture
and the patient is getting along
nicely, considering her age. The
aged patient is the mother of Mrs
ulrich Gerber.
Newton A Graham, a native of
Massachusetts, and who has resided
at Forest Grove for 20 years, died
suddenly in his barn, while mowing
away hay Monday, working with
Prof. Garrison. He had been wel
and strong, considering hia age of
1 3 years, and the death was a sur
prise, as he had no symptoms of
heart trouble. He lived on the old
Prof. Lyman place. He leaves
wife and a grown daughter.
R. S Paters, manager of the
local condenser, states that tbe
How of milk is still very good. He
fays that the company bases its
price upon the price of butter fat in
Portland, and this being the case.
if farmers end dairymen in the
county would sell to the two con
densers, here and at the Grove, it
would nave a tendency to send ud
Harrr Guild, cne of Sohillei's
cigar saleeiuen, was out tlis I" '
Ibe week, Mween cats.
Clem Shaner, who is takinu a
crack al the hop busmeas, waa iu
the city the lat of th week.
Lewis Kniies. of Kuhw A Me-
. v.l !
fee sawmill. m " m-'.
enroute to Morton.iaie, wnero m
amily is living He mt the ew
mill buiueM baa le 11 lairly goon
so far this season.
The Donald Lumber Company
experienced a nine uneaeuie
its mill, up in the Hiuton section.
last Thursday. A forest lire Droae
. 1 -it I
out and threatened the unu ami
yard for some hours, but property
bin was averted.
A. F. Tinislrom, the vacuum
cleaner proprietor and upholsterer,
started bit building on Main.ehfve
Third. FriJav. aud he will be occu
pying his new quarters iu a day or
so. Ha expect all he can do in
upholstery work.
Street Commissioner J. W. Sew
ell has been very busy lately get
tin 17 the nt nets aud roads into
shape. It is really too bad Uiu
the town does not bave rock 011 tne
business streets, as it would he lees
expensive than planting in me
long run. lernaps ly tne time
the present cover is worn out some
means will be devised to havsroci
L M. Beehe, publisher of the
Springfield. Lane County Nw,
passed through Saturday, enroute
for Forest Grove and Roy. Hewa
accomnanied bv Mrs. Bee be and
children L. M. say thai ' bcot
legging." is very common down
around Eugene and Springfield.
and that drunkenness I aacun-
moo as picnics down that way
even if it is a "dry county."
The strawberry crop suffered its
death knoll during the hot days of
last week, and although not all
perished, the bulk of the regaining
berries were badly burned with the
sun. this meant a loss 01 nun
drede of dollars to growers, as there
was prospect of a fine harvest, Ibe
sel being numerous more so
than lor years. But what's the
(Terence if we had too much of
the sood things e might fail to
appreciate the favors of Flora and
. w il.-. '' '" '
. (Vitriol '-'"" -,.,
i,i.iSt..ii .. ""- -y, ,....
,..i.l M l.y.U.eUh .';' J
!'. ...." 4 U nlli tli'
ri. at 1' v . - ...
U.e Victor '"- "";''
I lie
..I Bi.l'l mlale
t in Mar .iin. -
J! T l iiWii-'. .Vlml..l.l..r.
IN TI1K ClKCl ir COVRT ! mr,
STVTK Or niiM'i". ri,,v
lai"y 1 Walker, riaimin,
RUk-o 0 Walker. IVIvii.Uki.
To Kllir C Walker. lfr.Uiil
Vii'Tl' N.eot Hi NUI of K.e.M..YoM
hrl rUir. U. .' ' '"T,0'
nl.l initial you In III
l.t llllll.l "'ill '" '" 1 ''" 'bl Ui tah l J"'?. M' h.
U morn ihn n wk nr the ' ''
tli llml mil'lltalioti M nr.lrre.1 l r In
Vmrl In the alm nuui ". "
. . ...I air tlld
ilaliitilt Ulll lo Hi 1 ourt lor lhr.
linf i.rnviM lor 111 in "uii'i.i...,
for a decree, of U l'orl iliolli tli
...rn...i. r.inlrwl aiul no e-
WUim b.lin 'lUil"t "J .InfpinUiil.lor
flirllier il r aaooius .iuniu ..r an.l runlixir il tne iir
Urvu naiiinl UiereUi, lor f .VUO ft ni.iiilli
alioionjr ii.i Nniy n ' ""
liny lont, ami lor nun mnwr
rellf an III I'oiirt uiajr ilein IU'!
Koul! jr ami Jii!!.1.
Tills Siii-iiuoih l pui.iiniir.1 rjr iirur '
tli Hororalil i l - Vauiptwll. Jit'l r
Ilia ali iililll I Villi, 'ul '! ow
Inly m4 ami nlerel 011 ll IMH u 01
Mar.HW ... ,..
IHiol llnt iuniiiiion, y a:
lmi of lal iHiblliailon. July I. l'V,
J. A MtoB'trt.liC.
AllorueT (or Plaintiff.
AJaiiaiatrator'a Nolle
NMii-e l lirhy alven. lt ll" umlrr
Uml li lwii. by Im louiitjr I our! il
Hi .state of irioii for Wlunitiiii i'oiiii.
ty, ilulv aHiintrt A'liniiiiKtor !
mlat or KIit 1. rantio, iln'HUc.1,
anl li July iUllilil a iii-li.
now llixri'lole. all oti nvni(
clrliu aifaluif muI mtale r Imrvbr r-
iilrl to hre'eul I" mm to ti, umlof
iKiml at Ih lw ultli-e ol lUKlr .1 llr.
III IIUlKlMtni, lirrtfou, or al in oniiv 01
1'itlwil'y Vuiiiik. t litmlit r of I uiiiiunfx-
IttnUlliiK. r.irtUiul. dregon. Uli lr"l'
rr voiii'Iikd, willilii ! moiitlia fruui Hi
lal livraof.
lialr.l aiul Iirl titlllii.l June III l
(iill.MIU Yi't Nil.
Ailmliil-itrntor of tli lU of Krbao.-
Executor's Nolle
Notice is hereby vlven. that th timlnr
mirneil ha trn Only aip.lmeil ami ron
nrim-il t oriler of llie l oiitilT court 01
WanliinirUin I'ounty, OreKun, (utinr m
the lust N ill ami TeeUnient of Alvab t.
Kii-e, deceaxoil. ami h Uuly qualified a
Now therefore, all peraon havlna
claims ajtamMt mud estate are hereby tiotl
tied and reUlrl tu irettetil tli aame.
toiretlier with protwr youchera therefor
to the uiuleraitfiwd at the law ultic of
BaKley A llara In t Shut building Iu
HlllalHiro, WashlUKton Cuunly, Orvtfoii,
on or Iwlor all tuonuia irutu in dale
DaUxl lliia 17ll day of June, A. I). 1900,
Kxet-tilorof Will and TexUiiieut
of Alvati K. Hire, il weaned.
Barley it Hare, Altorneya for F.zectitor,
Petition for Liquor Licena
In thu muttrr of 111 11 polka Hon of II.
itak.-r 11 tid J. M Funtrr for Ucrnae to
Hkl Hplt ltuouft, Iiioua and Malt l.luuor
In I-hh iunntitlt-N ttiun on. khUoii, tu
!! t'ri'i-k ITiHilm t, Wttxlitimton Coun
ty, Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court of the
Htiilu of l n nun. for WnxliliiglonCounty.
oiniiiraiKMi-u 1 -1 1 1 ! -ri-1 . . mil vot
era of i;uN Ct t't-k I'lu-lm l, V
t ounty. uri'iton, una conHtUutlna a mu
Joriiy of thu h-Kul vulera of win! l'rrlni't,
and Ii:Iiik iii-tuul rt-Hlili-ntN of nlu l'rti
i liii't, ami luivInK a. tuully rnMl In Mild
I'ri-clnci Ililr ty iiaya liiiini-Ulutely urvi
I11K t Ik: Mutt! of Hi l.l pi'll I Inn nnd the dule
of the tlliiiK of the mtuot, would ree:t
fully M-tition und pruy, tliut 14 llt-vioto t
I.. 11 Hi'lrltuotiH, vinouii and ntalt lluuurii. in
It-flu uuanllLit'ii ihan 01141 gallon, 111 Uulcn
r--k rnrcini:t, W uMhliiKton County, On-
Kon, lit- Kiaiiti'd and lMu.-d to II. C. linker
and J. M. himlur for a period uf unu ytir,
j;ai'U huh junn t, ijtj.
f!. B. Wi-iiliiKhoune J. M. Ilamhlm
Hrlre Wllmin
Kdward liUKhia
('. J. James
Wm. Hiiihi!
C. S. llati-uian
It', 1. 1. II. I lul l-IT
(',. V. Mi'ltolwit
A. . Ilarpi-r
J. V. He. tiler
Henry Jan.ien
John Tluiniernmn
J. It. Hayden
K. Meyer
Olio l'rilzlapp
('. J. Clark
W. K. I'arkln
',. I'arkln
N. Ilollninn
K, I'arkln
K. I'rllzlapp
J. Iiuhiu
Allen Maolionald
I.. UeMHe
ien, KeHHla
F. W. I'
I.. Koiiler
Otto Kahler
V. J. 1'urxfina
JaH. Churehlll
K. I). VVIImin
'.. I). Hundey
. H. I'avim
I.. C. Trit.-H
William l e
W. ;. Kehoineld
A. H. MeCoy
K. H. MeCoy
J. Tlmmermnn, Jr.
Ham J. Hmllh
Alntizo ClnpHhnw
C. ClapHhaw
Klmnr K. tyda
J. K. Lilly
Gr;o. II. Jlarrott
Wed hem
K. l-'olUenliiKirl
Will. I)IU
Ken Maillund
C. H. Ityan
J. H. Hateiimn
K. K. Jones
H. K. Coffman
(mcar Hmllli
Joe Trurhel
II. Ilnlnuiohr
NIC I'nlnrwurzcr
. Hlorhow
Heo. Culmr
John 'i'app
K. M. Willi a
Joseph I'nrnphell
Henry (Invert
Henry (ievert, Jr.
T. H. Johrmlon
H, 11. 1'nrkln
N. C. Lilly
H. (t. AiiKlbrelth
C. Miller
Cnarlen Woell
John McCluren
Monea II. MeCay
H. J. Htorey
J. I0. Woell
'1'hornnn drove
J. I). A.lkln.
W. H. IiuilKnont
J. T. LoiiMlgnont
C. A. WIIhoii
J. It Hhult
A. W. Wilson
Samuel Clapshaw
H. C. Hmllh
J. L. Umschled
H. K. Ilnrrett
J. M. Hayden
TO WHOM IT may r.nKirrnN
uridiTHlKned will on Haturdny, the lillh
oay or Juiy, r.iu',1, at ten o'clock A. M.
wild day, present the fori'irolna uetltlon
IIih County Court of the ritiitn of Orexon
lor vvaHiiuiKion county, nd Ht said tlrnn
mm place will ask that it llcetiHii he Ihhijc
10 inn unuerMiKiieii appiicanls to
Hplrltuoiis, vlnoiiH nnd mult llqiiurs
i.aien i.reeK rrecinct, WaHhlnxlon Coun
i.v, 'sm-hoii, 111 icis 'pianuties than one
nauon, ror a period or one year from the
unu. 01 me iHHiianie or mien llpenao.
Dated this 11th day of June, 1!io.
II. C. HAKKIt und
. Apilcnnt.
n.'iKicy & jiare, Attorneys for Appll
1. uii in,
A DcprniUhlt' Grocery
is jut the kituli-tU!ttitucrsh..ttl,lMtrnJi;
Wc have jut tuh a ('.nnciy. ul
tlcictil on Quality of ijikwIs wt MUj)(i
You ran urml on wlial tell v ti l.i.t t .
kVilVUl K Hi .HI.NI.S.S NiM;i .;vs,,,Kl,-fc'
It Vott van ilri-rml tm KIIIUS ryiy III i ,
eV you. VoM r lrlB.l lilt KrttliiK ludi
tiuwa" Vou itld jr" a. r.iii, 3
rHly. Vtl can .U4 " .n.ea h.i, ,
Uiiiit iIk'1'. "'I Camria lut pte, uu ,n Mjiy'
iradily tnl l-
(Jr Hillsboro, Ore.
J. Kami), Im'piuod.
A ucw assurmcut of laulifttl
Finely Framed Pictures
just received, which by buy
tug large quantities, we have
becu able to get at the lowcM
jukes obtainable.
Wc give our customer the
U-ncfit of this K'rat barRa:n
ami wc have a large ttSMiit
ttu tit to rlei t from.
Adminntr.ti.r 't Not it
Nolli ia hedy given that I liann ln
iMUiilri adinliiilrtor uf tli (( of
Itllllp .Moll, ilnmml, bf Ih (ounty
I'ourt of the Stale of Omrv.n for Wailuna-
Ion Cuunly All roii lian( tlaum
liitiit the Mid eltr are hrrfhy rr.Ulil
to (irfwiit them, duly vertlinl. to ma, at
the urtli-e of T. tl. I liornloii. allornny al
law. Mulkey llull.lliiK, rnrtlaml. nr- m.
on or tiefor th eitaratlon of .11 month
from the (mil .ti I i 1 1 . ti heri f, aliii-h
llrst (lubllcallyu ia oil June ID. t'V
r MUI. 1.,
Ad iutiiitrlor,
Call in aiul sec tw us
will give yu cordalJ
lucnti Our it 'u c art m
(or you th.m I'mibti! jr
aiul fur simc 1iji 1 n,t
General MrrcKsa
ol the ks in 1 Iu nurlrt
IN Till'; ClUCfiT CuruT (V TIIK
HTATK "r oitK'iuN Hlt WASH
'olianna Uuitafwiu, I'laniliff,
Cliarln fluitatwin. If-ndant.
To ( harlri liuataiMiu, llm aliovii natnl
In the nam of the Ntatr ofUriKoii : You
am hereliy riiiiiirnt lo apiar and ao
awer Ilia ciuiiilaiiil Mr, I ai.-aiiit 1 on In
til alsive eiilillm! court ami ram on or
Iwlors !r. day of July, I'ari,
weeka after Thuraday, June
which 1 all
lo. H.ii iha
data ordereil for III brut uhllcallnn of
una noii.-B, ami tr you rail lo ao
and answer ln!util! will apply for the
relief frayed for In fie r c.iitil.iliil, to ait;
lor a dwree dlsMilvuiK the ImmUof mat
rimony now eilnllnir hHwreii almr
lllil tilalntilT and defendant,
ucli utlmr and further r.-lief a
eourt aeenis nirat and lull.
ma auiuniona la piihMln. I , y ord-r
and for
to till
of III
on the
Hon. J. VSealey IommIIii Jii.Ijji,
County iiiurl, madii ami entered
I'th day uf May. !!'.
Attorney for I'latntlfr,
61H Cliaiiilwr of t'oiiiuiree,
I'ortlaml, Ori(oii,
Best Fire Insuranca
Agent Ivfintlon & Lanca
shire Tire Insurance Co.
Ofr.ce with Kilmonil Cornelius, Main St
I nil. I'liune, 39 j.
Pacific Slain Phone 374 HILLSBORO
..Central Meat Market.
Keep conatantly on hand
supply of freah meat of all
a fint
A Mew Crm In Prion
We are going 10 aell nieata at ptlcta low
" "au muae wmcn Dave prevailed In
me paai. call In and aee ua. We mean
Duameas. rnone and Free Delivery
wne aoor ftai 1 uajatln Hotel
Uaia Street, Hlllsbors, Ortgts,
miderKlKtied exeeutor of the luHt Will find
Ti-hIii merit of Mone I l I l;t txi v. ileeniiHed
Iiiih llleil In the County Court (if the HIiiIh
of OreKi,n, for WaKhlnnton Cnunly ,H
fliutl niioiint in Ihe mnlti r of wild estnte
nnd wild eourt Ima fixed Moiuliiy, the lsil!
(liiy of July, 11109, lit Ihe eounty court
a" ln.)lli","ro. OreKoii, t lei, 0',.1)(.H
A. M of wild dity as the lime and plH.-e
for hcnriiur ohjeelionii to mild final hi"
,n,ill"l tr the llnul aettlement of Bald
Jited thin June 12, 1H08. j
Try a DeLaval
If you are thinking of buying a
cream aeprirntor why not buy the
beat? We are the aomta for the
We guarantee thia machine to lie
the easiest cleaned, the closest of
jkimtnera, the longeat-lived, ami
The Best Separator
in the market. We will place the
Deltval in a cotnpetltg contest
with any other cream .eparator
anrl let the DeLaval apeak for it
self. Mr CuHtomer, it will pay
you to investigate the manv super,
ior point fouml only ' i0 u,.
Mays & Conovcr
. , L. 7 . .. . .
tne pricej 01 Duuer iai in tne city, Rx.-Miiur of tim TiHt win ni t.hii
.1 . , 1 ' I of m.imi.u 1 tiii,.i...., i . i Lniument
iuua raiBiiiz values out ner. 1,....;. .. ; "' "ineii,
w . jUKii:y fl
ilu.l.;y & Huro, Al'torneya f,Jr Executor. I Hillsboro AfgUB, ll.BO per JtU
Yours for a P Deal always
J. C, Wegner
Tht Wtsconjiin Turf !IorM'-shor
A sjiccuiijit nu lnir-lni-inK. ldwif
(on ml, quarter-tracks, uailtick,
friii, inter fcrttiR, ami all Jim-uses
f the feet Ktiarantccil enrol.
Pech old stand, Third St., llilUbow
Occur to You?
"I paiit lh bill our." "Yoa wuat b mittakea." "laVrilj
not mlatakea " "Havt yo a itctlpl? ' Il acrml In MlWlH
but I don't remember what 1 did with It." "tt' bav 00
payment, and uolea ynttcan prolmt ur aiinoltd,rmalM
way ni rrrripr, wt inual Intitl that yon pay lh arvmuil.
But It might have !mn a illflfreut aloiy b.l Ilia bifl tjj
. nv a on yotir nana, su rfianre fur argument
hen ihe canrelM check I prulucrJ. Heller par yw" W"
rADMCI 1111
State BANK
Summer Rates Ea
During the Season 1909
Southern Pacific Co.
To Omaha and Return - - $60.65
To Kansas City " $60. ej
Jo St. Louis and Return - $68. J
. .To Chicago and Return - $73.15
nil to other prlncl)Tcltlea In the Kaat, Miilillc Went "J 80
n - . , rreioiiillugy Low l'ar,
, ..--
To Denver and Return - - $55.61?
On 51. May 17, July 1. Autf. H.
ThelKtii l ,ln,it 10 fra'''' ''! ","rn ""tfj
pr v na ,.H'"t,,ome ve7 tcHve feature. In tin 7
TowlK ,,crM,lnK Hnl-"route. , J
vancToveKr the' ,hroK may b. h.
..v bjjkhi; oy 1'KArr V ICKItl, I
Wm. McMurray, Gen'l. Pass. At.. Poj